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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I... stopped reading the renegade option some time ago, at the time the first portal to the pony world popped up, because I wasn't familiar with that fictional universe. I also thought I'd go back to catch up from after the ungulate diversion at some point, especially if the renegade stuff ever intersected with the paragon stuff.

This plan didn't seem to work too well...
I... stopped reading the renegade option some time ago, at the time the first portal to the pony world popped up, because I wasn't familiar with that fictional universe. I also thought I'd go back to catch up from after the ungulate diversion at some point, especially if the renegade stuff ever intersected with the paragon stuff.

This plan didn't seem to work too well...

I usually avoid fanfic of places in not familiar with too. But there are some stories that do a great job of incorporating the plot in interesting ways, even when you don't know the source material. And this is one of those stories.

Just the nature of fanfic that for every one like this, there are 10 others who just march their OC through every universe they know just to write a quick reaction scene, then forget about them.
why is paul not helping with the justified apocalypse? he knows the life equation doesnt he? also i know batman shot darkseid in final crisis but how was earth de-justified?
why is paul not helping with the justified apocalypse? he knows the life equation doesnt he? also i know batman shot darkseid in final crisis but how was earth de-justified?
He mentioned before that he has two plans in place for that. One will take four minutes and simply has him get the people he cares about and bailing on Earth. The second will take months to implement, and I assume that plan is being implemented off-screen.
No, he's wearing physical armour and his aura solidified into construct armour.
Sure, I know that's what you meant, but it's definitely not what you wrote.

some of the Qwardian's information-gathering efforts
Qwardians' (unless you instead want to change the previous reference to "with a Qwardian" instead of "with the Qwardians")

the thing that torpedoed your relationship with Sunset in the first place; concealing from her information
: instead of ;
I usually avoid fanfic of places in not familiar with too. But there are some stories that do a great job of incorporating the plot in interesting ways, even when you don't know the source material. And this is one of those stories.

Just the nature of fanfic that for every one like this, there are 10 others who just march their OC through every universe they know just to write a quick reaction scene, then forget about them.
I recommend the world-hopping wackiness of Pocket System on SufficientVelocity for that reason. Half of the settings made me groan when they were revealed, half just aren't familiar to me. Yet each one contributes in its own way. Uh, it is a very different experience pprotagonist-wise compared to Paul though.

I recently learned one Transformers comic line shared a setting with GI Joe. I mean… what? How'd that work? Why was it attempted? Anyway, I try not to judge a series before I walk away from a fanfic. No one can watch every anime, for example, and anime fanfics can offer a good time without knowing the source material… unless the author doesn't know the source material…
He mentioned before that he has two plans in place for that. One will take four minutes and simply has him get the people he cares about and bailing on Earth. The second will take months to implement, and I assume that plan is being implemented off-screen.
Which tell's us he's basically given up and decided Earth isn't important enough for him to bother with.

Even though it's the most important planet in the Universe.
Counterpunched (Renegade Option)
13th January 2013
11:34 GMT -7

I find myself smiling as Grayven's foals canter and gambol about the snow-covered pleasure garden. Luna was right. Seeing him acting as a family stallion puts their relationship in an different context. Whereas before, I only saw the edge of his paternal personality when he attempted to protect Sunset, here I see the full gamut of his private behaviour without… The difficult parts of my own relationship with Sunset clouding the matter.

Though I might actually be more reassured if he was callous in his private life as well. For him to be… This, it implies that he genuinely believes that his confrontational approach is the best to achieve his results, rather than being a natural outgrowth of his usual character.


He turns and waves to me, grinning with his… Strangely mobile and ape-like face. One which I possess myself. It has been some considerable time since I changed species, and I find… I find the novelty appealing, even if I cannot say that I am truly enjoying the experience.

He trudges through the snow, a train of sledges bearing half his herd behind him. I think… Now is as good a time as any to speak with him, while his most commendable traits are at the forefront of his mind. I… Lean forward as directed, allowing this armour's flight enchantment to move me toward him without the danger of me forgetting that I now possess only two legs.

Luna's description did not truly do it justice. I remember little enough of my life from before I became an alicorn, and none of it relates to what it was like to have a body like that: to move with four limbs rather than six or how long it took me to learn to fly. Even now I fly only when there is some exceptional need. Most other forms I have used in the intervening millennium had four legs or more, and after today, I think I will leave two legs to Luna.

"Faster, Daddy! Faster!"

While his children appeared uncommonly sombre at breakfast, they have cheered up now. His younger daughters squeal with joy and he jogs at a tiny faction of his full speed, towing the sledges faster behind him. As he reaches me he sidesteps and tugs the rope before letting go, causing them to slide past us with a giggle.

Grayven looks at me and clearly sees something in this face's automatic expressions. Alike In Purpose.

"Alright, Celestia wants a word. Boy, you're in charge."

His eldest son nods, clearly already used to managing his younger siblings. Luna did mention that Grayven disliked not being able to give them more attention, so I imagine that he is fairly used to it. That stirs some of my older memories as well.

Grayven watches his children to make sure that they remain in good order as the eldest colt -his name is Paul- pushes the sledge of the youngest up the slope of a nearby hill and calls on the rest to follow them for a race.

"He's a mature young human."

"I wish I could claim credit, but he was like that when I found him." He sighs. "Some people respond to a horrifying situation by lashing out, and… Some just become the best person they can be, because… Why make things worse?"

"Ah. I see. Luna hasn't told me how you came into contact with them."

"They were stuck on an island after their parents died. If you want more details, ask the boy once he turns eighteen."

"And your eldest daughter?"

"Imagine if you hadn't been able to turn Twilight's parents back into ponies after her entrance exam."

I feel my face move in response to the newly sombre atmosphere. I… Have been fortunate that in the entirety of my life I have encountered no ponies whose abilities lashed out in such a fashion. And few who would lash out with such power maliciously.

"She was too young to really remember it." He shrugs. "And she's hanging out with her friends, which I think is a good sign. Oh, I was wondering: was I supposed to get your permission before courting Luna? I sort of assume that you're head of the family."

"Luna can make that decision for herself. I do have.. some concerns that I was-."

"So who do I pay the bride price to?"

I may not be able to read his expression when he wears that face, but I do have over a thousand years experience in dealing with fools both professional and amateur.

"You could not afford her."

He snorts. "I've seen the Equestrian economy; I can."

"Should I be having that discussion with your father?"

His face relaxes, all humour leaving it.


"I need to make sure that your intentions are honourable. I have heard nothing about a marriage proposal." I smile as I remember Shining Armour trying to find out whether he needed my permission or not before he proposed to Cadence. "Do you intend merely to dally with my sister until-."

"I'm not going to propose to Luna until my father is either verifiably dead or impaled on the Source Wall. It is my intent that you will never meet him." His eyes flick from mine to his children and back again. "My plan to make that happen is a work in progress."

I breathe in sharply. That is-.

"Would it-?"

"Let me tell you a story about my father. It was his birthday, and a million slaves and tributaries lined up to give him gifts. His personal assistant DeSaad outdid himself: he's managed to imprison a Pain Elemental and a Joy Elemental, and force them together into one. A creature of pure joy exposed to suffering in the most exquisitely horrible way possible, with no hope of respite. And he was delighted… Until his chief bodyguard pointed out that the Pain Elemental was now aware that there was more than pain in the universe, and so suffered less."


"The tiny fragment of his evil that he forced on me required the combined power of the Elements of Harmony and-" He raises his clenched hands, displaying his rings. "-the Emotional Spectrum to destroy. And anyway, you don't need to worry." He smiles in an attempt at misdirection. "My people have more advanced prophylactics than yours; I won't be siring any foals on her until after that date."

That… Settles the question of whether or not he and Luna are… Intimate. Perhaps a… Change in topic.

"I am more interested in meeting the rest of your family. After all, I need to make sure that you are from good stock."

"Ah, a reasonable concern for the herd's lead mare. You can meet my brother Scott today if you like, and you spoke to my mother at breakfast. She was the one who looked like someone who survived my father."

A nervous mare who almost faded into the background. I had taken her for a maid.

"Of my other two brothers, one isn't talking to me and the other wants to kill me because he thinks our father prefers me to him. Mother had most of her memories stolen, so we don't know if I've got any-"


"-relatives from that side of the family."

A portal forms in mid-air, and Sunset.. steps through.

Grayven pats me on the shoulder.

"I'll leave her to you, but I'm going to stay in shout-range. We're fairly isolated here, but please don't do anything that will melt all the snow."

I smile in what I think is a reassuring way.

"I shall do my best."

"And normally that would be fine, but in this instance I really would suggest trying to do well. Best of luck."
Last edited:
Sure, I know that's what you meant, but it's definitely not what you wrote.
Qwardians' (unless you instead want to change the previous reference to "with a Qwardian" instead of "with the Qwardians")
: instead of ;
Thank you, corrected.
I recommend the world-hopping wackiness of Pocket System on SufficientVelocity for that reason. Half of the settings made me groan when they were revealed, half just aren't familiar to me. Yet each one contributes in its own way. Uh, it is a very different experience pprotagonist-wise compared to Paul though.

I recently learned one Transformers comic line shared a setting with GI Joe. I mean… what? How'd that work? Why was it attempted? Anyway, I try not to judge a series before I walk away from a fanfic. No one can watch every anime, for example, and anime fanfics can offer a good time without knowing the source material… unless the author doesn't know the source material…


Those are both real cards, by the way. Transformers now shares a setting with Phyrexia, which also shares a setting with Warhammer 40,000.
13th January 2013
11:34 GMT -7

I find myself smiling as Grayven's foals canter and gambol about the snow-covered pleasure garden. Luna was right. Seeing him acting as a family stallion puts their relationship in an different context. Whereas before, I only saw the edge of his paternal personality when he attempted to protect Sunset, here I see the full gamut of his private behaviour without… The difficult parts of my own relationship with Sunset clouding the matter.

Though I might actually be more reassured if he was callous in his private life as well. For him to be… This, it implies that he genuinely believes that his confrontational approach is the best to achieve his results, rather than being a natural outgrowth of his usual character.
Such is the nature of being a Renegade. He chose this way long ago, when he first came to this world. And he has been trying to be better, but that big pile of Renegade reputation points still hangs over him like a cloud...


He turns and waves to be, grinning with his… Strangely mobile and ape-like face. One which I possess myself. It has been some considerable time since I changed species, and I find… I find the novelty appealing, even if I cannot say that I am truly enjoying the experience.
:confused: ...And now I wonder what those species were, since I doubt common pony to Alicorn counts.

He trudges through the snow, a train of sledges bearing half his herd behind him. I think… Now is as good a time as any to speak with him, while his most commendable traits are at the forefront of his mind. I… Lean forward as directed, allowing this armour's flight enchantment to move me toward him without the danger of me forgetting that I now possess only two legs.
Aw, no getting to watch her stumble about? :rolleyes: Just take all the fun out of it, then...

Luna's description did not truly do it justice. I remember little enough of my life from before I became an alicorn, and none of it relates to what it was like to have a body like that; to move with four limbs rather than six or how long it took me to learn to fly. Even now I fly only when there is some exception need. Most other forms I have used in the intervening millennium had four legs or more, and after today, I think I will leave two legs to Luna.

"Faster, Daddy! Faster!"
Heh, Sunbutt admitting she's not good at something? Remarkable.

While his children appeared uncommonly sombre at breakfast, they have cheered up now. His younger daughters squeal with joy and he jogs at a tiny faction of his full speed, towing the sledges faster behind him. As he reach me he sidesteps and tugs the rope before letting go, causing them to slide past us with a giggle.

Grayven looks at me and clearly sees something in this face's automatic expressions. Alike In Purpose.
Methinks they were disappointed Luna wasn't there. You're just a little bit... You... For their comfort.
(And since I have no idea who's actually delivering that Godspeech, I choose to assume both are of similar mind.)

"Alright, Celestia wants a word. Boy, you're in charge."

His eldest son nods, clearly already used to managing his younger siblings. Luna did mention that Grayven disliked not being able to give them more attention, to I imagine that he is fairly used to it. That stirs some of my older memories as well.
Eh, they're used to distant parental figures. At least they get to see him often.

Grayven watches his children to make sure that they remain in good order as the eldest colt -his name is Paul- pushes the sledge of the youngest up the slope of a nearby hill and calls on the rest to follow them for a race.

"He's a mature young human."
And smart enough to lead the kids out of earshot, I see. Not that the adults can't catch up to them easily enough if needed.

"I wish I could claim credit, but he was like that when I found him." He sighs. "Some people respond to a horrifying situation by lashing out, and… Some just become the best person they can be, because… Why make things worse?"

"Ah. I see. Luna hasn't told me how you came into contact with them."
'Character is what you are in the dark', and all that. I think he went that way because of the younger kids. They would have needed help, and since he's the oldest...

"They were stuck on an island after their parents died. If you want more details, ask the boy once he turns eighteen."

"And your eldest daughter?"
Ace, before anyone asks. Though I doubt Lynn uses that name anymore.

"Imagine if you hadn't been able to turn Twilights parents back into ponies after her entrance exam."

I feel my face move in response to the newly sombre atmosphere. I… Have been fortunate that in the entirety of my life I have encountered no ponies whose abilities lashed out in such a fashion. And few who would lash out with such power maliciously.
So no magical pony has ever had transformative powers before? Impressive that they got changed back, then. Or was it just a matter of dropping a dispel on them and hoping the polymoprh was a 'fail-safe' effect...

"She was too young to really remember it." He shrugs. "And she's hanging out with her friends, which I think is a good sign. Oh, I was wondering: was I supposed to get your permission before courting Luna? I sort of assume that you're head of the family."

"Luna can make that decision for herself. I do have.. some concerns that I was-."
Yes, she's not a filly any more. Despite you initially treating her like one after her return. :oops:

"So who do I pay the bride price to?"

I may not be able to read his expression when he wears that face, but I do have over a thousand years experience in dealing with fools both professional and amateur.
The no-doubt-large smirk probably helps show that he's joking....

"You could not afford her."

He snorts. "I've seen the Equestrian economy; I can."
Hell, he could crash that economy with a single asteroid.

"Should I be having that discussion with your father?"

He face relaxes, all humour leaving it.
Even invoking His existence is no laughing matter, after all.


"I need to make sure that your intentions are honourable. I have heard nothing about a marriage proposal." I smile as I remember Shining Armour trying to find out whether he needed my permission or not before he proposed to Cadence. "Do you intend merely to dally with my sister until-."
You think Luna would play that game if she didn't feel like it?

"I'm not going to propose to Luna until my father is either verifiably dead or impaled on the Source Wall. It is my intent that you will never meet him." His eyes flick from mine to his children and back again. "My plan to make that happen is a work in progress."

I breathe in sharply. That is-.

"Would it-?"
No, Sunbutt, there is no hope of reconciliation. Not with Him. He is devoid of all Harmony...

"Let me tell you a story about my father. It was his birthday, and a million slaves and tributaries lined up to give him gifts. His personal assistant DeSaad outdid himself: he's managed to imprison a Pain Elemental and a Joy Elemental, and force them together into one. A creature of pure joy exposed to suffering in the most exquisitely horrible way possible, with no hope of respite. And he was delighted… Until his chief bodyguard pointed out that the Pain Elemental was now aware that there was more than pain in the universe, and so suffered less."
...Let's just say it was not a fun day to be DeSaad...


"The tiny fragment of his evil that he forced on me required the combined power of the Elements of Harmony and-" He raises his clenched hands, displaying his rings. "-the Emotional Spectrum to destroy. And anyway, you don't need to worry." He smiles in an attempt at misdirection. "My people have more advanced prophylactics than yours, I won't be siring any foals on her until after that date."
Since using the rings to, er... :oops: Cap the flow... would be risky, given he probably wouldn't be able to maintain focus on them in the moment...

That… Settles the question of whether or not he and Luna are… Intimate. Perhaps a… Change in topic.

"I am more interested in meeting the rest of your family. After all, I need to make sure that you are from good stock."
Heh. A little embarrassed to be thinking of your little sister as an adult that way, eh? I bet her blush is radiant right now. :p

"Ah, a reasonable concern for the herd's lead mare. You can meet my brother Scott today if you like, and you spoke to my mother at breakfast. She was the one who looked like someone who survived my father."

A nervous mare who almost faded into the background. I had taken her for a maid.
And that should tell you much about Him.

"Of my other two brothers, one isn't talking to me and the other wants to kill me because he thinks our father prefers me to him. Mother had most of her memories stolen, so we don't know if I've got any-"

Orion being the one not talking to him, of course. And Kalibak being the other.

"-relatives from that side of the family."

A portal forms in mid-air, and Sunset.. steps through.
Ohhh, boy. Here we go.

Grayven pats me on the shoulder.

"I'll leave her to you, but I'm going to stay in shout-range. We've fairly isolated here, but please don't do anything that will melt all the snow."
And that's no idle threat, given either of them have considerable pyrotechnic abilities...

I smile in what I think is a reassuring way.

"I shall do my best."

"And normally that would be fine, but in this instance I really would suggest trying to do well. Best of luck."
Given your best is what put the two of you in this situation to begin with, indeed...

So, this is happening, then. And Grayven has wisely retreated out of the blast zone. Always knew under the abrasive dickhead facade, there was a sensible fellow there. Hopefully, they can just have it out without the mountain resembling the aftermath of Ramiel's beam attack... Hopefully it just ends with some shouting, a slap or two, and eventually some good, cathartic crying...

He face relaxes, all humour leaving it.
His face relaxes, all humour leaving it.
13th January 2013
11:34 GMT -7
Somewhat bitter sweet.

On the one hand seeing Greyven being domestic is great. And seeing Celestia out exploring is great, particularly from her POV.

…however that just highlights how disappointing the chapter before last was. While the primary SI soapboxes at a great many people and about a great many things, it is rarely the same person more than a couple of times and it is very rarely the entirety of their interactions. The various alt versions also soapbox, but again with great variety and admirable moderation. Greyven has bashed Celestia over the head again and again and again, with very little other interactions before this update. It has become boring. At this point I just want the whole 'prove Celestria is a moron' plot line over and done with.

Interesting that Boy!Paul hasn't changed his name. Or picked a nickname less generic than 'Boy'.
I recently learned one Transformers comic line shared a setting with GI Joe. I mean… what? How'd that work? Why was it attempted?


That's funny.

Most Transformers comic lines share a universe with the Joes.

Heck, Hasbro tried to make a "comic universe" which had Transformers, G.I. Joe, Rom, Action Man, M.A.S.K., Micronauts, Visionaries, Inhumanoids, and Jem all in the same universe. (And, by implication, Pound Puppies.)

It...honestly worked pretty well, conceptually; some of the writers were less than good. (Transformers vs. Visionaries was pretty badly done and the M.A.S.K. comic writer could not into continuity in his own comic yet alone with anything else in the universe - it says something that the only thing good from the M.A.S.K. comic was the annual, which was functionally a G.I. Joe comic guest-starring Matt Trakker...).

But if you think that's weird, riddle me this: the Transformers comics were once published by Marvel for years and were mainline Marvel canon as part of the main 616 universe.
Last edited:
Thank you, corrected.



Those are both real cards, by the way. Transformers now shares a setting with Phyrexia, which also shares a setting with Warhammer 40,000.
I am quite sure that the so called "Universes Beyond" cards are not canon to the MtG setting. They are novelty cards that are legal to play in certain formats, but they didn't write any novellas or short stories with crossover events.

Another indication that they aren't canon are the unofficially named "Universes Within" cards. MtG also made cards from the universes of Walking Dead, Stranger Things and Street Fighter. But those cards later on get new versions where the art and name is changed into MtG canon compatible stuff. Examples:
They are planning on doing this six months after the Universes Beyond cards get released. Street Fighter cards are getting reskinned in the upcoming set and Walking Dead cards still haven't been despite being the oldest.

They also have reskins of existing MtG cards for the settings Arcane, Fortnite, Age of Sigmar and Blood Bowl. And they already have scheduled stuff for Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Final Fantasy and Assassin's Creed.

Treating all of this stuff as canon crossovers when none of it is ever shown to interact with each other outside the actual game on the table seems like madness to me.
Thank you, corrected.



Those are both real cards, by the way. Transformers now shares a setting with Phyrexia, which also shares a setting with Warhammer 40,000.

I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but just to clarify for the rest of the thread, that's not true in the slightest. Transformers and 40k have had MTG cards produced, that are legal for play in legacy formats. Those worlds are not part of the MTG multiverse, and their cards do not depict events that occur in the MTG story.

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