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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Glory isn't exactly what one would call smart and she was just ranting at Raul without paying attention to her surroundings.

Zoat didn't so much as nerf her, as he had Zaul surprise attack her.

Ripping out the heart tends to kill most things.

Zaul's ring may also be an anti Glory weapon not because it is more powerful but because it attacks her structural integrity, the thing keeping her together.
Like how the First of the Fallen didn't overpower his two counterparts, but just used their version of kryptonite on them.

She may not even be dead, or that injured really
My Black Ring lore is a bit limited, but I think his soul is currently in the Ring, remote operating his body.

Meaning any demonic spirit that tried to set up shop, has either been consumed, or is a prisoner in its own head, like Angelus.
As a being from Earth-Prime, Paul never had the arcane construct the locals(DC and Buffyverse) call souls.
Glory isn't exactly what one would call smart and she was just ranting at Raul without paying attention to her surroundings.

Zoat didn't so much as nerf her, as he had Zaul surprise attack her.

Ripping out the heart tends to kill most things.

Zaul's ring may also be an anti Glory weapon not because it is more powerful but because it attacks her structural integrity, the thing keeping her together.

She may not even be dead, or that injured really
Also, 'serious/overwhelming threat to a street-level hero' is far from the same thing as 'serious threat to a cosmic space cop.'
"Hehahahah." I shake my head. "Okay, look: who are you and what the heck is your problem?"

"I just want to go home! Why is this so difficult for everyone to understand?!"

"From the looks of things, because you're being a colossal bitch about it! Who are you, anyw-?"

Yeah. Demanding stuff from people while insulting and manhandling them doesn't endear you to them oddly enough, that being said I don't think she appreciates your tone :)

"I'm Glorificus, and as a goddess I really don't think I should have to deal with-. With pond scum with delusions of adequacy, like humans and-" She turns her face away. "-werewolves and don't think I didn't see you trying to sneak aw-."

Gotta love the ham :) I forgot how fun she was!

She loosens her grip more in surprise that anything else, but as I rise she squeezes-.

"Hah!" She lands up her rump as pain flare through my body! "Got your arm! And I'm going to pull your dog-pal-."

Killing the bitch.

"Tis but a scratch! Come on then, you pansy! Fight me!"

My blood stops spurting, mixing with the red light and coagulating in the form of a replacement limb.

Hmmm, a temporary replacement?

Red horns form upon my brow in the shape of the red sigil.

Anti-SAN drain feature?

Violet's supergirl strikes her like the wrath of Rao! The shocked Glory is knocked onto her back, then her attacker goes to work., punching face and diaphragm, heat vision burning into her eyes for a second before supergirl's thumbs dart in-.

That's it, he'll forever be known as the Violet one :) Also, Damn, nazigirl doesn't hesitate in the slightest.

The blood-fingers of my new left arm form into razor blades, enhanced not just by my hate but by the righteous anger of all those she-.

Is he always this dramatic when using his ring?

drop down and pick up my discarded arm in my remaining hand, then fly up out of lunge range before pushing it into the red light simulacrum. A sharp-


-and then I'm whole again. For the moment. It's not a secure reattachment, but it'll do for now.

Just a quick field patch-up. Just like resetting your dislocated arm really.

Supergirl's clearly doing some damage, but I'm only seeing tiny amounts of blood. Less than a normal person would show after another normal person attacked them like this.

Glory headbutts Supergirl hard enough to knock her off, but she catches herself with her own flying ability after three metres and surges back down! Glory ends up with her head pushed back so far that it's underground, her face facing dirt while her body lies on the cracked pavement. Looks like Glory never learned to fight efficiently with her human-seeming body whereas Supergirl clearly has. Heh, I wonder if this is the real-world version of a bullet sponge boss? Glory's never going to manage to do anything to her, but Supergirl can't inflict enough damage quickly enough to beat her.


Glory manages to catch Supergirl's right wrist with her left hand, prompting Supergirl to twist into a position that lets her kick Glory in the fa-.

"Doing that!"

This scene reminds me of just about the only thing worth watching in that Man of Steel remake with Henry Cavill - that fight scene against that Kryptonian chick. I remember how pleasantly surprised I was that they managed to portray what a fight between two superhumans should look like.

I dip down, grab Glory around the waist with a construct and haul her into the air, keeping myself at a safe distance.

-plan 'lob a bitch' is back on. I gain height rapidly, hoping that this isn't the film version of Buffy where vampires could fly. No, no flying vampires and no mayor deciding to shoot me with demon lightning, just a patch of violet where my alter ego is heading into town-.

"How dare you even touch me you-"

"Heart ready for harvesting."


Her chest bursts, a gore-covered.. hand poking through, and what I presume to be her heart held between its fingers. The heart glows a faint red for a moment before decaying and flowing back into… The black ring on the hand that had been holding it.

I drop the body at once, ignoring it as it continues in a ballistic arc towards the outskirts of town, and back the heck away from my super-zombie alter ego.

Now that's an introduction! Fire forged friendship would work even better because it's Raul.

"Alright. I just need to make one stop first."

I frown. "Why?"

"I'm a vampire. I feed on blood to get stronger. And right now Glory's god-blood is going to waste on the Sunnydale pavements."

Heh, waste not :) Also, yes a you shouldn't pass on the obvious power up before the big battle.

Nice chapter!


Or not. We could perhaps try some sort of magic to pull his soul back into his body, but if he's ripping hearts out of people then I'm going to accept-.

Why would another Paul of all people think that one of his altenates would have a soul to pull back from hell to begin with?

"Krona's abducting versions of us from parallel universes. We all came from Earth Prime and we all got power rings, but you're the only Black Lantern."

'Came from'? Or were 'based on' the Earth Prime Paul? Did other Pauls experience the same thing when Ambush Bug did his thing to OL? Why are they in denial about being copies of the real deal?

Huh. Okay, so I'm guessing, he arrived in town with a Black Ring, which took his soul and acts as a phylactery.

But the Scooby Gang has access to the Put-Soul-into-Vampire spell, right? I have no idea how that would mesh with a Black Ring, but worth a try, right?

My Black Ring lore is a bit limited, but I think his soul is currently in the Ring, remote operating his body.

No soul to begin with guys. Never needed it to function the same way locals do.
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I find it interesting how relatively under equipped / under skilled Red is compared to the Paragon. He's described as using less advanced armor and other than the spells he doesn't seem to have any exotic abilities. Is it just lack of need in the Teen Titans verse or does the Orange Light up Paragon / Renegade's desire to increase their abilities as well?
I would not describe Ben (Glorificus's human host) as 'very nice,' unless I were being sarcastic. Sure, he presents himself as a nice guy, but once you get to know him... no.

Like I said, all I know about the guy comes from a fanfic an the wiki. He seems to have started out as a nice guy but became more like Glory over time even as Glory became more human.
Glory isn't exactly what one would call smart and she was just ranting at Raul without paying attention to her surroundings.

Zoat didn't so much as nerf her, as he had Zaul surprise attack her.

Ripping out the heart tends to kill most things.

Zaul's ring may also be an anti Glory weapon not because it is more powerful but because it attacks her structural integrity, the thing keeping her together.
Like how the First of the Fallen didn't overpower his two counterparts, but just used their version of kryptonite on them.

She may not even be dead, or that injured really
Was it a Divine weapon with God power in it used while she was inside a Glory inhibiting field?

If not, then Zoat nerfed her, because that's what it actually takes to harm Glory.
12th August 1997
23:33 GMT -7

"Hehahahah." I shake my head. "Okay, look: who are you and what the heck is your problem?"

"I just want to go home! Why is this so difficult for everyone to understand?!"

"From the looks of things, because you're being a colossal bitch about it! Who are you, anyw-?"
Truth, Raul, truth! Seriously, from what I can see, she was exiled because she was an obnoxious bitch...

And then she's there, grabbing-. Ah! My left arm as she leaps and dragging me down with her!

"I'm Glorificus, and as a goddess I really don't think I should have to deal with-. With pond scum with delusions of adequacy, like humans and-" She turns her face away. "-werewolves and don't think I didn't see you trying to sneak aw-."
So, confirmed that Oz is a werewolf? Or is that one of those 'everyone knows that' things I missed?

Red vomit to the eyes red electrified chains to the arms, neck and legs! She loosens her grip more in surprise that anything else, but as I rise she squeezes-.

"Hah!" She lands up her rump as pain flare through my body! "Got your arm! And I'm going to pull your dog-pal-."

Killing the bitch.
Ah, we get to see Raul go all out, eh? Clean-up on Elm Street (or whatever road this is) is about to be needed.

My blood stops spurting, mixing with the red light and coagulating in the form of a replacement limb. Red horns form upon my brow in the shape of the red sigil. This woman ate the sanity of others to keep herself in control of the body she shares with… Whatever his name was, who murdered and stole and generally rampaged through life without a care safe for the convenience her actions brought her. And those idiots who didn't just kill her or the 'key' when they had the chance.
Ooh, he pulled a Seras. Classic 'arm made of blood' move. Albeit napalm-blood...

The blood-fingers of my new left arm form into razor blades, enhanced not just by my hate but by the righteous anger of all those she-.

Violet's supergirl strikes her like the wrath of Rao! The shocked Glory is knocked onto her back, then her attacker goes to work., punching face and diaphragm, heat vision burning into her eyes for a second before supergirl's thumbs dart in-.
And Overgirl leaps in to back him up. Aw, I wanted to see him rip and tear like Glory had Huge Guts and he was Doomguy...

The bitch is steal my kill-. No. No! No, not stealing my kill, helping me.

Helping me.
Good to see he can maintain enough focus to remember that...

This is why I don't fight with people who aren't Komand'r.
That and the fun of beating down motherfuckers with your sweetheart's help. Especially if you're beating one MF with another MF.

I drop down and pick up my discarded arm in my remaining hand, then fly up out of lunge range before pushing it into the red light simulacrum. A sharp-


-and then I'm whole again. For the moment. It's not a secure reattachment, but it'll do for now.
Oh, hey, he can heal. He just had to get angry enough at it!:D

It didn't irritate her eyes or lungs. My acid vomit isn't a completely reliable attack, but the lack of non-comedic impact leaves me concerned about her exotic resistances. Supergirl's clearly doing some damage, but I'm only seeing tiny amounts of blood. Less than a normal person would show after another normal person attacked them like this. My constructs hit less hard, and I don't have another tool to leverage. That leaves using ritual magic to supercharge myself or that old fallback 'toss her into space'. I seem to remember that Willow teleported her into the air once and she couldn't fly-.
Well, plan 'orbital insertion' sounds good. Unless she can fart her way back to Earth, she's screwed.

Glory headbutts Supergirl hard enough to knock her off, but she catches herself with her own flying ability after three metres and surges back down! Glory ends up with her head pushed back so far that it's underground, her face facing dirt while her body lies on the cracked pavement. Looks like Glory never learned to fight efficiently with her human-seeming body whereas Supergirl clearly has. Heh, I wonder if this is the real-world version of a bullet sponge boss? Glory's never going to manage to do anything to her, but Supergirl can't inflict enough damage quickly enough to beat her.
Unless something exotic like magic interferes.

A shame that she won't actually kill her, but I think there was a prison in Angel that could actually cope with beings like her.
Ah, he hasn't cottoned on that this is not the usual Supergirl...


Glory manages to catch Supergirl's right wrist with her left hand, prompting Supergirl to twist into a position that lets her kick Glory in the fa-.

"Doing that!"
Sounds like she's getting annoyed.

The air shimmers between Glory's right hand and Supergirls face-. Her sanity-draining ability.

Supergirl isn't quite stunned, but she's clearly off her game for a moment and Glory slugs her hard enough to smash her into the front of the library. Ah, looks like-
See, magic broke the deadlock. Sound slike it fizzled a bit though. Overgirl's mad enough a bit of SAN damage didn't slow her down...

I dip down, grab Glory around the waist with a construct and haul her into the air, keeping myself at a safe distance.

-plan 'lob a bitch' is back on. I gain height rapidly, hoping that this isn't the film version of Buffy where vampires could fly. No, no flying vampires and no mayor deciding to shoot me with demon lightning, just a patch of violet where my alter ego is heading into town-.
OL not really bothering to put any effort in, is he? I guess he can see Raul and Overgirl have things in hand.

"How dare you even touch me you-"

"Heart ready for harvesting."
Ah, and here comes Zaul.


Her chest bursts, a gore-covered.. hand poking through, and what I presume to be her heart held between its fingers. The heart glows a faint red for a moment before decaying and flowing back into… The black ring on the hand that had been holding it.
Well, Raul, looks like you found your guy. Now what?

I drop the body at once, ignoring it as it continues in a ballistic arc towards the outskirts of town, and back the heck away from my super-zombie alter ego.
Good move, given what you know of Black Lanterns...

He looks pale, naturally enough, and unlike both myself and Orange he appears to have kept our long hair. He.. breathes in deeply as the red light he absorbed from Glory's heart flows through him, running from his ring and through his veins into his mind. My own ring pulses in sympathy as the stolen rage threatens to overwhelm him-. Which at least suggests that he's not a pawn of Nekron.
Wait for it...

"Power level two point four percent."

Or not. We could perhaps try some sort of magic to pull his soul back into his body, but if he's ripping hearts out of people then I'm going to accept-.
Worst case, Raul and OL can fry him in classic War of Light style, with a double-light combo... But let's put that on the back-burner, eh?

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

He's angry, yet coherent. Possibly a hopeful sign, except that I remember that Nekron had his Black Lanterns feign having the personalities of the bodies they animated. So… Is that his anger, or a form of concealment which uses hers?
Hoo boy. Are they going to be second-guessing Zaul's action the whole time or what?

Either way, there's no obvious benefit to lying. Time Trapper wants him. Glory is about as powerful as enemies get around here and he pulled her heart out.
Yes, kind of have to respect that. Black Lanterns have hax powers as long as it's death-related.

"Or are you incapable of speech? Did you get a ring that makes you insane?"

"Yes, I can talk. Am I talking to Nekron, or-"

"Heart ready for harvesting."
Hush, you. The people are talking.

I eye his ring.

"-am I talking to me?"

"Not yet. I take hearts to feel emotion. I'm only about half myself at the moment, and in a few hours I won't even be that." He regards me impassively for a moment. "Why are you here?"
I say again, this Paul's life is suck incarnate... Even Anti-Green hasn't got it this bad...

"Krona's abducting versions of us from parallel universes. We all came from Earth Prime and we all got power rings, but you're the only Black Lantern."

"Lucky everyone else."
Yeah, some of them have it in easy mode.

"I'm happy to help, but we need to deal with Krona first."

"Alright. I just need to make one stop first."
And where would that be? The graveyard?

I frown. "Why?"

"I'm a vampire. I feed on blood to get stronger. And right now Glory's god-blood is going to waste on the Sunnydale pavements."
Huh. So, technically, he's Vaul-for-vampire, not Zaul-for-zombie. Wonder what divine blood will do for him, if anything?

So, Black Lantern Paul is actually a Vampire? I think I'll stick with Zaul for him, though. Vaul is an asshole of an Eldar God... And barring any further misadventures, they can move on back to the Dream-ruby world in the next chapter or two.

...without a care safe for the convenience...
...without a care save for the convenience...
Violet's supergirl strikes her... ...before supergirl's thumbs...
Capitalise these?
I find it interesting how relatively under equipped / under skilled Red is compared to the Paragon. He's described as using less advanced armor and other than the spells he doesn't seem to have any exotic abilities. Is it just lack of need in the Teen Titans verse or does the Orange Light up Paragon / Renegade's desire to increase their abilities as well?

Red ring AI is ... significantly less helpful than any other rings. It's not really aimed towards repair, healing or anything not immediately offence related and the only kind of deep scan it does it of destructive kind. That and his constant anger makes him less than patient or inclined to ask for help.
'stealing' not 'steal'
Thank you, corrected.
'the eyes red electrified' should be 'the eyes, red electrified'
That's a style choice.
Remove the full stop.
Thank you, corrected.
This scene reminds me of just about the only thing worth watching in that Man of Steel remake with Henry Cavill - that fight scene against that Kryptonian chick. I remember how pleasantly surprised I was that they managed to portray what a fight between two superhumans should look like.
I don't have a lot of good to say about that film, but I liked how they portrayed those fights as well.
Was it a Divine weapon with God power in it used while she was inside a Glory inhibiting field?

If not, then Zoat nerfed her, because that's what it actually takes to harm Glory.

Or a "Divine weapon with God power in it used while she was inside a Glory inhibiting field" was the only way to kill her with stuff in the Buffyverse.

A Black Power Ring is not from the Buffyverse. Black Power Rings may do some Gae Bulg causality shifting bullshit through Glory's own emotions to be able to rip out and consume her heart.
I find it interesting how relatively under equipped / under skilled Red is compared to the Paragon. He's described as using less advanced armor and other than the spells he doesn't seem to have any exotic abilities. Is it just lack of need in the Teen Titans verse or does the Orange Light up Paragon / Renegade's desire to increase their abilities as well?

Red rings are VERY good at breaking things, but in everything else... not so much.
Their most unique quality seems to be acid spit.
Still it is nice to know that Raul can reattach limbs if they are removed.

Was it a Divine weapon with God power in it used while she was inside a Glory inhibiting field?

If not, then Zoat nerfed her, because that's what it actually takes to harm Glory.

Power Rings are extremely powerful tools that can allow mortals to battle gods and win if used properly.

Even if his ring didn't have that big a charge maybe the energy it gives of is harmful to someone like Glory, not because it is more powerful than her, but because something about it just hurts her on a deep level.

Also she may no be dead as Zaul just ripped out her heart while she was distracted, she could probably survive that if the ring doesn't hurt her on a fundamental level
If so, I wonder if Zaul could do it again? Keep ripping her hearts out for PROFIT!!!

There was this fic on SB by Islandhopper featuring a Red Lantern SI who rips out his own heart and places it in a lantern to recharge his ring.

Maybe Zaul can do something like that with Glory, or any other high tier evil entity.
Power Rings are extremely powerful tools that can allow mortals to battle gods and win if used properly.
Shitty DC First World Gods, which are nothing like the beings in Buffy that go around creating and ruling entire dimensions.

Even if his ring didn't have that big a charge maybe the energy it gives of is harmful to someone like Glory, not because it is more powerful than her, but because something about it just hurts her on a deep level.
Which would be creating a weakness which didn't previously exist.

IE nerfing her.
Shitty DC First World Gods, which are nothing like the beings in Buffy that go around creating and ruling entire dimensions.

Hades in the comics and the animated show is the ruler of the Underworld and has fought the League, or a lone hero, and lost several times

The First of the Fallen, around who hell formed, was beat by a succubus and a chain smoking street magician.

Lucifer, who is capable of making suns, has been beat by beings that are much weaker than him.

Dream of the Endless was trapped by humans, twice, once in the original comics and in the 2018 issues of The Dreaming
Which would be creating a weakness which didn't previously exist.

IE nerfing her.

The ring has a connection to Nekron, who is a powerful cosmic being, possibly more powerful than the other emotional entities, like the Ophidian, who when merging with Paul was able to casually move the Moon.
Plus a black ring is the personification of the silence of death, which can affect godly beings. Even if it doesn't kill her, making a god experience mortality for a split second can rupture metaphysical bonds quick enough to deal with them until they have a new host.
You do realize that Glory was an immortal dimension ruling Goddess? o_O

Shao Kahn is an immortal dimension ruling God....still gets bicycle kicked to death by a screaming shaolin monk half the time.

And he was giving top billing with Darkseid when they went to make a video game crossing over with DC.

Glory's titles and off screen accomplishments don't mean much because there is no context for any of it. Any one can claim Godhood until someone forces them to back it up.

I'm rusty on my Buffy lore, but Glory's been hit with Slayer Levels of super strength and laughed it off, been hit with the odd motor vehicle or construction equipment and was slowed down. Been hit with a Troll hammer waved around by a Slayer and got a bit bloodied. Impressive resistance for street level superheros, but by energy output alone not actually that impressive compared to say....the explosives used to blow up the Mayor in his demon form. Or even that rocket launcher used on whatisface.

The fact that she face tanked a kryptonian that doesn't have problems killing puny humans is far more impressive, because before that I'd actually have put money on OL's Railguns, or force equivalent to at least slowing her down.

As for exotic defenses vs black lantern ring, closest comparison I can think of would be Wonder Woman during that period. She's a demigoddess on DC's powerscale and the ring took her for a ride despite any resistance she had, because she'd physically died before. It took a full goddess and a violet power ring, as well as a lot of struggle to get the ring off her again.
The ring has a connection to Nekron, who is a powerful cosmic being, possibly more powerful than the other emotional entities, like the Ophidian, who when merging with Paul was able to casually move the Moon.

That and, in BtvS, demon-possessed mortal bodies seem to be generally much more resistant to blunt force trauma and yet paradoxically made of wet tissue paper in the area surrounding the heart. That's why even muggles can just sink in 'stakes' into otherwise superhumanly though creatures of the night.
Well, damn. Being a vampire... On one hand - he didn't have a soul, so I'm not sure how that would work. On another, he's not really Paul, he's a demon born from Paul. I'm guessing that the lack of homicidal urges is from that "didn't have a soul when vampirized" part.

Orange's ensouling would be detrimental to him, as the local energies on Hellmouth are of a bad kind.

I'm guessing they could do elemental conversion with the violet ring? Or do some grafts from an angel?

I am also very surprised that Glorificus could stand up to a Kryptonian. Yes, a hybrid, but still. Also that her heart provided so little a charge.
Well, damn. Being a vampire... On one hand - he didn't have a soul, so I'm not sure how that would work. On another, he's not really Paul, he's a demon born from Paul. I'm guessing that the lack of homicidal urges is from that "didn't have a soul when vampirized" part.

Unless I misunderstood that WoZ snippet way back, he's not really a demon. He just has a body animated via demon juju (and consequently needs to drink blood the same way I need coffee to function). The blood demon that was supposed to take up residence got nommed by the ring. He never needed a soul (or substitute) to be a person. Unlike locals.
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In the show the demon replaces the human when a vamp bites them, but I think this version of Paul was bit by a vamp, but the ring destroyed the demon that tried to inhabit him.

When the SI went to Hell Satanus specifically planned for that and had some of Mammon's power leaking the realm, so maybe the paragon won't be affected this time.

Glory's heart provided so low a charge because he just took the emotion, not the power she wielded.

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