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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

14th February 2013
17:52 GMT

I watch as they fly out of the atmosphere while my ring switches between various forms of sensor to try and detect anything they might have left behind. I don't have any record of qwardians using disease weapons but that might just mean that they were very thorough. I-.

"What.. was that?"
There's probably a stigma amongst Weaponers about using indirect weapons like that. Likely something more 'pure' about the killing being inflicted by your own hand, or the hand of a soldier, rather than the slow wasting away of disease. Doesn't rule it out, but...

"What, Illustres Crad? I decided to spare a few of his people who I'd used as thralls. Yes, it would have been more rational just to kill them all, but I… I wanted to avoid killing people like that when not every individual was evil enough to justify it."

"No, I read your reports after I put on my ring. I wanted to see how much of the pigeon-speak you came up with when you tried to recruit me was true. I mean, there was something… Different about how he used his ring."
Heh. Amusing that she wanted to know more about the story he told her. Or at least get a more accurate version than the pidgin English (Korugarian?) version.

"Yes. I think he's enlightened. Making him confront his deepest fears seems to have freed him from them in the same way that confronting my desires did for me. I doubt that they can replicate the process…" I frown. "Not sure what Sinestro fears enough to put himself through that, but a version of me from a parallel universe managed to do it through ruthless self-reflection, so, maybe?"

Speaking of
And honestly, unless their Rings are tied to their own fears rather than the usual 'how others fear you', it's not much use outside of improved precision.

I send my heavy armour back into subspace, then take off my rings.

Deep breath.

And then I put the yellow ring on.
Honestly, this colour probably isn't the best match for him. Still, if he can manage to use it...

A pale yellow aura surrounds me but there's no other reaction.

"Lantern Natu, please take off your ring and then say anything."
Well, it works at the most basic level.

She frowns faintly. What I want is obvious, but she still hesitates.

"It's a wretch, isn't it? Taking it off? When everything you want to do is so much easier with it on."
Easy to see why he had problems back in the day, especially the few times something bad happened when he didn't have it on.

Her face tightens slightly, and she grips her right with her left hand and slides it off.

"Am I showing signs of fixation?"
At least you still have the will to take it off. I suspect some couldn't manage that before they were forcibly shut down.

"Okay, still understood you, so unless you were speaking English then the translator function works. Feel free to-."

"Could you answer my question?"
Given that OL is kind of the defacto expert on Orange Light Fixation...

I shrug, opening my empathic vision to trace the patterns of her desires. "Your fixation on your ring is entirely in proportion to its utility as a medical tool, personal shield in a hostile area and a weapon when you're part of a military. Power rings are awesome, and feeling off about being parted from one isn't a sign of mental instability."

She nods, sliding it back on her finger.
Just a sign of sensibility in an irrational universe.

"Noticed that you didn't introduce yourself."

"And say what?"
I mean, unless Sinestro asks to see who OL brought with him, I doubt it would matter much.

"Anything you wanted. Despite the suspense this whole thing is creating, Sinestro's crimes are mostly political. The Orange Lantern Corps doesn't have any particular dispute with him. You could have asked them to pass on a message."

"I could. But standing here, I couldn't think of anything I wanted to say."
And honestly, she hardly knew him anyway, outside of his heroic ideal-turned-demonised conqueror identity.

"Ah. Well."

The yawning abyss of inevitable oblivion.
Testing your ability to project constructs, OL? Wonder if it appeared as a skeleton in a robe or a young goth girl. :p

Zon tak.

A construct image of Thaal Sinestro appears in front of her, body language copied from Green Lantern Corps records and Korugari recordings. Proud, stern and imperious.
I'm guessing that was 'Identifying Fear.' Though which word meant Fear, I couldn't guess.

Lantern Natu grimaces. "And that means, what? That I'm afraid of him?"

"Him, what he represents, uncertainty. All sorts of emotions that you don't really want to think about. Honestly, I think you should talk to him, if only to get to the point where you stop building it up in your mind. This was just an opportunity to start things-"
And you never know, outside of his devotion to orderly society, he might be an affable gentleman. You don't get to be First Lantern just because you were good at making constructs.

The construct shimmers and is replaced by one of General Zod.

...Uh-oh, company.

"Illustres!" Commodore Amalak strides out across the plaza, a small squad of guards arrayed around him. "Might I have a moment of your time!"

"Certainly. What can I-?"
Well, he seems... Upset? I'm guessing OL already forgot what he said about... Well.

"Our communication system here! We have exterior microphones!"

Loose lips sink ships, OL. Or in this case, can scupper business relationships.

"As I'm sure you know, I have a…" He notices the specifics of the Zod construct, trailing off as he looks it up and down. "Particular interest in Krypton. And that kryptonian in particular."

I… Review my conversation with Lantern Natu.
Heh. Karma wasted no time in having that one bite him.


"He's still alive..! Apparently!"
And in a realm that's technically a place of eternal torment. It might not be constant pain, like you'd like to inflict, but...

"He's trapped in a limbo plane, but… Yes."

"And you didn't see fit to mention that? To me?" He looks away for a moment. "Your reactions to.. when I told you… They were slightly odd, but I assumed I just didn't know your species well enough to understand your facial expression."
It's amusing how many humanoid species in DC do have similar expressional meanings.

"Alright. I didn't tell you because he's trapped, no one is letting him out, you trying to finish him off increases the chance of him getting out and because there was no benefit to me in you taking time away from your valuable work to pursue a vendetta. And I will remind you that you kept the plan to exterminate the psions from me."

"The psions didn't wipe out your species. It really isn't the same thing."
True. Not easy to open a Phantom Zone portal without allowing all those within a chance to try and get out.

"No, alright, that's fair." And that's when I spot that the marines with him are the same species as him. Quick scan… Yes, all the soldiers of his species on the base. "Do you plan on going after him?"

"I've dreamed of being the one who finally kills that monster." He looks me directly in the eyes. "I don't think there's anything that could make me hold back."
And what will it gain you, Amalak? A little nice feeling of satisfaction? What then? What comes after that?

"It's not like I want him left alive for some reason, I just don't see the point in going after him."

"Sometimes, it's not about good sense."
Good luck getting OL to help you, then.

"I don't have a phantom zone projector."

"I heard you say-."
More accurately, he doesn't own a projector.

"I borrowed one from someone else. And he's on Earth, which is currently being Anti-Lifed. I'm not going to stop you getting access to the Phantom Zone yourself, but just… Just do it a long way away from a yellow sun, and remember that he's a very dangerous man."

"I don't have a phantom zone projector. I've heard of them, but the technology is lost."
Best not let him learn about the Fortress of Solitude then. Or Lor-Zod's engram and the moonbase remnant (If that's a thing in this parallel.)

"Al-right. Then in the interest of cordial relations, after Earth is liberated, I'll see about getting you access. Is that acceptable?"

He thinks for a moment. "Barely."
Let's hope Amalak's cooled off a little by then.

I nod, sliding off the yellow power ring and causing the Zod construct to collapse. Then I put my orange rings back on.

"Then I'll return when I have news for you. Good day."
Well, win some, lose some, put some fights off for later...

Good to see OL's ill-advised bit of gossiping has had consequences. Still, I fully expect him to try and successfully fulfil that promise when all is said and done. Even if it's not a smart move. :rolleyes: Because that's what a Paragon does... Still, at least now he has a Yellow Personal Battery. I expect his first stop will be taking it to Kalmin to be checked for any trojan malware courtesy of Lysis or her guest...
Why did Paul create a construct of Zod? Is it because he fears him? I thought Paul's fears were more existential.
Why did Paul create a construct of Zod? Is it because he fears him? I thought Paul's fears were more existential.
You may have noticed that the Yellow Ring was analysing first OL's fear (Death) then Soranik Natu's (Sinestro.) When Amalak approached, it locked onto him and projected what he feared: Zod. And yes, while he hates kryptonians and Zod in particular, he also fears him in nearly-equal amounts. To quote a certain muppet: Fear leads to Anger...
"I don't have a phantom zone projector."

Nothing about this particular statement, just the orange quotes.

Does Paul's enlightenment continue when he is not wearing his Orange Rings, and evidently while wearing a Yellow-ish ring?

I don't recall this happening before when he was ringless, but I may not have been paying attention.
Nothing about this particular statement, just the orange quotes.

Does Paul's enlightenment continue when he is not wearing his Orange Rings, and evidently while wearing a Yellow-ish ring?

I don't recall this happening before when he was ringless, but I may not have been paying attention.
Enlightenment is a property of the soul or maybe the connection to the emotional planes (I'm not sure). It doesn't have anything to do with power rings, except that it makes using them easier.

We have seen several characters that were enlightened despite never having contact with a power ring.
Nothing about this particular statement, just the orange quotes.

Does Paul's enlightenment continue when he is not wearing his Orange Rings, and evidently while wearing a Yellow-ish ring?

I don't recall this happening before when he was ringless, but I may not have been paying attention.

Enlightenment is a property of the soul or maybe the connection to the emotional planes (I'm not sure). It doesn't have anything to do with power rings, except that it makes using them easier.

We have seen several characters that were enlightened despite never having contact with a power ring.

For examples of Duke statement Dr Balewa is supposed to have white enlightenment that Mr Zoat sometimes forgets. In the Renegade the red lantern detective had rage enlightenment before Grayven gave him a red ring, we have seen monks with green quotations.

In short enlightenment is a frame of mind and state of the soul, you don't need any ring to be enlightened, but being enlightened usually makes people a better ring user and also reduces the basic weakness of disruption by making the lantern feel different emotions.
Good to see OL's ill-advised bit of gossiping has had consequences. Still, I fully expect him to try and successfully fulfil that promise when all is said and done. Even if it's not a smart move. :rolleyes: Because that's what a Paragon does... Still, at least now he has a Yellow Personal Battery. I expect his first stop will be taking it to Kalmin to be checked for any trojan malware courtesy of Lysis or her guest...

Remember when he used to use a stone to check for listening devices?
Could Paul have just lied to Amalak or omitted the info that there is a Phantom Zone Projector on Earth?
And what will it gain you, Amalak? A little nice feeling of satisfaction? What then? What comes after that?

The knowledge that the remnants of his people will now sleep more peacefully now that one of their biggest monsters is dead.

If you're starving and are offered some food, but the food will be the last piece you ever eat you'd probably still eat it.

Best not let him learn about the Fortress of Solitude then. Or Lor-Zod's engram and the moonbase remnant (If that's a thing in this parallel.)

He may be able to find them on his own since he probably has equipment to track Kryptonian tech.

Good luck getting OL to help you, then.

I mean there are actually a number of good reasons to help Amalak here.

He's being a civilized force in Vega and if he goes to Earth to kill Zod because he was denied by Paul then the region could experience chaos, plus Earth gets invaded.

If Amalak invades then he will probably bring along his people as soldiers and if any of them die then his race is closer to extinction, while killing Zod will only get rid of one guy.

It's honestly also a good idea to get the prisoners out of the Phantom Zone.

They don't age and apparently some of them have been in there much longer than their sentence was supposed to be since Krypton blew up.

This means that there are now potentially a bunch of emotionally scarred and violent people that are ageless.

In the show we saw how Zod was able to use that to his advantage.

Getting them out where they can age and one day die is good both to help the ones that need it and to make sure that the ones that are beyond help won't become a problem in the future.

They might have access to the only Phantom Zone projector at the moment, but can they give a 100% guarantee that that will always be the case.

A thousand years from now it may be activated and release a dangerous prisoner, like it happened in the Legion of Superheroes cartoon, or someone may start experimenting and discover a way to the Zone and release a prisoner by accident.

Still, I fully expect him to try and successfully fulfil that promise when all is said and done. Even if it's not a smart move. :rolleyes:

See the above.
Pyrrhucy (supplementary, Renegade option)
14th February 2013
11:47 GMT -6

"…which isn't ideal, but it's the best I-."

I pointedly raise my left eyebrow at Sunset as I work on assembling the device.

"We can come up with."

Batman's only half paying attention as he feeds her data into his computer system. Of course, half his attention is at least as much as the full attention of a normal man. Mr. Zatara on the other hand appears genuinely fascinated by the thaumaturgical element of the work.

"And these devices will maintain the separation of the mundane world from the Dream?"

"Sort of." I seal the exterior of the device. "Technically, it uses the dissonance generated by the existing merger to reinforce the rules of the prevailing paradigm. It's a little like how New God technology empowers our souls, only using the entire Earth's thaumosphere rather than a New God. The drawback is that it doesn't make what he's doing impossible… Because-."

He nods. "Because we can still dream. It cannot be cut off completely."

I remember the Sandman comic where Morpheus was bound in a magic circle.

"Not… Easily. And the side effects would be severe even if it was successful, so I'd really rather not. So he could work around it. Or just send people to destroy them, because we're going to have to put them around Atlantean territory."

Batman calls up a new image, the spread of Atlantis's dream overlaid with a map of the surrounding ocean and closest landmasses.

"Do you have anything that will allow us to act within Atlantis without being ensnared?"

"Any New God could do it. The Source defines us, not dreams. Other than that, I don't think so. Sunset?"

"Uuuuhhhhmmmmmm…" She sighs. "I hate to say it, but I don't know if I could survive without being dragged in. Luna probably could… Or at least she could learn really quickly."

I frown. "'Learn really quickly' isn't good enough when the penalty is you get swept up in the dream magic of the man who caused the Bronze Age Collapse because he didn't like surface people getting above their station."

"Nonsense, Our-." Human form Luna staggers in wearing completely flat shoes along with New God armour. "Our consort. We are well-equipped to comprehend the baleful magics yon magician has unleashed."

"Luna, darling, have you ever swum before? In either form?"

She gives me a look of mild affront. "Have you ever entered another's dream before? In either form?"

"No, but-."

"With how dreamlike the realm of Atlantis hath become, We will be able to walk there with even less effort than We do upon the land."

"Princess Luna." She turns to Batman, swaying slightly but managing to remain upright. "Are you certain that is how your magic and the magic of Atlantis will interact?"

"Naught is certain, but 'tis the most likely eventuality. If it is not, then We will know once We pass the threshold. Should it not be so, we will simply have to swallow our pride once more and evacuate."

"Unless you want the old…" I make a poking gesture with my right hand. "Upgrade, Bat-God. Or…"


"Not unless it's essential."

"No, I just-. Okay, in theory, something that could exist within the Atlantean mythos should be able to function within the dream… Zone.. thing. If it works like we think it does. Except I don't see someone like Ahri'ahn doing this unless he could put his finger on the scales, if you see what I mean. I think Diana would be fine without a connection to the Source. And I imagine the Shade will shrug it off like he does most things. But this… This shouldn't be possible without Morpheus's tolerance, and he's usually not keen on people messing around with the fabric of the Dream."

"Morpheus. The Greek deity."

"No, Batman." Mr. Zatara shakes his head. "Morpheus is far older and more powerful than the Greek pantheon."

I nod. "And he's still a bit peeved about that time a small group of humans locked him in a basement for seventy years, so we're kind of coming in at the low ebb of his tolerance for tomfoolery. I don't know what Ahri'ahn did to get around that. I couldn't even begin to speculate."

"I assume that if the world's governments send envoys, they will simply end up entranced."

Sunset nods. "There's an outside chance that they'll snap back when they cross the threshold coming out. Or they'll stay as whatever the Atlanteans dream foreign diplomats are like for the rest of their lives. Or… They might propagate the effect back to their home countries."

Batman nods slowly. He-.

"Mister Grayven?"

I raise my right hand to my ear. "Yes, Jean?"

"General Lane wishes to speak with you."

I make eye contact with Batman, who nods. "Put him on."


"General Lane. I assume this is about our friends in the Atlantic?"

"Yeah, I've got… Some difficulty with some generals who are talking about some fairly extreme options, and I wanted to get your take on it first."

"Ah, you're on speaker and Batman's here, so we can both chip in. Go ahead."

"Okay, well let's get it out of the way: what happens if we nuke them?"

"Depends on how high up the bomb is when it detonates. My best guess is that if it was set for ground detonation then it would cease to exist once it passed the country's threshold."

Batman nods. "That is the estimate the Justice League is working with."

"And an altitude detonation?"

"We don't know exactly where the threshold starts, so-."

"What do you mean by 'threshold'?"

"Very simply, they're manipulating the laws of physics to make floating Atlantis possible. Manipulating to the point where they can say 'nukes don't exist' or 'pressure waves aren't a thing'. We're working on a way to shut that down, but… Sorry, unless you've got an ancient magician you haven't told me about, then there isn't-."

"Yes. We do."

I blink. "You do?"

"Calls himself Nommo Balewa. Turned up at the Pentagon just after this started. He seems to be taking what Ahri'ahn's doing kinda personally. Is he the real deal?"

"Doctor Mist?" I nod. "He's ancient and a magician. I don't know how good he is, but people don't live as long as he has by being weak."

"I'll see if I can convince the President to send him your way. You're in Challenger Mountain?"

"Until I deploy, yes."

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"Ahri'ahn expands his magic to the entire world and turns everyone into willing thralls convinced of the supremacy of Atlantis and Atlantean culture. Sufficient to say, we're not wearing kid gloves on this one."

"Okay. Let me know when you leave."

"Will do. End." I sigh as I regard Batman. "So other than Luna and myself, who are we sending?"
Last edited:
"Very simply, they're manipulating the laws of physics to make floating Atlantis possible. Manipulating to the point where they can say 'nukes don't exist' or 'pressure waves aren't a thing'. We're working on a way to shut that down, but… Sorry, unless you've got an ancient magician you haven't told me about, then there isn't-."

"Yes. We do."

I blink. "You do?"

"Calls himself Nommo Balewa. Turned up at the Pentagon just after this started. He seems to be taking what Ahri'ahn's doing kinda personally. Is he the real deal?"

"Doctor Mist?" I nod. "He's ancient and a magician. I don't know how good he is, but people don't live as long as he has by being weak."

"I'll see if I can convince the President to send him your way. You're in Challenger Mountain?"

"Until I deploy, yes."

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"Ahri'ahn expands his magic to the entire world and turns everyone into willing thralls convinced of the supremacy of Atlantis and Atlantean culture. Sufficient to say, we're not wearing kid gloves on this one."

"Okay. Let me know when you leave."

"Will do. End." I sigh as I regard Batman. "So other than Luna and myself, who are we sending?"
It makes sense that something this big would draw Doctor Mist out. Now I'm assuming that part of the reason Ahri'ahn didn't try something like this in the Paragon timeline is because Doctor Mist is more active and he knows that he would get immediately smacked down before he could even get things started with someone of Doctor Mist's caliber on high alert.
"Uuuuhhhhmmmmmm…" She sighs. "I hate to say it, but I don't know if I could survive without being dragged in. Luna probably could… Or at least she could learn really quickly

Yeah, you're not exactly a New God, but Luna has experience with dream magic, so she may be better equipped.

I nod. "And he's still a bit peeved about that time a small group of humans locked him in a basement for seventy years, so we're kind of coming in a the low ebb of his tolerance for tomfoolery. I don't know what Ahri'ahn did to get around that. I couldn't even begin to speculate

He either imprisoned him, or maybe struck some kind of deal.

I imagine there are quite afraid things he could do for Dream.

"Very simply, they're manipulating the laws of physics to make floating Atlantis possible. Manipulating to the point where they can say 'nukes don't exist' or 'pressure waves aren't a thing

They'd just get a big lightshow.
It makes sense that something this big would draw Doctor Mist out. Now I'm assuming that part of the reason Ahri'ahn didn't try something like this in the Paragon timeline is because Doctor Mist is more active and he knows that he would get immediately smacked down before he could even get things started with someone of Doctor Mist's caliber on high alert.

Either that or like I mentioned in a previous post, he may not see much of a need to.

Paragon Atlantis is thriving and expanding its influence.

It may not be necessarily in the way Ahri'ahn likes it, but it's happening.

Renegade Ahri'ahn on the other came to a time where his magic was being used in a way that he didn't like and Atlantis wasn't thriving as much as the paragon version, so he may have seen the need to do this.
Is Ahri'ahn even active in the Paragon timeline? I can't recall if we have seen him there, off the top of my head. And not like it would be relevant right now, with the planet being all Anti-Life'd.

Nice to see that Grayven and the others have a plan, though. I'm still uncertain how the hell Ahri'ahn managed all this under everyone's nose. I can't buy Dream cooperating, and I imagine the spell would be pretty big and complex in preparation, so how did no one send word on it to their surface allies? These lentils are really black, is what I'm saying.
This shouldn't be possible without Morpheus's tolerance, and he's usually not keen on people messing around with the fabric of the Dream." ... "And he's still a bit peeved about that time a small group of humans locked him in a basement for seventy years, so we're kind of coming in a the low ebb of his tolerance for tomfoolery. I don't know what Ahri'ahn did to get around that. I couldn't even begin to speculate."
That is a good question.

The two obvious solutions: He had a bribe major enough to make Dream give him a pass. Or he learned about the bumbling amatures that managed to trap him, so decided to show Dream how a legendary Archmage does it.

If it's the latter, Dream is going to be pissed. Like, it might be necessary to kill him, because having one of the Endless that angry at humanity isn't something we're likely to survive. At least, not in out current state.

The cats got retconned into being small domesticated animals. Let's not tempt Dream into one-upping that.
14th February 2013
11:47 GMT -6

"…which isn't ideal, but it's the best I-."

I pointedly raise my left eyebrow at Sunset as I work on assembling the device.

"We can come up with."
Right. I expect she's been busy checking their hypothesis, and made sense of the ongoing effect Ahri'ahn is using. Still, a lot of risk in a presumably untested thaumitech device. Which means someone will have to go test it, won't they... :oops:

Batman's only half paying attention as he feeds her data into his computer system. Of course, half his attention is at least as much as the full attention of a normal man. Mr. Zatara on the other hand appears genuinely fascinated by the thaumaturgical element of the work.

"And these devices will maintain the separation of the mundane world from the Dream?"
I never read Giovanni as the analytical sort of mage. Still, the spellwork is no doubt novel even to his eyes.

"Sort of." I seal the exterior of the device. "Technically, it uses the dissonance generated by the existing merger to reinforce the rules of the prevailing paradigm. It's a little like how New God technology empowers our souls, only using the entire Earth's thaumosphere rather than a New God. The drawback is that it doesn't make what he's doing impossible… Because-."

He nods. "Because we can still dream. It cannot be cut off completely."
So, in effect, they'll be carrying their own little bubble of their normal with them. Wonder if it affects people they touch too, or if it's solely personal.

I remember the Sandman comic where Morpheus was bound in a magic circle.

"Not… Easily. And the side effects would be severe even if it was successful, so I'd really rather not. So he could work around it. Or just send people to destroy them, because we're going to have to put them around Atlantean territory."
Outbreaks of people trapped in endless sleep or constant insomnia, at best. Yes, rather severe.

Batman calls up a new image, the spread of Atlantis's dream overlaid with a map of the surrounding ocean and closest landmasses.

"Do you have anything that will allow us to act within Atlantis without being ensnared?"
Hopefully, it isn't expanding. That would be even worse.

"Any New God could do it. The Source defines us, not dreams. Other than that, I don't think so. Sunset?"

"Uuuuhhhhmmmmmm…" She sighs. "I hate to say it, but I don't know if I could survive without being dragged in. Luna probably could… Or at least she could learn really quickly."
She would be largely unchanged no matter what, I suspect. Or more likely to become more of herself.

I frown. "'Learn really quickly' isn't good enough when the penalty is you get swept up in the dream magic of the man who caused the Bronze Age Collapse because he didn't like surface people getting above their station."

"Nonsense, Our-." Human form Luna staggers in wearing completely flat shoes along with New God armour. "Our consort. We are well-equipped to comprehend the baleful magics yon magician has unleashed."
I wonder if very high heels would help her walk more easily, with the similarity to her equine posture... Though human feet aren't really designed to be en pointe all the time.

"Luna, darling, have you ever swum before? In either form?"

She gives me a look of mild affront. "Have you ever entered another's dream before? In either form?"
Ooh, good comeback. Certainly not something he's done unaided. Much less in physical form.

"No, but-."

"With how dreamlike the realm of Atlantis hath become, We will be able to walk there with even less effort than We do upon the land."
Not quite a reality warper, but I expect any magic she can use in human form will be much stronger. Heck, she might be able to use pony magic without changing.

"Princess Luna." She turns to Batman, swaying slightly but managing to remain upright. "Are you certain that is how your magic and the magic of Atlantis will interact?"

"Naught is certain, but 'tis the most likely eventuality. If it is not, then We will know once We pass the threshold. Should it not be so, we will simply have to swallow our pride once more and evacuate."
If you're able to. Ahri'ahn's spell might not allow people to leave.

"Unless you want the old…" I make a poking gesture with my right hand. "Upgrade, Bat-God. Or…"


"Not unless it's essential."
Heh. I bet he just got a dose of the Bat-Stare. Which makes me wonder what a staredown between Fluttershy and Batman would be like. :p

"No, I just-. Okay, in theory, something that could exist within the Atlantean mythos should be able to function within the dream… Zone.. thing. If it works like we think it does. Except I don't see someone like Ahri'ahn doing this unless he could put his finger on the scales, if you see what I mean. I think Diana would be fine without a connection to the Source. And I imagine the Shade will shrug it off like he does most things. But this… This shouldn't be possible without Morpheus's tolerance, and he's usually not keen on people messing around with the fabric of the Dream."
In effect, Ahri'ahn would be able to... Encourage people to think how he wants them to think, you mean. Which makes it even more insidious.

"Morpheus. The Greek deity."

"No, Batman." Mr. Zatara shakes his head. "Morpheus is far older and more powerful than the Greek pantheon."
I suspect the myths of Morpheus the Olympian are simply tales of when he was wooing Calliope back in the day.

I nod. "And he's still a bit peeved about that time a small group of humans locked him in a basement for seventy years, so we're kind of coming in a the low ebb of his tolerance for tomfoolery. I don't know what Ahri'ahn did to get around that. I couldn't even begin to speculate."

"I assume that if the world's governments send envoys, they will simply end up entranced."
Still a lot of assumptions about what Morpheus might be thinking about this. It could be that he simply hasn't noticed what Ahri'ahn's doing, or dismissed it as a momentary disturbance in his realm.

Sunset nods. "There's an outside chance that they'll snap back when they cross the threshold coming out. Or they'll stay as whatever the Atlanteans dream foreign diplomats are like for the rest of their lives. Or… They might propagate the effect back to their home countries."

Batman nods slowly. He-.
So, quarantine them, just in case.

"Mister Grayven?"

I raise my right hand to my ear. "Yes, Jean?"

"General Lane wishes to speak with you."
Ah, surprised he hadn't tried to get in touch sooner.

I make eye contact with Batman, who nods. "Put him on."

Ah, a conference call of sorts.

"General Lane. I assume this is about our friends in the Atlantic?"

"Yeah, I've got… Some difficulty with some generals who are talking about some fairly extreme options, and I wanted to get your take on it first."
Let me guess, the hard men are getting hard-ons about tossing some 'sunshine in a can' at the problem? :p

"Ah, you're on speaker and Batman's here, so we can both chip in. Go ahead."

"Okay, well let's get in out of the way: what happens if we nuke them?"
Only polite to let your caller know others can hear him.

"Depends on how high up the bomb is when it detonates. My best guess is that if it was set for ground detonation then it would cease to exist once it passed the country's threshold."

Batman nods. "That is the estimate the Justice League is working with."
And that's assuming Ahri'ahn doesn't simply prevent them entering the area of control at all. I expect he's been told what nuclear weapons are by now.

"And an altitude detonation?"

"We don't know exactly where the threshold starts, so-."
Time it wrong, and all you'll be doing is making one hell of a fireworks show.

"What do you mean by 'threshold'?"

"Very simply, they're manipulating the laws of physics to make floating Atlantis possible. Manipulating to the point where they can say 'nukes don't exist' or 'pressure waves aren't a thing'. We're working on a way to shut that down, but… Sorry, unless you've got an ancient magician you haven't told me about, then there isn't-."
Not a stretch to assume Ahri'ahn can do that within the area he controls, after all.

"Yes. We do."

I blink. "You do?"
That's a recent development, I would suspect.

"Calls himself Nommo Balewa. Turned up at the Pentagon just after this started. He seems to be taking what Ahri'ahn's doing kinda personally. Is he the real deal?"

"Doctor Mist?" I nod. "He's ancient and a magician. I don't know how good he is, but people don't live as long as he has by being weak."
Ah, finally he shows himself in the Renegade timeline. I guess the Renegade's actions weren't noteworthy enough to him yet...

"I'll see if I can convince the President to send him your way. You're in Challenger Mountain?"

"Until I deploy, yes."
And it wouldn't take long to redirect him to the Renegade's location in any case.

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"Ahri'ahn expands his magic to the entire world and turns everyone into willing thralls convinced of the supremacy of Atlantis and Atlantean culture. Sufficient to say, we're not wearing kid gloves on this one."
All hands on deck for the face-punching brigade, eh?

"Okay. Let me know when you leave."

"Will do. End." I sigh as I regard Batman. "So other than Luna and myself, who are we sending?"
Confident, aren't you, Renegade?

I see the heroes haven't been idle in the face of Ahri'ahn's little display. Nor have the world's governments. All those oddball emergency plans coming out, eh? Wonder if anyone did the 'powerful magician lifts Atlantis from the sea floor' as a project? :p And the Renegade taking the 'it's all up to me' approach to reconnaissance, too. Foolhardy.

...so we're kind of coming in a the low ebb of his tolerance for tomfoolery.
...so we're kind of coming in at the low ebb of his tolerance for tomfoolery.
"Okay, well let's get in out of the way: what happens if we nuke them?"
"Okay, well let's get it out of the way: what happens if we nuke them?"

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