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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Having an ally leave his most powerful weapon behind because they don't have time to get it is classic comic book logic.
Not because they don't have the time to get it, because they can't risk acting too much and having Krona detect them. Which is a pretty valid concern, comic books or not.
Wishful thinking. ParagonPaul meets with ErosPaul and interchange rings temporarely during the battle cause it suits them better at their current moment. Best part would be if they talk about the divergence between universes and PPaul finds out ErosPaul has been banging a lot of women (from doing a trio, to H.Queen to whoever else he can mention) and that would help as a future teaser on ErosPaul adventures. Wishful thinking...
Paragon gave Stewart ring that he assimilated to Hinon.

He had his own first ring, the one from the dragon and Larfleezes.

Yeah this is annoying seeing as he should at least have on of those rings.

At least we get to see him trying to master the violet one on the spot.

At least this way paragons complete mastery over his emotional range won't have him outshine all the other versions.
At least this way paragons complete mastery over his emotional range won't have him outshine all the other versions.

On one hand yeah, I agree. On the other, well Slave!Paul might give him some challenge. He's been marinating in extra spicy Green for... what? a bit over a year by the time he was snatched? And he did curbstomp the violet lantern chick.
Slave Paul could have beaten his Ferris because she wasn't that good at wielding her ring, or crystal in her case.

Also Paul should have three rings, his original, the one from Larfleeze and the one from the dragon.

If it is still like this then he could have given Ghi'ta one ring, taken off another, but still had one on him.

Though if he took them all off to make it easier to wield the violet one then it makes sense.
At least he has a power ring this time, unlike the last time when he was kidnapped after taking his ring off.
Wishful thinking. ParagonPaul meets with ErosPaul and interchange rings temporarely during the battle cause it suits them better at their current moment.

I don't think Eros Paul can express or channel love significantly better than Paragon; the latter is the only one in a defined relationship, after all, and I haven't noticed any violet text for Eros (even if I missed some, I wouldn't say it's strong enough). Banging multiple women seems more like a desire thing anyway. (I think I'm up to date with the chapters, though I skip the actual sex scenes, so I might have missed something. Of course with time involved, Eros-Paul from the same point in time as Paragon could have major life changes that may very well make him more proficient with the violet light.)
I can't fully keep track of them at this time, but I don't think we've seen any orange ring-using version of the SI be taken by Krona (was it just ones from DC-based realities?), which makes sense given that the most logical course of action in that case would be giving the ring to the avarice-enlightened version, negating the drama that comes with using an unfamiliar ring.

I'd like to see Paul channel non-romantic love, for Alan, the Team and maybe even the world/people in general, though the latter might be too much (I fully understand and support his reasoning for not pursuing Kon, but I assume he still loves him romantically, too).

I'm sad that Renegade won't meet Paragon, but at the same time I feel like that would dilute the arc a bit if the former was just part of a crowd of multiple iterations, they deserve one-on-one time. (Though if he does show up later in the fic, I wouldn't complain. I think alternating chapters from each of their perspectives could be a fun narrative device).

It's April 1, so I suppose it's appropriate for all these shenanigans (trying to deceive Krona, Time Trapper getting a rookie Violet Lantern). I'm partially expecting this update to be the only one related to the Crisis, and the rest of the episode just a relatively normal one, as the ultimate prank.
Renegade was kidnapped without his ring or equipment.

Though in his case he at least had super strength and other super physical abilities.

Paragon is a physically strong, but otherwise baseline human.
Renegade was kidnapped without his ring or equipment.

Though in his case he at least had super strength and other super physical abilities.

Paragon is a physically strong, but otherwise baseline human.

He does still have a ring, which I expect decent proficiency at (though it would be nice to see him struggling a bit). He still has the advantage of any non-green ring not requiring perfect visualization and intimate knowledge of advanced constructs, so I think his general combat style can translate fairly well. I wonder if he'll use the unique property of the violet light outlined in the FAQ as an ultimate technique or something.

And his soul is definitely not baseline; I'd like to see him figure out some mystical techniques and innovate or adapt them to work on the orange light, that could be fun.
And his soul is definitely not baseline; I'd like to see him figure out some mystical techniques and innovate or adapt them to work on the orange light, that could be fun.
He already did that offscreen, for some reason it hasn't been mentioned in a while.
My forearms rise until they're at right angles to my body. My palms are upwards and orange light drifts down, swirling about my feet and solidifying into meaningless but impressive looking symbols. "I have been trying to orchestrate a magitech revolution. I've picked a few things up, a few designs. Once they're active, the Mountain will be proof against anything short of utterly overwhelming force."
He also got his Avarice Teleportation and empathic vision.
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Those techniques he already uses are a continuation of his orange light mastery.

I think Thoth meant him trying to figure out some way to use both his orange manipulation abilities and magic at the same time.

Zoat said that the SI may not be trying to create a whole new magic system to help him use magic any time soon, and I think he still can't use magic, even though he has a soul, if his surprise when he discovered he could use magic as a demon was any indication.

He can probably use magic, but not any that a average, or even some not so average, people can use.

Though even if he doesn't use magic and orange light it would be interesting to see if he can somehow combine two lights and have them do things they wouldn't be able to do alone.
He already did that offscreen, for some reason it hasn't been mentioned in a while.

He also got his Avarice Teleportation and empathic vision.

In the spirit of a true Orange Lantern, I just want more and more from him, though I suppose it's more in the vein of being able to innately use all the esoteric abilities a power ring grants him, displaying his nature as a quasi-elemental more. Given he's functionally never without his ring, though, it's not a big issue (though as Dream of the Endless says, tools can be the subtlest of traps).

I'm a bit surprised no desire-aligned spirits or deities have really taken initiative and sought Paragon out (though I suppose at this point I shouldn't be surprised at anyone in YJ not taking the initiative). Aphrodite in particular comes to mind.
The tattoos may be blocking them from seeing what he is, that being a quasi elemental of Avarice.

Calling one of the rings may alert an alternate Larfleeze and there may be no orange rings where he is going.

Not sure if any of his alternates actually wield an orange ring.

The ones taken so far have all been wielding other colors.

Though if Krona tried to take Peter then maybe some of them do have an orange ring.
Slave Paul could have beaten his Ferris because she wasn't that good at wielding her ring, or crystal in her case.

Also Paul should have three rings, his original, the one from Larfleeze and the one from the dragon.

If it is still like this then he could have given Ghi'ta one ring, taken off another, but still had one on him.

Though if he took them all off to make it easier to wield the violet one then it makes sense.
I'm reasonably confident that he already gave that ring away.
Pretty sure the only ring he gave away was the Stewart one to awaken Hinon.

So that would leave him with the original, the dragon one and Larfleeze.

He gave one to Ghi'ta, took one of, but we don't know what happened to the third.

He could have taken both of to better wield the violet ring though.
Paragon is a physically strong, but otherwise baseline human.

No quite baseline. His freaky soul and enlightenment do give him two at will super abilities: empathyvision and greedporting. I could be wrong but I think he called both innate abilities/skills not something tied to an orange ring (Mr Zoat would you chime in on this?) Not exactly high damage output but he is a teleporter. So he should be able to survive even if he can't use violet ring all that well.
I'm reasonably confident that he already gave that ring away.

He had three with the construct lantern ring he took from the dragon and after that he gave one to Ghiata, meaning he still has the original ring that Hinon made and the ring prototype he took from Larfleeze or whatever...

The math doesn't work Zoat and I am pretty sure Paul never gave anyone neither his original ring and/or the trophy ring he had from Larfleeze so there is indeed a continuity error... Probably because you have been planning this episode for so long that either the plot changed or things you had planned to do before this episode were never written because you inadvertently cut them out because you wanted to start this episode in april first.

Just tweak the update to mention he took off both rings.

Edit: Technically you mentioned the prototype is a worse version of ring that can only hold eighty percent of the charge his original can, so technically Paul has 1.8 orange rings to work with.

You could have Paul STILL have Larfleeze ring half depleted of charge and have his lantern tied to the subspace pocket of the other ring. Giving Paul a mostly charged violet ring and the half depleted orange prototype one.

Then again we all know this scene was contrived to nerf paragon Paul to make the incoming challenges harder... So its your call how you want to do this... But when something breaks continuity we have to call it out as an error in the same way we help you with grammar (even though i haven't done it much, but its because you post at 2 to 3 am my local time and I don't feel much capable of reasoning at that time).
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He can't teleport to the Honden without a orange ring.

His emotional powers aren't that useful for physical combat and he can't use them as well without his ring.

They may work against a New God and their whole spirit combat thing, but in a fist fight not so much.
He can't teleport to the Honden without a orange ring.

How do you know that? Was here a scene showing that or a WoZ or something?

This is from Resolution (part 3):

"I would offer you our teleportation system, but if you've got your own…" She frowns, then pulls a not-tricorder out from her lab coat and points it at me. "Then where is it?"

"I'm afraid that it's an innate ability, but you're welcome to scan me when I use it."

She puts her hands on her hips. "As if you could stop me."

"Ready?" In lieu of a verbal answer she raises her scanner and presses a few buttons. Alright then, armour, invisibility, and step out. Now, aim for Alan's neighbour Mister Davis and step in.

12th September
13:35 GMT -5

I appear in Inwood Hill Park, with Mister Davis walking his dog a short distance to my right.

We never saw him greedport without a ring true, but he did say it's 'an innate ability'.

They may work against a New God and their whole spirit combat thing, but in a fist fight not so much.

Also, when was the last time you saw him enter an actual fist fight? It's all about orange power and gadgets for him. He's a mage, not a warrior.
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2nd April 2012
09:12 GMT -5
When you need to monumentally depower your protagonist for them to be meaningfully threatened you have officially written yourself into a corner.

That said I'm unsure what the point of it is. Paul is more than capable of yanking an Orange Ring off the finger of anyone he encounters. Given how many alternate Pauls there will be he will have little difficulty getting his preferred tool.

Once the main character joined the team, she got access to just about any non-nuclear metal she wanted. The mechanics don't matter for her power any more on the strategic level because she's sidestepped the limiting factor,
Out of interest is there an in-universe reason the SI doesn't carry around multiple spare rings, thus sidestepping the limiting factor (charge limit) that has screwed him over time and time again?
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I asked Zoat about some of his abilities and he said that he can only teleport through the Honden with the ring.

It's an innate ability in the sense that only orange lanterns with enlightenment can use it, but would require the ring.

Zoat also said that an enlightened individual that knows magic could potentially use it, like Dr Mist, but the SI doesn't use magic, so it's possible that someone who is enlightened and knows magic can travel through the Honden, but they would need magic to do it.

WereDragon there may not be any other orange ring wielders for the SI to take their rings.

Also the SI does carry multiple rings it's just that he was caught without them this time.

The reason he probably doesn't take more rings is because the Controllers are giving them to others to use in the war against the Reach and they may not feel giving more to him is a good use of resources.
Sorry, I remember him writing it, but don't remember where it was.
Somewhere in the Equestria episodes I think.

Still you could ask Zoat yourself.
Could you link that WoZ?

I am going to back Darko on this as I remember it being said. I do think Paul can reach the honden without his ring, but he would have to actually invest in some magic knowledge to pull off that ritual... In the grand scheme of things going to the honden without suffering soul damage is an innate ability of Paul and the particulars of his soul... You can go to the honden using other methods, but the ring makes it easier... And Paul is probably one of the few guys that are immune to the qualities of the Honden as we saw Hinon struggle to keep her soul intact and she is an expert in orange light.

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