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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Repetition (part 12)
12th August 1997
23:29 GMT -7

The fact that the library is called the Sunnydale Library doesn't mean that this is that Sunnydale. America has a line in places with odd names, Jump City being the case in point. Apparently it was a mishearing of a word from the local tribal dialect when the area was first settled by Europeans, though 'Sunnydale' sounds more like a fifties New Town.

If this is that Sunnydale, then was my orange alter-ego's ward set off by the mayor directly, or by whatever area effect thing he has that makes people actually want to live here? Atrocitus was kind enough to give me some basic lessons on blood magic, and I can do a few simple rituals, but anything sophisticated is beyond me. One of the simplest things I can do is blood divination, and that's probably going to be quicker than wandering around at random or asking my ring.

Of course, since I'm a neophyte, what I can actually get out of this is a bit basic.

I raise my hands, calling upon the spirits of the vengeful dead to answer my-

"Ah. Hey."


I lower my hands and look at the…

That's Oz. This is that Sunnydale.

So many glorious targets. If the mayor isn't immortal yet then I'm pretty sure I could kill the serial killing monster baiting shit. I mean, the whole 'masquerade' thing barely made sense when it was just Sunnydale and the Hellmouth. Because if magic exists and has existed since human prehistory, on a power level where a few years' study grants the ability to conjure observable phenomena, civilisation should be unrecognisable. At the very least, the knowledge shouldn't be ring fenced like it is here.

I wonder if I can talk Time Trapper or Red Queen into sending me back here?

"Hello." I drift a little closer. "What can I do for you?"

"Are you..? A vampire?"

He sounds more curious than afraid. I land a short distance from him.

"No. I'm a superhero."

"Right. But a superhero who's a vampire, or a superhero who's not a vampire?"

"I'm not a vampire. Though I am looking for an undead. They should look like me, with a black ring?"

"Ah…" He shakes his head. "Haven't seen him."

"Do you know where I might find some undead?"

He manages a small shrug. "Have you..? Tried the graveyard?"

"I wouldn't have thought that established undead would spend much time there." Another small shrug. "Thank you for your suggestion, but I think that I'll leave it as a last resort."

He nods, frowning in thought.

"Are superheroes a thing? 'Cause, I only just started finding out about vampires being a thing. Which makes me think that other things I didn't think were things might be things as well."

"I can't speak for Sunnydale, but if there are people with supernatural or preternatural abilities who devote themselves to the greater good, then yes, even if they don't follow the usual tropes of superheroism. Costumes aren't required, though armour is recommended. I come from a parallel universe so I can't speak for any local colleagues who may or may not exist."


"Well, pleasant talking to you, but I really must-."

Dust and lumps of tarmac explode past me, and I blast a line between me and the impact zone clear! Cars parked on the roads around us get the worst of it: the windows and panelling facing the centre of the blast are smashed and caved, alarms blaring pointlessly into the night.

"Mister Oz, are you alright?"

He takes a moment to check himself over, then brushes off the dust that got past me. "Uh, yeah. Surprisingly, actually."

"Any idea what that was?"

"Ah… No."

I nod. "Ordinarily, I'd suggest running, but since I don't know what it was, I'll leave that up to you."

Pieces of debris that were thrown directly upwards rain down as the dust clouds begin to clear, and through them I see a shape. Humanoid. Clothing seems loose

"Stupid ground!"

Female voice. Adult. Not in distress. Someone new to super strength navigation? She.. strides out of the clouds. Pale skin, unkempt blonde hair and… Hospital uniform? Bare left foot, and she kicks off what's left of her right shoe a moment later. She doesn't look injured.

She fixes her eyes on me, heading my way at walking pace.


"How may I be of service?"

"Yes, you, new minion. Open a portal for me."

"Where would you like to go?"

"Home. Back to my own dimension."

"I'm afraid that I can't open that sort of portal myself, but if you like I can ask someone who can if they can help you?"

She stops. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Certainly. It doesn't cost me anything to ask. And if it turns out that you're a problem I can always kill you later."

She tilts her head slightly to the left, an open-mouthed smile on her lips.

"Huh. Yeah, about-"

She blurs forward but I'm already shooting upward and her grasping hand narrowly fails to snag my right boot. A dash back and her follow up leap misses.


An energy pulse from me destroys the paving slab she uses as an ersatz projectile and then I've had about enough of her shit. I open my mouth and douse her with a stream of the Butcher's blood, the highly caustic substance melting-.

Her clothes and-.


I just turned her hair from dull blonde to peroxide blonde.

All of her hair.

I feel my anger falter at the sheer ridiculousness of it, and my flight aura wobbles.

The woman looks at her arm, noticing that the sleeve is gone. Then she checks her body. Then she takes hold of a strand of her hair in her right hand and holds it in front of her eyes.

Then she drops it and glares at me.

"Oh, very mature."
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the Sword of the Fallen would really come in handy now.

Here's an idea.

Paul can ask the Silver City to make him two new powerful demons like the Second and Third, kill them and make a new godkilling sword.

I know the angels probably won't do it , but it was just a thought.

Well he can always ask Hephaestus to make him a godkilling sword like the one n52 Hephaestus made, called Godkiller for lack of a better word.

Nice to see that some Paul's actually use magic.
Atrocitus was kind enough to give me some basic lessons on blood magic, and I can do a few simple rituals, but anything sophisticated is beyond me. One of the simplest things I can do is blood divination, and that's probably going to be quicker than wandering around at random or asking my ring.

An actually magic using Paul, I never thought we'd see one. Did you ever consider making a purely magic using one instead of a Lantern that occasionally dabbles in Rituals for Dummies?

So many glorious targets. If the mayor isn't immortal yet then I'm pretty sure I could kill the serial killing monster bating shit. I mean, the whole 'masquerade' thing barely made sense when it was just Sunnydale and the Hellmouth. Because if magic exists and has existed since human prehistory, on a power level where a few years' study grants the ability to conjure observable phenomena, civilisation should be unrecognisable. At the very least, the knowledge shouldn't be ring fenced like it is here.

On one hand I completely agree, on the other I find this statement very bizarre coming from someone who spent the past year or two in DCverse. They (and Marvel, and many other superhero verses) also have 'magic exists and has existed since human prehistory' with it being available for study and use even to muggles and yet their world looks almost exactly like RL Earth. Their modern history is more or less the same aside from a few fluff pieces thrown in to make it feel different but not too different to break immersion.

We know the Doylistic reason for this but how does Raul explain this in-universe?

"Mister Oz, are you alright?"

I... don't think Oz actually introduced himself. Also, when are we in the series? You got his demeanour perfectly but why does he act so clueless?

Female voice. Adult. Not in distress. Someone new to super strength navigation? She.. strides out of the clouds. Pale skin, unkempt blonde hair and… Hospital uniform? Bare left foot, and she kicks off what's left of her right shoe a moment later. She doesn't look injured.

She fixes her eyes on me, heading my way at walking pace.


"How may I be of service?"

"Yes, you, new minion. Open a portal for me."

Glory? Is that you honey? Glory's first appearance in in season ... 5?
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Fom my massive knowledge of Buffy, it does indeed appear to be the case. She's after a way to her dimension, as Glory was. She's blonde, and powerful as heckfire. No one else matches that.
She's also wearing a nurses uniform, suggesting she just emerged from her human host's body.
Ah crap! Of all the times to end up in the Buffyverse it's this one, the one with the greatest villain the Buffyverse has!

It's the point of time where DAWN SHOWS UP!!! AAAAH!
12th August 1997
23:29 GMT -7

The fact that the library is called the Sunnydale Library doesn't mean that this is that Sunnydale. America has a line in places with odd named, Jump City being the case in point. Apparently it was a mishearing of a word from the local tribal dialect when the area was first settled by Europeans, though 'Sunnydale' sounds more like a fifties New Town.
Honestly, if Sunnydale was founded in the fifties, I would not be surprised. Wasn't the founder an immortal who wanted sacrifices for the Hellmouth or am I wrong?

If this is that Sunnydale, then was my orange alter-ego's ward set off by the mayor directly, or by whatever area effect thing he has that makes people actually want to live here? Atrocitus was kind enough to give me some basic lessons on blood magic, and I can do a few simple rituals, but anything sophisticated is beyond me. One of the simplest things I can do is blood divination, and that's probably going to be quicker than wandering around at random or asking my ring.
Heh, an actual magic-using Paul. Only other one I could think of is Sybarite... Angel-Paul seemed to use Angelic sonic abilities: literally singing at reality...

Of course, since I'm a neophyte, what I can actually get out of this is a bit basic.

I raise my hands, calling upon the spirits of the vengeful dead to answer my-

"Ah. Hey."
Well, that's one way to get a response...


I lower my hands and look at the…

That's Oz. This is that Sunnydale.
Oh, he can have fun with this...

So many glorious targets. If the mayor isn't immortal yet then I'm pretty sure I could kill the serial killing monster bating shit. I mean, the whole 'masquerade' thing barely made sense when it was just Sunnydale and the Hellmouth. Because if magic exists and has existed since human prehistory, on a power level where a few years' study grants the ability to conjure observable phenomena, civilisation should be unrecognisable. At the very least, the knowledge shouldn't be ring fenced like it is here.
You'd be amazed at how well people can deceive themselves, even without a Somebody Else's Problem effect in full swing... And don't forget vigilant secret societies with lethal responses to the supernatural...

I wonder if I can talk Time Trapper or Red Queen into sending me back here?
Oh, boy. If he did come back, the next few seasons of Buffy would be boring as hell.

"Hello." I drift a little closer. "What can I do for you?"

"Are you..? A vampire?"
Easy mistake to make. Black and red clothes/armor... Glowing blood-red aura...

He sounds more curious than afraid. I land a short distance from him.

"No. I'm a superhero."
And anyone else would assume you're a lunatic...

"Right. But a superhero who's a vampire, or a superhero who's not a vampire?"

"I'm not a vampire. Though I am looking for an undead. They should look like me, with a black ring?"
Now, to see if Zaul is in contact with the Scoobies...

"Ah…" He shakes his head. "Haven't seen him."

"Do you know where I might find some undead?"
For vampires... The nightclubs in town?

He manages a small shrug. "Have you..? Tried the graveyard?"

"I wouldn't have thought that established undead would spend much time there." Another small shrug. "Thank you for your suggestion, but I think that I'll leave it as a last resort."
And watch him facepalm when Zaul turns out to live in an abandoned crypt, Angel-style.

He nods, frowning in through.

"Are superheroes a thing? 'Cause, I only just started finding out about vampires being a thing. Which makes me think that other things I didn't think were things might be things as well."
Okay, bro? Might want to lay off whatever you're on to make you so... mellow.

"I can't speak for Sunnydale, but if there are people with supernatural or preternatural abilities who devote themselves to the greater good, then yes, even if they don't follow the usual tropes of superheroism. Costumes aren't required, though armour is recommended. I come from a parallel universe so I can't speak for any local colleagues who may or may not exist."

What a restrained reaction to learn that parallel universes do exist, and there are superheroes in them. Is this Oz guy always like this?

"Well, pleasant talking to you, but I really must-."

Dust and lumps of tarmac explode past me, and I blast a line between me and the impact zone clear! Cars parked on the roads around us get the worst of it: the windows and panelling facing the centre of the blast are smashed and caved, alarms blaring pointlessly into the night.
...Oh, goody. now what?

"Mister Oz, are you alright?"

He takes a moment to check himself over, then brushes off the dust that got past me. "Uh, yeah. Surprisingly, actually."
Seriously, is this guy incapable of showing surprise?o_O

"Any idea what that was?"

"Ah… No."

I nod. "Ordinarily, I'd suggest running, but since I don't know what it was, I'll leave that up to you."
If he's as baked as I think he is, he's probably just gonna stand there staring...

Pieces of debris that were thrown directly upwards rain down as the dust clouds begin to clear, and through them I see a shape. Humanoid. Clothing seems loose

"Stupid ground!"
Hoo boy. This is going to be a barrel of laughs...

Female voice. Adult. Not in distress. Someone new to super strength navigation? She.. strides out of the clouds. Pale skin, unkempt blonde hair and… Hospital uniform? Bare left foot, and she kicks off what's left of her right shoe a moment later. She doesn't look injured.

She fixes her eyes on me, heading my way at walking pace.
Surprisingly undamaged for, what... Dropping out of the sky? Almost kryptonian-tough, then.


"How may I be of service?"

"Yes, you, new minion. Open a portal for me."
Er, what? No, seriously, what?

"Where would you like to go?"

"Home. Back to my own dimension."
Another case like Overgirl, or... <looks up-thread> Ah, a Buffyverse villian.

"I'm afraid that I can't open that sort of portal myself, but if you like I can ask someone who can if they can help you?"

She stops. "Really? You'd do that for me?"
Gee, acting like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth... Rings kinda fake...

"Certainly. It doesn't cost me anything to ask. And if it turns out that you're a problem I can always kill you later."

She tilts her head slightly to the left, an open-mouthed smiles on her lips.
Idiot, meet out-of-context problem. I leave it to you as to which is which.;)

"Huh. Yeah, about-"

She blurs forward but I'm already shooting upward and her grasping hand narrowly failing to snag my right boot. A dash back and her follow up leap misses.
Hmm... Wonder who'd win between her and Overgirl.. and how messy it'll be.


An energy pulse from me destroys the paving slab she uses as an ersatz projectile and then I've had about enough of her shit. I open my mouth and douse her with a stream of the Butcher's blood, the highly caustic substance melting-.
Nice way to work in traditional Red Lantern incendiary blood vomit...

Her clothes and-.


I just turned her hair from dull blonde to peroxide blonde.
And I assume gave her a decent tan, too? Unless her invulnerability doesn't work that way?

All of her hair.
Curtains match the rug, eh?

I feel my anger falter at the sheer ridiculousness of it, and my flight aura wobbles.
...Yeah, I would probably react the same way...:confused:

The woman looks at her arm, noticing that the sleeve is gone. Then she checks her body. Then she takes hold of a strand of her hair in her right hand and holds it in front of her eyes.

Then she drops it and glares at me.

"Oh, very mature."
And on the sideline, Oz give two thumbs up.

So, anyone care to provide an explanation? As a non-fan with minimal knowledge of Buffyverse lore, I am :confused:confusedo_O... Scratch that, jaelin910's link kind of explains it... So, first season Buffy, and this is the fifth-season villain? Derail time!

He nods, frowning in through.
He nods, frowning in thought.
I think that Raul is just a bit biased on the development of civilization and what magic brings to it.
Having a ring of rage can make you a bit biased is all I'm saying.

On the other hand it is possible that Raul's version of DC isn't quite as magically powerful as the others, or that it takes a LOT of time for magic users to develop their powers in that universe in comparison to the Buffyverse, to the point that what could take a wizard in DC decades to learn and become powerful could only take someone in the Buffyverse a few months or even years to do.

The fact that several jumped up elementals may be responsible for the whole thing is also a possibility.

Doesn't Angel!Paul count? Pure theurgy, right? (at least until he gets a lantern)

Angel Paul, yeah he uses magic, though it may be more instinctual like what the renegade does, though I could be wrong.

Renegade could also potentially use magic, and quite powerful magic at that, but he isn't really trained and just uses his god powers.

Sybarite could also potentially use magic, but like renegade uses his ring and his more instinctual demon powers rather than casting spells.
Doesn't Angel!Paul count? Pure theurgy, right? (at least until he gets a lantern)

Eh. I don't generally consider divine casters real casters. They have a glorified phone number, and their Patron does most of the heavy lifting. Just matter of taste on my part thou

What a restrained reaction to learn that parallel universes do exist, and there are superheroes in them. Is this Oz guy always like this?

Seriously, is this guy incapable of showing surprise?o_O

:D Yup. This is pure, unfiltered Oz. He is actually that mellow and deadpan. And as far as I remember he doesn't use anything to stay that way.

As for Glory... well, you'll see. Comparing her to a Kryptonian (even to this Angelika) would be underselling her by several orders of magnitude.
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Change "named" to "names".
Should "bating" be "baiting"?
Change "through" to "thought".
Thank you, corrected.
An actually magic using Paul, I never thought we'd see one. Did you ever consider making a purely magic using one instead of a Lantern that occasionally dabbles in Rituals for Dummies?
No, because rings are so much easier to use.
On one hand I completely agree, on the other I find this statement very bizarre coming from someone who spent the past year or two in DCverse. They (and Marvel, and many other superhero verses) also have 'magic exists and has existed since human prehistory' with it being available for study and use even to muggles and yet their world looks almost exactly like RL Earth. Their modern history is more or less the same aside from a few fluff pieces thrown in to make it feel different but not too different to break immersion.

We know the Doylistic reason for this but how does Raul explain this in-universe?
It's because the universe is stupid.
I... don't think Oz actually introduced himself.
He didn't.
Honestly, if Sunnydale was founded in the fifties, I would not be surprised. Wasn't the founder an immortal who wanted sacrifices for the Hellmouth or am I wrong?
1850s, maybe. The mayor's longevity comes from the demons he feeds.
Glory was around before season 5 though, she was just weaker and looking for the key, and not seen on screen. If she detected someone from another dimension (or parallel universe) she might show herself.
On the other hand it is possible that Raul's version of DC isn't quite as magically powerful as the others, or that it takes a LOT of time for magic users to develop their powers in that universe in comparison to the Buffyverse, to the point that what could take a wizard in DC decades to learn and become powerful could only take someone in the Buffyverse a few months or even years to do.

While that might be true for WTR specifically I never got the impression that magic is particularly hard to learn or use in DCverse. Now you could say that we only get to see stories about outliers: PC Wizards that learn powerful spells in weeks with every other magic user taking a decade to learn a handful of cantrips. Or that all those magic using kids just happen to stumble upon idiot-friendly magic items designed to empower without much effort on user's part. Or that all the bad guys made a deal with [insert jumped up elemental] for magical knowledge and skill. But that's not what the comics imply. General public just... doesn't use magic because.

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