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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Has it ever been explained where this Ahri'ahn has been for the last few millennia? Was he just messing around, did he fake his death, or did he come back to life to make Atlantis into a powerhouse?
Has it ever been explained where this Ahri'ahn has been for the last few millennia? Was he just messing around, did he fake his death, or did he come back to life to make Atlantis into a powerhouse?
It's explained that he's been time travelling forward. He just happened to stop at this point in the Renegade timeline because he thinks he can succeed in his plans here, plus his distaste for what the Un-Men are doing.
Still a lot of assumptions about what Morpheus might be thinking about this. It could be that he simply hasn't noticed what Ahri'ahn's doing, or dismissed it as a momentary disturbance in his realm.

The Mandated version of Dream Baghdad seemed to exist without Dream having a problem with it, so maybe he just doesn't care about something like this.
The Mandated version of Dream Baghdad seemed to exist without Dream having a problem with it, so maybe he just doesn't care about something like this.
Dream was directly involved with that. So far, there is no implication that the same can be said for Atlantis. I hope we'll get to see one of the Endless do something truly impressive/terrifying because of this.
"Luna, darling, have you ever swum before? In either form?"

She gives me a look of mild affront, and begins growing, darkening, glowing with divine purple cyan trim. "Either, you ask? You gravely miscount. The form we take on your side of the mirror is our fourth form. The form you cherish so much from our side of the mirror is our second, which we gained after ascending in our first. But is it our third form which shall be adopting to act in Atlantis, for it is in that form that we will command his dream to turn against him. And yes, we can swim. We wonder if sinking and drowning is as common a nightmare for Atlanteans as falling is for humans."
Ah Grayven forgot about that comic were Diana "Truth" intereacted in a weird way with that Fisher King Kingdom and reality started to breath apart?
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Ah Grayven forgot about that comic were Diana "Truth" intereacted in a weird way with that Fisher Kingdom and reality started to breath apart?
It wasn't the Fisher Kingdom, whatever that means. It was her refusing to believe a truth expressed under the lasso's influence.
"Do you have anything that will allow us to act within Atlantis without being ensnared?"

"Any New God could do it. The Source defines us, not dreams

If this is the case then why would Clea be affected by it?

Unless she isn't abd is being mind controlled in a different way, or maybe she's not strong enough to resist it.

Or maybe she's on board with Ahri'ahn.
Pyrrhucy (part 6)
14th February 2013
18:03 GMT


I nod to Vykin. "I appreciate that. How.. is it working with your team and Prince Drax?"

"He can only remain here for a few seconds before the link loses stability. Highfather believes that duration will improve as our recovery continues."

"How soon can you re-establish a link?"

"Perhaps once each day. That is unlikely to improve, and it is why he constructed Infinity Man in the first place. It is far less… Disruptive to send a robot rather than a New God."

I nod. "Is he going to build another robot?"

"Infinity Man was the work of many years. He is endeavouring to construct a replacement, but it will not be ready in time for your return to Earth."

I nod again as I stare out across the New Genesis forests.

"Will he be able to purify the old one?"

"He is uncertain. If the Anti-Life broadcasters are destroyed, then he believes that he can. If they are not, he does not think that he can do more than stun it for a few moments."

"And against Mannheim himself?"

Vykin shakes his head. "Your original plan was judged to have the highest chance of success."

So we can't get a cheap win against Finality Man without dealing with the network. And on the other hand, we can't purge the Earth without the network, and frankly I'm a little… Uncertain about deploying the Forever People close to something that dangerous.

"But you were unable to secure a source of the indigo light."

"There's a way around that." Probably. Not like I tested it. "But it's going to be a little difficult, and a ring would have been more reliable."

"You would risk not just your life, but the life of Orion and my team, on a plan you do not think is reliable."

"If there was a good or certain option, we'd be taking that instead. I don't have a better idea that doesn't involve taking years to learn entirely new skill sets, and I don't… I'm not sure that Earth has that long."

Vykin nods solemnly.

"I'll signal when it's time to go through. Should be at least two days."

"We will be prepared."

He offers me his right hand and I take it, shaking it solemnly.

"I'll see you later."

I fly upwards, leaving New Genesis behind in a matter of moments. Minimum safe distance and

step out, aiming at…

That's… Odd. I can't see Richard or-.

I can't-.

Focus on the desires of humanity and appear a little further away. And step

out. Okay, the solar system is still there-.

There are ships in orbit around the moon. I don't.. recognise the design-

Design not on file.

-and I can't think of a good reason for them to be here. They're not Apokoliptian, not unless they've had a radical change in style. Direct scan-. Blocked. That's a cause for concern. Not a reason by itself to destroy them, but…

I hadn't thought about what else might turn up to take a swing at Earth while we're… Distracted. Or they could be space Red Cross. There are Source-worshipping charity organisations in this Sector.

"Illustres to Lantern Scott."

My left ring shimmers for a moment, but I don't get a response. Not too surprising. If he's in the Tower of Fate or otherwise outside normal reality I wouldn't expect him to reply. Or he could just be asleep.

"Illustres to Lantern Gardner."

Alright, same issue.

"Illustres to Xenon base? Har-Zod, are you there?"

"Orange Lantern." Har-Zod's face appears over my ring sigil. "This base has been boarded and they're accessing my database."

"Okay, I can-."

"They have also planted explosives. I'm not entirely familiar with the design, but they look powerful enough to destroy this outpost."

And the last thing Earth needs is a small moon falling to earth.

"Are you at risk?"

"No, they isolated my system early in the attack and they've ignored me since. It's possible that they thought that I was the outpost's AI and aren't aware of what I am. I suspect that will change if I act intelligently."

"Who are they?"

"They were wearing heavy armour. All I can tell you is that they're humanoid."

"Can you tell me anything about the charges?"

"No. I no longer have access to internal sensors."

Darn it. I reduce my environmental shield and engage my armour's stealth systems.

"Can you update me on the League's progress on Earth?"

"Not fully. Superman is still alive, and… While not happy about the situation he appeared to be coping with it. In the sense of continuing the fight, not in the sense of accepting the truth of the Anti-Life."

"Are you affected?"

"I don't think that it's reached this far from the planet's surface yet. I feel a little down, but I think that's a normal reaction to the last surviving members of my species being in such a situation." He virtually sighs. "Mannheim has tightened his grip in some areas. In others… Local strong men who can function under the Anti-Life have taken control, for the most part nominally paying Mannheim homage."

"Have any League-associates died?"

"No. But from what I understand of Mannheim and Apokolips, killing them was never the aim."

"True. Right, it sounds like it would be a bad idea to try to liberate you at this time."

"I agree."

"I'm going to head down to Earth to link up with the League. I'll contact you when I have news."
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14th February 2013
18:03 GMT


I nod to Vykin. "I appreciate that. How.. is it working with your team and Prince Drax?"
In other words, can you get him to stick around longer than an early Final Fantasy Summon? Because if he can exert himself against the Anti-Life, that's a big force multiplier. Especially if he can reclaim his 'bot.

"He can only remain here for a few seconds before the link loses stability. Highfather believes that duration will improve as our recovery continues."

"How soon can you re-establish a link?"
In other words, how many daily uses can you get out of the spell?

"Perhaps once each day. That is unlikely to improve, and it is why he constructed Infinity Man in the first place. It is far less… Disruptive to send a robot rather than a New God."

I nod. "Is he going to build another robot?"
Urgh. I hate once-per-day powers... Still, I suppose the robot is safer than pouring yourself back into the universe in person...

"Infinity Man was the work of many years. He is endeavouring to construct a replacement, but it will not be ready in time for your return to Earth."

I nod again as I stare out across the New Genesis forests.
So, no luck there. Still, you did improve your reputation with the New Genesis faction, OL. That'll pay off in future, surely.

"Will he be able to purify the old one?"

"He is uncertain. If the Anti-Life broadcasters are destroyed, then he believes that he can. If they are not, he does not think that he can do more than stun it for a few moments."
Presumably he has hidden backdoors that the people who hacked it didn't find.

"And against Mannheim himself?"

Vykin shakes his head. "Your original plan was judged to have the highest chance of success."
I suppose there's only so much prep work you can do against a boss this tough.

So we can't get a cheap win against Finality Man without dealing with the network. And on the other hand, we can't purge the Earth without the network, and frankly I'm a little… Uncertain about deploying the Forever People close to something that dangerous.

"But you were unable to secure a source of the indigo light."
Unless Ub'x chooses to make an appearance at the last moment, no.

"There's a way around that." Probably. Not like I tested it. "But it's going to be a little difficult, and a ring would have been more reliable."

"You would risk not just your life, but the life of Orion and my team, on a plan you do not think it reliable."
No plan is perfectly reliable, kid. Random chance is always a factor.

"If there was a good or certain option, we'd be taking that instead. I don't have a better idea that doesn't involve taking years to learn entirely new skill sets, and I don't… I'm not sure that Earth has that long."

Vykin nods solemnly.
The joy of having a subtle time limit to these things. And no time to respec.

"I'll signal when it's time to go through. Should be at least two days."

"We will be prepared."
I hope so, this is not going to be easy.

He offers me his right hand and I take it, shaking it solemnly.

"I'll see you later."
Well, it's better therms than he first arrived on.

I fly upwards, leaving New Genesis behind in a matter of moments. Minimum safe distance and

step out, aiming at…
Where to now, OL? Maltus to check on the Yellow Battery? Go looking for a replacement for the Indigo? Little side-trip for some last minute nookie? :p

That's… Odd. I can't see Richard or-.

I can't-.
This could just mean Robin is off-planet, possibly in Minus Sixteen...

Focus on the desires of humanity and appear a little further away. And step

out. Okay, the solar system is still there-.
To be fair, it does take a lot of energy to kill a planet, after all.

There are ships in orbit around the moon. I don't.. recognise the design-

Design not on file.
Uh-oh. Some random pirates sticking their nose into Earth's business?

-and I can't think of a good reason for them to be here. They're not Apokoliptian, not unless they've had a radical change in style. Direct scan-. Blocked. That's a cause for concern. Not a reason by itself to destroy them, but…

I hadn't thought about what else might turn up to take a swing at Earth while we're… Distracted. Or they could be space red cross. There are Source-worshipping charity organisations in this Sector.
Or it could be one of the many, many one-shot alien races seen in the comics. Like the 'Bloodlines' event aliens.

"Illustres to Lantern Scott."

My left ring shimmers for a moment, but I don't get a response. Not too surprising. If he's in the Tower of Fate or otherwise outside normal reality I wouldn't expect him to reply. Or he could just be asleep.
Appropriately hopeful, OL. The alternatives are a lot worse, after all.

"Illustres to Lantern Gardner."

Alright, same issue.
Okay, now it's time to worry a little.

"Illustres to Xenon base? Har-Zod, are you there?"

"Orange Lantern." Har-Zod's face appears over my ring sigil. "This base has been boarded and they're accessing my database."
Motherfucker. They're pirates, most likely...

"Okay, I can-."

"They have also planted explosives. I'm not entirely familiar with the design, but they look powerful enough to destroy this outpost."
Oh, things just keep getting better and better.

And the last thing Earth needs it a small moon falling to earth.

"Are you at risk?"
I doubt these people would destroy the base until they have what they came for. Presumably all that tasty kryptonian science knowledge...

"No, they isolated my system early in the attack and they've ignored me since. It's possible that they thought that I was the outpost's AI and aren't aware of what I am. I suspect that will change if I act intelligently."

"Who are they?"
Well, keep playing dumb. Hopefully you can turn the tables at an opportune moment.

"They were wearing heavy armour. All I can tell you is that they're humanoid."

"Can you tell me anything about the charges?"
Damn. That still covers a lot of alien races... Most of them in fact.

"No. I no longer have access to internal sensors."

Darn it. I reduce my environmental shield and engage my armour's stealth systems.
Hopefully their sensors don't extend far enough to have spotted you before that.

"Can you update me on the League's progress on Earth?"

"Not fully. Superman is still alive, and… While not happy about the situation he appeared to be coping with it. In the sense of continuing the fight, not I the sense of accepting the truth of the Anti-Life."
Yes, good distinction to make, thank you.

"Are you affected?"

"I don't think that it's reached this far from the planet's surface yet. I feel a little down, but I think that's a normal reaction to the last surviving members of my species being in such a situation." He virtually sighs. "Mannheim has tightened his grip in some areas. In others… Local strong men who can function under the Anti-Life have taken control, for the most part nominally paying Mannheim homage."
A bad day all round for humanity, then.

"Have any League-associates died?"

"No. But from what I understand of Mannheim and Apokolips, killing them was never the aim."
Why kill those you can enslave, after all?

"True. Right, it sounds like it would be a bad idea to try to liberate you at this time."

"I agree."

"I'm going to head down to Earth to link up with the League. I'll contact you when I have news."
Heh. Get some kryptonian help to speed-blitz the pirates. Assuming they can be spared.

Well, this was an unpleasant homecoming, and he hasn't even touched down. Bit worrying that someone's come poking around the old kryptonian outpost wreckage, though.Pretty sure it's not the Black Circle group, since OL went through them before during that situation with the Anti-Monitor armour fragment... Assuming I remember it correctly.

...on a plan you do not think it reliable."
...on a plan you do not think is reliable."
And the last thing Earth needs it a small moon falling to earth.
And the last thing Earth needs is a small moon falling to earth.
...not I the sense of accepting the truth of the Anti-Life."
...not in the sense of accepting the truth of the Anti-Life."
This could just mean Robin is off-planet, possibly in Minus Sixteen...

Or he's still under the effect of Anti-Life.

Uh-oh. Some random pirates sticking their nose into Earth's business?

That would explain the title.

though.Pretty sure it's not the Black Circle group, since OL went through them before during that situation with the Anti-Monitor armour fragment... Assuming I remember it correctly.

You're pretty spot-on.
"He can only remain her for a few seconds before the link loses stability.


If they are, the lawyers just solved the problem, as they'll eliminate the Anti-Life in an instant so that the Red Cross can sue these schumucks for illegal use of their logo.

...no, I'm not joking. They're ridiculously aggressive in protecting the symbol. And the stated reason - to keep it from being "diluted" from its purpose - sounds reasonable, then you realise that toys companies get sued if they use it.
I don't think having the Red Cross on Ratchet's shoulders makes medics on the battlefield more likely to be shot, but the Red Cross does, which is why the toy has "EKG line" symbols instead, and when the Transformers Hall of Fame had an induction for the character, the artwork used had inverted colors...
Can I have confirmation that Prince Drax somehow has a power capable of equalling or defeating the Omega Effect?
Can I have confirmation that Prince Drax somehow has a power capable of equalling or defeating the Omega Effect?
I don't believe that it was ever tested. Originally, he was supposed to be the one who absorbed the Omega Force, but DeSaad and Darkseid sabotaged the procedure. The idea that he absorbed just as much of it as his brother did but isn't enough of a dick to use it is technically canon-compliant.
Having never read any of the comics, did Drax start absorbing it and then the sabotage sent hom wherever he is, or did Darkseid blast him after.

Also, does anyone actually know where he is stuck? Lightray said getting there required being blasted by the Omega Beam and getting ridiculously lucky.
Having never read any of the comics, did Drax start absorbing it and then the sabotage sent hom wherever he is, or did Darkseid blast him after.


Desaad built Darkseid a suit that allowed him to absorb the Omega Effect while Drax was bathing in its energies.

So Uxas cheated.

Which caused the Infinity Pit to explode, which caused Drax to hurtle to another planet, where Astorr the Infinity Man lived.

Astorr was old, so he made Drax his successor.

Unexplained- Astorr was the last New God of Apocalypse who tried to claim the Omega Effect in the Infinity Pit, so in the comics there might be a long line of Infinity Men from Apokalips.
Pyrrhucy (part 7)
14th February 2013
18:09 GMT

"Orange Lantern to Osiris?"

"Yes? Orange Lantern?"


"You're back? Do you have a solution?"

"I've got most of what I need. Can I enter Kahndaqi territory so we can talk about-"

"Yes! Of course!"

"-it in person." I breathe a sigh of relief. "Coming down now."

I have no idea what the current size of the North African safe zone is, so I aim for a mostly empty spot north west of Shiruta and fly downwards at speed.

"Did you know about the alien fleet near the moon?"

"A fleet? How many ships?"

"They were jamming my scans and not trying to move or fight. I'd guess that they had twelve capital ships, but they might just be converted freighters or troop transports. Twelve large ships, certainly."

"What does that mean for us?"

"Depends on whether Mannheim takes umbrage or not. It's too far for anyone except top tier superheroes or supervillains to attack. I'm a bit worried about what they're taking from Har-Zod's database, but hopefully it's encrypted to the point where no normal decryption tool can manage it."

"We are not ready to respond to attacks."

"And I suspect that they know that. If it's… Below a certain level then we'll pretty much have to ignore it. Heck, we couldn't even allow them to just do what they like to Mannheim's territory, not if we want to-"

I level off as I reach ground level, and land purely to enjoy the sensation of having my feet down on my homeworld again.

"-reclaim the planet in reasonable condition. Alright, I'm dead on twenty eight latitude and thirty four longitude. I'm stealthed but you can probably hear me."

"Yes." I look up as he comes in to land next to me. "But it would be harder if you were phased."

"Is it safe to reveal myself?"

"Earth is not safe at all. But as far as we can tell, Mannheim doesn't care about individual people."

I deactivate my armour's stealth system, and his head turns just a little from where he thought I was to where I am.

"How is Adom holding up?"

"He lives, though…" He looks pensive. "His strength wanes. Physically, there is nothing wrong with him, but he… Struggles to… Do certain things. To focus his mind. My sister uses her magic to fortify him, but there are many things that require her attention."

Hm. "Channelling that much magic continuously could do that."

"With Atlantis still isolating itself there is little we can do if his affliction is magic. Unless… You..?"

"You can have my purple healing ray, but I assume you've tried that." He nods disappointedly. "I can take a look at him, but since I'm not a magician there's not much I can do about it if it is magical. And I'm sure that whatever his problem is will be easier to deal with without the Anti-Life corrupting everything."

He nods. "What is your solution?"

"We seize the centre of the broadcast network and use seven different colours of power ring to channel pure life energy into it."

"You have seven different power rings?"

"No. I've got six. We're going to have to fake the seventh using either magic or the Medusa Mask. Should still work, though obviously it's not ideal."

"And what will that do?"

"The Anti-Life needs to convince people that it's true in order to control them. Once our broadcast goes out, everyone will instinctively reject it. I think."

He gives me a concerned frown. "How confident are you?"

"Well, there are no certainties, but it… Should work. There's nowhere I can go to test it other than Apokolips, and… I don't want Apokolips to learn about this."

"Will they not find out when we do it?"

"I'm not planning on giving Mannheim a step-by-step guide. He'll know that something happened, and we'll need to watch out for operatives coming from Apokolips for… Forever, probably. But I don't want to give him the specifics."

"But you have told me. Sharing information is a risk."

"Amon, last time they tried Anti-Lifeing you, you told them to go fuck themselves without super powered assistance. I consider you to be completely reliable."

He ducks his head slightly. "Thank you."

"But, yes, don't spread it out to anyone who doesn't need to know."

I should have thought that through a little better. Because he's right, even if it doesn't matter with him. If it was Kon or Richard I'd have told them, and they're nothing like as leak-proof. Would it matter? Probably not, but I didn't mean for Amalak to learn about General Zod and look what happened.

"What else has happened while I was gone?"

"Themyscira has… Gone. We are not sure where, though Wonder Woman has said that she is sure that it was not destroyed."

I think for a moment. "Reformation Island had some sort of shielding spell on it when I left. Is it like that?"

"No. There was a storm and it vanished, and the sea where it once was flowed over the hole it left."

That's-. That's annoying.

"And… Robin, Artemis, Match and Canis were… They confronted Mannheim himself."

Without really thinking I try to feel any of them. I get nothing. "How are they? Are they d-?"

"No. No. But they were exposed to the Anti-Life. They have not yet recovered."

"Not a problem. They'll be purged when the planet is." I frown. "Canis?"

"Mannheim told him that Darkseid was genuine when he cast him out. That it was not a test. And that he doesn't like his art."

Mildly… Surprised he hadn't realised that. I realised it during our first conversation. I didn't think that I needed to tell him… Perhaps I was wrong. Or perhaps he wouldn't have believed me.

"The victims of the Anti-Life who have taken control of cities, Mannheim is visiting them and taking something from their souls. It makes his power over the Anti-Life stronger."

"Is that what's making it difficult for Adom?"

"No, he began ailing before Mannheim began acting as he now does."

I nod. "Right then. No reason to waste time. How do I get in touch with Batman?"
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"are many"

"Themyscira has… Gone. We are not sure where, though Wonder Woman has said that she is sure that it was not destroyed

Either Constantine or the gods moved it to another plane if existence to protect it.

Surprised he hadn't realise that. I


Some people just don't want to face reality.
"Themyscira has… Gone. We are not sure where, though Wonder Woman has said that she is sure that it was not destroyed."

I think for a moment. "Reformation Island had some sort of shielding spell on it when I left. Is it like that?"

"No. There was a storm and it vanished, and the sea where it once was flowed over the hole it left."
Guessing the Olympians overthrew Hephaestus who wasn't doing anything and welcomed Zeus back?
Guessing the Olympians overthrew Hephaestus who wasn't doing anything and welcomed Zeus back?
"Hephaestus who wasn't doing anything"
Zeus? The Olympian god of "I'm gonna chill and do nothing except cheat on my wife and inconvenience the other gods and mortals whenever I feel like it" Zeus?

Hephaestus probably moved Themyscira to avoid the Anti Life because it's an Old Gods vs New Gods, Fourth World vs Fifth World, thing.
14th February 2013
18:09 GMT

"Orange Lantern to Osiris?"

"Yes? Orange Lantern?"
Man, I wonder how far down his list of contacts he got before he finally reached someone. And how worried he must have been getting by that point. Seriously, imagine it: No response from friend after friend...


"You're back? Do you have a solution?"
I'm impressed he can feel that much hope. The situation must be desperate.

"I've got most of what I need. Can I enter Kahndaqi territory so we can talk about-"

"Yes! Of course!"
...Very desperate.

"-it in person." I breathe a sigh of relief. "Coming down now."

I have no idea what the current size of the North African safe zone is, so I aim for a mostly empty spot north west of Shiruta and fly downwards at speed.
Since it's a safe bet Adom's capital is the safest place in the continent right now.

"Did you know about the alien fleet near the moon?"

"A fleet? How many ships?"
And more importantly, how heavily armed. And what composition? Dreadnoughts? Fighter carriers? Troop transports? Or worse, all of the above...

"They were jamming my scans and not trying to move or fight. I'd guess that they had twelve capital ships, but they might just be converted freighters or troop transports. Twelve large ships, certainly."

"What does that mean for us?"
...Not a big fleet, but still worrying. And that doesn't address smaller craft, either.

"Depends on whether Mannheim takes umbrage or not. It's too far for anyone except top tier superheroes or supervillains to attack. I'm a bit worried about what they're taking from Har-Zod's database, but hopefully it's encrypted to the point where no normal decryption tool can manage it."

"We are not ready to respond to attacks."
Gee, you think, Amon? Even worse, they're off-planet, so very few of the League could even reach them.

"And I suspect that they know that. If it's… Below a certain level then we'll pretty much have to ignore it. Heck, we couldn't even allow them to just do what they like to Mannheim's territory, not if we want to-"

I level off as I reach ground level, and land purely to enjoy the sensation of having my feet down on my again homeworld.
Not quite kissing the sand, but that can be a bit nasty sometimes. (I would have linked the 'Robin Hood: Men In Tights' moment, but apparently it doesn't exist in clip form anywhere I can find... :rolleyes: )

"-reclaim the planet in reasonable condition. Alright, I'm dead on twenty eight latitude and thirty four longitude. I'm stealthed but you can probably hear me."

"Yes." I look up as he comes in to land next to me. "But it would be harder if you were phased."
Heh. The joy of dealing with people with supersenses.

"Is it safe to reveal myself?"

"Earth is not safe at all. But as far as we can tell, Mannheim doesn't care about individual people."
That'll be a mistake in the end.

I deactivate my armour's stealth system, and his heads turns just a little from where he thought I was to where I am.

"How is Adom holding up?"
Bah, Adom would have known right where he was. Amon's got a lot to learn.

"He lives, though…" He looks pensive. "His strength wanes. Physically, there is nothing wrong with him, but he… Struggles to… Do certain things. To focus his mind. My sister uses her magic to fortify him, but there are may things that require her attention."

Hm. "Channelling that much magic continuously could do that."
Or it might be something to do with his deities. They must be struggling in these times.

"With Atlantis still isolating itself there is little we can do if his affliction is magic. Unless… You..?"

"You can have my purple healing ray, but I assume you've tried that." He nods disappointedly. "I can take a look at him, but since I'm not a magician there's not much I can do about it if it is magical. And I'm sure that whatever his problem is will be easier to deal with without the Anti-Life corrupting everything."
That seems to be the answer to a lot of issues on Earth right now. Pity it's easier said than done.

He nods. "What is your solution?"

"We seize the centre of the broadcast network and used seven different colours of power ring to channel pure life energy into it."
Oh, gee, nothing difficult there. :rolleyes: Easy as!

"You have seven different power rings?"

"No. I've got six. We're going to have to fake the seventh using either magic or the Medusa Mask. Should still work, though obviously it's not ideal."
Seems a bit iffy. I suppose there's still hope that Ub'x bothers to make an appearance.

"And what will that do?"

"The Anti-Life needs to convince people that it's true in order to control them. Once our broadcast goes out, everyone will instinctively reject it. I think."
Putting a lot of faith in an 'I think', OL.

He gives me a concerned frown. "How confident are you?"

"Well, there are no certainties, but it… Should work. There's nowhere I can go to test it other than Apokolips, and… I don't want Apokolips to learn about this."
Oh, yes. That's a given. But they may learn about this plan anyway, once you start carrying it out.

"Will they not find out when we do it?"

"I'm not planning on giving Mannheim a step-by-step guide. He'll know that something happened, and we'll need to watch out for operatives coming from Apokolips for… Forever, probably. But I don't want to give him the specifics."
Kind of makes dealing with Apokalips a priority, then. But that can come after you fix Earth...

"But you have told me. Sharing information is a risk."

"Amon, last time they tried Anti-Lifeing you, you told them to go fuck themselves without super powered assistance. I consider you to be completely reliable."
That's still not a guarantee. He resisted a tiny fragment of Anti-Life. That doesn't mean he's immune to all of it...

He ducks his head slightly. "Thank you."

"But, yes, don't spread it out to anyone who doesn't need to know."
Because every additional person in the know is another point of failure for his planning.

I should have thought that through a little better. Because he's right, even if it doesn't matter with him. If it was Kon or Richard I'd have told them, and they're nothing like as leak-proof. Would it matter? Probably not, but I didn't mean for Amalak to learn about General Zod and look what happened.

"What else has happened while I was gone?"
Yeah, OL. You're getting sloppy in your confidence.

"Themyscira has… Gone. We are not sure where, though Wonder Woman has said that she is sure that it was not destroyed."

I think for a moment. "Reformation Island had some sort of shielding spell on it when I left. Is it like that?"
It could be a counterpart to the Olympian's plan during the Crisis, when they removed it form the mortal world entirely...

"No. There was a storm and it vanished, and the sea where it once was flowed over the hole it left."

That's-. That's annoying.
ideally, they'll return when you clean out the Anti-Life.

"And… Robin, Artemis, Match and Canis were… They confronted Mannheim himself."

Without really thinking I try to feel any of them. I get nothing. "How are they? Are they d-?"
Ah. So things didn't end well for them after all...

"No. No. But they were exposed to the Anti-Life. They have not yet recovered."

"Not a problem. They'll be purged when the planet is." I frown. "Canis?"
Alive, at least, if not entirely whole... More reasons to fix this shit soon.

"Mannheim told him that Darkseid was genuine when he cast him out. That it was not a test. And that he doesn't like his art."

Mildly… Surprised he hadn't realise that. I realised it during our first conversation. I didn't think that I needed to tell him… Perhaps I was wrong. Or perhaps he wouldn't have believed me.
Honestly, I wonder which part hurt Canis more: The truth of his exile... Or the fact his art sucked. :p

"The victims of the Anti-Life who have taken control of cities, Mannheim is visiting them and taking something from their souls. It makes his power over the Anti-Life stronger."

"Is that what's making it difficult for Adom?"
So, Gotham wasn't a unique occurrence, just an abnormal one.

"No, he began ailing before Mannheim began acting as he now does."

I nod. "Right then. No reason to waste time. How do I get in touch with Batman?"
Oh, is he going to have words for you, OL...

Setting foot on Earth once more... And it doesn't feel at all pleasant, does it? I mean, OL did more good off-world than he could have here, but I bet he's not feeling that sure now, is he? Things are deep in the shit, and OL's plan certainly seems like the best chance to unfuck them. Which makes me worry it won't work... :sneaky: At least, not the way he expects it to.

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