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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

it also warrants mention that whatever physical and arcane Defenses Glory had,they -could not- have been designed for this specific attack vector,given that it was entirely alien to the section of the multiverse the buffyverse occupies (multiple universi/sub-dimensions, from memory)- and it -wasn't- a "normal" magical attack- late-stage clarktech isnt really a thing in this setting- it essentially read as the black ring's attack simply going right through her magical defenses-
like someone getting knifed right through a ballistic vest that didnt have stab protection, in essence...
Was it a Divine weapon with God power in it used while she was inside a Glory inhibiting field?

If not, then Zoat nerfed her, because that's what it actually takes to harm Glory.
Yes. That's literally what Black Lantern Rings are: the extensions of Nekron, the personification of "Death as Final Enemy". That's part of why they were going around casually killing the likes of Superman and the Flash. Killing some junior league goddess is well within their powers, as long as she had previously died and come back to life - and IIRC that's why she was possessing the guy to begin with.
Why are they in denial about being copies of the real deal?
It's a meaningless distinction for now, and thinking they're original is probably better for their mental health. They could also be split from an original Paul and they should be aware they might be fiction, but none of them spend much screen time pondering on that.
It's a meaningless distinction for now, and thinking they're original is probably better for their mental health. They could also be split from an original Paul and they should be aware they might be fiction, but none of them spend much screen time pondering on that.

You'd think that acknowledging your state of being would be an advantage in this situation? How do you make any use of your genre savvynes if you keep ignoring it and pretending that story tropes aren't as strong or stronger than local laws of physics?
You'd think that acknowledging your state of being would be an advantage in this situation? How do you make any use of your genre savvynes if you keep ignoring it and pretending that story tropes aren't as strong or stronger than local laws of physics?

I think it has to do with the fact that most, or at least some, story tropes don't really work.

One comic trope is that every single criminal in Gotham goes to Arkham Asylum, but in this story Zoat said that only the truly insane go there, and not people like the Penguin because they are not insane.
Mr Freeze was sent there not because he was insane, but because it had the equipment it needed to help him with his condition
Was it a Divine weapon with God power in it used while she was inside a Glory inhibiting field?

If not, then Zoat nerfed her, because that's what it actually takes to harm Glory.

That's what it takes for a street level superhero and her support staff to kill her, not what it takes for a planet level superhero using a galactic level supervillain's tool to kill her.

Your argument is the same as saying that because Green Arrow would require kryptonite to kill Superman, so too would Wonder Woman. Just like how Wonder Woman can use enough raw force to make it past Superman's physical resistance, Black Lantern Paul can put out enough force to kill Glory.

You do realize that Glory was an immortal dimension ruling Goddess? o_O

So fucking what? That has absolutely no bearing on Glory's combat feats.
I think it has to do with the fact that most, or at least some, story tropes don't really work.

I'm not sure I agree with this. Zoat did a pretty good job at making this setting feel realistic and to find Watsonian explanations for a lot of situations but at the end of the day there's still way too many issues that only work with story tropes in place. They simply don't have anything but Doylistic causes.

I already covered global issues in my magic rant but if you want to stick just to Gotham 'street level' examples, the reason a "peak human" like Batman can work on a level he does, triumphing against the opponents he regularly faces is that 'Charles Atlas Superpower' and 'Inverse Ninja Law' tropes are a thing in-universe. Otherwise he'd be either a posterboy for 'retired boxers' or, more likely, dead. The same goes for the rest of his clan and a lot of his Rogues.
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"How dare you even touch me you-"

"Heart ready for harvesting."


Her chest bursts, a gore-covered.. hand poking through, and what I presume to be her heart held between its fingers. The heart glows a faint red for a moment before decaying and flowing back into… The black ring on the hand that had been holding it.

I drop the body at once, ignoring it as it continues in a ballistic arc towards the outskirts of town, and back the heck away from my super-zombie alter ego.
Mr Zoat, can we get some confirmation if this actually killed Glory? I've never watched the series, but what I've read here on the thread and on the wiki really paints a horrible picture about her, so I hope she's gone for good.
you know, that could actually make a fascinating paper/subject for discussion in-universe in the next quiet period- the implications/potentially fallout of people, either in private, or in academia proper, giving this kinda thing consideration could be VERY interesting/entertaining...

interactions between technology/magical artifacts from realities with differing physical laws- if, how and why something ignores something, has bizarre interactions ect- interesting and highly useful, given the increasing number of dimension incursions between near and far-parallel worlds...

...like- we know the Danner and Garrick formula's from U16 are -violently- incompatible, but does the same interaction apply if one or both are created from or with materials from another universe, or are a variant from a universe/world that has noticeably different effects/levels of strength- or the BL Ring blowing right through that Narcissistic twit's defenses for an instant KO....
Was it a Divine weapon with God power in it used while she was inside a Glory inhibiting field?
it's true it wasn't , it was just the special ability from a ring created by one of the facet of the concept of Death from another dimension who can consume live when used on being feeling strong emotion.........
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"Hehahahah." I shake my head. "Okay, look: who are you and what the heck is your problem?"

"I just want to go home! Why is this so difficult for everyone to understand?!"

"From the looks of things, because you're being a colossal bitch about it! Who are you, anyw-?"
OK, I have no knowledge of buffy the vampire slayer but is glory being the bitch here? she asked to go home Raul offered to help before threatening to murder her to which she responded by attacking him.

idk about you but if I was a superpowered being and some guy threatened to kill me for no good reason I'd probably leap at them to demonstrate that murdering me might not be worth the effort.
then Raul puked on her which would also make anyone a little pissed.
OK, I have no knowledge of buffy the vampire slayer but is glory being the bitch here? she asked to go home Raul offered to help before threatening to murder her to which she responded by attacking him.

idk about you but if I was a superpowered being and some guy threatened to kill me for no good reason I'd probably leap at them to demonstrate that murdering me might not be worth the effort.
then Raul puked on her which would also make anyone a little pissed.

She did also cause some property damage and was threatening people
Most of the things that tend to break things in the Buffy verse tend to be evil monsters
OK, I have no knowledge of buffy the vampire slayer but is glory being the bitch here? she asked to go home Raul offered to help before threatening to murder her to which she responded by attacking him.

idk about you but if I was a superpowered being and some guy threatened to kill me for no good reason I'd probably leap at them to demonstrate that murdering me might not be worth the effort.
then Raul puked on her which would also make anyone a little pissed.
It's an excuse, yes, but it's not really reasonable; he indicated a willingness (and presumed an ability) to kill her if she caused trouble and she immediately responded by trying to probably-kill him. That's objectively pretty shitty of her but it could be mitigated by circumstances... except that the next bit-
"I'm Glorificus, and as a goddess I really don't think I should have to deal with-. With pond scum with delusions of adequacy, like humans and-" She turns her face away. "-werewolves and don't think I didn't see you trying to sneak aw-."
-is pretty typical for her; she was punishing a perceived insult from pond scum not lashing out in panic or anything.
I mean, he was being an asshole too but that's not really relevant to his point.
more in surprise that anything else
She lands up her rump
missing 'on'?

Nice fight scene, definitely seemed in character for Glory - lots of violence, little thought about consequences. Interesting to find Oz a werewolf this early, but I guess it's likely more butterflies, with teething baby werewolves biting early. I did like the Glory death scene - almost an ironic end for a pretty heartless monster. I'm guessing the Black Ring reached through to the mortal/Ben part. What Glory blood will do should be fun...

Yes, I am curious what OL(currently VL) is doing during this...
Mr Zoat?
How do you make black lettering more black for Black Lantern speech?
Well that was odd.

There is nothing in Blackest Night that indicates black lanterns have FSN gae bolg nonsense going for them that doesn't fail the occam's razor test in my opinion, that I can recall.

They rip hearts out with their bare hands.

Now is that a feat normally impossible? Sure. Especially on someone with superhuman durability like say Atrocitus.

But lanterns being able to give themselves superhuman strength is an established feat in the comics.

Three of G'Norts comrades from the Idiot Lantern Corps gave themselves superstrength. Two to be "heroes locked in eternal glorious combat with each other" and another for the mundane utility of starting his own moving company.

And those who living lanterns, not undead zombies who regenerate faster than Wolverine, so it's not like the black lanterns have to worry about long term damage....

Plus it's not like zombies being superstrong is somehow off brand.
The air shimmers between Glory's right hand and Supergirls face-. Her sanity-draining ability.

HA! Jokes on you, she's a Nazi! They're already insane.

My Black Ring lore is a bit limited, but I think his soul is currently in the Ring, remote operating his body.

One is a disembodied soul serving as the AI of a Black Lantern Power Ring, the other is a blood-demon parasite currently puppeting his corpse. Together they eat people...and sometimes fight crime.

Yes I know Paul doesn't start the game with a Soul, but it's still funny
Mr Zoat, can we get some confirmation if this actually killed Glory? I've never watched the series, but what I've read here on the thread and on the wiki really paints a horrible picture about her, so I hope she's gone for good.
She's dead, Jim. The other two demon gods stuck her in as close an approximation of a human form as they could. Yes, her magic supercharges her, but she has a whole lot of physical vulnerabilities that she couldn't get rid of until she went home.
OK, I have no knowledge of buffy the vampire slayer but is glory being the bitch here? she asked to go home Raul offered to help before threatening to murder her to which she responded by attacking him.

idk about you but if I was a superpowered being and some guy threatened to kill me for no good reason I'd probably leap at them to demonstrate that murdering me might not be worth the effort.
then Raul puked on her which would also make anyone a little pissed.
Before or after you cause massive damage to the centre of a down?
missing 'on'?
Thank you, corrected.
Mr Zoat?
How do you make black lettering more black for Black Lantern speech?
Just, you know, color=black.
And Oz is apparently already a werewolf.

You, uh, might want to change the dates then. You have these snippets happening in 1997, but Oz didn't find out vampires existed or get turned into a werewolf until early 1998.
What can I say, Jordy's a biter.
Killing some junior league goddess is well within their powers, as long as she had previously died and come back to life - and IIRC that's why she was possessing the guy to begin with.

I don't think she's died (before this). She was sent into Ben at his birth to bind her, she might not even have been killable before that.
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I don't think she's died (before this). She was sent into Ben at his birth to bind her, she might not even have been killable before that.

While I don't believe it was either required or even implied that the other two Hellgods killed her when they exiled her and imprisoned her in human flesh and blood in BtVS, there's nothing that actually precludes it either.

Turning a living hellgod into a human baby and turning a dead hellgod into a human baby are arguably about the same on levels of impressiveness mojo wise.
She's dead, Jim. The other two demon gods stuck her in as close an approximation of a human form as they could. Yes, her magic supercharges her, but she has a whole lot of physical vulnerabilities that she couldn't get rid of until she went home.
Even just reading Glory's Wikia entry would tell you that that was wrong...
Even just reading Glory's Wikia entry would tell you that that was wrong...

She was killed by a weapon powered by a more powerful God when she was not at full power.

Yes, Glory is powerful but so is Darkseid and Darkseid has been killed... by a bullet of all things.

Sure it was not a permanent death for Darkseid, but there won't be much of Glory left once Vampire Paul drains her body dry of tasty God fueled blood.

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