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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

How's about fuck off?

Seriously? Is fuck off NEVER an actual option.

Like, dude shows up, blathers some unverifiable shit, and you just go with him?

No is never an option? I mean you can choose yes. But just once, I'd like to see no be an option.

Also, I waited through so much....pony....and it's this asshole again?
How's about fuck off?

Seriously? Is fuck off NEVER an actual option.

Like, dude shows up, blathers some unverifiable shit, and you just go with him?

No is never an option? I mean you can choose yes. But just once, I'd like to see no be an option.

Also, I waited through so much....pony....and it's this asshole again?
Yes, because either he needs to be helped, or he needs to be stopped. Being a superhero means that in either case the buck stops with you.
He gave Xalitan Xor a ring. I remember noting that he went from three to two in my head, and I think the ring went to Xor

He gave Xor a ring, but he hasn't given his original ring nor the prototype to anyone, this is explicitly in the continuity.

Ghiata got the one he mugged the dragon for.

Paul has mugged several rings off some people, the first guy orange lantern he recruited had hunted down a few orange rings to keep himself charged.

The kid from Daxam had his own.

The blind woman had one and you gave one of the first extras to the daughter.

Then you mugged the cannibals that tried to eat the squirrel.

Then Xor got a ring.

Then the dragon got mugged.

Then Ghiata got a ring too.

Paul hasn't given neither his original nor the prototype to anyone.
If I remember correctly, This ISN'T actually Pauls first go with Violet Light based powers.

After he took the Staff of Love from Zatanna, he kept it on him for some time before he gave it to alternate Universe Faris. He even demonstrated basic functions using the staff when he was having breakfast with Cheshire on Maltus. Her Room mate walked in and didn't believe it was him, they had a talk about the orange light not allowing for love, and he cracked the Staff out of subspace and did a little light show with it. Can't find the reference off the top of my head though.

Does imply he's at least poked this powerset briefly though.
How in the world does working from home make it HARDER for me to keep up. I mean, yeah, my workload is ridiculous right now but....yeah, no, that's probably it. Geh. Anyway, I'm all caught up now. Just in time for the Crisis of Infinite Pauls apparently.
Come now Crowley, enjoy the show, after all Friendship is magic.
I just wish that once, some random chode would show up, blather some vague nonsense, and then get told to fuck off when he demands that you come with him like he's got the right.

That's all.
I can understand that and honestly would like to see that.

"Don't need it, don't want it, go fuck yourself."
One of my favorite fics had just that really.

Guy gets yanked through a portal, the whole vague mumbo jumbo, and just shoots the guy in the back of the head when he goes "Well, come along now." and then leaves.

I'm not saying it's the right thing to do. But in that moment, I loved that guy.
I can understand that and honestly would like to see that.

"Don't need it, don't want it, go fuck yourself."

Alternately, there's the version Rincewind went with...

Rincewind: I do not wish to volunteer.
Patrician: No one was asking you to.
Rincewind: Oh, but they will, sir. And then I'll run away, and probably hide in a crate somewhere that'll be loaded onto the flying machine in any case... Or there'll be a whole string of accidents that end up causing the same thing. Trust me, sir. I know how my life works.
One of my favorite fics had just that really.

Guy gets yanked through a portal, the whole vague mumbo jumbo, and just shoots the guy in the back of the head when he goes "Well, come along now." and then leaves.

I'm not saying it's the right thing to do. But in that moment, I loved that guy.
What fic was this?
Slave Paul could have beaten his Ferris because she wasn't that good at wielding her ring, or crystal in her case.

Also Paul should have three rings, his original, the one from Larfleeze and the one from the dragon.

If it is still like this then he could have given Ghia'ta one ring, taken off another, but still had one on him.

Though if he took them all off to make it easier to wield the violet one then it makes sense.
He gave Ghia'ta the dragon ring to experiment with, and he took off both of the other two orange rings to make a point. Namely, that he can use a violet ring.
He gave Ghia'ta the dragon ring to experiment with, and he took off both of the other two orange rings to make a point. Namely, that he can use a violet ring.

In the original story post Zoat had him have only one Orange Ring left because he thought the SI gave one of his personal rings to Xor instead of an extra one he got from Hinon/Controller Ring-Maker-003.

Why the SI would give Ghia'ta either the dragon's ring (Construct Lantern Ring) or Krona-Hinon!Prototype Ring when trying to convince her that the Orange Light isn't as bad as the Zamorans make it out to be, I have no idea.

Wearing what used to be a person now enslaved as a ring or having the Rings AI talk either in Krona's voice or Larfleeze speak (GET THING. MINE!) isn't conducive to convincing anyone that the Orange Light isn't all that bad.
Plus it's make sense since we're likely to meet the other Pauls who either wield an orange ring or some other color save for violet, while people enjoy watching Grayven face problems through diplomacy or act like a decent human being people like when Paul uses a combination of brute force and cunning to deal with his problems.

Paul's has reached a point that he can solve most of his problems using his ring and the orange light, save for most magic problems which he has save in his subspace or can reach using his ring, and one of the few ways to cause tension or create a problem he can't fix without rendering him powerless would be to arm him with a ring of a different color.

It's possible he could try taking another Paul's ring to use but it isn't something he would do unless he's forced or sees no other course of action, but if his alternates are anything like him then it would take killing them for it, and his biggest foe would be Time Trapper Paul since he can control time to ridiculous degree and who knows what Red Queen Jade can do.

Not to mention even if he still had his orange rings that doesn't mean him and his alternative would be able to work together easily, if anything most of them would probably find him mildly off putting since he's essentially productively insane since merging with the Ophidian, and they're each used to their own way of solving problems.
I honestly do have to agree that this is quite contrived. Getting rid of, like, seven rings over the course of the story, and never picking up more just to have a stock of them to give away like he loves to do so much is very dumb. As is the whole not having a backup thing. Like, come on, he's the leader of an entire Corp of lanterns, and he doesn't carry recruitment rings? And he took off two rings now, and then handed them off to someone else, instead of just pocketing one of them at the very least? This is incredibly dumb and contrived to make the story more "interesting", even though it's a transparent attempt to nerf Paul, even though it won't accomplish anything but increase the faff he has to go through in the end and make the audience sour to this contrived trope that you've inserted into the story for little to no reason, when you could instead buff the opponent(s) to accomplish the same, without the massive contrivance that you just went to, then had to go back and retcon parts of the story to allow for. It's just frustrating. But hey, it's your story, you write it how you want, I suppose.
He probably ran out of extra rings to give for recruitment and the Controllers don't give him more because they could view it as a waist of recourses.

Also paragon was in their secure base where his teammates live and he was trying to show one of them what he can do.
He probably didn't expect an attack or being taken out of time in a way he thought was impossible.

Being paranoid and cautious is sometimes necessary, but you can't be like that all the time
Also paragon was in their secure base where his teammates live and he was trying to show one of them what he can do.
He probably didn't expect an attack or being taken out of time in a way he thought was impossible.

You'd think after being caught literally with his pants down the last time he took off his ring in that very same secure base where his teammates live he'd keep a backup on his person 24/7. It's a ring, not a suit of armor. This was just begging the Narrative to take a swing :p But no, that would mean acknowledging that narrative tropes have a stronger grip on "reality" than laws of physics.
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Repetition (part 3)
2nd April 2012
09:12 GMT -5, again

I've read John's file on Krona, and it… Wasn't particularly helpful. Ancient Maltusian, tried looking at the start of the universe and got stripped of his physicality as punishment. Nekron managed to give him a new one so that he could attack Oa, but he was defeated and they assumed that was the end of the matter. My comic knowledge isn't much-. No any better. I know that he was the main villain of the JLA/Avengers crossover and… He was doing something during the Trinity event where Morgaine le Fey, Enigma and Despero tried to restructure the universe around them. And the Parallax-Guardian in the film might have been him.

Nothing I can use to help me decide anything.

"You escaped. Why did he abduct parallel universe versions of me and you?"

"Because I'm a living temporal anomaly. Are you aware that the Challengers of the Unknown freed themselves from the Book of Fate?" I nod. "Something like that. I have no past or future, no history or destiny. Now come. I can give you a fuller explanation once we're…" He pauses. "I was going to say 'safe', but that would be a lie. Safer."

"At the moment I only have your word that anything is even happening. And you're just some guy in a robe. I.. seem to remember that you sent me back to the present when Dox was planning to keep me in a cell. I'd be grateful, but I don't appreciate having my memories removed and I'm somewhat suspicious of what you're planning on asking me to do."

"This isn't-." He exhales. "Fine, I can show you proof but we need to go somewhere safer first. And if you think I'm trying to manipulate you then you should consider that I've already demonstrated the ability to leave you in temporal stasis. As attacks go that's fairly conclusive."

I suppose he's got a point, there. At least I can be confident that he wants something from me.

"Alright then. Where to?"

He starts walking again and I fly after him. "In a manner of speaking, a dream. A lucid dream held together by a species-wide telepathic gestalt. Don't worry, it won't hurt any of the locals."

He walks through a doorway to what I know leads to an emergency exit staircase, then reaches into his right sleeve and pulls out a small piece of red crystal. He holds it out, and…

The air around us turns red as a scarlet circle appears in the air before him, spinning and widening into what looks like a Dolmen Gate aperture. The edge is two dimensional, comprised of wisps of the original circle which continue moving through the air-. And the walls and floors, apparently unobstructed. Through the portal I can see… A landscape made of the same red crystal Time Trapper used to open it, the red skies decorated by… Floating balls of… Is that wax? Liquid flames? They're paler than their surroundings so they aren't the light source…

"Come." Time Trapper walks towards it as the aperture passes floor level. "All of the explanation you w-."

The wall to our right explodes, fragments of rock and concrete flying past us and into my construct armour! Time Trapper is forced to dive for safety as Overgirl strides forward, eyes glowing a baleful red!

"You!" She glares at him and fires, but he raises his right hand and the lance of heat energy stops in the air. "It was you!"

"We don't have time for this! Lantern!"

I hold up my hands in a calming motion as Angelika stalks forward, eye beams still on full.

"Angelika, talk to me. What are you doing? How do you know Time Trapper?"

"This portal! This is what opened over Aachen when I tried to stop the train! This man snatched me away from everyone I love!"

"That was Krona! What possible use are you to me?"

"Angelika, stop. If he can open portals then he can send you home. We can deal with whatever Krona is doing-."

The Time Trapper pulls himself up slightly as Angelika's advance slows to a crawl. "How are you even moving? From your point of view, time should-."

"Do you have any idea how I fixated on becoming Karl's equal?!"

"I don't even know who 'Carl' is! Lantern, please!"

For all that she frustrates me, Angelika is a friend, an individual who is gradually awakening to the idea that the things she believes are very wrong and doing her best to cope with that. And right now she's doing something harmful to her interests.

"Angelika, stop."

Golden kryptonite radiation plays over her.. to no apparent effect as she brute forces her way closer to her target.

"It took me years, but I learned how to power myself from things other than sunlight! Including the force you use to alter time!"

"Damn it! The one kryptonian who-!" The Time Trapper stands and steps backwards through the swirling portal. "Lantern, make a decision!"

It's for her own good.

Violet crystal forms on Angelika's back and rapidly grows to cover her torso. She's so fixated on Time Trapper that she doesn't notice until it reaches her shoulders. Then she twists her head around to glare at my betrayal.


Her head is covered, and.. the crystal is either holding against her heat vision or -as I hope- putting her into stasis.

"Thank you. Come, I'll show you-"

I pick up my crystallised colleague and carefully step through the portal.

"-what-. Why are you bringing a lunatic kryptonian?"

"She's not a lunatic. She's a friend of mine and since she's resistant to your abilities I think that keeping her with me is the sensible thing to do. Now, if you're really desperate-."

He waves his crystal and the portal closes.

"Fine. This way."

He leads me along a narrow path, spires of crystal rising up all around us.

"Some time ago I found that as a result of time travel my past no longer existed. As I'm sure that you can understand, this left me quite distraught. But it occurred to me that if I could survive without history, why not someone else? Why not dozens, millions, the untold billions of my uncreated temporal reality?"

"Because that's not how the universe works."

"Just so. But what if it did? What if it could? So I began experimenting."

Some distance in front of us there's a tall spire of crystal, tall enough to utterly dwarf the lesser spires around us. He appears to be leading me towards it.

"Did history 'snap back' from small changes? Were there consequences to the hubristic act of deliberately changing things? Was time inherently hostile and vengeful? Or mechanistic? While I was primarily interested in resurrecting my own timeline my preference was to alter the nature of the universe so that it could sustain multiple timelines. I love my own temporality. I don't hate those belonging to other people."

"Who would certainly try to resist if they found out that you were planning on erasing them."

"I would gladly fight and kill anyone if that was what it took. But… It wasn't going to. I found a way, a way to change the fundamental structure of reality. Some people would have been.. inconvenienced, in the short term, but given what we would all have gained I was confident that enough would volunteer to make the approach viable. And then Krona messed it all up."
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'Ive already' not 'I'm already'

'would volunteer' not ' would volunteers'

So Angelika can power herself up through other means.

If this isn't a part of her hybrid nature then teaching this to the other four Kryptonians would certainly be a godsend.

Also, does anyone else get the feeling that TP is going to betray the other Lanterns for his plans, or that he is being manipulated by someone to create a perfect timeline for just them, while everyone else gets screwed over?

The recent Justice League Odyssey comic had a time manipulator claim that his plans to alter the timeline to prevent all the horrors and atrocities of the past from ever happening will be perfect and that it can't fail.
Spoiler: Darkseid was manipulating him
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inconvenienced, in the short term, but given what we would all have gained I was confident that enough would volunteers to make the approach viable. And then Krona messed it all up

I would not be suprised if krona coming was your fault. Also, I sincerely hope that Pink Lantern is not stupid enough to blindly cooperate without insurance.
Wait, is he claiming he created the multiverse?

Or, more personal, are he and Krona the reason multiple Pauls exist?

Also, as we now enter timetravel territory has Booster Gold shown up in this fic? I don't remeber.

Also also fun fact: during the JLA/Avengers crossover it turned out the DC universe was a lady and the marvel one a dude...and they had a cosmic egg together.
"I would gladly fight and kill anyone if that was what it took. But… It wasn't going to. I found a way, a way to change the fundamental structure of reality. Some people would have been.. inconvenienced, in the short term, but given what we would all have gained I was confident that enough would volunteers to make the approach viable. And then Krona messed it all up."
Super-villain monologue time!
So Time Trapper Paul now has Hope that he can successfully resurrect his timeline. Somebody get this boy a blue ring and things will wrap themselves up right quick! Unless of course there have been changes subverting the story we think we know which is a disturbing possibility.

Regarding Angelika, when did she get an offscreen massive power boost? Last I recall she was a decently powerful kryptonian but not really even on Kal El's standards let alone those of a God-King Superman (I know nothing about that timeline, I'm just guessing). Also, I must admit I was hoping for Blue Paul or Evil Zatanna more than her, since her whole deal never resonated much with me. Sympathetic Nazi redemption arcs just don't do it for me I guess.
So Time Trapper Paul now has Hope that he can successfully resurrect his timeline. Somebody get this boy a blue ring and things will wrap themselves up right quick! Unless of course there have been changes subverting the story we think we know which is a disturbing possibility.

Regarding Angelika, when did she get an offscreen massive power boost? Last I recall she was a decently powerful kryptonian but not really even on Kal El's standards let alone those of a God-King Superman (I know nothing about that timeline, I'm just guessing). Also, I must admit I was hoping for Blue Paul or Evil Zatanna more than her, since her whole deal never resonated much with me. Sympathetic Nazi redemption arcs just don't do it for me I guess.
She was drawing power from the power Time Stopper was using to screw with time.

Also she's one of the Golden Age level Kryptonians.
The wall to our right explodes, fragments of rock and concrete flying past us and into my construct armour! Time Trapper is forced to dive for safety as Overgirl strides forward, eyes glowing a baleful red!

"You!" She glares at him and fires, but he raises his right hand and the lance of heat energy stops in the air. "It was you!"

Alright. I must say I didn't expect a Nazi kryptonian Kool-aiding through a wall frozen in time. How does that even work?

We don't have time for this! Lantern!"

An entity whose defining trait is time control has no time to explain his lack of culpability to a kidnapping victim?

For all that she frustrates me, Angelika is a friend,

... Since when? Did I miss an episode? Did they become friends off screen? I'm not being difficult I'm genuinely confused when did this happen?

Golden kryptonite radiation plays over her.. to no apparent effect as she brute forces her way closer to her target.

"It took me years, but I learned how to power myself from things other than sunlight! Including the force you use to alter time!"

Damn she's OP. ... Then again, Superboy Prime did punch reality into submition. Power of love is so last century. Power of rage allows you to ignore temporal stasis.

"Lantern, make a decision!"

It's for her own good.

Violet crystal forms on Angelika's back and rapidly grows to cover her torso. She's so fixated on Time Trapper that she doesn't notice until it reaches her shoulders. Then she twists her head around to glare at my betrayal.


Her head is covered, and.. the crystal is either holding against her heat vision or -as I hope- putting her into stasis.

Did he just put a person he considers a 'friend' into a brainwashing crystal? Will Zamorans gain another Lantern recruit out of this?
2nd April 2012
09:12 GMT -5, again

I've read John's file on Krona, and it… Wasn't particularly helpful. Ancient Maltusian, tried looking at the start of the universe and got stripped of his physicality as punishment. Nekron managed to give him a new one so that he could attack Oa, but he was defeated and they assumed that was the end of the matter. My comic knowledge isn't much-. No any better. I know that he was the main villain of the JLA/Avengers crossover and… He was doing something during the Trinity event where Morgaine le Fey, Enigma and Despero tried to restructure the universe around them. And the Parallax-Guardian in the film might have been him.
A link to all of those: Krona (from DC.Fandom Wiki). And if he's involved, he's almost certainly in it for Science!

Nothing I can use to help me decide anything.

"You escaped. Why did he abduct parallel universe versions of me and you?"
Ah, he doesn't know it's Maul, does he? Surely OL remembers enough of Time Trapper to know it's not always the same person?

"Because I'm a living temporal anomaly. Are you aware that the Challengers of the Unknown freed themselves from the Book of Fate?" I nod. "Something like that. I have no past or future, no history or destiny. Now come. I can give you a fuller explanation once we're…" He pauses. "I was going to say 'safe', but that would be a lie. Safer."
I'm guessing nowhere - or nowhen - is completely safe in this conflict.

"At the moment I only have your word that anything is even happening. And you're just some guy in a robe. I.. seem to remember that you sent me back to the present when Dox was planning to keep me in a cell. I'd be grateful, but I don't appreciate having my memories removed and I'm somewhat suspicious of what you're planning on asking me to do."

"This isn't-." He exhales. "Fine, I can show you proof but we need to go somewhere safer first. And if you think I'm trying to manipulate you then you should consider that I'm already demonstrated the ability to leave you in temporal stasis. As attacks go that's fairly conclusive."
Unless you're powerful enough to overcome frozen time itself. And there are beings who can do that.

I suppose he's got a point, there. At least I can be confident that he wants something from me.

"Alright then. Where to?"
Plus, if you don't work with him, no telling when things will involve you anyway.

He starts walking again and I fly after him. "In a manner of speaking, a dream. A lucid dream held together by a species-wide telepathic gestalt. Don't worry, it won't hurt any of the locals."

He walks through a doorway to what I know leads to an emergency exit staircase, then reaching into his right sleeve and pulls out a small piece of red crystal. He holds it out, and…
Hmm... Not ringing any bells. Likely something Mr Zoat invented.

The air around us turns red as a scarlet circle appears in the air before him, spinning and widening into what looks like a Dolmen Gate aperture. The edge is two dimensional, comprised of wisps of the original circle which continue moving through the air-. And the walls and floors, apparently unobstructed. Through the portal I can see… A landscape made of the same red crystal Time Trapper used to open it, the red skies decorated by… Floating balls of… Is that wax? Liquid flames? They're paler than their surrounds so they aren't the light source…
Trippy. The DC Universe is a weird place...

"Come." Time Trapper walks towards it as the aperture passes floor level. "All of the explanation you w-."

The wall to our right explodes, fragments of rock and concrete flying past us and into my construct armour! Time Trapper is forced to dive for safety as Overgirl strides forward, eyes glowing a baleful red!
Oh, what the hell? See what I was saying about beings powerful enough to overcome time?

"You!" She glares at him and fires, but he raises his right hand and the lance of heat energy stops in the air. "It was you!"

"We don't have time for this! Lantern!"

I hold up my hands in a calming motion as Angelika stalks forward, eye beams still on full.
Seriously, was she set up as a sleeper agent the whole time? By Krona?

"Angelika, talk to me. What are you doing? How do you know Time Trapper?"

"This portal! This is what opened over Aachen when I tried to stop the train! This man snatched me away from everyone I love!"

"That was Krona! What possible use are you to me?"
Huh, guess so. And I get the feeling it may have been an accident...

"Angelika, stop. If he can open portals then he can send you home. We can deal with whatever Krona is doing-."

The Time Trapper pulls himself up slightly as Angelika's advance slows to a crawl. "How are you even moving? From your point of view, time should-."

"Do you have any idea how I fixated on becoming Karl's equal?!"
Oh, boy. Our worst nightmare. an angry Nazi Kryptonian... With a target.

"I don't even know who 'Carl' is! Lantern, please!"

For all that she frustrates me, Angelika is a friend, and individual who is gradually awakening to the idea that the things she believes are very wrong and doing her best to cope with that. And right now she's doing something harmful to her interests.
Assuming she's completely in control of herself... Gods only know what's going on with her right now.

"Angelika, stop."

Golden kryptonite radiation plays over her.. to no apparent effect as she brute forces her way closer to her target.

"It took me years, but I learned how to power myself from things other than sunlight! Including the force you use to alter time!"
Wait, what? When'd she manage that? How'd she manage that, even?

"Damn it! The one kryptonian who-!" The Time Trapper stands and steps backwards through the swirling portal. "Lantern, make a decision!"

It's for her own good.
Oh, hell. Surprised this wasn't a Renegade interrupt, despite what he thinks of it...

Violet crystal forms on Angelika's back and rapidly grows to cover her torso. She's so fixated on Time Trapper that she doesn't notice until it reaches her shoulders. Then she twists her head around to glare at my betrayal.

Because the last thing this situation needs is a 'crazy Superman' moment...

Her head is covered, and.. the crystal is either holding against her heat vision or -as I hope- putting her into stasis.

"Thank you. Come, I'll show you-"
Hold on one minute, magenta-boy...

I pick up the crystal and carefully step through the portal.

"-what-. Why are you bringing a lunatic kryptonian?"
For a start, you can throw her at Krona? Just have to convince her it was his fault, not Maul's...

"She's not a lunatic. She's a friend of mine and since she's resistant to your abilities I think that keeping her with me is the sensible thing to do. Now, if you're really desperate-."

He waves the crystal and the portal closes.

"Fine. This way."
Good to see he can see reason. Anything to get his counterpart's help, I suppose.

He heads me along a narrow path, spires of crystal rising up all around us.

"Some time ago I found that as a result of time travel my past no longer existed. As I'm sure that you can understand, this left me quite distraught. But it occurred to me that if I could survive without history, why not someone else? Why not dozen, millions, the untold billions of my uncreated temporal reality?"

"Because that's not how the universe works."
Not unless you want to accelerate its eventual heat-death...

"Just so. But what if it did? What if it could? So I began experimenting."

Some distance in front of us there's a tall spire of crystal, tall enough to utterly dwarf the lesser spires around us. He appears to be leading me towards it.
Ah, a temporary hideout? Of course he went for a giant tower, what evil wizard wouldn't? (Yes, I know, not an evil wizard... But he's dressing the part so well...)

"Did history 'snap back' from small changes? Were there consequences to the hubristic act of deliberately changing things? Was time inherently hostile and vengeful? Or mechanistic? While I was primarily interested in resurrecting my own timeline my preference was to alter the nature of the universe so that it could sustain multiple timelines. I love my own temporality. I don't hate those belonging to other people."

"Who would certainly try to resist if they found out that you were planning on erasing them."
Kind of natural, really. Every Time Trapper has faced that sort of thing.

"I would gladly fight and kill anyone if that was what it took. But… It wasn't going to. I found a way, a way to change the fundamental structure of reality. Some people would have been.. inconvenienced, in the short term, but given what we would all have gained I was confident that enough would volunteers to make the approach viable. And then Krona messed it all up."
And this is how you get universe-retcon level Crises. Do you know how much of a pain those are? A big damn pain!

Hoo-boy. This is just getting more and more twisted. At least there's a chance to get Overgirl back to her home dimension, assuming she survives this. And I so want to see Batman's face when he sees this incident report, when this is all done, assuming we don't get another rewind.

...and individual who is gradually...
...an individual who is gradually...
He heads me along a narrow path...
He leads me along a narrow path...
Yeah, you can really tell this Time Trapper is Paul, cause this kind of plan has the same kind of optimism as the Fruit of knowledge plan did.

But much higher chance of succeeding. Great thing about time shenanigans is that he can try as many times as he needs to get it just right. Every failure is a chance to learn from his mistakes and refine the final product.
But much higher chance of succeeding. Great thing about time shenanigans is that he can try as many times as he needs to get it just right. Every failure is a chance to learn from his mistakes and refine the final product.
Remember that Krona's experiments with Time ended up causing Entropy? This isn't a field you can save scum

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