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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I've always thought it could be inferred as a possibility.

What with her mindblasting him into unconsciousness when her White Martian form was revealed.

Then their relationship ending because he caught her trying edit his memories of the mind raping she'd already done to others.

Not canon, just me being irreverent and poking at it. Though I still think it could have been true. Especially with her being so fixated on having her "Hello, Megan" life at the start of the series.

Hilariously, I think the writers are of the opinion that we are supposed to be on her side for the shit she pulls.
Thanks for clearing that up
but why maintain it while they weren't dating?
Repetition (part 7)
3rd January 2005
21:41 GMT -5

A sword made of red light slices through another Manhunter… Womanhunter? No, they call themselves Manhunters, but… I'm struggling to come up with a reason why Krona would have built gynoids. Manhunters usually have a masculine appearance for the same reason that men do: additional physical strength and resilience from a more powerful frame. Manhunters don't need to give birth or lactate, so unless losing his physical form caused him to rediscover his sex drive, it just…

The Red Lantern me glances back at me, regarding me with a degree of scepticism.

"What..? Do violet rings do, exactly?"

"Ugh, sorry, I usually use an orange ring, but Ghia'ta and I were doing some cross-training and apparently Time Trapper can't send me back to pick up my equipment-"

"No man esc-."

Beams of purple light blaze from Komand'r's eyes and slam into the Manhunter's back, knocking it towards an inhabited build-!

Angelika intercepts, punching the gynoid in the chest and reversing its direction of trav-.

Grinning, Komand'r flies after it and punches it back towards Angelika, who just catches it, rips out the battery and lays it on the pavement.

Komand'r moues in disappointment.

"-until we're finished. There aren't any spare orange rings around here, are there?"

"No. I haven't checked Okaara in any detail, but I haven't seen any anywhere else or heard about Larfleeze being active. I assume that you beat him?"

I nod. "We're trying to rehabilitate him."

He frowns. "Why?"

"Because he's the most extreme example of orange light psychosis in existence and we're making an Orange Lantern Corps. Studying him is teaching us how to avoid everyone else-" He's nodding and looking for new targets. "-going the same way."

"Makes sense. Can you do anything with that ring?"

"Basic things only. That's why I'm hanging back."

But finding the local Jade

"Ah, I've located your Jade."

Currently in South Rhelasia. Or… Korea, possibly. Can't get a good record of her age, but I'd guess… Fourteen? The bunches make her look younger, and their length is… Entirely impractical.

"I haven't heard about anyone blowing up a country."

"She's probably a little-"

Komand'r intercepts another gynoid, this time avoiding energy blasts in favour of grappling. She performs a mid-air straight armbar while using her flight to pull the Manhunter off target and slam it face first into the side of a bridge. She then flexes, breaking the robot's elbow and tearing the arm free at the shoulder.

"-young for that."

"What's so important about her, anyway? Or us, for that matter?"

"With us, I'd guess it's our point of origin. I think he'd be interested in that sort of thing. Jade… Don't know. I'm dating my version, but there's nothing about her that would be of obvious interest to Krona."

"Or the Time Trapper."

"I considered that, but his plan involves putting us in position to strike him very hard if this is just a ruse."

"Of course, I've only got your word for it."

"True. I-." He veers off as Komand'r flies up to look for more targets. "Where are you going?"

"This is my house." He stands outside a fortified door while it scans him. "Do you.. want to come in?"

"No, I'll go and pick up your Jade."

He pauses for a moment, then nods, heading further inside what looks more like a fortified airlock than a porch. The outer door clanks shut before the inner door opens, so I've got no idea what-

Some sort of.. white with blue trimmings monster truck-tank thing roars past me down the middle of the road, turret tracking a small group of humanoids in red power armour. They're surprisingly agile, dodging from building to building, taking it in turns to make themselves appealing targets and then evading once it gets a lock on them.

-his interior decoration is like.

"Ah, Princess Komand'r, do you know-?"

A red, green, yellow and black motor cycle screeches around a nearby corner and-.

I pick both it and the rider off the ground and float them over to me.

The local Richard Grayson is… Ah, his hair is very slightly spikier. And his mask is a little narrower and there's a little more green in the costume at the expense of some black. Otherwise, I'm looking at the same person.. who also looks exactly the same.

"Red Lantern, this isn't-!" His eyes widen and then narrow. "Who are you?"

"Parallel universe doppelgänger. A fallen Guardian of the-" I think 'Galaxy'. "-Universe named Krona is trying to do something unwise with time and the Bleed that might see us all spontaneously have never existed. What's up with you?"

"Alien super soldiers are trying to kill the lab tech who cleaned test tubes for the people who made them, because they already killed everyone actually responsible."

I put him down.

"I think mine has priority. Angelika!"

She appears beside me.

"Would you please give Robin-" He blinks, surprised for some reason. "-the data core?"


"I can't do data decryption with a violet ring, Red Lantern can't do it with his and Robins can generally get their hands on the best conventional technology on the planet. We need to find out if Krona actually told them-"

Two Manhunters fly out of an alley, weapons orientating immediately on Richard and me! I raise a violet shield, soaking the first couple of shots before it becomes visibly abraded. Angelika shoots forward, grabbing the head of the closest with her right hand and its left arm with her left hand and.. pulling, the body turning one way and the head the other. The second takes an EMP grenade to the chest from Richard, which it ignores and continues firing. Richard dodges while I reinforce my shield and try to reduce my profile-.

Two nearby cars glow.. black? For a moment and then fling themselves at the Manhunter, wrapping themselves around it and then shrinking.. downwards, until they cover an area far smaller than the gynoid would need in order to have remained humanoid. Then the anti-glow fades and Raven steps out of a nearby patch of shadows.

"Yay. More robots."
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Funny thing is I never actually liked the canon Kon x M'Gann ship. I always found it kind of disturbing.

Girl with 40+ years of life experience latching onto and perving on a boy who is effectively a newborn with no life experience. And no, him having information psychically blasted into his brain by the Genomorphs doesn't fucking make it okay.

That they eventually got back together when the thing that made them break up in the first place was M'gann trying to mindrape him was downright disgusting.

Also, wow, she looks awful in Season 3. I'd only ever seen Seasons 1 and 2.

Speaking of Season 3 . . . Looks like Clark and Lois made a baby. Given that hybrids are so common in the comics, I always did wonder why Zoat chose that hill to die on of all the goofy comic bullshit that happens even if it shouldn't make sense.


As for the actual update.

Consider me amused by Paul trying to figure out why the fuck the Ame-Comi Manhunters look like sex bots.


And on the subject ob best girls.

Raven is the one I had a crush on back when it was still age appropriate for me to have a crush on a 15 year old girl. So I have to lean towards Raven being best girl.
Zoat said the renegade is going to meet the Earth 16 version of Raven before paragon does.

Also I still consider it a tie between Kori and Raven for who the best girl is.

Remember that while M'gan is over 40 years old by her species standard she is only a teenager and has that much maturity.
Plus there are probably species out there who reach maturity only when they are several hundreds of years old.
And her look in season 3 is actually quite pleasing, seeing as she has accepted her white martian side

Though yeah her trying to mindrape Kon is just wrong.

Really hope Lois and Clark have a kid.

Jon Kent truly is one of the greatest beings the comic readers have been blessed with.
His friendship with Damian is truly both hilarious and heartwarming.

Imagine if they exist in story and OL has to babysit them and they solve crimes together.
3rd January 2005
21:41 GMT -5

A sword made of red light slices through another Manhunter… Womanhunter? No, they call themselves Manhunters, but… I'm struggling to come up with a reason why Krona would have built gynoids. Manhunters usually have a masculine appearance for the same reason that men do: additional physical strength and resilience from a more powerful frame. Manhunters don't need to give birth or lactate, so unless losing his physical form caused him to rediscover his sex drive, it just…
Oh, god, there's a scary thought: A horny Maltusian with less-than-stellar morals...

The Red Lantern me glances back at me, regarding me with a degree of scepticism.

"What..? Do violet rings do, exactly?"
Nothing as good as they should, since they seem to end up in the hands of Yandere lunatics more often than they really ought to...

"Ugh, sorry, I usually use an orange ring, but Ghia'ta and I were doing some cross-training and apparently Time Trapper can't send me back to pick up my equipment-"
Seriously, a few moments earlier... For someone named Time Trapper, he has a terrible sense of timing...

"No man esc-."

Beams of purple light blaze from Komand'r's eyes and slam into the Manhunter's back, knocking it towards an inhabited build-!
Ah, Teen titans, and its childish treatment of superhero battle collateral damage...

Angelika intercepts, punching the gynoid in the chest and reversing its direction of trav-.

Grinning, Komand'r flies after it and punches it back towards Angelika, who just catches it, rips out the battery and lays it on the pavement.

Komand'r moues in disappointment.
I think she wanted to play volley ball there. Too bad, no time for games.

"-until we're finished. There aren't any spare orange rings around here, are there?"

"No. I haven't checked Okaara in any detail, but I haven't seen any anywhere else or heard about Larfleeze being active. I assume that you beat him?"
For a given value of 'beat', yes. Ironically, Larfleeze was not the Boss fight of that version of the quest. Joy of snagging stealth power-ups. Developer foresight for the win, though.

I nod. "We're trying to rehabilitate him."

He frowns. "Why?"

"Because he's the most extreme example of orange light psychosis in existence and we're making an Orange Lantern Corps. Studying him is teaching us how to avoid everyone else-" He's nodding and looking for new targets. "-going the same way."
Useful, if you don't want an army of 'Mineminemine'-ing lunatics.

"Makes sense. Can you do anything with that ring?"

"Basic things only. That's why I'm hanging back."
And the whole remaining charge issue. ...Has OL bothered to check its' subspace pocket, or was that keyed to Ghia'ta and it just made a new, empty one for him?

But finding the local Jade

"Ah, I've located your Jade."

Currently in South Rhelasia. Or… Korea, possibly. Can't get a good record of her age, but I'd guess… Fourteen? The bunches make her look younger, and their length is… Entirely impractical.
Guessing she was going for some kind of Nekomata look, a twin-tailed cat demon (think Naruto's Niibi.)

"I haven't heard about anyone blowing up a country."

"She's probably a little-"
Crazy? Almost certainly. Especially if she has the same backstory here as she did in Earth-16... But yeah, i don't see a fourteen-year-old getting hold of a nuke...

Komand'r intercepts another gynoid, this time avoiding energy blasts in favour of grappling. She performs a mid-air straight armbar while using her fight to pull the Manhunter off target and slam it face first into the side of a bridge. She then flexes, breaking the robot's elbow and tearing the arm free at the shoulder.
Ah, enjoying the ability to not hold back thanks to robotic foes. I bet she's having lots of fun.

"-young for that."

"What's so important about her, anyway? Or us, for that matter?"

"With us, I'd guess it's our point of origin. I think he'd be interested in that sort of thing. Jade… Don't know. I'm dating my version, but there's nothing about her that would be of obvious interest to Krona."
Looking forwards to him meeting Green Lantern Jade... Never mind her other alternates.

"Or the Time Trapper."

"I considered that, but his plan involves putting us in position to strike him very hard if this is just a ruse."
Until he unmasks, expecting them to flinch long enough for him to trap them... Seriously, Maul's gone native, of course he's almost certainly planning a villainous backstabbing...

"Of course, I've only got your word for it."

"True. I-." He veers off as Komand'r flies up to look for more targets. "Where are you going?"

"This is my house." He stands outside a fortified door while it scans him. "Do you.. want to come in?"
"Ah, right. Forgot what we were doing for a moment..."

"No, I'll go and pick up your Jade."

He pauses for a moment, then nods, heading further inside what looks more like a fortified airlock than a porch. The outer door clanks shut before the inner door opens, so I've got no idea what-
Believe me, you don't really want to... Seriously, enough skulls to make a Khorne cultist hard...

Some sort of.. white with blue trimmings monster truck-tank thing roars past me down the middle of the road, turret tracking a small group of humanoids in red power armour. They're surprisingly agile, dodging from building to building, taking it in turns to make themselves appealing targets and then evading once it gets a lock on them.
Ah, the Titans are still here. Good to see they're keeping busy...

-his interior decoration is like.

"Ah, Princess Komand'r, do you know-?"
Seriously, OL's quotation marks did go a bit funny, as Darko noted... Not sure if OL or Overgirl is talking.

A red, green, yellow and black motor cycle screeches around a nearby corner and-.

I pick both it and the rider off the ground and float them over to me.
Save him the tyre rubber. Honestly, imagine if Dick had to pay for replacing them himself...

The local Richard Grayson is… Ah, his hair is very slightly spikier. And his mask is a little narrower and there's a little more green in the costume at the expense of some black. Otherwise, I'm looking at the same person.. who also looks exactly the same.

"Red Lantern, this isn't-!" His eyes widen and then narrow. "Who are you?"
Ah, that is a long story. At least this Robin doesn't mangle the English language.

"Parallel universe doppelgänger. A fallen Guardian of the-" I think 'Galaxy'. "-Universe named Krona is trying to do something unwise with time and the bleed that might see us all spontaneously have never existed. What's up with you?"

"Alien super soldiers are trying to kill the lab tech who cleaned test tubes for the people who made them, because they already killed everyone actually responsible."
Honestly, that's all he was? Talk about being thorough. And petty.

I put him down.

"I think mine has priority. Angelika!"

She appears beside me.
Helpful. Responding instinctively to the voice of command.

"Would you please give Robin-" He blinks, surprised for some reason. "-the data core?"


"I can't do data decryption with a violet ring, Red Lantern can't do it with his and Robins can generally get their hands on the best conventional technology on the planet. We need to find out if Krona actually told them-"
Honestly, Raul's ring would probably incinerate it and call it good.

Two Manhunters fly out of an alley, weapons orientating immediately on Richard and me! I raise a violet shield, soaking the first couple of shots before it becomes visibly abraded. Angelika shoots forward, grabbing the head of the closest with her right hand and its left arm with her left hand and.. pulling, the body turning one way and the head the other. The second takes a EMP grenade to the chest from Richard, which it ignores and continues firing. Richard dodges while I reinforce my shield and try to reduce my profile-.
While not up to Kryptonian standards, Manhunters are still very dangerous to anything less.

Two nearby cars glow.. black? For a moment and then fling themselves at the Manhunter, wrapping themselves around it and then shrinking.. downwards, until they cover an area far smaller than the gynoid would need in order to have remained humanoid. Then the anti-glow fades and Raven steps out of a nearby patch of shadows.

"Yay. More robots."
Another one that needed something to cut lose on. I can just imagine how irritated she's getting at the Red Guard...

Things moving along nicely. What's the bet the Titans get caught up in this affair only to end up being vital to the resolution?

...while using her fight to pull...
...while using her flight to pull...
"-Universe named Krona...
Double space.
...and the bleed that might...
Should be capitalised?
Chojin is right in saying that Maul has gone native.

Backstabbing the others because they can't see his brilliance and only caring about his own timeline without caring for the countless, or 52, others he will destroy in the process with his actions.

That or he is being unknowingly manipulated by someone else to do their bidding.

Justice League Odyssey issue 19, you will see the similarities between the time manipulators in that comic
Missing some orange quote marks when thinking about decoration and when talking to Robin
Thank you, corrected.
This! Dump Jade Paul and embrace the best girl before Gravy appears and makes another conquest.......wait, Zoat you magnificent bastard.
Which girl are you referring to?
Speaking of Season 3 . . . Looks like Clark and Lois made a baby. Given that hybrids are so common in the comics, I always did wonder why Zoat chose that hill to die on of all the goofy comic bullshit that happens even if it shouldn't make sense.
Zoat assures you that he intends to die at sea level.
Jon Kent truly is one of the greatest beings the comic readers have been blessed with.
Isn't he adopted, the natural son of Ursa and Dru-Zod?

And look at me asking you a question.
Ah, enjoying the ability to not hold back thanks to robotic foes. I bet she's having lots of fun.
You think she holds back against living people?
...while using her flight to pull...
Double space.
Should be capitalised?
Thank you, corrected.
Oh, and the funny thing about the Ame-comi Guardians with the gynoid Manhunters?

Considering the general depictions in ame-comi, you'd probably think the Ame-Comi Guardians are a bunch of blue Amazons in robes, that the Manhunters were built in their image.

Or something similar to their usual depiction.

Nope, the Ame-comi guardians are basically giant space pill bugs.

So the obvious reason to build an army of gynoids goes out the window, unless one thinks one of those giant pill bugs from outer space wants to put on a smoking jacket and play Hugh Hefner.
I always assumed they were called Manhunters because they hunt men or mankind (not specifically humans), not that they were masculine appearing hunters.

Stsword can you enlarge that image?

It is difficult to see.
Ame-Comi Girls issue 6
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Points to the authors and artists for their originality, those Guardians really look nice.

Now if only the SI meets his Ame Comi counterpart.

Though I think someone once said that that one was a Violet Lantern, so the paragon technically is that.

Now I wonder if there is one in that universe, what type of harem shenanigans he has been involved in.

Well him and that potential year 4 April Fools that is in a relationship with every beautiful woman and Kon
I've always thought it could be inferred as a possibility.

What with her mindblasting him into unconsciousness when her White Martian form was revealed.

Then their relationship ending because he caught her trying edit his memories of the mind raping she'd already done to others.

Not canon, just me being irreverent and poking at it. Though I still think it could have been true. Especially with her being so fixated on having her "Hello, Megan" life at the start of the series.

Hilariously, I think the writers are of the opinion that we are supposed to be on her side for the shit she pulls.
Considering that Kon was initially leery of telepathy because of the way Cadmus messed with his head, her messing with his head like that after gaining his trust is such a betrayal that I can't even articulate it.
Might be just me, but there seem to be a lot of the gynoid Manhunters around... Enough to make it worth using OL's new ring to do a bit of emotional reprogramming? Seems a pity to waste all that hardware and toughness...

I don't know the Ame-comi setting - if a vaguely humanoid non-female super finds themselves in that universe, do they become female while they're there? Or, is the setting not developed enough to know details like that?

Raven is the one I had a crush on back when it was still age appropriate for me to have a crush on a 15 year old girl. So I have to lean towards Raven being best girl.
Shouldn't forget the fans who want to be Raven, or whoever their 'Best Girl' is - or want to become Amazo Girl (which I don't think DC has got to... yet...) who has Martian shapeshifting and the ability to become any of their favourites... ((Yes, some really liked the original Kid Amazo.))
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Might be just me, but there seem to be a lot of the gynoid Manhunters around... Enough to make it worth using OL's new ring to do a bit of emotional reprogramming? Seems a pity to waste all that hardware and toughness...

I don't know the Ame-comi setting - if a vaguely humanoid non-female super finds themselves in that universe, do they become female while they're there? Or, is the setting not developed enough to know details like that?

It's not a universe of all females. Power Girl is dating Jimmy Olsen and still had her father and uncle Zor and Jor of the house of El and was raised by Ma and Pa Kent, Steve Trevor is running around, Barbara Gordon still calls Com. Gordon dad, Raven and the teen titans still fight Trigon the Terrible, Duella Dent is still a Daddy's girl, and I believe that Lex in Lex Luthor still stands for Alexander not Alexandra.

It's just a world in which females take prominence in the superhero scene, just like there's a world where the Justice League is predominantly black, and a world in which the Justice Alliance is made up of a very ethnically diverse group of heroes.

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