Chojin Patriarch
Veteran Lurker
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Nothing like catching a thrown knife without moving a finger to establish that no, that isn't a threat to you. Pity some folks are too dumb to take the hint and back down. Like this young berrith, it seems.13th February 2013
17:59 GMT -5
"Even amongst your kind, cannibalism isn't common."
The illusion of Doctor Ub'x leans around the knife floating just in front of his face, the berrith who reflexively threw it growing at him in response.
No-one you would care to acknowledge as one, you mean."But I can see the blood of at least five other berrith on that blade."
"I have no alpha."
Yeah, that isn't how it works, puppy. Got an ego on him, doesn't he?"You recognise that's not right, don't you? That's not how normal members of your species think."
"If I have no alpha, I must be the alpha. The ones I killed didn't understand that. You don't understand that."
Joy of the environmental shield. And don't be racist, puppy.Ub'x smiles faintly. "The way you're staring at my neck is a bit of a clue. You don't know who I am, do you?"
"I can't smell you, and all h'lvenites look the same."
Well, the Doctor is confident in his defenses. Warranted, given how strong they can be...The berrith lunges, snatching his knife out of Ub'x's construct-grip and snapping his jaws shut just short of Ub'x's face.
Ub'x doesn't react.
Oh? Awful helpful all of a sudden."I am Doctor Ub'x, and-."
"The mad doctor. I've heard of you." The berrith actually looks a little… Pleased? Excited? "Get me off this planet and I'll kill anyone you want."
I suppose that works as a psychological dodge. 'Aw, he isn't better than me. But he's tough enough to be an equal.'Ub'x raises his eyebrows. "You want to work for me?"
"You aren't my alpha. But I'm not a feral beast. I can trade."
I would assume such deficient mutants get themselves killed in suicidally overconfident challenges of authority..."It's not that you're not a beast; it's that you're constitutionally incapable of accepting anyone in a position of authority over you. It's your brain, lad. To put it simply, you're missing something almost all berrith have. And most of those that don't have it don't live as long as you have."
Oh, he's smart, isn't he? Not sure if the math works out that way. But he sure seems to think so..."I wasn't accusing you of being prideful. You literally can't experience what other berrith experience when they acknowledge someone as their alpha. The part of the brain that does it? You don't have it."
"That's why they…" The berrith backs off a little as he takes that information on board. "Then I will have to dominate. It is the only way that I will survive."
Given she's fighting her own lack of self-confidence, it's not surprising it's tiring. Doing something unfamiliar can be exhausting."No." Ub'x reaching into his coat and pulls out an indigo ring. "There is another way."
The image freezes, and I glance sideways to notice that Dreamer has perked up a little. She's… Sweating, though, and trembling as if she's undertaking strenuous physical activity. Though that could be purely psychosomatic.
So, the Ring was pumping him full of Compassion, then. Because that's a hell of a mental reversal otherwise."I remember that day." Huyen stares mournfully at the illusion. "He was polite to people. Usually, it was all he could do to avoid biting them."
"Did you see his power ring?"
Or the surfeit of Compassion simply overwhelmed his unnatural instincts and pushed him much farther the other way."No." Huyen shakes his head. "He didn't tell me that he had one. I didn't ask why he was behaving differently because." He tilts his neck and I see the gaps in his fur where the skin underneath is scarred. "When we fought he never stopped until he won. I just thought that he… Mpf."
So Ub'x recruited him because he couldn't function in berrith society? Because he thought that the indigo light could substitute for the pack instinct he didn't have? He'd killed and eaten people, but for a berrith or a Lantern that isn't that big a deal. Berrith accept fighting for dominance, and there was a clear biological reason why he wasn't fitting in with the rest.
Well, they do look like tasty little rodents, don't they? Probably resemble something from the berrith homeworld that they'd normally prey on.Wait, did they fight h'lvenites because they're small, and so they categorise them as terminally omega?
Vykin looks relieved. "Dreamer, can you use this to locate him?"
Oh, joy. That's not going to be easy to locate."I can feel other places where he has been, if we are close. But…"
Show Me The Path.
The image twitches and warps, shifting into… A rocky landscape, the sky clear and dark and-. Ub'x is talking to someone-.
Ah, of course. Thank goodness for extensive galactic mapping.The image fade and Dreamer staggers into Moonrider's waiting arms.
Ring, stellar mapping. Where were those stars?
Well, then. Looks like it's a simple matter to track through them in a straight-ish line.Working. Multiple possible locations found.
Showing that landscape?
And lay off the sarcasm, will you? Geez.Not all worlds have full geophysics scans on file. Rocks are not an uncommon geological feature.
Alright, alright. Pick the closest.
It sounds a bit of a wild goose chase, but stranger plots have worked out.Location available.
"I might have it. My ring's calculated places where those stars can been seen in those patterns. If we go to one of the possibles, could you eliminate it as a possibility?"
Honestly, I'd say 'would you have wanted someone like him in their Corps' but that's the whole point of them.Dreamer is propping herself up on Moonrider, but she makes eye contact with me as she nods. "If you can take us to that place, yes."
"Alright then. Huyen, thank you for your assistance. It seems like your brother would have been a good fit for the Indigo Lantern Corps and it's a shame that he wasn't ever able to realise his potential."
I'm sure Ranx has plenty of visual recordings from that period. What Ub'x didn't erase, anyway"I suppose it is. I'd have liked to know him better when he didn't start fights."
"I don't know berrith customs, but if you like I can get a recording of what happened on Ranx before he died."
Hmm... To offer thanks or take vengeance? Or perhaps something out of left field? I doubt we'd ever see it, though."No. I don't want to. He's dead and the alphas who had him killed are dead." He hesitates. "But I want to talk to that h'lvenite. If you find him, tell him."
I nod. "We will."
I'm guessing he's reconsidering how he saw the berrith all these years. That's what happens when you get to meet them up close rather than look at them as a monolithic single entity.The New Gods have already started filing out of the room. B'dg looks uncertain about… Something, then flies after them.
Best to get it out of the way, I suppose.I stride out of the building, the New Gods clustering around Dreamer.
"Right you lot. Since bluntness seemed to work for Dreamer, would the rest of you like to talk about your problems before we move on?"
In other words, OL has a license to be an asshole if the need arises.Serifan's right hand twitches towards his empty holster. "Get my guns back and I'll let them do my talking for me."
"By the time I was first exposed to the Anti-Life I was already so resistant to it that I barely felt it, just a discordant buzz of nonsense. However, achieving that state did require me to fully integrate all of my most disgusting and monstrous repressed desires into my consciousness. I believe that's a close equivalent. My current clarity-."
I shudder if they manage to discover something that would align with his desires. Unlikely as that might be.Bear looks bewildered. "It doesn't affect you? When you-. Hear it-."
"It's just words. Those parts of the Anti-Life I've been exposed to before are so contrary to my nature that they don't find any purchase. I find myself thinking a thing and I immediately reject it."
"What did it say?"
Teleute (Death): "Damn straight, kiddo.""Ah… The Key said 'purpose equals failure'. It tried to make me think that anything I attempted would eventually undo itself. But, I mean, if you think about it, that's true for everything. The universe has a finite lifespan. Eventually, everything ends. But that doesn't mean that anything you do or try to do doesn't mean anything. That it doesn't matter for everyone who experiences it. As an Orange Lantern I prioritise realising my desires, and most of those are for relatively short term things. You don't… Not eat a meal because at some point you'll be hungry again, do you? It's daft."
Probably something along the lines of 'resistance=futility' and 'obedience=happiness'.He glances at the others, and then looks… Nervous?
"That wasn't what it said to me. Us."
Shed some light on it, and perhaps the threat you've built it up as will evaporate. As Alan liked to say: "Dark things cannot stand the light.""No, you were actually on Apokolips. What did it say?"
"I-. I can't say it. Not until I'm sure it won't come out."
"Okay. How about we head back to the h'lvenite school, and you can… Indirectly describe it to me."
Well, on with the journey. Now OL gets to play 'match the skyline' with however many worlds the Ring identified. Still, once they get off planet, it'll be easier because they can Boom Tube from place to place. Such a time-saver. And while they travel, he gets to play armchair psychotherapist with them. Let's hope it's not a long trip.