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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Are those red quotation marks supposed to be there? Is it just an indication of the degree to which the Infectious Rage got itself into Raven, or a sign of Red Enlightenment?
Are those red quotation marks supposed to be there? Is it just an indication of the degree to which the Infectious Rage got itself into Raven, or a sign of Red Enlightenment?
When the speech marks are coloured as well as the text within, it indicates that the individual in question is overwhelmed by the emotion.
Except that unlike Dr Light, Abysmus isn't a putz.

Thank you, corrected.

Sometimes I'm too sneaky. I don't think that anyone found the Thomas the Tank Engine link from a few days ago.

from what i remember, i thinkthe entire point of that storyline/retcon that he actually WASN'T-
he essentially had his brain borderline cooked inside his skull by one of the "good" guys in a horrific ethics violation because attempting (and failing -just- enough to conveniently turn them into an idiot who spends decades humiliating themselves by being too stupid to be a competent villain instead of outright "Rosemary Kennedy-ing" them") to reduce someone to a drooling mess that constantly shits themselves via a gross abuse of psionic powers (and promptly do the exact fucking same thingto Bruce Wayne after he, quite reasonably, attempted to STOP them crossing the mind-rape event horizon, albiet with a tad more subtlty) is "better" then killing them after a really..distasteful incident involving rape, i think?

......*grumbles* its like the writers were trying to compete with the Spectre's repeated crimes against sentience in the "fucked up" department...
from what i remember, i think the entire point of that storyline/retcon that he actually WASN'T-
he essentially had his brain borderline cooked inside his skull by one of the "good" guys in a horrific ethics violation because attempting (and failing -just- enough to conveniently turn them into an idiot who spends decades humiliating themselves by being too stupid to be a competent villain instead of outright "Rosemary Kennedy-ing" them") to reduce someone to a drooling mess that constantly shits themselves via a gross abuse of psionic powers (and promptly do the exact fucking same thing to Bruce Wayne after he, quite reasonably, attempted to STOP them crossing the mind-rape event horizon, albeit with a tad more subtlety) is "better" then killing them after a really..distasteful incident involving rape, i think?

......*grumbles* its like the writers were trying to compete with the Spectre's repeated crimes against sentience in the "fucked up" department...
I was referring to the version in the Teen Titans animated series.

Bruce just forgot a couple of minutes, though as an unintended side effect he remembered that something was wrong and became a little more paranoid without ever knowing why.
Considering the time difference, I believe you meant GMT +5.
+9 actually, but thank you, corrected.
Should be either a comma or a colon.
Thank you, corrected.
He's never seen it written down.
Hey Zoat what gods are renegade Kon and Match worshiping, or at least acknowledge as their own, since they were adopted by Diana?

Is paragon Match going to, or at least considering, starting worshiping a god like Helios, seeing as his brother seems to get several benefits from it, plus the angel invasion may have left him wary of the Silver City, I know he is still getting used to a lot of things but I was just curious?
Hey Zoat what gods are renegade Kon and Match worshipping, or at least acknowledge as their own, since they were adopted by Diana?
Athena is their primary god.
Is paragon Match going to, or at least considering, starting worshipping a god like Helios, seeing as his brother seems to get several benefits from it, plus the angel invasion may have left him wary of the Silver City, I know he is still getting used to a lot of things but I was just curious?
Match hasn't yet decided that he wants to get involved in heroing, and so isn't seeking the best buffs. I imagine that he's taking a bunt on theology at the moment.
Anyone wanna bet what renegade had to say about Athena and her supposed wisdom when he heard what god his friends were worshiping:cool:

Well wisdom is nice and all, though I'm not sure if she would literary give them supernatural wisdom, or if they're just following her teachings, unlike Helios who literary gave Kon a buff in the power area.

Even if Match doesn't get involved in heroing he can still worship Helios so that he can get himself a place in Erebos when he dies, just in case.
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Anyone wanna bet what renegade had to say about Athena and her supposed wisdom when he heard what god his friends were worshiping:cool:
Well wisdom is nice and all, though I'm not sure if she would literary give them supernatural wisdom, or if they're just following her teachings, unlike Helios who literary gave Kon a buff in the power area.
Even if Match doesn't get involved in heroing he can still worship Helios so that he can get himself a place in Erebos when he dies, just in case.

I am reminded of a Ancient Greek fable I once read about four wise men on a journey to become the chief advisor of a king. They were arguing over who was the most qualified when they came across a skeleton and agreed to use it to determine who was the best. The first guy put all the bones back together, the second guy restored all it's flesh showing it to have been a lion and then the third guy said 'hold my beer dudes! I'm going to bring this thing back to life'. Meanwhile the fourth guy who had been looked down on by the rest for only having common sense had climbed up a tree and so was the only one of them who wasn't killed by the lion.
The moral being wisdom, especially supernatural wisdom is nice. But it's better to have common sense.
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The moral being wisdom, especially supernatural wisdom is nice. But it's better to have common sense.

Unfortunately only one character in With This Ring has that power (it's his key defining trait, no less), and he might very well show up soon.

Bringing up the Greek gods and Themyscira again, what's happening with Renegade-timeline Cassandra Sandsmark? I don't remember Renegade ever telling Wonder Woman about it, though he may well have and I missed it. (Now if he follows that questline, he could possibly get Hera as a potential romantic partner, which would have a lot of potential, in all kinds of ways...).
Unfortunately only one character in With This Ring has that power (it's his key defining trait, no less), and he might very well show up soon.

Bringing up the Greek gods and Themyscira again, what's happening with Renegade-timeline Cassandra Sandsmark? I don't remember Renegade ever telling Wonder Woman about it, though he may well have and I missed it. (Now if he follows that questline, he could possibly get Hera as a potential romantic partner, which would have a lot of potential, in all kinds of ways...).
Probably the same as in canon since the SI didn't interact with her.
Does anyone remember if renegade told Diana about Cassandra Sandsmark or not?

I remember him going to the island, but I don't think she was mentioned.
Mr Zoat, as you may be aware, I have been going through the Story Only thread in this time of boredom, and I can confirm that Paul actually has not given up his second orange ring. I have reached the first snippet of 'Equestrian Girls', and if I remember correctly, Paul does not hand over his ring in the last two episodes.

We have the moon training episode, at the end of which Paul gives one of his three rings to Ghia'ta, then we have the League war game, then Overgirl shows up, then the Brazilian/Hugo Danner arc takes place, with a few minor stops on the way, such as supplying Dr Crane with Melinoë's mind juice thingy. (I can't be arsed to check if I'm getting the accent right) Then we have the conclusion of Sunset's current story arc, with a few other universes sprinkled in.

I'm sorry to bring this up again, but well, a simple line or two next snippet should take care of it.

Oh man. I think With This Ring is about to get it's first retcon because the writer missed something. This really is a superhero story.
Mr Zoat, as you may be aware, I have been going through the Story Only thread in this time of boredom, and I can confirm that Paul actually has not given up his second orange ring. I have reached the first snippet of 'Equestrian Girls', and if I remember correctly, Paul does not hand over his ring in the last two episodes.

We have the moon training episode, at the end of which Paul gives one of his three rings to Ghia'ta, then we have the League war game, then Overgirl shows up, then the Brazilian/Hugo Danner arc takes place, with a few minor stops on the way, such as supplying Dr Crane with Melinoë's mind juice thingy. (I can't be arsed to check if I'm getting the accent right) Then we have the conclusion of Sunset's current story arc, with a few other universes sprinkled in.

I'm sorry to bring this up again, but well, a simple line or two next snippet should take care of it.

Oh man. I think With This Ring is about to get it's first retcon because the writer missed something. This really is a superhero story.
Yes, I accepted that I made a mistake about that around a week ago. Thank you for double checking, though.
Yes, I accepted that I made a mistake about that around a week ago. Thank you for double checking, though.

I was about three pages in from the start of the episode to check if the issue was definitively resolved or not, but I decided it was too much effort, so my apologies. I've been awake for nigh on 36 hours now but somehow sleep still eludes me.
And… Quite a bit younger, if I remember correct-

How old (actual and apparent age) is Komand'r? And how old (actual and apparent age) is Raul?

If memory server Koriand'r looked like a fourteen year old and if Komand'r is her twin, this seems too close to pedophilia for Paul.
How old (actual and apparent age) is Komand'r? And how old (actual and apparent age) is Raul?

If memory server Koriand'r looked like a fourteen year old and if Komand'r is her twin, this seems too close to pedophilia for Paul.

That was the subject matter of one of Raul mini updates... I think you either missed it or you forgot.
How old (actual and apparent age) is Komand'r? And how old (actual and apparent age) is Raul?

If memory server Koriand'r looked like a fourteen year old and if Komand'r is her twin, this seems too close to pedophilia for Paul.

Meh. I just want Paragon to play Love Guru and help Star catch her little Dicky Bird. He is kind of a Star Sapphire right now after all.
So Mr Zoat, do Red Power Rings have shit AI support because Lord Atrocitus pulled a Ganthet to gimp them on purpose? Or because he was a clerical worker he doesn't now how to program the Rings and just makes them viva copy-blood-rage-magic-ritual thingy so they're messed up at standard settings?
I think it's more that orange rings have exceptional AI, while red rings are canonically more designed for very simple usage - they're point and shoot strong but simple construct on instinct - AIs get in the way of direct confrontation by being an intermediary if they are interactive, as opposed to Orange's clever but weak usage, which depends a lot on AI, or Green's mix of having relatively decent constructs and a decent AI. The red lantern AI still seems to translate languages and announce when it takes on a host / user.

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