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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

why? why would he choose talia over Selina? and I was wondering if YOU have any plans for hub city?

EDIT: is barbatos fucking with paul?
It's confirmed that there's no Barbados, since that's post New 52, and stuff Zoat doesn't like.

As for Selina VS Talia, it's explained above: passion for following a cause vs being an independent woman, and better education/ experience.

Selina might be the better romantic match, but Batman isn't a romantic person.
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Talia asked him. Talia has always been interested in a serious relationship. Selina... Isn't, really. If you want more detail on her perspective that I suggest my porn story.


I'm sorry, you appear to have neglected to add text to your edit.
I was gonna ask if barbatos was fucking with paul but mquz said he doesn't exist in this continuity? I don't remember why you excluded new 52?
Given that Batman shown to regularly refuse both food and rest (a trope I fucking hate almost as much as Batman. Seriously, the body CANNOT function without fuel. I don't give a fuck how "determined" you are)
For limited periods of time, the body is perfectly capable of tapping its own fuel reserves. I speak from experience that once I'm sufficiently focused on something it's easy to forget to eat or sleep. My body demands atonement from me afterward, but 2-3 days of this is certainly possible with minimal ill effects.

Lowlies arent New Gods, they're the same species as New Gods, but their souls that arent awakened.
Where exactly do you draw the line, though? Lowlies understand God Speech. Parademons clearly have at least some level of divine power, and the Furies have even more. And at least in Universe 16-Z, the New Gods that Grayven awakened don't pick up a portfolio right away, so in the absence of some clear guiding direction there's no real guarantee that they must develop a portfolio.

I was gonna ask if barbatos was fucking with paul but mquz said he doesn't exist in this continuity? I don't remember why you excluded new 52?
Because he thinks it's a stupid train wreck.
For limited periods of time, the body is perfectly capable of tapping its own fuel reserves. I speak from experience that once I'm sufficiently focused on something it's easy to forget to eat or sleep. My body demands atonement from me afterward, but 2-3 days of this is certainly possible with minimal ill effects.
Yes, for limited periods of time.

However, I don't know if I've ever seen a panel with Batman actually eating, or resting. It almost always goes with Alfred saying "Sir, you haven't eaten more than scraps, or slept for days."

Only for Batman to be all "Fuck off, I'm batman."

Then Batman will rush out and perform extremely physically demanding actions for hours upon hours at a time.

It's fucking stupid. From an author who is trying to...what? Make him look more "Badass" by ignoring biological functions? Is batman somehow less hardcore if he eats a fucking sandwich?

You know what's even more annoying about the not eating or sleeping thing? Authors always feel the need to point out that they aren't.

Huge battle, intense action for hours. Protag slowly pushes plate of food away from them because "I'm not hungry/I'm queasy from the violence."

Then protag rushes out for another couple hours of higher than Olympic levels of physical activity.

I ran across a MHA fic where the MC hardly eating was literally a character trait. Over and over it was pointed out that he basically weighs about 90 pounds, his ribs are both quite visible, and characters who touch him remark on it quite often.

But he never eats more than a bite or two because "I'm not hungry." Apparently he's so traumatized and emo that his belly is already mostly full of his own tears and sadness.

Then he rushes out, sprints about twenty city blocks and scales the largest skyscraper in the city by stabbing knives into the building.

It's stupid on a level that legitimatly pisses me off. I'd like to slam the author's face into their own desk. Because, really? How fucking stupid are you? Where is he getting the energy for all this shit? Absorbing it straight out of the moron dimension?

And again, it wouldn't be quite so bad, if they didn't feel the need to KEEP POINTING IT OUT.
Given that Batman shown to regularly refuse both food and rest (a trope I fucking hate almost as much as Batman. Seriously, the body CANNOT function without fuel. I don't give a fuck how "determined" you are), I can't really see a sex life even being a thing.
You'd be surprised how far past its limits the human body can be pushed, I mean sure he'll drop eventually but he'd last maybe just under a week without food and drink.
You'd be surprised how far past its limits the human body can be pushed, I mean sure he'll drop eventually but he'd last maybe just under a week without food and drink.
There's something known as the "survival rule of threes": Three weeks without food, three days without water, three hours without shelter, three minutes without oxygen.

But the key word for all of those is survive. You go two days without water, especially somewhere hot, and you end up surviving in a hospital with a saline drip. You go two weeks without food, and you'll look like a famine victim. And you'll have all the strength of one, too.

Batman not sustaining himself is stupid, because outside of crisis situations he's just making himself less capable when he forgoes food/water/sleep. Sure, maybe with the indomitable Bat Willpower™ he could keep going anyway, but you can't willpower away muscle fatigue unless you happen to have a green ring on your finger.
You'd be surprised how far past its limits the human body can be pushed
No. I actually wouldn't.

See, I actually train. I actually fight, and compete.

I've had intensely strenuous training session, and harrowing matches, where I have hit the wall. Where I know just what to do, see a perfect opening, but guess what? There is nothing left in the tank.

Limbs feel completely empty, especially my dominant arm. Inside of my knees feel hollow (Best way to describe it), My stomach is in knots, can't hardly catch breath, and most importantly....no longer have the strength to do the things I'm trying to do. Mentally, all you want to do is go home.

Sweat pouring off of your face like someone turned on the tap. Vomiting a real possibility, and all you can do is lay on the mat and try to breath. Can't get up, even if you wanted to, because your legs might as well be noodles at this stage.

There are few things more frustrating than trying to go even further beyond, and your body simply won't do it.

Now, I'm not the perfect peak human like Batman apparently is. At the same token, he's shown going DAYS without food or rest while STILL engaging in incredibly strenuous activity, actively REFUSING both food and rest when he has the chance, to say nothing of all the injuries he accrues during all of this. Furthermore, I haven't suffered 1/16 of the injuries he has.

It's fucking stupid. Don't even try to defend it...and what's worse? Batman himself, with his super genius, can plan anything with perfection brain....SHOULD KNOW BETTER.

And finally, it's not just that he's not eating/sleeping. It's that he's not doing any of that...and then rushing out for hours and hours and hours of strenuous COMBAT. I.E He's actively burning energy that he is NOT replacing. UGH!

Batman not sustaining himself is stupid, because outside of crisis situations he's just making himself less capable when he forgoes food/water/sleep. Sure, maybe with the indomitable Bat Willpower™ he could keep going anyway, but you can't willpower away muscle fatigue unless you happen to have a green ring on your finger.
THANK YOU! *throws up hands*
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Talia asked him. Talia has always been interested in a serious relationship. Selina... Isn't, really. If you want more detail on her perspective that I suggest my porn story.

Not quite true, Selina mostly just wants to be at least as important as The Mission/being Batman rather than consistently take a back seat to it. Talia on the other hand is happy to play second fiddle to the cause of others because that is how she was raised.
Sprited Away (part 1)
Sprited Away

17th February
18:12 GMT -5

"…missed all the excitement."

Artemis pauses at the zeta tube entrance, checks around us and then looks at me for confirmation. My eyes glow for a moment…

Talia's watching us from under some sort of active camouflage system. I generate a construct in the shape of the words 'HI BATWOMAN' and then nod to Artemis.

"We're clear. And if I'm honest I just found the whole business rather trying."

"Yeah, well…" She opens the booth and steps inside. "Your standards are kinda weird."

"I'm not arguing."

"Recognized, Artemis, B Zero Eight."

I've got to talk to someone about making that silent. Frankly… I don't see why the zeta tube system announces people anyway, but it certainly shouldn't do so in public areas. Before, I dismissed it because I didn't think that secret identities could withstand serious scrutiny anyway, but now that I'm making more of an effort not to bottle things up… Yeah, that's going on the list.

"Recognized, Orange Lantern, B Zero Six."

I look around-.


Artemis breaks off from staring at the people I assume to be our new recruits and frowns at me. "What?"

Arisia Rrab's eyes flick briefly to Lantern Jordan, whose arms are crossed and who is regarding me with mild frustration. Dame Carol Ferris -14's armour has undergone a little modification since last time I saw her, a lilac undersuit augmented with glowing crystal plates. She even has a helmet. I'm actually impressed. I don't recognise the similarly dressed grey skinned blue eyed young woman with her, but they've both got glowing violet rings so I'm going to assume that Carol's mission on Zamaron was a success.

"And you brought them here? Oh you poor poor Lanterns."

Jordan's gaze hardens. "Knock it off, Paul."

"I have fully briefed Ghia'ta-" Dame Carol glances at her young charge, who meets her eyes and smiles. "-on the difficulties which she may encounter here. I have every confidence that -with your aid- she may learn to overcome them, and in doing so serve to inspire the other Zamarons of this universe to change their ways."

"Change-?" 'Other'? I regard her with a frown. "You don't look like a Zamaron. Or.. can you change shape?"

"My father was from Korugar."

That really doesn't explain the ears, but… I suppose that the strange genetics of interspecies reproduction will do some weird things.

"Right." I transition forward and offer her my right hand. "Pleased to meet you, Lantern Ghia'ta."

She doesn't look entirely certain about touching me, so I think about when I watched Jade focus her entire attention on assembling a proton pistol and Ghia'ta blinks and then relaxes. She takes my hand in a slightly awkward grip, but manages the handshake in a way which makes me think that she's actually paying attention to her cultural database.

"And Lantern Rrab."

I head over to greet her as well, and she steps forward almost defiantly to meet me half way.

"Lantern Paul."

"Illustres, actually, but you can just use my name. Welcome to hard mode. We have demons, monsters, demon monsters, robots, robot magicians, monster magicians, demon magicians, telepathic starfish magicians, time travellers and people made of mud. I'm sure that you'll fit right in."

There's a moment of confusion, then she nods. "I will."

Artemis snorts with amusement. "Maybe you shouldn't sound so sure that's a good thing." She frowns. "Where's everyone else?"

"The team members who've actually shown up are either getting ready or waiting in the living area. How often do Cornwall Boy or Squire manage to show?"

"Weekdays, it's pretty much holidays only." I shrug. "It's a five hour time difference."

Artemis comes a little closer. "What are we doing tonight, anyway?"

The right edge of Jordan's lip curves upward slightly. "Low gravity op training on the moon."

She twitches. "Really? You got a space suit I won't tear apart every time I move?"

"Sure. How d'you think Superman manages?"

"By having his force field improve his proprioception so he doesn't do exactly what I'm worried about doing?"

"Artemis, there are going to be at least seven Lanterns on standby. If anyone gets into serious trouble it takes seconds to attach an environmental shield to someone."

Jordan frowns. "Where are you getting seven Lanterns from?"

"You, Lantern Rrab, Dame Carol, Lantern Ghia'ta, me, Guy and Alan, who has more experience than the rest of us put together."

"I don't think we need all-."

"Do you remember a year and a half ago, when J'onn J'onzz decided that he didn't need a second when he ran us through a telepathic training scenario? Do you remember the Ophidian manifesting on the Earth?"


"After that, we decided that if the Justice League member running a training session was suggesting a session without adequate safety planning, we'd call them on it right at the beginning. We have twenty people, of whom only one is fine with vacuum exposure and most of whom have no zero or low gravity experience. And if you're expecting me to take off my rings so I learn something, that's one less. Seven Lanterns."

"Fine. You can call Alan and Guy." He rises off the ground. "I'm going to check in on Aqualad. Arisia-."

"Ghia'ta, remain with Orange Lantern and Artemis. I will go with Sir Harold while you get to know your sisters in arms."

Jordan takes a breath. "Arisia, did you bring a space suit?"

"Ah, no?"

"Not to worry. I can construct one for you."

"Right. You do that." Jordan nods. "We're heading out in half an hour."

He floats back slowly for a moment, then Dame Carol loops her left arm around his right and tugs, causing him to start moving in earnest rather than be dragged along by her.

Artemis shakes her head. "I don't have a space suit either."

"This won't take long. Ghia'ta?"

She bows her head slightly, the crystals of her armour's outer layer growing and merging into a seamless whole.

"Good show." I make eye contact with Arisia and Artemis. "What sort of auxiliary systems do you want included?"
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Wow, this is almost nostalgic. Making equipment for the team.

Also so many Lanterns!

Also also, his interaction with Ghia'ta is very interesting. If both sides are empaths than what you feel becomes part of what you communicates. Like having an extra face that only two people in the room are aware of.
Oh, this is gonna get funky. For the less expansive vocabularies: Sprit is an obscure term for a sprout or shoot (according to Google). Not, as it appears, a mispelled Studio Ghibli reference :p
(EDIT: Apparently it's not 'spritted'. Welp.)

"…missed all the excitement."

Artemis pauses at the zeta tube entrance, checks around us and then looks at me for confirmation. My eyes glow for a moment…

Talia's watching us from under some sort of active camouflage system. I generate a construct in the shape of the words 'HI BATWOMAN' and then nod to Artemis.
One last poke to the ego, for the lulz.

"We're clear. And if I'm honest I just found the whole business rather trying."

"Yeah, well…" She opens the booth and steps inside. "Your standards are kinda weird."

"I'm not arguing."
Gotham in general is trying.

"Recognized, Artemis, B Zero Eight."

I've got to talk to someone about making that silent. Frankly… I don't see why the zeta tube system announces people anyway, but it certainly shouldn't do so in public areas. Before, I dismissed it because I didn't think that secret identities could withstand serious scrutiny anyway, but now that I'm making more of an effort not to bottle things up… Yeah, that's going on the list.
Kind of a giveaway for arriving superheroes, yes.

"Recognized, Orange Lantern, B Zero Six."

I look around-.


Artemis breaks off from staring at the people I assume to be our new recruits and frowns at me. "What?"
<Rubs hands together> Break out the popcorn, boys, girls and assorted others...

Arisia Rrab's eyes flick briefly to Lantern Jordan, whose arms are crossed and who is regarding me with mild frustration. Dame Carol Ferris -14's armour has undergone a little modification since last time I saw her, a lilac undersuit augmented with glowing crystal plates. She even has a helmet. I'm actually impressed. I don't recognised the similarly dressed grey skinned blue eyed young woman with her, but they've both got glowing violet rings so I'm going to assume that Carol's mission on Zamaron was a success.
Ah, rookies...
Correction: 'don't recognise the'

"And you brought them here? Oh you poor poor Lanterns."

Jordan's gaze hardens. "Knock it off, Paul."
What? In all honesty, Earth is the perfect training ground for Lanterns. There's never any shortage of unusual scenarios.

"I have fully briefed Ghia'ta-" Dame Carol glances at her young charge, who meets her eyes and smiles. "-on the difficulties which she may encounter here. I have every confidence that -with your aid- she may learn to overcome them, and in doing so serve to inspire the other Zamarons of this universe to change their ways."

"Change-?" 'Other'? I regard her with a frown. "You don't look like a Zamaron. Or.. can you change shape?"
Oof, kinda rude, OL.

"My father was from Korugar."

That really doesn't explain the ears, but… I suppose that the strange genetics of interspecies reproduction will do some weird things.
Just look at all the human-hybrids running around Earth.

"Right." I transition forward and offer her my right hand. "Pleased to meet you, Lantern Ghia'ta."

She doesn't look entirely certain about touching me, so I think about when I watched Jade focus her entire attention to assemble a proton pistol and Ghia'ta blinks and then relaxes. She takes my hand in a slightly awkward grip, but manages the handshake in a way which makes me think that she's actually paying attention to her cultural database.
Show her he's not completely marinated in Want. Good show.

"And Lantern Rrab."

I head over to greet her as well, and she steps forward almost defiantly to meet me half way.
Ah, the one from a long line of local Lanterns. She's going to have a chip on her shoulder about proving herself worthy, isn't she?

"Lantern Paul."

"Illustres Paul actually, but 'Paul' is fine. Welcome to hard mode. We have demons, monsters, demon monsters, robots, robot magicians, monster magicians, demon magicians, telepathic starfish magicians, time travellers and people made of mud. I'm sure that you'll fit fight in."
They're right, this really needs some indication about how he's saying his name...

There's a moment of confusion, then she nods. "I will."

Artemis snorts with amusement. "Maybe you shouldn't sound so sure that's a good thing." She frowns. "Where's everyone else?"

"The team members who've actually shown up are either getting ready or waiting in the living area. How often do Cornwall Boy or Squire manage to show?"
Probably not often enough, I bet. Though not through any fault of their own...

"Week days, it's pretty much holidays only." I shrug. "It's a five hour time difference."

Artemis comes a little closer. "What are we doing tonight, anyway?"

The right edge of Jordan's lip curves upward slightly. "Low gravity op training on the moon."
Sounds about average for a Comic Book universe.

She twitches. "Really? You got a space suit I won't tear apart every time I move?"

"Sure. How d'you think Superman manages?"

"By having his force field improve his proprioception so he doesn't do exactly what I'm worried about doing?"
Wow, associating with OL has really improved her vocabulary. Can you imagine canon Artemis saying 'proprioception'?

"Artemis, there are going to be at least seven Lanterns on standby. If anyone gets into serious trouble it takes seconds to attach an environmental shield to someone."

Jordan frowns. "Where are you getting seven Lanterns from?"
Practically a Common Sense interrupt moment. :D

"You, Lantern Rrab, Dame Carol, Lantern Ghia'ta, me, Guy and Alan, who has more experience than the rest of us put together."

"I don't think we need all-."

"Do you remember a year and a half ago, when J'onn J'onzz decided that he didn't need a second when he ran us through a telepathic training scenario? Do you remember the Ophidian manifesting on the Earth?"
Do you want the Predator turning up? Because that's how you get the Predator showing up.


"After that, we decided that if the Justice League member running a training session was suggesting a session without adequate safety planning, we'd call them on it right at the beginning. We have twenty people, of whom only one is fine with vacuum exposure and most of whom have no zero or low gravity experience. And if you're expecting me to take off my rings so I learn something, that's one less. Seven Lanterns."

"Fine. You can call Alan and Guy." He rises off the ground. "I'm going to check in on Aqualad. Arisia-."
I can picture the annoyed expression. Nice.

"Ghia'ta, remain with Orange Lantern and Artemis. I will go with Sir Harold while you get to know your sisters in arms."

Jordan takes a breath. "Arisia, did you bring a space suit?"

"Ah, no?"
What have you been teaching her, Jordan?

"Not to worry. I can construct one for you."

"Right. You do that." Jordan nods. "We're heading out in half an hour."

He floats back slowly for a moment, then Dame Carol loops her left arm around his right and tugs, causing him to start moving in earnest rather than be dragged along by her.
Hmm, possible cross-dimensional romance or just politeness?

Artemis shakes her head. "I don't have a space suit either."

"This won't take long. Ghia'ta?"

She bows her head slightly, the crystals of her armour's outer layer growing and merging into a seamless whole.

"Good show." I make eye contact with Arisia and Artemis. "What sort of auxiliary systems do you want included?"
Oh, they are going to get an education here on Earth. Could be two of the most crazy-prepared lanterns ever...

Well, this is shaping up to be interesting. I doubt the other meaning of Sprit (a nautical term for part of a ships' sail-rigging) is going to be pertinent... I certainly hope we don't get Arisia crushing on Jordan, though, that was skeevy in the comics.:confused:
And apparently the title is 'sprited'. Someone going off with the fairies perhaps? Are we about to see the Maltusian Leprechauns appear?
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Talia's watching us from under some sort of active camouflage system. I generate a construct in the shape of the words 'HI BATWOMAN' and then nod to Artemis.
More casual disrespect from Paul to Batwoman.

"I have fully briefed Ghia'ta-" Dame Carol glances at her young charge, who meets her eyes and smiles. "-on the difficulties which she may encounter here. I have every confidence that -with your aid- she may learn to overcome them, and in doing so serve to inspire the other Zamarons of this universe to change their ways."
Wonder how may actually listened to her. They probably think Zamaron 50 is crazy for giving rings to mortals.

She doesn't look entirely certain about touching me, so I think about when I watched Jade focus her entire attention to assemble a proton pistol and Ghia'ta blinks and then relaxes.
Learn how to accept other emotions. You'll thank him in the future.

"Do you remember a year and a half ago, when J'onn J'onzz decided that he didn't need a second when he ran us through a telepathic training scenario? Do you remember the Ophidian manifesting on the Earth?"


"After that, we decided that if the Justice League member running a training session was suggesting a session without adequate safety planning, we'd call them on it right at the beginning. We have twenty people, of whom only one is fine with vacuum exposure and most of whom have no zero or low gravity experience. And if you're expecting me to take off my rings so I learn something, that's one less. Seven Lanterns."
Bet he doesn't like remembering that moment. He really needs to learn that when Paul says something, he almost always means it.

He floats back slowly for a moment, then Dame Carol loops her left arm around his right and tugs, causing him to start moving in earnest rather than be dragged along by her.
Wonder how Jordan is going to explain this to his girlfriend. "I swear there is nothing between us. Even if she is basically a better version of you in every way."
The name of the chapter is cleared a reference to spirited away, but... a sprit is a diagonal mast spar. If it were a verb form of sprite, which indicate fairy shenanigans, it'd be Sprited Away, not Spritted Away.
It's supposed to be pronounced 'Sprite ed'.
Wow, associating with OL has really improved her vocabulary. Can you imagine canon Artemis saying 'proprioception'?
She does do an English Masters, so... Yes, eventually.
Wonder how Jordan is going to explain this to his girlfriend. "I swear there is nothing between us. Even if she is basically a better version of you in every way."
I don't know. Carol -14 wouldn't have a problem with him flying off to do superheroic stuff, but Carol 16 was mostly annoyed about him keeping it secret and the Star Sapphire stuff. She's actually pretty reasonable.
Man... I just saw Spirited Away for preety much the first time this morning. More like the second time... I saw pieces of it as a young child and hated it (I had persistent nightmares about being kidnapped by a witch and forced to work, and it was my first anime / Miyazaki film).
What? In all honesty, Earth is the perfect training ground for Lanterns. There's never any shortage of unusual scenarios.
One of the reasons that the 'insane' (meaning 'non-evil') ex-Weaponer SI I've been thinking about plans to take his Blue Lantern recruits to Earth to train them. Not necessarily Earth-16, though it is somewhat inspired by YJ and WTR.

EDIT: He really doesn't like being called a Weaponer, BTW. He'll accept 'Mad Scientist' instead, but he prefers 'Engineer.'
Hey Mr Zoat I was rereading the last Grayven episode and here:
"You-. You were faking?"


"I thought it was weird someone gave Eliza a vial of speed formula right when-. Was that you as well? And you've got a power ring, so you could have called Kyle."
Kara is wondering if he gave Eliza the Garrick formula, but later during their date:
"Did Flash even really-." She cuts herself off, eyes widening. "Oh God. That was you."


"I saw you speeding up when we fought. I thought that maybe you were using Sinestro's ring or you were just that fast. You have some way of giving people super speed, and you pretended it was from Flash."
she 'realises' it again.

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