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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

If you were to poll 1000 random U.S. churches, more than 995 of them would recognize that Jesus was Middle Eastern olive-skinned man and have no problem with that.

The offhand comparison of Christians to blatant racists was uncalled for.
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Ghastly Comic was excellent. Anyone who hasn't read it should.

The comparison was still uncalled for.
I could say a lot of things about this, but I'll just go with the fact that you're the one and only person making a point of bringing it up. Let it lie, enjoy the story and if you disagree with Zoat's opinions, ignore it so we can move on.
I wonder why this guy didn't show up when Paul was searching for people to give rings to with his greed vision?

Because there's no way someone who was doggedly pursuing a a need for hundreds of thousands of years wouldn't have been a giant beacon to that.
I could say a lot of things about this, but I'll just go with the fact that you're the one and only person making a point of bringing it up. Let it lie, enjoy the story and if you disagree with Zoat's opinions, ignore it so we can move on.
I've expressed my opinion on it; there's nothing more to say except in response to what others say.
I wonder why this guy didn't show up when Paul was searching for people to give rings to with his greed vision?

Because there's no way someone who was doggedly pursuing a a need for hundreds of thousands of years wouldn't have been a giant beacon to that.

That's a touch more Will than Avarice, IMO.
Did we ever get Captain Marvel talking with Paul about Nabu? I think we faded in on the apokalyptian base with Amon with them saying "that was a great discussion" or something but since we got all the other conversations I'm not sure if Zoat skipped that one.
Field Trip (part 9)
8th January
18:44 GMT

Shattered rock turns to dust before it can hit the floor, crackling for a second before earthing itself through the machinery martian!


He staggers, the floor shaking under his lumbering footfalls. Another flash leaps at L'atroma, who phases and allows it to pass through her. The Primate gestures again, and the rock imprisoning her subordinate similarly shatters. A moment later a green glow envelops his body and he begins to wake up.

I take a couple of steps away from the combat zone. Allegedly ancient mage versus archmage? I think I can tell how this one will go. And even if I could tip it one way or another, I don't have the information I would need to know which side would help me more. Or help Mars more. If they're both prepared to accept my neutrality, that's the route I'm going to go.

"Electrical discharge from an ionised cloud?" Karmang-or-not has gone back up to four arms, his hands moving rapidly between-. Ah! That's what he's doing! "Disappointing."

The dust drops to the ground and merges with the floor, which sends a wave of razor-edged spines at both of the priests! The neophyte twists and shapeshifts, managing to get most of his bulk out of the way but taking a few shallow cuts as he does so. The Primate brings her hands together in a circle in front of her, a translucent green disk forming in front of her and completely blocking the instant stalagmites.

Karmang is making representations of the runes corresponding to the elements of his casting with his fingers. Not really practical for humans, unless the rune is simple and being applied by brute force. But for a polymorph I imagine that it's a good deal more practical. By switching rapidly between shapes and using multiple hands, he can massively increase the speed and complexity he can use. Probably doesn't do anything for the actual peak of his abilities, but the average complexity of his combat casts would be far higher than his human equivalents. The Primate's doing it too, but she doesn't have his experience. She's only just spouting a second set of arms, while he… Isn't going back up to six.

Circle-wiggle fingers-clenched fist from her, and a sphere of near-vacuum forms around Karmang. Open hand gesture towards L'atroma, who bounces off an invisible force field before she can eviscerate the neophyte. The clanswoman slashes at it, and I feel it as the shield fails.

"Let me show you-"

Ah… Open-hand-with-curled-fingers into circle into L-shape with wiggling thumb… He's got extra fingers as well, and I can't tell what the rest of his hands are doing. Presumably one is enabling him to vibrate the air outside of his vacuum.


A gust of air as the vacuum spell fails and gas from the surrounding environment is sucked back in.



The Primate's arms break, the main bones in her upper and lower arms suddenly turning L-shape with an audible snap.


L'atroma dives forward, passes through the neophyte's weak electrical discharge before stabbing him in the chest. The spell fails at once, then L'atroma brings their heads together and the sorcerer convulses for a moment before collapsing.


The Primate's eyes burst.


She falls to her knees, moaning softly.

Karmang steps forward. "Your personal arcane defences were inadequate. Too… Rooted in the physical. Our natures are protean, and yet you made no effort to stabilise your physiology." He crouches, pulling the chin of the keening Primate up so he can stare into her face. "You really had no respect for me at all, did you? Even after seeing what I'd done with my followers."

He stands, letting her fall face-first to the ground.

"What a complete waste of time your kind have been. K'emra, do you still function?"

There's an electrical whir from the insides of the large White Martian. "Yeah. Overloaded my shield. It'll be fixed in a minute."

"Grayven. Do you intend to keep hold of S'yrra?" He turns to look at me. "She has regained consciousness."

"I.. think it best. She clearly doesn't have the capacity to threaten you."

"Hm. While I.. could regard that as taking a side, I suppose that she's harmless. And she can take a message to her masters for me."

S'yrra floats herself off my shoulder, then turns to face the clan. I notice her tremble at the sight of the fallen Primate.

"Acolyte S'yrra, do you know me?"

"You-. You are not Karmang."

"What would it take to prove it to you? Perhaps my memories?"

S'yrra breathes in sharply, then stumbles to the ground.

"Though there are rather a lot of them. Perhaps I should level this monastery and undo a dozen generations of embedded spellcraft? It would be easy enough."

"I'm-. You are powerful. But you are not Karmang."

Another series of gestures, and blue circles form around her wrists, ankles and neck and pull her off the ground.

"Are you prepared to die for that belief?"

"That.. does not appear to be up to me."

"You appear to be quicker than some, at least. I have a message for you to relay. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes. I can relay your demands."

"Good. I state that I am Karmang, master of Z'onn Z'orr and founder and leader of the Hyperclan. I have long been disgusted by both the Red aristocracy and the oppression of the White. As such, though I could rightfully claim to be an earlier-"

He shifts his shape, growing taller, thinner and spikier, his exterior surface shimmering from the same molecular destabilisation technique the Burner in the Guardian ship used.

"-form of Martian, I choose not to."

He shrinks and softens once more.

"My demands are simple. All Red Martians will leave all high political offices and the Planetary Council will disband. I will be recognised as the ruler of Ma'aleca'andra. I will choose new leaders for each city, and new laws will be put in place to ensure colour equality henceforth. Once I am satisfied with the situation, I will eliminate my office and return to my studies."

"M'arzz will never accept a murderer as its ruler, much less one who pretends to be our most respected historical leader."

"Then the fighting will go on. Unlike the Manhunters my followers are spoiling for a fight."

"That will change when I inform them what you have done here."

"Good! Unlike you I'm not a colourist. But if a bunch of Greens decide that they're so committed to the status quo that they're prepared to kill for it, I'll know that I'm correct to kill them as well. And for the Reds and Greens living in the territory we hold… It's interesting; I've long wondered about the effectiveness of large scale zeitgeist programming. Using mass telepathic broadcasts to show the oppressors exactly what it's like living under them. Now that I'm moving openly there are just so many options."

"I will tell them."

"Thank you." He gestures and she vanishes. "Now, Grayven. I have a problem with which I hope you can help me."

"I'm listening."

"I lead the Hyperclan, but I don't lead this uprising. In truth, no one does. There are many leaders, and I will make the competent ones the rulers of their cities in due course. But the one named B'enn B'lanx is agitating for all out warfare. I do not believe that to be in the interests of Ma'aleca'andra, but I can't risk undermining my position or splintering the resistance by confronting him openly. Could I prevail upon you to speak with him?"
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I wonder why this guy didn't show up when Paul was searching for people to give rings to with his greed vision?

Because there's no way someone who was doggedly pursuing a a need for hundreds of thousands of years wouldn't have been a giant beacon to that.
He was probably still in his stasis coma.
If you were to poll 1000 random U.S. churches, more than 995 of them would recognize that Jesus was Middle Eastern olive-skinned man and have no problem with that.
Probably, but even assuming that the man actually existed, there aren't any good descriptions of his appearance. Assuming any racial background is guesswork.
Surprisingly competent for a dude that had the aliases "the good" and "the evil".
He staggers, the flour shaking under his lumbering footfalls.
He staggers, the floor shaking under his lumbering footfalls.

I take a couple of steps away from the combat zone. Allegedly ancient mage versus archmage? I think I can tell how this one will go. And even if I could tip it one way or another, I don't have the information I would need know which side would help me more. Or help Mars more. If they're both prepared to accept my neutrality, that's the route I'm going to go.
How... Mercenary... of you, Grayven.

The dust drops to the ground and merges with the floor, which sends force razor-edged spines at both of the priests.
Not sure what this means. Did you mean four razor-edged spines?

...unless the rune is simply and being applied by brute force.
...unless the rune is simple and being applied by brute force.

The Primate's doing it too, but she doesn't have his experience. She's only just spouting a second set of arms, while he… Isn't going back up to six.
He's showing off by out-casting her with the same number of limbs, isn't he?

Presumably one is enabling his to vibrate the air outside of his vacuum.
Presumably one is enabling him to vibrate the air outside of his vacuum.

She falls to her knees, moaning softly.
Primate status: Utterly REKT.

He shifts his shape, growing taller, thinner and spikier, his exterior surface shimmering from the same molecular destabilisation technique the Burner in the Guardian ship used.
<!> S'yrra Will Remember That <!>

"Then the fighting will go on. Unlike the Manhunter,s my followers are spoiling for a fight."
"Then the fighting will go on. Unlike the Manhunters my followers are spoiling for a fight."
(Stray comma)

...Could I prevail upon you to speak with him?"
Side-Quest Acquired: Death on Mars.

Hoo-boy, this is getting Westeros-tier Political. So glad Rule Eight isn't applicable here :)
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Karmang steps forward. "Your personal arcane defences were inadequate. Too… Rooted in the physical. Our natures are protean, and yet you made no effort to stabilise your physiology."
Which raises the question of why exactly broken arms, burst eyeballs, and other physical injuries are immediately debilitating. Painful, sure, but what's to stop a martian from just re-absorbing a broken arm and making a new one?

Probably, but even assuming that the man actually existed, there aren't any good descriptions of his appearance. Assuming any racial background is guesswork.
I'm not a historian (or a christian for that matter), but I was under the impression that historians were reasonably confident that he did exist, whether the events depicted in the bible are accurate or not.

But you're right, if even his existence is uncertain, his specific race is definitely up in the air.
Which raises the question of why exactly broken arms, burst eyeballs, and other physical injuries are immediately debilitating. Painful, sure, but what's to stop a martian from just re-absorbing a broken arm and making a new one?
Presumably that's what Karmang meant by "stabilise their physiology." The Primate was too affected by their physical injuries to continue resisting.
Remember,Karmang is a hardier breed from a more violent time. I expect that if he'd done what the Primate did, curling up in pain over a mere broken bone or burst eye, his childhood teachers would have likely executed him and just bred another in his place...
He staggers, the floor shaking under his lumbering footfalls.
The dust drops to the ground and merges with the floor, which sends force razor-edged spines at both of the priests.
Not sure what this means. did you mean four razor-edged spines?
...unless the rune is simply and being applied by brute force.
...unless the rune is simple and being applied by brute force.
Presumably one is enabling his to vibrate the air outside of his vacuum.
Presumably one is enabling him to vibrate the air outside of his vacuum.
"Then the fighting will go on. Unlike the Manhunter,s my followers are spoiling for a fight."
"Then the fighting will go on. Unlike the Manhunters my followers are spoiling for a fight."
(Stray comma)
Thank you, corrected.
Hmm, Blanx killed Mars in the comics.

So he might very well be "My way or fiery death for you and you and you! Fiery death for everyone!" like a demented Oprah.
Eh, lots of people killed Mars.
Which raises the question of why exactly broken arms, burst eyeballs, and other physical injuries are immediately debilitating. Painful, sure, but what's to stop a martian from just re-absorbing a broken arm and making a new one?
Because martians aren't truely protean; they have to think about redesigning their bodies. And they're not all very good at it.
I'm not a historian (or a christian for that matter), but I was under the impression that historians were reasonably confident that he did exist, whether the events depicted in the bible are accurate or not.
My current understanding -and I am of course willing to change my mind in the face of evidence- is that while there are historical references to early Christians, there are no contemporary accounts of Jesus. Biblical sources can't reliably be traced back that far, and writing we do have from the period doesn't mention him. That does not of course mean that he didn't exist, merely that you'd be stuck trying to prove that he did.
Which raises the question of why exactly broken arms, burst eyeballs, and other physical injuries are immediately debilitating. Painful, sure, but what's to stop a martian from just re-absorbing a broken arm and making a new one?

Word of Greg is that indeed Martians do speed up their healing with shapeshifting.
But since that's a conscious act it means they have to think about it, right?
Probably, but even assuming that the man actually existed, there aren't any good descriptions of his appearance. Assuming any racial background is guesswork.
We can make educated guesses. For example, being a carpenter, it's likely that he was quite fit.
Having a beard is an Ancient Greek trope for being wise, it's likely that he didn't have one and that it was added later on.

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