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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Z-E-R-O (part 20)
2nd January
18:18 GMT -6

"Sounds like you're having more fun than we are, Oh El."

"I somehow doubt that."

The Central State Hospital actually has some fairly nice grounds, thought I notice there isn't anything planted in them that would make hiding easier. My two 'guests' look increasingly nervous as we get closer, but there shouldn't be anything to worry about. I've already sent off the paperwork required for them to gain legitimate legal existence, and Robert Reed is supposed to be a model inmate.

Ninety nine percent of the time, anyway.

"No luck finding it, then?"

"Not yet. We found the guy who had it before Mister Hamill. He was a small time hood before he got the dial."

"I think I missed that intelligence report. Shouldn't a new supervillain-?"

"He just committed a few thefts, Oh El. He kept it low-key enough that Batman didn't make it a priority, then he got into a fight with his henchmen and handed himself over to the police. We actually knew about the guys who had it before him. We didn't know that they had something like the dial; my best guess was that Captain Chaos was a shapeshifter."

I nod. "Did he have any way to track the dial?"

"No. And I don't think any of the recent users will, either. Kid Flash is going to drop in on Christopher King to see if he knows anything, but based on the fact that he hasn't been active as a superhero since Infinity Inc. broke up, I doubt he'll know anything."

One of the orderlies waves to me, and I turn and walk in his direction. "I suppose they could just dial until they hit someone with 'find the dial' powers."

"I don't know, Oh El. Robert Reed and Victoria Grant both ended up in secure hospitals. I'm not sure that using the dial is all that healthy."

"We'll know more when we get the chance to examine it. I don't suppose there's been a sudden unexplained increase in superheroes anywhere?"

"Not that I've noticed. I've got Beryl watching the superhero fan sites just in case. We actually saw your fight in Littleville before you reported in."

"I'm not sure I'd call that a fight. More of a talking down." The orderly walks back inside what appears to be a glass-fronted day room and bends down to say something to a shrivelled man in the loose-fitting clothes of a long term resident. Robert Reed is only in his early sixties, but for various reasons he looks like Alan at his worst. "I'll talk to you if I find out anything."

"Ah, Oh El? I'm not making this an all-nighter. Unless you and Zatanna come up with something, we're just.. not set up for wide area lost property searches."

I nod. "You're right. Have you told Mr Hamill?"

"I've told him I don't think we'll find it just by looking. But we couldn't afford to just ignore something this powerful even if he didn't need it to change back."


"Catch you later."

I nod, lowering my hand as I walk through the exterior door and into the day room. "Mister Reed."

"Yeah." He looks up, tiredly. "That's me. I hear someone found the dial."

"Someone did, then it went to someone else, then someone else again"

He shakes his head. "I didn't ever want to let that thing go. How the hell did so many people get it so fast?"

"Enquiries are still proceeding. Ah…" I look him over. "Are you..? Alright?"

"Compared to what?" He shifts position slightly, arms folded on his lap. "I spent a decade simultaneously as a superhero and a supervillain, then I got merged back together. And I was fine for a little while, just being me again. And then…" He takes a deep breath. "The transformations influence your personality. You're still.. you, but you're a little bit them as well. Wizard was completely selfless, but at the same time he was obsessed about working indirectly, or not clueing other people in that he was around. Sometimes I forget that I'm not him, and… That's okay, because he hated hurting people."

"And sometimes I forget I'm not Master." He takes a couple of deep breaths, looking away from me. "Those are the bad days."

"We don't have to talk about the Master-" He turns his head back to me, frowning. "-if you-."

"Yeah. We do. I might not know where the dial is now…" He shudders. "And thank God I don't. But I can still kinda feel where other users are." He leans to his right to get a better look at Ms Birchall and Mr Dow. "Who are you?"

Ms Birchall glances at Mr Dow for a moment, then returns her attention to him. "You don't recognise us?"

"If you're someone Wizard or Master met…" He shakes his head. "They keep me medicated so I don't start thinking like those two again. I wouldn't recognise you."

"You…" She trails off, staring at the man before her. "You -Master-you- made us. Do you remem-?"

His face falls a little. "The clones. I-. No, no." He closes his eyes for a moment, taking another deep breath. "No. Master created so many… I didn't think there were any left he didn't kill."

"He told us to find the dial. We've.. been.. living in Littleville since…"

Mr Reed shrugs. "It's as good a place as anywh-." His eyes widen. "Oh God, you've still got the Horror Dials." Ms Birchall nods, holding up both hers and Mr Dow's. "You haven't.. used them, have you?" Ms Birchall shakes her head while Mr Dow nods. "Shit. Those, those…" He shakes his head again. "Don't use those."

"Mister Reed, where did they come from?"

"Wizard and Master both had the ability to make dials. Knock-offs of the original, but they still worked. Master preferred powered clones, they were more… Controllable."

"Do you know how to make them? Or where the original came from?"

He shakes his head. "No, no. I mean, I might be able to work it out if I really concentrated on their memories…" He shudders. "No. And I never knew where the original came from. It was… It was just there."

"Do you have any way of finding the original?"

"The dials give you the tools to do the job. Whatever that is. You talk to Chris?"

"One of my colleagues is."

"Take him to roughly where you think the dial is and get him to use his." He shakes his head. "It's the… That's the best I can do."

"Do you think he'll get a dial-finding power?"

"I once beat up a gang as a walking pinball machine. The application isn't always direct, but it ought to give him something he can work with. Or failing that, if someone else picks it up, he'll be able to find them just as well as I could."

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to help us search yourself?"

He shakes his head emphatically. "I can't-. I can't become Master again. I can't risk it. You don't know how many people he killed-." He starts crying. "God. He just told them to walk into an incinerator and they did it!" He looks up at Ms Birchall and Mr Dow. "I'm sorry, but this… This is where I need to be."
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Wait, did that incinerator thing actually happen in the comics? Seems a bit extreme for the 60s.
The orderly talks back inside what appears to be a glass-fronted...
The orderly walks back inside what appears to be a glass-fronted...

Boy... Mr Reed is all kinds of effed up because of the Dial, isn't he. Robin might be right, it's not worth using, merely keeping out of the hands of those who would abuse it...
Holy fuck does this Master guy sound nasty.

Anyway, so the dials give you the tools you need, it's not just random powers. That's interesting.

Zoat might be going for the "transformations are manifestations of subconscious desires" explanation that Superboy and the Ravers went with.

In which case they'd be helpful powers because they're ultimately the powers you want.

The Ravers for example didn't take it as a good sign when Hero turned into the healing super Caduceus the Healer because they saw that as "Oh, Hero thinks we're going to get our asses kicked, nice vote of confidence man, really confidence building."
So what did Mr Hamill want to do if it always gives an ability useful in a given situation?
Maybe it responds to the user's will: if you focus on the need for something (say, a way to beat a villain,) the Dial will pick up on it and provide a suitable form.
Just randomly fiddling with the thing? Well, that's how you get shenanigans like gender-swapping or evil twins...
Maybe it responds to the user's will: if you focus on the need for something (say, a way to beat a villain,) the Dial will pick up on it and provide a suitable form.
Just randomly fiddling with the thing? Well, that's how you get shenanigans like gender-swapping or evil twins...

To be fair Robbie needed to be in two places at the same time, so he got what he wanted.

It's just that "evil biologist" was a free gift with purchase.
Wait, did that incinerator thing actually happen in the comics? Seems a bit extreme for the 60s.

The orderly walks back inside what appears to be a glass-fronted...
Thank you, corrected.
Maybe it responds to the user's will: if you focus on the need for something (say, a way to beat a villain,) the Dial will pick up on it and provide a suitable form.
Just randomly fiddling with the thing? Well, that's how you get shenanigans like gender-swapping or evil twins...
Plus, it's probably not exactly what you want, it just gets something kinda close. If it wasn't, half the time you'd probably just dial Superman or someone else similarly flying-brick-y.
Plus, it's probably not exactly what you want, it just gets something kinda close. If it wasn't, half the time you'd probably just dial Superman or someone else similarly flying-brick-y.

Yeah... Instead you get super-humans drawn from the fever dream logic of 90's adventure game puzzle designers.
I mean, if you used the Dial to produce a super-human capable of extinguishing a house fire, you're more likely to get Mister Snowcone, dispenser of shaved ice treats, than Tidal Tom, king of the ocean waves.
Sure, they can both control water, but the former is gonna take some clever tricks to be useful :p
Yeah... Instead you get super-humans drawn from the fever dream logic of 90's adventure game puzzle designers.
I mean, if you used the Dial to produce a super-human capable of extinguishing a house fire, you're more likely to get Mister Snowcone, dispenser of shaved ice treats, than Tidal Tom, king of the ocean waves.
Sure, they can both control water, but the former is gonna take some clever tricks to be useful :p
I don't know... depending on where the house is a giant snow machine dropping snowballs on a house or a fire hose shooting syrup/ice would be a lot more useful than controlling water ... especially if it's only sea/salt water. You don't get an aqua man is useless situation if your water source is actually a car.
Also: crazy idea that wouldn't be out of place in a bad 90's adventure game: can aqua man talk to birds if he thinks of them as "air fish"?
I don't know... depending on where the house is a giant snow machine dropping snowballs on a house or a fire hose shooting syrup/ice would be a lot more useful than controlling water ... especially if it's only sea/salt water. You don't get an aqua man is useless situation if your water source is actually a car.
Also: crazy idea that wouldn't be out of place in a bad 90's adventure game: can aqua man talk to birds if he thinks of them as "air fish"?
Yup. Like Devil Fruits in One Piece, the usefulness of a Dial persona depends on the user, not the powers it possesses... Though, to bring it back to the story, I doubt Mr Hamill would agree.
I would suggest that fixing Reed, probably via telepathy and ring, is something that should be prioritized to insure no one breaks him out to make him The Master again.
Probably doesn't work like that, since the transformations were probably mostly one time only and the dial can probably turn anyone into someone like the Master if they input SPLIT. You might make him think he's the master permanently but he might not be capable of the same kind of mad science due to lacking powers/super-intelligence. You'd also likely have to deal with the Wizard personality at some point if you're talking about using brainwashing to make him the Master.
The 1960s in comics did include a lot of horrifying implications, they just had more limits in what they could show or what words they could use. I had thought that the first appearance of the Master was in the 1980s, but that art doesn't suggest the '80s to me.
Probably doesn't work like that, since the transformations were probably mostly one time only and the dial can probably turn anyone into someone like the Master if they input SPLIT. You might make him think he's the master permanently but he might not be capable of the same kind of mad science due to lacking powers/super-intelligence. You'd also likely have to deal with the Wizard personality at some point if you're talking about using brainwashing to make him the Master.
Wait, hold on. Can you just put any word that you want into the dial?

I thought it only had the letters "H" "E" "R" and "O", and so you can basically only do "HERO" or "HORROR" unless you find some clever and obscure word.

I mean, if you can put in anything, that opens up some rather scary possibilities. Like, for instance, "GOD".
Wait, hold on. Can you just put any word that you want into the dial?

I thought it only had the letters "H" "E" "R" and "O", and so you can basically only do "HERO" or "HORROR" unless you find some clever and obscure word.

I mean, if you can put in anything, that opens up some rather scary possibilities. Like, for instance, "GOD".
There are variations. Robbie Reed's Dial (and thus the one Mr Hamill used) has a full spread of letters, across ten digits (presumably including H, E, R, O, V, I, L, A, N, S, P and T.)
Other versions such as the 80's series' Dials (from which the Master's scene above comes) have only H-E-R-O. Mr Zoat appears to be using the 80's idea of them as creations of the Wizard persona. No word on the aspects introduced in the modern series from the *** **, where the Dials stole powers from an alternate universe's super-beings..
Wait, hold on. Can you just put any word that you want into the dial?

I thought it only had the letters "H" "E" "R" and "O", and so you can basically only do "HERO" or "HORROR" unless you find some clever and obscure word.

I mean, if you can put in anything, that opens up some rather scary possibilities. Like, for instance, "GOD".
The original dial (that Mr Hamill had I think) would technically enable that though due to eventually turning out to be in a time loop and not having an origin, it might be powerful enough to subtly stop people from doing that, or just do something like kill you and teleport you to a god (like Hades) (or just make you into a minor god ), but the later versions created by the wizard and the master only had the letters H,E,R, and O on them, so you could write HORROR or HERO or HER or HOE or ROE... but not just anything.
At least he's doing the OSHA compliant thing and clearly marking his deathtraps.
Ok this is weird:

All these updates are at the top of the page :);):p:D:p

Also Mr Zoat, all updates in QQ should be GMT -5, GMT -6 and GMT -7 instead of -5 GMT etc. (Also the last update in SV is like that but that one is locked)
Zoat tags the updates with whatever time zone Paul's in at the time, or GMT if he's not on Earth.

Edit: Nevermind I see what you meant now
Also Mr Zoat, all updates in QQ should be GMT -5, GMT -6 and GMT -7 instead of -5 GMT etc. (Also the last update in SV is like that but that one is locked)
Thank you, corrected.
The 1960s in comics did include a lot of horrifying implications, they just had more limits in what they could show or what words they could use. I had thought that the first appearance of the Master was in the 1980s, but that art doesn't suggest the '80s to me.
DC Comics Presents #44, April 1982. Actually Comic Code approved.
There are variations. Robbie Reed's Dial (and thus the one Mr Hamill used) has a full spread of letters, across ten digits (presumably including H, E, R, O, V, I, L, A, N, S, P and T.)
Other versions such as the 80's series' Dials (from which the Master's scene above comes) have only H-E-R-O. Mr Zoat appears to be using the 80's idea of them as creations of the Wizard persona. No word on the aspects introduced in the modern series from the *** **, where the Dials stole powers from an alternate universe's super-beings..
If you go with this idea, they could turn you into GOD-man from that one image on tv tropes/ the series of comic -strips since again, alternate universe, though who knows.

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