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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

As for "some continuities" and Nth metal, that would be one continuity- Rebirth era DC with Dark Knights Metal, where WW's plane and bracelets are the 8th Metal, the metal of the gods, otherwise unnamed, but in legend that would make the closest equivalent adamant(ine), and the 10 metals are Element X and it's nine lesser derivatives- Nth Metal, 8th Metal, Dionysium, Prometheum, Electrum, Batmanium, and 3 unreferenced metals.

*looks at bolded*
What now?


A teenaged Lantern and Ultraboy has an 'S' on his chest.


"Teen Lantern" is part of the current, comics Young Justice team. She "hacked" a Lantern to gain use of it. So the villainous Team having their own Teen Lantern isn't surprising. I can't speak to that Ultraboy design, though.

Edit: That group shot has a Robin, Superboy, Impulse, Jinny Hex (who was descended from Jonah Hex), Wonder Girl, Teen Lantern, and Amethyst, a gemworlder. And their villainous counterparts.
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Ugh. Really? They couldn't just have had her pick up Alan Scott's ring? I mean, there's a ring right there if they want a non-standard Lantern, and they went with that?

Keli Quintela was the Teen Lantern, an eleven-year-old girl that hacked into the Green Lantern Power Battery from her mother's place in La Paz, Bolivia, and rigged her own way to pull the source energy into her gauntlet -- then she reprogrammed it to do whatever she wants without the knowledge of the Green Lantern Corps.

from what i can tell, she only gets the constructs.
Keli Quintela was the Teen Lantern, an eleven-year-old girl that hacked into the Green Lantern Power Battery from her mother's place in La Paz, Bolivia, and rigged her own way to pull the source energy into her gauntlet -- then she reprogrammed it to do whatever she wants without the knowledge of the Green Lantern Corps.

from what i can tell, she only gets the constructs.
That's even more stupid! She didn't just hack a ring, which... Yes, if she had a ton of schizo tech and a wizard or two she might be able to do. She hacked the Central Power Battery which is on Oa, many many light years away.
That's even more stupid! She didn't just hack a ring, which... Yes, if she had a ton of schizo tech and a wizard or two she might be able to do. She hacked the Central Power Battery which is on Oa, many many light years away.
Step 1 after becoming CEO of DC: hire Mr. Zoat as a lorechecker/naysmith. Failing that, a panel of supernerds with hundreds of comics' worth of experience to draw on.
I dont think she hacked the central power battery but rather just the one of a local Green Lantern(at least Wonder Girl seems to think that) . I still dont get why she is called Teen Lantern when is neither a Teen nor does she use a lantern
Not that I have read any new comics in more than... 13 years, I think? But I believe there was some Prism Lantern somewhere? And I saw an image of Krona's power gauntlet in Pinterest once. If she was a Green Lantern fan and managed to hit jackpot finding remains of the gauntlet and maybe some remains of rings or whatever, plus is a real genius, then she may have been able improvise a schizo-tech Power Gauntlet for herself.

If not, then that's just dumb, like most of everything I have seen from comics that keeps me from going back and read something.
Ugh, I just read issue 7 and I eagerly await the day when comics die and manga is all that remains.

Edit: Oh, for goodness sake. That isn't Young Justice the-comic-of-the-animated-series-this-fanfic-is-based-on, it's the Nu52 Young Justice, based on the post-Crisis Young Justice that the animated series is loosely based on. I thought that the art style looked a bit off.
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That sindicate Green Lantern is probably the only character I've seen with a blonde Afro.
Wait, didn't the New 52 got New52'd some years ago? How many levels of Retcon are they accumulating at this point?

This is worse than Inception, they are just too deep (Phrasing!) and just don't know how to escape...

Can anybody tell me how bad is it at Marvel? I escaped some time before Marvel NOW! (I think?) and didn't pay attention to their pseudo(?)-retcon at all.
Wait, didn't the New 52 got New52'd some years ago? How many levels of Retcon are they accumulating at this point?

This is worse than Inception, they are just too deep (Phrasing!) and just don't know how to escape...

Can anybody tell me how bad is it at Marvel? I escaped some time before Marvel NOW! (I think?) and didn't pay attention to their pseudo(?)-retcon at all.
basically New 52 was revealed to be post crisis, but everyone forgot.

many of the BIG changes in nu52 are either deceptions (wonder woman), alternate characters (Kid Flash, superman, Lobo) or memory alterations that reversed.

Little changes they are rolling with and acting like old stuff is just as valid, since their are nutcases like me who liked the new 52, something Mr. Zoat seems to find inexplicable when i mentioned Deathspawn and Grail
Wait, didn't the New 52 got New52'd some years ago? How many levels of Retcon are they accumulating at this point?

This is worse than Inception, they are just too deep (Phrasing!) and just don't know how to escape...

Zoat was hardly alone in not liking New Earth continuity getting nuked, so to regain readers DC caved (sort of) and did another reboot- Rebirth, which was caused by Myxy merging New Earth Lois and Clark with their (dead) Prime Earth counterparts, so some New Earth continuity was added back into the mix, although oddly some stuff was different from either New Earth or Prime Earth continuities.

For example, Kon-El, Conner Kent, CADMUS made clone of Superman and Lex Luther named after Superman's cousin Kon is back in Young Justice, on the other hand, the Blue Beetle scarab is a magic artifact that dates at least far back as pre-deluge Atlantis now.

Can someone name all the characters please?

Haven't read the comic with their Crime Syndicate counterparts so can't help you there, but the current Young Justice in the comics is comprised of- Superboy (who survived Flashpoint on Gemworld), Tim Drake as Robin, Cassie the Wonder Girl, Amethyst Princess of Gemworld, Impulse, and two new characters, Teen Lantern, already mentioned, and the inheritor of the Jonah Hex's name and his trunk of weird shit Jenny Hex.
It couldn't have been earlier than 1998, because that's when I turned 16.

But I looked up current Kansas law and holy crap is it convoluted. Did teenage joyriding get really bad after I left or something?
I graduated in spring of 02' and I was either the last year, or second to last year, to get a full at 16, so maybe 2000 or 01'. Joyriding wasn't bad (in my area) however, I suspect that the State got tired of children getting into accidents on the dirt roads. For non-country people, you will lose traction occasionally, you might be suicidal if you are going above 50mph, and the roads are only 'just' wide enough to pass a car so hills can be dangerous if you are not careful.

Just while I was in High School, we lost 2 students to the dirt roads. A 17yr girl who was going too fast, missed her turn, and ran head first into the ditch. The second was a 12yr kid who was hauling trash in a pickup, he rolled and was thrown. Even I thought that a parent should have been with him.

I haven't looked up the law lately. Do they still require a ton of documentation logging the number of hours they drive?
That's even more stupid! She didn't just hack a ring, which... Yes, if she had a ton of schizo tech and a wizard or two she might be able to do. She hacked the Central Power Battery which is on Oa, many many light years away.

Oh come on. It's no stupider than a million other things in comics. I'm sure at some point there will come along a writer who is bothered by it like you are, and they'll do some kind of retcon about how Actually she secretly had help so that it all makes sense. Heck, for all we know the current writer will do that when TL gets a spotlight story and some more focus. For now "hacked the Lantern" is the cheap-and-easy one sentence origin for an ensemble character.

But whatever you think of the origin story itself, "Teen Lantern" is such an obvious concept for a legacy DC teen superhero that I can't believe they haven't done it before now. I find the character concept charming.
And this is why I don't touch the comics, too many things to keep track of! The only contact I have to DC is animated series and fanfiction.
Step 1 after becoming CEO of DC: hire Mr. Zoat as a lorechecker/naysmith. Failing that, a panel of supernerds with hundreds of comics' worth of experience to draw on.
Heck, If I won the lottery I would buy a controlling share in DC and hire half a dozen (or more, depends on budget) webcomic and fanfic writers. I would then require a bit more over-site to prevent stupid situations like "the rape of Ms. Marvel" still happen today (thankfully, not as bad as that was. How could they have thought "wake-up pregnant, mind control, and ride off into the sunset" was a good idea?)

I would also probably move to a more digital distribution method with a more limited distribution of "key" titles. Also, screw Diamond, with more limited titles we can distribute ourselves and get back into grocery and retail stores. Getting children into comics much younger. A COMIC FOR EVERY 5 YEAR OLD IS REQUIRED! I own the company, as long as the company makes $30,000/yr to pay me occasionally, I could keep going until the grave. (though, I would accept up to $150k, but only if the company made that much extra. Then much of it saved in-case of budget deficit in future).

EDIT: After reading the rest of the other comments. I had forgotten about DC retconning the retcon of the retcon. I might also freeze the canon. Give them a 'little' wiggle room, but make the writers live with the consequences.

Princess Diana never ages, but Superman could leave the hero work to his son, Batman has a number of people who could inherit the cowl. Green Lantern could just retire, ring will move on (do retired GL's keep their rings?). Make the teens grow-up and join the leauge. Find new creative characters instead of forcing the writers to work with pre-existing characters.

It would be hard, but it would be manageable.
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Heck, If I won the lottery I would buy a controlling share in DC and hire half a dozen (or more, depends on budget) webcomic and fanfic writers. I would then require a bit more over-site to prevent stupid situations like "the rape of Ms. Marvel" still happen today (thankfully, not as bad as that was. How could they have thought "wake-up pregnant, mind control, and ride off into the sunset" was a good idea?)

I would also probably move to a more digital distribution method with a more limited distribution of "key" titles. Also, screw Diamond, with more limited titles we can distribute ourselves and get back into grocery and retail stores. Getting children into comics much younger. A COMIC FOR EVERY 5 YEAR OLD IS REQUIRED! I own the company, as long as the company makes $30,000/yr to pay me occasionally, I could keep going until the grave. (though, I would accept up to $150k, but only if the company made that much extra. Then much of it saved in-case of budget deficit in future).

EDIT: After reading the rest of the other comments. I had forgotten about DC retconning the retcon of the retcon. I might also freeze the canon. Give them a 'little' wiggle room, but make the writers live with the consequences.

Princess Diana never ages, but Superman could leave the hero work to his son, Batman has a number of people who could inherit the cowl. Green Lantern could just retire, ring will move on (do retired GL's keep their rings?). Make the teens grow-up and join the leauge. Find new creative characters instead of forcing the writers to work with pre-existing characters.

It would be hard, but it would be manageable.
But then people would be mad when their favorite characters died. You can add to universe, but not destroy, without people getting mad. The best you can really do is having something like Batman Reborn, where you get rid of Batman for a spin-off series. Support a whole bunch of those, and you could get something like a New 52 reboot where they become completely canon, but you're gonna want to bring back Batman / Superman, because people keep asking for those characters.

It's what people complain about with Marvel, what with female Thor and young female Iron Man (which really doesn't suit the character. Heck, the few times it has worked are with Captain Marvel and Spider Man.
Oh come on. It's no stupider than a million other things in comics. I'm sure at some point there will come along a writer who is bothered by it like you are, and they'll do some kind of retcon about how Actually she secretly had help so that it all makes sense. Heck, for all we know the current writer will do that when TL gets a spotlight story and some more focus. For now "hacked the Lantern" is the cheap-and-easy one sentence origin for an ensemble character.

But whatever you think of the origin story itself, "Teen Lantern" is such an obvious concept for a legacy DC teen superhero that I can't believe they haven't done it before now. I find the character concept charming.

They have done kid lanterns before.

Wally was a freaking teen lantern once.
. Stewart had kid lantern deputies in Mosaic. In Supersons its revealed that the Green Lanterns have a kid training program.

And yes, the hoohaw about Teen Lantern's origins is damned silly.

The GLC broadcasts the Glow throughout the universe through the lantern network, that's how lanterns freaking work.

Teen Lantern doing the equivalent of stealing cable and making a homemade green lantern ring is silly, sure. Sillier than Snart being able to build an Absolute Zero gun out of parts he can get from a Best Buy? BULLSHIT it is.

Plus Amazo has a working green lantern ring replica since 1960 in the comics-
. So Ivo gettting his hand on the Glow and building his own green lantern ring is a-okay for some reason but another character doing it breaks suspension of belief forever? Uh huh.
But then people would be mad when their favorite characters died. You can add to universe, but not destroy, without people getting mad. The best you can really do is having something like Batman Reborn, where you get rid of Batman for a spin-off series. Support a whole bunch of those, and you could get something like a New 52 reboot where they become completely canon, but you're gonna want to bring back Batman / Superman, because people keep asking for those characters.

It's what people complain about with Marvel, what with female Thor and young female Iron Man (which really doesn't suit the character. Heck, the few times it has worked are with Captain Marvel and Spider Man.
Then let people complain, as long as the story is strong they will live with it.

I HATE it when the Silver City, angles, demons, and Hell are brought up. Their depictions are just so far from what is consistent with the Judao-Christian and Islamic depictions to the point of absurdity. But the quality of the writing that Mr. Zoat brings, makes it just bearable (note, I blame DC in general for that mess. They haven't respected other cultures in years, not just Christians, but Buddhists and Hindu's are treated like mystics when the Buddhist philosophy is highly rational. I digress enough).

"Bringing back Batman / Superman, because people keep asking for those"

I have 2 responses.
1) Writers could be more creative. Superman could be an old man, mentoring the next generation but he's getting weaker, so he does what his father Jor-El did and create a Neural AI so that he can continue to guide them but, as all beings must, he dies. Maybe something happens and the AI gains true sentience, so he is now doing his own research to help, but so much needs done, so many people need help. He creates a Clone of his original body and transfers his mind and spirit. Techno-bable, Techno-bable, it works but he has to transfer himself back to the computer every couple of days. (gives him occasional presence but allows new characters to stand on their own feet.)

I came up with that in 10min, a team of better writers than me could flush out the whole thing.

2) We have fanfics, and we have the multi-verse. We should still keep the Animated separate from the comics (and tv/movies). Just the pacing alone would mean that they would never work well together. But we could work out alternate realities. Fanfics have always been a bit 'hit-or-miss' but if fans want them back that badly they can write their own Gosh Darn stories. Free-market storytelling.

I would also have a team keep an eye out for the better writers to hire....... So yeah, promote the fan base and hire the talented ones.

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