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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

So Black Lantern just got squished immediately. I don't know if that's funny or annoying.

He only had enough ring charge to keep him animate and give him a bit of enhanced strength, so it isn't too surprising that he would be easily defeated.

He could still be around, just captured by Krona.
Why is Paul perfectly fine sending Red there by himself after the Buffyverse?
If Red acted out on So many glorious targets there he can't miss in The Boys. Just throw a random attack at any crowd with a costume.
Why is Paul perfectly fine sending Red there by himself after the Buffyverse?
If Red acted out on So many glorious targets there he can't miss in The Boys. Just throw a random attack at any crowd with a costume.
Not really that many, since the present is set after the boys comics and the majority of characters deserving death. are either imprisoned or dead, with Hughie keeping a lot of the rest in line.

The only exception is Stillwell, but who cares if Red tortures him to death?
Why is Paul perfectly fine sending Red there by himself after the Buffyverse?
If Red acted out on So many glorious targets there he can't miss in The Boys. Just throw a random attack at any crowd with a costume.

If he sends him after the whole downfall of Vought then most of those targets could be dead.

I think there were some who tried to reform themselves and are still around, but if they are trying to do that then maybe he will leave them alone.
He kills complete monsters and horrible people, but if these ones are trying to redeem themselves they could have never gotten into some of the worst shit some of the supers did.
Not really that many, since the present is set after the boys comics and the majority of characters deserving death. are either imprisoned or dead, with Hughie keeping a lot of the rest in line.

The only exception is Stillwell, but who cares if Red tortures him to death?
I know, the part about Compassionate Paul affects but I doubt Red knows that.
The actual comic I haven't actually read.
I know, the part about Compassionate Paul affects but I doubt Red knows that.
The actual comic I haven't actually read.
Indigo Paul didn't actually change anything significant about how things turned out in the Boys, like the only meaningful difference is that he prevented one of the higher ups from Vought killing herself.

So red having red the Boys would quickly realize that hd is to late to save people by killing off the worst offenders.
Indigo Paul didn't actually change anything significant about how things turned out in the Boys, like the only meaningful difference is that he prevented one of the higher ups from Vought killing herself.

So red having red the Boys would quickly realize that hd is to late to save people by killing off the worst offenders.
With most of the named characters dead, there's a good chance that Red won't even realise that he's in The Boys.

There's Stillwell, but he's not actually all that well known nationally. Of The Seven, only The Deep and Starlight are still alive and The Deep wasn't ever shown being particularly evil.

Huh. Just occured to me that zombie-Lamplighter might still be around.

The G-Everyone are dead, which means that if he flies through a random city he might... What, see a billboard advertising a superhero he's never heard of?
I know, the part about Compassionate Paul affects but I doubt Red knows that.
The actual comic I haven't actually read.

I suggest that you don't read it.

It's grimderp to the extreme to the point that WH40k seems to be a more hopeful universe.

And you can actually find some good stories in 40k that are well written.
In this comic... ugh, you're more likely to find a good story in a medical waste bag containing an aborted fetus.

If you want to know about it then you read something on SB called 'Polokun reads The Boys.
Polokun tried to read through the cesspit of shit and sludge that is The Boys. He gives some interesting and funny comments on it, but he wasn't able to finish it, and I can't blame him.

He also makes some good points about the logical inconsistencies about the comic, like the fact that they gave Hughie super powers in the first place.

Now this is baffling because Hughie has never been in the military, police, or even taken anything as simple as a martial arts class, and yet they gave him superpowers from a vial that if I remember correctly costs a significant fortune to make, just because he lost his girlfriend to one of the supers.
I get that Butcher probably sympathized with him, but they couldn't find, oh I don't know, a soldier, cop, or someone that has taken a martial arts class. Considering all the shit the supers are doing the chances of there not being at least one person of those three previously mentioned categories that has a grudge to settle with them seems unlikely.

I know that this story features some random guy getting a powerful tool despite the fact that he never served as anything like a soldier or cop previously, but at least the ring was just looking for someone with the right emotions to use it and not their other skills and background history.

Hey Zoat I know you said that you may not do a future storyline about another piece of DC fanfiction because you probably haven't read it, but if you're interested then I recommend you The Dark Shard:Enemy of the Light, on SB by theirishdreamer.
I think that renegade would fit into that world seeing as the mc is trying to get the Earth to adapt to fighting great threats without counting on superheroes, like the renegade is trying to do, and getting metahumans to join the military or at least use their powers for something that isn't related to crime or superheroics.
Though be warned, the grammar may be difficult to get through.
I suggest that you don't read it.

It's grimderp to the extreme to the point that WH40k seems to be a more hopeful universe.

And you can actually find some good stories in 40k that are well written.
In this comic... ugh, you're more likely to find a good story in a medical waste bag containing an aborted fetus.

If you want to know about it then you read something on SB called 'Polokun reads The Boys.
Polokun tried to read through the cesspit of shit and sludge that is The Boys. He gives some interesting and funny comments on it, but he wasn't able to finish it, and I can't blame him.

He also makes some good points about the logical inconsistencies about the comic, like the fact that they gave Hughie super powers in the first place.

Now this is baffling because Hughie has never been in the military, police, or even taken anything as simple as a martial arts class, and yet they gave him superpowers from a vial that if I remember correctly costs a significant fortune to make, just because he lost his girlfriend to one of the supers.
I get that Butcher probably sympathized with him, but they couldn't find, oh I don't know, a soldier, cop, or someone that has taken a martial arts class. Considering all the shit the supers are doing the chances of there not being at least one person of those three previously mentioned categories that has a grudge to settle with them seems unlikely.

I know that this story features some random guy getting a powerful tool despite the fact that he never served as anything like a soldier or cop previously, but at least the ring was just looking for someone with the right emotions to use it and not their other skills and background history.
That... Kind of gets explained at near end.
After the coup is stopped and Homelander killed, Butcher's next objective is using the control technology they got from Russia to kill all supers on the planet. He recruited Hugie as a substitute for his deceased younger brother because Butcher knows that he's got a violent streak and wanted someone around who might be able to talk him down.

Which only matters if you make the mistake of thinking that the Guardians prize effectiveness over being in control. They really really don't.

For example, the Guardians doubled the corps to invade Apokalips.

Even at twice the members, they were more worried about there being few enough lanterns to oversee than anything else.

They also didn't care enough to remove the yellow impurity weakness, which was discussed but rejected. In the comics, Apokalips' great defense against the invasion was yellow armor, by the by.

Which means the limit on lanterns is not based on resources available, just their willingness to recruit.

So even if one read that story and didn't realize that the Guardians got exactly what they wanted when Raker became the Green Lantern of Apokalips, with twice the corps Raker was in the process of beating Darkseid's face with a shovel when the Guardians decided to deal, that makes it plain that the reason the Guardians didn't swarm Apokalips and not leave until Darkseid's head was mounted on a pole was because they didn't think Darkseid was worth the trouble of recruiting more corps members.

Which means the more one buys the hype required to actually make Darkseid important, that worst the Guardian's control freak tendencies become.
That... Kind of gets explained at near end.
After the coup is stopped and Homelander killed, Butcher's next objective is using the control technology they got from Russia to kill all supers on the planet. He recruited Hugie as a substitute for his deceased younger brother because Butcher knows that he's got a violent streak and wanted someone around who might be able to talk him down.
Not even just all Supers, he was going to kill anyone who has Compound V in their body, which includes millions of people without powers who just have the potential of producing a super offspring, like Butcher himself even said he was going to wipe out a good chunk of the human race
That... Kind of gets explained at near end.
After the coup is stopped and Homelander killed, Butcher's next objective is using the control technology they got from Russia to kill all supers on the planet. He recruited Hugie as a substitute for his deceased younger brother because Butcher knows that he's got a violent streak and wanted someone around who might be able to talk him down.

I'm not sure that Butcher would have really stopped even for someone that is substituting for his younger brother.

It is still an incredibly stupid decision to recruit Hughie in the first place what with the spending a fortune for just one vial that may not even work, and basically not giving him any training whatsoever aside from having him learn on the job.
Butcher truly must have been a good brother if he is letting his little brother go up against murderous lunatics that will do all sorts of unspeakable things to him if they catch him.
That was sarcasm by the way.
Though it wouldn't surprise me if that is exactly how his actual brother died, though I don't remeber if it is mentioned how he died in the comics
Would it have been that difficult to find someone that has some experience in military matters and can substitute as Butchers brother, or at least kill Butcher if he goes off the rails.
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Which only matters if you make the mistake of thinking that the Guardians prize effectiveness over being in control. They really really don't.

For example, the Guardians doubled the corps to invade Apokalips.

Even at twice the members, they were more worried about there being few enough lanterns to oversee than anything else.

They also didn't care enough to remove the yellow impurity weakness, which was discussed but rejected. In the comics, Apokalips' great defense against the invasion was yellow armor, by the by.

Which means the limit on lanterns is not based on resources available, just their willingness to recruit.

So even if one read that story and didn't realize that the Guardians got exactly what they wanted when Raker became the Green Lantern of Apokalips, with twice the corps Raker was in the process of beating Darkseid's face with a shovel when the Guardians decided to deal, that makes it plain that the reason the Guardians didn't swarm Apokalips and not leave until Darkseid's head was mounted on a pole was because they didn't think Darkseid was worth the trouble of recruiting more corps members.

Which means the more one buys the hype required to actually make Darkseid important, that worst the Guardian's control freak tendencies become.

Paragon did say that the Guardians have a tendency to recruit those with the highest level of willpower in their sector, but can easily miss several people that have the willpower necessary to wield a ring, just not to the same level as the other guy, but enough to use the ring, when he was speaking about Ragnar and how he had a lot of green and very little yellow in him.
I'm not sure that Butcher would have really stopped even for someone that is substituting for his younger brother.
He did stop. His brother talked him out of killing his father, and Hugie stopped him killing everyone with Compound V.
It is still an incredibly stupid decision to recruit Hughie in the first place what with the spending a fortune for just one vial that may not even work, and basically not giving him any training whatsoever aside from having him learn on the job.
Butcher truly must have been a good brother if he is letting his little brother go up against murderous lunatics that will do all sorts of unspeakable things to him if they catch him.
That was sarcasm by the way.
He did get training. We only see it in flashback when he has to use a pen to save a choking Black Hole's life, but he did get some.
Though it wouldn't surprise me if that is exactly how his actual brother died, though I don't remeber if it is mentioned how he died in the comics.
Hit by a car.
Would it have been that difficult to find someone that has some experience in military matters and can substitute as Butchers brother, or at least kill Butcher if he goes off the rails.
Butcher wanted someone with a pure motive. Someone who was merely skilled could be bought off.
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Hm forgot about him stopping him.

I could barely finish reading that piece of shit and I barely have any motivation to pick it up again, unless I want to vomit that is.
Other than the rape. Or did that not happen in the comics?
Didn't happen in the comics.

Starlight was given the choice between performing oral sex on Homelander, A-Train, Black Noir and The Deep and not joining The Seven. She chose oral sex. While pretty disgusting, Homelander was clear at the time that she was completely free to leave and go back to The Young Americans. The whole point as far as he was concerned was to get her to voluntarily degrade herself. She even has a monologue later about the fact that she prefered to do that rather than leave.
A-Train still tries to rape her some time later though.
Didn't happen in the comics.

Starlight was given the choice between performing oral sex on Homelander, A-Train, Black Noir and The Deep and not joining The Seven. She chose oral sex. While pretty disgusting, Homelander was clear at the time that she was completely free to leave and go back to The Young Americans. The whole point as far as he was concerned was to get her to voluntarily degrade herself. She even has a monologue later about the fact that she prefered to do that rather than leave.

Truly a wonderful comic with great characters, I take back what I said previously about this comic being worthless shit, if you ever need to induce vomiting on yourself or someone else and the regular methods don't work just read this comic, it will work every single time.

Side effects may include: loss of faith in humanity, the inability to cease your vomiting, sheer unbridled disgust aimed squarely at Garth Ennis and whoever helped him make this disgusting abomination that makes the 'Inquisitor' books by Ian Watson seem like good literature, oh and yes feeling that The Inquisitor is better written than this comic, truly Ennis the likes of Neil Gaiman are amateurs compared to your work.
A-Train still tries to rape her some time later though.
True. Which is an important character moment, because 1) he's decided to be evil, unlike with Robin where it was carelessness and 2) Annie fights him off without hesitation.
Truly a wonderful comic with great characters, I take back what I said previously about this comic being worthless shit, if you ever need to induce vomiting on yourself or someone else and the regular methods don't work just read this comic, it will work every single time.
People buy sugar-free jelly babies for just that purpose.
Side effects may include: loss of faith in humanity, the inability to cease your vomiting, sheer unbridled disgust aimed squarely at Garth Ennis and whoever helped him make this disgusting abomination that makes the 'Inquisitor' books by Ian Watson seem like good literature, oh and yes feeling that The Inquisitor is better written than this comic, truly Ennis the likes of Neil Gaiman are amateurs compared to your work.
I honestly didn't feel that way about it. How do you write a villain who doesn't do anything villainous?
There have been plenty of villains who you could despise wholeheartedly without them stooping to the same levels as the ones in The Boys do.

There also comes a point where the sheer evil they do is just so gratuitous that having them continue doing those things all the time just becomes boring and utterly pointless, thus making a bad story

The protagonists of his story are frankly just stupid in my opinion that you can't even sympathize with them after a while, well aside from Hughie, but as for the rest, they may have had their reasons for becoming the pieces of shit they were, but it similarly just becomes gratuitous after a while.

Ah I don't know, you may have liked this comic for whatever reason, but to me it just didn't click in any meaningful way that doesn't involve disgust and revulsion
you know paul black's behaviour is disturbingly reminiscent of a loyalist space marine.
you know paul black's behaviour is disturbingly reminiscent of a loyalist space marine.

If you mean that he acts like a mindless machine that is incapable, or unwilling to use their higher brain functions, then yes he is one of Big E's grandsons, seeing as the Primarchs are his sons, even if he shouldn't be the father of a rock, and the marines all get their gene seeds in them and are often called sons by their respective Primarch.
??? They seem more or less common to me. Also how common or rare they are isn't the point, it's that the universe is SERIOUSLY EPICALLY HUUUUUUUUUUGE!! So the Oan's Guarding even just our Galaxy is a bit of a stretch (excluding things like the occasional crisis and things like Blackest Night that happen from time to time, though even then they don't seem to do much). Also not only in the universe way beyond huge our at least is constantly expanding in every direction at the speed of light.

I would also add that, there are a number of major threats that the Guardians just... don't do much about. Brainiac, Warworld, the Reach... the list goes on and on.
Didn't happen in the comics.

Starlight was given the choice between performing oral sex on Homelander, A-Train, Black Noir and The Deep and not joining The Seven. She chose oral sex. While pretty disgusting, Homelander was clear at the time that she was completely free to leave and go back to The Young Americans. The whole point as far as he was concerned was to get her to voluntarily degrade herself. She even has a monologue later about the fact that she prefered to do that rather than leave.
Rape via coercion is still rape.

I honestly didn't feel that way about it. How do you write a villain who doesn't do anything villainous?
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