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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Mastery? So, Truggs now has full ownership of the dial?
Well... Possession is nine tenths of the law.
Also, it certainly seems to indicate that Truggs has murdered Robbie.
No. The skin was clones, and he noted that he didn't hate Mr Reed.
Seems like his mental augmentation is on the fritz a little and he's flashing back.
It's not exactly 'on the fritz'. This is a known drawback.
Well... Possession is nine tenths of the law.
Is cheeky git the right phrase here? You know damn well what I meant. XP

No. The skin was clones, and he noted that he didn't hate Mr Reed.
Ah well see, the quote.
And he went crazy before he could realise that the cleverest thing he could do would be to study the dial, so he got a pass there.

It's the almost there at the end that made me think he pulled the trigger anyway.

It's not exactly 'on the fritz'. This is a known drawback.
Is it a known unknown, or an unknown known?
Well I guess Truggs is going to be living up to his potential from that Superboy comic.

He hacked the dial so that he could turn other people into villains who are under his command.

So he turned Lana and Pete into supervillains against their will (among others) and forced Superboy to fight his own friends.

While he's portrayed Truggs as clever, Zoat's rendition has never been the threat that he was in his comic appearance.
Z-E-R-O (part 24)
3rd January
21:38 GMT -5

"Hey, Lantern!" Mr Hamill waves at me from his bench. "Over here!"

I nod, and make my way across the interior of the bar. When I get to within non-shouting distance, he indicates his co-drinkers with his bottle.

"This here's Mike-" An overweight Caucasian man. Solid looking arms, though. "-and this is Dan." Trim black man with a thin moustache.

"Good evening, gentlemen." I nod to them both, then sit down next to Mike. "I'm Orange Lantern."

Mike chuckles, shakes his head, then pulls out his wallet. He extracts two ten dollar notes and passes one to each of his companions. "I ain't even mad. This is crazy."

"No, just unusual. Mister Hamill-."

"Ah, call me 'Joe'."

"Joe, how are you feeling?"

"I haven't drunk enough of these to find it funny yet, but I'm definitely getting there."

"Okay, but before you do… No lingering side effects that you've noticed?"

"Nope. Just a regular Joe." He grins at his pun. Yes, not too far from finding it funny. "But… I don't know if it's the dial or whatever…"


"Maybe… If I knew before I turned it on that I could turn it off… Maybe I coulda got more out of it."

Mike looks at him with an expression of disbelief. "You just got done saying that you hated the whole thing."

"Yeah, yeah, I did." He takes a drunk from his bottle. "'Cause I thought I was stuck like that. By the time I got the dial back all I could think of was turning if off. But if I'd kept hold of it at the start… Coulda been fun."

Dan shakes his head. "Fun..?"

"Fly around for a bit, look down on the whole city… Maybe the whole world. Maybe prank a couple of people…"

"Joe, please, if you ever encounter devices like that in the future, just hand them straight over to the police or to the Justice League."

He makes a gesture of appeal. "What's wrong with having a little fun? I wasn't going to hurt anybody."

"The problem is that while the dial is fairly user friendly, an awful lot of artefacts like that very much aren't. I'm very glad that this turned out okay, but…" I shake my head. "The vast majority of uncontrolled exposures don't work like that. I've… Been to hospital wards-."

"Okay… Yeah, I guess… God knows I wouldn't want to be stuck like that."

Dan nods. "Don't play with matches, railroad tracks or super weapons, got it."

"Hey, ah…" Mike leans forward. "Joe didn't say what happened to the dial."

"Our best guess is that it self-destructed. It's actually pretty common for supervillains and superheroes to put stuff like that in their technology."

Mike frowns. "Then why didn't it go off before?"

I shrug. "Joe said he was turning the dial randomly. We know that he entered 'hero' at some point, because that was what turned him back. But it's perfectly possible that he dialled something else first."

"Oh." Joe winces. "Ah, sorry?"

I shake my head. "Don't worry about it. Even if that is what happened, it was clearly an accident. And the dial doesn't have a legal owner."

"So…" Mike gesture towards me with his beer bottle. "How about them other dials?"

"Once I knew what I was looking for, tracking them down was a lot easier. Or… At least, tracking the ones which aren't immune to ring scans."

"What about the ones that are?"

"How would I know about it if there were any?"

"Huh?" He frowns, then gets it. "Oh, yeah."

"We're going to keep an eye out for sudden bursts of superpowered activity by multiple individuals… Or rather, we're going to be aware that it could be due to a dial rather than a team. And we've sent out a message to all police forces with a description of every version of the dial that we're aware of. But short of binding Mister Reed with Diana's Lasso of Truth there isn't much more we can do."

"You..?" Mike shrinks in on himself slightly, then presses onwards. "You need any ..? Volunteers for testing them dials?"

"Not at this stage, but if you're interested I can pass your details on."

Joe frowns in incomprehension, shakes his head and makes a lower gesture of appeal.

"What? You said if you'd known you could turn it off you'd'a had some fun with it first?"

"Well, yeah…"

"And it doesn't usually turn guys into chicks, right?"

"Most people who have used it on record either retain their original sex or are rendered sexless. And everyone on record has turned back physically fine."

"Then there's basically no downside."

"That's.. not.. completely true. There have been instances where people in powered states have shown radically different behaviour to what they showed in their unpowered states. We're not sure why, but it's something to consider before signing up."

He nods.

"Joe, before I go, there was one other thing I wanted to talk to you about."

"Yeah? What?"

"Several of my colleagues have commented to me that -while you were transformed- it was inappropriate of me to refer to you in the feminine, as she rather than he. I don't believe that you directly stated a preference, but… I don't have a great deal of contact with people in your position."

"Buddy, I don't think anyone's been in my position." He frowns. "Wait, is that what that Squire chick was talking about?" I nod. "Huh." He strokes his chin with his left hand. "Is that a tranny thing?"

"The way different cultures deal with sexual identity varies with-."

"Wait, they think I'm pissed off about that?" I nod again. "Shit, man, you helped me get my body back. I don't care about… I mean, I guess I was a woman? Like… Not inside, except, like, literally. 'Cause… I actually transformed, it wasn't an illusion or whatever." He stares at his bottle for a moment. "Man, it is too early in the evening for this. I was a woman…"

He brightens up slightly.

"I got it! If that dial had put my mind in Wonder Woman's body, I'd be Wonder Woman, right?"

"Sort of."

"And Wonder Woman's a woman. So I guess… 'Electro Lass' could be a woman without Joe Hamill being a woman. So I guess I was a woman but I wasn't exactly me. Does that make sense?"

"It probably makes as much sense as anything else anyone has said on the subject." I stand. "I hope you gentlemen have a pleasant evening."
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I'm not one who really cares about this since it doesn't affect me, but the term tranny always seemed to me to be coparable to the n word. I don't know if this is actually the case, and I get you're a little angry, but this chapter as is would have DEFINITELY gotten you kicked off of sufficient velocity.
As for the whole controversy this still probably isn't considered the RIGHT view by people on sv (though I don't know what is).
"Buddy, I don't think anyone's been in my position." He frowns. "Wait, is that what that Squire chick was talking about?" I nod. "Huh." He strokes his chin with his left hand. "Is that a tranny thing?"

"The way different cultures deal with sexual identity varies with-."

"Wait, they think I'm pissed off about that?" I nod again. "Shit, man, you helped me get my body back. I don't care about… I mean, I guess I was a woman? Like… Not inside, except, like, literally. 'Cause… I actually transformed, it wasn't an illusion or whatever." He stares at his bottle for a moment. "Man, it is too early in the evening for this. I was a woman…"
The partially sober American construction worker folks. :D
And zoat deals with the controversy that sparked the move in the first place, if people had shut the fuck up and waited or held their tongues then perhaps this situation would have been settled satisfactorily over on SV.

Wasting energy discussing things that have already happened and are unlikely to change is somewhat pointless, and we should refrain from bringing it up again.
...But it's perfectly possible that he dialled something else first."
...But it's perfectly possible that he dialed something else first."
(This one tripped the spellcheck's US dictionary, but I can't remember your previous usage... Can't hurt to check it)

,,,Or rather, we're going to be aware that that could be due to a dial rather than a team.
Scans a bit roughly, at least to my eyes... maybe '...that they...' perhaps?

"You..?" Mike shrinks in on himself slightly, then presses onwards. "You need any ..? Volunteers for testing them dials?"
Heh. The allure of possibilities. Guessing he wasn't too interested, given the lack of Avarice.

"Several of my colleagues have commented to me that -while you were transformed- it was inappropriate of me to refer to you in the feminine, as she rather than he. I don't believe that you directly stated a preference, but… I don't have a great deal of contact with people in your position."
Ah, if SV could see this...

"Huh." He strokes his chin with his left hand. "Is that a tranny thing?"
...Or not.

"I got it! If that dial had put my wind in Wonder Woman's body, I'd be Wonder Woman, right?"
"I got it! If that dial had put my mind in Wonder Woman's body, I'd be Wonder Woman, right?"

Boy, this episode was a shitshow on multiple levels, huh? I suspect I'm not the only one glad to move on, am I...
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Eh, different people get bothered by different things.

This arc didn't bother me at all, but that last one with silver city was hitting all kinds of buttons.

The choice is either to just drop the fic, grit your teeth and power through it, or cause enough trouble that the fic has to move to a different site.

To each their own and as long as the people in the thread can stay civil with each other it's not really that hard to be tolerant of veiwpoints that are different than your own.

It's when everything devolves to personal attacks and insults that everything bursts into flames.
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Or rather, we're going to be aware that that could be due to a dial rather than a team.
Scans a bit roughly, at least to my eyes... maybe '...that they...' perhaps?
"I got it! If that dial had put my wind in Wonder Woman's body, I'd be Wonder Woman, right?"
"I got it! If that dial had put my mind in Wonder Woman's body, I'd be Wonder Woman, right?"
Thank you, corrected.
And zoat deals with the controversy that sparked the move in the first place, if people had shut the fuck up and waited or held their tongues then perhaps this situation would have been settled satisfactorily over on SV.
Everyone here read Transmetropolitan?

In the city in which Transmetropolitan is set, there is a group of people who have used alien DNA to alter their bodies. They are referred to locally as 'Transients', in that they are 'transitioning' from one species to another. When pressed, the group's nominal leader admits that no one has successfully fully transformed into an alien and that partial transformations are the best they can do. The main character then says 'So you're all failures', which the leader finds rather offensive.

I could write any of that on SV, but substitute one word...
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And its over, with another victory for the villains.

And we are back in space dealing with things that could be a threat for Paul.

Also I am still happy that the angels nuked Kord Tech and that they agreed to revive everyone they killed (meaning even if the blue beetle died because it was weaker in stealth mode it probably counted for a revive) meaning we have achieved sufficient levels of plot, for Jaime to have the beetle and Paul will even be in space doing his thing when Jaime starts being active as a super hero.

Then again I could be wrong.
Wait, does the dial change your brain at all? Or does it leave that alone unless changing the person's mind is part of the power-up like the Master?
Wait, does the dial change your brain at all? Or does it leave that alone unless changing the person's mind is part of the power-up like the Master?
It would probably have to, or give you some sort of weird magical intermediary. While looking for the dial, we saw someone turn into a Sherlock Holmes stand-in with improved inductive reasoning, and a alien with a different language and some sort of extra sense for tracking stuff. Would be pretty hard to do any of those without changing how you think at least a little.
Wait, does the dial change your brain at all? Or does it leave that alone unless changing the person's mind is part of the power-up like the Master?

It generally doesn't change the mind. Generally. However....

Truggs made Superboy's friends into slaves.

Chris once turned into Cosmic Viking or something and didn't remember being Chris.

Wizard and Master had different personalities than Robbie, although they didn't forget being Robbie until Wizard dialed "hide" on the dial.

Hero changed mentally with each transformation. As Isis, bragged about being Osiris' sister-wife, and he had multiple transformations that obviously didn't share his sexual orientation.

Caused a bit of a plot point, Sparx did not take rejection well. If she had taken it any worse death by electrocution would have been on the table.

In the China Miéville series a soldier with the sidekick dial became submissive, and dial users suffering bleed through from the person they transformed into was a common occurrence. Manteau wears a cloak, mask, and wig over her transformations as psychological talismans to maintain her identity.
I'm not one who really cares about this since it doesn't affect me, but the term tranny always seemed to me to be coparable to the n word. I don't know if this is actually the case, and I get you're a little angry, but this chapter as is would have DEFINITELY gotten you kicked off of sufficient velocity.
As for the whole controversy this still probably isn't considered the RIGHT view by people on sv (though I don't know what is).
I suppose it's reasonably comparable, all the way down to it having been historically acceptable even to the people themselves, there being some people who think the whole controversy is overblown, and some who would rather reclaim the word rather than let its offensiveness have power over them.

Of course, I'm a farm kid from the Midwest. "Tranny" to my ear is short for a vehicle's transmission.
but this chapter as is would have DEFINITELY gotten you kicked off of sufficient velocity.
If true, that's a shame because if a character in a story cannot express wrong things, it restricts what can be written about by quite a bit, and these are such fuzzy things.
'Tranny' should probably be considered offensive because it's used as such in most cases, similarly to how 'Bastard' in modern context isn't used to refer to children outside wedlock, but as a derogatory description of one's character.
Of course, some people aren't aware of alternate non-offensive shorthands to express themselves.
Of course, there are contexts where the word 'girl' is derogatory, so it's all blargh.

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