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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

*winces* the..Stolen Generation? yeah. i was..trying to..thinking of a tactful way to bring that up myself.
took the fucking pollies.. what? 50? 60? what the fuck ever years to ADMIT that, maybe, just maybe, stealing children/babies from their parents MIGHT have been, just a little tad, wrong?

First! Politics!

Eh, decades ago. However, I saw and interview with a lady who was accused of this, and she just replied with "When I see an abused kid, I act reguardless of the race.", so I'm somewhat sceptical.

A friend of my parents was a Doctor, spent some time donating his expertise in Aborigonal comunities, where he saw some real horrors. Often, kids remained in terrible danger of more abuse because, after the "Stolen Generation" stuff, they weren't allowed to take them from family.

I'm not enough of an expert to say what happened back then. I've just seen enough to make me wonder.
Uh, you know Celestia isn't actually that strong, right?

Like, every fucking time she's ever been shown to be in a fight she performs extremely poorly. Her ability to move the Sun and the Moon has nothing to do with her actual power.

Regular ass ponies can do the same thing with as little as 12 unicorns. The only difference was that most of those unicorns would lose their magic. Celestia and Luna felt revitalized when moving the Sun and the Moon.

It's really more a function of their special talent than it is an indicator of raw power.

Not that I necessarily think she's weak, but I certainly don't think she's hot shit. Because let's face it, if she was half as strong as some of the crazier fanboys think she is? The alternate timelines Starlight created wouldn't have come to pass.
Uh, you know Celestia isn't actually that strong, right?

Like, every fucking time she's ever been shown to be in a fight she performs extremely poorly. Her ability to move the Sun and the Moon has nothing to do with her actual power.

Regular ass ponies can do the same thing with as little as 12 unicorns. The only difference was that most of those unicorns would lose their magic. Celestia and Luna felt revitalized when moving the Sun and the Moon.

It's really more a function of their special talent than it is an indicator of raw power.

Not that I necessarily think she's weak, but I certainly don't think she's hot shit.

Depends on how Zoat writes her. As per canon? Sure, but I've seen some
So I may not have indicated this before in these threads whenever the subject came up but I was absolutely obsessed with MLP:FiM ever since I discovered it while the second season was first airing.

On the subject of Celestia's power level compared to Grayven, it's not clear how much mass Equestria's sun and moon actually have.

Considering the sun seems to orbit the planet, though only through magic basically forcing it apparently, it's very unlikely it's anywhere near the size and mass of Earth's sun. Hell it might not even really be a star but a magical construct of some kind. The same could be said about the moon, since despite Earth's moon having way, way fucking less mass than the sun we orbit, it still took a mid-tier god like the Ophidian to simply turn it with around the same ease as they're shown moving Equestria's moon in the show.

But Celestia and Luna aren't actually all that powerful. Their great big battle with each other simply wrecked a bit of their castle, and Twilight with the power of all the alicorns inside of her could only really match Tirek who admittedly drained most of Equestria of their magic including Discord, but their battle upended the landscape and damaged mountains but still never even approached the level of power the ability to effortlessly move the moon would indicate.

It really isn't clear what Equestria's sun and moon actually are.

I'm honestly a bit sad that we're probably never going to get Paragon in Equestria outside of those snippets of the far, far future since that was apparently his first time actually visiting.
Wonder how Gray would do against Celestia if the two fight.

She can move a sun and a moon with her power and while he is a fairly powerful New God i am not sure if he could win if the fight is more throwing around magic and energy and not more spiritual like when he fought Grayven 50 influence on Thanagar
Reviewing Celestia's actual feats from the series and it doesn't look like she'd be that hard to defeat. She lost to Crysalis, didn't even try fighting Tirek or Discord and couldn't keep a storm off the Crystal City.
It really isn't clear what Equestria's sun and moon actually are.

There was one fic where it turned out they were artifical objects and all Tia and Luna did was interface with the resident AIs without realising that was what they did.

Also, they canonically made an amulet that allowed Twilight to control both, another point fior the "special instead of powerful" column, even though Twili was an Alicorn too.
Yes! while I like any updates for with this ring, I love Grayven updates. Also Grayven is going to have a pretty hard time being a pony I'm guessing. Who wants to bet if Anti-Life infection looks similar to being corrupted by dark magic in equestria?
Yes! while I like any updates for with this ring, I love Grayven updates. Also Grayven is going to have a pretty hard time being a pony I'm guessing. Who wants to bet if Anti-Life infection looks similar to being corrupted by dark magic in equestria?
Not exactly, though he does look like something the locals are familiar with.
One of those books is titled "Crisis of Infinite Equestrias". That's not ominous at all, given some of the shenanigans that have been happening to alt-Pauls recently...

Celestia: "Fiend! What have you done with my apprentice?"

Graven *Stumbling around trying to used to having knees made of ankles* : "I didn't-" *Sound of grey pony face slamming into the ground*

Celestia: "Do not toy with me, I can feel the hatred of all life within you. You will not deceive me with pratfalls."

Graven: "Very well, let's pretend that didn't happen." *Attempts to stand. Only makes wiggling gestures with his legs instead.* "This also did not happen."

Celestia: "Well at least this is less annoying than dealing with Discord."
I don't think that Grayven is going to be falling over unless he tries to walk on his hindlegs alone. Babies learn to crawl before they learn to walk, after all; quadrupedal locomotion is inherently more stable than bipedal locomotion.
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Oh man, 10 minutes and he'll have already conquered the place.

Imagine how smug he'll be when Celestia learns he was able to get Sunset to actually make friends when she could not.
Imagine, explaining the benifites of interpersonal relationships when they actively make you stronger, makes people want to make friends!
Equestrian Girls
into an example the dominant local sophont species
Missing word 'of'?

This looks like it'll be fun... A matter of minor curiosity, does the Mirror produce clothes, and select an appropriate 'style'? If not... (As this is QQ one might... speculate. :) )
((I will point out the story makes it quite clear that she's at least wearing boots. QQ speculation might consider if wearing bondage gear affects clothing choice.))

It'd be good if an artist or two (maybe art already exists?) could consider what pony Grayven looks like...

Mr Zoat - had you considered that it might be worth assigning a text colour to 'tempting Murphy' text? :)
(No, I'm not really serious about this, and, tricky to decide what the colour might be. :) )
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Missing word 'of'?

This looks like it'll be fun... A matter of minor curiosity, does the Mirror produce clothes, and select an appropriate 'style'? If not... (As this is QQ one might... speculate. :) )
((I will point out the story makes it quite clear that she's at least wearing boots. QQ speculation might consider if wearing bondage gear affects clothing choice.))

It'd be good if an artist or two (maybe art already exists?) could consider what pony Grayven looks like...

Grayven core soul was repaired using greed, fear and love, so he isn't going to look like that.

I am guessing Alicorn Sombra is how Grayven would look like, with less purple, green and red and more orange and yellow with a touch of violet.

Edit: in short, he is going to be gray with a yellow, orange horn, with one eye of each color and the underside of his feathers being violet.
Babies learn to crawl before they learn to walk, after all; quadrupedal locomotion is inherently more stable than bipedal locomotion.
I didn't.
Thank you, corrected.
This looks like it'll be fun... A matter of minor curiosity, does the Mirror produce clothes, and select an appropriate 'style'? If not... (As this is QQ one might... speculate. :) )
((I will point out the story makes it quite clear that she's at least wearing boots. QQ speculation might consider if wearing bondage gear affects clothing choice.))
It does. Canonically, Twilight gets clothes the first time she comes through. Fan fictionally, she is sometimes depicted as immediately taking them off because she's not cold and sees no need for them. One fic I read had Sunset and Other Twilight abusing the system to get infinite clothes by going from Equestria to Earth, stripping, then going back and coming through again.
I don't think that Grayven is going to be falling over unless he tries to walk on his hindlegs alone. Babies learn to crawl before they learn to walk, after all; quadrupedal locomotion is inherently more stable than bipedal locomotion.
Even if he was falling all over himself, he's still wearing two power rings, he'd probably just fly.
Eh Celestia taught Twilight and Sunset and is at least a couple of thousand years old. While she might not have shear brute power like her moving the Sun would imply she does likely know every spell Twilight and Sunset know and more. Also keep in mind Discord is a full on reality warper who can dimension hop at will. Given that Twilight with all 4 Alicorns magic was able to go toe to toe with Tirek who had basically the rest of ponykind's magic including Powerhouses like Shining Armor (Starlight Glimmer would also be implied) in addition to Discord's. Even if she is only 1/4 of that powerful that's nothing to sneeze at.
Is it bad that Im more interested in grayven arc then Paul's at the moment.

Paul's current arc is all about politics. Zoat's good, but even he can't make politics the most riveting stuff to read. At the moment Grayven's is far more interesting.

Oh Grayven you should know better not to tempt fate.

You'd think he would by now, but I swear that's a lesson Grayven's incapable of learning.

And so 'Grayven's adventures in Ponyworld' begins! Place your bets now on how badly FiM Canon will get mangled by the time this is all done!

Mangled? I think you mean completely and utterly destroyed.

Fan fictionally, she is sometimes depicted as immediately taking them off because she's not cold and sees no need for them.

This is QQ. We know the REAL reason she takes off her clothes. Just sayin'.

My guess? Grayven's going to end up looking almost exactly like one of the major villains of the show. I don't know enough about it to actually name any of them to make a guess at a specific one though.
My guess: he's gonna look like that bull demon thing: Lord Tirek. Ponies aren't the only dominant species on Wilson. Centaurs and Gryphons and others probably have their own countries.
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I don't think Grayven is Chaotic enough to be a Draconequus. Though they do seem to follow similar "Themes" as new gods as different aspects of chaos. (Eris is Luck, Discord is Randomness, Cosmos is Malice)

Also interesting to not is some of the book titles in the library. Notable the one titled "The Creation of Discord"
I don't think Grayven is Chaotic enough to be a Draconequus. Though they do seem to follow similar "Themes" as new gods as different aspects of chaos. (Eris is Luck, Discord is Randomness, Cosmos is Malice)

Also interesting to not is some of the book titles in the library. Notable the one titled "The Creation of Discord"
It's about that thing Discord created. Maybe an origin myth telling how discord created the world.

Eris is entirely Fanon, and Cosmos is a comic-only villain nobody except Discord knows about.

There is also Accord - an inverted, orderly, Discord in the comics, so nothing saying Draconequus have to be chaotic.
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It's about that thing Discord created. Maybe an origin myth telling how discord created the world.

Eris is entirely Fanon, and Cosmos is a comic-only villain nobody except Discord knows about.

There is also Accord - an inverted, orderly, Discord in the comics, so nothing saying Draconequus have to be chaotic.

Accord is Discord just something that happens when the stars are right. I do know of the Fannon Eris you are talking about I'm referring to a different one in the comics which is stated to be Discord's cousin? I think.

And if Discord tries to be too orderly he will actually cease to exist I believe.

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