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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Just a little note, that AK mud myth is a foolish myth. The AK could be run without being maintained by peasants or conscripts and work just fine. But the bullshit about it running with mud inside is ridiculous.

Here's an AR-15 going through that same torture test, and guess what, it worked.

I don't know what's worse, me being late to the update that goes into details about coil gun operation, or being late to all the 'recoil is still a thing' correction! Joking of course. Thanks Zoat for giving us a bit of technical crunch to squee over, i do so enjoy when folks dip into the mechanical aspects of their sci fi tech.

As for my 2 cents on the recoil issue, from the description this appears to a multistage coil gun.

In a modern firearm you get a a primer detonating a powder charge at the base of the shell casing. For most handgun loads this powder charges are chemically engineered to burn Very rapidly, so that they've completed burning by the time the bullet has left the relatively short barrel. Rifle rounds, having longer barrels, can afford to burn a bit slower, but the idea is the same. Faster and slower burning powders in firearms control the amount of pressure the barrel has to handle and the speed of the projectile (alongside the weight of the projectile). Handloading ammo for a specific firearm with a specific set of characteristics can optimize these aspects.

In a coil gun with a single coil, it's much the same, in that you need to dump all the energy in one go over a short period of time. The limiting factors there are peak energy discharge and magnetic saturation of the target. And you'd have a similar amount of recoil impulse over a short period of time.

In a multiple coil design however, you add energy several times over the course of the projectile moving down the barrel. This allows you to spread the amount of energy used over a longer period of time, which makes a huge difference in the 'felt' recoil of a firearm.

It's a bit like pushing a kid on a swing....would you prefer one BIG push at the start, or a couple small pushes over time to get the kid going.

There is a point of diminishing returns, which is why most coil guns you see (outside of a particle acceleration, which pretty much the same thing on a different scale) only have so many coils, for practical purposes. Most hobby versions I've seen stop at 3 or 4.

The tricky part with multiple coils is the timing system, because if you get it wrong with the position of the projectile and the discharge on the coil, you could end up firing the damned thing backwards. Most versions I've seen use an optical gate system, but if you're very good and your ammo and loading systems are consistent, you can get away with just a timing circuit.

As for the issue of Paul having to break some physical laws and do some chemical / materials physics to get a hand held weapons grade coil gun operational.

I'd like to rewind things back to early days in WTR, and Ivo's Robot Monkey's with plasma eyes....and the pistols that Paul made out of those for the Metropolis PD.

The batteries, capacitors and electro-magnets that you'd need to have to make a functional hand held weapons grade PLASMA GUN, are very much in tune with what you'd require for a coil gun, and arguably the coil gun is far more efficient in delivering energy to target.

The Earth based technical information from Ivo alone would have allowed for this kinda weapons tech, and a coilgun operating in the battle rifle energy ranges would be a downgrade from the plasma gun specs in what would be required. Even without divine superconductors or space tech, DC Earth has it. Getting the costs down would be hard, but like they said, the gun is more expensive, but you save money on the back end with cheaper ammo.

As for reliability, while there would be fewer moving parts due to the electrical nature of the firearm, you still need the ammo feed system and ejection systems (yes even a 'caseless' weapon still requires ejection port for when you have to clear a dud or damaged round, or simply unload the gun without firing a chambered round).

Coil guns vs Rail guns arguments generally come down on the railgun side when it comes to top speed, because there is a limit on what a coil gun projectile will magnetically saturate to a point where you just can't pull it any harder then you already are, where as a rail can simply be made longer to go faster. The coil gun wins for reliability because unlike a railgun, which scrapes the rails rough to the point of damage over multiple shots, the coils are not in physical contact with the projectile and, aside from heat build up and compression forces, suffer no damage for repeat firings.
Just a little note, that AK mud myth is a foolish myth. The AK could be run without being maintained by peasants or conscripts and work just fine. But the bullshit about it running with mud inside is ridiculous.

Here's an AR-15 going through that same torture test, and guess what, it worked.

Pretty sure the myth (and what is mentioned in the text), is that the weapon will operate just fine after receiving basic maintenance/cleaning, not that is going to literally work with all the internal mechanics being caked in mud. The myth/legend of the weapon is also that any idiot can do proper maintenance on it and that replacement parts aren't required often.

In regards to using a magnetically levitated system to absorb recoil energy as other users have suggested... How is that simple? It introduces many points of failure, it increases the energy requirements on the entire magnetic system, and the payoff is quite unimpressive. Also people bringing up Jovium need to remember is a material made with magic (the public doesn't have access to it) that is MOST certainly not a super conductor, it its explicitly useful to transfer thermal energy without wastage and it doesn't work with anything else.

Jovium can revolutionize cooling and heating mechanism, but at that point you are better off simply drawing a cooling rune in the weapon systems and skipping all the nonsense with random materials.

In short, I can only see this weapon being "simple" if magic runes are used to bypass technological limitations, physics and material limits, in with case the weapon will be somewhat impressive, but it will be absolutely useless out of the arcane field of earth... And that would be absolutely fine.
Pretty sure the myth (and what is mentioned in the text), is that the weapon will operate just fine after receiving basic maintenance/cleaning, not that is going to literally work with all the internal mechanics being caked in mud. The myth/legend of the weapon is also that any idiot can do proper maintenance on it and that replacement parts aren't required often.

In regards to using a magnetically levitated system to absorb recoil energy as other users have suggested... How is that simple? It introduces many points of failure, it increases the energy requirements on the entire magnetic system, and the payoff is quite unimpressive. Also people bringing up Jovium need to remember is a material made with magic (the public doesn't have access to it) that is MOST certainly not a super conductor, it its explicitly useful to transfer thermal energy without wastage and it doesn't work with anything else.

Jovium can revolutionize cooling and heating mechanism, but at that point you are better off simply drawing a cooling rune in the weapon systems and skipping all the nonsense with random materials.

In short, I can only see this weapon being "simple" if magic runes are used to bypass technological limitations, physics and material limits, in with case the weapon will be somewhat impressive, but it will be absolutely useless out of the arcane field of earth... And that would be absolutely fine.

Cant comment on the rest, but Jovium 100% worked on electricity, they wanted to redo the US power grid in the stuff so they wouldn't lose any power in transit, but it's too hard to make.
Cant comment on the rest, but Jovium 100% worked on electricity, they wanted to redo the US power grid in the stuff so they wouldn't lose any power in transit, but it's too hard to make.

Pretty sure it didn't, that was the point of the testing and the absolute disappointment of the fact that it couldn't be used as a super conductor.

It can transfer temperature perfectly without wastage. Hence why it could replace the power grid system, but IT is a replacement of the entire power grid system, not an upgrade of it.

Also Jovium is the easiest to make and can be done by anyone with a basic knowledge of alchemy, its mytril and orinaculum that are extremely difficult.
Pretty sure it didn't, that was the point of the testing and the absolute disappointment of the fact that it couldn't be used as a super conductor.

It can transfer temperature perfectly without wastage. Hence why it could replace the power grid system, but IT is a replacement of the entire power grid system, not an upgrade of it.

Also Jovium is the easiest to make and can be done by anyone with a basic knowledge of alchemy, its mytril and orinaculum that are extremely difficult.

Nope! Check the post again, it doesn't float like one, but it works like one

Mister Kord's hands shake as he holds the small jovium rod.
Pretty sure the myth (and what is mentioned in the text), is that the weapon will operate just fine after receiving basic maintenance/cleaning, not that is going to literally work with all the internal mechanics being caked in mud. The myth/legend of the weapon is also that any idiot can do proper maintenance on it and that replacement parts aren't required often.

The quote said bury it in mud, and then only brush it off somewhat. The actual thing it's great at is being rusty as fuck because as I said in my post some peasant or conscript didn't bother cleaning it and it'd operate just fine. An AK though will jam if any mud gets inside, it's not closed up like the AR is. The AR design is closed up to prevent that sort of crud from getting in, though it does need more maintenance to keep running, it wasn't as bad as they said it was in Vietnam. The biggest issue with the rifle during the Vietnam War was because the Pentagon told the designers to shut up when they said to use specific gunpowder mixtures, which they later did after so many troops died. They also didn't issue them with cleaning kits at first, because they were morons and felt they knew best. In the M16 mud test video they show a clip about his experience regarding the DoD and their hostility towards Eugene Stoner and Armalite.

Here's a more complete video, and I posted the exact quote from the story:

Just a little note, Jim Sullivan is a renowned gun designer in his own right. He designed the Mini-14 which is a very popular rifle as well. And designed the Ultrimax MG which is used by Singapore.

"See, what Paul wanted to work on was… See, Jerry… One of my guys, Jerry, read something about the AK-Forty Seven…" He points to an American-made version on the wall. "Overtaking the gladius as the deadliest weapon ever. And it's not because it's a great gun…" He shakes its head. "It's not. It's got massive recoil in full-auto; you can barely hit a thing. It's the deadliest weapon ever because it's simple and reliable. You can bury that thing in mud for a week, clean it off with a brush and it'll work fine. And that means it's cheap, so everyone uses it."
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So why would propelling a bullet with magnetic fields mean no recoil? Equal and opposite force means that pushing the bullet still gets you recoil, as a function of force applied to the bullet, regardless of the mechanism, shouldn't it? Unless the bullets are a lighter or accelerating more slowly over a longer period of time.
I'm pretty sure that quite a bit of the force of recoil is from the expanding gasses shooting out the front of the weapon like a rocket engine. That's why muzzle brakes help with recoil, by allowing the gasses out in more directions. The bullet itself is pretty low-mass. So that's why there's basically no recoil. You're tossing like ~5 grams of material out of the barrel, without the rocket plume. The recoil would probably be comparable to amount of force you get from throwing a baseball.
Knowing what I do about the state of real life coilguns, I do have to wonder why Paul is needed at all given Young Justice Earth is supposedly a standard of 20-30 years more advanced then real life Earth.
A Week in the Life of (part 8)
15th April
08:03 GMT +1

"I'm just-." Thaddeus's face starts going red. "I'm going-. To-. Recalibrate the temporal synchroniser. Ah… Again."

"I'm sorry about messing up time, Thaddeus, but there really wasn't much-"

To my right Koriand'r leans closer to study a large tubular device and then backs off as Georgia swings a rolled up New Scientist at her.

"-alternative, and I don't have anything like the knowledge of temporal mechanics I'd need in order to have done something else."

He flashes me a quick smile.

"No one here is going to criticize anyone else for altering space-time however you want. It's just that there are consequences."

"Would you like Lantern Koriand'r to help you?"

Behind me, Georgia rolls her eyes, while in her brother's head the awkwardness he feels at being in close quarters with a stunningly attractive woman wars with his pride as a mad scientist.

"Is she an expert in temporal mechanics?"

"No, but I'm trying to give her an idea of what Earth's civilisation is like, and I think your work is a good example of what the most advanced science and technology our species can produce looks like."

"That's.. true. Okay. Sure." He manages to look at her as she smiles appreciatively. "I'll show you my workshop, Koriand'r."

"Thank you, Thaddeus. I am very interested to see what you have made!"

"Right-. Ah, right this way."

Arms held rigidly at his side, Thaddeus leads Koriand'r over to his work station on the far side of the subterranean workshop where the villainous part of the Sivana family keep their 'active research' projects.


"Be reasonable, Georgia. You're both young, and neither of you have a lot of social contact with people outside of the community."

"Please tell me that you didn't bring her here just to dangle her in front of Junior."

"Of course not. I assumed that if he responded at all that he'd respond in the way your father did to your mother when they first met; with stilted formality."

"Father didn't think it was appropriate for supervillains to study etiquette."

"Oh. So I assume that he doesn't have a great deal of experience with girls."

"To put it mildly."

"While… You have a great deal of experience with boys?"

"Vril called my input into beam weapon design 'insightful'."

"Gosh. That's coluan for 'take me now, big girl'."

Her eyes widen a fraction. "Is it?"

"Well, coluans don't usually conceptualise romantic relationships in the way that humans do, but… Pretty much. I only know-"

And she blushes just as badly as her brother does.

"-one female coluan, but I can ask her to confirm it if you like."

"What do-? Female coluans look like?"

"… Green?"

Her eyes narrow slightly. "You know perfectly well that's not what I meant."

"Most coluans are currently being mind controlled by an AI network on their homeworld, so their bodies are optimally healthy. Of the two coluans I know who don't live on their homeworld, both are athletic, but both work in military occupations and one has a power ring."

"Standard… Humanoid… Physiques?"

"Georgia, I can't believe that you're this self-conscious about your appearance. If you don't like something, change it."

"But this is me. I don't expect-" She regards me for a moment. "-you to understand, but I want to recognise myself when I look in a mirror."

"You think-? Georgia, I didn't look anything like this good when I arrived from Earth Prime."

"You… Didn't?"

"No. I have an orange power ring. Tuning myself up was the.. second thing I did. I didn't make any radical changes; just.. a general enhancement and a few cosmetic modifications I'd wanted to make for a while. I certainly haven't had any trouble recognising myself. And… If you thought that might be a problem then you could just put your original body in suspended animation and transfer your brain into a new one."

"Yes, I.. could… I'm not metaphorically attached to everything…"

"Or don't. I doubt that Dox will care, so it's really just about boosting your confidence and.. happiness."

I suppose there's no good way to bring it up… Ring, are there any possums in Germany?

Only in zoos and private collections.

"You..? Are you aware why your elder-?"

"Why our parents divorced? Yes, I am aware that Father decided to ensure that we would look like him so that we would share his outlook on life." She thoughtfully strokes her chin. "I suppose that there is a conceptual link: if we're going to make this 'new leaf' thing our preferred approach for the foreseeable future then I simply have no need for an additional reason to reject society any longer."

"Speaking of new leaves..?"

"We did have an early warning system set up, then somebody rewrote the laws of temporal mechanics."

"It was that or risk losing our entire continuity."

"I'm not accusing you; we're not hypocritical enough to seriously object to other people's forays into 'angry' science. I am simply pointing out why we won't be able to give anyone advanced warning at the moment. We have been able to identify a large number of people fitted with spine riders, and we've sent search and destroy squads to their breeding centres."


"They were clearly instructed to minimise collateral damage. But we can't save everyone."

"Give me a list and their remains. I'll get the missing persons' cases closed."

"If you think that's important. And the… Other matter?" I nod. "I'm not used to having to model with so little direct data. But there's definitely something going on. But given the complexity, I think a full investigation will have to wait until after the Sheeda are destroyed."

"That's probably for the best. If nothing else, there's a better than average chance that it's them."
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"-alternative, and I don't have anything like the knowledge of temporal mechanics I'd need in order to have done something else."
That's a lie, there was an alternative, you just refused it.

I suppose there's no good way to bring it up… Ring, are there any possums in Germany?
So... Did some super-villain decided to tag all the possums in Germany with scry wards for some odd reason?

"It was that or risk losing our entire continuity."
You could also have killed Time Trapper Paul and destroyed his machine without using it.
I suppose there's no good way to bring it up… Ring, are there any possums in Germany?

Ok, I am confused.

I do like the bit on Georgia and Vril's Relationship growth though :) Hope to see a chill Vril.

So, is Vulcan able to make a Blue Ring for Kori? I'd prefer if the ring situation was wrapped up before we get tossed into another plot thread.
"Most coluans are currently being mind controlled by a AI network on their homeworld, so their bodies are optimally healthy. Of the two coluans I know who don't live on their homeworld, both are athletic, but both work in military occupations and one has a power ring."

There was the Green Lantern Task Force that was sent to go deal with them, got diverted to take the Dominators at Vril's prison to the Blue Cells, and then just didn't reschedule the assault? The SI was aware of the planned liberation of Colu right?

Or is the SI missing a 'Last I know of' at the beginning of this sentence?
Transhumanism FTW!

It is a bit odd the Sivanas haven',t kick started the singularty yet, isn't it?
That would involve them caring about other people.
Thank you, corrected.
"First met" I suspect.
Thank you, corrected.
So, is Vulcan able to make a Blue Ring for Kori? I'd prefer if the ring situation was wrapped up before we get tossed into another plot thread.
In theory, yes, but not much more able than anyone else.
I really hope Georgia, and both Thaddeus' uplift their current bodies, it might help as a start, to fix their damned social issues.
Historically, being beautiful just makes her issues worse since being smart and beautiful basically causes her to go full highschool mean girl.

If you want to actually fix her social issues, the only real way is probably to fix her sociopathy.
I still ship Georgia and Dox. Woo!

Anyhow, if you want a gun that's crowbar-simple, just go with compressed air. Modern materials, and especially what's available in this verse' are more than up to the task of creating a compact tank that can hold enough pressure to propel a bullet as hard as gunpowder firearms. You can use a hand-cranked pump to refill it if you're out somewhere away from your powered compressor, they can fire anything that fits in the barrel, and an adjustable valve would let you set your projectile speed however you like.

Georgia once put the mind of a guy that pissed her of in a possum.

I do like the bit on Georgia and Vril's Relationship growth though :) Hope to see a chill Vril.

Same here.

In theory, yes, but not much more able than anyone else.

Is this because he doesn't know all that much about how the Emotional Spectrum works, or how power rings work, plus he may be lacking the spiritual discipline to make something like a power ring?

Because as far as forge gods go I think Vulcan is at the top at making things, especially if they're magical in nature.

Certainly better than most.

Atrocitus was able to make a power ring using magic.

Historically, being beautiful just makes her issues worse since being smart and beautiful basically causes her to go full highschool mean girl.

If you want to actually fix her social issues, the only real way is probably to fix her sociopathy.

Considering that she's working with the SI, who can see other peoples emotions, I think she has a very useful therapist at hand.

Paul likes to see those close to him become all that they can be, plus she's working on solving the whole social issue for him as well as the Sheeda thing, so he has lots of reasons for her to stay sane.

I also don't think she's actually a sociopath, at least in this story, but just has a difficult time empathizing with other people due to her upbringing, but unlike a regular sociopath she has the ability to do so and is not practically neurologically incapable of doing it, but she's not all that good at it.
15th April
08:03 GMT +1

"I'm just-." Thaddeus's face starts going red. "I'm going-. To-. Recalibrate the temporal synchroniser. Ah… Again."
Ah, the family of cinnamon rolls (is that the right term?) Lots of red faces when Kori's around. I bet this has to do with OL's little temporal adventure, though.

"I'm sorry about messing up time, Thaddeus, but there really wasn't much-"

To my right Koriand'r leans closer to study a large tubular device and then backs off as Georgia swings a rolled up New Scientist at her.
"Get those floatation devices away from me, you alien hussy! And no touching the machinery!"

"-alternative, and I don't have anything like the knowledge of temporal mechanics I'd need in order to have done something else."

He flashes me a quick smile.

"No one here is going to criticism anyone else for altering space-time however you want. It's just that there are consequences."
Full-Life Consequences? But seriously, he has a point. Rewriting the local multiversal cluster's rules of causality and temporal variance is not a simple matter to unravel...

"Would you like Lantern Koriand'r to help you?"

Behind me, Georgia rolls her eyes, while in her brother's head the awkwardness he feels at being in close quarters with a stunningly attractive woman wars with his pride as a mad scientist.
That would explain the steam coming out of his shirt collar. Honestly, if he wants some experience with beautiful women, you'd think he'd build a robot or a clone or something...

"Is she an expert in temporal mechanics?"

"No, but I'm trying to give her an idea of what Earth's civilisation is like, and I think your work is a good example of what the most advanced science and technology our species can produce looks like."
Flattery will get you everywhere, OL. Seriously, feeding his ego is a good plan.

"That's.. true. Okay. Sure." He manages to look at her as she smiles appreciatively. "I'll show you my workshop, Koriand'r."

"Thank you, Thaddeus. I am very interested to see what you have made!"

"Right-. Ah, right this way."
Heh, I see where the kids get it from.

Arms held rigidly at his side, Thaddeus leads Koriand'r over to his work station on the far side of the subterranean workshop where the villainous part of the Sivana family keep their 'active research' projects.

Don't be jealous, Georgia. I'm sure with a little work, you could look like that too. Maybe some magic?

"Be reasonable, Georgia. You're both young, and neither of you have a lot of social contact with people outside of the community."

"Please tell me that you didn't bring her here just to dangle her in front of Junior."
Honestly amazed he hasn't gotten a nosebleed. Or said anything. Are you sure he hasn't had an aneurysm?

"Of course not. I assumed that if he responded at all that he'd respond in the way your father did to your mother when they first me; with stilted formality."

"Father didn't think it was appropriate for supervillains to study etiquette."
So, he didn't have the same pool of knowledge his father did at that age.

"Oh. So I assume that he doesn't have a great deal of experience with girls."

"To put it mildly."
Well, unless you count Georgia, Beautia or their mother. And they don't count as GIRL-girls.

"While… You have a great deal of experience with boys?"

"Vril called my input into beam weapon design 'insightful'."
High praise. When's the wedding?:D

"Gosh. That's coluan for 'take me now, big girl'."

Her eyes widen a fraction. "Is it?"
Hahaa, she is so easy to work up.

"Well, coluans don't usually conceptualise romantic relationships in the way that humans do, but… Pretty much. I only know-"

And she blushes just as badly as her brother does.
I guess it's fine, as long as she doesn't start spouting 'Japanese shy girl' catchphrases.

"-one female coluan, but I can ask her to confirm it if you like."

"What do-? Female coluans look like?"

"… Green?"
Yep, they are green space babes. Admittedly, they practically are a designer species.

Her eyes narrow slightly. "You know perfectly well that's not what I meant."

"Most coluans are currently being mind controlled by a AI network on their homeworld, so their bodies are optimally healthy. Of the two coluans I know who don't live on their homeworld, both are athletic, but both work in military occupations and one has a power ring."
And Georgia knows exactly what he means by 'athletic' and 'optimally healthy'. I doubt Clarissi Dox cares about physical appearances though.

"Standard… Humanoid… Physiques?"

"Georgia, I can't believe that you're this self-conscious about your appearance. If you don't like something, change it."
Seriously, make yourself a new body, full Danner treatment, and transfer your mind into it. You've got to have some manner of mental and spiritual transfer technology laying around somewhere.

"But this is me. I don't expect-" She regards me for a moment. "-you to understand, but I want to recognise myself when I look in a mirror."

"You think-? Georgia, I didn't look anything like this good when I arrived from Earth Prime."
Useful part of an Orange Ring, after all.

"You… Didn't?"

"No. I have an orange power ring. Tuning myself up was the.. second thing I did. I didn't make any radical changes; just.. a general enhancement and a few cosmetic modifications I'd wanted to make for a while. I certainly haven't had any trouble recognising myself. And… If you thought that might be a problem then you could just put your original body in suspended animation and transfer your brain into a new one."
No mention of knocking ten-plus years off your physical age? Seriously, OL, you're going to have to share with someone other than John Constantine eventually...

"Yes, I.. could… I'm not metaphorically attached to everything…"

"Or don't. I doubt that Dox will care, so it's really just about boosting your confidence and.. happiness."
Given some of his relationships in the comics, no he doesn't.

I suppose there's no good way to bring it up… Ring, are there any possums in Germany?

Only in zoos and private collections.
...Uh, what? What does that have to do with anything? <sees Darko's explanation.> Oh...

"You..? Are you aware why your elder-?"

"Why our parents divorced? Yes, I am aware that Father decided to ensure that we would look like him so that we would share his outlook on life." She thoughtfully strokes her chin. "I suppose that there is a conceptual link: if we're going to make this 'new leaf' thing our preferred approach for the foreseeable future then I simply have no need for an additional reason to reject society any longer."
Just don't get carried away. Copying, say, Kori's appearance will not help you as much as you think. Most men will end up more interested in your boobs than your brains.

"Speaking of new leaves..?"

"We did have an early warning system set up, then somebody rewrote the laws of temporal mechanics."

"It was that or risk losing our entire continuity."
And, as you noted, you're not an expert in temporal mechanics... How sure could you have been about that?

"I'm not accusing you; we're not hypocritical enough to seriously object to other people's forays into 'angry' science. I am simply pointing out why we won't be able to give anyone advanced warning at the moment. We have been able to identify a large number of people fitted with spine riders, and we've sent search and destroy squads to their breeding centres."
Well, that's progress on that front. Now, when you say 'destroy'...


"They were clearly instructed to minimise collateral damage. But we can't save everyone."

"Give me a list and their remains. I'll get the missing persons' cases closed."
Oof. Well, I suppose that's a net positive?

"If you think that's important. And the… Other matter?" I nod. "I'm not used to having to model with so little direct data. But there's defiantly something going on. But given the complexity, I think a full investigation will have to wait until after the Sheeda are destroyed."

"That's probably for the best. If nothing else, there's a better than average change that it's them."
And meanwhile, Boss Smiley is chuckling to himself as he sits in his office, swirling two fingers of scotch as he contemplates allowing himself an evil laugh...

...What even is a 'cinnamon roll', in this context? Someone ludicrously easily embarrassed by interaction with the opposite sex? I trust Sivana senior will be a perfect gentleman. At any rate, good to see things progressing reasonably well on the mad 'Angry' science front.
you'd think he'd build a robot or a clone or something...

Or a robot prostitute if he wanted to do some weird things.

In the words of Howard Wolowitz

'There are just some things you don't do with a robot girlfriend'

Honestly amazed he hasn't gotten a nosebleed. Or said anything. Are you sure he hasn't had an aneurysm?

High chance their bodies may be at least a bit modified so they don't suffer brain damage of any kind.

Can't have their most useful part damaged after all.

So, he didn't have the same pool of knowledge his father did at that age.

Wasn't exactly all that big or deep of a pool.

Also if I remember correctly the etiquette he learned was from a book that was decades old at the time.

I guess it's fine, as long as she doesn't start spouting 'Japanese shy girl' catchphrases.

"Paul sempai"

Heh, heh, god I really wish there is a version that went to the Fate Grand Order universe where Mash calls him this.

Given some of his relationships in the comics, no he doesn't.

Based on that we know, Vrils tastes in women aren't exactly all that great, so he can do a whole lot worse than Georgia.

Comic him did date Blackfire, who's practically the definition of crazy, psychotic bitch in the comics.

At least the two are both brilliant scientists so they can so science together.

Seriously, OL, you're going to have to share with someone other than John Constantine eventually...

Zatanna found out he was a lot older than he looked after they went to -14, but I don't think she knows his exact age.

And meanwhile, Boss Smiley is chuckling to himself as he sits in his office, swirling two fingers of scotch as he contemplates allowing himself an evil laugh...

He may not know what they are doing, and he's most likely not responsible for her deciding to focus on the Sheeda problem now.

Remember that this issue may take years to solve, while the Sheeda are a more immediate problem.

Though I could be wrong.
So, is Vulcan able to make a Blue Ring for Kori? I'd prefer if the ring situation was wrapped up before we get tossed into another plot thread.
I don't believe that Kori is going to get a blue ring any time soon, not until and unless OL can convince some of the Maltusians to integrate with the blue light. Although, wouldn't that require someone like Alan to call up the Adara Entity and put it in a bottle for them? I'm not entirely sure how that works in this universe.

Historically, being beautiful just makes her issues worse since being smart and beautiful basically causes her to go full highschool mean girl.

If you want to actually fix her social issues, the only real way is probably to fix her sociopathy.
I don't think she's actually a sociopath in this continuity so much as very poorly socialized.
I don't believe that Kori is going to get a blue ring any time soon, not until and unless OL can convince some of the Maltusians to integrate with the blue light. Although, wouldn't that require someone like Alan to call up the Adara Entity and put it in a bottle for them? I'm not entirely sure how that works in this universe.

They might be able to do it themselves.

They got the Ophidian and Ion after all, so they may not need Alan's help.

He also has Kalmin.

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