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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Okay people, how about a pertinent question? What do you think this version of Paul is like? We don't know if black rings can do the standard 'turn me into a buff teenager' shtick (red and blue ones certainly didn't)
I would have thought it's a matter of perspective if Zoat hated his body it could certainly buff teenager him and if he hoped to better himself (in a physical sense) it would probably do the same.
He probably looks like he did before he went to that universe, maybe a bit paler.

So essentially an average looking guy.

He could wear what William hand did in the comics, or something else.
I think he would just wear some ordinary clothes though seeing as while some vampires went for the black clothing thing, others just wore civilian clothing.
He could try getting himself some magic equipment, but seeing as this one may have an extremely limited charge I don't think he can mine asteroids for gold or metals to buy said equipment.
I would have thought it's a matter of perspective if Zoat hated his body it could certainly buff teenager him and if he hoped to better himself (in a physical sense) it would probably do the same.

I'm not sure what kind of mental gymnastics would be required to make a black ring make him buffer and younger but hope probably wouldn't work.

Yeah. Low lack of blood pressure would make anyone a bit pasty.

He could wear what William hand did in the comics, or something else.

The gimp suit? I hope not.

He could try getting himself some magic equipment, but seeing as this one may have an extremely limited charge I don't think he can mine asteroids for gold or metals to buy said equipment.

Yeah, magic items are a must. Like the abovementioned decoy.

I think he'd have enough charge for at least one asteroid mining expedition. As we saw with 'Peter' a single trip is enough to set him for a lifetime. Also, taking care of resources issue is like 2nd on his to do list across universes. I think he did it in every single one?
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I think that Baul didn't mine the asteroids for gold, though I could be mistaken as he gave Ultraman a gift of some kind, probably money, so maybe he did get something, just not that much.
I think that Baul didn't mine the asteroids for gold, though I could be mistaken as he gave Ultraman a gift of some kind, probably money, so maybe he did get something, just not that much.

He did. He gave him freshly minted coins with the Syndicate motto on the back side. I think he straight out said he made them from asteroid metal but I couldn't be bothered to check.
He did. He gave him freshly minted coins with the Syndicate motto on the back side. I think he straight out said he made them from asteroid metal but I couldn't be bothered to check.

"I created the design myself." His eyes flick back up in a low intensity glare. "ThegoldIgot from an asteroid I mined.. um, earlier today. After speaking to Mister Scott."

Something about that unsettles him. "You flew out to the asteroid belt and back in less than a day?"

"That was more like a few minutes. Construct strength is dependent on emotional intensity and I'd just found out I had a chance to not get torn limb from limb."
I remember the Black Lantern fic by Spencer1519 I liked awhile back that had a solution to emotion heart RIP out thing:



Heart is ready for harvest.


I stared at the ring. Complete shock washed over me. If shock was in the emotional spectrum, I'd qualify for a shock ring. I looked back at the mysterious woman, who was virtually opaque to my "ring senses," and couldn't possibly be the source. I looked down. I was glowing. "Heart is ready for harvest." My heart, because I could feel. Like any other emotional being, I was part of the spectrum, and I had finally generated enough emotional energy to qualify for harvesting. I wasn't done yet.

I looked back up at the woman. She was smiling. It seems she agreed with me. I smiled back. Then I laughed. I couldn't stop myself. I cackled like a madman, head thrown back and arms spread wide.

I took that very last drop of power I had.

I formed claws of shadow.

I ripped out my own heart.

Ring capacity at 11.99%

Could this work in the rules of how your story works?
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Going to point out that the AI and charge characteristics is a matter of the ring's construction. For example The First Orange Ring that Paul picked up from Larfleeze was rather primitive in its AI, and retained less of a charge then a 'modern' one like the standard issue rings that are used in the corp. OL mentioned this when he was dueling with a corp member on Maltus and they called him out on the prototype (assuming wrongly that the prototype is better then the production models, something that comes up a lot in fiction, just look at Gundam). The AI for that ring in particular was pointed out as being more Chaotic then his standard ring, when he met the New Doctor Fate who managed to shut down the normal one with ease.

Blue Lantern Scott's old broken green ring, once updated from his new lantern, had it's missing AI replaced by the new one...it was a bit more aggressive in it's knowledge downloads because that's the way it was programmed by the Weaponeer that designed the Lantern.

It Again shows up on the Renegade side with the AI modeled Specifically on Sinestro's Mind...it has his personality and memories, and can actively restrict a user independent of the user's wishes, as we saw when it first was acquired.

The AI is a matter of the programming the ring has, and the charge retention and power output is more due to it's quality of construction. The Star Saffire isn't a ring per say, but it functions similarly to a lantern and ring combined, but doesn't come with any mention of an AI at all. When Renegade visited their world, they mentioned it was an attempt to recreate power ring tech from scratch. AKA without a central core, AI or any mental safe guards.

to be fair, a lot of the downgraded production models in gundam make sense-
I mean, the OG GM's were explicitly meant to be balanced between the Origional prototype's high performance in most areas,and ease of manufacture ( and interestingly, according to the MSG novel, the original design actually was flawed-quite heavily in at least one mission-vital system, irreparably without a major design change that was dismissed due to the moral-boost of its distinctive appearance-
the dual camera system had serious issues with ghost images/Visual rendering artifacte that Amauro was implied to be unconsciously compensating for, for one - which also raises questions about how much of his gundam's capabilities were actually early expressions of his NT abilities- and how much weaker the Generic-model/ mass production derivatives with oldtype pilots actually WERE-, but I digress)- compare some of the more common design changes between a pre-production firearm and the service-accepted versions, for instance!

I think part of why the super prototype trope is so long-lives is due to confusion with concept/"maximum" designs intended to show the absolute best the company/nation can achieve, that're either dead ends,or if not,usually heavily paired back for practical mass production...
I remember the Black Lantern fic by Spencer1519 I liked awhile back that had a solution to emotion heart RIP out thing:



Heart is ready for harvest.


I stared at the ring. Complete shock washed over me. If shock was in the emotional spectrum, I'd qualify for a shock ring. I looked back at the mysterious woman, who was virtually opaque to my "ring senses," and couldn't possibly be the source. I looked down. I was glowing. "Heart is ready for harvest." My heart, because I could feel. Like any other emotional being, I was part of the spectrum, and I had finally generated enough emotional energy to qualify for harvesting. I wasn't done yet.

I looked back up at the woman. She was smiling. It seems she agreed with me. I smiled back. Then I laughed. I couldn't stop myself. I cackled like a madman, head thrown back and arms spread wide.

I took that very last drop of power I had.

I formed claws of shadow.

I ripped out my own heart.

Ring capacity at 11.99%

Could this work in the rules of how your story works?
Wait until tomorrow to find out! No.
I feel bad for Zaul, at least Paul and Raul had memories of other DC properties to help them when their memories of Young Justice and Teen Titans was erased but he would have absolutely no idea what's going on in Buffy
Jonas raises a good point in that if the various Paul's forget the setting they are in, then Zaul would be in a lot of trouble, seeing as there is only the one Buffy setting, unlike the whole DC franchise and its various settings
Jonas raises a good point in that if the various Paul's forget the setting they are in, then Zaul would be in a lot of trouble, seeing as there is only the one Buffy setting, unlike the whole DC franchise and its various settings
Not quite true. The movie is in a slightly different universe. The key events also happened in the tv show but not in the same way as the movie.
Jonas raises a good point in that if the various Paul's forget the setting they are in, then Zaul would be in a lot of trouble, seeing as there is only the one Buffy setting, unlike the whole DC franchise and its various settings
"Oh.. you'r Buffy Summers, Angelus's ex girlfriend! If possible could you point me in his direction? I tried looking for his private investigation agency but I don't think it has been invented yet."
Jonas raises a good point in that if the various Paul's forget the setting they are in, then Zaul would be in a lot of trouble, seeing as there is only the one Buffy setting, unlike the whole DC franchise and its various settings
I recall DnD and other RPGs where the rule was that the characters, even if very well read, couldn't recall the particular book-world that they were visiting... But, if there were several books in a series they could recall other ones, which might feature the same characters/world, just not the particular one. Or, the ref dumped them in a fork (say, a 'bad ending') of a particular book-world... Yes, you've found the hero, but, unfortunately you're going to have to raise them from death (or at least rescue them from slavery) to get the info you want...

With regard to the Buffy-verse, you could say you could recall all but the particular 'season' you're visiting, treating each season as equivalent to a 'novel' in a series of books... But, I'm pretty sure Mr Zoat wont do that. :)
These two dont seem to match up.
Thank you, modified.
I recall DnD and other RPGs where the rule was that the characters, even if very well read, couldn't recall the particular book-world that they were visiting... But, if there were several books in a series they could recall other ones, which might feature the same characters/world, just not the particular one. Or, the ref dumped them in a fork (say, a 'bad ending') of a particular book-world... Yes, you've found the hero, but, unfortunately you're going to have to raise them from death (or at least rescue them from slavery) to get the info you want...

With regard to the Buffy-verse, you could say you could recall all but the particular 'season' you're visiting, treating each season as equivalent to a 'novel' in a series of books... But, I'm pretty sure Mr Zoat wont do that. :)
It's fine, I've read Buffy comics.
Repetition (part 11)
12th August 1997
23:24 GMT -7

The revenant before me lifts the elderly homeless man up by the shirt and looks at him critically.

"I 'unno. You carrying anything?"

"Don't have anything, don't have any money. Just leave me alone."

"You smell good." The revenant shakes its head. "Which is kinda freaky, to be honest. You sure don't look like you should smell good-. I mean, ew, right? I'm not telling you anything you don't know. But something about this whole situation really sets me off."

The revenant bangs him against the wall behind me a couple of times, like a cat toying with something that might be able to resist a little more if it were properly motivated. It's curious how many of them act like that. I've certainly never felt the drive, but then.. I.. suppose I'm not exactly like the rest.

"Hearts ready for harvesting."

The revenant looks around at the voice, its eyes narrowing slightly as it tries to pick me out in the dark. Their… Alright, our, vision is better than what humans have, but between my body's lack of vital function and my environmental shield I don't make much noise or reflect much light.

"Oh, hey." The revenant smiles. "Didn't see you there."

Clearly. But that's a statement of fact. I'm not sure what it expects me to say.

"You been here long?"

"About a minute and a half."

"No, no, I mean Sunnydale. Is this, like, your patch? Are you in charge?"

It seems to find the idea… Entertaining?

"I only got out of the ground last week, y'know? Still finding my feet with this whole 'vampire' thing? Is this face normal? Did Anne Rice lie to me?"

I take a couple of slow steps forward. "I did not know that. You seem to be managing. Yes, that face is normal, and I do not believe so."

It frowns. "Huh?"

"It is unlikely that Anne Rice has any real knowledge of the supernatural. As such, her misrepresentation would not be a lie."

"Oh. Yeah. Huh, you're English? Are all English vampires, like, super old and think American vampires are making all our kind look bad?"

"I am indeed English. I can't speak for English vampires in general but I myself have existed in this state for less than a year. And while American revenants do 'make us look bad', that same appears to be true for every nationality of vampire."

"Hah, yeah, I guess the whole 'eating people' thing never really looks…" It frowns. "You wanna share or something? Usually their blood pressure drops real quick when I feed and I end up having to bite them in a bunch of different places or just…" It grins. "Pull off their arms and shit and just let the blood spurt into my mouth, but if you-"

"Hearts ready for harvesting."

"-wanna share-? Or are hearts your thing? Oh, have you ever ripped someone's still-beating heart out of their chest and shown it to them? 'Cause I tried-"


"-that once and their ribs kinda ripped-. You have?" It looks excited, and I can see the strong confluence of lights in its chest. "That is so cool! Can I just feed on this guy a little bit and then give him to you so you can show me?"

A direct question.



"Hearts ready for harvesting."

"Is that like your ring tone or something?" The revenant grins. "Hah!"


"Whatever, dude." It holds the man out in my direction. "Come on! Go for it!"

Wasn't I supposed to say-. Ah, yes.

"You may wish to remove your outer garments."

"Yeah, kinda gets my engine running, too. Though that's not a vampire thing; I was kinda bitchy when I was a human, too."

"Strictly speaking, you were never human."

It looks at me with a frown. "Ah, pretty sure I remember being human, dude."

"Revenants such as yourself are demon-possessed corpses. You retain human memories because the brain of your host body has them, but you'll notice that you instinctively relate to them in a very different way. And I do not find violence arousing."

It frowns, then nods. "Does explain a few things. But-. Oh right! You're not draining him first! He's gunna splatter all over the place! Just a sec."

It passes me the homeless man and then takes off its coat and.. blouse, dropping them on the lid of a nearby bin. It then removes its skirt, depositing them on the pile. Then it strikes a pose.

"Yeah, demon-possessed corpse? Ultimate diet plan. And my family buried me in cheap shitty-ass clothes anyway. Guess I need to go back home and get my wardrobe back." It smiles at me and then nods at the homeless man. "Okay." It steps a little closer and holds its arms out to the side. "Hit me."

I thrust my right hand through its exposed chest and yank it back with its heart between my fingers.

It looks at it for an instant.


And then its entire body turns to dust.


The heart remains in my hand for a moment. Not beating, because why would it start now, but clearly existing separate from its former home. Then it etherealises, orange light being sucked into my ring.

"Power level two point two percent."

And then I remember the wonderful feeling of selfishness, of wanting and taking things for myself. I let the homeless man go and rummage through the revenant's clothing for-. Ah! Its purse! The first few times I did this I didn't separate the clothing first, and for some reason it turned to dust along with the rest, but now I usually manage to remember.

"Here." I hold it out to the homeless man. "Not a huge amount, but it's probably worth a meal or two."

He's sort of collapsed to the floor, just staring at-.

"Heart ready for harvesting."

Yes, he.. would be a good source. But I don't want to, and for now I remember that, and remember why. And there are plenty of more acceptable targets I can get a fear-filled heart from in a place like Sunnydale. And then rage and maybe hope, and then…

And then I'll start to feel a little more alive.
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