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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I do believe that this is the Paul with the most amount of love interests. Khalida, Aranei and now Richilde. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there are any other Pauls that have managed 3. Unless there are any planed alternate Pauls that will defy that.

I mean, at the same time or together in an actual relationship? Because the Mandate Orange Lantern is getting married, I think, with Cheshire Jade and a Green Lantern Jade, so he has two girlfriends. And the Illustres at one point had Zatanna, Artemis and Kon as possible love interests, I believe.
Break Time (part 1)
Break Time

17th February 2013
16:51 GMT


Physical check? Human head back. Kon's a living kryptonian/human/genomorph again and Cernunnos is still himself as well. The gate here looks the same as the one in Duat, and the sacrificial altar-. Yes, there it is-.

"Human." The sheeda man standing next to the altar-. There's a hole in his chest, showing his lungs as they move with his breathing while also showing that his heart is entirely absent. "I know you."

We're on a stony cliff overlooking the ocean, and just visible out to sea is the familiar shape of the island of Themyscira. It's nothing like this close to a larger land mass in reality, so wherever we've ended up has moved it.

Get to that later.

"While I have no idea who you are at all."

"They told us, when you killed the queen. That was the last of our hope."

Kon and Cernunnos spread out slightly to the left and right. Kon's not giving the sheeda all of his attention as he listens for other threats.

"You don't need to raid the past any longer-."

"We can't!" He bares his teeth, which are surprisingly pointy. "Our future is no longer our future! I left my whole family behind and I will never see them again!"

Oh. Right, yeah. Their future still exists, but unless things go very badly wrong that's not our future any more.

Kon shrugs. "Your future was kinda evil."

"We had a life whose greatness you will never comprehend and you condemned it to death by your refusal to know your place! You are fit only to be chattel! CHATTEL!"

He expectorates the word, clearly losing whatever self-possession he had. Interesting that he doesn't appear to be Anti-Life controlled, particularly given that I don't think it would be all that difficult to turn him. Unless… Would the sheeda be resistant?

"You were making an almost sympathetic point until you said that. So, ah, you're under arrest."

He draws a knife with his right hand. Obsidian. Fits the Aztec look of the portals but I'm not sure-.

He pricks his left thumb and presses it against the altar, the red stains immediately changing colour to match the black of his blood.

"And now you are trapped, and your hearts will be offered up to the goddess who will give me the revenge I long for!"

He smiles beatifically, and there's a quiet sighing noise as the portal behind us closes.

"Okay, so, we're looking for a female elf? We have reason to believe that you were involved in her abduction."

"Stupid creature, do you not understand what I've done?"

"Yes, you've closed the portal to Duat, 'trapping' us. But we already know that there's a portal to Otherworld somewhere around here, and that-"

I point to where the island of Themyscira sits in the ocean.

"-is home for me and Superboy. So, ah, honestly? This is better for us than finishing the original investigation." Kon frowns at me. "Which we're still going to complete, but… You've been a real help, which is why I'm not branding you and compelling you to answer my questions. So, please: what's this all-"


The rocks and sands at the bottom of the cliff erupt upwards as a colossal creature leaps up from under the ground! Kon, Cernunnos and I leap off the ground and into the air as a vast hand slaps down onto the altar, sheeda and inactive portal and obliterates them, along with most of the cliff. The huge creature responsible stares up at us, head locked onto-.


What? The.. sky is a flat surface about a hundred metres off the ground. No escape that way, and I don't think that breaking the structure of the local universe would have good results.

The giant creature resembles a cross between a human and a toad. The head is mostly human, but broader and having a wider mouth. The ears are larger as well, and have bulky earrings hanging from them. A decorative headdress made of what I think is some sort of woven material sits on her head, more like a tiara than the stereotypical feathered headdress. Her torso is unusually broad like her head, and has the same hole in the chest showing that her heart has been removed as the sheeda had. Her hands put me in mind of a sloth: short fingers with long claws. She wears a skirt in the Aztec style while her legs are disproportionally short, or are jointed in a non-standard way, and her skin is covered in scales. Her bare feet have the same claw-heavy structure as her hands, and they're digging into the ground.

"You know who that is?"

I shake my head. "None of my records on Aztec deities include up-to-date photographs. Cernunnos?"

"I avoid gods with a taste for human hearts."

"Looks more like someone has a taste for hers. Which Aztec god is it who eats hearts?"

"All of them except Quetzalcoatl."

He frowns as the Aztec goddess turns to face us.

"Huh. Guess we got lucky. Do you think that sheeda was controlling her?"

"He didn't have a heart either. I suspect we'll only find the one in charge when we find where the hearts have gone."

"She's not getting in the water. Do we need-?"

The sea beneath us erupts and we all evade as spires of rock shoot up towards us! I see the shockwave as they thrust the air aside before slamming into the sky-roof-. Dodge again! Her feet are squeezing into the sand and-.


I throw up! Everything I ate jumps out of my mouth and my stomach tries to follow it-.

In the corner of my eye I see the Aztec goddess's head split in two, a new mouth appearing between the left and right sides as it fully opens and her tongue extending up from her neck!


The world dims and my head-. I feel something hit my left side, but it's… Distant. I'm.. moving..?


Not chemicals. Not shortness of oxygen. Probably not telepathy-. Magic. Tattoos and wards have a maximum absorption rate-.

"Feed me!"


I form rock drill constructs and fly, smashing my way free from the spines that threaten to crush me! A glance shows that the other two are doing better, but-.

But while we've been dodging the giant heartless woman has been making a bridge for herself.
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He expectorates the word, clearly losing whatever self-possession he had. Interesting that he doesn't appear to be Anti-Life controlled, particularly given that I don't think it would be all that difficult to turn him. Unless… Would the sheeda be resistant

Or this place has some defense against it.

"Okay, so, we're looking for a female elf? We have reason to believe that you were involved in her abduction

You really can't be bothered to even give a shit.

"Stupid creature, do you not understand what I've done

He does, but he has no fucks to give.

"-is home for me and Superboy. So, ah, honestly? This is better for us than finishing the original investigation." Kon frowns at me. "Which we're still going to complete, but… You've been a real help, which is why I'm not branding you and compelling you to answer my questions. So, please: what's this all-"


Wonder if the laugh is because he knows that his revenge is pointless.

"Looks more like someone has a taste for hers. Which Atec god is it who eats hearts?"

"All of them except Quetzalcoatl

Though he may also indulge sometimes, just not as much.
Break Time

17th February 2013
16:51 GMT

Dang, another delay for the big finale. :eek: Do you enjoy our suffering, Mr Zoat? ...Eh-hem. Back onto the matter at hand: So, cross-dimensional portal. Apparently leading to Themyscira. What new impediment will appear to mess with OL's mission this time?

Physical check? Human head back. Kon's a living kryptonian/human/genomorph again and Cernunnos is still himself as well. The gate here looks the same as the one in Duat, and the sacrificial altar-. Yes, there it is-.

"Human." The sheeda man standing next to the altar-. There's a hole in his chest, showing his lungs as they move with his breathing while also showing that his heart is entirely absent. "I know you."
I mean... I know Sheeda are tough, so he's likely running on a spare heart or something silly like that. But just leaving it gaping like that can't be healthy.

We're on a stony cliff overlooking the ocean, and just visible out to sea is the familiar shape of the island of Themyscira. It's nothing like this close to a larger land mass in reality, so wherever we've ended up has moved it.

Get to that later.
Next question then: What landmass are you on? Is there anything recognisable about the local geography to offer an answer?

"While I have no idea who you are at all."

"They told us, when you killed the queen. That was the last of our hope."
And? Sorry, you get no sympathy, being a slave-raiding invader from the future.

Kon and Cernunnos spread out slightly to the left and right. Kon's not giving the sheeda all of his attention as he listens for other threats.

"You don't need to raid the past any longer-."
Good to see they're not giving this loon their full attention. OL can handle him.

"We can't!" He bares his teeth, which are surprisingly pointy. "Our future is no longer our future! I left my whole family behind and I will never see them again!"

Oh. Right, yeah. Their future still exists, but unless things go very badly wrong that's not our future any more.
Because wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff. ...That's mostly Time Trapper's fault.

Kon shrugs. "Your future was kinda evil."

"We had a life whose greatness you will never comprehend and you condemned it to death by your refusal to know your place! You are fit only to be chattel! CHATTEL!"
And 'poof' goes any sympathy. Calling someone 'not a person' isn't going to win you any prizes.

He expectorates the word, clearly losing whatever self-possession he had. Interesting that he doesn't appear to be Anti-Life controlled, particularly given that I don't think it would be all that difficult to turn him. Unless… Would the sheeda be resistant?

"You were making an almost sympathetic point until you said that. So, ah, you're under arrest."
Though he may need some patching up, given that hole in his chest.

He draws a knife with his right hand. Obsidian. Fits the Aztec look of the portals but I'm not sure-.

He pricks his left thumb and presses it against the altar, the red stains immediately changing colour to match the black of his blood.
Joy. Blood magic. I doubt whatever he's calling up will be friendly.

"And now you are trapped, and your hearts will be offered up to the goddess who will give me the revenge I long for!"

He smiles beatifically, and there's a quiet sighing noise as the portal behind us closes.
That may prove a tougher ask than you think it'll be, friend.

"Okay, so, we're looking for a female elf? We have reason to believe that you were involved in her abduction."

"Stupid creature, do you not understand what I've done?"
Unless it involved bodily harm to said elvish lady, I don't think they consider you enough of a threat to worry.

"Yes, you've closed the portal to Duat, 'trapping' us. But we already know that there's a portal to Otherworld somewhere around here, and that-"

I point to where the island of Themyscira sits in the ocean.
...Whose presence is still to be explained. Though hopefully Kon can visit with his grandma while they're here.

"-is home for me and Superboy. So, ah, honestly? This is better for us than finishing the original investigation." Kon frowns at me. "Which we're still going to complete, but… You've been a real help, which is why I'm not branding you and compelling you to answer my questions. So, please: what's this all-"

...Right, Brand away, OL. Enough kid gloves.

The rocks and sands at the bottom of the cliff erupt upwards as a colossal creature leaps up from under the ground! Kon, Cernunnos and I leap off the ground and into the air as a vast hand slaps down onto the altar, sheeda and inactive portal and obliterates them, along with most of the cliff. The huge creature responsible stares up at us, head locked onto-.


What? The.. sky is a flat surface about a hundred metres off the ground. No escape that way, and I don't think that breaking the structure of the local universe would have good results.
...Well, there goes your hope of backtracking. Let's hope there's some easily accessible way out of here otherwise.

The giant creature resembles a cross between a human and a toad. The head is mostly human, but broader and having a wider mouth. The ears are larger as well, and have bulky earrings hanging from them. A decorative head dress made of what I think is some sort of woven material hits on her head, more like a tiara than the stereotypical feathered headdress. Her torso is unusually broad like her head, and has the same hole in the chest showing that her heart has been removed as the sheeda had. Her hands put me in mind of a sloth: short fingers with long claws. She wears a skirt in the Aztec style while her legs are disproportionally short, or are jointed in a non-standard way, and her skin is covered in scales. Her bare feet have the same claw-heavy structure as her hands, and they're digging into the ground.
Just from the description, this may be <clears throat> ...Tlaltecuhtli. A gender-ambiguous deity (and embodiment) of the Earth. That would be the Aztec connection, then.

"You know who that is?"

I shake my head. "None of my records on Aztec deities include up-to-date photographs. Cernunnos?"
Not anyone good, that's for certain. Apparently this one likes their human hearts. No hearts, no world.

"I avoid gods with a taste for human hearts."

"Looks more like someone has a taste for hers. Which Aztec god is it who eats hearts?"
More a case of who doesn't? Presumably their missing heart is part of the creation myth.

"All of them except Quetzalcoatl."

He frowns as the Aztec goddess turns to face us.
Methinks they don't like that name.

"Huh. Guess we got lucky. Do you think that sheeda was controlling her?"

"He didn't have a heart either. I suspect we'll only find the one in charge when we find where the hearts have gone."
Since this one is not exactly the top of the pyramid.

"She's not getting in the water. Do we need-?"

The sea beneath us erupts and we all evade as spires of rock shoot up towards us! I see the shockwave as they thrust the air aside before slamming into the sky-roof-. Dodge again! Her feet are squeezing into the sand and-.
Probably best to save the discussion for when there's not a blood-crazed murder deity scowling at you.


I throw up! Everything I ate jumps out of my mouth and my stomach tries to follow it-.
Nifty trick. Presumably sucking the 'food' right out of their bellies.

In the corner of my eye I see the Aztec goddess's head split in two, a new mouth appearing between the left and right sides as it fully opens and her tongue extending up from her neck!

And that is apparently a thing they can do. Probably what's about to happen is not anything good...

The world dims and my head-. I feel something hit my left side, but it's… Distant. I'm.. moving..?

Hmm... Psychic attack?

Not chemicals. Not shortness of oxygen. Probably not telepathy-. Magic. Tattoos and wards have a maximum absorption rate-.

"Feed me!"
Anyone else, that might have been fatal.


I form rock drill constructs and fly, smashing my way free from the spines that threaten to crush me! A glance shows that the other two are doing better, but-.

But while we've been dodging the giant heartless woman has been making a bridge for herself.
To them, or to Themyscira?

Oh, boy. The Aztec pantheon is involved now. Things are going to get very messy, methinks. Let's hope this is a misunderstanding, because some of said deities have quite a temper. Still, hopefully they can get to Themyscira as a safe haven. It'll be curious to see how they've been handling things in the meantime. Constantine must be getting a bit worn thin by now, if he's still warding the island...
Sounds and looks to me like some members, elements or parts of the Aztec pantheon may have been co-opted, subverted or coerced by Mannheim or Apokolips. If the elf abduction was recent then the portal itself was created recently as well; a method to arrive at the hidden Themyscira. What's on the island that they want?

Also, since Bast mentioned the recent contact, is the resurgence of the Aztec Pantheon a result of Mannheim as well? Did he need something from them or did he want some Old Gods as allies? Seems contrary to his Darkseid-lite nature to seek allies but who knows. I really can't see where this sidequest arc came from or where is it going.
A decorative head dress made of what I think is some sort of woven material hits on her head, more like a tiara than the stereotypical feathered headdress.
'headdress'? Not sure if it's a deliberate inconsistency.
I throw up! Everything I ate jumps out of my mouth and my stomach tries to follow it-
This and the maybe-feminine nature of the deity and the wearing of a woven headdress make me think that this might be the sin-eater goddess that was mentioned earlier, although my Googling seemed to indicate that she didn't look like a frog, so I don't know.
I form rock drill constructs and fly, smashing my way free from the spines that threaten to crush me!
Just from the description, this may be <clears throat> ...Tlaltecuhtli. A gender-ambiguous deity (and embodiment) of the Earth. That would be the Aztec connection, then

So they're basically facing a Titan.


Methinks they don't like that name.

If you were torn apart and made into a big pile of dirt, would you like hearing about the one that had a hand, or well tail/wing in the process?
Black text? Hmm, I wonder if she has a similar domain to that dimension of oblivion that was connected to this realm. Alternatively she is infected by anti-life.

No sign of our missing elf. Sacrificed/eaten? Also, I guess the blood of a diminished god of travel would help one reach Themyscira through the magic barrier. Easier than breaking it.
Though he may also indulge sometimes, just not as much.
Quetzalcoatl doesn't do human sacrifice at al. Worship for him was animal sacrifice.

Also, fun fact: Quetzalcoatl isn't even an Aztec god. He was worshiped throughout all of Mesoamerica and existed a long, long time before the Azetecs did. The Mayans called him Kukulcan or Gucumatz
10th Sigmarzeit 2512

I blink at Aranei as-. Richilde stirs next to me and then jerks upright!

Aranei shakes her head. "If I must tolerate a human as a co-consort, you should at least do the job properly. Remove your clothes, and I will begin your instruction."
Karl Franz's sister, Isabella, is going to be FURIOUS when she finds out her brother basically gave her daughter away to be a concubine.

Not to mention all the grief he'll get from everyone else who will either be outraged, or worse, AMUSED, by the whole debacle.

Break Time (part 2)
17th February 2013
16:54 GMT


I fire a beam of orange light at the giant woman, but it… Sort of bends, twisting into the hole in her chest and… Doing nothing.

Kon goes to work punching rock spurs, breaking them to dust before they can hit us or limit our manoeuvrability. Four shatter to detritus before he risks glancing at me.

"You okay?"

"Did you feel that?"

"What, the rock?"

"The scream."

"I heard the scream. Did it do something else?"

"Did to me."

And I've prepared. I'm as warded as a person can get, and Kon didn't even notice an attack. And it sucked up my orange light but doesn't appear to be using it.

"Are we gunna attack it?"

"Heat vision. I'll shield the island if needed."

I guess I can write off another clone. They're probably using its heart as a… Conceptual link? Sympathetic link? Though if the sheeda man was still walking around-.

"I'll need a few seconds."

I nod, forming a sphere around us. Rock spines fly at the stationary target, and the moment before they hit I add crumbler field generators to the exterior. Won't necessarily work if the rock is inherently magical-.

We're in the realm of the gods and not the material-!

The rock hits and my sphere begins to deform as I hook up my construct to my tattoos and hope that's enough as I apply the concept of hunger to the matter disruption constructs. The change is immediate, rock-and-the-idea-of-rock decaying to dust.

"I'm ready!"

I glance at Kon's eyes, which are glowing painfully brightly, and then drop the construct.


Water and rock alike are vaporised by sun-plasma and the world around me is darkened as my ring cuts down the incoming light in order to preserve my sight. Kon cuts out a moment-.

Dust howls around us, merging with boiling steam that Kon's attack created to create an instant electrical storm cloud. With the dust and impure steam creating intermittent channels to the ground, we're both struck repeatedly by small discharges.


I fly up-. There's the roof. I generate a crumbler wall and push it downwards, clearing-.

No, that's not-.

The dust swirls around my construct and flies at us! It rapidly coats the exterior of my armour and my sensors feel it worrying at every joint and edge like a sander. Empathic vision shows me Kon flying left and down, trying to get out of the particulate cloud. My armour is rated as being capable of surviving this, but if whatever force is animating this can understand that a kinetic belt-.

No, wait, that probably wouldn't-. He's taking it on his skin?

Earth control. The creature can control earth without needing it to be attached to the Earth.

Booster constructs and-. Force the earth crust off my armour over enough of an area to actually let me make constructs, then make booster constructs and fly backwards, crumbler… Crumbler barricade, and add a crumbler layer to my armour and hook it up to my tattoos. That should keep me safe, and Kon-.

About a mile away to my right I see Kon fly out of the steaming water, most of the earth cleaned off. His kryptonian overalls look a bit abraded, but they're quite a lot tougher than Earth clothes. Cernunnos… Is flying for Themyscira at best possible speed. And the giant woman… She's pulling herself back to her feet back on the mainland, the front of her chest largely burned off. In a few places her body fat burns as it runs down her skirt and legs, but as far as I can see she isn't showing any sign of pain.

Okay, my usual attack constructs aren't reliable in this situation. Kon gave her both barrels and she doesn't look all that hurt. I'd guess that destroying either her heart or whoever has it would kill her, but I don't know where it is or who has it. I don't know enough about Aztec mythology to beat her with cunning. That leaves… Brute force and...

Would the act of giving her a new heart fix… Whatever's happening here?

How would I even-? I can guess based on her physical dimensions what the heart should roughly look like if it were a purely material thing, but it's not, and I'm not a magician. Construct heart? I mean, I might be able to make it work…

There's something rippling under the-.

I boost towards Themyscira hard, because Kon made a giant shockwave which is travelling through the water and that's going to explode upwards once it hits the shallows. This is why I don't like physics!

Except we're not in the material-. No, not risking it.

Get ahead of the wave and… Send it around the island? No, that's still going to wreck the shoreline. Sonic cannons to counteract it. Yes, it'll make the water explode but there isn't anything here to hurt except a few fish. Wave is now-. Too close to the island, and I'm glad it was just from vapour expansion backlash because otherwise I wouldn't have been in position in time.

The boom-slap as the water Kon cleaved in two slaps back together reaches me just as I deploy the sonic cannons into the water. Takes a bit more effort than normal, but that's probably because this water isn't exactly water, and fire.

Plume as expected, and the shockwave is slightly weakened right here but most of it's still going.

"Can you stop it?"


"I'm an Orange Lantern." I boost harder and generate a bigger sonic cannon. "I can do anything I-"

Into the water and fire!


The world turns white with foam and the shockwave weakens-

Turn it up!

-and then reverses as the water briefly forms a gully from the conflicting pressure waves.

And stop. Check surroundings. Themyscira is-. Soldiers in gold are fighting on the beach, against-. Aztecs. Aztecs with holes in their chests where their hearts used to be. But it looks like they're holding, if only because you can't pierce orichalcum with obsidian. The big woman is more important.

"Cernunnos, could you make a heart live?"

"Fill a dead heart with life? Yes, I can do that, briefly. Do you have a heart?"

"Excellent. Plan is, I make a heart and shove it in her chest, you make it live and hopefully that throws off whatever spell she's under."

"What if she just hates you?"

"Then I kill-"

I see the speck that is Kon dive down at her, presumably hoping to repeat his prior trick and break her hold on the earth by separating her from it. The moment he gets a grip on her foot the ground erupts upwards and glows red hot!

"-her go!"
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Did you feel that?"

"What, the rock?"

"The scream."

"I heard the scream. Did it do something else?"

"Did to me

Well you do have tattoos that absorb magic, so that may explain why it affected you.

Cernunnos is probably resistant to it and Kon's blessing could protect him, or he's spiritualy deaf enough that it would be like trying to use loud sounds on someone that can't hear.
17th February 2013
16:54 GMT


I fire a beam of orange light at the giant woman, but it… Sort of bends, twisting into the hole in her chest and… Doing nothing.
Because of course this dimension doesn't follow the rules of physics. Evidently whatever else they are, their abilities include energy absorption like an Orange Lantern Feeding. So unless it's larger than they can stomach, they'll gobble it down.

Kon goes to work punching rock spurs, breaking them to dust before they can hit us or limit our manoeuvrability. Four shatter to detritus before he risks glancing at me.

"You okay?"
Because OL took a solid hit from the scream. Yet it appears not to have had the same effect on Kon or Cernie. Different soul, different result?

"Did you feel that?"

"What, the rock?"
I'll admit, that would be a nasty move, though. Stun or blind someone then smash with giant rock.

"The scream."

"I heard the scream. Did it do something else?"
Okay, it definitely has something to do with OL's tattoos or non-standard soul, then. Because if it didn't hurt Kon's Kryptonian weakness...

"Did to me."

And I've prepared. I'm as warded as a person can get, and Kon didn't even notice an attack. And it sucked up my orange light but doesn't appear to be using it.
...It must be something specific about you, OL.

"Are we gunna attack it?"

"Heat vision. I'll shield the island if needed."
Oh, boy. Opening with the big guns, huh?

I guess I can write off another clone. They're probably using its heart as a… Conceptual link? Sympathetic link? Though if the sheeda man was still walking around-.

"I'll need a few seconds."
Who knows, man? This might not even be related to Mannheim. That likelihood isn't great, but still...

I nod, forming a sphere around us. Rock spines fly at the stationary target, and the moment before they hit I add crumbler field generators to the exterior. Won't necessarily work if the rock is inherently magical-.

We're in the realm of the gods and not the material-!
Again, the laws of physics are only suggestions here...

The rock hits and my sphere begins to deform as I hook up my construct to my tattoos and hope that's enough as I apply the concept of hunger to the matter disruption constructs. The change is immediate, rock-and-the-idea-of-rock decaying to dust.

"I'm ready!"
Okay, that worked. brace for a flash, kiddies.

I glance at Kon's eyes, which are glowing painfully brightly, and then drop the construct.

See, that's one thing Superman's Heat Vision can't do, is it? No charge-up option, unless there's a Torquasm trick for it.

Water and rock alike are vaporised by sun-plasma and the world around me is darkened as my ring cuts down the incoming light in order to preserve my sight. Kon cuts out a moment-.

Dust howls around us, merging with boiling steam that Kon's attack created to create an instant electrical storm cloud. With the dust and impure steam creating intermittent channels to the ground, we're both struck repeatedly by small discharges.
Still, that's nothing to whatever it;ll do the the deity...


I fly up-. There's the roof. I generate a crumbler wall and push it downwards, clearing-.
Ah, the drawback of big blasts: cloud cover.

No, that's not-.

The dust swirls around my construct and flies at us! It rapidly coats the exterior of my armour and my sensors feel it worrying at every joint and edge like a sander. Empathic vision shows me Kon flying left and down, trying to get out of the particulate cloud. My armour is rated as being capable of surviving this, but it whatever force is animating this can understand that a kinetic belt-.
Oh, that's just rude. It's like a blanket damage-over-time effect, I bet.

No, wait, that probably wouldn't-. He's taking it on his skin?

Earth control. The creature can control earth without needing it to be attached to the Earth.
Maybe he's simply tougher here, as an aspect of both his Kryptonian nature and his Titanic blessing?

Booster constructs and-. Force the earth crust off my armour over enough of an area to actually let me make constructs, then make booster constructs and fly backwards, crumbler… Crumbler barricade, and add a crumbler layer to my armour and hook it up to my tattoos. That should keep me safe, and Kon-.
...What's the bet the damn deity is unharmed when the smoke clears?

About a mile away to my right I see Kon fly out of the steaming water, most of the earth cleaned off. His kryptonian overalls look a bit abraded, but they're quite a lot tougher than Earth clothes. Cernunnos… Is flying for Themyscira at best possible speed. And the giant woman… She's pulling herself back to her feet back on the mainland, the front of her chest largely burned off. In a few places her body fat burns as it runs down her skirt and legs, but as far as I can see she isn't showing any sign of pain.
...Damn. I'm betting that's the equivalent of 'mildly dusty' for them.

Okay, my usual attack constructs aren't reliable in this situation. Kon gave her both barrels and she doesn't look all that hurt. I'd guess that destroying either her heart or whoever has it would kill her, but I don't know where it is or who has it. I don't know enough about Aztec mythology to beat her with cunning. That leaves… Brute force and...

Would the act of giving her a new heart fix… Whatever's happening here?
I suspect it would require quite a bit more spiritual oomph than you can manage to apply, OL.

How would I even-? I can guess based on her physical dimensions what the heart should roughly look like if it were a purely material thing, but it's not, and I'm not a magician. Construct heart? I mean, I might be able to make it work…

There's something rippling under the-.
If nothing else, it might confuse them a moment, long enough to retreat?

I boost towards Themyscira hard, because Kon made a giant shockwave which is travelling through the water and that's going to explode upwards once it hits the shallows. This is why I don't like physics!

Except we're not in the material-. No, not risking it.
Intent should be enough to halt it, as long as you go through the motions.

Get ahead of the wave and… Send it around the island? No, that's still going to wreck the shoreline. Sonic cannons to counteract it. Yes, it'll make the water explode but there isn't anything here to hurt except a few fish. Wave is now-. Too close to the island, and I'm glad it was just from vapour expansion backlash because otherwise I wouldn't have been in position in time.

The boom-slap as the waster Kon cleaved in two slaps back together reaches me just as I deploy the sonic cannons into the water. Takes a bit more effort than normal, but that's probably because this water isn't exactly water, and fire.
Fingers crossed for luck, done.

Plume as expected, and the shockwave is slightly weakened right here but most of it's still going.

"Can you stop it?"
The wave? Already done. The deity? that's a little more uncertain.


"I'm an Orange Lantern." I boost harder and generate a bigger sonic cannon. "I can do anything I-"
Confidence. That's good, especially in a place where intent and metaphor are more potent.

Into the water and fire!

When in doubt, apply more force.

The world turns white with foam and the shockwave weakens-

Turn it up!
Like the world's most awkward Bass Cannon.

-and then reverses as the water briefly forms a gully from the conflicting pressure waves.

And stop. Check surroundings. Themyscira is-. Soldiers in gold are fighting on the beach, against-. Aztecs. Aztecs with holes in their chests where their hearts used to be. But it looks like they're holding, if only because you can't pierce orichalcum with obsidian. The big woman is more important.
Okay, Amazons still alive and kicking, that's good. Fighting undead soldiers, that's bad.

"Cernunnos, could you make a heart live?"

"Fill a dead heart with life? Yes, I can do that, briefly. Do you have a heart?"
Give him a second. It's probably going to be tricky.

"Excellent. Plan is, I make a heart and shove it in her chest, you make it live and hopefully that throws off whatever spell she's under."

"What if she just hate you?"
A long shot, but to be fair, I don't see any better ideas coming along.

"Then I kill-"

I see the speck that is Kon dive down at her, presumably hoping to repeat his prior trick and break her hold on the earth by separating her from it. The moment he gets a grip on her foot the ground erupts upwards and glows red hot!

"-her go!"
Ah, thinking like Antaeus? The problem is, if they are the Earth embodied, than that's like trying to pull off a fingernail.

Well, the episode is opening with an exciting battle, if nothing else. The kind that, on television, would probably eat up most of the animation budget for the episode. :p Good thing this is text, and there is infinite budget. As for all this... I'm guessing Themyscira got shunted into this space to keep it safe, bot the local deities took offence. Hence the massed invasion.

The boom-slap as the waster Kon cleaved in two...
The boom-slap as the water Kon cleaved in two...
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