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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

The Emperor is a synthetic god who draws power from an energy-based parallel universe. Adam Blake is a telepath and telekine who is theorised to be a 'future' human like this guy.
and one who was ironically planning to destroy its own power source, though his/its understanding and methodology (as well as that of basic human psychology) was flawed...
**I think… You're transcending your flesh. Not all of what you're thinking is present in your organic brain.
That explain what happened when he meet Big Barda and Mister Miracle for the first time, both said they heard him say something while he (and his ring) didn't remember saying anything.
That explain what happened when he meet Big Barda and Mister Miracle for the first time, both said they heard him say something while he (and his ring) didn't remember saying anything.
That was explained by Mr Zoat as Godspeech Tourette. What Captain Comet is talking about is Paul becoming something akin to Maltusians.

On another note, are we going to see the beginning of Bumblebee in this story, or will that be off screen? When she does become a hero, I won't be surprised if Paul helps Mal out to become a hero earlier than in Canon.
That was explained by Mr Zoat as Godspeech Tourette. What Captain Comet is talking about is Paul becoming something akin to Maltusians.

On another note, are we going to see the beginning of Bumblebee in this story, or will that be off screen? When she does become a hero, I won't be surprised if Paul helps Mal out to become a hero earlier than in Canon.
I haven't really planned anything for her.

I believe that the SI would advise against Mal becoming a superhero. He doesn't really have the innate powers or drive.

Incidentally, regarding the episode where Bumblebee alters her daughter's DNA in order to augment her, I imagined the SI saying something along the lines of 'yes, and that was very impressive when Abednego Danner did it 120 years ago, but all this means is that you're a little less stupid than the people around you'.
My best guess for hat is actually happening is that Paul is undergoing the 'normal' divine ascension process, the nature of his soul slowly changing as his metaphysique grows, since he is still growing more orange powers and is getting closer to proper two-way god-speech, but that's just a theory.
He probably should check in with Kalmin / Hinon about what the deal was with the abilities that he displayed in the silver city.
Bet Jevek would find Captain Comet fascinating.
Hope we see John Constantine soon.
The fuzz getting a little too hot for OL's drug dealing superpower peddling these days?

The game is the game OL.
Mal plays American Football.

Sure, the SI could give him powers or power armour, but there are plenty of better people to give those to if the SI feels like moving in that direction.
Doesn't it take him about 30 seconds to empower someone? OL might advise against becoming a superhero, but it seems like there is no opportunity cost for an otherwise normal individual to be empowered with the Danner Formula. It seems like it would be perfectly in-character for OL to empower someone of good character solely on the basis of them asking for it.
I think him being friends with M'gann and Kon would actually be a much more important reason fot the SI to empower him.
Also, seeing all that orange on Blake makes me wonder if he'd be a good orange lantern.
Honestly, Dox should really give him a 'discretionary' supply of rings that can be used for things *other* than the reach war, and be firm about *actually recruiting for the war* with the rest of them. There should be *some* limits about just going around and recruiting people willy-nilly.
The date for giving Jade superpowers has passed, right? Is he planning on waiting, or is the plan to danner / garrick her asap?
Does he plan to give Earth Blake's schizotech? Paul seems to like ressurecting forgotten schizotech, even where he wouldn't support giving alien technology that does the same thing.
Comet talks about interdicting telekinetic FTL weirdly, given that the ring doesn't actually have any designs for interdiction systems that don't require other FTL telekinetics. It's more like "they couldn't interdict telekinetic FTL if they tried, so the interdiction system isn't a bother for him" than anything else.
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Jiggity-Jig (part 3)
8th February
13:48 GMT


Komand'r is smiling as Blake, Xor and I disembark, floating in the air with her inert ring on a chain around her neck. She still favours darker colours, but is showing a good deal more skin than she did when we last met. Probably a result of wanting to expose her newly restored skin to sunlight. Or perhaps an outward sign of her newly gained confidence in her position?

"Lantern Komand'r. I'm afraid that Mister Blake-" I float off the ground towards her. "-spoiled the surprise, but congratulations on your recovery. How has the work here been going?"

"Well.. enough. I believe that we would do better to expand our influence while Vega remains in disarray, though given the state of our navy that would most likely require the application of more Lanterns." She runs her eyes over Xor as she removes her necklace and returns the ring to her left ring finger. "Who is this?"

Xor floats upwards while Blake goes to speak to the ground crew. "This is Lantern Xalitan Xor. He's being assigned to Sector One Five Eight Two to remove the corrupt elements of his home polity's ruling elite, and oversee a transition to an honest and honourable government."

"Worthy work. Is he your new student?"

"He was, but he now understands his own desires sufficiently that he no longer needs my oversight."

"Oh?" She floats over to hover in front of him with their heads on a level with one another. "So, Orange Lantern Xalitan Xor: what is it that you want most in all the universe?"

"To honourably serve a worthy master in the pursuit of a greater good."

Komand'r's instinctive response is to narrow her eyes, but she catches herself and raises her eyebrows. "And with your new power, you have no desire to be the master yourself?"

"Only if there are none better. I can lead soldiers in combat, but I… Am not.. comfortable, issuing broad commands where I cannot tell where my personal responsibility begins or ends."

"And you are content with our Illustres as your master?"

"Yes, for now. I hope that in time the government of the Alignment will produce one worthy of my service. For now, it is my duty to remove those who are not."

"Are you killing them?"

"No. Marooning them, with the materials they will need to set up a small farming community. I will leave the final judgement to another."

"That seems… Weak to me."

"You were raised from birth to lead-."

"Hah! I was not."

"You grew up in a palace, Lantern-Princess Komand'r."

"I wasn't expected to lead or rule. At best, I would have been my sister's assistant."

"I spent my early years in a barrack room with forty seven other War Hounds. I was educated only in what I needed in order to be a soldier, and psion machines were used to make sure that I thought as my masters wanted me to."

"Psion?" Her environmental shield dims, but her natural flight keeps her in the air. "That explains why you are here."

"I bear them no malice. They shaped me; they did not harm me. At most, I would like to know why they traded with my government."

"They delight in any form of learning that involves someone being hurt. How old were you when they used their devices on you?"

"I was not yet a year old."

"Y-? You were an infant?"

"We were taken when our minds were most malleable."

"Yes. That would make sense to them."

"It makes sense to me as well."

Komand'r opens her mouth slightly, then closes it again. Then she turns to me. "Illustres, it has been some time and I was quite fraught at the time: did I thank you for rescuing me from Hny'xx?"

"Not… Directly. But I rescued you because your captivity was an obscenity, not because I wanted you to thank me."

Her face.. sort of.. relaxes, and she looks at me with a degree of openness I don't think I've seen from her before. She bows her head slightly. "Thank you for rescuing me."

"You're welcome. Don't mention it."

She looks up, frowning. "Why not?"

"Because while you're driven to command and inspire, while Xor is driven to live honourably, I am driven to better the universe around me. It was my nature to liberate you, and I could no more have ignored your plight than Xor could commit a murder or you could hold your tongue when insulted. No obligation arises from something that was as natural to me as breathing." I smile. "Cartoons intended for Earth-children are more subtle than psion neural programming devices, but they shape our thoughts just the same."

"Perhaps we should import them."

I wave my left hand, a Tamaran-format data drive appearing between my thumb and forefinger. I hold it out to her. "Feel free to review them at your leisure."

She looks at it for a moment before taking it from me and sending it to subspace. "Thank you."

Blake floats up towards us. "You kids ready to head to the palace now?"


He nods as we turn in the direction of Tamarus and begin flying towards the palace. "Taking into account the time I spent on Citadel Complex, I must be at least eighty by now."

"You don't look a day over fifty."

"I could have looked younger, but thought that my appearance should reflect my actual age."

"I wouldn't say that you look eighty."

"I can't say I gained much useful experience while the Citadel had me hooked up as a generator. Besides, Tamaraneans don't go grey. And with all of the differences between me and regular humans, I've never been sure exactly how long I've got to live."

"I know a few experts in novel biology, if you want me to get someone to look into it."

We begin passing over the suburbs, more than a few of the locals pointing upwards as we fly past. I can see their hopes flaring as they realise who I am. That's… Not why I do this, but it's still gratifying to feel. I can see the new building work that has happened since I last visited. It looks like the palace is entirely unaltered, but the areas that the gordanians directly attacked are being nibbled away at the periphery as the locals build new housing to replace what was destroyed. The roads inside the city are also being repaired in many places.

"Unless Professor Zackro is somehow still alive, it'll probably be easier for me to work it out myself."

"Alright, but you aren't invulnerable. There are good reasons to make sure that other people know how your body works; you could be too badly injured or insensible to provide doctors with information."

"I was always worried that someone would try and weaponize my abilities. The Cold War was just getting going when I left Earth, and both sides were just as interested in superhumans as fission bombs."

"I don't think the fact that someone might misuse it is a good reason not to try and use a technology properly. Otherwise… We wouldn't have any technology."

"I understand your point, but what I can do and what a slightly better bullet can do are in entirely different leagues."

"Sure, but what you can do and what people with superspeed can do aren't, and both the United States and the Soviet Union could have made more of those for nearly the whole duration of the Cold War. They didn't, any more than they fired their nuclear weapons at one another. There are limits to human stupidity."

He glances at me. "I wasn't aware of that. The Flash's formula?" I nod. "Alright, I suppose you taking a few scans won't hurt. Now, how about I brief you on the state of Tamaran before you meet King Myand'r?"
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Komand'r is smiling as Blake, Xor and I disembark, floating in the air with her inert ring on a chain around her neck. She still favours darker colours, but is showing a good deal more skin than she did when we last met. Probably a result of wanting to expose her newly restored skin to sunlight. Or perhaps an outward sign of her newly gained confidence in her position?
Definitely leaving some of the heavier feelings behind.

"Well.. enough. I believe that we would do better to expand our influence while Vega remains in disarray, though given the state of our navy that would most likely require the application of more Lanterns." She runs her eyes over Xor as she removes her necklace and returns the ring to her left ring finger. "Who is this?"
I hope that interest is professional, Princess...

He's being assigned to of Sector One Five Eight Two...
Extraneous word.

"He was, but he now understands his own desires sufficiently that he no longer needs my oversight."
He's no longer an Apprentice, and now a Journeyman.

She floats over to hover in front of him with their heads on a level with one another.
A little awkwardly worded, but it's up to you.

Komand'r instinctive response is to narrow her eyes, but she catches herself and raises her eyebrows. "And with your new power, you have no desire to be the master yourself?"
A good question. I expect she's not seen someone content to follow in her lifetime.

I can lead soldier in combat, but I…
I can lead soldiers in combat, but I…

"You were raised from birth to lead-."

"Psion?" Her environmental shield dims, but her natural flight keeps her in the air. "That explains why you are here."
Ooh, is that a sore spot I see?

"I was not yet a year old."
Ah, OL found records concerning Xor?

Komand'r opens her mouth slightly, then closes it again. Then she turns to me. "Illustres, it has been some time and I was quite fraught at the time: did I thank you for rescuing me from Hny'xx?"
Uh-oh, Romance flag incoming!

Her face.. sort of.. relaxes, and she looks at me with a degree of openness I don't think I've seen from her before. She bows her head slightly. "Thank you for rescuing me."
...And evaded. I doubt Jade would have liked competition... :D

"Cartoons intended for Earth-children are more subtle than psion neural programming devices, but they shape our thoughts just the same."
A callback to last episode's discussion of Transformers, I see.

She looks at it for a moment before taking it from me and sending it to subspace. "Thank you."
Heh. I bet they catch on... Tamaraneans love big dramatic plots like that, don't they?

"I could have looked younger, but thought that my appearance should reflect my actual age."
Is he saying, he can alter his own body to suit his will? Uber-broken powerset! :p

"I can't say I gained much useful experience while the Citadel had me hooked up as a generator. Besides, Tamaranians don't go grey. And with all of the differences between me and regular humans, I've never been sure exactly how long I've got to live."
I suspect he'd live as long as he wants to, given his powers.

We begin passing over the suburbs, more than a few of the locals pointing upwards as we fly past. I can see their hopes flaring as they realise who I am. That's… Not why I do this, but it's still gratifying to feel.
Local hero. Enjoy it, OL.

"Sure, but what you can do and what people with superspeed can do aren't, and both the United States and the Soviet Union could have made more of those for nearly the whole duration of the Cold War. They didn't, any more than they fired their nuclear weapons at one another. There are limits to human stupidity."
And we saw how scary that sort of thing is, way back when. The Flash/Rival episode, remember?

Still no sign of major plot yet. But these bits are always entertaining for different reasons...
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"They delight in any form of learning that involves someone being hurt. How old were you when they used their devices on you?"

"I was not yet a year old."

"Y-? You were an infant?"

"We were taken when our minds were most malleable."

"Yes. That would make sense to them."

"It makes sense to me as well."

Komand'r opens her mouth slightly, then closes it again. Then she turns to me. "Illustres, it has been some time and I was quite fraught at the time: did I thank you for rescuing me from Hny'xx?"

"Not… Directly. But I rescued you because your captivity was an obscenity, not because I wanted you to thank me."

Her face.. sort of.. relaxes, and she looks at me with a degree of openness I don't think I've seen from her before. She bows her head slightly. "Thank you for rescuing me."
Komand'r realizes that as bad as her and Koriand'r's situation was, there was much worse. It's nice to see her much more cheerful.

"Sure, but what you can do and what people with superspeed can do aren't, and both the United States and the Soviet Union could have made more of those for nearly the whole duration of the Cold War. They didn't, any more than they fired their nuclear weapons at one another. There are limits to human stupidity."

He glances at me. "I wasn't aware of that. The Flash's formula?" I nod. "Alright, I suppose you taking a few scans won't hurt. Now, how about I brief you on the state of Tamaran before you meet King Myand'r?"
Has Captain Comet been caught up on what's changed on Earth? How did he take it?
So Paul is giving Tamaran cartoons with mostly positive messages.

Transformers, Captain Planet, My little Pony, maybe G. I. JOE?, Astroboy...
Surprisingly, probably a whole bunch of Russian children's cartoons made during the soviet era. Commercialization for toy products wasn't really a thing, and pure propaganda doesn't really work, so there were a whole bunch of cartoons released with really positive messages in order to increase the well being of the general populace.

Most famously, the amazing famous Treasure Island cartoon movie had some really good original rock/ pop songs based around encouraging kids to exercise, to not smoke, to not drink, etc... as well as examples of why all of them are important for life in a really well told and really well animated story that stays true to the original plot of the book. I still think it's the best film adaptation of treasure island I've seen. Kind of disappointed America didn't have anything like it. Probably in this specific case because the book ends with a lot of the pirates dying and you couldn't show that on American tv. There's a lot of other shorter examples of good Russian animation, and older ones (Treasure Island is from 1988), but still...

Russia actually released some really good films during the soviet era too, since they were trying to compete with Hollywood movies, and Stalin reportedly approved all films personally for both quality and content. Since all films were funded by the state, economic success wasn't actually all that important, so a lot of movies tended to be artistic, or philosophical, etc... Since film was viewed mostly as an art, animation was kind of huge.

The whole thing (Treasure Island) is available with really well done English subtitles for free on YouTube and I would recommend watching it for people who like things like anime. The thing is fucking legendary in Russia / for Russian emigrants. Like, you could still find it being sold in dvd form in tourist shops in 2010

More recently, there was the globalization of Cheburashka who is sort of a cultural icon, was the Russian mascot during the Russian olympics, and who apparently became popular in Japan soon afterward. Russia also named a jet and a rocket launcher and probably a bunch of other stuff after him. He was only ever in one book and 4 stop motion cartoons totaling up to 70 minutes length in like the 60s / 70s.
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Lenin? That is the generation that died/got decimated fighting in world war II...

Also I am pretty sure Paul was probably exposed to western eighties cartoons, with a drop of Anime here and there (hence Astroboy). Ghost Busters has a higher chance of being there than Treasure Island...
Lenin? That is the generation that died/got decimated fighting in world war II...

Also I am pretty sure Paul was probably exposed to western eighties cartoons, with a drop of Anime here and there (hence Astroboy). Ghost Busters has a higher chance of being there than Treasure Island...
Right, Stalin. Sometimes confuse the two when typing quickly.
And yeah, but if you get a ring to figure it out for you by downloading data, some weird international stuff might be on the list.
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So Paul is giving Tamaran cartoons with mostly positive messages.

Transformers, Captain Planet, My little Pony, maybe G. I. JOE?, Astroboy...

My guess would be more along the lines of Barney, Dora, Blues Clues, and other educational (and "educational") cartoons as opposed to the 25 minute toy commercials that passed for children's entertainment in the 80s. Some of those toy commercials (Care Bears, MLP, Captain Planet, maybe a few others) might make the list, but most wouldn't The idea, after all, is to give examples of shows that indoctrinate certain behavior, not sell merchandise. Sure G.I. Joe had the whole "knowing is half the battle" thing, but it was like 2 minutes at the end of the episode.

Also, don't misunderstand. Those toy commercials were pretty awesome. Though, word of advice, don't try to go back and watch them as an adult. They do NOT, as a general rule, live up to your childhood memories. Apparently most of us have a far greater appetite for cheese in our media as kids than we do as adults.
"I'm sure they'll be pleased to hear from the folks back home." He points at his ship. "Why don't you come aboard? Since I'm the only person around here who uses a telekinetic faster than light drive that's the only form we aren't interdicting. It will be a lot faster than flying at sublight speed."
You said earlier that the only way to interdict FTL telekinetic systems is with another FTL telekinetic (or some method that Paul doesn't have access to), so this is wrong.
You said earlier that the only way to interdict FTL telekinetic systems is with another FTL telekinetic (or some method that Paul doesn't have access to), so this is wrong.

Good catch. Yep, I believe it was mentioned when Paul was running around with that dude called Effigy or something like that.
You said earlier that the only way to interdict FTL telekinetic systems is with another FTL telekinetic (or some method that Paul doesn't have access to), so this is wrong.
How so? As far as Adam Blake knows he is the only person who uses FTL telekinesis in the area. They aren't interdicting it. Yes, interdicting it would be somewhat complicated and probably require Blake himself to plug himself into the device, but it's something they could do.

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