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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Battlefleet Gothic says otherwise. Half the time their macro cannon batteries are reloaded by gangs of slaves pulling on chains!
Battlefleet Gothic is hilariously out of date.

Also it doesn't talk about Terra's defenses, that comes from something else entirely, where we actually see them instantly vaporize a Necron Tombship that appeared in orbit.

And he's still too small to be hit by antiship weapons. Their point defence weapons might be able to hit him if he's close enough to them, but they don't have enough power to get through the Ring's defences.
Light speed weapons controlled by Machine Spirits give no fuck about the targets size.

Dark Heresy spells out what is tech heresy pretty well, and Warp-tech is one of the things that fits the bill, outside of certain approved devices like Warp engines.
And again you are hilariously out of date, since then they have released both a Cult Mechanicus Codex and a Adeptus Mechanicus Codex.
Ha! Classic Paul. Either this leads to a short misunderstanding and Paul's trying to set her up with someone or Paul really does want to marry the mummy Queen, for whatever reason. I honestly can't tell which, because Paul would definitely do either.
Polygamy and polyamore are perfectly normal in Nehekharan culture, so they could have a political marriage without in impeding either of their lives all that much. That said, they could b e good friends and she's not unattractive when fully fleshed out.
moral -> mortal (I think)
I think the beginning should be 'A thought,'.
Thank you, corrected.
To them it'd be like mixing fire and oil... They don't know about anti-matter, after all.
Not... Exactly. There are reasons why members of the Light College all dress like ancient egyptian nobles.
Ah, the obnoxious old advisor who declares everything he's never seen before impossible. A classic archetype.
To be fair, he's a millennia-old animated skeleton. It's truer in his case than in many others.
So, his knowledge is fourth edition, but the world is closer to sixth or seventh.
Hey! I know 5th. A bit. That was where they messed up the Norse to make them all Chaos all the time.
Try not to be snarky, Paol. This is not the time.
No, that was a genuine enquiry. 'Have I satisfied you or do you want more evidence?' not 'Have I satisfied you or are you a moron?'
No mention of his mortal companions' horrified reactions? Seeing a human body from the inside out is not pretty.
You think a Dark Elf would be bothered by a dismantled human body? You think someone who survived a Marienburg public school would be?
I almost want to see what happens next, if only to find out what he meant. And don't think we didn't see that 40k snippet ahead.
But tomorrow, we return to the ponies! And hopefully some damn fine kitty titties.
Not in the short term. And pony mammaries are less impressive.
"Your reverence, there is no deceit here.
"Satisfied, your reverence?"
Thank you, corrected.
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Battlefleet Gothic is hilariously out of date.
Still canon and a reflection of the truth of space combat in the setting.

Also it doesn't talk about Terra's defenses, that comes from something else entirely, where we actually see them instantly vaporize a Necron Tombship that appeared in orbit.
"Instantly" in this case would be "within an hour, because that's how long it takes for ships to maneuver and target their capital weapons in 40k". Also, said Necron tombship would be multiple kilometers long, compared to Zoat being under 2m.

Light speed weapons controlled by Machine Spirits give no fuck about the targets size.
Machine spirits are inaccurate as fuck. They're worse than biological humans are at aiming guns. Witness the performance of Land Raiders and their machine-spirit rules in older editions (5+ to hit vs 3+ to hit for elite human troops), or the performance of Cognis weapons in 8th Edition (allowing them to fire with a -2 penalty after advancing). More to the point, however, is the fact that in BFG, lances can't shoot at things like fighters or torpedoes - and even when they're shooting at multi-kilometer ships, there's a decent chance they'll miss.

And again you are hilariously out of date, since then they have released both a Cult Mechanicus Codex and a Adeptus Mechanicus Codex.
And nothing in them contradicts them, IIRC. Warp-tech (aside from patterns inherited from the DAoT) is the domain of the Dark Mechanicus or heretical sub-sects of the Mechanicus as a whole - building something like, say, a sword that channels warp energy into the people it hits is tech-heresy.

I mean, you can try building that network, but the second you start spamming such things out, is the second the Chaos Gods unleash a Million full on warriors of chaos. And not the dinky tabletop ones, the full on magical armour wearing superhumans.
Or they figure out that his Ring is tech rather than magic, and send in the Chaos Space Marines or Dark Mechanicus to deal with Paul while their mortal followers deal with the natives.
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I mean, you can try building that network, but the second you start spamming such things out, is the second the Chaos Gods unleash a Million full on warriors of chaos. And not the dinky tabletop ones, the full on magical armour wearing superhumans.

Would that be true if only the lore up to the mid nineties (whatever edition) was Canon?

Zoat only writes what he knows and what he finds interesting and easy to grasp from a quick wiki walk through, thus is fairly likely a lot of later Canon wouldn't count for anything in the same way new DC stuff doesn't matter a single iota.
Would that be true if only the lore up to the mid nineties (whatever edition) was Canon?

Zoat only writes what he knows and what he finds interesting and easy to grasp from a quick wiki walk through, thus is fairly likely a lot of later Canon wouldn't count for anything in the same way new DC stuff doesn't matter a single iota.
Early canon had the Old World as a world in the 40k galaxy, where the Chaos Gods had a galaxy full of heretics to draw upon. Modern canon has it as being located in an alternate universe but connected through the Warp/Realm of Chaos.
I agree with you but having WHF highlights would be awesome him having the moments of struggling and finding it hard to relate to these fantasy peasants and their 'champions' for instance I would be very interested in how he became besties with Louencour's son.
They first met when Mallobaude was a Questing Knight. He was trying to chase down the Dark Elves raiding the coast and came upon the SI having already done so. Seeing unrighteous devilry he challenged the SI, who first tried to talk him down and then defeated him as gently as he could. Their next meeting was some time later, after he completed his Grail Quest and was depressed at finding the whole thing to be a charade. The SI gave him an impassioned lecture on virtue ethics and secular humanism and he grabbed onto it like a drowning man to a lifeline.
Early canon had the Old World as a world in the 40k galaxy, where the Chaos Gods had a galaxy full of heretics to draw upon. Modern canon has it as being located in an alternate universe but connected through the Warp/Realm of Chaos.
The one thing I like about the End Times is that the Chaos Gods don't really care about the Warhammer setting. It's one planet. They've got billions of others.
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Well, you've managed to make me care (a little) about the WHFB setting. Congrats!

'Healing' a skeleton up to a living body is really, really, impressive... Depending on how necromatically mangled the soul/spirit associated with the skeleton is then might even start imprinting stuff onto the brain... Toilet training, and eating food, drinking, would probably be a good thing to make early priorities... Unfortunately, those are mostly physical reflex level stuff, and 'higher' mental things, like dreams and memories are probably more likely, without external influence...
"Yes, my queen." He raises his right hand again and the handmaiden turns and heads for a side exit, follow by him and his aides.

I look to Queen Khalida. "I hope I have not offended?"

"I am very far from offended. For the first time since I awoke to this new life I can believe that perhaps the promises of the Liche Priests may still be fulfilled in full. I will tell you now that I am most interested in pursuing an alliance with your masters. More than that, I wish to reward you personally as well. Is there some gift which I could bestow upon you?"

"There is… One thing, but… I don't know enough about Nehekharan culture or your particular religious oaths to know whether I can ask without causing great offence to you, which is the farthest thing from my desires."

"Ask. I will not be offended."

"Your majesty… Are you free to marry?"

Should this not be followed?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Marienburg is the 'Dutch City State' expy right? What's wrong with Dutch schools?
Can you give us the titles of the upcoming alternate chapters aside from the 40k one?
Got to wonder if Paol has met either Teclis or Tyrion yet.

He'd certainly get along great with the High Loremaster, that goes without saying. Teclis' twin brother Tyrion on other hand... well, keeping a courteous and diplomatic attitude at all times will go a long ways.

Although I'm sure the Asur would be a concerned as to HOW a human managed to get some Druchii "pets" of his own. Usually it's the other way around.
So if there is only one then I guess that there is an yellow enlightened yellow ring wielding Paul?
most Kings are too ambitious and power hungry.
I'm not familiar enough with them to know if they're even sane enough for the argument to hit, but I know Paul's argument to them would be along the lines of "In a world without the threat of extinction, power will inevitably consolidate into the hands of those who do not age"
Thank you, corrected.

Zoat you forgot the bones are still dead, and you don't say anything about regenerating them, so they start to produce Bone Marrow again, and there was two other things they did that we need the bones 'alive'. Is that not something the Ring can do? Because without the bones being 'alive' that body is going to die and rot anyways.
I'm catching up on several days here, so please pardon me.

You know that vigilantism is a crime, right?

Apparently not in most superhero comics. Either that or it's a crime like oral sex in hotel rooms is a crime* in some places and isn't actually enforced very often. Or is only enforced when it's dramatically inconvenient for the protaganist.

* Yes, really. I once got bored and read that notice on the inside of the door in a hotel room. "It is unlawful to engage in oral sex in this room" was right above "It is unlawful to remove any articles from this room". It amuses me to think that they were more concerned about blowjobs than people stealing stuff from the room.

Nope ropes. (It's possible I don't like snakes.)

Then there's the tau: a multi-species polity genuinely optimistic about the universe and their place in it.

That's.....one way of looking at an oppressive police state held together by near-universal brainwashing of their citizens to follow what the leaders consider the greater good. Though, to be fair, they are by far the least evil faction in 40k. In that setting though "least evil" is a long stretch from "good".

Orks... Orks are having a whale of a time.

I think you mean a WAAAGH! of a time.

Trying to control the Warp is the equivelant of trying to disable a nuclear device by hitting it repeatedly with a hammer like a lunatic.

Fun fact. Modern nukes have so many safeties built in that if you started beating one with a hammer you probably would disable it before it went off. Provided it wasn't armed, of course. And, also, attempting it is of course very much not recommended. Even if it doesn't explode you're in for a bad time if you manage to expose the core.

Of course, Ork life expectancy is a bit rubbish.

Yes, but when they die they have thousands of children (for a given value of "children"), so it all evens out.

"I want very much to kill the Gods of Chaos."

Well. This Paul isn't ambitious at all, is he?

Question: I know that at some point in the cannon WHF and WH40k were in the same universe, just with WHF being cut off from the rest of the galaxy by a massive impassible warp storm. Is that the case here or are they separate universes?

I think Ghazhgul might?

Ghazhgul is insane due to having lost half his brain to a bolter shot at one point. Orks are just crazy enough to begin with that the insane ones look like visionaries.
Zoat you forgot the bones are still dead, and you don't say anything about regenerating them, so they start to produce Bone Marrow again, and there was two other things they did that we need the bones 'alive'. Is that not something the Ring can do? Because without the bones being 'alive' that body is going to die and rot anyways.
The SI did a lot of things, and only commented on the really visible stuff.
Apparently not in most superhero comics. Either that or it's a crime like oral sex in hotel rooms is a crime* in some places and isn't actually enforced very often. Or is only enforced when it's dramatically inconvenient for the protaganist.
My comment wasn't entirely serious.
That's.....one way of looking at an oppressive police state held together by near-universal brainwashing of their citizens to follow what the leaders consider the greater good. Though, to be fair, they are by far the least evil faction in 40k. In that setting though "least evil" is a long stretch from "good".
I prefer the earlier version of the tau, so that's what I'll be going with. I like tau being the equivalent of the humans in a Lovecraft story: basically decent and sensible people suddenly in way over their heads in confrontation with the true horrors of the universe. Read Fire Warrior if you want to see what they were like.
Yes, but when they die they have thousands of children (for a given value of "children"), so it all evens out.
Not for the individual ork. The person I was replying to suggested that if they had to go to 40k they'd pipck ork for their species.
Question: I know that at some point in the cannon WHF and WH40k were in the same universe, just with WHF being cut off from the rest of the galaxy by a massive impassible warp storm. Is that the case here or are they separate universes?
The SI doesn't know.
Can you explain what's up with those? I've never seen them mentioned before this thread.
No, that's all the detail Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War provides us.
Still canon and a reflection of the truth of space combat in the setting.
Actually it's not, it was quietly retconned like a bunch of other stuff from the super early books.

"Instantly" in this case would be "within an hour, because that's how long it takes for ships to maneuver and target their capital weapons in 40k". Also, said Necron tombship would be multiple kilometers long, compared to Zoat being under 2m.

Machine spirits are inaccurate as fuck. They're worse than biological humans are at aiming guns. Witness the performance of Land Raiders and their machine-spirit rules in older editions (5+ to hit vs 3+ to hit for elite human troops), or the performance of Cognis weapons in 8th Edition (allowing them to fire with a -2 penalty after advancing). More to the point, however, is the fact that in BFG, lances can't shoot at things like fighters or torpedoes - and even when they're shooting at multi-kilometer ships, there's a decent chance they'll miss.
The more you say the more it's obvious you are operating on information so out of date it's from a point in time where Squats were still canon.

And nothing in them contradicts them, IIRC. Warp-tech (aside from patterns inherited from the DAoT) is the domain of the Dark Mechanicus or heretical sub-sects of the Mechanicus as a whole - building something like, say, a sword that channels warp energy into the people it hits is tech-heresy.
Making that sort of claim when you haven't even read the relevant books is hilarious.

I think it's clear that until you actually update yourself we are done here.

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