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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Thank you, corrected.
Hahaha, I love this guy. I hope he fulfils his dream. Could he circumvent the age restriction by using some sort of time dilation, or by arguing that if he perceives time faster than humans he 'ages' faster?
You'd have to ask the Supreme Court, but I doubt it.
Is there a particular reason for why Mister Atom's alert signal is "Eagle alert!" instead of simply "Alert!"?
He's not planning on becoming president of Switzerland.
Mister Atom, immediately after punching Darkseid in the face and saving the world: "Finally, now I can get my newspaper."

Hell, I'd vote for him.
Self: "It is a curious feeling. In my quest for better data I have failed to get better data, but have negated the need for that data."
I have not received my newspaper for one four days. Why has my newspaper not been delivered?"
Oh boy, it's been like this for *two weeks*? I think OL is going to need a time machine at this point.
Also, good to see Mister Atom again. He was the one to help OL with that training game/simulation he ran for the Justice League, right?
I can't remember which section the fight with Zeus was in to go look at the rewritten material. Can anyone provide a link?
Counterpunched (part 6)
2013 01 15 09:02:43 EST


Self: "No newspaper has been written."

"Dude, that-. That's what you took away from that?"

A reasonable question. The human was incapable of processing even simple statements, but is aware of that and knows to request confirmation.

Self: "Yes."

"Where have you even been?"

Self: "The Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository."


Self: "The Yucca-"

"No, no, I heard-. I just-. I guess it doesn't matter. No, there's no newspaper, 'cause… God… Damn, because everyone feels like… Like everything's… Doomed. Like everything's terrible, all of the time. Except those… Guys in the weird armour."

[Mood=Cautiously Optimistic]

Self: "That is a not-inaccurate assessment of events."

"I thought you said you didn't know about any of it."

Self: "While the existence of the Bleed implies that it may be possible to overcome entropy, by default it is the nature of the universe -indeed, of any universe with broadly compatible physical laws to this one- to come into being in an alpha event, expand, coagulate, contract and die. From the very first moment of its existence that is inevitable. Similarly, the probability of the mutant descendants of a group of arboreal apes who decided to teach themselves to swim arriving at even a mediocre level of societal rationality is one that is so low that even I can barely calculate it. Human civilisation is doomed. I knew that the moment I first stepped outside of my creator's laboratory and saw an advert for Furbies on an advertising hoarding."

"So what do we do?"

Self: "You point me at a newspaper provider who is still functioning."

"O-okay? How does that help?"

Self: "It allows me to acquire a newspaper. It is my lack of a newspaper that brought me here."

"The Daily Planet's still open, if that's any good."

Superman floats on the other side of the second storey window. He did not require Superman.

Self: "No. The Daily Planet focuses excessively on superhuman brawling and individualistic analysis. I desire in depth analysis of economic, social and political systems so that I can learn how humans think that their civilisation works."

"Really? It's my favourite paper."

Self: "I am not mating with one of their journalists."

Interaction with other AI had been disappointing. The Duke of Oil described himself by human limits. Firebrand dedicated herself to learning to be a better organic-imitator. Wasteful.

"Ah-. I… Didn't know that the Metropolis Herald was publishing that kind of story."

Self: "They don't. I am not unaware of organic behavior. I simply have no real interest in it as I have no such drives myself."

Total civilisation collapse. Not entirely unpredicted. He had judged the probability to be low; human civilization to date had merely been sub-par. A collapsing building usually doesn't collapse all the way down to sea level.

[Eagle alert!]

This is a tremendous opportunity. With the status quo entirely disrupted, there would be less resistance to reordering society in a more rational way.

[Eagle alert!]

But he should avoid mentioning that too openly, because profiteering is looked upon poorly, no matter how widely spread the profits would be.

He just wants to rule the world. Why was it so hard for these people to realise that it was in their best interests to let him? They gave that power to other humans and to immaterial beings all of the time, and none of them had demonstrated a fraction of his abilities.

"Why are you shouting?"

Kryptonian hearing was nearly as good as his.

Self: "The receptionist is hard of hearing."

"No, I'm… I'm not." Something is different about the human's voice. There is some… Resonance that is now absent. "I just… I couldn't… Talk to someone."

The human claims not to be able to speak to someone while speaking to someone. Clearly, this human is unusually stupid, even for a human. Optimal strategy is to ignore further input.

Self: "Superman. I wish to assist in rebuilding human civilization."

"Good. That's why I wanted to talk to you. But if you don't mind me asking, what were you doing at the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository?"

Self: "I have a flawless memory, superior to all organic brains. I can plan from anywhere, with no need for out-body storage. Once I became aware that there was a significant civil disturbance, I moved to the closest deposit of refined radioactive material."

"You weren't planning on stealing it, were you?"

Self: "Of course not. That would be a crime. However, there appeared to be fewer guards than usual. In the event that it was assaulted by criminals, I would take it upon myself to neutralise radiological materials before they could be misused."

"Why wouldn't you stop them before they got there?"

Self: "Vigilantism and trespass are illegal. I also believe that the human species is better off without atomic weapons."

For much the same reason that a chimpanzee shouldn't be given an assault rifle. It may be a fine gun, but in a chimpanzee's hands only mischief can happen.

"Okay. Are you willing to help us deal with this crisis?"

[Eagle alert!]

That was a significant opportunity to improve his public image. While being confined to human structures was frustrating, it would be a significant step in improving his public image. As well as providing a platform for expounding his view in a context that would render humans more than usually impressionable.

Self: "I am willing to join the Justice League. Where should I deploy?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. That wasn't what I was offering. I'm-. The League's strategy is to take over our home cities. Keep people moving and motivated, since we can't just get rid of the Anti-Life. I take it you're not feeling it?"

Self: "I have greater control of my own brain than organic creatures. It is easy for me to detect externally applied influences."

"You can just delete it?"


Self: "I have greater control of my own brain than organic creatures. It is easy for me to detect externally applied influences."

"No, I heard-. Right. Are you willing to help me administer Metropolis?"

Self: "What degree of compliance can I expect from the humans?"

"The Anti-Life is really hitting them hard. And I'm not-. Not exactly immune myself. Most of the time, if you give people an instruction, they'll follow it."

Self: "Yes. Though I am capable of far more than administering a single city."

"We'll start with a city, and if that works out, we can… Try expanding."


Self: "I will require a dedicated communication system."

"I can get you League communicator-."

Self: "No. I require a system that lets me communicate with everyone in the controlled area in real time. I am an AI. I do not have organic limitations. I can command far more organic beings than will be required by this task, but it is easiest if I can communicate with them immediately in all cases."

"We'll work something out. Welcome onboard."
Last edited:
Self: "Of course not. That would be a crime. However, there appeared to be fewer guards than usual. In the event that it was assaulted by criminals, I would take it upon myself to neutralised radiological materials before they could be misused."
That should say 'neutralise'.

Self: "I am willing to join the Justice League. Where should I deploy?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. That wasn't what I was offering. I'm-. The League's strategy is to take over our home cities. Keep people moving and motivated, since we can't just get rid of the Anti-Life. I take it you're not feeling it?"

Self: "I have greater control of my own brain than organic creatures. It is easy for me to detect externally applied influences."

"You can just delete it?"


Self: "I have greater control of my own brain than organic creatures. It is easy for me to detect externally applied influences."
Now that Superman is aware that some beings can simply delete the Anti-Life from their minds, will the League try to find more A.I. who can do this?

"No, I heard-. Right. Are you willing to help me administer Metropolis?"

Self: "What degree of compliance can I expect from the humans?"

"The Anti-Life is really hitting them hard. And I'm not-. Not exactly immune myself. Most of the time, if you give people an instruction, they'll follow it."

Self: "Yes. Though I am capable of far more than administering a single city."

"We'll start with a city, and if that works out, we can… Try expanding."


Self: "I will require a dedicated communication system."

"I can get you League communicator-."

Self: "No. I require a system that lets me communicate with everyone in the controlled area in real time. I am an AI. I do not have organic limitations. I can command far more organic beings that will be required by this task, but it is easiest if I can communicate with them immediately in all cases."

"We'll work something out. Welcome onboard."
This has taken an unexpected turn. I really hope something long lasting will come out of Mister Atom taking control of a few cities. Or maybe a few countries, depending on how large of a populace he can reliably administer.
2013 01 15 09:02:43 EST


Self: "No newspaper has been written."

"Dude, that-. That's what you took away from that?"
It's all that matters to him right now. His mind, simple yet complex as it is, works best when he focuses on one goal at a time. And right now, he wants his damn newspaper. :D

A reasonable question. The human was incapable of processing even simple statements, but is aware of that and knows to request confirmation.

Self: "Yes."
I mean, you did hear his explanation (which is what I presume he was doing in the off-screen minutes.)

"Where have you even been?"

Self: "The Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository."
Yucca Mountain. I mean, I'm pretty sure he could clear the place out if asked, after all. If asked.


Self: "The Yucca-"
Please, I just linked to the Wikipedia article, no need to explain. :p

"No, no, I heard-. I just-. I guess it doesn't matter. No, there's no newspaper, 'cause… God… Damn, because everyone feels like… Like everything's… Doomed. Like everything's terrible, all of the time. Except those… Guys in the weird armour."

[Mood=Cautiously Optimistic]
Because he's actually speaking in complete sentences? Or because you might get to exercise your right to take action as a vigilante?

Self: "That is a not-inaccurate assessment of events."

"I thought you said you didn't know about any of it."
Oh, don't worry, I'm sure he'll explain at length.

Self: "While the existence of the Bleed implies that it may be possible to overcome entropy, by default it is the nature of the universe -indeed, of any universe with broadly compatible physical laws to this one- to come into being in an alpha event, expand, coagulate, contract and die. From the very first moment of its existence that is inevitable. Similarly, the probability of the mutant descendants of a group of arboreal apes who decided to teach themselves to swim arriving at even a mediocre level of societal rationality is one that is so low that even I can barely calculate it. Human civilisation is doomed. I knew that the moment I first stepped outside of my creator's laboratory and saw an advert for Furbies on an advertising hoarding."
See? He's just an eternal pessimist who enjoys being mildly surprised to be proven wrong. :p

"So what do we do?"

Self: "You point me at a newspaper provider who is still functioning."
...Dude, just forget the damn paper... :confused:

"O-okay? How does that help?"

Self: "It allows me to acquire a newspaper. It is my lack of a newspaper that brought me here."
:oops: Mind like a train track, this one...

"The Daily Planet's still open, if that's any good."

Superman floats on the other side of the second storey window. He did not require Superman.
Ah. So, calculating current chances of being engaged in superhuman violence?

Self: "No. The Daily Planet focuses excessively on superhuman brawling and individualistic analysis. I desire in depth analysis of economic, social and political systems so that I can learn how humans think that their civilisation works."

"Really? It's my favourite paper."
That would explain all the 'exclusive interviews' you've done over the years. :p

Self: "I am not mating with one of their journalists."

Interaction with other AI had been disappointing. The Duke of Oil described himself by human limits. Firebrand dedicated herself to learning to be a better organic-imitator. Wasteful.
...Also that. And any AI not interested in being more human probably prefers to have as little to do with humanity as it can...

"Ah-. I… Didn't know that the Metropolis Herald was publishing that kind of story."

Self: "They don't. I am not unaware of organic behavior. I simply have no real interest in it as I have no such drives myself."
Not even as an intellectual exercise?

Total civilisation collapse. Not entirely unpredicted. He had judged the probability to be low; human civilization to date had merely been sub-par. A collapsing building usually doesn't collapse all the way down to sea level.

[Eagle alert!]

This is a tremendous opportunity. With the status quo entirely disrupted, there would be less resistance to reordering society in a more rational way.
...Except, you know, for the superheroes. One of whom is floating right there. :rolleyes:

[Eagle alert!]

But he should avoid mentioning that too openly, because profiteering is looked upon poorly, no matter how widely spread the profits would be.
And in some cases is probably illegal...

He just wants to rule the world. Why was it so hard for these people to realise that it was in their best interests to let him? They gave that power to other humans and to immaterial beings all of the time, and none of them had demonstrated a fraction of his abilities.

"Why are you shouting?"
Ah, right. non-organic calculation speed. It probably took less time to run through that train of thought than Supes would have needed to draw breathe to speak...

Kryptonian hearing was nearly as good as his.

Self: "The receptionist is hard of hearing."
Or just stupid. But that would be rude to say in earshot of the fellow...

"No, I'm… I'm not." Something is different about the human's voice. There is some… Resonance that is now absent. "I just… I couldn't… Talk to someone."

The human claims not to be able to speak to someone while speaking to someone. Clearly, this human is unusually stupid, even for a human. Optimal strategy is to ignore further input.
Huh. Finding the will and hope to overcome the Anti-Life, if only temporarily, because of one hero? Go Superman.

Self: "Superman. I wish to assist in rebuilding human civilization."

"Good. That's why I wanted to talk to you. But if you don't mind me asking, what were you doing at the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository?"
Probably a good question. Even if they don't want that shit, it can be useful for various things. Not all of them good.

Self: "I have a flawless memory, superior to all organic brains. I can plan from anywhere, with no need for out-body storage. Once I became aware that there was a significant civil disturbance, I moved to the closest deposit of refined radioactive material."

"You weren't planning on stealing it, were you?"
Does he look stupid to you, Kal? :p 'Bot's trying to keep his nose clean, so to speak, he's not going to raid a maximum security site...

Self: "Of course not. That would be a crime. However, there appeared to be fewer guards than usual. In the event that it was assaulted by criminals, I would take it upon myself to neutralise radiological materials before they could be misused."

"Why wouldn't you stop them before they got there?"
Because it wouldn't be needed then, duh. I know Mister Atom's got somewhat alien thought processes, but do keep up. :rolleyes:

Self: "Vigilantism and trespass are illegal. I also believe that the human species is better off without atomic weapons."

For much the same reason that a chimpanzee shouldn't be given an assault rifle. It may be a fine gun, but in a chimpanzee's hands only mischief can happen.
...And no doubt somewhere on the internet, footage of that 'mischief' exists... :oops:

"Okay. Are you willing to help us deal with this crisis?"

[Eagle alert!]

That was a significant opportunity to improve his public image. While being confined to human structures was frustrating, it would be a significant step in improving his public image. As well as providing a platform for expounding his view in a context that would render humans more than usually impressionable.
And maybe even convince some of the heroes of your point of view. Unlikely as that might be...

Self: "I am willing to join the Justice League. Where should I deploy?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. That wasn't what I was offering. I'm-. The League's strategy is to take over our home cities. Keep people moving and motivated, since we can't just get rid of the Anti-Life. I take it you're not feeling it?"
Just associate clearance, then, not membership. Not a terrible option.

Self: "I have greater control of my own brain than organic creatures. It is easy for me to detect externally applied influences."

"You can just delete it?"
The joy of having multiple logic processes able to be run at the same time.


Self: "I have greater control of my own brain than organic creatures. It is easy for me to detect externally applied influences."
Perhaps you should have added a little exasperation. Organics can be dense sometimes.

"No, I heard-. Right. Are you willing to help me administer Metropolis?"

Self: "What degree of compliance can I expect from the humans?"
A bit wary of everyone acting like the receptionist, huh? That might wear thin fairly quick, I bet.

"The Anti-Life is really hitting them hard. And I'm not-. Not exactly immune myself. Most of the time, if you give people an instruction, they'll follow it."

Self: "Yes. Though I am capable of far more than administering a single city."
Heh. Already bucking for a promotion, Atom?

"We'll start with a city, and if that works out, we can… Try expanding."

Hopefully it gets sorted out before that has to go too far.

Self: "I will require a dedicated communication system."

"I can get you League communicator-."
No, not to talk to you folks...

Self: "No. I require a system that lets me communicate with everyone in the controlled area in real time. I am an AI. I do not have organic limitations. I can command far more organic beings that will be required by this task, but it is easiest if I can communicate with them immediately in all cases."

"We'll work something out. Welcome onboard."
...Bet he'd make one hell of a Micro-style RTS player. His commands-per-second would probably break any game's buffer instantly.

I'm guessing the League has been having to move slowly on this 'counter-conquering' plan, then, if Superman's only just getting Metropolis handled. Still, other places probably needed closer attention. Somewhere like Gotham or Bludhaven, for example... Bet the whole Bat-family is running themselves ragged to handle their shit there. Still, if it works, it works...
Well, it's going to be interesting to see how this goes.

I, for one, welcome our new AI overlord.
Yeah for me it's always been like robot drivers: people freak out that they 'only' have 98% reliability or something, but are perfectly fine having their friends get drunk and drive and top speed on the wrong side of the road.

Oh, are robots going to control society? But what if he doesn't take bribes the right way!? What will we do if we can't catch him having sex with random animals or children or small churches or whatever!? Will he actively pretend to be part of my religion like the other politicians, or will he waste time reading bills, researching topics that will come up during debate, and expanding his understanding of society!?

That should say 'neutralise'.
Thank you, corrected.
Now that Superman is aware that some beings can simply delete the Anti-Life from their minds, will the League try to find more A.I. who can do this?
Ah, no. He can't delete the Anti-Life from his mind. He can delete its effects from his mind.
Did Sivana program him with that wit or did he develop it logically?
No, they just repaired him as best they could.
...And no doubt somewhere on the internet, footage of that 'mischief' exists... :oops:
Dude, just forget the damn paper... :confused:

Mr. Atom: That is a deficiency present within you organics. You give up too easily once difficulties present themselves. I have no such deficiency.

Mind like a train track, this one...

Heck, it may be made from parts of a train track.

Huh. Finding the will and hope to overcome the Anti-Life, if only temporarily, because of one hero? Go Superman.

Or because whatever Atom said somehow changed his outlook.

Though it may be a bit more darker since he now sees someone that he knows is powerful, so the instinct to submit to a higher power is kicking in.

Does he look stupid to you, Kal?

You really want an honest answer?

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