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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

That might have been the most obvious trap ever.

Also, maybe OL could explain his reluctance to alter others to Canis this way:

"You know that there are computer programs that can create art based on samples of art styles, right? Convincing facsimiles?"

"Yes, Illustres"

"Would you consider them equivalent to the original art work?"

"No, they are merely a fake, a cheap...ah"
I would argue that depending on the quality of work, the program itself is a type of self-expression, making the result of the program be art due to the program itself "coming from the soul". The works of art it creates are also works of art, though potentially lesser ones.

The thing that I believe matters in such situations is: how derivative the work is. If the program takes a huge amount of samples and learns to create original works of a style using something like machine learning (this should probably be possible, though difficult with modern tech), it's creations are definitely works of art, no more derivative than any others made by humans. However, if the computer just photoshops and applies a filter / blues the edges, that is still a piece of art, but as derivative as if a person does it. For example if they take an artistic photograph of a picture, it might not be art. Though then you get into the sort of works that are meaningless due to being a random collage of shapes with no feeling or meaning, and have to wonder whether those are also art. You know, the bad kind of modernism. Creation of those can also easily be learned by a computer, which can even learn to copy emotional meanings coming from random shapes or meshes of point colors and copy the "meanings" of those.

Also, what if Red Tornado were to make a drawing, would that not be a piece of art?
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I don't know who or what that Wonder Woman was, but this is probably the Young Offenders and the Syndicate. I say this because their episode was titled Doppelgänger. The yellow power ring user is probably Capo Alan "Al" Scott. I wonder how jealous Baul is over how much Paul has accomplished in comparison.
Okay, how did the robot fool Malthusian grade technology and military grade Atlantian defensive magicks specifically designed to stop things like that?
Well, Yellow Lantern may mean Qwardian involvement, so if it's a Weaponer-built robot duplicate... It's quite plausible it could fool all of that detection tech.

But if it's Crime Syndicate universe or some other parallel, she may just have been an alternate WW and not needed to fool the defenses.
So do you not remember him putting in the super OP defenses on the mountain after Oceanus? Because you might need to see a doctor if you're forgetting stuff on a regular basis
didn't batman take them out again I'm pretty sure he did
I thought OL was supposed to be genre savvy?

Is this like with Graven where he's embedded enough into story that he misses the flags?
Considering the name of the episode is Doppelgängered, I assume this isn't a mind controlled Wonder Woman, but rather someone who looks like her or is able to make themselves look like her, and is also able to fool the security measures.

My guess is a Wonder Woman from another universe who works with a Yellow Lantern, possibly Olympia from earth negative 14.

She was friends or at least allied with Power Ring Yellow and Power Ring Blue knows how to produce orichalcum and mithril, the materials required to recreate Wonder Womans Armour.
It also explains why she is focusing on OL and Zatanna, since they had the most contact with their Counterparts from the other earth.

Injustice Wonder Woman is another possibility but I dont know where she would get the Armor.

The most plausible answer.

Olympia, Power Ring Yellow, Baul, short hair hot pants Zatanna... I wonder why they would be kidnapping Paul... And more importantly how they bypassed the equipment that was placed in orbit to stop alternate universe incursions... Unless they jumped universe outside earth orbit and then came down, but that should have been detected too.
The most plausible answer.

Olympia, Power Ring Yellow, Baul, short hair hot pants Zatanna... I wonder why they would be kidnapping Paul... And more importantly how they bypassed the equipment that was placed in orbit to stop alternate universe incursions... Unless they jumped universe outside earth orbit and then came down, but that should have been detected too.
This does seem the most likely scenario.

Bypassing the dimensional travel blocking device shouldn't be too difficult considering the Syndicate provided it in the first place. It's perfectly feasible that they know how to subvert it.
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Choosing not to bed her is of course your prerogative, but pushing her away when she is clearly so devoted to you is harmful to both of your underlying metaphysical interactions and empowerment."
HOLD UP! Paragon Paul's becoming a what now?!?
The most plausible answer.

Olympia, Power Ring Yellow, Baul, short hair hot pants Zatanna... I wonder why they would be kidnapping Paul... And more importantly how they bypassed the equipment that was placed in orbit to stop alternate universe incursions... Unless they jumped universe outside earth orbit and then came down, but that should have been detected too.

I doubt they would need to jump out of the universe to bypass the anti-alternate universe equipment. Blue Lantern told them to take the devices and put them into orbit around Earth. If they block all alternate universe travel to Universe 16, would would it matter where they are? If they're in orbit around Earth, they're most likely only able to cover Earth.

A couple of devices as small as that being able to protect an entire universe from alternate universe travel is a bit ridiculous anyway, even by comic book standards.
I doubt they would need to jump out of the universe to bypass the anti-alternate universe equipment. Blue Lantern told them to take the devices and put them into orbit around Earth. If they block all alternate universe travel to Universe 16, would would it matter where they are? If they're in orbit around Earth, they're most likely only able to cover Earth.

A couple of devices as small as that being able to protect an entire universe from alternate universe travel is a bit ridiculous anyway, even by comic book standards.

Dude that is what i said, the devices cover EARTH, to bypass them all you have to do is transfer from anywhere outside earths orbit, HOWEVER, the watchtower sensors SHOULD have been capable of detecting anyone as they came towars earth.
Dude that is what i said, the devices cover EARTH, to bypass them all you have to do is transfer from anywhere outside earths orbit, HOWEVER, the watchtower sensors SHOULD have been capable of detecting anyone as they came towards earth.
Maybe the watchtower did detect them and was hit first before fake Diana went to the cave.
Okay, how did the robot fool Malthusian grade technology and military grade Atlantian defensive magicks specifically designed to stop things like that?

given the Leauge's trackrecord, they might have had them all stripped out whilst OL was away for an equially stupid reason as refusing upgrades for the watchtower...
... or did he perform them at some point and they stripped them out? i might be getting my YJ fics scrambled due to the "sleepy brain" effect...
There's also that thing about hiring criminal hackers for tech security.
That doesn't actually happen anymore. The IT security field has grown up to the point that having written a cool virus doesn't look impressive on your resume, and there are enough competent security professionals without records that there's no need to recruit from prisons anymore. Mostly former cyber-criminals who switch to a white hat end up either forming their own security company - like Kevin Mitnick did - or working for some other reformed cyber-criminal who did.
given the Leauge's trackrecord, they might have had them all stripped out whilst OL was away for an equially stupid reason as refusing upgrades for the watchtower...
... or did he perform them at some point and they stripped them out? i might be getting my YJ fics scrambled due to the "sleepy brain" effect...

That was with Grayven.

In the Paul timeline it was the GREEN LANTERNS, the ones that were authorized to upgrade the sensors and then Paul installed more upgrades later...

Even if they removed what Paul installed the ones installed by the green lanterns are more than enough .
both of your underlying metaphysical interactions and empowerment."
Probably should move the closing quote out of the invisitext.

HOLD UP! Paragon Paul's becoming a what now?!?
Remember his godspeech Tourette's from way back? Remember how Scott Free said his energy felt "vaguely Apokoliptian"? Marinating in the Orange Light while building his soul has given him some form of what New Gods see as divinity.
I have to agree Paul is holding a bit of an idiot ball here. Having his empathetic vision blocked combined with the rather short Diana should have set off warning bells. I really hope the others don't let him live this down.
I have to agree Paul is holding a bit of an idiot ball here. Having his empathetic vision blocked combined with the rather short Diana should have set off warning bells. I really hope the others don't let him live this down.
He had been pushing the JL to improve their telepathic defenses since the training scenario went sour, and he's seen Diana act like this before.
That bloody cliffhanger. What's Interesting to me Is the fact that we saw several versions of Paul with different rings, but never a Yellow Lantern Paul. Most likely theory is that this is his doppelganger.
... Yes? He did? After Truggs invaded the mountain, he put in extensive (or, as some people saw it, excessive) defensive measures into the mountain, including both high tech identification and defensive measures, and a variety of magical defenses that he intended to have Zatanna charge up. The other guy might have been using hyperbole a bit, but he definitely put in defenses.

Some of those might have been removed by the League, because they thought it was excessive and didn't like that many of them could use lethal force, but he still did it.


General defenses:

Zeta tube modifications:

Zeta tube modifications, segment:
Which all amount to rather minor upgrades in the grand scheme of things.
Robot infiltrators and the yellow light of fear working together usually means Manhunters.

Nowadays, yeah.

Although originally the energy the Manhunters used was....pink.

Hal referred to it as "anti-green lantern energy" in Millenium.

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