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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Wonder what his relationship with the Scoobies is like.
Knowing Buffy Summers' predilection for undead older guys with sad backstories? Wouldn't be a bit surprised if she has a massive crush. With Xander being the voice of misguided (right idea, wrong reason) reason.
Is this the first Black Lantern chapter? I vaguely remember an older one, but it might have been no more than an omake snippet by a reader.
Richard John nearly released Nekron.

Even if he does have a good reason for doing something he has a tendency to screw it up in massive ways.
He is normally also fixing another massive fuck up, and the follow on fuckups come as a result of not being given full information.

In this instance, knowing what a black lantern is, and what he's holding back. This was the SI's fault entirely. He knows that John errs on the line of defending mortals against monsters, and sends the dead to their rest. This was entirely preventable from Sentinel's pov, but he didn't think it through and pass on all the info.

John was right to do what he did, with the information that he had.
Also, remember that Pauls don't have souls.

I'm not sure about that. Anti-green rings kill their host in about a day. Lazarus Pit works by dragging a soul back to a dead body. Either anti-green Paul worked out how to get a soul really fast, or even a day in DC Universe gets you some probably very volatile soul-like thing, and the ritual must be performed as quickly as possible. Or something else, it's not in the FAQ and don't feel like traversing through all the threads.
Souls are essentially made of magic so by being dipped he got filled with it and made one.

The Pit's can also heal injuries by regenerating things so they probably just regenerated his body to how he was pre death when he didn't have a soul.
Unlike everyone native to that universe, Paul can function without a soul.
Just regenerating the body would be enough the first few times, until enough mojo soaked in.
Hmm, OL has a soul make of best greedsnek, so the AGL one would have a soul made of a combination of green light and geomantic energy.
Not sure if AGL would have any green light in his soul.
Zoat said that it is basically an ordinary human one

Zoat said that Raul may have some red in his soul when Atrocitus gave him one.
Was the corna cultist storyline dropped or is it going to pop back upater
Ahhh... what corna cultist are you talking about Razorfloss?
Also just had a thought that maybe the Scoobies wouldn't know that he's a Black Lantern seeing him as just a guy with a magic black ring.

The other explanation is that maybe Zoat decided that DC comics don't exist in this Buffy universe so they wouldn't know what a Power Ring even is in the first place

DC existing in the Buffyverse would not ensure that they recognize a Black Lantern or his power ring. The date given is '97, and I've not been able to find any references to Black Lanterns or power rings from any earlier than the late-00's
If you mean DeadPaul is funny by it sounding similar to Type Moons Dead Apostles then yeah I see what you did there.

If it isn't this then I don't know what it is.
i was more going for DeadPaul = Deadpool (crazy anti-hero who can't die) but since my first language isn't english i'm not sure it sound the same even though it does if you pronounce it with french phonetic.
DC existing in the Buffyverse would not ensure that they recognize a Black Lantern or his power ring. The date given is '97, and I've not been able to find any references to Black Lanterns or power rings from any earlier than the late-00's

The Anti-Green Lantern Corps debuted in 82, unlike what Zoat presents they were black lanterns instead of green.

Next was Blacklight in the DCAU comic in 2001
. Blacklight would seem to be anti-green lantern redux, since he also powers his ring by draining the energy out of green lantern rings used against him.

But the Black Lantern Corps proper didn't debut until years later.
I was thinking about how difficult it would be for this Paul to gather particular emotions without compromising his moral code:

RAGE: Pretty easy, especially in a combat scenario.

AVARICE: As shown in the update, easy to get from sadists, rapists, and cannibals.

FEAR: Again, hilariously easy. They're trying to kill something with the strength of a corpse-demon that can't die to anything other than White Light or running out of ring charge. On the other hand, intense fear (especially when you haven't felt it for so long) is not the kind of thing you want to start feeling in the middle of battle.

WILL: Probably can get from more experienced, focused combatants. The downside being that in Sunnydale, there's only so many corpse-demons that have lived long enough to control themselves.

HOPE: This could be tricky. Maybe playing dead, letting them think they've killed him, and then surprise-attacking them before their hope turns into aggravation, fear, or resolve. Less likely to work on smarter or more experienced combatants.

COMPASSION: ...yeah, I've got nothing. The type of people capable of feeling compassion strongly enough to gather charge from are usually either people who don't deserve to die, or can possibly be talked around. Fortunately for Paul, his natural desires (THE UNIVERSE IS WRONG WRONG WRONG I WILL MAKE IT RIGHT) can sub for this.

LOVE: As the Zamorans demonstrate, there plenty of people capable of feeling love who are also horrible wastes of space. Easier to gather from ambush tactics, for it takes a very unusual type of person indeed to feel love on the battlefield.

LIFE: This could be tricky. And possibly lethal. The exact mechanics of how Black Light and White Light interact are nebulous, as Death/Silence can feed on Life, but Life is also the sole weakness of Death/Silence. Assuming that attempting to harvest this WON'T kill him, there's still three obstacles:

1. Finding a person who appreciates Life in all of its glory, and is feeling it long enough for him to get there and rip out their heart.

2. Finding a person who appreciates Life in all of its glory, and also deserves to die.

3. Even if he can harvest White Light safely, I'm not sure that FEELING it would be.
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Hm... The violet ring he is using probably has a Zamoran tech database, right?
I wonder what there traditional solution is to that sort of temporal attack...
The exact mechanics of how Black Light and White Light interact are nebulous, as Death/Silence can feed on Life, but Life is also the sole weakness of Death/Silence.
At 100% White, You get "Heart is ready for harvesting." and Black wins. At any other percent, White instagibs Black. This is why White Lanterns can nuke Black Lanterns, but Nekron can eat the Life Entity. Because the Life Entity is always at 100% and heart is ready for harvesting.

Also for the dusting debate: Having your heart ripped out by a Black Lantern feeding on you kills you, regardless of if you would normally have lasted another six hours or not. And vampires dust when killed.
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The Zamarons may not have that many protocols in place for dealing with temporal attacks because they may be extremely rare.
They may not have that many protocols in place for a lot of things seeing as unlike the GLC they are the youngest corps and while the OLC are also fairly recent their bosses have been fighting a war with an enemy for some time and have added protocols to their rings.

Harvesting compassion could work if he finds someone that has for example been helping a monster kill people and feels sorry for them and is trying to help them in a misguided way.
The same can be used for love.
Zoat said that if this version gets his ring at 100% then things will be BAD.

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