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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

You're both forgetting something rather important.

The real Grayven was one of Granny's "children", which means like "Grayven" has a connection to his minions Granny has a connection to the Grayven she raised.

Grayven 16 was explicitly mentioned not to have been involved with Granny, we have no reason to assume that Grayven 12 would be different, especially since we dont even know if any canon versions of Darksides real sons were taken care of by Granny.
I block her whip strike with a buckler construct and then hit her in the chest with a full-.



"Kal-El was here for weeks. They might have cloned-" Lashina looks at him with genuine concern. "-him. Though I'm not sure why he's not an adult."
Ah, good to know that Grayven is still Paul under all that muscle. Only he could be this clueless when it comes to relationships, after all.
Now Superman is a deadbeat dad in 2 universes.

Hey, that's not fair, I don't like the character but it's not like Kal-El knows he has a son here. I don't really know how he'd react to having a son with Lashina during one of the worst periods of his life, but until we know it's not his fault at all. The stuff with Kon is totally different, that's 100% on him.
Huh. I'd actually looked up the Furies after the last chapter, and saw under Lashina's wiki entry of how this kid was originally planned for the DCAU but the plotline eventually scrapped. Did not expect to see him here.

Which wiki is that? I checked the DCAU one and her actual wikipedia entry, but neither mention a child, that I can see.
From her DCAU wiki page:

'There was a planned script for Batman Beyond where Lashina and Superman's brief fling during the events of Legacy's ramifications were revealed. Lashina would have given birth to a son who deposed of Darkseid and became ruler of Apokolips, and also targeted Earth for invasion. Lashina secretly went to Earth and warned the Justice League about the invasion and teamed up with them to prevent it. During this time, Lashina would also reveal that he was Superman's son, causing the latter to feel guilt for not raising him. However, it was cut.[4]'​
I believe early on the phrase used was "hopped up elementals with delusions of grandeur", but OL seems to have moved far past that and now actively worships some of those "hopped up elementals".
It should be noted that he still thinks a lot of gods have delusions of grandeur, and their nature as arcane beings hasn't changed (and he always recognized their power). He's just met a few that he has legitimate respect for now.
Hey, that's not fair, I don't like the character but it's not like Kal-El knows he has a son here. I don't really know how he'd react to having a son with Lashina during one of the worst periods of his life, but until we know it's not his fault at all. The stuff with Kon is totally different, that's 100% on him.

No, that's unfair because Superboy is not Superman's son, and clueless people demanding that it's the square hole's fault that a round peg isn't fitting who made a bad situation worse.
Man, I can't wait for this arc to conclude and to get back to Para-Paul.

Not because there is anything wrong with it. I've just had friends forcing me to wade through a pile of Quirkless-Izuku My hero academia fics and I really need some Empowered OL to wash that shit taste out.
Man, I can't wait for this arc to conclude and to get back to Para-Paul.

Not because there is anything wrong with it. I've just had friends forcing me to wade through a pile of Quirkless-Izuku My hero academia fics and I really need some Empowered OL to wash that shit taste out.
I started reading one where he was sidekicking The Tick. I thought him getting All Might's power rather ruined it.
I started reading one where he was sidekicking The Tick. I thought him getting All Might's power rather ruined it.
Everyone's different. Just seeing "Sidekicking the Tick" and I've already lost interest.

Personally? I applaud MHA for coming right out and saying "Yeah, no special abilities? Then you can't do it. You'll just die." Eraserhead vs the Nomu comes to mind. He's about as Batman as it comes at that point.

Someone trying to push the edge-y "I hide in the shadows" while being so quick an nimble and nimble and quick and just oh so clever and gadgets.....is just missing the entire point. The ENTIRE point.

This goes double if Izuku is offered One for All and turns it down. I wish actual death on that character. That level of utter brain-dead makes me wonder how they don't drown in the shower.

Something like "Quick and Clever" Quirkless Izuku is just...draining all of the fun and interest out of the entire concept. Might as well just turn Lord of the Rings into nothing more then a cross country walk.

Although I do find it annoying when they write up that Izuku does have a quirk, usually one that everyone thinks is useless, and then it turns out that with a little outside the box thinking...it's a god damn nightmare power. Then he gets One for All anyway.

It's like...huh? But...but you put in so much work with your original creation. I mean, if you are that worried about it being passed down just...you know, have All Might NOT be so desperately injured.
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Random question: Since you said that Guy is near-peer to Paul, could he make a green lantern if you gave him a couple of rings?
Has he gotten Sephtian to check out Gardener and Balewa's souls, since as enlightened beings connected to the spectrum they'd probably be the most useful reference point for his growth, even if it they aren't *exactly* the same even on sort of important dimensions...
Old corrections:
Broken link.

There's a noticeably larger screams-and-cars noise from the streets below.
Should that be louder instead of larger?

Mister Kent float stationary in the air

Ah. I think I understand the plan. Ring, contact Green 2814 B.
Usually, you spell it out. Two Eight One Four B.

Broken link.

"It serves out needs too." The Reach can counter Lanterns."

Remove the middle quotation mark too.

This ring has access to your memories. Those they do not contain a complete analysis of available accents, two have close matches.
I think that should be Though instead of Those.

You want to have a tearful reunion with your father, change school and put the whole thing behind you.
I think that should be change schools.

I have to be able to take command level decisions with a clear mind.
Make instead of take.

**At least you're not having to breathe the water here. I don't even want to think about some of the things that I'm putting in my gills right now.**

I see a faint glow from Kaldur as I approach. He's using some sort of indirect water current detection spell in the hopes that it will speed things up a little. He's also using a water purification spell , but sadly for M'gann I only works on the caster. **Miss Martian, if you are putting your health at risk-.**

**No, no. It's just really… Ugh.**

**Your distaste is not misplaced.**

**So… What else have I been missing?**

**A couple of weeks ago we had to deal with a whole bunch of religious crazies.** I can hear the implication in Wallace's mental tone. *Can't imagine what got them all wound up.**
Broken link.

It instead of I in the second line: but sadly for M'gann I only works on the caster.

And a * is missing from the telepathic sentence at the end.
Conqueror's Moon (part 13)
27th December 2004
18:59 GMT -5

Kara stares at me.

"Who are you and why are you in my apartment?"

"I know I told you to pick me up at seven, but I thought-"

Her face hardens and her fists ball. "Grayven."

"-that since I didn't give you a number or a forwarding address it really made more sense for me to come to you." I point to where the amulet makes it look like my face is. "Like the glamour?"

"Uhh." She gives me a brief once-over. "Beats being seen with you in public."

"Great! How do you feel about children?"


"It's breakfast time in my home parallel, so my children are waiting for the most important meal of the day. If them eating with us will totally-."

"You have..? Children?"

"Yes. Didn't.. Scott say?"

She looks at me with an air of cautious suspicion. "No..?"

I frown. "What did you think happened to Lynne?"

"Who's 'Lynne'?"

Wait… Ah. No, she wasn't there for that bit, so if Scott and Barda didn't mention that they were handing Lynne over to me… So where were they keeping her before that, in their own home? All Lynne told me was that Scott and Barda looked after her. I just assumed…

"The telepath SHADE were using to broadcast the Anti-Life Equation? They were keeping her with the four who ended up joining Stormwatch?"

Kara shakes her head. "Why is she with you?"

"Scott and Barda handed her off to me."

Her eyes widen and she lifts slightly off the ground. "They did what?"

"Handed-." I raise my right hand to my forehead for a moment. "Okay, I think you're missing out on some rather pertinent data."

"Yeah I think so too."

"Anti-Life exposure caused serious spiritual damage to Lynne, far in advance of what Director Todd or the other children got. In order to fully repair her I gave her a portion of my soul to.. patch over the hole in hers."

She turns her glare down for a moment. "Why?"

"Because I hate the Anti-Life. I really, really hate it. If you haven't.. grown up with it, I don't think you can understand. The way it constantly leaches off your soul, saps your drive to build anything."

"You tried to take over the Earth."

"As I said at the time, I believe that I can run the planet better than any currently existing government. Destroying the place is the last thing I'd want to do."

"Did you already take over your Earth? Are you trying to collect the whole set?"

"By proxy, one or two failed states. I'm influencing a lot of others. But none of them had government agencies trying to use the Anti-Life. When a human military dictator takes power, they last… What, maybe fifty years? When a population is infected with the Anti-Life, that's it. They will never love or hate, experience joy or sadness… They're just.. not… people. That's what the Anti-Life is, what it does. It's why Darkseid likes it so much."

"Who's your dad."

I shrug. "I didn't pick him. Heck, my mother didn't even pick him."


"Desaad grabbed some human woman, wiped her mind and altered her to look like Kalibak's mother." I shrug. "So if you're trying to link me to him you're not going to get anywhere. And anyway, Darkseid has four sons. Three of them hate it and the other hates everything."

"Oh." She frowns, not quite looking at me. "So, that's Lynne. You said 'kids'."

"There's an Atlantean girl I'm fostering, and a group of vampire-succubus hybrids I picked up on an island."

"A-. Are they safe?"

I nod. "They are now that they're fully medicated and properly fed. Though I'd appreciate it if you didn't bring it up with them. I.. really emphasised the importance of them taking their medication, and the younger ones have developed a bit of a complex about it. Which is good, because it means they won't eat people any more-."

"They ate people?"

"They were starving. They had no access to other food that they could eat. And they ate their mother and older siblings. If I hadn't picked them up they would have eaten each other until only the youngest was left. It's not something they can control-. Well, maybe they could have learned to eventually, but with their parents dead there wasn't anyone to teach them."

"Um." She blinks, then frowns. "Wait, wait. How did they get Lynne to you?"

"What, Scott? Upgraded boom tube, same as I used to come back again."

"And that was… How long after you left?"

"About a month? They went to see your Grayven first, which was a bit of a mistake. I assume that things were a bit busy here at the time?"

"They… They didn't even tell us that you weren't our Grayven until-. And you'd already recovered from the nuclear bomb?"

"Yeah. Sure. Couple of days in the mana infuser and I was right as rain."

"I don't-." She shakes her head. "I don't understand. You tried to take over America, got hit by a nuclear weapon, escaped… You were fine a few days later. Why didn't you try again?"

I shrug. "You seemed to have things in hand. I might have been a bit pessimistic in my assumptions. I can admit when I'm wrong. That was part of why I decided to soft-pedal things on my Earth."

"No, no wait." She sinks to the floor, not looking at me. "I know Batman got in contact with Dick after you came through."


"You attacked the Thanagarian ship after you found out that the President had been replaced."

"Not wanting to get into a constitutional argument, more or less."

"You already visited Scott and-. No." She looks at me. "No."

"Glad that's cleared up. Breakfast?"

"You-. You were faking?"


"I thought it was weird someone gave Eliza a vial of speed formula right when-. Was that you as well? And you've got a power ring, so you could have called Kyle."

"I did call Kyle; the Thanagarians were trying to blow up-."

"I… Can'tBelieve-." She takes a moment to compose herself. "Why did you abandon your spy?"


"What spy?"

"Corporal Guy Gardner."

"That was the man in the Stryker's Island facility? The one who tried using this ring-" I raise my right hand. "-on me?"

"The man who opened the vault for you."


"Kara, I'm nearly as strong as you are. And I'd demonstrated that I could open boom tubes. Having the vault 'opened for me' saved me maybe ten seconds. Besides, I'd only just arrived. Even if Corporal Gardner had been willing to sell out, I hadn't had enough time to locate him and make him an offer."

"So why did he do it?"

"If.. I had to guess, because at that point he knew that your other weapons were worthless and wanted to get something that might actually work just in case you didn't reach the island in time. And he nearly did. If I hadn't recognised him from his alter ego on my Earth I could have lost that fight." I frown. "Wait, what happened to him?"

Kara looks rather uncomfortable. "He was.. sentenced to.. life in prison."

I snort. "Not to tell you how to do your job, but you might want to get him released."
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"I know I told you to pick me up at seven, but I though-"

"It's breakfast time in my home parallel, so my children waiting for the most important meal of the day.
*children are waiting

The way it constantly leaches off your soul, saps your drive to build anything"
A period is needed at the end.

"You attacked the Thanagarian ship after you found out that the President had been replace."
Kara looks rather uncomfortable. "He was.. sentenced to.. life in prison."

Oof, poor Guy. He just wanted to help and gets life in prison trying to stop an alien invader from getting access to super weapons.

That sounds like a super villain origin story if I've ever heard one. At least he didn't get a death sentence, that would have made the date pretty awkward.
"Who are you and why are you in my apartment?"

"I know I told you to pick me up at seven, but I though-"

Her face hardens and her fists ball. "Grayven."

"-that since I didn't give you a number or a forwarding address it really made more sense for me to come to you." I point to where the amulet makes it look like my face is. "Like the glamour?"
Kind of helps if she can recognise you, G-man.

"It's breakfast time in my home parallel, so my children waiting for the most important meal of the day. If them eating with us will totally-."
Missing word here.

"You have..? Children?"
She seems shocked. What, he can't have kids because he's 'evil'?

Wait… Ah. No, she wasn't there for that bit, so if Scott and Barda didn't mention that they were handing Lynne over to me… So where were they keeping her before that, in their own home? All Lynne told me was that Scott and Barda looked after her. I just assumed…
The joy of off-screen action.

"Handed-." I raise my right hand to my forehead for a moment. "Okay, I think you're missing out on some rather pertinent data."
Yes, it does sound kind of bad...

"Because I hate the Anti-Life. I really, really hate it. If you haven't.. grown up with it, I don't think you can understand. The way it constantly leaches off your soul, saps your drive to build anything"
And he knows that from personal experience.

"By proxy, one or two failed states. I'm influencing a lot of others. But none of them had government agencies trying to use the Anti-Life. When a human military dictator takes power, they last… What, maybe fifty years? When a population is infected with the Anti-Life, that's it. They will never love or hate, experience joy or sadness… They're just.. not… people. That's what the Anti-Life is, what it does. It's why Darkseid likes it so much."
The one upside of short human lifespans...

"DeSaad grabbed some human woman, wiped her mind and altered her to look like Kalibak's mother." I shrug. "So if you're trying to link me to him you're not going to get anywhere. And anyway, Darkseid has four sons. Three of them hate it and the other hates everything."
Boy, DeSaad is such a nice guy, isn't he?:mad:

"There's an Atlantean girl I'm fostering, and a group of vampire-succubus hybrids I picked up on an island."
And Cassie Cain?

I nod. "They are now that they're fully medicated and properly fed. Though I'd appreciate it if you didn't bring it up with them. I.. really emphasised the importance of them taking their medication, and the younger ones have developed a bit of a complex about it. Which is good, because it means they won't eat people any more-."
Love how she just accepted the vampire/succubus hybrid thing so casually.

"They were starving. They had no access to other food that they could eat. And they ate their mother and older siblings. If I hadn't picked them up they would have eaten each other until only the youngest was left. It's not something they can control-. Well, maybe they could have learned to eventually, but with their parents dead there wasn't anyone to teach them."
Which has almost certainly happening in OL's timeline... ouch.

"They… They didn't even tell us that you weren't our Grayven until-. And you'd already recovered from the nuclear bomb?"
Wow, did she not realise that?

I shrug. "You seemed to have things in hand. I might have been a bit pessimistic in my assumptions. I can admit when I'm wrong. That was part of why I decided to soft-pedal things on my Earth."
Besides, there's always going to be some 'motherfucker trying to iceskate uphill' to deal with... Earth-50 is hardly a priority.

"You already visited Scott and-. No." She looks at me. "No."
Well, her worldview has just been shattered.

"I thought it was weird someone gave Elise a vial of speed formula right when-. Was that you as well? And you've got a power ring, so you could have called Kyle."
Oh, boy, she's not going to have an 'it's all a lie?' moment, is she? Decide to muck everything up by going public?

"I… Can'tBelieve-." She takes a moment to compose herself. "Why did you abandon your spy?"
Spy? What?


"The man who opened the vault for you."

"If.. I had to guess, because at that point he knew that your other weapons were worthless and wanted to get something that might actually work just in case you didn't reach the island in time. And he nearly did. If I hadn't recognised him from his alter ego on my Earth I could have lost that fight." I frown. "Wait, what happened to him?"
Maybe he just wanted a taste of superpowers. Especially if he learned from John Stewart that he was a candidate...

Kara looks rather uncomfortable. "He was.. sentenced to.. life in prison."
'Oops', Kara?

Heh. 'Every action has consequences' indeed. Hopefully she doesn't have too much trouble coming to terms with what she's learned...
Is anti life=depression?
It's basically permanent super-depression, except you're also not sad about it. A combination of lack of will to live, zero drive, and disinterest in the world, but also no interest in being interested, and no sense of loss because of it.
... So, he checked the apartment for listening devices, right?

It would be a bit awkward if the government found out about... just about any of that.
Doesn't matter. He has the public opinion, and the new current government probably isn't interested much in changing it. Grayven = Space Hitler and Thanagar = Super Nazi Germany are both good messages for them.
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