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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Does any Olympian actually like Zeus enough to go through the effort to do that?
Remember all the one's that were upset over what LePaul did?

And of course, having your new leader do exactly bupkis for weeks while your planet is Anti-Lifed is a good way to send them running back to the old leader under who's watch nothing like that ever happened.
Remember all the one's that were upset over what LePaul did?

And of course, having your new leader do exactly bupkis for weeks while your planet is Anti-Lifed is a good way to send them running back to the old leader under who's watch nothing like that ever happened.
Claiming that Haephestean isn't doing anything about the Anti-Life is the equivalent of complaining that a natural disaster hit and your boss isn't stopping it.
For all we know the islands vanishing is him doing something.

I highly doubt Zeus would be doing any better. A God of weather vs a God of technology.

And people weren't upset that Zeus wasn't in charge anymore (at most they were upset that Haephestean wouldn't let them be lazy), they were upset because of the chaos such a leadership change introduces.
I am wondering if the Pyrrhic name means victory here is going to trigger something worse.

My money is on Rock of Ages (or hello Darkseid).

Wasn't Renegade worried that using the white light would attract Nekron? We haven't seen Paragon consider that, but that might be because he doesn't take Nekron seriously as a threat:

But what does a white ring actually get me in terms of power that having a close personal relationship with the Ophidian doesn't? I don't remember enough from the comics to know, other than maybe being a Nekron trump. And Nekron hasn't stuck his head above the parapet since that Dead Zone thing over a decade ago. If Jordan could beat him with a single normal green ring then I don't think that I need to rush a white ring.
Claiming that Haephestean isn't doing anything about the Anti-Life is the equivalent of complaining that a natural disaster hit and your boss isn't stopping it.
For all we know the islands vanishing is him doing something.

I highly doubt Zeus would be doing any better. A God of weather vs a God of technology.
Except he claimed his domain as being technology, and the Anti-Life is being broadcast via technology.

This is literally someone abusing Hephaestus's newly claimed domain to wreck everything and as far as we know he's doing nothing. The first real challenge Hephaestus is faced with, and he's incapable of rising to the occasion. It would be an author ass-pull of truly epic proportions for any of the Greek God's to still be supporting Hephaestus after this.

Which I can say with certainty because that reaction to an usurper overthrowing Zeus and then getting turned on when he fails the first time a real challenge comes up, is literally canon to the comics.

Also, Zeus wasn't a God of Weather, he was the God of Sky and Storms.

And people weren't upset that Zeus wasn't in charge anymore (at most they were upset that Haephestean wouldn't let them be lazy), they were upset because of the chaos such a leadership change introduces.
No, they were upset because he was trying to force them to do things that weren't their jobs and handing out petty punishments.
Except he claimed his domain as being technology, and the Anti-Life is being broadcast via technology.

This is literally someone abusing Hephaestus's newly claimed domain to wreck everything and as far as we know he's doing nothing. The first real challenge Hephaestus is faced with, and he's incapable of rising to the occasion. It would be an author ass-pull of truly epic proportions for any of the Greek God's to still be supporting Hephaestus after this.

Which I can say with certainty because that reaction to an usurper overthrowing Zeus and then getting turned on when he fails the first time a real challenge comes up, is literally canon to the comics.

Also, Zeus wasn't a God of Weather, he was the God of Sky and Storms.

No, they were upset because he was trying to force them to do things that weren't their jobs and handing out petty punishments.
Does new god tech even count as technology? It interfaces with their souls so it's at least equally magic. If he can usurp any new god tech he can just go rule over Apocalyos and New Genesis as well as Earth
So who is going to act as the compassionate "ringwearer", y'all? Superman, some civilian like Quinzel...?

I hope the Medusa mask is available. I like seeing it get used... Though I reckon this plan could result in it getting destroyed. We might get another superhero (or an empath) out of it though if it explodes on a civilian.

Also I'm curious if Eris is going to show up soon. Obviously her arrival is a bad omen, but that could also be a legitimate warning for everyone to enact this plan carefully. Safely, without too much eagerness.
Does new god tech even count as technology? It interfaces with their souls so it's at least equally magic. If he can usurp any new god tech he can just go rule over Apocalyos and New Genesis as well as Earth
Sufficient technology and all. When there's a world with magitech, that's even more true.
I jsut fail to see how a domain of Artifice and Technology is helpful in this situation as the primary Anti-Life infection is the Dream itself, the ultimate source of magic. Haephestean may be able to deal with the Anti-Life broadcasters that get set up when a city falls sufficiently under Anti-Life control (which the League and others go out of their way to destroy anytime they find one), that doesn't actually solve the primary infection. In my mind him leaving the island to deal with side broadcasters is too risky.
Pyrrhucy (supplementary, Renegade option)
14th February 2013
16:20 GMT -2

The stygian depths of the Atlantic are unusually atramentous today, with the floating continent blocking out what little light might ordinarily reach the ocean floor. Though I'm being guided by the illusionary display on Sunset's stuff detector, the fact that Atlantis has pretty much been sheared off the bedrock means that the perfectly flat plain in front of me is almost entirely free of loose sediment or other subaquatic detritus.

"Grayven here. Depositing the last Argoribble."

I step away from the closest bunch of rocks and take out my spade. Normally I wouldn't bother, but Ahri'ahn strikes me as the sort of person who could probably track power ring activation. So manual digging is the order of the day.

"Why are you calling it that?"

Dig, and make sure that I keep each different sea floor layer separate so that I don't leave some sort of obvious sign to anyone who comes looking.

"Reality.. Generating Orb.. Radiating Baseline Earth?"

"You obviously just made that up."

"Fine, it's from an animated series I watched when I was a boy. The second time around."

"I gave it a perfectly good name."

"No, you gave it a literal description. I didn't call Wilson 'Intelligent Quadruped Planet', did I?"


"And that's literally what it is. No other planet in the universe has as many intelligent quadrupeds as your world." Okay, that's deep enough. I detach the last Argoribble from my harness and drop it in the hole, then put my back into covering it up. "Which is better, Argoribble or Iq'p?"

"Actually, Iq'p is a pretty close to an actual Equestrian word."

"What does it mean?"

"A plain with clear lines of sight."

Darn, that would actually work.

"Except it's not exactly 'Iq'p', it's a snort followed by an inhalation that would sound a bit like 'Iq'p' if you were trying to write Equestrian phonemes with English characters."

Someone's been spending too much time with Twilight. "Does it work in languages other than Modern Equestrian?"

"Ah… No."

"So when you get something that the diamond dogs, griffons, sphinxes and dragons all agree on, you can toss 'Wilson' out." I attach my spade back to my harness. "It's in. Stepping back now."

"Understood. Powering them up-"

"If the continent lands on me, tell Luna that I love her."

"-now and that won't happen. Returning Atlantis to normal won't be anything like that easy. And, ah… I haven't calculated it exactly, but I don't think you'd die if it landed on you."

"Yeah, but I'd get embedded in the upper sediment and digging myself out would be a huge pain, because the boom tube aperture needs-."

"Turning them on now."

Curious, I watch the desolate aquatic plain. There's no light down here, so…

Huh. Felt something just then, but didn't see a thing. Though if I felt it, Ahri'ahn certainly did. Guess now's the time to start the active infiltration part.

"Moon of my heart, are you prepared?"

"We are. We have the location of a somnolent mind, and shall begin Our ingress at once."

"Good show. See you up there."

And communication off, because I can pretty much guarantee that Ahri'ahn will have a way of listening in on it. Swimming is even worse, because between the weight of water above me and my own non-existent buoyancy I'd have to kick up a mountain of silt to get up there.

Mother Box, Hush Tube to Lex's airport.

I Am Conquest.
And I walk through, into a faint snowfall onto an ice-slicked runway.
I Am Conquest.
The only part of Atlantis to stick up though the ocean surface is now adding its name to the list of the world's tallest mountains at approximately seven kilometres in height.
Air's thin enough that most people would struggle to breathe without assistance and the slippery coating is a fairly good way to get into extreme tobogganing.
The view would be amazing if I could see anything through the fog.
I close my eyes for a moment and try to get a feel for the magic warping this place. Honestly, it doesn't really feel like anything; snow is snow and air is air.

Wait, what?
I bend down and scoop up a handful of crystals of solidified water. Since when does snow know what it is?

I close my right fist, and wait for the warmth of my body to melt the snow trapped between my fingers.
It doesn't melt.
Doesn't necessarily prove anything; the air is extremely cold here. And while I could take shelter in one of the buildings and turn on a heater to see what happened, it's not exactly of primary importance anyway. Speaking of…
I drop the snow and march towards the small air traffic control building. Since this was only a small airport for relatively small volumes of freight, there should only be seven non-Atlantean people stationed here.

The door is magnetically locked, but the only resistance as I push it open comes from the ice that has worked its way into the crack.

"Hello? I'm here to rescue you." Authority and Order.

"Mister Grayven, sir?" A man wrapped in multiple layers of clothing and at least two coats waddles in from the employee break room. "Oh, thank God. What the hell's going on?"

"Evil wizard refloated Atlantis. Is it just you?"

"Short of-. Short of breath. They're laying down around the heater."

I nod approvingly. "Good plan." I walk towards the break room, picking up the man as I go. As he said, the other six are huddled up against the cold around a large electronic heater. Interesting that the generator is still working. "The airport is closed indefinitely, so I'm sending you back to LexCorp's Metropolis office."

Muffled thanks greets the pronouncement.

Mother Box, hush tube.


Since it's not visible, I just toss the man I'm carrying through before repeating the process with the rest of them before closing the tube.

"They could have walked."

I turn to Luna… Who is dressed in the manner of an Atlantean royal, hints of the armour I made for her poking through her dress here and there. Looks good on her, actually. And she's having no trouble standing upright or breathing.

"Are you managing?"

"Honestly, this is the most comfortable I have felt in this realm. I am curious to see whether that will remain true when we visit with Queen Clea."

I nod. "You and me both."
Last edited:
Xalitan Xor is one of Paragon!Paul's most successful, competent allies who grew due to tutelage. I wonder if Luna is going to level up during this arc. I'm not saying she will reach Highfather or Darkseid's level as a deity, but… she will extend the breadth and depth of her Dream abilities. Perhaps becoming a bit like one of the Endless (specifically Dream), but for Wilson? A perfected merging of dream-manipulation, godly power, and spellcasting in her true domain? Could she extend the touch of the dreaming to her Genomorph allies, perhaps?

I'm excited to see what toys our archwizard baddy uses against her and Renegade!Paul too. Obviously he'd have ample time to get a little bit of dreamsand or memory-draining rope, not to mention the truly scary stuff off the beaten path in the realms of sleep.
14th February 2013
16:20 GMT -2

The stygian depths of the Atlantic are unusually atramentous today, with the floating continent blocking out what little light might ordinarily reach the ocean floor. Though I'm being guided by the illusionary display on Sunset's stuff detector, the fact that Atlantis has pretty much been sheered off the bedrock means that the perfectly flat plain in front of me is almost entirely free of loose sediment or other subaquatic detritus.

"Grayven here. Depositing the last Argoribble."
...That must be somewhat terrifying to see, all that blank, flat stone. I'm amazed there wasn't any geological effects of uprooting all that mass from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Or perhaps there were but no-one noticed them amongst the whole shock of an eighth continent appearing.

I step away from the closest bunch of rocks and take out my spade. Normally I wouldn't bother, but Ahri'ahn strikes me as the sort of person who could probably track power ring activation. So manual digging is the order of the day.

"Why are you calling it that?"
Because the Renegade rarely respects the 'proper' name for things. Especially silly names that people give themselves when they put on a mask and start running around playing cops and robbers in society.

Dig, and make sure that I keep each different sea floor layer separate so that I don't leave some sort of obvious sign to anyone who comes looking.

"Reality.. Generating Orb.. Radiating Baseline Earth?"
Don't try to justify it, Renegade. You're just digging a deeper hole for yourself there.

"You obviously just made that up."

"Fine, it's from an animated series I watched when I was a boy. The second time around."
I doubt he'd want to enjoy anything from Grayven's childhood, that's for sure.

"I gave it a perfectly good name."

"No, you gave it a literal description. I didn't call Wilson 'Intelligent Quadruped Planet', did I?"
And which name will be more easily remembered by others when you tell this tale? The catchy backronym, not the clinical description...


"And that's literally what it is. No other planet in the universe has as many intelligent quadrupeds as your world." Okay, that's deep enough. I detach the last Argoribble from my harness and drop it in the hole, then put my back into covering it up. "Which is better, Argoribble or Iq'p?"
Certainly not as many unique species, anyway.

"Actually, Iq'p is a pretty close to an actual Equestrian word."

"What does it mean?"
...Sounds more like a Cockney saying 'hiccup'.

"A plain with clear lines of sight."

Darn, that would actually work.
Ha, beaten at the cutesy name game by your own lieutenant.

"Except it's not exactly 'Iq'p', it's a snort followed by an inhalation that would sound a bit like 'Iq'p' if you were trying to write Equestrian phonemes with English characters."

Someone's been spending too much time with Twilight. "Does it work in languages other than Modern Equestrian?"
Without making people want to excuse you fur burping?

"Ah… No."

"So when you get something that the diamond dogs, griffons, sphinxes and dragons all agree on, you can toss 'Wilson' out." I attach my spade back to my harness. "It's in. Stepping back now."
Good luck getting that kind of consensus without a long round of conquering.

"Understood. Powering them up-"

"If the continent lands on me, tell Luna that I love her."
Pfft. You'd be out of there so fast the devil couldn't catch you.

"-now and that won't happen. Returning Atlantis to normal won't be anything like that easy. And, ah… I haven't calculated it exactly, but I don't think you'd die if it landed on you."

"Yeah, but I'd get embedded in the upper sediment and digging myself out would be a huge pain, because the boom tube aperture needs-."
And you never picked up Phasing technology, did you. Sucks to be you, Renegade.

"Turning them on now."

Curious, I watch the desolate aquatic plain. There's no light down here, so…
Presumably he's operating on metasenses, then. Or non-invasive Ring telemetry .

Huh. Felt something just then, but didn't see a thing. Though if I felt it, Ahri'ahn certainly did. Guess now's the time to start the active infiltration part.

"Moon of my heart, are you prepared?"
I'd laugh if Ahri'ahn felt it as an annoying itch in awkward-to-scratch places...

"We are. We have the location of a somnolent mind, and shall begin Our ingress at once."

"Good show. See you up there."
Hopefully it won't be as noticeable as the Renegade poking around.

And communication off, because I can pretty much guarantee that Ahri'ahn will have a way of listening in on it. Swimming is even worse, because between the weight of water above me and my own non-existent buoyancy I'd have to kick up a mountain of silt to get up there.

Mother Box, Hush Tube to Lex's airport.
...Since Lex did have an airport on the one bit of Atlantean surface territory available. And I doubt they managed to leave before things went up.

I Am Conquest.
"Opening it now. And go easy. I'd rather not die here."

And I walk through, into a faint snowfall onto a ice-slicked runway.
I Am Conquest.
The only part of Atlantis to stick up though the ocean surface is now adding its name to the list of the world's tallest mountains at approximately seven kilometres in height.
And now it's a marvellous bit of high-altitude real estate. Could put a ski resort up here if things don't work out. :p

Air's thin enough that most people would struggle to breathe without assistance and the slippery coating is a fairly good way to get into extreme tobogganing.
Right off the mountainside, since most islands don't always have gentle slopes offshore.

The view would be amazing if I could see anything through the fog.
...Okay, seriously, is there an echo out there or something?

I close my eyes for a moment and try to get a feel for the magic warping this place. Honestly, it doesn't really feel like anything; snow is snow and air is air.
Wait, what?
Seriously, something odd is going on around there. And I bet it is very related to Ahri'ahn's working.

I bend down and scoop up a handful crystals of solidified water. Since when does snow know what it is?
That one sounded a little petulant, like it's offended that you're questioning it,

I close my right fist, and wait for the warmth of my body to melt the snow trapped between my fingers.
It doesn't melt.
I guess this explains how the bad guy's messing with the locals. They've probably got 'Atlantean' echoing in their soul the whole time.

Doesn't necessarily prove anything; the air is extremely cold here. And while I could take shelter in one of the buildings and turn on a heater to see what happened, it's not exactly of primary importance anyway. Speaking of…
More important things to worry about than experimenting.

I drop the snow and march towards the small air traffic control building. Since this was only a small airport for relatively small volumes of freight, there should only be seven non-Atlantean people stationed here.

The door is magnetically locked, but the only resistance as I push it open comes from the ice that has worked its way into the crack.
Suggesting some modern things aren't entirely functional around here. Anything complicated, at least.

"Hello? I'm here to rescue you." Authority and Order.

"Mister Grayven, sir?" A man wrapped in multiple layers of clothing and at least two coats waddles in from the employee break room. "Oh, thank God. What the hell's going on?"
'Thank God' indeed. :p At least the bystanders are safe-ish.

"Evil wizard refloated Atlantis. Is it just you?"

"Short of-. Short of breath. They're laying down around the heater."
Not surprising. At seven kilometres up, air is a lot thinner. And they didn't have time to acclimate to it beforehand.

I nod approvingly. "Good plan." I walk towards the break room, picking up the man as I go. As he said, the other six are huddled up against the cold around a large electronic heater. Interesting that the generator is still working. "The airport is closed indefinitely, so I'm sending you back to LexCorp's Metropolis office."

Muffled thanks greets the pronouncement.
Hmm... Purely mechanical devices work, but not electro-magnetic? Kind of a picky spell.

Mother Box, hush tube.

"Yes, Grayven. The sooner they're safe, the better."

Since it's not visible, I just toss the man I'm carrying through before repeating the process with the rest of them before closing the tube.

"They could have walked."
Eh, with all that padding, I doubt any of them suffered so much as a bruise.

I turn to Luna… Who is dressed in the manner of an Atlantean royal, hints of the armour I made for her poking through her dress here and there. Looks good on her, actually. And she's having no trouble standing upright or breathing.

"Are you managing?"
Ah, a classic Lady of War outfit... I can't help but picture something like Artoria. Just a little more subtle on the armouring front.

"Honestly, this is the most comfortable I have felt in this realm. I am curious to see whether that will remain true when we visit with Queen Clea."

I nod. "You and me both."
Let's hope the Renegade has an outfit to match hers. Or at least some kind of disguise to hide that unusual pallor.

Well, the Renegade's mission is off to a fine start. A handful of outsiders rescued, a so-far-undetected entry into Atlantis... You know it can't last long. For one thing, will Clea even recognise them as allies? Or will they be filtered through whatever-the-eff is going on with that persistent reinforcement of purpose the landscape seems to have going on around there.
Wait, what?
I bend down and scoop up a handful crystals of solidified water. Since when does snow know what it is?
I close my right fist, and wait for the warmth of my body to melt the snow trapped between my fingers.
It doesn't melt.

I don't know why, but I find the idea of Snow just chilling there thinking "Snow." adorable.

I look at the cup of hot tea next to me and I'm imagining all of the molecules excitedly bouncing around (because it's hot) going "Water, Water, Water, Tea, Tea, Tea, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar." and the ceramic mug is just "Bitch, I'm a coffee mug!".
I don't know why, but I find the idea of Snow just chilling there thinking "Snow." adorable.

I look at the cup of hot tea next to me and I'm imagining all of the molecules excitedly bouncing around (because it's hot) going "Water, Water, Water, Tea, Tea, Tea, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar." and the ceramic mug is just "Bitch, I'm a coffee mug!".
Why are you puttiing tea in a coffee mug? Is this some sort of pagan American ritual?
Thank you, corrected.
Why are you puttiing tea in a coffee mug? Is this some sort of pagan American ritual?

I'm pretty sure the way I drink tea would count as an affront to God, but I'm an atheist and couldn't give less of a shit.

I drink tea out of a mug because those dainty little tea cups don't hold enough.

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