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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I suspect not. He's a bit out on the fringes of the X-Men, and the X-Men are rather out on the fringes of the Marvel-verse. Yes, Mojo has interacted with other Marvel characters, but not in a really major way.

Marvel Paul adopted Rogue, who may go to the Xavier Institute for training, so there is a chance for that version of the SI to meet Mojo.
"I have a date."


"What? Are you saying I can't get a date?"

In fairness to Manga while Paul is attractive his personality may sometimes leave some things to be desired.

Also is anyone getting any Kochin and Dr Wheelo vibes with how things are going to go.

The Abridged versions I mean, with Kochin being made as a hilariously senile lunatic who constantly makes things worse.

I predict that Paul is going to try to convince Manga to try and reason only for the sapient gas cloud to misinterpret every word and do something worse.
In fairness to Manga while Paul is attractive his personality may sometimes leave some things to be desired.

Also is anyone getting any Kochin and Dr Wheelo vibes with how things are going to go.

The Abridged versions I mean, with Kochin being made as a hilariously senile lunatic who constantly makes things worse.

I predict that Paul is going to try to convince Manga to try and reason only for the sapient gas cloud to misinterpret every word and do something worse.

While funny, Oh El understands Greed.

And the guy is hilariously easy to convince of things, to the point a salesman from the eighties who is a loser can Con him.
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Whily funny, Oh El understands Greed.

And the guy is hilariously easy to convince of things, to the point a salesman from the eighties who is a loser can Con him.

Maybe, but that doesn't leave out the chance that shenanigans can ensue.

Paul understands greed, but I don't think he's ever dealt with anyone quite as hammy as Khan here, usually he just kills them.
…so the nutter is losing his Ring right? And possibly his corporeal form?
This is not the sort of entity a multi-national peacekeeping force can tolerate within their organisation.

I think that Dox did this to screw with OL for all the shit he put him through.
Unlikely, Dox is supposed to be intelligent. OL is very much the sort of person who will tolerate a lot, but once they reach their limit there is no such thing as a measured response.
Also antagonising someone who must actively work to not accidentally overthrow you is a very poor idea.
…so the nutter is losing his Ring right? And possibly his corporeal form?
This is not the sort of entity a multi-national peacekeeping force can tolerate within their organisation.

Unlikely, Dox is supposed to be intelligent. OL is very much the sort of person who will tolerate a lot, but once they reach their limit there is no such thing as a measured response.
Also antagonising someone who must actively work to not accidentally overthrow you is a very poor idea.

You're probably right and Dox does have a good reason for sending Khan there.

Still that doesn't mean he isn't enjoying OL's current problems.
Hey! That is no way to speak of Chief-Lantern Super Pope!

Yeah- if he ever catches wind of that one, he'll blow a GASket

...:. sorry. I know that probably left a Foul taste in the air- I , I mean your mouth- been fighting the urge to pun for days t-t
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I love him.

Khan I mean.

His enthusiasm is hilarious, you write "funny" quite well Zoat.

Also, going by his employer management...systems I can already see a way for earth to defeat him: HR requirements as part ofe every contract.

Kill them with (contractually enforced) kindness and all that.
"Plans?! What plans could possibly be of more significance than the day upon which I, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan, first arrived at your planet?!"

Well, for Paul, tomorrow is a tuesday. That means game night and he's finally painted his 5000pt army.

"The day I graced your village was the greatest day of your life... But for me, it was Tuesday."

For him, the day he graced Earth seemed to him the most important day of Eartling's life. But for Paul, it was Friday.

Well, since nobody's done the important part of this joke, I'll do it.

Xelloss got the day of the week right, though I do wish Mr. Zoat had set this episode on the 3rd or 10th, to properly get the reference right.
Zoat is Devlos Ungol going to show up in the renegade storyline?

Is the renegades final relationship going to be with Luna, seeing as things with Blackfire didn't work out because of incompatibility with her adopting a more violent method than the renegade and Supergirl doesn't trust him enough?
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Zoat is Devlos Ungol going to show up in the renegade storyline?
Yes, but not for a while as the Renegade isn't looking for him.
Is the renegades final relationship going to be with Luna, seeing as things with Blackfire didn't work out because of incompatibility with her adopting a more violent method than the renegade and Supergirl doesn't trust him enough?
I have no idea.
In the comics, L-Ron ends up joining the Justice League. Seriously.

These guys are great; I'm grinning so much at Mr Zoat for taking them out of their late-eighties/early-nineties toybox and blowing the dust off. I don't know if we'll see the Scarlet Skier, though. He might be too silly for even Zoat to touch.
In the comics, L-Ron ends up joining the Justice League. Seriously.

These guys are great; I'm grinning so much at Mr Zoat for taking them out of their late-eighties/early-nineties toybox and blowing the dust off. I don't know if we'll see the Scarlet Skier, though. He might be too silly for even Zoat to touch.

Maybe after all this is over L-Ron will take over ClusterCorp and start a business relationship with Earth, but in a more reasonable way than Manga.

He could sell advanced tech and other equipment to the League.
Is the renegades final relationship going to be with Luna, seeing as things with Blackfire didn't work out because of incompatibility with her adopting a more violent method than the renegade and Supergirl doesn't trust him enough?

I'm a bit disappointed he and Blackfire didn't work out, it would have been a nice thematic parallel to Paragon's cooling relationship with her, and a reversal of their relationships with the Jades. Though I'd be happy with any of my Paul/Constantine crack-ships being a thing, especially after the wonder of King Shark/Constantine in the most recent DC Animated Movie (even if I'm not a fan of any of the recent stuff).

In terms of the update, hopefully the Green Lanterns or Paragon can deal with these outsourced extraterrestrial mercenary groups that some places on Earth apparently hired.

All this galactic stuff is really straining my credulity on the Kroloteans and Rimbor stuff happening five years later, even if it is a big galaxy/universe. I feel like things should be accelerated to some degree thanks to all that's changed due to Paragon's exploits.

Actually the Renegade should already know about all of the above after taking over the Light, but I don't think that's come up in-story? I just recall Mr Zoat saying he'd pay off the fine, but that was a hypothetical and not something that's actually happened yet, as far as I'm aware.
I'm a bit disappointed he and Blackfire didn't work out, it would have been a nice thematic parallel to Paragon's cooling relationship with her, and a reversal of their relationships with the Jades. Though I'd be happy with any of my Paul/Constantine crack-ships being a thing, especially after the wonder of King Shark/Constantine in the most recent DC Animated Movie (even if I'm not a fan of any of the recent stuff).

In terms of the update, hopefully the Green Lanterns or Paragon can deal with these outsourced extraterrestrial mercenary groups that some places on Earth apparently hired.

All this galactic stuff is really straining my credulity on the Kroloteans and Rimbor stuff happening five years later, even if it is a big galaxy/universe. I feel like things should be accelerated to some degree thanks to all that's changed due to Paragon's exploits.

Actually the Renegade should already know about all of the above after taking over the Light, but I don't think that's come up in-story? I just recall Mr Zoat saying he'd pay off the fine, but that was a hypothetical and not something that's actually happened yet, as far as I'm aware.

Good point about Rimbor.

The best explanation for that is that it's extremely isolated or the Light may be blocking the rest of the universe from discovering about it.

In Life Ore Death they had the help of Apokalyps in doing that.

The Green Lanterns may not be able to do much if the mercs follow the letter of the law.

Remember they're just ordinary cops in the Corps and have to follow the rules.

OL on the other hand is a different matter.

Provided he can be bothered to do something.

Now I have to ask a genuine question.

Does anyone think Constantine started a relationship with a shark graft when he went to Atlantis and is now crashing at their place?
Well, since nobody's done the important part of this joke, I'll do it.

Xelloss got the day of the week right, though I do wish Mr. Zoat had set this episode on the 3rd or 10th, to properly get the reference right.

Video doesn't work here, what is the important part of the joke?
Actually the Renegade should already know about all of the above after taking over the Light, but I don't think that's come up in-story? I just recall Mr Zoat saying he'd pay off the fine, but that was a hypothetical and not something that's actually happened yet, as far as I'm aware.

Renegade attacked before the light could sent the league to wreck shit, in the Paragon they were sent, but I think it was a few hours less than young justice Canon.
... if OL's able to manage this well, this could be exactly what he needs to light a fire under the entire planet's ass-A wake-up call that forces the breaking of the status quo similar to klarion's child-mass murder spree

earth is outright lucky that this is -only- A (relatively restrained- obnoxious or not he hasn't opened fire!) commodore perry-style attempt to forcibly open trade- they could be facing what earth got slapped with in Troy Rising (one of Ringo's books)After spending years ignoring the unregulated/restricted wormgate built by a third party in sol's outskirts, Getting extorted into paying the Danegeld under threat of resumed kinetic strikes against population centres, coupled with being used as a testing ground for Biowar agents...

they've known about the existence of alien interstellar powers for decades, and they've left the planet/high orbitals prettymuch undefended aside from a literal handful of individuals, almost all unwilling or incapable of using lethal force in a invasion scenario....
Renegade attacked before the light could sent the league to wreck shit, in the Paragon they were sent, but I think it was a few hours less than young justice Canon.

I think I knew that but keep forgetting, thank you.

I remember now that Mongul showed up in season 2 as a consequence of the League being put on galactic trial, but I wonder if he'll show up earlier, either on Earth or some other place we've seen in-story, searching for the person responsible for the loss of his Black Mercy plants.
.... you know, if Comic King has the business savvy to be persuaded/nudged into considering setting up a SHIPYARD for relatively simple, civilian-grade craft in orbit or slightly in/out system, assuming he'd be carrying the materials/equipment (or be able to acquire them), he could rake it in hand over fist In a manner that would strengthen the local economy in the mid-long term rather then destabilise it-

running/renting access to the sol-system's first commercial shipbuilding yard would...

itd be expensive and time-consuming at first,And the initial market would likely be limited to skywatch/small patrol craft and a smattering of asteroid mining/survey designs due to the lack of offworld presence/ventures at start but the potential long-term profit if he maintains ownership/a controlling interest would be massive-Especially since it'd give him easy access to the constant stream of bizarre/potentially paradigm-shifting technology that is constantly showing up on earth-both for export designs AND smaller-scale products...
I mean,
the applications for cooling/heat management Improvements alone from snart's technology, given how much of a problem thermal management is with "normal" tech....... and I'm positive that that literally-perfict Conductor the magitech guys are working on could turn more then a few heads.....

the sort of thing you could build a genuinely huge, galaxy-spanning business empire off...... and building your craft outside of the gravity well (assuming access to the asteroid belts/offworld resourcing) would potentially let the paragon timeline's space industry leapfrog past Renegade-Luthor's fleet-in-progress in the mid-long term- IF the pollies of various Un nations are willing to be reasonable....
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.... you know, if Comic King has the business savvy to be persuaded/nudged into considering setting up a SHIPYARD for relatively simple, civilian-grade craft in orbit or slightly in/out system, assuming he'd be carrying the materials/equipment (or be able to acquire them), he could rake it in hand over fist In a manner that would strengthen the local economy in the mid-long term rather then destabilise it-

running/renting access to the sol-system's first commercial shipbuilding yard would...

itd be expensive and time-consuming at first,And the initial market would likely be limited to skywatch/small patrol craft and a smattering of asteroid mining/survey designs due to the lack of offworld presence/ventures at start but the potential long-term profit if he maintains ownership/a controlling interest would be massive-Especially since it'd give him easy access to the constant stream of bizarre/potentially paradigm-shifting technology that is constantly showing up on earth-both for export designs AND smaller-scale products...
I mean,
the applications for cooling/heat management Improvements alone from snart's technology, given how much of a problem thermal management is with "normal" tech....... and I'm positive that that literally-perfict Conductor the magitech guys are working on could turn more then a few heads.....

the sort of thing you could build a genuinely huge, galaxy-spanning business empire off...... and building your craft outside of the gravity well (assuming access to the asteroid belts/offworld resourcing) would potentially let the paragon timeline's space industry leapfrog past Renegade-Luthor's fleet-in-progress in the mid-long term- IF the pollies of various Un nations are willing to be reasonable....

Simply setting up a business that lets Earthlings visit the rest of the solar system via smallish automated ships that cycle back and forth would be great business as then people like Bruce Wayne or Lex Luthor could set up mines on Mercury or in the Asteroid belt and potentially sell vacations to Mars.
No, L-Ron is Completely and totally not related to Hubbard in any way shape or form, And has no resemblance tot the latter, particularly since Scientology is a horrifying religion that is known to sue anyone misappropriating their trademarks... except that he totally is.
The Renegade is going to keep the piece of the Anti-Monitor, isn't he?

Destroying or keeping the Anti-Monitor fragment seems very much like a typical Paragon/Renegade choice, at least.

Even he isn't that reckless.


He might keep some of the armor Devlos wore, like Paragon is doing.

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