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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Because they arent on the same side yet, I think it doesent need to be said that if Superman were about to leave that Paul would reverse the damage he caused to a person he respects. Also Grayven pretty much did the same thing when he was messing with Superman 16.
You realize there's massive biological differences between Earth 16 Superman and Earth 12 Superman? o_O
God dammit, Ultraboy!

Next up on With This Ring:
Ultraboy used Lunge!
Orange Lantern used Accelerate!
Orange Lantern wins Initiative!!!
You realize there's massive biological differences between Earth 16 Superman and Earth 12 Superman? o_O
So what? Even if for some reason his knowledge of Superman's biology isn't enough to fix him(which I doubt since he can just scan Superman), he could just use a purple ray which should fix the damage and we know it works on aliens and even new gods.
Eh, she didnt care that much about her own ideology anyway when it was here livelyhood in question- she went onto Welfare ( became a "moocher", i believe is the Randian term?) https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ayn-rand-social-security/

Worth noting that it was her husbands social security as she refused to pay into the system and from what I have heard Alan Greenspan was her Golden boy a little into the Reagan years, until he told her he couldn't simply unilaterally implement her preferred policies at which point he became person non grata to her.
You know, I would REALLY REALLY like to hear the after action briefing from this JLA later. One lantern managed to non-lethally take town several members in under 60 seconds, when HE was surprised.
Would love to see an omake where the Earth 12 League have a discussion about this and Batman decides to locate their version, just to see if he's useful. Mr Zoat, what is Earth 12 Paul doing nowadays as a powerless human being, aside from possibly reforming Cheetah?
Paul just doesn't care enough about this Earth. He just wants to go home without the Earth of evil being nuked.

Worth noting that it was her husbands social security as she refused to pay into the system and from what I have heard Alan Greenspan was her Golden boy a little into the Reagan years, until he told her he couldn't simply unilaterally implement her preferred policies at which point he became person non grata to her.

And that still makes her a huge hypocrite.
Also, It's safe to assume some of them died before that happened. Heck, the population of the Earth is probably noticeably lower than normal with all these villains running around.

Depends. Less evil Nazi superheroes, the Soviet union is less evil as per the comics law as we know the super powered Russian elite are among the ruling class of oligarchs, same with China.

Less overall deaths during the world wars probably left humanity with a higher base of population and less fucked up generations, this may mean the US enjoyed a higher influx of immigrants thus a higher population in earth - 14.

Anyways, I hope Paul will get to shut down ultra kid (he at best a two year old) just as fast as he did the league.
Does anyone else miss whack-a-mole with not-Arrowette and not-Speedy?

Not saying it's gotten to grimderp levels, just, some of the fun has been gone since... Well OL came back from space. I can't remember the last joke he told.

Is he ok?
Does anyone else miss whack-a-mole with not-Arrowette and not-Speedy?

Not saying it's gotten to grimderp levels, just, some of the fun has been gone since... Well OL came back from space. I can't remember the last joke he told.

Is he ok?
There's still levity in Paul. Remember when he punked Lois by surprising her with Mother of Mercy's appearance, or when he took note of the fact that Starfire (Redstar) accidentally fisting Drakul Karfang?
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Anyways, I hope Paul will get to shut down ultra kid (he at best a two year old) just as fast as he did the league.
I would honestly not be surprised if Ultraboy was suddenly immune to half of OL's arsenal because reasons. Thus necessitating the JLU to have to jump in.
what is Earth 12 Paul doing nowadays as a powerless human being, aside from possibly reforming Cheetah?
Hey why is she purring?

Flash if you have to ask then you're not old enough to know.

You know, I would REALLY REALLY like to hear the after action briefing from this JLA later. One lantern managed to non-lethally take town several members in under 60 seconds, when HE was surprised.
yeah batman is never going to let them live that one down.
Forget Drill Sergent nasty you got Remedial combat instructor Batman.
yeah batman is never going to let them live that one down.
Forget Drill Sergent nasty you got Remedial combat instructor Batman
I have to point out that Batman would not have done any better had he been there.

Even his reality warping "prep time" would not have saved him from someone who knows just about everything about him, who he had no idea even existed.
Stopping to think about it....I think Batman-12 would actually have a chance vs Paul...but not for any magical 'prep time' or 'I'm the god-damned Batman' reasons.

Paul's watched the Animated Batman show, and JLU...and some of Batman Beyond (aka Batman of the Future for the Brits in the room).

Once identified as THAT Batman, I'd honestly think that Paul won't actually HAVE a great Need or Desire to harm him. He's seen what life gave this (Emmy Award Winning) Batman, and honestly I think that would just make him feel sad for the guy. It'd just be like the duel with Hawkwoman, by the end of it all he could do is toss weak constructs because he just couldn't bring himself to do her harm or continue the stupid fight.


Or he just Swoons over his Kevin Conroy Voice. That could happen.
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Stopping to think about it....I think Batman-12 would actually have a chance vs Paul...but not for any magical 'prep time' or 'I'm the god-damned Batman' reasons.

Paul's watched the Animated Batman show, and JLU...and some of Batman Beyond (aka Batman of the Future for the Brits in the room).

Once identified as THAT Batman, I'd honestly think that Paul won't actually HAVE a great Need or Desire to harm him. He's seen what life gave this (Emmy Award Winning) Batman, and honestly I think that would just make him feel sad for the guy. It'd just be like the duel with Hawkwoman, by the end of it all he could do is toss weak constructs because he just couldn't bring himself to do her harm or continue the stupid fight.


Or he just Swoons over his Kevin Conroy Voice. That could happen.
Thing is, that has already been prevented. As a result of the Renegade's involvement, Justice Lords Superman will never regain his power. So the whole mess which resulted in Diana 12 going to Earth 50 won't happen.
Given a couple peoples continued insistence that it should work because "close enough" I going to guess they don't realize that Earth 12 Kryptonite is a unique mineral and unlike every single other occurrence of the material wasn't actually created from Krypton exploding.
One of those "people" was the author. There comes a point where you just need to accept that out-of-chapter Word of Zoat means that it's (at most) an intentional departure from mainstream continuity.

Unless you like being considered a laughingstock? I'll be honest, I respect the depth of your knowledge and I have no beef with you personally, but your way of engaging in debate rubs a significant portion of this thread's population the wrong way. You're not stupid, so I can't imagine you don't already know this. It's entirely possible to be a recreational pedant without doubling down like this.

took in anymore than we could
any more, since it's describing an amount of something instead of a change in the past.
It just occurred to me now, I hope that the dimensional travel wasn't detected and tracked by the government.

Given the goals behind the shift I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Talon and/or Sai was working with the Justice Underground and that they not only detected it but had sanctioned it.

Paul would be offended at the allegations of him being a minmaxer. It implies him allowing to be weak an an area to be strong in another. He is a pure maxer, no min

Baul is operating without a lantern to power his ring. Given that fact, I somehow doubt he has the luxury of not having a min. That said, he's very likely still a force to be reckoned with, especially with the Syndicate on the ropes like they are. Gonna be a lot of ambient hope floating around -14 right now.
Given the goals behind the shift I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Talon and/or Sai was working with the Justice Underground and that they not only detected it but had sanctioned it.

Baul is operating without a lantern to power his ring. Given that fact, I somehow doubt he has the luxury of not having a min. That said, he's very likely still a force to be reckoned with, especially with the Syndicate on the ropes like they are. Gonna be a lot of ambient hope floating around -14 right now.

He has his lantern, after depositing the ophedian in the central battery he can subspace it.
Huh, I'd forgotten that bit with Diana world hopping for the greater good. Good point, although Pargon Paul not knowing about Grayven's interference means that, he, you, ...um...they?

Dang it all, how DO you keep that all straight in your head?
One of those "people" was the author. There comes a point where you just need to accept that out-of-chapter Word of Zoat means that it's (at most) an intentional departure from mainstream continuity.

Unless you like being considered a laughingstock? I'll be honest, I respect the depth of your knowledge and I have no beef with you personally, but your way of engaging in debate rubs a significant portion of this thread's population the wrong way. You're not stupid, so I can't imagine you don't already know this. It's entirely possible to be a recreational pedant without doubling down like this.

any more, since it's describing an amount of something instead of a change in the past.

The problem with Vaermina deeps of canon knowledge is that by its nature it is extremely inconsistent hence all the DC reboots all the time. Combine that with the 'fix the nonsense' nature of this fic and the PURPOSEFUL changes and liberties that have been taken by Mr Zoat and you end with Vaermina being obnoxiously wrong most of the time, there are times he is right and his opinion is insightful, but they are far to few in comparison to the times he obnoxiously complaints about Mr Zoat changing things as if that wasn't the very point of this fic.
He has his lantern, after depositing the ophedian in the central battery he can subspace it.

Baul, not Paul. The Blue Lantern Paul from Earth -14.

The problem with Vaermina deeps of canon knowledge is that by its nature it is extremely inconsistent hence all the DC reboots all the time. Combine that with the 'fix the nonsense' nature of this fic and the PURPOSEFUL changes and liberties that have been taken by Mr Zoat and you end with Vaermina being obnoxiously wrong most of the time, there are times he is right and his opinion is insightful, but they are far to few in comparison to the times he obnoxiously complaints about Mr Zoat changing things as if that wasn't the very point of this fic.

Honestly Vaermina complains about the fic so often that I wonder, almost daily, why he even reads it since he obviously doesn't enjoy it.
Yeah, I strongly suspect that the next section is going to open with Speed-gold-Kryptonite-shockcrown. Maybe asking J'onn to wipe his memory immediately afterward.

Gold isn't the correct color for -14 Kryptonians.
Also, It's safe to assume some of them died before that happened. Heck, the population of the Earth is probably noticeably lower than normal with all these villains running around.
You realize you aren't helping Paul's case for "Things will be better if the Syndicate isn't hunted down to the last man"?
You realize you aren't helping Paul's case for "Things will be better if the Syndicate isn't hunted down to the last man"?

Depends on how you look at it. Remember, the Syndicate as it is is a fairly recent thing; it's more or less stated that Wilson created the current version of the Syndicate with his pressure. Previously, the Supervillains were disorganized.

Luc "Truth or Consequences" French
Doppelgängered (part 21)
5th February
21:07 GMT -5

I've enhanced Kon-El quite a bit. Danner Formula, his bond with Helios, his equipment and getting him training with Diana. I don't think that Jonathan Kent has any similar upgrades. He only had… Months with Ultraman still being alive, and after that he had far fewer resources to find a way to augment himself. I remember him being a bit faster back in LexCorp, but that was all.

I think I can contain him without much risk. I step between him and Superman 12, my kinetic barrier flaring into life and causing Jonathan to rebound off it. He regains his balance almost immediately and glowers at me.

"Ultraboy, stop."

"What the Hell is-?" He looks past me and spots Talon. "You piece of crap. You-. I trusted you, you were-."

"You were Ultraman's son. I was Owlman's test subject. I survived him implanting a computer in my brain by a combination of luck and the deaths of every test subject before me. I wasn't meant to live this long."

"Yeah, we all knew Owlman was a psycho! I never treated you like that!"

"You've called on me to plan theft, extortion and murder."

"That's what we do! You're our problem solver!" Talon twitches. "And you were good at it. If this is some sorta conscience thing, you picked a real bad-."

"I've been looking for a way to 'problem solve' the Syndicate since before we broke you out of Cadmus. The only reason that mission even happened was because I was hoping to find one of Luthor's weapon caches."


Jonathan punches the kinetic barrier at full strength, making no progress. He takes a half step back, his eyes fixed on Talon as he paces his enclosure.

Kal-El looks a little lost. "Who is this?"

"Jonathan Kent, aka 'Ultraboy'. Ultraman's adopted son, created in a laboratory by Lex Luthor and freed during the Young Offenders' first mission. You don't have a Superboy, do you? Your Luthor just made Bizarro."

"Our Cadmus cloned Supergirl, not me." He takes a step closer to the kinetic bubble, regarding Jonathan sadly. "I'm sorry to hear about your pa, but-."

"Don't give me that bullshit! You're the reason Wilson got him in the first place."

"I didn't think President Wilson would kill him out of hand."

Jonathan recoils. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?! Think I'd feel any different if he gave him a trial first!?"

"If we hadn't stopped him, Owlman would have set off his bomb-."

"They only rushed construction 'cause of you! The day you attacked the moon base, we found out Owlman got J'arkus killed 'cause Blue convinced him the bomb was a dumb idea. If you hadn't been there, Blue would have had time t' talk the whole management int' not making it at all!"

Superman sets his jaw. "I'm not exactly in favor of leaving a supervillain in charge of the country."

"What, you think Wilson never killed nobody? You actually know what he did in the army?" Jonathan snorts. "Blue looked it up one time. Guess he thought it'd make us see power his way. Just showed me that Wilson's full of shit."

"Cathartic as I'm sure this is-."

"Can't believe you actually beat them all." Jonathan narrows his eyes as he takes a look at the League. "Blue kept bitchin' 'bout not bein' at full power. Guess if he'd had one a' them lantern things that'd have gone a bit different."

"Cathartic as this is-" I look first at Superman and then Mister J'onzz. "-I don't think it helps with our actual objective."

Superman shakes his head. "Batman said we didn't know enough about how things worked here."

"I'll listen to Batman's lectures on morality when he does what he should have done years ago and kills the Joker, but he has a point. You're not stopping a couple of gun-armed bank robbers here. If you want to swing your fists around in national politics you better be sure you know where your punches are going to land."

"Hey, Orange." I look at Jonathan. "You could just kill 'em."

"What does it take to get it through your thick skull that constantly killing people doesn't get you what you want? I don't want money, I don't want any power the Syndicate could give me, I just don't want a ringside seat at a massacre."

I mean, for goodness-. No. No. Sonic baffle, kinetic prison, telepathic scrambler… And a dust sheet. I put the sheet over his bubble and the baffle and scrambler down nearby.

"Okay!" Back to the Justice League. "Some things are sent to try us, and I really hope Eris is getting a laugh out of this."

Diana looks slightly puzzled. "Her jokes usually involve more things being set on fire."

"The evening is young, and this is a supervillain party being invaded by superheroes. Mister J'onzz? Still up for a walkabout, or… Do we move on to Plan Q?"

"That would depend. What is Plan Q?"

"I summon the Embodiment of Avarice and mind control the planet. I'm just having one of those days."

"Then I will cooperate."

"Okay. Talon, what are my chances of pulling this off?"

"I can't calculate it. My information on your capacities is out of date. You could talk the Syndicate around, but Wilson won't let the Syndicate go into exile."

"I realise-."

"And neither will the Senators and Congressional Representatives who survived his purge. Or the army officers, or the Justice Underground. Even if you could get Luthor to agree to it. Or just.. people in general. And if I had an orange laser I wouldn't bother explaining this to you."

Superman frowns. "Orange..?"

"Lantern environmental shields don't block light of their own colour. An orange laser would pass through that and any construct I could throw up and the Green Lantern Corps is lucky that Qwardians are colour blind. John, get some body armour."

I lift my right hand and Mr J'onzz's bonds return to subspace.

"To be clear: I'm resistant to telepathy. My armour blocks phased objects. My kinetic barrier blocks super strong strikes. And I'm really trying to save as many people as possible."

He floats to his feet.

"I understand."

"We'll need to avoid Brainstorm" I clap Talon in irons, then shock crown Duela and remove her brand. "I realise that I can't stop the rest of you escaping, but… Please, unless you have a better idea, let me handle this, at least until Mister J'onzz can report back."

A few glowers is probably the best result I could expect.

I step around Ultraboy's time out bubble and push open the door, Mister J'onzz shifting to a new shape-. Ultraboy, apparently, behind me.

"Did you get his biographic data?"

"I'll manage."

Got his voice at least. Okay, where's the best place to-.

And then I hear an explosion.
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