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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

In fairness to Darkseid the bullet did have radion, which is basically New God kryptonite

Not really.

It is a weakness, yes, but it was actually shown to not penetrate defenses before nor did it weaken powers.

Kalibak shot his brother Orion in the face at point blank range with a radion blaster.

The result?

Orion got pissed and beat Kalibak to within an inch of his life.

Whereas Highfather's wife, when shot with a radion blaster, died instantly. The New Gods were surprised that Desaad invented a weapon that kills instantly.

Now Darkseid, well, honestly I can't recall seeing him being shot by actual bullets before. And DC has this weird thing where people who can get smacked in the face by Superman aren't bullet proof, like Wonder Woman for most of her career, as if that makes sense.

Or the DC writers, being paid in booze and drugs, made it like kryptonite when it very much wasn't before.
If I remember correctly that theory is totally disproven by Black Lantern Batman since Bruce Wayne wasn't actually dead for that whole deal.

But the clone was dead.

But you are right, Black Lanterns don't require the souls of their hosts.

Deadman was rather disturbed by his corpse getting some bling and walking around during Blackest Night.

They somehow made a black lantern out of Spectre, so apparently souls can be involved. Perhaps black lanterns with souls explain the rebellious black lanterns- Osiris called down lightning to melt his ring rather than serve Nekron. Johnny Quick spent quality time with his daughter. Driq was able to communicate through his green ring.

From a Solomon Grundy storyline in which Phantom Stranger made sure that Solomon Grundy's curse was broken before Blackest Night, it would seem that an undead getting a black lantern ring is a very very bad thing. Probably what should have happened is that Black Lantern Paul became a full fledged vampire with all the benefits of being a Black Lantern to boot.

I don't blame Zoat for not being interested in writing a story with a demon version of him unleashing a zompire apocalypse.

Black lantern's have an infectious bite. Donna Troy started seeing people's auras after getting bitten.
Black lantern's have an infectious bite. Donna Troy started seeing people's auras after getting bitten.
...Are you telling me that what is more or less an AI designed to kill everything it can, armed with the most powerful weapon ever designed, a weapon that CANNOT be removed from it, tried to kill someone by biting them?

I know that comic writers can't ever give a competent hero or villain true power because it would upset the status quo and make future comics irrelevant, but HOLY FUCK that is the one the of dumbest uses of a Power Ring I have ever heard. If you have a rocket launcher and you're trying to kill someone, you don't kill them using it as a bludgeon, you kill them by pointing it at them and pulling the trigger.
...Are you telling me that what is more or less an AI designed to kill everything it can, armed with the most powerful weapon ever designed, a weapon that CANNOT be removed from it, tried to kill someone by biting them?

Oh you apparently don't know much about black lanterns.

Because biting people? Pretty much par for the course.

Black lanterns can make constructs like every other flavor of power ring, but they don't.

Not unless the host was a lantern before their death, or to emulate iconic equipment.

So a archer black lantern for example? Would use their ring to make a bow and arrows to shoot people with.

And actually black lanterns were for trolling people. Which is why most of them didn't use constructs willy nilly, that would break character.

Induce a strong emotion like rage or fear or hope, and then reach into the chest and claim the heart. Hence going after people with an emotional connection to the host body.

When enough energy was gained, Nekron shows up.

And then Nekron was going to kill the White Light Entity, which is what makes life possible on the conceptual level in the DC universe, killing everyone and everything in one fell swoop and making it conceptually impossible for life to return.

If Nekron wanted to waste his time killing everything one at a time, instead of trolling people with dead loved ones, he could have say reanimated the inhabitants of planets like Krypton, Mars, or Czarnia.
Oh you apparently don't know much about black lanterns.

Because biting people? Pretty much par for the course.

Black lanterns can make constructs like every other flavor of power ring, but they don't.

Not unless the host was a lantern before their death, or to emulate iconic equipment.

So a archer black lantern for example? Would use their ring to make a bow and arrows to shoot people with.

And actually black lanterns were for trolling people. Which is why most of them didn't use constructs willy nilly, that would break character.

Induce a strong emotion like rage or fear or hope, and then reach into the chest and claim the heart. Hence going after people with an emotional connection to the host body.

When enough energy was gained, Nekron shows up.

And then Nekron was going to kill the White Light Entity, which is what makes life possible on the conceptual level in the DC universe, killing everyone and everything in one fell swoop and making it conceptually impossible for life to return.

If Nekron wanted to waste his time killing everything one at a time, instead of trolling people with dead loved ones, he could have say reanimated the inhabitants of planets like Krypton, Mars, or Czarnia.
I actually do know most of this, I read the wiki. But every time I think about his plan, something about just seems... off to me. I have no idea WHAT in particular is bugging me, but some part of my mind feels like it's rolling its eyes.

EDIT: I mean yes, killing the WLE is far more efficient than killing every individual being in the universe. And gathering energy to pull himself into the universe makes sense. But... one at a time? He's had who-knows how much time to plan this out, at least one Maltusian (Scar) loyal to him, and the best method he had to harvest said energy required a Black Lantern to target individual people, inspire emotion in them, and then kill them in close quarters? Was there no way to harvest them remotely? Or en masse?

Actually, when a Black Ring says a "heart is ready for harvest", does it mean that the heart has reached a state where it would yield the minimum amount energy, or the maximum amount?
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She was killed by a weapon powered by a more powerful God when she was not at full power.

Yes, Glory is powerful but so is Darkseid and Darkseid has been killed... by a bullet of all things.

Sure it was not a permanent death for Darkseid, but there won't be much of Glory left once Vampire Paul drains her body dry of tasty God fueled blood.
And for a second time, Glory is not one of those weak ass DC New Gods who can be hurt by hitting them kind of hard.
And for a second time, Glory is not one of those weak ass DC New Gods who can be hurt by hitting them kind of hard.
Did Glory come back to life in the comics and have some more impressive feats? Cuz what we see of her in the show... she's impressive by Buffy standards but would be mid tier in DC comics (high tier in canon YJ setting). Like yeah she's tough and she's fast, and she's got that insanitouch but a competent lantern should have little trouble with her.
Actually, when a Black Ring says a "heart is ready for harvest", does it mean that the heart has reached a state where it would yield the minimum amount energy, or the maximum amount?

The maximum amount.

A heart is ready for harvest when its filled with emotion.

Although the Black Lantern charging is weird.

When a black lantern collects a heart, every black lantern gets 0.01%.

All of them, whether there are three black lanterns or three billion.

When it hits 100%, Nekron shows up to make house calls.

Which now that I'm thinking about it, might provide a second reason the black lanterns don't generally go for making constructs, not being willing to give up that precious precious charge.

Zoat changed it either because he thought that was silly, didn't want Zompire Paul to have to kill count higher than Ebola, or both.
Just to poke at the ongoing disagreement, quoting a bit of the BtVS wiki, and more specifically the bit on Glory's weaknesses

Ben's mortality: As explained by Gregor, Glory's only true weakness was that Ben was mortal. While Glory could not be killed while she was in control of their body, if Ben were to die, so would she.

so, if the heart ripping just so happend to sidestep Glory's resistances and remove Ben's entirely mortal heart, then it doesn't really matter how many biggatons she can tank, because instead of being the kind of weak ass god who gets hurt by getting slapped kind of hard, she's the kind of god who dies if you stab some mortal a little.
Did Glory come back to life in the comics and have some more impressive feats? Cuz what we see of her in the show... she's impressive by Buffy standards but would be mid tier in DC comics (high tier in canon YJ setting). Like yeah she's tough and she's fast, and she's got that insanitouch but a competent lantern should have little trouble with her.
I will just post this, because it's that sort of situation.

It might be limited by universe. Since Vampire Paul is the only one in the Buffyverse, the ring cannot transfer the power to any other.
Buffy's Universe is an artificial construct created by the Seed of Wonder.

Meaning there wouldn't be an emotional spectrum in it to transfer any power to or from.
You missed the literal genie in the room.

A Rocket Launcher isn't forged.
okay exact words or not, you're only technically right. a rocket launcher's parts are cast though, so it's still technically forged.

Also, because you seemed to completely ignore it, lemme just grab what stellaris said.
Just to poke at the ongoing disagreement, quoting a bit of the BtVS wiki, and more specifically the bit on Glory's weaknesses

Ben's mortality: As explained by Gregor, Glory's only true weakness was that Ben was mortal. While Glory could not be killed while she was in control of their body, if Ben were to die, so would she.

so, if the heart ripping just so happend to sidestep Glory's resistances and remove Ben's entirely mortal heart, then it doesn't really matter how many biggatons she can tank, because instead of being the kind of weak ass god who gets hurt by getting slapped kind of hard, she's the kind of god who dies if you stab some mortal a little.
Just because you call something a godlike being, doesn't actually make it one.

Maltusians can terraform planets using their powers, as stated by Zoat with the whole Controllers making worlds for Reach escapees to settle on.

I'd say that is pretty godlike

And what is a god anyway by your definition Vaermina?
Maltusians can terraform planets using their powers, as stated by Zoat with the whole Controllers making worlds for Reach escapees to settle on.

I'd say that is pretty godlike

And what is a god anyway by your definition Vaermina?
And the actual godlike beings in Buffy can will moderately sized populated dimensions into existence...
Authority over an aspect of reality perhaps? You know, like... emotion or death?
It's quite ironic that you would bring that sort of thing up given the Old One's in Buffy very specifically lack the concept of Death. :D

Stop feeding Vaermina. It's a waste of server space.
No, that's your "not even moderately related to topic" comment.

Now, if you wish to continue this internet slap fight, take it to high noon.
Repetition (part 14)
12th August 1997
23:41 GMT -7

Paul looks awkwardly at black-Paul as he drops the exsanguinated body. Halfway through him.. feeding upon it, it became a man, though that did not appear to trouble him. Was the false goddess possessing someone? If she was then that would be regrettable. I will pray for their soul once this mission is over.


"Stronger, at least."

I turn-. My mouth tightens slightly as pulses of pain radiate from my bruises. I have never learned to completely suppress my response to being injured. The Bat once said that it was because I wasn't injured often enough to become used to it. I… Sometimes wonder if it is because I.. am embarrassed to be so weak that I can be injured.

"Did you actually get any benefit from feeding on… Whatever his name was?"

"The two of them were so closely bound together that the only difference is that piercing his skin was easier."

Paul hasn't said anything. Either of them. Did he not notice? Not care? I'm still feeling too… Awkward about my.. accusation, to ask him.

Why did I think that?! Stupid girl!

But that.. 'Glorificus'? Was a clumsy fighter. In open ground, killing her from a distance would just be a matter of patience. I only fought her in melee in order to prevent the town being levelled, and even then-.

She was stronger than I am.

But not as skilled. She had not worked for her strength. She simply was.

Like Karl.

No, no, not like Karl. Karl worked to become better at what he did. More skilled.

"I thought that vampires here were demon-possessed corpses."

"Usually, yes. But black rings don't share."

"Are you alright?"


It's an instinctive response, not showing weakness, not being weak. And it's stupid as well because he can see perfectly well what I'm feeling. And his eyes tell me that he knows I know, but that if I don't want to talk about it now we can do it later.

He's going to want me to talk to that Jewess.

He might suggest someone else first, but that's what he wants, because he trusts her. Because he thinks that she'll do the best job. That she'll understand me.

Am I supposed to want to kill her?

I-. I don't. Karl wouldn't want me to, and she isn't… Doing anything... Jew-ish. I know that. In my head, I know that-.


Damn it!

"I'm sorry. I was distracted."

"Are you ready to go? Is there anything you want to do before we take a portal back?"

"Are there any orange power rings here?"

He closes his eyes for a moment. "None on Earth. And I couldn't call one from somewhere else quickly." He opens his eyes and looks at black-him as he takes out a phone. "You own a phone?"

"Mister Giles insisted."

Red-Paul looks around.

"Shouldn't there be some police by now? If only to cover things up more quickly."

"Normal police like to give everyone enough time to get away. The mayor's people learn to be cautious, or they learn to be dead."

"You haven't killed him?"

"I can barely motivate myself to move most-. Mister Giles, it's me. I'm being called away. I…"

I watch as the Red Paul flies away at speed, and I'm.. distracting myself by wondering how they both know about this place. They might be able to use their rings to access data networks, but if the history of this Earth is more similar to Earth 16 than my Earth then the data networks shouldn't be advanced.. enough…

Time Trapper said that a version of me exists here.

Perhaps not on Earth 16, but definitely here. Certainly here. Someone who made a life for herself, without alien genetics.

How would.. she..?

"Did you see where Red went?"

"Ah-?" I look in the direction he flew in, looking through the buildings to spot-.

In the distance a large pneumatic ram construct appears and slams repeatedly into a building.

"Oh, for goodness-. He couldn't wait a few hours?"

"Who was in there?"

"The local mayor is a magician who built a town over a portal to hell in order to make it easier to empower himself at the townspeople's expense. I think Red Lantern just killed him."

I nod. "Are you worried about being delayed?"

"I'm worried about setting off a mutual assurance of destruction exchange between the world's most powerful magicians because I jumped the gun. It's not killing sufficiently bad people that I have a problem with, it's failing to plan for the fallout."

"Like how the General Protection Squadron's obsession with exterminating every subhuman delayed the settlement of Greater Germany's new territory after the war?"

And he looks at me and I know I shouldn't have said that. Stupid girl!

"Um. Possibly? Though I.. imagine that a better comparison would be the lack of a handover plan from the Protection Squadron to the regular police." He shakes his head, and I know that I.. just.. disgusted him and he's still being nice about it. "I'm going to grab him. Black Lantern?"

"If I wasn't worried about Nekron drawing strength from his death I would have killed him myself."

"Magic mutually assured destruction. Wolfram and Hart have planar travel. Setting that off definitely risks Krona hearing about it."

"True, but I only just discovered that Krona was a problem."

"But you knew that Wolfram and Hart, and… The First Evil? And the legion of super vampires under the hellmouth? Were here."

"I feel emotion by ripping it from the hearts of others. I don't get to feel compassion very often."

"Okay. Angelika, look after Black. I'm going after Red."

He flies in the direction of the still-pounding piston.

I have a few minutes, but… If this is a greater risk of alerting Krona anyway

"Black Lantern? Have you visited Germany?"
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