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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

A friendly reminder that for those who don't want to clutter the main thread, a separate thread exists dedicated solely to Vaermina, that beautiful motherfucker.

No, historically, being smart and beautiful made you highly sought after. What you're thinking is clichés, and you're wrong about that too; stereotypically, the mean girl is a malicious airhead with only a talent for social climbing and spreading misery.

Also, no. Lack of empathy does not equal sociopathy. Including a lack of empathy, sociopathy is characterised by a lack of remorse, inflated sense of self-worth, manipulations, thrill seeking behaviour, impulsive actions and a quick temper. They generally have a vary self-assured demeanour. Furthermore, she would be psychopathic, not sociopathic. Sociopathy happens due to childhood trauma, and like most things lies on a scale.

Psychopathy is from birth, and while it shares a lack of empathy and remorse, and narcissistic, manipulative, and thrill seeking behaviours with sociopathy, the psychopath is much more calm and lacks the impulsive outbursts or temper of the first. They are also much more stereotypically confident; very little fazes them.

Chances are you've already met at least one of the two in your life, and it's likely that someone you know is one. Really, we're apathetic, not malicious.

Also, no, sociopathy is not the cause of her social problems, if anything, it's the cure. She lacks experience and confidence.
Nope! Check the post again, it doesn't float like one, but it works like one

No, you check again. It transfer heat without lost, but it doesn't transfer electricity, doesn't produce an electromagnetic hose and also it doesn't float.

It's a perfect conductor of thermal energy, that is all it is.
No, you check again. It transfer heat without lost, but it doesn't transfer electricity, doesn't produce an electromagnetic hose and also it doesn't float.

It's a perfect conductor of thermal energy, that is all it is.

It did transfer electricity, it just didn't act like it. I can't find the original quote, but when he first met the Amazon blacksmith, he was so impressed he acted like he just got laid and said "not just heat, electricity."
It did transfer electricity, it just didn't act like it. I can't find the original quote, but when he first met the Amazon blacksmith, he was so impressed he acted like he just got laid and said "not just heat, electricity."
I assume we're talking about orichalcum? If not, then ignore me.

It magically transfers heat from one end of the metal to another instantaneously, without the heat actually travelling through it.
"But this is me. I don't expect-" She regards me for a moment. "-you to understand, but I want to recognise myself when I look in a mirror."
Yeah so I never really looked up what Georgia looked like. I vaguely recall it being mentioned she looked like a female version of her dad and... after googling it that seems not too far from the truth.

But when I googled her I saw this version of her come up first and repeatedly.... so yeah seems safe to say she made some drastic changes at some point


Yeah so I never really looked up what Georgia looked like. I vaguely recall it being mentioned she looked like a female version of her dad and... after googling it that seems not too far from the truth.

But when I googled her I saw this version of her come up first and repeatedly.... so yeah seems safe to say she made some drastic changes at some point



I think the second pictures are of her when she and her family got Captain Marvel/Shazam like powers.

She has the lightning bolt symbol on her clothes.

When someone transforms their looks change, often times to an idealised form.

Billy's form changes to be like his idealised version of his father and Theo Adams form changed into that of a bodybuilder when he stole Teths powers, symbolising his desire to be seen as powerful.
I assume we're talking about orichalcum? If not, then ignore me.

It magically transfers heat from one end of the metal to another instantaneously, without the heat actually travelling through it.

Jovium, the one Paul reacted to so thoroughly they thought he'd had sex with the amazon blacksmith
Jovium, the one Paul reacted to so thoroughly they thought he'd had sex with the amazon blacksmith

We can always ask Mr Zoat because regardless of what he wrote in the past, his current intentions in regards to the limitations and advantages of Jovium are what truly matter and we don't even know if this weapon uses Jovium (I don't think it does).

Also like I said, for a weapon system a few magic runes being added/imprinted to the physical frames/parts are probably significantly more effective than using meta materials for their designs, with the only drawback being that the weapon won't work outside earth's arcane field.
Does dream owe OL a solid in this, or is that some other fic? Because finding a hopeful nerd who just read The Silmarillion and grabbing whoever's playing Celebrimbor might do the trick for getting a blue ring
Does dream owe OL a solid in this, or is that some other fic?

I think you're talking about 'We Are Legion' by RagnarokAscendant.

The MC in that story rescues Dream from his imprisonment.

I don't think that any of the versions of Paul have so far met Dream.

I could see Dream being capable of making a Blue Ring though.

As for where he could find some hope, well there was that Firmament of Hopes and Dreams from the Dreaming comic.
Paul has only ever interacted with Desire of the Endless, when he and the Ophidian were fused together and the Green Lanterns denied their desire despite wanting to help them, and was on the moon in the toilet stall he created for Tuppence cradling the star sapphire.

And most of the interaction involved Desire observing Paul until the team showed up to save him, commenting on his mental state, and briefly brought up as blur when Paul tried to remember his time fused with the Ophidian.

Out of all the Endless Paul should try contacting is Destruction who left his realm in order to discover himself as a being and wanting create things rather than destroy, as mostly of humanity and possible other species have gotten very well at destruction themselves.
Paul has only ever interacted with Desire of the Endless, when he and the Ophidian were fused together and the Green Lanterns denied their desire despite wanting to help them, and was on the moon in the toilet stall he created for Tuppence cradling the star sapphire.

And most of the interaction involved Desire observing Paul until the team showed up to save him, commenting on his mental state, and briefly brought up as blur when Paul tried to remember his time fused with the Ophidian.

Out of all the Endless Paul should try contacting is Destruction who left his realm in order to discover himself as a being and wanting create things rather than destroy, as mostly of humanity and possible other species have gotten very well at destruction themselves.

He also, well, sampled something Morpheus left behind, a bit of himself I think, in his prison, that time he had Hinon come with him to Earth.
No mention of knocking ten-plus years off your physical age? Seriously, OL, you're going to have to share with someone other than John Constantine eventually...
He did. Paul told Zatanna after their trip to Earth -14.

Well 20% told, 80% she figured it out and asked.

And now their relationship as friends is much better. With Overgirl (age 39) now on the team, Paul could probably just tell everyone his "big" secrete.
And now their relationship as friends is much better. With Overgirl (age 39) now on the team, Paul could probably just tell everyone his "big" secrete.

Probably, but it still may end at least a bit badly.

Nothing too serious, but finding out that he's been lying about his age all this time may make some people upset.

Overgirl at least didn't lie about how old she was.

Any of you think that Giovanni is going to be all that happy to find out his little girl was trying to initiate a romantic, and sexual during the dragon thing, relationship with someone twice her age and said guy didn't tell her how old he was?

I'm guessing no.
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Any of you think that Giovanni is going to be all that happy to find out his little girl was trying to initiate a romantic, and sexual during the dragon thing, relationship with someone twice her age and said guy didn't tell her how old he was?

I'm guessing no.
Ya, but this is a comic universe. I think that he would be more reasonable. Heck, he knows Paul's character and knows that he rebuffed every one of her advances.........

Or we get a comedy bit of Giovanni chasing Paul with a Magical Orange Laser Rifle that he created but never sold to the public. That would please Eris greatly. :sneaky:
Ya, but this is a comic universe. I think that he would be more reasonable. Heck, he knows Paul's character and knows that he rebuffed every one of her advances.........

Or we get a comedy bit of Giovanni chasing Paul with a Magical Orange Laser Rifle that he created but never sold to the public. That would please Eris greatly. :sneaky:

I'm getting an image of Giovanni just looking at Paul and Paul not trying to see Giovannis emotions because he doesn't want to see all the red there.

One viewer once posted an omake in which Zatanna tells her dad, who's still being possessed by Nabu, that she's going to date Constantine.

Giovanni takes control and goes on to kill John.
I think the second pictures are of her when she and her family got Captain Marvel/Shazam like powers.

She has the lightning bolt symbol on her clothes.

When someone transforms their looks change, often times to an idealised form.

Billy's form changes to be like his idealised version of his father and Theo Adams form changed into that of a bodybuilder when he stole Teths powers, symbolising his desire to be seen as powerful.

It is, she was the Captain Marvel Jr of her family, she was defeated by Freddy tricking her into saying her own name.

I felt sympathy for her, really.

All she wanted to do with this stolen magical power given to her by her father? Enjoy being pretty for once.

So if she had her druthers, her villainous career apparently would have consisted of getting guys to buy her drinks at bars and what not. Oh, the humanity!
I'm getting an image of Giovanni just looking at Paul and Paul not trying to see Giovannis emotions because he doesn't want to see all the red there.

One viewer once posted an omake in which Zatanna tells her dad, who's still being possessed by Nabu, that she's going to date Constantine.

Giovanni takes control and goes on to kill John.
I. Need. To. Read. That. Omake. I laughed way too hard.

I only started reading just before the transition to QQ, so I never got to see many of those.

If anyone can find a link, I would be very grateful.
A Week in the Life of (part 9)
15th April
12:31 GMT +3

"Do you not think that was rude?"

"Koriand'r, if I didn't pull you away then my countrywomen would never let you go."

"Is it not good that they are so friendly?"

"That's a little complicated." We emerge into Erebos and I take the lead as we fly towards Lord Hades' palace. "I want them to learn to leave the island. If they can get what they want -which includes stunningly attractive alien warrior-women- by staying at home, they get disincentivised."

"You..? Think I am stunning?"

I glance at her with a frown. "Yes, you.. are? Especially to a warrior culture that holds physically capable women in high regard. Themyscira has been in voluntary isolation for most of the past two thousand years, so anything new gets a lot of attention… What?"



"I grew to womanhood on Okaara, and the people of Okaara have standards of beauty that are not the same as those of Tamaran."

"Okay, yes, but surely there were other students?"

"The Warlords preferred to teach only small groups, and their lessons left little time for other matters. I was there to learn so that I could lead my people, not to entertain myself. And… Since I was betrothed, I did not want to risk becoming too attached to someone I would have to leave. I have never experienced romantic love, and my only experience of sex is being raped by Citadelian soldiers."

"Oh." Ah. I know that tamaraneans process trauma differently to humans, but… I don't.. really… "Are you..? Alright?"

"Yes?" She blinks. "Should I not be?"

"I… No, I'm glad that you are, but perhaps we should make time to discuss the life goals you have that aren't related to public service? It's a poor sort of Orange Lantern who doesn't get at least something for themselves, and Vega is hardly in the same sort of state it used to be in."

She smiles. "Do you wish to 'set me up' with someone? Did Rikane telling you that you were a betrothal-breaking villain make you so concerned?"

"I… Suppose that I'd like you to be happy..?"

"Perhaps with Alan?"

I actually fall slightly in the air.


"You do not approve?"

"Alan.. is… Fairly old for a human. Um."

"But his body is fuelled by the light of hope."

"That's certainly true. But… Have you talked about his late wife? Because him… Being involved with someone… I certainly don't hate the idea, but I think it's something that you should think about carefully? With perhaps a greater understanding of human cultural norms than you currently have?"

She nods as we come in for a landing.

"That may be more wise."

Starfire and… Alan Scott? I wouldn't have even considered

"Ho, Lanterns." A young-looking man with tanned skin and dark grey hair and wearing.. safari gear that's so stereotypical that it makes me blink, raises his right hand in greeting as he strolls out of the shadows of a pillar. "I was wondering how long I'd be here until I met you."

I bow, and Koriand'r follows suit. "Lord Zagreus. I wasn't expecting you."

"I'd be a poor hunt-god if my prey expected me." I-. "Oh, not like that. You simply managed to make me curious. What brings you back to the underworld?" He looks pointedly at Koriand'r and then back at me. "Not planning on parading her in front of my sister, I hope?"

"No, no. I simply wanted to ask her help in deciphering some dreams."

He smirks. "And you could hardly ask an oracle. But I'm hardly ignorant on the subject myself, even if you do prefer my sister's company."

"I meant no offence, my lord. I simply haven't had the pleasure of meeting you until today."

"But why not Hypnos? He lives not far from here. And general interpretation is more his bailiwick."

"Because I know Melinoë."

And I honestly can't remember whether Hypnos and Morpheus are distinct beings and I'd rather avoid things like the Endless if at all possible.

"Do you know what my sister spends her time doing?"


"Custom mail order nightmares. People like them. I think people are even praying to her. A man called… Jonathan Crane?"

"Doctor Jonathan Crane, and that doesn't surprise me. He's insane and obsessed with fear but chemically incapable of feeling it without Melinoë's help."

"At least he's happy. Listen, I've got some… Bad news."

"What's that?"

"Your visits are setting off our mother's protective instincts. She's… Not cutting you off, exactly… But I'm supposed to chaperone you."

"Did she call you back from… Wherever you were, because-"


"-she thinks I'm going to abduct Melinoë? Because Melinoë could lock me in a never-ending series of horrifying nightmares."

He glances awkwardly away.

"Our.. mother is concerned that.. perhaps she wouldn't want to."

"So… What exactly is Queen Persephone's opposition to relevance in the modern world?"

"It's not the hobby. It's the man. And I don't think that having me along is really all that burdensome."

"Alright. I suppose you aren't really a problem. Where is Melinoë now?"
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