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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

See, that's one thing Superman's HEat Vision can't do, is it? No charge-up option, unless there's a Torquasm trick for it.

I mean he kinda can do it.

At least making it weaker.

He's used it to weld pieces of metal, shave, even basically perform types of surgery.

Kon's hear vision ranges from being able to melt a tank at its lowest setting and a full planetary apocalypse at its highest setting.
Would the act of giving her a new heart fix… Whatever's happening here?
Huh. Given that in Mesoamerican Mythology the gods NEEDED all those blood sacrifices in order for everything to keep existing, what happens when that need is removed, and the deity is fully stabilized/sated by receiving a heart of it's very own...
"No, no. I left his brain in his head and created a copy for the head." I frown. That's not a great sentence, but I think that she understands. "It didn't have any… Activity. Ah, honestly, given the complexity of the human brain I doubt that I could create one. I don't know enough about how it records memories."
Honestly If I was Marius I would preserve my own head in alcohol and go around using it to freak people out, eating it freaks people out for a day, but carrying around your own decapitated head freaks people out for a lifetime.
Honestly If I was Marius I would preserve my own head in alcohol and go around using it to freak people out, eating it freaks people out for a day, but carrying around your own decapitated head freaks people out for a lifetime.
Nah, at that point it's obviously a gimmick; no one would be able to tell that it was real instead of -- as they would probably assume -- an elaborate fake made up for shock value.
Break Time (part 3)
17th February 2013
16:56 GMT

Molten rock starts at 700o​C. Kon can take brief contact from material of that temperature without any problem. Longer contact is uncomfortable but not particularly dangerous itself, otherwise he'd burn out his eyes whenever he used heat vision. The problem is that he has no innate flying ability and his kinetic belt can't take that sort of temperature. If it gets damaged then the only way for him to get out would be to wade to the edge of the magma field and climb out. And he can get by on less oxygen than a human but he still needs to breathe.

Frog hearts are structured quite differently to human hearts. Three chambers rather than four, and no separation between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. It's a poor design, like human eyes compared to the superior squid eyes and it means that I don't really know what sort of heart that woman is supposed to have. But assuming that this is mostly magic anyway, that we build our gods and monsters in our own image and that I'd probably want fully oxygenated blood given the choice, I'm going to go with a mostly-human design.

She stamps on the magma patch.

She can take the heart she gets. My boosters blaze and-. And I've left Cernunnos behind.


I grab him with a construct X-15 and accelerate it to match my speed, wincing slightly as I realise that I'm going to have to thank Lantern Jordan for that one. Okay, optic scans of the woman's interior show the location of the veins and arteries that would be connected to her heart so I can roughly guess the size, so that there, that there, and then the runes for health and life and… Blood? And earth. Overall configuration… Since I don't know what her natural mana flows are like I can only guess 'human but bigger'.

I move the heart to the canopy.

"Alright, it's done."

He uses his right thumb claw to cut the tips of his right index and middle fingers and then reaches up. I pop the construct canopy and he presses his hand into the flesh of the synthetic heart, his blood staining the closest 'blood' rune.

I can dimly feel it as something changes, and given that we're nearly in heart-insertion range I hope-.

The woman turns her head our way and I generate a crumbler ram and hope that-.

A rock spike erupts from the ocean and I block it with the ram. Another follows but we're already past it.



I dismiss the X-15 construct, expand the crumbler ram and position the heart behind the head. Rotate the heart so that it's the right way around and lunge. The woman lowers her posture slightly and swings her fore claws at my construct. Dodge down, accelerate slightly and her claws just clip the rear of the construct. Dismiss, shove the heart into her chest and bind her flesh to it-.

Warning: power expended.

My rings blinks out and I start falling.


No, I mean obviously I know what, I-. Her chest drains my guuuh!

Armour's flight system failed, but the armour itself stopped me from braining myself on the shore.


I need to run because this armour isn't magma-proof.

But it does have power assistance, so I thrust my legs out and just avoid one of her leg-claws slicing through me! I try to get my legs under me but can't quite manage it, instead getting my left knee under my chest while my right leg is still stretched out. I bounce, twisting to the side and grabbing at the ground with my hands because she's swinging again!

"Any of your animal-"

The leg comes down in front of me and I-

"-parts burrowing?"

-slam face-first into her ankle.


Need to work on this armour.

Okay, use the sudden obstacle to lever myself upright-. She's lifting and there aren't any handholds but with her limb arrangement she can't stamp on me with her other leg when its that close. Drop to the ground. Is there any cover at all, and where's Kon?

Glowing ground was over that way but I need to run and jink!

I stagger sideways as her foot comes down again, but the ground seems to have stopped glowing which means-.

Semi-solid rock explodes outwards as Kon bursts through the surface!

Back to running!

"Out of power! Help!"


Kon looks down at me as I head for the cliff face, then the monster woman backhands him into the sea-.

Ah, hits him anyway? Oh, he managed to grab on, but I don't think she's noticed.

"Cernunnos, is the heart working?!"

He's flying as high as the sky extends overhead, careful to maintain enough space to dodge.

"It does not beat!"

Oh, of course.

"Kon! Get her heart beating!"


"Get in her chest and push it!"

I make momentary eye contact with him over her thumb claw, and he doesn't look convinced. But as long as she's distracted I can try recharging and not just running away and trying not to die. She finally spots him and brings her hands together in a huge clap, but Kon's had time to brace himself and is just about able to catch the incoming limb. Again, there's no pain reaction from her, but if she-.

She lifts the higher hand away and he holds on for a moment, then pushes off towards her exposed ribs. And I've lost sight of him, but now I've got the cliffs to my back I've just got to hope that she was having so much fun trying to stamp on me that she doesn't drop me in magma. Face her, and be prepared to dodge.

No, Kon's got her attention. She's trying to claw at her own chest, but her claws are thrown back as Kon punches them away. Okay, let's just hope that I didn't have to transmute some blood for her as well.

Now, recharging. I take a look at my rings… Right ring, Larfleeze's ring, the first ring, looks completely fine. If anything I'd say that it's glowing more brightly than usual. Left ring, Hinon's ring, is… Dull. Faded, and almost translucent. Almost like it's not really there. Makes sense. Hinon's ring is new and created by a race of materialists, while Larfleeze's ring has been exposed to the Ophidian for millions of years.


Nothing. Looks like subspace isn't available in this place. Darn. There are other things I could do, but they all require more attention than I can-

"AAaagh! What did you DO!?"


Kon throws himself free and the woman folds her arms over the hole in her chest. Her head-mouth snaps closed and she looks around… There's a certain intelligence in her gaze that wasn't there before.

"Human! Explain or I will kill you!"

Still an improvement.
Last edited:
17th February 2013
16:56 GMT

Molten rock starts at 700o​C. Kon can take brief contact from material of that temperature without any problem. Longer contact is uncomfortable but not particularly dangerous itself, otherwise he'd burn out his eyes whenever he used heat vision. The problem is that he has no innate flying ability and his kinetic belt can't take that sort of temperature. If it gets damaged then the only way for him to get out would be to wade to the edge of the magma field and climb out. And he can get by on less oxygen than a human but he still needs to breathe.
Though he won't want to breathe too deeply around the gases of a magma field. That shit is toxic as hell. Yeah, all those lava pits in villain's lairs? Totally impractical. You'd need breathing gear to not suffocate over it. :p

Frog hearts are structured quite differently to human hearts. Three chambers rather than four, and no separation between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. It's a poor design, like human eyes compared to the superior squid eyes and it means that I don't really know what sort of heart that woman is supposed to have. But assuming that this is mostly magic anyway, that we build our gods and monsters in our own image and that I'd probably want fully oxygenated blood given the choice, I'm going to go with a mostly-human design.
Seriously, the cephalopod eye is ludicrously overdesigned. Not only extremely precise movement, but they can see outside the visible spectrum.

She stamps on the magma patch.

She can take the heart she gets. My boosters blaze and-. And I've left Cernunnos behind.
...Right, gonna be difficult for him to lend a hand if he has to flap his way back.


I grab him with a construct X-15 and accelerate it to match my speed, wincing slightly as I realise that I'm going to have to thank Lantern Jordan for that one. Okay, optic scans of the woman's interior show the location of the veins and arteries that would be connected to her heart so I can roughly guess the size, so that there, that there, and then the runes for health and life and… Blood? And earth. Overall configuration… Since I don't know what her natural mana flows are like I can only guess 'human but bigger'.
And before anyone says it: He can draw the runes for magic, he just can't empower them himself. Hence asking Cernonnus to handle that part.

I move the heart to the canopy.

"Alright, it's done."
Hopefully out of her effective range, though.

He uses his right thumb claw to cut the tips of his right index and middle fingers and then reaches up. I pop the construct canopy and he presses his hand into the flesh of the synthetic heart, his blood staining the closest 'blood' rune.

I can dimly feel it as something changes, and given that we're nearly in heart-insertion range I hope-.
All right, package charged up. Now to insert it. Good luck with that.

The woman turns her head our way and I generate a crumbler ram and hope that-.

A rock spike erupts from the ocean and I block it with the ram. Another follows but we're already past it.
Oh, they noticed that, I bet. Probably because of some domain-related thing. Like a predator catching wind of its favourite prey.

Well, at least Cernie's got an easier time of it. OL's doing all the hard work. He just has to not die.

I dismiss the X-15 construct, expand the crumbler ram and position the heart behind the head. Rotate the heart so that it's the right way around and lunge. The woman lowers her posture slightly and swings her fore claws at my construct. Dodge down, accelerate slightly and her claws just clip the rear of the construct. Dismiss, shove the heart into her chest and bind her flesh to it-.

Warning: power expended.
Oh, that's monumentally poorly timed! I bet it's because everything in this place is arcane, so even a simple construct has been burning charge like a roman candle.

My rings blinks out and I start falling.

...I think it's pretty clear what just happened. ;) The real challenge now is how you're going to continue fighting.

No, I mean obviously I know what, I-. Her chest drains my guuuh!

Armour's flight system failed, but the armour itself stopped me from braining myself on the shore.
Lucky for you. No fixing a broken neck right now.


I need to run because this armour isn't magma-proof.
...Talk about a hot foot. :p

But it does have power assistance, so I thrust my legs out and just avoid one of her leg-claws slicing through me! I try to get my legs under me but can't quite manage it, instead getting my left knee under my chest while my right leg is still stretched out. I bounce, twisting to the side and grabbing at the ground with my hands because she's swinging again!

"Any of your animal-"
Great. Given how big she is, even a single hit will result in a badly-squished OL.

The leg comes down in front of me and I-

"-parts burrowing?"
Oh, right, Kon's still buried in magma, isn't he?

-slam face-first into her ankle.

Eesh, taking so many hits to your dignity today, OL.

Need to work on this armour.

Okay, use the sudden obstacle to lever myself upright-. She's lifting and there aren't any handholds but with her limb arrangement she can't stamp on me with her other leg when its that close. Drop to the ground. Is there any cover at all, and where's Kon?
Better than being shaken about like a sticky lump on a shoe...

Glowing ground was over that way but I need to run and jink!

I stagger sideways as her foot comes down again, but the ground seems to have stopped glowing which means-.
Either Kon's gone dark...

Semi-solid rock explodes outwards as Kon bursts through the surface!

Back to running!
...Or he was just charging up a bigger blast. Goodie!

"Out of power! Help!"

Give him at least a second to get the rock out of his ears first, OL.

Kon looks down at me as I head for the cliff face, then the monster woman backhands him into the sea-.

Ah, hits him anyway? Oh, he managed to grab on, but I don't think she's noticed.
Lucky. Unfortunately, he's not gonna be able to lift them like that. But a surprise attack...

"Cernunnos, is the heart working?!"

He's flying as high as the sky extends overhead, careful to maintain enough space to dodge.
Smart, if a little cowardly. Bet he's not exactly used to fighting on this scale, is he?

"It does not beat!"

Oh, of course.
And lacking a suitably large source of electricity to get it pumping...

"Kon! Get her heart beating!"

...It'll take a more direct method. Not exactly the conventional sort of CPR.

"Get in her chest and push it!"

I make momentary eye contact with him over her thumb claw, and he doesn't look convinced. But as long as she's distracted I can try recharging and not just running away and trying not to die. She finally spots him and brings her hands together in a huge clap, but Kon's had time to brace himself and is just about able to catch the incoming limb. Again, there's no pain reaction from her, but if she-.
Phrases that could only make sense during a mission involving OL... :rolleyes:

She lifts the higher hand away and he holds on for a moment, then pushes off towards her exposed ribs. And I've lost sight of him, but now I've got the cliffs to my back I've just got to hope that she was having so much fun trying to stamp on me that she doesn't drop me in magma. Face her, and be prepared to dodge.

No, Kon's got her attention. She's trying to claw at her own chest, but her claws are thrown back as Kon punches them away. Okay, let's just hope that I didn't have to transmute some blood for her as well.
You'll just have to trust that he can handle this while you sort out your Rings.

Now, recharging. I take a look at my rings… Right ring, Larfleeze's ring, the first ring, looks completely fine. If anything I'd say that it's glowing more brightly than usual. Left ring, Hinon's ring, is… Dull. Faded, and almost translucent. Almost like it's not really there. Makes sense. Hinon's ring is new and created by a race of materialists, while Larfleeze's ring has been exposed to the Ophidian for millions of years.

Interesting. Especially given that Larfleeze's Ring was previously destroyed, wasn't it?

Nothing. Looks like subspace isn't available in this place. Darn. There are other things I could do, but they all require more attention than I can-

"AAaagh! What did you DO!?"
Okay, looks like the deity has come to their senses. Looks like Kon got it beating. :confused: ...Via open-heart massage...


Kon throws himself free and the woman folds her arms over the hold in her chest. Her head-mouth snaps closed and she looks around… There's a certain intelligence in her gaze that wasn't there before.
Hopefully not too much anger, though. And let's hope it's directed at whoever caused this in the first place.

"Human! Explain or I will kill you!"

Still an improvement.
...Indeed. Death threats are definitely better than being squashed underfoot.

Okay, no threat of immediate death now. Hopefully OL will be able to diplomance his way into getting their aid. Though the first priority will be finding out what the hell is going on around here. Including whether that term is literal or not, since the Aztecs did have a land of the Dead. Which I'm betting is where they are. At which point getting to Themyscira will be the next challenge.
Longer contact is uncomfortable but not particularly dangerous itself, otherwise he'd burn out his eyes whenever he used heat vision.
I just assumed that it had safety measures built in, since it's magic. Other kryptonians would obviously need the resistance, though.
Right ring, Larfleeze's ring, the first ring, looks completely fine. If anything I'd say that it's glowing more brightly than usual. Left ring, Hinon's ring, is… Dull.
Huh, I didn't realise he had so many. I thought it was just two or three, not four. Unless I'm completely misreading this and when he says, 'Right, Larfleeze's, the first' all of those descriptors are referring to a single ring?

Are the problems with his armour's toughness caused by him redesigning it for mobility after that trouble with the dominators?
Thank you, corrected.
Perhaps it should be "Mortal"? A deity saying "human" makes me think "Alien" instead of a supernatural being.
Not all humans are mortal.
Huh, I didn't realise he had so many. I thought it was just two or three, not four. Unless I'm completely misreading this and when he says, 'Right, Larfleeze's, the first' all of those descriptors are referring to a single ring?
They are. He's wearing two.
Thank goodness something about this realm has a translation effect... or that English is the go-to language for upset deities, because Paul's rings are out.

This is a fun fight. I suspect this new heart has a shelf life though, or additional Anti-Life stooges are eager to throw a poison needle at this heart.

Now we get to learn her name! And possibly gain an ally, if she is too angry about Anti-Life to fear coming under it again. She'd be a fun as footnote in history's battle against Finality Man through today's battle, but she'd be more amusing as famous, active, and controversial goddess who directly helps in a fight against Manheim.

Question for everyone. Do you think the final battle against Mannheim/Finality Man will happen in a populated city? Because a bunch of heroes "allowing" a city be destroyed for a guaranteed victory over Anti-Life... yeah, that would a mortal blow against the old Guard's beliefs on never killing their enemies, or however you describe their comic book ideals.
Why would an Aztec god speak Spanish?
Sorry. Whenever I hear someone say they speak Mexican, I automatically think "You mean Spanish." Since this is an Aztec god, I looked up what language the Aztecs used, and found Nahuatl, aka Aztec or Mexicano. Is that the language you were referring to?
Yes. I didn't write Mexican. I wrote Mexian, because that's what the Aztecs called themselves.

I think you mean Mexica? That's what they called themselves, where the name Mexico comes from. Cause the only Mexian I know is from something and somewhere else.

Still, Larfleeze's Ring is conceptually ok, supposedly. So if you want to use that to "magically wave away" the need for translation, I don't know why that would be a problem. Or maybe Gods can communicate with each other regardless of language, so until the Illustres recharges Cernunnos can translate?
I don't think it would be surprising if deities had a magical universal translator built in, unless that has been contradicted at some point that I forget.
Alternately, if they've been keeping up with the times, English isn't a bad language to learn.
Guys, come on. Easy explanation: they don't communicate by vibrating air molecules in the magic realm, they broadcast concepts and the mortal souls of our heroes turn that into the method of communication most similar. Talking! Automatically rendered in English by the expectations of Kon and Paul.
surely anything more complex is needless, it serves the purpose of the story just fine.
Since I don't know what her natural mana flows are like I can only guess 'human but bigger'.
Since when can Paul set up devices (an organ in this case) with arcane elements like mana flow capacity calibrated to specification? Is runework really enough? If yes, when and where did he learn what seems to be fully modular runecraft?
"The flames are about 2000o​C, which while extremely dangerous to human flesh doesn't do a thing to Canis, Brut or me as they wash harmlessly over us. So that wasn't intended to hold us off."

Apparently, Kon (part Kryptonian (science-y Sun God), part Dannered Human with Helios' blessing… is less physically resistant to temperature extremes than the low-tier New God of Apokoliptian Art? Is this because of Canis' armor? (Because it was mentioned that he is physically resistant enough that he can just wander through the Arctic nigh-naked with no problems, so environmental resistances are part of his Deific Powers…)
Apparently, Kon (part Kryptonian (science-y Sun God), part Dannered Human with Helios' blessing… is less physically resistant to temperature extremes than the low-tier New God of Apokoliptian Art? Is this because of Canis' armor? (Because it was mentioned that he is physically resistant enough that he can just wander through the Arctic nigh-naked with no problems, so environmental resistances are part of his Deific Powers…)
Even a low-end god is still a god. They have an always-active "Wholeness Rightly Assumed" effect constantly bringing their physical form in line with their self-image.

So yeah, Kon is tough but he's only blessed, not deific himself.
Break Time (part 4)
17th February 2013
16:58 GMT

As the only full human on the shore, I should probably field that.

"When we first found you, oh glorious one, your heart was missing from your chest! You attacked us quite vigorously!"

"What do you mean, my heart was missing?!"

"Looked like someone cut it out, magnificence!" I start walking closer as she stares down at me. "We could see your lungs!"

"My heart is in my chest."

"No, that's a new heart I made! I've got no idea where your original one is!"

Her unusual facial structure makes it a little hard to decipher her mood, and she's clearly having a nasty shock. But she isn't smashing me for my lies, so I'm going to assume that she's at least accepting it as plausible. I could ask her what made the wound in her chest, as that would help with the sheeda and the creatures assailing Themyscira. But that's probably a bit confrontational.

"Might I ask your name!?"

"Do you think I am some minor goddess, whose name can just slip your memory?!"

"I worship the gods of Olympus, divinity. I am far from my homeland, and their place of power. I probably never learned it."

"Then know that I am Tlaltecuhtli! Goddess of Earth and all the life that springs from it!"

I roll my eyes at that-. And Kon catches them and shakes his head. Yes, I had realised that now isn't the time for comparative theology. This blood-fuelled earth goddess might be the Aztec version of Demeter but she certainly isn't Gaea. I just realise that calling her out on her creative advertising wouldn't help the situation.

She crouches slightly, her right arm dropping down to tear rocks from the ground, a load that she pushes into the hole in her chest. The rock then spreads across the injury, merging with her flesh to create a patch. It's not the same colour as the rest of her skin, but it appears to be functional.

I wonder. If we accept that the Olympian mythos survives so well because they're drawing power from the chained titans, who are too fundamental to the human part of the Dream to ever fully fade, that makes them more powerful and more coherent than the gods of other dead or dying religions. As for the rest… I don't know. I remember reading in Hellblazer that the gods of dead religions don't get weaker, but Bast herself said that her realm was in decay without humans at least thinking of them. Maybe it's the realm? Or the human-comprehensible parts of the god rather than the core self?

Or maybe Hellblazer was wrong, or John was dishonest?

No, can't be.

"Do you require our assistance any further, oh Goddess of Earth?"

Might not have been wise to draw attention to the fact that she needed mortal help, but unless she feels like sharing what happened to her there isn't anything she can do to help us solve the case.

I think she's thinking about it, but then she spots Themyscira on the horizon.

"Why is that here?"

"Don't know. We were about to find out. They're being attacked by humans who have had their hearts torn out-."

"I will deal with them."

She stamps towards the misty sea, the stone causeway which Kon obliterated reforming to take her huge footfall and weight.

Kon ambles over, careful to keep Tlaltecuhtli in view.

"It worked."

"Good work with the heart massage."

He snorts. "Good work with the heart."

"That wasn't the hard bit." I look around. "Cernunnos? Are you around?"

There's a faint shimmer at the tree line and Cernunnos stalks out, keeping an eye on Tlaltecuhtli.

"You may have saved her from enchantment, but she still eats hearts."

"I haven't forgotten, but we're in the land of the Aztec gods. They all do it, and we're going to have to deal with them. Would you mind flying to Themyscira and letting them know we're here?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Ring's dead. Kon, what's your damage?"

Kon pulls the melted remains of his kinetic belt off his suit. The suit is thin enough to be protected by his organic force field, but the belt extends outside of that.

"Fine, apart from the belt. Are you having trouble recharging?"

I raise my left fist and tap it against a personal lantern that isn't there.

"Yes. I'll need a moment. Please keep watch."

He nods, doing a quick check of our perimeter.

"Oh, and in case you missed it, her chest could absorb the orange light, so there's probably another-."

"One of your clones-" He nods. "-with its heart cut out."

"Just so. Okay."

This should be doable. I recreated Larfleeze's ring from pure avarice because it had existed for so long that it imprinted on it. My personal lantern has only been orange for a couple of years, but the orange light fountain has existed about as long as his ring. Not sure if Hinon dismantled it as part of building the Orange Central Power Battery, but the imprint should still be there.

I make a fist with my right hand and raise it slightly, contemplating the ring.

And it should be tied to this ring.

Just outside the-. Ooooh. It's actually a little easier to see things here without straining. No, no, not the desires of individual people. I want to see the distortion left by an object, things not tied to a particular person or mindset. A device that used to cage the Ophidian. There are Kon's desires and Cernunnos's desires and Tlaltecuhtli's desires and pull out pull out pull all the way out. There's the whole of the orange but it doesn't all flow from the desires of individuals. Behind that, there's the desires of groups, species, things existing beyond the individual. But aside from that, there are structures which emerge from the thing itself…

I reach out with my right hand and touch my ring to the structure.

This is my cause, this is my fight,
Shine through the void with orange light,
I've claimed all within my sight,
To keep what is mine, that is my right.

Something moves, and the previously empty ring becomes full again as I return to the realm of the gods and toss Kon a replacement kinetic barrier.

"Is it lava proof?"

"Try swallowing it."

He snorts, then we both rise into the air and head after Tlaltecuhtli.
Last edited:
I wonder. If we accept that the Olympian mythos survives so well because they're drawing power from the chained titans, who are too fundamental to the human part of the Dream to ever fully fade, that makes them more powerful and more coherent than the gods of other dead or dying religions. As for the rest… I don't know. I remember reading in Hellblazer that the gods of dead religions don't get weaker, but Bast herself said that her realm was in decay without humans at least thinking of them. Maybe it's the realm? Or the human-comprehensible parts of the god rather than the core self

I think it was mentioned in this fic that gods without worshippers can exist, but their ability to influence the mortal realm is weakened without any worship.

Or maybe Hellblazer was wrong, or John was dishonest

Well the guy that mentioned that he was still as powerful even without worshippers was a bloodthirsty monster, so his credibility is questionable.

Can't tell if this is sarcastic.

"Don't know. We were about to find out. They're being attacked by humans who have had their hearts torn out-."

"I will deal with them."

She stamps towards the misty sea, the stone causeway which Kon obliterated reforming to take her huge footfall and weight.

Kon ambles over, careful to keep Tlaltecuhtli in view.

"It worked

Assuming she helps the Amazons.

"Oh, and in case you missed it, her chest could absorb the orange light, so there's probably another-."

"One of your clones-" He nods. "-with its heart cut out."

"Just so. Okay

So Manheim is behind this.

"it lava proof"

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