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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Is bat woman getting kidnapped? She never came through the zeta tube, we know some of those are under surveillance by da light and Paul did just break her cover...
Paul checked for surveillance when they went through, and found her, so it's probably not a problem. I'm assuming this is because she's technically not on the league.
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"Week days, it's pretty much holidays only." I shrug. "It's a five hour time difference."

Should be "Weekdays" as a single word.

And... huh. Dame Carol is being somewhat close with Hal. Dunno what her relationship was with his counterpart per se... a quick wiki check says that 'Harold' was a janitor who was only at her company for some industrial espionage... so this seems a bit quick even for a Violet.
I'm sure a few fans, like myself, are looking forward to Paul teasing Talia/Batwoman in the days to come. What I really want to see is her getting too caught up in her paranoia (I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, but it could be something less rational) such that someone else on the team calls her out. Maybe intentionally (like Superboy hearing her nearby) or maybe someone literally running into her due to her stealth suit.

There's no way she's up to par with Batman yet, is all I'm saying. She needs to get used to all the gadgets and overcome that mindset her father planted in her head.
Hey Mr Zoat I was rereading the last Grayven episode and here:

Kara is wondering if he gave Eliza the Garrick formula, but later during their date:

she 'realises' it again.
Not exactly. In the first part she finds the timing suspicious, but Grayven doesn't admit to anything. In the second she's certain.
Is bat woman getting kidnapped? She never came through the zeta tube, we know some of those are under surveillance by da light and Paul did just break her cover...
Batwoman isn't a member of the team.
Should be "Weekdays" as a single word.
Thank you, corrected.
And... huh. Dame Carol is being somewhat close with Hal. Dunno what her relationship was with his counterpart per se... a quick wiki check says that 'Harold' was a janitor who was only at her company for some industrial espionage... so this seems a bit quick even for a Violet.
She loves her fellow Star Sapphires, and thinks that the Green Lanterns are the local equivalent.
So based on the title, my money's on Sheeda invasion, especially with all the discussion of them last episode. I'd imagine that the Paragon timeline may be better equipped to deal with them thanks to having the full Sivana family working on the problem, but I might not be giving the Renegade timeline enough credit, though I believe the Paragon anti-Sheeda efforts were larger in scale from far earlier. I'm not particularly interested in them as antagonists since my only knowledge of them comes from this fic, though I like the Witch Wprld characters well enough so it could be fun if they make a reappearance. I'd think Paragon-Morgaine le Fay and Vertigo comics Faerie would be plausible though less likely alternatives as antagonists.

Regarding Paragon's correction of his title to Illustres, you'd think rookie and even experienced Green Lanterns would learn the organizational structure and authority figures of other Lantern Corps, even if the OLC may not have much regular contact with the GLC due to operating in near-Reach territory. Earth specifically can lay claim to being under the jurisdiction of an Illustres, which seems to be a big deal, even if not as impressive as the longer-running and larger-scope GLC (this also makes me want to see Paragon spar with an Illustres, though after Guy I'm not sure if that would actually be more challenging). I'm fine with Arisia's defiance and stubbornness since those are classic Green traits, but it still looks a bit sloppy for both her and her mentor Hal- a bit like Renegade Aquaman punching Renegade a while ago without regard for the political implications, even if nothing came of it. I think GLs do have to be at least somewhat diplomatic as part of their duties, even if it's not the primary trait/skill selected for by their Corps.
Of course, she showed Paul up and he can't accept that.


Oh, wait, you're serious? She took all night, presumably, to find the one guy.

The SI stopped and captured 4 separate small to large scale threats?...the assault on the mayor, the gang war, the underground sorceress, her master, and the clay lady? In one night? "Showed Paul up", You're funny.
Sprited Away

Arisia Rrab's eyes flick briefly to Lantern Jordan, whose arms are crossed and who is regarding me with mild frustration. Dame Carol Ferris -14's armour has undergone a little modification since last time I saw her, a lilac undersuit augmented with glowing crystal plates. She even has a helmet. I'm actually impressed. I don't recognise the similarly dressed grey skinned blue eyed young woman with her, but they've both got glowing violet rings so I'm going to assume that Carol's mission on Zamaron was a success.
I mean, a big part of the value of armor on a lantern is the fact that it's resistant to construct-bypassing techniques and serves an emergency backup to the rings if they are neutralized, which this doesn't. Still, violet light is pretty dang good.
"I have fully briefed Ghia'ta-" Dame Carol glances at her young charge, who meets her eyes and smiles. "-on the difficulties which she may encounter here. I have every confidence that -with your aid- she may learn to overcome them, and in doing so serve to inspire the other Zamarons of this universe to change their ways."
Nice to see that progressing along.
"Illustres, actually, but you can just use my name. Welcome to hard mode. We have demons, monsters, demon monsters, robots, robot magicians, monster magicians, demon magicians, telepathic starfish magicians, time travellers and people made of mud. I'm sure that you'll fit right in."
...I guess calling him a 'demon robot magician' would be more accurate?
But yeah, Earth is hardcore.
Hope we see a little bit of research into the magic items in the coat pocket dimension.
"And to explain all that nonsense, if you look towards the core of the planet, you'll see this intense white Glow that indicates the presence of the Guardians being terrible liars, so let's just keep that one a secret between us."
More casual disrespect from Paul to Batwoman.
To be fair, in this instance, she started it. Spying upon someone is hardly respectful.

But to the point, and this has been a sticking one for me my whole life, why does she deserve any respect? She's a murderer, accomplice to murder, and an attempted mass-murderer who got off without even a slap on the wrist because Bat-Daddy likes how she bounces on his dick and argues Prost afterwards or something.

I despise Batman, but were I in the universe, I would have to concede that he has put in the time, and done good work. Who the fuck is Talia? OL could literally punt her into orbit before she even knew what happened.
"And to explain all that nonsense, if you look towards the core of the planet, you'll see this intense white Glow that indicates the presence of the Guardians being terrible liars, so let's just keep that one a secret between us."
The Guardians lied their arse off to protect the life entity. You want Paul to undo that very important work and put the planet under even greater threat than it already is?

But to the point, and this has been a sticking one for me my whole life, why does she deserve any respect?
Respect for her actions, no. Respect as a person, no. Respect as a character, yes.

She and Selina are the only two 'super'villains who're able to consistently make him think with his dick. He's the character noted for being obsessive as balls towards his lifestyle choice(?) iunno, and rarely takes time off to do anything else. Well, she's the anything else that he takes time off to do. She's more notable as a pivot point than a decent character, but she's hot and dangerous, and he likes that. It's his flaw.
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I wonder if Arisia got a warning talk about Paragon; he does tend to undermine the certainties and beliefs of Green Lanterns who spend time around him, which isn't helpful in maintaining their willpower.
It's true that Jordan and Stewart appear to be more or less the same, and Guy actively and radically benefited from Paragon's influence, but for a rookie Lantern, who I believe is still in basic training, that could be a different story.
Of course, just like graduating from an Ivy League is more prestigious and impressive than graduating from community college, any Lantern that does manage to deal with Earth's dangers and the psychological risks of interacting with the Orange Illustres will probably be candidates of interest for higher-ranking GLC positions.

Regarding the discussion about Talia/Batwoman, my general apathy for anything Batman-related means I don't much care about her or commenting on her or most Gotham-related activity in general, though I do acknowledge Paragon should have at least waited to get Robin's input before doing anything because of his own lack of detective experience, so she does have a point, though her manner is abrasive (which describes Paragon and Renegade as well a lot of the time). It's understandable though, when you have a power ring and scry wards aren't an issue (overloading the ones in the last episode was a scene I've been waiting for for a long time; I believe he was always able to do it, it just required him to be aware there were wards in the first place and be willing to give away the fact that he (or at least someone) was scrying in the first place.)
And of course Talia loses a lot of respect from readers (or at least just me) just by virtue of her being an apparently unrepentant and fairly willing member of the millennia-old criminal organization that the person she's talking to is primarily responsible for eradicating.
She doesn't seem to demonstrate any awareness of Paragon's involvement in thwarting Doctor Gotham and the apparently unrelated exploits of the Religion of Crime, though presumably Robin would have notified her. I'm not sure if that would affect her interactions with him, though most likely not.
Actually, while a fun scene to open this episode, I'd presume Batman's equipment would by now include at least some form of scry ward that should be able to block Paragon's empathic vision and other forms of mystic detection.
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Regarding Paragon's correction of his title to Illustres, you'd think rookie and even experienced Green Lanterns would learn the organizational structure and authority figures of other Lantern Corps, even if the OLC may not have much regular contact with the GLC due to operating in near-Reach territory. Earth specifically can lay claim to being under the jurisdiction of an Illustres, which seems to be a big deal, even if not as impressive as the longer-running and larger-scope GLC (this also makes me want to see Paragon spar with an Illustres, though after Guy I'm not sure if that would actually be more challenging). I'm fine with Arisia's defiance and stubbornness since those are classic Green traits, but it still looks a bit sloppy for both her and her mentor Hal- a bit like Renegade Aquaman punching Renegade a while ago without regard for the political implications, even if nothing came of it. I think GLs do have to be at least somewhat diplomatic as part of their duties, even if it's not the primary trait/skill selected for by their Corps.

In fairness....

The Green Lantern Corps is, what, millions of years old? Green Lanterns have saved probably uncounted trillions of lives including entire civilizations. In a bleak and uncaring galaxy they have been the only force that consistently insists that there should be some justice in the universe and that alien races should at least limit the horrors they inflict on each other. They are probably the most famous and respected institution in the galaxy.

The Orange Lantern Corps is less than a year old.

The OLC may be aping the forms of the GLC, but they've got a long, long way to go before anyone is going to give them the respect that the Greens have earned a million times over.
Sprited Away (part 2)
17th February
19:03 GMT -5

"Okay!" Jordan creates a large green sigil behind himself so that he can attract our attention. "You've all got the basics, so it's time for a challenge."

While I could use my armour's sensors and the interior holo display to watch him, I make a point of pivoting on the spot instead. The Atlanteans have managed to adapt fairly quickly to life on the moon. It isn't the same as being under water -the lack of a medium to push against being the largest difference- but some aspects of the way you have to move are similar enough that they could apply the knowledge.

M'gann is similarly a natural. Even without telekinesis, her experience with forces in motion and with moving under Mars's lower gravity stands her in good stead. Canis-

I watch as he does a series of slow motion handsprings, using the exact amount of force that he needs to launch himself off the moon's surface.

-has clearly done this before as well. Everyone else is.. taking it a little carefully.

"I've set up thirty radio markers across this hemisphere. I'm splitting you into four teams and I want you to travel to each one. It only counts if the whole team is within a meter of the marker at the same time."

"Hey, Arsenal." Richard uses a small jump to pivot in his direction. "That's about three feet."

Roy doesn't turn. "I know what a meter is, Robin."

Roy may be used to manoeuvring in heavy power armour but he isn't used to not being able to precisely control his motion in it.

"Aqualad, you're with Artemis, Rocket and Starfire. Robin, you're with Arsenal,-" Through his faceplate I see him wince slightly. "-Zatanna, Lantern Rrab and Canis. Orange Lantern, you're with Ghia'ta, Tempest, Kid Flash and Miss Martian. Superboy, you're with Aquagirl, Supergirl, and Osiris."

Noriel's addition was a bit of a surprise, and she's been visibly fighting against her instinct to flare her fiery wings to control her movement.

"Armour, open team chat."

"Team chat open."

While this would be easier with my rings, I am perfectly capable of completing the task with my power armour's systems alone.

"How about we spread out to triangulate the beacons?"

Wallace heads towards me in long strides, wearing a spacesuit which I suspect is a WayneTech product. Basically, it's an airtight version of his costume with a helmet and air tank; Richard's 'surprisingly' prescient Christmas present to him.

Garth approaches in a similar fashion, though with a little more grace and a slightly more 'off the peg' suit. While we're still close enough to Earth for him to be able to use magic, the effects he can create are slower and weaker up here. And the objective here is to move without powers anyway.

"Miss Martian, can you read the locations from Jordan's mind?"

"Isn't that cheating?"

M'gann's spacesuit is another morph of her martian manhunter uniform, navy blue with a red 'x' across her chest.

"Not unless he bans it. Besides, I need to know how good his resting mental shields are. Last time he fought Hector Hammond he ended up thinking he was a chimpanzee for three hours. Ghia'ta, how are you with telepathy?"

"Only very basic. Rather than true telepathy, Zamarons use a form of intense empathy for communicating our mental state."

"No, I mean, how do you react when other people use it on you?"

"Oh. Um, people who aren't Zamarons? I don't know."

"Probably not the best place to test it out, then. Remember to do that when we get back. M'gann?"

"The good news is, Green Lantern's shields are good enough to stop me from scanning him unless I really force it. The bad news is…"

"Come on, Oh El. Radio triangulation is, like, the first thing Batman taught us."

Richard's team head off, while Kaldur's team begin spreading out.

"One moment."

I crouch slightly and then leap, rising easily above the lunar surface. Now, assuming that Jordan just stuck the transmitters down and didn't bother concealing them… Yes, there they are.

"Armour, mark locations."

"Waypoints loaded."


'Super powers' might be banned, but it wasn't hard to add a simple gas thrusters array to this armour. With their aid I can not only return to the surface more easily, but I can also use continual downward thrust to effectively maintain my usual weight.

Jordan flies over as I fall and regards me levelly. "Orange Lantern, the point of this exercise is to get you kids used to working in low gravity. We all know you can prepare ways around it; heck, you've probably got the tech to just turn the moon's gravity up. This is about learning to work without that stuff."

Inconvenient as it is, he does have a point.

"Fine." I touch down, my armour's legs absorbing the impact. "Armour, automatic thrusters off."

"Automatic thrusters off."

Almost immediately I actually start feeling the one sixth gravity of the moon, the thrusters which were maintaining enough of a downward push to add another five sixths to my weight cutting out. He's wrong, of course. In a situation in which I don't have access to my rings I should be either fleeing or getting access to my rings. And that goes double if I'm somewhere without an atmosphere. But this is essentially a free swim session for the benefit of those members of the team who can't go to the moon whenever they want. Making the point that I don't need it is just going to harm team unity further.

"Sending waypoints now."

"Y'know, while we're thinking outside of the box, he didn't say we couldn't move the markers."

"True, but they're still transmitting."

"Oh El? Maybe we haven't met. I'm Kid Flash, fastest boy alive? So I run over to each beacon and bring it back here and our team wins."

Garth shakes his head. "This isn't about winning, it's about practice."

"Yeah, because Rob's totally not going to say anything if his team finishes first."

M'gann doesn't look enthused either. "I don't think that Lantern Jordan will allow it."

"Probably not, but Kid Flash needs to learn how to move at superspeed in low gravity. And The Flash doesn't have any difficulty in running faster than human escape velocity. See if you can grab-" I ping the closest transmitter. "-that one, and bring it back here. Jordan will probably ban it after that."

"Yeeah, probably. But at least we can get one before Rob's team does."

He disappears in a yellow blur. I turn awkwardly to watch as he zooms easily across the lunar landscape until I lose sight of him. Okay, given his speed and the distance he's travelling, he should-.

"See Oh El that's whoooooow!"

Wallace precipitates out of the air and then shoots off the ground in an uncontrolled spin, his hands grasping for my armour's external handholds but failing to reach them in time!

A moment later he's surrounded by a blue aura as Alan catches him and lowers him back to the ground.

"Hey, what gives?!"

"I didn't want to say anything, but Jay had the exact same problem." Alan smiles fondly. "When you stop using 'super' speed, your speed stops being 'super'. Which means that if you're still going at escape velocity, you keep going. Oh." A blue glove construct plucks the marker from Wallace's unresisting hands and carries it back across the moon. "And cheaters never prosper."

"Because when they prosper, none dare call it cheating." He frowns slightly, and I smile. "Thank you, Alan. Everyone, head in that direction at best speed. Except Wallace, obviously."
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"Okay!" Jordan creates a large green sigil behind himself so that he can attract our attention. "You've all got the basics, so it's time for a challenge."

While I could use my armour's sensors and the interior holo display to watch him, I make a point of pivoting on the spot instead. The Atlanteans have managed to adapt fairly quickly to life on the moon. It isn't the same as being under water -the lack of a medium to push against being the largest difference- but some aspects of the way you have to move are similar enough that they could apply the knowledge.
Also the trouble of carrying enough water to be useful, without loading yourself down to excess. At least, if they're not using Dolmen gates...

M'gann is similarly a natural. Even without telekinesis, her experience with forces in motion and with moving under Mars's lower gravity stand her in good stead. Canis-

I watch as he does a series of slow motion handsprings, using the exact amount of force that he needs to launch himself off the moon's surface.

-has clearly done this before as well. Everyone else is.. taking it a little carefully.
Canis, you show-off!

"I've set up thirty radio markers across this hemisphere. I'm splitting you into four teams and I want you to travel to each one. It only counts if the whole team is within a metre of the marker at the same time."

"Hey, Arsenal." Richard uses a small jump to pivot in his direction. "That's about three feet."

Roy doesn't turn. "I know what a metre is, Robin."
Rude, Robin, rude.

Roy may be used to manoeuvring in heavy power armour but he isn't used to not being able to precisely control his motion in it.

"Aqualad, you're with Artemis, Rocket and Starfire. Robin, you're with Arsenal,-" Through his faceplate I see him wince slightly. "-Zatanna, Lantern Rrab and Canis. Orange Lantern, you're with Ghia'ta, Tempest, Kid Flash and Miss Martian. Superboy, you're with Aquagirl, Supergirl, and Osiris."
Interesting composition. A solid variety of skill- and power-sets. And a few mixes and breaking of usual combinations. I bet Robin, KF and Aqualad are used to working together, which is why they're split up. No mention of general leadership in each group either.

Noriel's addition was a bit of a surprise, and she's been visibly fighting against her instinct to flare her fiery wings to control her movement.
And her becoming Supergirl still leaves the possibility of Kara Zor-el becoming Power Girl sometime down the road (A slim possibility right now, admittedly.)

"Armour, open team chat."

"Team chat open."

While this would be easier with my rings, I am perfectly capable of completing the task with my power armour's systems alone.
Of course, your rings are fitted and ready, since you're not a fool. I expect resisting the urge to use them is vexing.

"How about we spread out to triangulate the beacons?"

Wallace heads towards me in long strides, wearing a spacesuit which I suspect is a WayneTech product. Basically, it's an airtight version of his costume with a helmet and air tank; Richard's 'surprisingly' prescient Christmas present to him.

Garth approaches in a similar fashion, though with a little more grace and a slightly more 'off the peg' suit. While we're still close enough to Earth for him to be able to use magic, the effects he can create are slower and weaker up here. And the objective here is to move without powers anyway.
Surprised OL didn't make modification beforehand to adjust his teammate's gear. Or he did and their gear just looks basic?

"Miss Martian, can you read the locations from Jordan's mind?"

"Isn't that cheating?"

M'gann's spacesuit is another morph of her martian manhunter uniform, navy blue with a red 'x' across her chest.
So, she's basically in a skin-tight spacesuit. Moreso than the others, at least. I'm picturing 50's sci-fi cover art...

"Not unless he bans it. Besides, I need to know how good his resting mental shields are. Last time he fought Hector Hammond he ended up thinking he was a chimpanzee for three hours. Ghia'ta, how are you with telepathy?"

"Only very basic. Rather than true telepathy, Zamarons use a form of intense empathy for communicating our mental state."
Cue level frown from OL. That's not what he meant.

"No, I mean, how do you react when other people use it on you?"

"Oh. Um, people who aren't Zamarons? I don't know."

"Probably not the best place to test it out, then. Remember to do that when we get back. M'gann?"
Best not to mess with things like that until you have the safety of an atmosphere...

"The good news is, Green Lantern's shields are good enough to stop me from scanning him unless I really force it. The bad news is…"

"Come on, Oh El. Radio triangulation is, like, the first thing Batman taught us."

Richard's team head off, while Kaldur's team begin spreading out.
Heh, no time wasting here.

"One moment."

I crouch slightly and then leap, rising easily above the lunar surface. Now, assuming that Jordan just stuck the transmitters down and didn't bother concealing them… Yes, there they are.

"Armour, mark locations."

"Waypoints loaded."
Overwatch, always good. Of course, OL could just have ring-scanned too, but training exercise.


'Super powers' might be banned, but it wasn't hard to add a simple gas thrusters array to this armour. With their aid I can not only return to the surface more easily, but I can also use continual downward thrust to effectively maintain my usual weight.

Jordan flies over as I fall and regards me levelly. "Orange Lantern, the point of this exercise is to get you kids used to working in low gravity. We all know you can prepare ways around it; heck, you've probably got the tech to just turn the moon's gravity up. This is about learning to work without that stuff."
In other words, no bending the rules. At least he's honest about it.

Inconvenient as it is, he does have a point.

"Fine." I touch down, my armour's legs absorbing the impact. "Armour, automatic thrusters off."

"Automatic thrusters off."

Almost immediately I actually start feeling the one sixth gravity of the moon, the thrusters which were maintaining enough of a downward push to add another five sixths to my weight cutting out. He's wrong, of course. In a situation in which I don't have access to my rings I should be either fleeing or getting access to my rings. And that goes double if I'm somewhere without an atmosphere. But this is essentially a free swim session for the benefit of those members of the team who can't go to the moon whenever they want. Making the point that I don't need it is just going to harm team unity further.
Admittedly, his Want for a ring in that situation would be so strong, the Ophidian would take notice. Or he could greed-port away, assuming that it doesn't require Rings at this point.

"Sending waypoints now."

"Y'know, while we're thinking outside of the box, he didn't way we couldn't move the markers."

"True, but they're still transmitting."

"Oh El? Maybe we haven't met. I'm Kid Flash, fasted boy alive? So I run over to each beacon and bring it back here and our team wins."
No shortcuts, Wallace. Jordan's made that clear enough...

Garth shakes his head. "This isn't about winning, it's about practice."

"Yeah, because Rob's totally not going to say anything if his team finishes first."
He has a point, Robin will gloat mercilessly.

M'gann doesn't look enthused either. "I don't think that Lantern Jordan will allow it."

"Probably not, but Kid Flash needs to learn how to move at superspeed in low gravity. And The Flash doesn't have any difficulty in running faster than human escape velocity. See if you can grab-" I ping the closest transmitter. "-that one, and bring it back here. Jordan will probably ban it after that."
Ain't No Rule vs Obvious Rules Patch.

"Yeeah, probably. But at least we can get one before Rob's team does."

He disappears in a yellow blur. I turn awkwardly to watch as he zooms easily across the lunar landscape until I lose sight of him. Okay, given his speed and the distance he's travelling, he should-.

"See Oh El that's whoooooow!"
And he forgot to decelerate properly, didn't he?

Wallace precipitates out of the air and then shoots off the ground in an uncontrolled spin, his hands grasping for my armour's external handholds but failing to reach them in time!

A moment later he's surrounded by a blue aura as Alan catches him and lowers him back to the ground.
And OL's paranoia pays off.

"Hey, what gives?!"

"I didn't want to say anything, but Jay had the exact same problem." Alan smiles fondly. "When you stop using 'super' speed, your speed stops being 'super'. Which means that if you're still going at escape velocity, you keep going. Oh." A blue glove construct plucks the marker from Wallace's unresisting hands and carries it back across the moon. "And cheaters never prosper."

"Because when they prosper, none dare call it cheating." He frowns slightly, and I smile. "Thank you, Alan. Everyone, head in that direction at best speed. Except Wallace, obviously."
Heh. 'Winners write the history books', and all that.

Ah, low-gravity training on the Moon. Comoc Books, everyone.:D Let's hope the other teams aren't running into as much trouble with the rules.
So, some options: the goddess Diana lived on the moon on Earth 2, Eclipso has his base on the moon, though since he eventually got retconned to be the part of god who preceded the Spectre, he might not be in this (Zoat thinks Spectre is too OP, and this kind of seems stupid, with him being the evil part of God that was got rid of).
With some of the other stuff in this fic, we might find Nightmare Moon here
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