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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'm honestly rather impressed by the parallel you've been building between yourself and overgirl here. It's a remarkable example of how being opposed to someone who's in the wrong doesn't mean you're not just as wrong.
I was totally wondering how long it'd be before someone compared me to a nazi.

And that's about all the rules allow me to say to you. But rest assured, I'm thinking just what you can go do right now. Good day.

I haven't taken the time to seriously follow it but I have a whole lot of respect for the art.

My man, I like you more already.
That's the point. There may be no bill, not just because someone is waving nazi flag and cheering mottos. You can't know.
Maxx you seem to support collective punishment of one nazis for the crimes of other nazis. The Allies were quite discriminate when they performed denazification, unlike the Soviets, who due to their collectivism treated social groups like hiveminds.
Given my experience with Neo Nazi's, waving the flag and screaming the mottos is more then enough to do it. Such a fun bunch.

Why are you so sure that Overgirl have done anything? Or will do in the future?
Why do you honestly believe that I care that much? Or rather, Earth 16 SI-Me with a power ring would care that much? I would be seriously concerned at the level of awe-inspiring destruction that guy would be willing to do once he got cranked up.

But I'm totally sure she is just the most innocent little Nazi there ever was. For the record, I wouldn't go easy on Overman either.

For all we know, after a thorough mind-reading examination, she might be released exonerated from Israeli court, or get a medium-length sentence.
Not...entirely sure you're all that up to date with the right-wing of Israel. I don't think she'd make it out of the room if they held all the power. Israel doesn't really fuck around.

Also, you are conflating theoretical support of nazi crimes with practical support of nazi crimes.
I mean, I would have already flattened her for all the "sub-human" cracks. Plus, thinking of Kaldur as a "Good house Negro" (And let us just hope Negro was the word) would have already had SI-Maxx creating several layers of wall to put her through.

Plus, I'm gay. First "Degenerate" Crack I get, I'm ripping her tongue out.

What this logic is telling you is that a non-violent, non-criminal, non-enticing bigot, no matter how hateful and genocidal, does not deserve violence initiated against them, but should be hated and insulted back non-violently.

Being an enthusiastic member of nazi regime does not necessarily mean that they have actually done anything, if only for the lack of opportunity.
I'm confused, are you trying to talk me out of my position with the thought of "They haven't exterminated any sub-humans just yet, due to the lack of them"?

Also, it would be foolish to declare a war on Earth-10 with little information and no advisors. Overgirl is currently in a diplomatic role.
I'm not saying it would be 40K style Exterminatus.....but I don't trust SI-Maxx not to employ righteous fire. Fairly certain that cute bastard's gonna end up with a Red ring anyway, maybe Yellow, so once he starts down that Rage path....well it's just gonna Hulk it's way up more and more.

It makes sense to kill innocent nazis during an actual conflict, but this has not happened for a while.
Won't someone think of the poor, innocent nazis?

Ugh...threw up a little there.

Finally...enter key man! That was hard to read through. Had to bust it up just to get all the thoughts together.
I'm going to throw my hat into the ring here. Not because of a particularly strong viewpoint, but honestly this is the most discussion we've had that hasn't been banned since SV.

"Violence. Last resort of a sane man. First resort of a fool."

Also, Paul should definitely try and confuse her with Martian sexuality: "What do you mean they change their organs! Do they just flip a coin to pick a gender???"
Gammadion (part 18)
14th March
22:42 GMT +1

Angelika looks down at the table, and I slide the drink into her line of sight.

"I think that she likes women."

Mrs Brauer nods. "So: the Nazis control everything and some people are still homosexual."

Angelika looks away, but this bar doesn't leave a lot of places for someone to look where they won't be confronted with gayness. "Yes."

Mrs Brauer frowns. "Did Röhm kill Hitler on your Earth? Or did they just decide that sexual orientation didn't matter?"

Angelika squirms a little at the mention of Röhm. Perhaps she held out some hope that I'd made the man up?

"No, it matters. Someone found to be behaving in such a way… If they are young, there are corrective measures, but otherwise they would be severely punished or killed."

"You found your version of me with her girlfriend… Did the government decide to keep it quiet?"

"Now I know, and I think that Overman knows. I don't think that anyone else does."

"She can't be that good at hiding it if you walked in on her."

"Kryptonian genetics have given me very good hearing. I was… Investigating a sound I did not recognise."

Dr Kameya covers her mouth with her right fist just in time to muffle her guffaw. Angelika shifts awkwardly in her seat.

Mrs Brauer nods. "We will have to bear in mind how inquisitive children can be if we have children."

I raise my left hand slightly, rings glowing as a pale DNA strand construct appears above it. "I can create a zygote with DNA from two women. If you're ever interested, phone me."

Mrs Brauer gives me a mildly reproachful look, though I think it's due to me interrupting her effort to connect with Angelika rather than my offer to help her become a mother while in her seventies.

"Are you going to report her?"

Angelika shakes her head. "No. I-. Need to speak to her about it, but I.. cannot report Aunty Gerri."

"I'm glad for her. But what does that mean for you?"

"It.. means that I am putting my personal relationships ahead of my duty to the state and people."

"I meant: can you get into trouble for not reporting it?"

"Perhaps. But I doubt it. I have a high enough status that I could simply say that I did not know, and that would be accepted." She shakes her head. "Unless there was video evidence, Aunty Gerri could probably shut down any investigation herself. It might be different if I spoke against her, but she is one of our most revered heroes. Her word would not be doubted lightly."

"And how many others do you think there are like her?"

"Ther-." Angelika takes a deep breath. "Few. She is old enough that she was born before the modern social controls became so pervasive. Most people don't even know that some people have such desires. It may be that some are confused as you were, but we can help them develop a healthy sexuality."



Mrs Brauer takes a moment. "I suppose in a Germany controlled by the Nazis-"

"National Socialists."

"-it probably is better for their health. Here, I am much happier now that I can express-" She and Dr Kameya make eye contact and clasp hands with a smile. "-my love openly."

Angelika sits back, looking more sad than angry about it.

"Why did you want to meet me?"

"I used to feel very self conscious talking about.. some things with Overman. But I could always talk about anything with Aunty Gerri. I thought that.. talking to you might help with coping with all of this. And it hasn't, even a little bit, because you are the worst part of it."


"I understand what Orange Lantern is trying to do: to show me that your civilisation works and is full of normal people who just do things a little bit differently. And you know all sorts of things we culled from our history because they would be a distraction. I've seen things like that before; I know how to ignore them. But I can't ignore you, or what I've learned about Aunty Gerri. And I hate that."

Uh… Oh.

Mrs Brauer nods sympathetically.

"It's a lot to take in, isn't it? You know your beliefs are nonsense-."

"They are not nonsense!"

"But you can't just throw it away, because then what do you do?" And just for a moment she actually looks seventy. "The Justice League is trying to send you home?"

Angelika nods.

"I think you should stay here. Until you're sure how you feel about everything."

"How would that help?"

"Because 'why' finds no answer."

She turns to look at me, clearly recognising the quote but not understanding its relevance.

"The problem here is not that you need to suppress an inconvenient truth or two in order to let other people carry on doing their job. The problem is that the existence of this society proves that doing that job was unnecessary. With no purges at all two thirds of Germany became one of this Earth's largest economies. So it doesn't matter whether the Jews were trying to undermine German society or not; this Germany did fine without needing to scapegoat anyone. You're a fundamentally rational woman; if you were totally blinded by ideology you'd have attacked me as soon as you found out what this world was like. You're trying to see lies that aren't there behind the curtain that isn't there, and you're becoming increasingly distressed not because you're appalled but because you're not appalled and know that you should be."

Mrs Brauer nods. "And that's why you should stay. If you went home now, what would you do?"

"I would be embraced by my friends and team mates, and forget that this happened."

"Could you forget it? If nothing else I'm sure that Overman would like to talk to you about it."

Angelika's eyes unfocus slightly, and I don't think it's because she's staring through a wall.

"Yes. I think that he would." A deep breath. "And whatever view I reach, what do you expect me to do?"

"You might want to stay here permanently. Or you might want to go home and help your society start to reform."

"Or you'll have your faith in National Socialism restored in full and will be able to go home with your head held high."

Dr Kameya gives me a disgruntled glare.

"But from a purely self-interested point of view, surely either outcome would be better than what you're feeling now."

"I don't live for myself. I live for Germania."

"Then doesn't Germania deserve to have you at your-"

My ring blinks.

"-best?" Urgh. "Excuse me."
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He never adequately explained how that worked the first time.. hey! He never explained at all!

I think he did, is all in regards to reproduction.

The ones that cannot reproduce are worker drones and asexual, the ones that gestate (get impregnated) and die as the youth tear them apart is another, the ones that can get themselves pregnant if the ones that impregnate others aren't available (they also die), there are the ones that can give birth to less clickers, but as a result don't die by being torn by the youth... And so on... Then again its 2:34 so i could be an hallucination of my malfunctioning mind.
due to be interrupting her effort
due to me

My ring blinks.

"-best?" Urgh. "Excuse me."
Maybe Algelika's ride home is ready?

This is not a criticism, but why oh why do we end on a mysterious note so often.
Lots of authors like to break scenes at dramatic moments because it builds tension and makes people tune in for the next installment. What I think Mr Zoat does well, compared to other fan-fiction authors, is balancing his use of dramatic tension with natural breaks and satisfying conclusions.
He never adequately explained how that worked the first time.. hey! He never explained at all!
Birthing gender receives a nearly fertilized egg from oviposition gender, which received it from the combiner gender, which had a threesome with the egg transporting gender and seed transporting gender, who in turn got their cargo from the egg generating gender and seed generating gender, respectively. At each step of the process, genetic data is contributed, until the egg is fully fertile upon the contribution of the birthing gender.

It's not hard.
I am betting this is either the JL or Sivana calling OL.
Angelika looks down at the table, and I slide the drink into her line of sight.

"I think that she likes women."

Mrs Brauer nods. "So: the Nazis control everything and some people are still homosexual."
People gonna do what they will, regardless of the law. That's human nature.

Angelika looks away, but this bar doesn't leave a lot of places for someone to look where they won't be confronted with gayness. "Yes."

Mrs Brauer frowns. "Did Röhm kill Hitler on your Earth? Or did they just decide that sexual orientation didn't matter?"

Angelika squirms a little at the mention of Röhm. Perhaps she held out some hope that I'd made the man up?
How naive of her. Forty-something and still has a lot to learn about the world.

"No, it matters. Someone found to be behaving in such a way… If they are young, there are corrective measure, but otherwise they would be severely punished or killed."

"You found your version of me with her girlfriend… Did the government decide to keep it quiet?"

"Now I know, and I think that Overman knows. I don't think that anyone else does."
Imagine the scandal. That's the kind of thing that can shake people's beliefs...

"She can't be that good at hiding it if you walked in on her."

"Kryptonian genetics have given me very good hearing. I was… Investigating a sound I did not recognise."

Dr Kameya covers her mouth with her right fist just in time to muffle her guffaw. Angelika shifts awkwardly in her seat.
Oh, god. Embarrassment all round. I bet that was awkward as all hell.

Mrs Brauer nods. "We will have to bear in mind how inquisitive children can be if we have children."

I raise my left hand slightly, rings glowing as a pale DNA strand construct appears above it. "I can create a zygote with DNA from two women. If you're ever interested, phone me."
Still trying to make ladies pregnant, OL? Wasn't Themyscira enough?:p

Mrs Brauer give me a mildly reproachful look, though I think it's due to be interrupting her effort to connect with Angelika than my offer to help her become a mother while in her seventies.

"Are you going to report her?"

Angelika shakes her head. "No. I-. Need to speak to her about it, but I.. cannot report Aunty Gerri."
Good to see she's not so blindly loyal to the state. And that she loves her 'aunt'.

"I'm glad for her. But what does that mean for you?"

"It.. means that I am putting my personal relationships ahead of my duty to the state and people."
Gee, who knew? You're human after all.

"I meant; can you get into trouble for not reporting it?"

"Perhaps. But I doubt it. I have a high enough status that I could simply say that I did not know, and that would be accepted." She shakes her head. "Unless there was video evidence, Aunty Gerri could probably shut down any investigation herself. It might be different if I spoke against her, but she is one of our most revered heroes. Her word would not be doubted lightly."
As I said, the scandal could shatter the 'rightness' of the state.

"And how many others do you think there are like her?"

"Ther-." Angelika takes a deep breath. "Few. She is old enough that she was born before the modern social controls became so pervasive. Most people don't even know that some people have such desires. It may be that some are confused as you were, but we can help them develop a healthy sexuality."
...Dammit, she was making such progress. Try not to blow a gasket, Maxx...

What the State decides is 'healthy', of course. By which they mean making lots of babies for the Fuhrer!

Mrs Brauer takes a moment. "I suppose in a Germany controlled by the Nazis-"

"National Socialists."
I've almost missed that verbal tic.

"-it probably is better for their health. Here, I am much happier now that I can express-" She and Dr Kameya make eye contact and clasp hands with a smile. "-my love openly."

Angelika sits back, looking more sad than angry about it.
She probably can't deny the proof of her eyes. Which is making her wonder what else the State is wrong about...

"Why did you want to meet me?"

"I used to feel very self conscious talking about.. some things with Overman. But I could always talk about anything with Aunty Gerri. I thought that.. talking to you might help with coping with all of this. And it hasn't, even a little bit, because you are the worst part of it."
In other words, she was hoping for some girl talk with Aunty Gerri. Not working out so well...


"I understand what Orange Lantern is trying to do; to show me that your civilisation works and is full of normal people who just do things a little bit differently. And you know all sorts of things we culled from our history because they would be a distraction. I've seen things like that before; I know how to ignore them. But I can't ignore you, or what I've learned about Aunty Gerri. And I hate that."
That indoctrination runs deep...

Uh… Oh.

Mrs Bruaer nods sympathetically.

"It's a lot to take in, isn't it? You know your beliefs are nonsense-."
Oof, not being gentle about it, is she?

"They are not nonsense!"

"But you can't just throw it away, because then what do you do?" And just for a moment she actually looks seventy. "The Justice League is trying to send you home?"

Angelika nods.
Well, we assume they are. For all we know they're sitting on the watchtower playing canasta until someone comes up with an idea. Or face-punching criminals...

"I think you should stay here. Until you're sure how you feel about everything."

"How would that help?"

"Because 'why' finds no answer."

She turns to look at me, clearly recognising the quote but not understanding its relevance.
Wait, Hitchhikers Guide got written in this universe? I assume that's what it is, from a quick search.

"The problem here is not that you need to suppress an inconvenient truth or two in order to let other people carry on doing their job. The problem is that the existence of this society proves that doing that job was unnecessary. With no purges at all two thirds of Germany became one of this Earth's largest economies. So it doesn't matter whether the Jews were trying to undermine German society or not; this Germany did fine without needing to scapegoat anyone. You're a fundamentally rational woman; if you were totally blinded by ideology you'd have attacked me as soon as you found out what this world was like. You're trying to see lies that aren't there behind the curtain that isn't there, and you're becoming increasingly distressed not because you're appalled but because you're not appalled and know that you should be."
And here's the centre of the conflict, in her mind at least. She's asking herself "Am I a bad person? Are we bad people?" and I don't think she's liking the conclusions she's coming to...

Mrs Brauer nods. "And that's why you should stay. If you went home now, what would you do?"

"I would be embraced by my friends and team mates, and forget that this happened."
So easy to let it slip your mind, isn't it?

"Could you forget it? If nothing else I'm sure that Overman would like to talk to you about it."

Angelika's eyes unfocus slightly, and I don't think it's because she's staring through a wall.

"Yes. I think that he would." A deep breath. "And whatever view I reach, what do you expect me to do?"
Whatever you feel is right. Not what the State would say, or your peers, but what your heart says is Right.

"You might want to stay here permanently. Or you might want to go home and help your society start to reform."

"Or you'll have your faith in National Socialist restored in full and will be able to go home with your head held high."
Pffft, unlikely. But he had to say it for completeness' sake.

Dr Kameya gives me a disgruntled glare.

"But from a purely self-interested point of view, surely either outcome would be better than what you're feeling now."
A crisis of faith is always stressful. Unless your faith was weak to begin with. She's fighting the indoctrination of her childhood and the pressure of adult peers to look at the other side of things.

"I don't live for myself. I live for Germania."

"Then doesn't Germania deserve to have you at your-"

My ring blinks.

"-best?" Urgh. "Excuse me."
Seriously, whoever this is has the worst timing. Hopefully it's Guy or John calling to alert them to the Bleed aperture opening...

Argh, cliffhangers! At least we don't have to wait weeks to find out who's calling, like some fics. Stating it now, I'm betting this is Overman turning up, likely via a Shiftship.

...there are corrective measure, but...
...there are corrective measures, but...
...there, and you're...
Double space there.
I can't find that quote?

And they haven't even mentioned the real reason yet: the human cost. Angelika is talking about abstract politics, she seems totally blind to the fact that there is human suffering attached to those.

She isn't even saying "it's worth it" because she seems totally unaware that there was something that had to be worth it in the first place!
This feels like such a railroad to be honest. It feels like Zoat is leaving out aspects of social unity that the Nazi's strove for in favour of his evidence based worldview that... doesn't fit with the Nazi ideals. At all. Like, I'm twisting my head to look at it from the other perspective, and it doesn't look convincing.

It feels like missing the point.
Given my experience with Neo Nazi's, waving the flag and screaming the mottos is more then enough to do it. Such a fun bunch.

Neo-Nazi's aren't the same thing as WWII era German Nazi's or people like Overgirl, Even the ideology isn't really the same (assuming the particular Neo-Nazi even has a coherent ideology) as Neo-Nazi's are mostly two bit thuggish wannabies crudely imitating bigger "better" monsters that would hold them in utter contempt.
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This feels like such a railroad to be honest. It feels like Zoat is leaving out aspects of social unity that the Nazi's strove for in favour of his evidence based worldview that... doesn't fit with the Nazi ideals. At all. Like, I'm twisting my head to look at it from the other perspective, and it doesn't look convincing.

It feels like missing the point.
Overgirl still has to kill families of people suspected/confirmed of deviancy decades after their supremacy. If you add her comments from previous chapters, did they actually acheive social unity?
Overgirl still has to kill families of people suspected/confirmed of deviancy decades after their supremacy. If you add her comments from previous chapters, did they actually acheive social unity?

I'm going to have to use a very bad example here, but in context it would fit. Sorry about that.

So for the Nazi's, homosexuality would be an outrageous sexual deviancy. It's outright punishable by... I'm not even sure of the limits. It's bad. It would fit in with the likes of bestiality and pedophilia (sorry)- even in a Nazi eutopia, there would still be deviants from the acceptable. Just like in our own world there are extremists of every stripe, even a total Nazi victory wouldn't result in total social unity.

But on the whole, I would expect them, if they run the right programs and put the effort into it (and since they are, y'know, Nazi's, they probably did) then appart from the small divergences, the society as a whole is probably pretty unified.
This feels like such a railroad to be honest. It feels like Zoat is leaving out aspects of social unity that the Nazi's strove for in favour of his evidence based worldview that... doesn't fit with the Nazi ideals. At all. Like, I'm twisting my head to look at it from the other perspective, and it doesn't look convincing.

It feels like missing the point.

Two updates ago, a bunch of people were complaining that Zoat was being too favourable to the nazi and letting her win arguments. This update, people are complaining that Zoat isn't being fair to the nazi by ignoring the benefits of such a societal structure entirely.

On tonight's episode of "The Author Can't Win".
Two updates ago, a bunch of people were complaining that Zoat was being too favourable to the nazi and letting her win arguments. This update, people are complaining that Zoat isn't being fair to the nazi by ignoring the benefits of such a societal structure entirely.

On tonight's episode of "The Author Can't Win".
I think it's only one person complaining about Zoat not being fair to the Notional Socialist, unless I've missed someone.

(Yes, the misspelling is intentional.)
I'm going to have to use a very bad example here, but in context it would fit. Sorry about that.
It works well even if unfortunate
But on the whole, I would expect them, if they run the right programs and put the effort into it (and since they are, y'know, Nazi's, they probably did) then appart from the small divergences, the society as a whole is probably pretty unified.
DC's Earth-10 is a bit weird with breeding centers to force procreation but little evidence of children from their most powerful? Zoat's version seems to still have socially existent "genetic inferiors" despite them being killed in facilities and genocides.
Oh, she's gone for 'well-trained house negro'. That's… Disappointing, but at least she doesn't feel obliged to lash out.

Theory: Most of Overgirl's positive socialization is with Overman and Donner* who would have different opinions than the majority of her society which has left the Party Line with less emotional weight for Overgirl.
This feels like such a railroad to be honest. It feels like Zoat is leaving out aspects of social unity that the Nazi's strove for in favour of his evidence based worldview that... doesn't fit with the Nazi ideals. At all. Like, I'm twisting my head to look at it from the other perspective, and it doesn't look convincing.

It feels like missing the point.

That would likely be because the Nazi position is, to be blunt, complete horseshit. It doesn't result in social unity, it results in mass murder and deep unhappiness in anyone who doesn't perfectly fit the Nazi mould.
I'm assuming that genetically, the 7 sex species work a little like xo, xyy, xxx, or xxy syndrome, except they are far more common and don't result in quite as many cases of infertility. yo might also be viable if neither the x or y chromosome were individually required for survival (in humans, the X chromosome codes for a lot of important things while the Y chromosome is just sort of extra, for lack of a better way to describe it).
Thank you, corrected.
I'm assuming that genetically, the 7 sex species work a little like xo, xyy, xxx, or xxy syndrome, except they are far more common and don't result in quite as many cases of infertility. yo might also be viable if neither the x or y chromosome were individually required for survival (in humans, the X chromosome codes for a lot of important things while the Y chromosome is just sort of extra, for lack of a better way to describe it).
The sexes are: Greater A, Greater B, Greater C, Lesser A, Lesser B, Lesser C and neutral.

Greaters can only breed with other Greaters, Lessers can only breed with other Lessers.
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