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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

What is that eagle alert anyway? I was thinking Uncle Sam or other American Spirit was inspiring this guy or something?
Atom set up a subroutine to let him know whenever a chance to improve his chances of becoming president came up. Also warn him whenever he might be about to do something that will hurt his public image.
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Yeah for me it's always been like robot drivers: people freak out that they 'only' have 98% reliability or something, but are perfectly fine having their friends get drunk and drive and top speed on the wrong side of the road.

Oh, are robots going to control society? But what if he doesn't take bribes the right way!? What will we do if we can't catch him having sex with random animals or children or small churches or whatever!? Will he actively pretend to be part of my religion like the other politicians, or will he waste time reading bills, researching topics that will come up during debate, and expanding his understanding of society!?

My problem with "robot drivers" isn't the thought of adding an autopilot system to existing cars; that's a brilliant idea that should have been done twenty-plus years ago, leveraging the technology developed from the aviation sector. It's the way in which all attempts at it have been leaning, towards eliminating the "manual override" option by having the car be solely controlled by the autopilot, eliminating all conventional controls and not allowing the car to be driven manually.

I'm just fine with giving the car the ability to drive itself when I'm too tired, too drunk, or otherwise unable to drive it safely; I just want to have the option of taking control again myself if there's a malfunction, if I'm just driving aimlessly for some reason rather than going to some specific destination, if it's on a road that I want to drive for pleasure (I'm what the Brits would call a bit of a "petrolhead," a nice windy mountain road is fun to drive manually), or if it's a trip so short that programming the autopilot would be more trouble than it's worth (like going to the grocery store a couple of blocks from my apartment--which I do use the car for because I tend to get groceries for a full week or more in a single trip, and I wouldn't be able to carry that much walking home).

In essence, the same sort of reason that I prefer my cars to have at least a minimal manual/mechanical brake control (as opposed to entirely electric), a mechanical steering linkage (even if using hydraulic/electric boost in power steering), and either an ignition key system or a physical (rather than push-button) kill switch--it gives me the option, if the shit hits the fan, to still have enough basic control over the vehicle to pull off to the side of the road, stop the vehicle, and shut down the engine. Can a computer probably drive better than I can? Hell, yes--I live in an area where ice and snow are common, and anti-lock brakes have saved my ass more than one time--but I still want a way for the meat-based system to override the silicon-based one if there's a problem.

Or, to put it another way, when someone asked the US Air Force if their next-generation strategic bomber (with nuclear strike capabilities) would be an unmanned vehicle, the official response was, literally, "No, our policy is that all nuclear-capable platforms must have a human in the control loop--after all, we've seen Terminator, too."
So I guess Paul will come back to Earth to find the USA under President Atom of the Blackjack and Hookers party.
C'mon now, if the last year of chapters have shown anything they'll be the Neo-Promethean party. One which draws upon enterprising deities, arcanotechnologies, and newly investigated sciences to make humans more competent.

I wonder if Zatanna is doing anything interesting (Paul-inspired) to help counter Anti-Life. Her dad is alive and the world is in trouble.
Greece itself might be under Godly rule, they had one god in public office and a few demi god amazons on site. Wouldn't be that hard for them to rally around those, as they'd fill in the 'new god' hole anti life has held in folks minds rather easily.

Dunno how the Shinto Gods are doing, no word from the Norse Pantheon, but if Odin wanted to make a move into the mortal realms while the door was open he might.....assuming he doesn't think this is the start of Ragnarok and is busy running for the hills.

What other powers are out there? Cobra's doomsday cult is...well...self defeating under this...as without orders they'd likely just lay down and die since it does look like it IS already here.
Greece itself might be under Godly rule, they had one god in public office and a few demi god amazons on site. Wouldn't be that hard for them to rally around those, as they'd fill in the 'new god' hole anti life has held in folks minds rather easily.

Dunno how the Shinto Gods are doing, no word from the Norse Pantheon, but if Odin wanted to make a move into the mortal realms while the door was open he might.....assuming he doesn't think this is the start of Ragnarok and is busy running for the hills.

What other powers are out there? Cobra's doomsday cult is...well...self defeating under this...as without orders they'd likely just lay down and die since it does look like it IS already here.
Well, there are a bunch of other pantheons who probably won't do anything. The Aztec, Chinese, Celtic and Vietnamese pantheons have come up in this story, albeit briefly. Presumably many other pantheons also exist but haven't been mentioned.
Honesty we can and should automate trains as the routes are fixed, but cars and buses? Way too many things can go wrong.
It's a good link, but the page number thing can break. On Xenforo sites like these, replace everything between '.com' and the post number (after 'posts-') with '/posts/'. Like so: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/posts/5483608.
You know, I thought the #xxxxx links on the bottom-right corner of posts were supposed to be permalinks. I was surprised to see that they aren't. They are on SV.

Honesty we can and should automate trains as the routes are fixed, but cars and buses? Way too many things can go wrong.
Most of the things that can go wrong are humans, you know. The biggest issue is the transition period where both autopilots and humans are driving at the same time, because humans are the worst-case scenario for autopilots. (They're also the worst-case scenario for humans.)
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And humans are the ones writing the software so of course they will fuck up.

Far be it from me to be a Tesla fanboy (I respect that they made EVs viable in the market but they haven't kept up with producing good products) but I would like to point out that this link says that in a one-year span there were 367 crashes involving level 2 or higher advanced driver-assist systems, of which 273 involved a Tesla vehicle. 46.5% of the 14M car sales in the US in 2022 had level 2 ADAS (that is, about 6.5M). I can't find specific collision numbers for that time span, and there is no reporting for non-fatality collisions that don't involve ADAS, but there were around 43,000 crash fatalities in 2021, and obviously not every crash results in a fatality, and there were around 289M cars in service; the numbers I could find for 2022 say there were fewer cars on the road (284M) but the number of fatalities for the first half were on pace to be approximately the same.

Level 2 ADAS is on the rise (only 10% of cars sold in the US in 2019 had it), so while it would be an underestimate to say that the 6.5M cars sold in 2022 were all of the cars on the road with it, it's not too much of one. Let's use that underestimate because it'll make that 367 number look worse: that means that 0.006% of such cars had a collision.

And continuing with using underestimates to make things look worse, let's assume that 100% of crashes involve a fatality, whether ADAS or not. That means that our estimate is that 0.015% of cars in use in that same span of time were involved in a collision. This is a HUGE underestimate.

Now, to be fair, crunching the numbers this way assumes that every level 2 capable car uses level 2 at all times. This isn't a reasonable assumption, but it also isn't a reasonable assumption to say that every collision results in a fatality either. But it isn't an unreasonable assumption to guess that these errors roughly cancel out.

All told, the statistics tell the story that even with their faults, cars with autopilot-like functionality are less likely to be involved in a collision than cars without it.
Greece itself might be under Godly rule, they had one god in public office and a few demi god amazons on site. Wouldn't be that hard for them to rally around those, as they'd fill in the 'new god' hole anti life has held in folks minds rather easily.

Dunno how the Shinto Gods are doing, no word from the Norse Pantheon, but if Odin wanted to make a move into the mortal realms while the door was open he might.....assuming he doesn't think this is the start of Ragnarok and is busy running for the hills.

What other powers are out there? Cobra's doomsday cult is...well...self defeating under this...as without orders they'd likely just lay down and die since it does look like it IS already here.

Billy was using Susanoo's power the same way Adom was to make people resistant, so it's possible that they're defending their territory.

Granted, it is possible that Manheim did something to prevent the various pantheons from interfering and now they can only rely on things they did, like blessing mortals, before the Anti-Life was unleashed.
It's the way in which all attempts at it have been leaning, towards eliminating the "manual override" option by having the car be solely controlled by the autopilot, eliminating all conventional controls and not allowing the car to be driven manually.
Hackers exist, and are already messing with cars that have remotely-accessible systems, like anything else on the Internet of Things. That alone would be a good reason to keep a functional and easy-to-use manual override on cars, along with all the others.
Hackers exist, and are already messing with cars that have remotely-accessible systems, like anything else on the Internet of Things. That alone would be a good reason to keep a functional and easy-to-use manual override on cars, along with all the others.

Reminds me of an old gag image that went around

Counterpunched (part 7)
17th January 2013
22:10 GMT

Unlike most Orange Lanterns, I didn't care about the Reach.


The empire I built… I was proud of it. I expanded my family's holdings from a single continent to a dozen systems, pushing my regional rivals back and forcing concessions and tribute from defeated foes. I never thought that it was the biggest or strongest empire in the galaxy. I knew that there were larger foes out there; I welcomed them! Fighting people weaker than you are encourages weakness and lassitude, and I refused to allow that in either myself or my people.

I fought on the front lines whenever practical. My palaces were not gilded; they were fortresses and places of administration first and foremost. I did not indulge myself with erotic pleasure of any kind. On those few occasions I thought about it, I assumed that I would die fighting and that my strongest general would take over from me.

That was not what happened.

Two fleets nearly reduced to scrap, and an infantry battle I could not refuse. And then, not only was I defeated due to the disloyalty of my auxiliaries after the enemy focused on killing my most loyal soldiers first…

But I lived.

I lived, and was paraded before their people as a war-prize. Some… Cousin of mine took control of my empire and rather than rallying our military himself… Gave most of what I conquered away. And I was forced to sit in a prison, visited by anyone who wanted to stare at me for their own entertainment.

I don't feel that I owe Vril Dox II for freeing me. He made a decision based on his own interests. I will say that he had sound judgement. I agreed to fight this war because it is the war in front of me and I refuse to step away.

I didn't care about the Reach.

But as I look down on one of their worlds, seeing what they build when they are unconstrained by the needs of war…

Now I care.

Drusa's eyes glow as she looks where I look, no doubt trying to decipher what exactly has me so worked up about it. She won't be able to. Her practical utility is considerable but she is almost entirely free of moral virtue. It won't offend her, and she will overlook it as a result.

It's disgusting.

I can see clearly where Grayven's ships entered the system. I can see where his smaller ships hunted down what I first took to be small cargo transports, but which my ring's analysis claims must be 'pleasure vessels'. I can see the likely angles of attack, where his capital ships struck at the orbital structures. Not his own flagship, but a considerable number of battleships of the type used by the Citizenry.

The Darkstars are no doubt reconstructing the event in precise detail.

I know enough.

The people here died because they were soft.

Pleasure craft, when you know that your enemies can strike your interior at will? The orbital defence network would shame a newly spacefaring civilisation! I cannot even detect ground to orbit weapons. The garrison fleet appears to have given a reasonable account of itself, but they had no reinforcements and nowhere to fall back to.

The planet's surface has industry, but their structures are light. Easy to build, but fragile. I can see only a handful of fortifications across the entire world, and none of them are particularly large. Minimal anti-air defences.

I can see landscaped continents and not a single place of safety.

And now their failure of planning has gotten every single one of them killed. It can't happen to the rest soon enough.

How dare they? How dare they be so careless with so much?

"Sensors, any sign that they've noticed us?"

I nod to myself as Darkstar Colos asks. Regular checks are wise, though with a crew this capable in a combat zone I don't think that he really needs to check quite so often as he does.

"No, sir. All enemy ships still on established patrol routes. No new ships arriving. Non-combat vessels acting within expectations."

"Good. Carry on."

Rebuilding a planet. I wonder if the Reach will lie to their people and say that it never happened? In truth the Citizenry did little damage to the infrastructure when their giant flying snakes attacked the people down there. It's mostly cosmetic, though they seem like the sort of people who would care about such things.

"Do you think they'll clone them?"

My sneer grows at Drusa's comment.

"Do I think they will clone the citizens of an entire planet so that they can lie to their own people about their deaths? I doubt that they care enough about their people to bother."

"They've never seemed particularly callous to their own people to me."

"Then how was this allowed to happen? They should have been able to destroy the snake-harvesters in the skies even if they could not stop the fleet. We move slowly through the periphery in fear of their fleets, yet they had nothing here."

"He misdirected them."

"The most charitable interpretation. I suspect that the admiral was simply slow to respond, and now seeks to absolve his guilt by taking his fleet on the offensive."

"Without orders?"

"We know nothing of the Reach's high level command structure. Besides, if he was assigned to protect this world then he is hardly abandoning his responsibilities when there are no citizens left to protect."

"I'm surprised you're taking it this hard."

"What do you mean?"

"We were going to have to kill them anyway. Probably not with flying snakes-."

"Before you joined the Lantern Corps. Did you ever steal something from someone who didn't care that it had gone?"

She thinks for a moment.

"Yes. It made it a lot easier. Are you.. saying that you don't think they'll acknowledge you fighting against them? Because they haven't reacted to having a billion or so of their people dying, they…"

"I've lost fights before. Even before the battle that saw me cast down. There is no particular shame in losing to a stronger opponent, and much glory in defeating one. But to decide not to fight at all… It disgusts me."

"Because they're saying that you're so small a threat that they don't need to."

"They're so indolent that they would rather lose an entire world than lift a finger to save themselves. I am profoundly offended that they've been able to expand as much as they did. I assumed that an empire of this size would be… Better."

"It is surprising. How would you defend against it?"

"Planets don't have to worry about their mass. They can build massive force field generators guarded by laser turrets all over the surface without ever leaving the ground. They could stop almost anything that could be fired from space. They have enough industry here that they could build it themselves without troubling any of the Reach's other worlds. And yet, they clearly did not."

"I wouldn't assume that was their reason just yet. This is just one example."

"I've seen enough already. Colos! When are we leaving?"
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reconstructing the event it precise detail.

"event in"

"They're so indolent that they would rather lose an entire world than lift a finger to save themselves. I am profoundly offended that they've been able to expand as much as they did. I assumed that an empire of this size would… Better

They've become victims of their own successes.

"I've seen"
17th January 2013
22:10 GMT
This is an interesting analysis of Zartok's thought processes. He truly sees himself as a warrior and conqueror above all, but he's not so deluded as to thinking he's destined to be the greatest in the galaxy, even before Paul humbled him. And now that he's seen what the Reach is like when they aren't infiltrating/conquering planets, it has given him a reason to want their destruction for ideological reasons. At least he's more motivated now than before.
Have to be honest, I couldn't follow the dialogue clear enough to know who was speaking when or about what.

Are these spoken by the same individual?

"Do I think they will clone the citizens of an entire planet so that they can lie to their own people about their deaths?"

"I doubt that they care enough about their people to bother."

Because I tried counting the back and forth and it didn't seem to match or whatever. When Drusa firsts speaks it says it clearly, but then I can't follow.
17th January 2013
22:10 GMT

Unlike most Orange Lanterns, I didn't care about the Reach.

No doubt that has changed, Zartok? Not feeling a little possessive of your allies now? Not a feeling to suppress, since it's one of the strongest drives an Orange Lantern can make use of, behind raw selfish greed...

The empire I built… I was proud of it. I expanded my family's holdings from a single continent to a dozen systems, pushing my regional rivals back and forcing concessions and tribute from defeated foes. I never thought that it was the biggest or strongest empire in the galaxy. I knew that there were larger foes out there; I welcomed them! Fighting people weaker than you are encourages weakness and lassitude, and I refused to allow that in either myself or my people.
It's better to be second place, because it keeps you sharp. Second place works harder to hold on to their place from those below, yet lacks the fatalistic certainty first place ends up with as they realise there's only one way for them to go...

I fought on the front lines whenever practical. My palaces were not gilded; they were fortresses and places of administration first and foremost. I did not indulge myself with erotic pleasure of any kind. On those few occasions I thought about it, I assumed that I would die fighting and that my strongest general would take over from me.

That was not what happened.
Naturally, or you wouldn't be here, after all. :p

Two fleets nearly reduced to scrap, and an infantry battle I could not refuse. And then, not only was I defeated due to the disloyalty of my auxiliaries after the enemy focused on killing my most loyal soldiers first…

But I lived.
Still, if you live, you can return. And this time, you'll have the power to take back what you once owned.

I lived, and was paraded before their people as a war-prize. Some… Cousin of mine took control of my empire and rather than rallying our military himself… Gave most of what I conquered away. And I was forced to sit in a prison, visited by anyone who wanted to stare at me for their own entertainment.

I don't feel that I owe Vril Dox II for freeing me. He made a decision based on his own interests. I will say that he had sound judgement. I agreed to fight this war because it is the war in front of me and I refuse to step away.
Well, at least you're dedicated.

I didn't care about the Reach.

But as I look down on one of their worlds, seeing what they build when they are unconstrained by the needs of war…
To some degree, what their idea of a peaceful life looks like tells you a lot about a species.

Now I care.

Drusa's eyes glow as she looks where I look, no doubt trying to decipher what exactly has me so worked up about it. She won't be able to. Her practical utility is considerable but she is almost entirely free of moral virtue. It won't offend her, and she will overlook it as a result.
And that's one of the reasons she hasn't progressed as a Lantern. She can't understand any desire but her own...

It's disgusting.

I can see clearly where Grayven's ships entered the system. I can see where his smaller ships hunted down what I first took to be small cargo transports, but which my ring's analysis claims must be 'pleasure vessels'. I can see the likely angles of attack, where his capital ships struck at the orbital structures. Not his own flagship, but a considerable number of battleships of the type used by the Citizenry.
And all the while, those on the planet would have been hearing the signals die down, the screams of terror cut short... Those allowed to know about an invasion, anyway...

The Darkstars are no doubt reconstructing the event it precise detail.

I know enough.
So, walk us through it, then...

The people here died because they were soft.

Pleasure craft, when you know that your enemies can strike your interior at will? The orbital defence network would shame a newly spacefaring civilisation! I cannot even detect ground to orbit weapons. The garrison fleet appears to have given a reasonable account of itself, but they had no reinforcements and nowhere to fall back to.
They probably expected to be able to call in larger fleets, but found themselves cut off.

The planet's surface has industry, but their structures are light. Easy to build, but fragile. I can see only a handful of fortifications across the entire world, and none of them are particularly large. Minimal anti-air defences.

I can see landscaped continents and not a single place of safety.
Perhaps this was simply a holiday planet, never expecting to be targetted?

And now their failure of planning has gotten every single one of them killed. It can't happen to the rest soon enough.

How dare they? How dare they be so careless with so much?
And that's what offends you, isn't it? You would have been more aware of the danger, more defensive? o_O I can't help but feel there's something wrong with that point of view too...

"Sensors, any sign that they've noticed us?"

I nod to myself as Darkstar Colos asks. Regular checks are wise, though with a crew this capable in a combat zone I don't think that he really needs to check quite so often as he does.
Still, better than letting bad habits or complacency set in.

"No, sir. All enemy ships still on established patrol routes. No new ships arriving. Non-combat vessels acting within expectations."

"Good. Carry on."
Good to see their stealth systems holding up, then.

Rebuilding a planet. I wonder if the Reach will lie to their people and say that it never happened? In truth the Citizenry did little damage to the infrastructure when their giant flying snakes attacked the people down there. It's mostly cosmetic, though they seem like the sort of people who would care about such things.

"Do you think they'll clone them?"
...An entire planet? Why waste the resources? Just offer places on 'a newly completed colony' or something, and lie about the name.

My sneer grows at Drusa's comment.

"Do I think they will clone the citizens of an entire planet so that they can lie to their own people about their deaths?"
A town, maybe. But not a whole planet. It's unlikely they'd go any further than retconning their history to 'revise' the planet's origin.

"I doubt that they care enough about their people to bother."

"They've never seemed particularly callous to their own people to me."
Only because it isn't profitable. And not necessarily in a monetary sense. Just in a resource-management way...

"Then how was this allowed to happen? They should have been able to destroy the snake-harvesters in the skies even if they could not stop the fleet. We move slowly through the periphery in fear of their fleets, yet they had nothing here."

"He misdirected them."
Not that difficult, with access to Boom Tubes...

"The most charitable interpretation. I suspect that the admiral was simply slow to respond, and now seeks to absolute his guilt by taking his fleet on the offensive."

"Without orders?"
Never underestimate emotional responses. Logic can have very little to do with them...

"We know nothing of the Reach's high level command structure. Besides, if he was assigned to protect this world then he is hardly abandoning his responsibilities when there are no citizens left to protect."

"I'm surprised you're taking it this hard."
And there's the difference between you. Billions died here. Because they had poor defences, poor leadership... They thought they were safe... That doesn't offend you in some way?

"What do you mean?"

"We were going to have to kill them anyway. Probably not with flying snakes-."
That would be a stupidly inefficient way, given you don't need what the Providers... provide...

"Before you joined the Lantern Corps. Did you ever steal something from someone who didn't care that it had gone?"

She thinks for a moment.
Sadly, I don't think she was the kind of thief who stole for the thrill of seeing their victim's lamentations...

"Yes. It made it a lot easier. Are you.. saying that you don't think they'll acknowledge you fighting against them? Because they haven't reached to having a billion or so of their people dying, they…"

"I've lost fights before. Even before the battle that saw me cast down. There is no particular shame in losing to a stronger opponent, and much glory in defeating one. But to decide not to fight at all… It disgusts me."
So that's what offends you? Their laziness? An interesting view.

"Because they're saying that you're so small a threat that they don't need to."

"They're so indolent that they would rather lose an entire world than lift a finger to save themselves. I am profoundly offended that they've been able to expand as much as they did. I assumed that an empire of this size would… Better."
Who's to say your empire might not have become the same way if it had kept growing?

"It is surprising. How would you defend against it?"

"Planets don't have to worry about their mass. They can build massive force field generators guarded by laser turrets all over the surface without ever leaving the ground. They could stop almost anything that could be fired from space. They have enough industry here that they could build it themselves without troubling any of the Reach's other worlds. And yet, they clearly did not."
Probably because they weren't told to. Who knows?

"I wouldn't assume that was their reason just yet. This is just one example."

"I've seen enough already. Colos! When are we leaving?"
Hoping to see something more to your tastes? We'll see, we'll see...

An interesting insight into Zartok's way of thinking. He certainly has standards of 'correct' behaviour for those who govern, doesn't he? Standards that the local Reach aren't living up to, and that offends him. Just the way a truly powerful Orange Lantern should think: 'I want the world Universe to be a certain way. I shall act to make it so.'
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Have to be honest, I couldn't follow the dialogue clear enough to know who was speaking when or about what.

Are these spoken by the same individual?

Because I tried counting the back and forth and it didn't seem to match or whatever. When Drusa firsts speaks it says it clearly, but then I can't follow.
reached -> reacted
would -> would be
Me said:
Thank you, corrected.
So would you would be okay buying lightbulbs if they caused an equivalent amount of deaths and injuries?

The technology IS NOT READY FOR PUBLIC USE, and companies don't care abd are using their clients as canaries in coal mines.
Well, if the discussion got into insults, time for me to step in and tell you guys to cut that shit out. And since it seem pretty much about RL, then this became a derail too.
that it raise a few smiles.
That it raises*

By Khundian standards, of course. :p Meaning she's built like a brick outhouse and capable of cracking a man's skull with her bare hands, huh?
I think you mean thighs.

And try not to sound like you're enjoying this so much, would you?
I make no promises, Corpsman.
This should be added.

Registering a prediction. When we return to Paragon and he finally goes back to Justified Earth, he'll find that they fixed the problem like a couple of days after he left.
Because they're big bad superheroes, they can in fact solve stuff without Orange Lantern handholding them.
Well they are professional superheroes, saving the world from mass destruction is just the average Tuesday to them.

Human civilisation is doomed. I knew that the moment I first stepped outside of my creator's laboratory and saw an advert for Furbies on an advertising hoarding."
I can't exactly blame his assessment here. Furbies can look like the spawn of Satan sometimes.

Self: "I am not mating with one of their journalists."
Did he just leak Superman's metaphorical IP? Thank god the only person around(seemingly anyway) is affected by the Anti-Life.

This is a tremendous opportunity. With the status quo entirely disrupted, there would be less resistance to reordering society in a more rational way.
I imagine Paul coming back to Earth and seeing a similar opportunity.

...Dude, just forget the damn paper... :confused:

:oops: Mind like a train track, this one...
He'd make a great green lantern.

PS:Mr.Zoat, what made you make Paul unable to say his name without becoming unconscious? Was it a plot device to be used against telepaths and the likes? Usually in SI stories where the SI loses their name, they get a new name or use a pseudonym. Which isn't really the case here, unless whoever or whatever sent him here took it as payment or something. Speaking of which, what or who sent Paul here? And will we ever meet them/it or find out? Might be Mister Mxyzptlk, but then again, he'd probably inform Paul about it. Also, I'm new to this site, and I'd like to know if replying to the (Story Only) posts will post my reply in the collection of those posts or not.
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No doubt that has changed, Zartok? Not feeling a little possessive of your allies now? Not a feeling to suppress, since it's one of the strongest drives an Orange Lantern can make use of, behind raw selfish greed...
Also contempt. Remember back at the beginning where OL couldn't touch paper money without destroying it? Zartok will now easily spam destruction pulses at reach soldiers on pure reflex.

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