Chojin Patriarch
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Oh, that's asking a lot. Between the possibility of the doc slipping him a mickey and the presence of Brood cultists on board...0 086 936.M41
And a bit
Seriously, did the Emperor abolish minutes or something?
"Hmm." Fio'Vre Lar'shi Manurr Shiirr stares at the orange aura protecting my left arm for a moment, then carefully applies a smart syringe to my cephalic vein. Nothing happens. "This may be easier if you turn off your force field."
Remind me, what's he even wearing at this point? Still in his pyjamas, or has he 'acquired' clothing from Imperial sources? Because I would not be comfortable crossing the galaxy in my sleepwear..."Sorry, hang on."
I turn the fingers of my left hand so that they're pointing right, then reach across with my right hand and pull the ring off. And.. this is the first time I've felt even remotely safe enough to do this. Nearly two weeks of dodging everything while desperately trying to grab enough data not to fly into the Maelstrom. To just.. find out where the blasted Tau Empire even was. 'Galactic East' narrowed it down to a mere 2 trillion cubic light years, then between the ring's bullshit hacking and translation I was just about able to find it without getting stopped.
Aw, no link? Then again, there aren't that many significant minor races left in the galaxies by this time, are there?Fucking warp travel and astrotelepathy. No one flies between solar systems through normal space, so I couldn't find isolated vessels to examine. No one sends exotic transmissions by bending physics merely a little, so there was nothing to intercept. No, I had to dodge system monitoring stations and get right up close to some truly terrifying thingamies. I haven't seen any Chaos-tainted ships yet, but I did see a world the tyranids were in the process of stripping, a small necron flotilla and.. a few stranger ships whose designs I didn't recognise.
Eh, there's probably different pronounciations on different local accents anyway. Pohtayto, pohtarto and all that. My personal preference: Tie-ran-id, as in Tyrant.Huh. I suppose I can find out for sure whether it's pronounced tee-ranid or tie-ranid. Just need to find a human who's heard of them and doesn't feel obliged to shoot me.
And maybe a few other Perpetuals. Assuming they even exist in this particular timeline. The joy of variable Canon."Oo'rshi prrakah quanh voor?"
Mr Manuur has.. already removed the syringe. That was painless. No need for a bandage either, apparently. I shake my head. "I can't understand you." I slide the ring back on. "The ring has a translation function. Without it I'm stuck speaking a language that… No one but me and the Emperor remember."
Dammit, Pau'l, that's not going to make him feel any safer...High Gothic doesn't actually sound anything like Latin, and more than any of the hundreds of forms of Low Gothic I've heard sound like English.
"I asked: how urgent is this? Do you have a reason to believe that you are ill? Our facilities are not designed to perform complex diagnostic procedures upon humans, and despite your efforts we have many more casualties still to tend to."
"Oh, it's not urgent at all." I look around the small diagnostic laboratory we're in. The door's closed, monitoring is.. on automatic… "I just wanted to get you alone for a moment."
Ah, straight to the heart of the matter. The ring would alert him if the Doc was a Brood Brother, of course.His facial cleft tightens momentarily. "That is.. not an efficient use of my time. We have many more wounded-."
"I wanted to speak to you so that I could alert you to an… Epidemic I detected amongst the crew when I came on board. Fio'Vre, I appreciate that you are a medical doctor and not a xenobiological researcher and.. that the Tau may be completely unfamiliar with the phenomena… But do you know what a Genestealer Cultist is?"
And before anyone makes a comment, that's a tongue, not anything else... Purestrains don't even have those organs..."Gene-stealer. That is what humans call the y'he elite assault creatures."
I hold out my right hand an generate an image of one, drawing particular attention to its reproductive organ. "They don't really use these in battle, but when they're performing long range infiltration missions they use these to implant some sort of.. viral DNA in their victims."
Frankly, it's one hell of a biological weapon. Instant subversion of the victim and genetic modification so that it makes more loyal subjects... And it's not even the scariest thing the Hiveminds can come up with."Plausible. Do they use a disease weapon to weaken the target population before an invasion?"
If only. "No. It does.. several things. Firstly, it ties the victim to their brood telepathy. Once the infection really gets going they're as much a part of the brood as the genestealers themselves; they'll do anything to further its interests, regardless of what they believed before hand. Secondly, it alters their reproductive system so that their offspring are… We call them genestealer hybrids-."
At least he believes him. Most humans not in the know would probably have gone "Are you mad?""That sounds somewhat implausible. The modifications that would be required in order to undertake such a change in physiology would be extensive, and altering the brain of a human to make it in any way compatible with those of the y'he would kill the host more than often than not." He turns away, reaching for a computer console. "Still, there is much that is not understood regarding y'he biotechnology. It may well be that you are simply-."
Because if anyone looking happens to be a Brood Sibling... Well, the Ork boarding party will look like a warmup."Ah, what are you doing?"
He glances back. "This is not the Imperium, human. We do not closet information away from those who need it. A simple enquiry-."
"Who gets notified that you're making such an enquiry?"
I see the Doc is smart enough to realise that too. Good fellow.His hands stop moving. "Certain enquiries trigger automatic messages to the commanding officer, senior security officer and highest ranking Aun. Kor'Vre Vhel'ua was killed by the strike on the bridge, along with-." He shudders. "Aun'Vre Vuraul. And our security complement have other things to worry about."
"But there would be a record."
Which also raises the question of where the infection began... This means at least one Tau sept colony is subverted by the Cult..."Yes. You want me to simply take your word for it that they have these abilities, and.. presumably have subordinated a part of the crew. Would it be the Tarellians, by any chance?"
"Ah, no. All appeared to be tau, most likely Brood Brothers and Sisters. On an Imperial ship I'd be worried about purestrains as well, but from the looks of things tau ships are actually… Sensibly organised, rather than being gothic space churches."
...Dear god that's a terrifying idea. I can only hope that isn't so..."And what do you believe will happen if they do discover that I am making queries about them?"
"I don't know." Hm. "Usually when a cult is discovered they either hide or attack. We're on a space ship and there aren't that many of them. I'm not sure." Except… These are tau brood members, not ignorant and superstitious humans. "Though… If they've taken samples of the virus which the purestrains use, they.. could go an injection rampage or… Maybe aerosolise it?"
And of course the scan also took a full image of the Etheral Caste's biology, allowing Pau'l to eventually work out the control method they use, I hope..."I am doing nothing until I can confirm that they even have these abilities. I am grateful for the lives of those you have healed, but this is-."
The door opens and a gangly tau in green and brown robes strides in, Miss Tsau'm just behind… Him? His head is taller and narrower, and his facial cleft is a little smaller than those of the other tau I've seen. An Ethereal, though given that Doctor Manurr just told me that the leading Ethereal died I've got no idea how senior he is. Ring, is he-? No, good.
Ah, facetiousness in the face of mortal peril...He stops, taking a moment to study me. "Gue'vesa, I am Aun'Saal Lar'shi Bo'ohk."
"Ah, someone my rank. That will cut down on the saluting."
Sure, sure. But that'll have to wait until they're not in imminent danger of getting nobbled by cultists.He blinks, his head turning slightly towards Miss Tsau'm. She leans forward slightly. "A human military greeting exchanged between superior and subordinate, my lord."
"Ah. Indeed, no. I had believed that I would need to minister to the dying, but it seems that your intervention has spared me that duty. You have the thanks of the tau, and since you have expressed an interest in learning of the Greater Good I am willing to make time to instruct you in it."
Ah, he's got a high enough clearance to know of the threat. This will go a lot smoother.I nod. "Thank you." Ring, shut the door. "But we have a more immediate problem to deal with first."
Doctor Manurr steps away from the console, eyes slightly down. "My lord, the human believes that a portion of the crew have been… 'Infested' by the y'he. I cannot confirm that they have the capacity he described without accessing computer records and he is concerned that they may be monitoring the archive. It is-."
Mr Bo'ohk's cleft wrinkles. "Yes, I know of this. The gene stealers. There are infected tau on board this ship?"
Assuming they can take a few alive, they'll have plenty of samples to learn from...I hold up my left hand. "This ring's AI isn't clever enough to lie."
He walks past me and Doctor Manurr to the computer console. "I have codes for accessing our data files without leaving a record." He activates it, presses a few buttons and then steps back. "I regret, Fio'Vre, that our knowledge is far from comprehensive, but it is now available to you."
So it's got to happen all at once. That's going to be tough to organise, especially with subverted tau in the security staff.A holographic projection appears, and Doctor Manurr's eyes dart over it before he walks up to the console and starts pressing buttons to call up additional data. "Mm. We have no record of inter-tau transmission. There must be a purestrain somewhere, most likely many. I can begin a round of blood tests on all members of the crew, and isolate those who show the signature physical anomalies."
I shake my head. "You'll need to drug them. With brood telepathy, if the others detect their fellows being picked up-."
Which will be interesting to see. Pau'ls getting a lot of information about the Tau from this encounter, as much as they're learning about him."Yes. Wise. Even so, it may not be entirely reliable. We may need to simply identify them and release them temporarily. Dealing with intelligent diseases is beyond my field of expertise."
"Fio'Vre, Aun'Saal, if you believe me when I tell you that they exist, why not simply let me mark them out for you? You could pick them up in one go, perform your tests to make sure that I'm not lying and then… Either try to cure them or euthanize them."
Ah, reasonable leadership. God, imagine if the Paragon were here. He'd probably be cheering it. And then instantly resolve it because epic-level Lantern...Doctor Manurr looks at Mr Bo'ohk for guidance, but Mr Bo'ohk merely makes a.. palm outward gesture with both hands. "Disease outbreak containment is part of your sphere of responsibility. I will support your decision."
Doctor Manurr looks down for a moment, then makes a close fisted gesture with his right hand. "We will need to create additional holding areas. And this will have to wait until the casualties from the ork attack have been stabilised. But I will begin making plans now."
And so another alternate steps from the limelight, leaving us with more questions than answers. Will Pau'l and the ship's crew successfully contain the cultists? What will Pau'l do to help his new hosts? What likelihood is there of him getting some blue nookie? (Probably none.)
Alas, it's back to Pony Planet tomorrow, and more than likely the conclusion of Sunset's big moment. Imminent alicornhood, or a magical disaster? I for one can't wait.
...could go on an injection rampage...
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