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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Mr Zoat, does that mean that the Reach are already aware of Erdammeru? Or will your note about one of the Reach's scouts learning of it and then hightailing it out of there as fast as they can no longer going to happen?
Pretty disappointed with the end of this, not gonna lie. It was interesting when they were going to the other planets, searching for the Butcher's traces. And then the expected/unexpected betrayal was cool.

But after that? It really did end with a whimper. As anti-climactic as it can get. And I don't think I really understood what was Draan's plan or how he was defeated as easily as it appeared. Not sure I even want to know.
His plan, as I see it, was to get angry, control Erdammeru with that anger, use it to destroy Maltus or die trying, and then presumably go on a killing spree until someone strong enough to kill him turned up. He was defeated seemingly through a combination of him being suicidal and greatly weakened by taking the anger from Orion/Orion taking the anger back, and due to Orion being very strong (I'm not sure if he's comparable in strength to other Entity fusions, given that this was said to be a 'minor' appearance, but if he is that strong then it seems credible that he could overpower a weakened Maltusian).

But even with that, it's a pretty pathetic way for a billion+ year old superintelligence to die. You'd think he'd have planned for this possibility. Maybe he actually didn't really want to destroy Maltus, but just wanted to experience anger and die, so he made credible threats to bait them into killing him?
You thought that was easy?

I mean... yeah? Kinda?

The big bad of the arc reveals themselves. Everything went according to their plan. They have all the power.

Gets chopped to pieces the next time we see him and there are no consequences to what he did except that they have the red ring now and Orion is even angrier.
Gets chopped to pieces the next time we see him and there are no consequences to what he did except that they have the red ring now and Orion is even angrier.

I see what you mean. There's gotta be something we're not seeing coming, a second shoe still waiting to drop. Maybe Hinon will find something when she takes a look?

If not, oh well. Not every arc is going to be some crazy struggle. The baddie was a Maltusian, sure, but OL had one of the strongest New Gods and one of the smartest Weaponers. Paul is established as being highly competent outside of certain social settings, and even Jade managed to pull some weight at the end. Sometimes the "good guys" just curb stomp the bad guys.
Soo.... Did only I notice that Orion basically said he's going on a warpath against Paul once Darkseid is dead?

I feel like that should be a concern...
Mr Zoat What is the process of giving a ring an AI like? Or specific programming limitations and such?
So. Waiting for yellow. Now I need indigo, and I've got no idea where they hang out. I seem to remember that their homeworld had indigo compassion crystals on the surface, so maybe it's listed in old maltusian records? Ub'x didn't seem to want to talk to me last time, but maybe he was acting on incomplete information? I'm-
He already has broken pieces of a ring he can't do anything with that. Also, I know Ganthet said it would be hard to make the colors after bonding, but it was possible heck he and girlfriend make the blue lantern corps in the comics right?
But even with that, it's a pretty pathetic way for a billion+ year old superintelligence to die. You'd think he'd have planned for this possibility.

If this were an actual comic book series, the next time Draan showed up he'd say something like, "I'm a billion+ year old superintelligence, do you think I didn't plan for the possibility?" And then it was be revealed that he actually transmitted his consciousness into Jade's Darkstar exosuit through the connection Kalmin opened at the last possible moment or something like that.
Ohh, Draan kept that museum project running in hopes of reigniting his passion/anger! Of course, that makes his attempts to aim his anger at Maltus instead of the Reach even more infuriating... But if he was aimed at a shared foe, then he'd be our Red Lantern instead of Orion.
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Ohh, Draan kept that museum project running in hopes of reigniting his passion/anger!Ohh, Draan kept that museum project running in hopes of reigniting his passion/anger! Of course, that makes his attempts to aim his anger at Maltus instead of the Reach even more infuriating... But if he was aimed at a shared foe, then he'd be our Red Lantern instead of Orion.

I was honestly wondering why he'd want to destroy Maltus, but now I think I have a clue.

He hated them.

When he talked about Hinon and her false personality his speech was red.

This is a person that's lost a fundamental part of themself and wants it back, but he's surrounded by beings that have seemingly discarded pieces of themselves willingly, so he dislikes them and when he gets his rage back, he hates them.
I vaguely remember the comic version of this place from a Crime Syndicate comic, and the Syndicate and League beat it because it was stupid enough to focus all of its weapons at a single point in their formation. I also remember it being quite good at blowing up planets.
You remember wrong.

The Syndicate and League beat it because they had a weapon which destroyed it's guiding mind and it started collapsing after that.

And it's quite good at blowing up solarsystems not planets.
Mr Zoat What is the process of giving a ring an AI like? Or specific programming limitations and such?
Like normal AI programming, only instead of C++ you're using people's emotion.
He already has broken pieces of a ring he can't do anything with that. Also, I know Ganthet said it would be hard to make the colors after bonding, but it was possible heck he and girlfriend make the blue lantern corps in the comics right?
Yes, but between making Kyle's ring and making his own, how much green light did Ganthet use?
Sir? I thought Hinon was Grandmotherly not Grandfatherly?
Blame Star Trek.
If this were an actual comic book series, the next time Draan showed up he'd say something like, "I'm a billion+ year old superintelligence, do you think I didn't plan for the possibility?" And then it was be revealed that he actually transmitted his consciousness into Jade's Darkstar exosuit through the connection Kalmin opened at the last possible moment or something like that.
Yes, in this one instance I'll say that he's only comic book dead.
At this point I would hope that more people in the know would be getting a full detailed briefing on what happened cause again it's the stuff you didn't bother to check almost killed everyone.
You'll say that again if Trigon gets a few arcs. It isn't like any of his sons or his daughter could live up to his hype. Although tossing him into the Bleed or trapping him in the source wall could be fun.
Trigon's too powerful, so like the others in that tier Mr Zoat is unlikely to include them in this story as a playable character.
Butcher's Blood (part 27)
21st January 2013
18:55 GMT

I watch as a team of Controllers carefully remove the rock of Turi from around Erdammeru.

"How do you manage it?"

How did they manage it. I understand that you were in a coma, but that thing must have been put there while the other Controllers were on Maltus."

"No, Maltus was abandoned when this happened. And even we didn't think to check Turi in any detail when we thought that we knew everything there was to know about it."

Any idea how Draan Del Daar found out?"

"Given that Orion reduced his mortal vessel to pâté, that will be somewhat difficult to decipher. Even our abilities have limits."

I didn't mean 'can you ask him now', I meant 'can you guess based on his history'. Or-. 'Somewhat difficult'?"

"One of us will attempt to connect to his symbiotes. That… Might give us a better idea. Though I doubt it."

And what about Erdammeru?"

"I don't intend to try to interrogate that. It's a spacecraft, and therefore it's a problem for the Head of L.E.G.I.O.N.."

Draan said that it was made by the Anti-Monitor."

"The Anti-Monitor made a great many weapons. I'm far less concerned by this than I was by his armour; this doesn't imply that he might have survived."

I nod, then frown. "Draan said that rings work best when their user makes them."

"If both the user and the prospective alternate ring-founder are of the same skill level. You have some way to go before you can equal me."

Orion hadn't even touched a power ring before; how could he be Draan's equal in skill?"

"Draan hadn't felt rage in millions of years. It's not just familiarity with the mechanical process of ring-forging. You have to be familiar with the emotion as well."

Ah." I nod. "I don't suppose that there are any unaligned maltusians who know a lot about compassion, are there?"

"It doesn't seem very likely. You remember what we did to the psions."

Y-? I'd been assuming that they weren't intelligent at the time."

"They weren't as intelligent as us. But they were more intelligent than the laboratory mice humans use for their tests."

I take a small sealed container out of subspace and open it, looking inside at the broken fragments of half an indigo power ring. Decidedly inactive fragments. I tried putting it near to compassionate people or me when I was being compassionate, but it's… Broken.

"Is that what you got from the Berrith?"

Yes. Can you tell who made it?"

She pulls it over to her and shakes the contents out onto her left palm.

"Not one of us. And almost certainly not a qwardian."

Kalmin made a blue ring."

"An act that very nearly made me feel a profoundly disquieting philosophical uncertainty, even at my age."

Actual philosophical uncertainly, or shell personality-."

"The former."

Gosh. If that happens enough, would you have a heart attack? Because I think Kalmin would probably go for that."

She takes a closer look at the fragments. "I don't recognise the species. Something that reached sophoncy while I was comatose, then. And… Yes, I think that they had direct contact with the Proselyte. Indirect contact, certainly."

She waves her right hand, and the pieces try to reassemble themselves. They make up most of the left side of the ring, and slightly more than their fair share of the boss.

"The workmanship is excellent; certainly better than anything you've managed."

I roll my eyes.

"That's all I can say, really." She manually slides the fragments back into the container before resealing it. "If you took it to one of the other two potential ring-forgers, they may-."

I.. think I'll… Give them both a miss."

"You can learn."

She passes the container back to me, and I return it to subspace. So… What now? There isn't much point in me heading back to Earth until I get hold of a yellow ring, and I doubt that Lysis is making me her top priority.

"I don't suppose that there's a big pile of Proselyte blood somewhere?"

"That may be where that ring came from."

Do you know where that is? Or someone else I could ask?"

"Draan Del Daar would be the man to ask about that. Or you could try the Guardians."

I will. Any advice on Orion?"

"I understand what you intend. If it works, the white light should restore him."
She shakes her head. "If it doesn't, then it can't be done and there's no sense worrying about it."

I suppose that's right." I nod. "Okay, I'm going to clock off. Spend some time with Jade while we're both unassigned. Contact me-."

"There is one other thing."


"I spoke to Sayd concerning… Various matters. She asked me to relay her gratitude concerning Volkreg and Azmah. You handled both situations well."

Ah. Well, it's nice to be appreciated."

"Is that the sort of thing you see yourself doing after the war?"

I think I'd like to. That, and tourism. How about you?"

"Once the Reach are destroyed I'm not sure that I have anything left to live for."


"I'll have proved my point. Done everything that I set out to do. Oh, I won't kill myself if that's what you're worried about. Inertia will keep me going, as it does for the Guardians. But it would be wrong to say that I have something to reach for."

I look at her for a moment, then float closer and hug her for a moment.

When I release her, she looks mildly offended.

"Please, never do that again."
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Turi in any detail when thought that we knew everything there was to know about it."

"when we thought"

"Draan Del Daar would be the man to ask about that. Or you could try the Guardians

The speech should be orange.

"I understand what you intend. If it works, the white light should restore him." She shakes her head. "If it doesn't, then it can't be done and there's no sense worrying about it

And it may summon Nekron.
"Once the Reach are destroyed I'm not sure that I have anything left to live for."


"I'll have proved my point. Done everything that I set out to do. Oh, I won't kill myself if that's what you're worried about. Inertia will keep me going, as it does for the Guardians. But it would be wrong to say that I have something to reach for."

I look at her for a moment, then float closer and hug her for a moment.

When I release her, she looks mildly offended.

"Please, never do that again."
That was both sweet and funny. I wish we saw more of this from Paul.

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