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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Thank you, corrected.

And yet...

Don't tell the National Socialists this, but there's actually plenty of genetic variation in Western Europe.

Yes, but it's a very long term one.

Yeah, I mean, the one time your government committed genocide it was by mass child abduction. It's like you're not even trying.

*winces* the..Stolen Generation? yeah. i was..trying to..thinking of a tactful way to bring that up myself.
took the fucking pollies.. what? 50? 60? what the fuck ever years to ADMIT that, maybe, just maybe, stealing children/babies from their parents MIGHT have been, just a little tad, wrong?
Equestrian Girls (part 1)
Equestrian Girls

1st April
22:17 GMT -6


I lean back slightly and fold my arms across my chest as Miss Shimmer cringes, eyes darting left and right as her brain frantically tries to come up with a justification for what just happened.

"How did the trip home go?"

She brings her fists up to just underneath her chin and grins slightly manically. "Funny story."

"Oh do tell."

"Okay, so-." She shakes her fists, then blinks at them-. Ah, she's forgotten to open them, reverting to her hoof-use mannerism. She takes a breath and focuses on her fingers, forcing them to uncurl. "So, the portal opened again, and I used the gems to switch the anchor point to here-."

"Yes, I was here for that."

"I just wanna go through it all in order, okay?"

I raise my eyebrows, sigh, then nod.

"So I anchored it, made sure that it wasn't going to close on me again, and then I went through. It was night time there, and the mirror was still in the same place as it was a year ago."

She hesitates, her mouth twitching a little. Ah. Yes. That probably means that no one bothered looking for you or even tried to work out where you'd gone. Uncertain whether to hug her or not, I settle for patting her limply on the right shoulder with my left hand. She reaches across with her left hand to lay it on top of mine for a moment, then pushes mine off.

"And they'd.. locked the door. And hadn't changed the lock. Took me a moment or two to get used to using unicorn magic again, but the lock wasn't any harder to pick than it was last time I did it. It was dark outside, so I headed for my room, dodging the guards-."


"I didn't have time to bring all my stuff with me when I came here the first time. I wanted to see whether to not it was still there."

"No, why did you dodge the guards?"

She squirms.

"Seeeee… Yeah, that… I.. might.. possibly..? Have left out a thing or two about… Y'know… It's a funny story, actually. Y'see-."

"Miss Shimmer, just tell me." This Is An Order.


I take a moment to parse that. "Books that were themselves inherently malicious, or regular books that contained potentially harmful spells?"

"Ah… Both? One of them was talking to me, trying to get me to raise an army of demon zombies." She frowns. "And I think it was written in blood."

"Doesn't blood make really bad ink?"

"… Magic? Anyway, I was really just trying to find information on the mirror, and that wasn't even a dark magic artefact."

I frown. "Then why did they put it in the dark magic sect-?"

"Can I just finish?" I nod. "So one of the librarians ran to tell Celestia, and she turned up and I… Said some things I.. probably shouldn't have. And.. she had the guards escort me out of the palace and you'd think she'd really have, heh, learned by now that two pegasus guards against a magic expert wasn't a remotely fair fight-."

I nod. "You beat up the guards."

"Stunning spells are perfectly safe, in moderation. And then I came through the mirror and had the most disorientating ten minutes of my life. So I didn't think asking the guards for directions was a good idea in case they remembered me, despite the head trauma. And I couldn't just.. run for it because I needed to come back through the mirror afterwards."

"Okay, that actually sounds reasonable. Then what?"

"I got there, and… It wasn't the same. I just sort of… When I walked in I was so surprised that I didn't realise that there was a pony in my bed. Or… Her bed, I guess. I was just.. looking around in a daze, and she woke up and I panicked."

I nod slowly, then turn my attention to where the young woman I assume is the human form of Twilight Sparkle is chained to a chair.



"She was making a noise in a palace full of guards and Celestia! And I knew a spell for tying ponies up really quickly-"

I look at the ball gag and raise my eyebrows.

"-and it was a really instructive book! And so I used that, but I couldn't risk staying there and I couldn't let her tell anyone I was there. So I brought her back."

She gulps.

"So… You thought that bringing her back, from a civilisation that undoubtedly has all sorts of magic-based tracking techniques, was a better way to handle the situation than pretending that you were a maid?"

"I wasn't wearing a maid uniform."

"And she would have seen that in the dark how?"

"I-." She looks away again. "Okay. Yes. That probably would have been a better plan."

I sigh. "Okay, right, not the best way to handle things, but given that you were exiled anyway we can probably still fix this."


"I go through, carry the portal to somewhere outside Canterlot and we go from there. No guards and no Celestia until we're ready. Okay?"

"I.. guess… But what about-" She looks at Ms Sparkle. "-her?"

"Well, assuming that she's adapting to her human body just as well as you did, she won't be able to move, pick things up, use magic or speak any local languages. So she isn't really a security risk." I walk over and kneel down in front of her. "I'm going to take the gag off now. I realise that this is a very unpleasant situation for you, and I intend to return you to Equestria just as soon as we can without compromising our objectives."


I smile. "Just so. Hold still a moment." I reach forward and undo the gag preventing Miss Sparkle from speaking. "I'm very sorry about this." I pull the gag from her mouth and hand it to Miss Shimmer, who takes it, notes the saliva and puts it down on the workbench before wiping her hands on her trousers.

"Who are you? Where am I? What's going on? Why am I a monkey-? No, that's not right. No tail. Some kind of ape? But my hind limbs don't seem to have any grasping capacity? Maybe if I take these boots off-." Her chains rattle slightly. "Oh."

"My name is Grayven, you're presently in the Challenger Mountain facility on another world accessible through Starswirl's mirror. It appears to turn ponies who enter from your side into an example of the dominant local sophont species: humans. Humans are a type of ape adapted for the savannah. As such, they have hair on the top of their head to act as a sunshade but not anywhere else as they generally need to lose heat rather than retain it. As they spent more time walking on their hind legs and not climbing trees they lost the grasping capacity but gained land speed."

"Oh. So what other species are there-. Wait, another world?"

"Yes, but don't worry, the portal's staying open this time. I'm going to nip through now, and all being well we'll be returning you within the next hour. Miss Shimmer-."

"But another world!" Twilight beams excitedly, quite ignoring the chains. "That's amazing! I mean, I know Starswirl the Bearded wrote all kinds of fascinating spells, but I've never heard of one like this."

Miss Shimmer rolls her eyes. "Yeah, Celestia puts anything not friendship-related in the restricted-do-not-read-on-pain-of-banishment section. How about I give you a tour while Grayven hides the mirror?"

"Um." Miss Sparkle tries to move in the chains again. "That would be-." Miss Shimmer raises her right hand and clicks her fingers, a sympathetic effect causing the chains to unlock. "How did you do that?"

"You girls have fun while I'm away."

I stride towards the tape outline marking out this side of the mirror. How hard can being a pony be?
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One of them was taking to me,
Change "taking" to "talking".

And I couldn't just.. run for it because I need to come back through the mirror afterwards."
Change "need" to "needed".

"So… You thought that bring her back,
Change "bring" to "bringing".

It appears to turn ponies who enter from your side into and example the dominant local sophont species:
Should that be ""into an example of the"?
Epic facepalm time

"My first instinct was to kidnap her"

It's kind of adorable how scared Sunset is of disappointing Grayven but also kinda sad. She really never had a friend before, huh?

Calling it now: Celestia noticed something is up, finds Grayven and the two fight.

Also, Twilight is adorkable.

"I just changed bodies but who cares! Science!"
I pull the gag from her mouth and hand it to Miss Shimmer, who takes it, notes the saliva and puts it down on the workbench before wiping her hands on her trousers.
She really has adapted to human norms, if handling something that has recently been in someone else's mouth is a problem for her.
Huh, you know i question why Celestia is worried about Sunset reading the books but see's no issues in having a goddamn librarian for the restricted section.

I mean she literally had an open book on her desk while she was sleeping, i'd say there's pretty damn good odds that that random librarian knows more dark magic than most BBEG's at this point.
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I think part of the multiverse confusion with Grayven is that at the beginning it was never really meant to be its own universe? It was just supposed to be an essentially non-canon, "What if Paul had a really bad day before arriving on Earth 16?"

With the changes being because he was in a shitty mood when he got the power ring fueled by greed and avarice, so it naturally brought his aggression to the fore.

Then the Renegade snippets more or less took on a life of their own and became something more.

Also . . . That image . . . Whew. I forgot how cute Sci-Twi was. Glasses girls are, as always, my biggest weakness. I would not be able to resist the urge to flirt.
The ponies are upon us... This is going to be a nobel experience as I don't know shit about the pony stuff beyond what Zoat has written and the occasional YouTube thumbnail.

1st April
22:17 GMT -6
Oh, yes... Let the hilarity ensue!


I lean back slightly and fold my arms across my chest as Miss Shimmer cringes, eyes darting left and right as her brain frantically tries to come up with a justification for what just happened.
<Grabs Malteasers> This gonna be gud.

"How did the trip home go?"

She brings her fists up to just underneath her chin and grins slightly manically. "Funny story."
This gonna be very gud...

"Oh do tell."

"Okay, so-." She shakes her fists, then blinks at them-. Ah, she's forgotten to open them, reverting to her hoof-use mannerism. She takes a breath and focuses on her fingers, forcing them to uncurl. "So, the portal opened again, and I used the gems to switch the anchor point to here-."

"Yes, I was here for that."
So far, so simple...

"I just wanna go through it all in order, okay?"

I raise my eyebrows, sigh, then nod.
This is going to be one of those stories, isn't it?:V

"So I anchored it, made sure that it wasn't going to close on me again, and then I went through. It was night time there, and the mirror was still in the same place as it was a year ago."

She hesitates, her mouth twitching a little. Ah. Yes. That probably means that no one bothered looking for you or even tried to work out where you'd gone. Uncertain whether to hug her or not, I settle for patting her limply on the right shoulder with my left hand. She reaches across with her left hand to lay it on top of mine for a moment, then pushes mine off.
I don't think she's in the mood for fatherly reassurance...

"And they'd.. locked the door. And hadn't changed the lock. Took me a moment or two to get used to using unicorn magic again, but the lock wasn't any harder to pick than It was last time I did it. It was dark outside, so I headed for my room, dodging the guards-."


"I didn't have time to bring all my stuff with me when I came here the first time. I wanted to see whether to not it was still there."
Good point, good point... But... That's not what he meant.

"No, why did you dodge the guards?"

She squirms.
:sneaky:All right. How much of Canterlot Castle is on fire?

"Seeeee… Yeah, that… I.. might.. possibly..? Have left out a thing or two about… Y'know… It's a funny story, actually. Y'see-."

"Miss Shimmer, just tell me." This Is An Order.

And Grayven's doing the nose-pinch emote. Something like that should not be left unsaid for a year!

I take a moment to parse that. "Books that were themselves inherently malicious, or regular books that contained potentially harmful spells?"

"Ah… Both? One of them was taking to me, trying to get me to raise an army of demon zombies." She frowns. "And I think it was written in blood."
Yeah, not the kind of book you want to play around with. Was it named the "Necroponynomicon?":p

"Doesn't blood make really bad ink?"

"… Magic? Anyway, I was really just trying to find information on the mirror, and that wasn't even a dark magic artefact."
...That you're sure of?

I frown. "Then why did they put it in the dark magic sect-?"

"Can I just finish?" I nod. "So one of the librarians ran to tell Celestia, and she turned up and I… Said some things I.. probably shouldn't have. And.. she had the guards escort me out of the palace and you'd think she'd really have, heh, learned by now that two pegasus guards against a magic expert wasn't a remotely fair fight-."
I do hope she didn't break too many bones...

I nod. "You beat up the guards."

"Stunning spells are perfectly safe, in moderation. And then I came through the mirror and had the most disorientating ten minutes of my life. So I didn't think asking the guards for directions was a good idea in case they remembered me, despite the head trauma. And I couldn't just.. run for it because I need to come back through the mirror afterwards."
Okay, that explains the desire to look for her old stuff...

"Okay, that actually sounds reasonable. Then what?"

"I got there, and… It wasn't the same. I just sort of… When I walked in I was so surprised that I didn't realise that there was a pony in my bed. Or… Her bed, I guess. I was just.. looking around in a daze, and she woke up and I panicked."

I nod slowly, then turn my attention to where the young woman I assume is the human form of Twilight Sparkle is chained to a chair.
<Double Facepalm> That doesn't even begin to explain just how the heck you managed to kidnap Twilight-fricking-Sparkle!


Hopefully she won't be too traumatised by all this... At a guess, she hasn't gone to Ponyville yet.

"She was making a noise in a palace full of guards and Celestia! And I knew a spell for tying ponies up really quickly-"

I look at the ball gag and raise my eyebrows.
I think Celestia would like to have words about your choice of reading, Sunset...

"-and it was a really instructive book! And so I used that, but I couldn't risk staying there and I couldn't let her tell anyone I was there. So I brought her back."

She gulps.
I don't know how Grayven hasn't started heading the wall yet. I know I would be.

"So… You thought that bring her back, from a civilisation that undoubtedly has all sorts of magic-based tracking techniques, was a better way to handle the situation that pretending that you were a maid?"

"I wasn't wearing a maid uniform."
...That's a good point.

"And she would have seen that in the dark how?"

"I-." She looks away again. "Okay. Yes. That probably would have been a better plan."
Also a good point. But kidnapping should not be your first go-to!

I sigh. "Okay, right, not the best way to handle things, but given that you were exiled anyway we can probably still fix this."


"I go through, carry the portal to somewhere outside Canterlot and we go from there. No guards and no Celestia until we're ready. Okay?"
Ah, your optimism is stirring, Grayven. But we all know things aren't going to go that easily.

"I.. guess… But what about-" She looks at Ms Sparkle. "-her?"

"Well, assuming that she's adapting to her human body just as well as you did, she won't be able to move, pick things up, use magic or speak any local languages. So she isn't really a security risk." I walk over and kneel down in front of her. "I'm going to take the gag off now. I realise that this a very unpleasant situation for you, and I intend to return you to Equestria just as soon as we can without compromising our objectives."
Cue panicked screaming in three... two...


I smile. "Just so. Hold still a moment." I read forward and undo the gag preventing Miss Sparkle from speaking. "I'm very sorry about this." I pull the gag from her mouth and hand it to Miss Shimmer, who takes it, notes the saliva and puts it down on the workbench before wiping her hands on her trousers.
Ew. And telling about her adaption to human form, as @oct9101 noted.

"Who are you? Where am I? What's going on? Why am I a monkey-? No, that's not right. No tail. Some kind of ape? But my hind limbs don't seem to have any grasping capacity? Maybe if I take these boots off-." Her chains rattle slightly. "Oh."
Huh, no panic. Just endless curiosity. That's Twilight Sparkle summed up in a single line.

"My name in Grayven, you're presently in the Challenger Mountain facility on another world accessible through Starswirl's mirror. It appears to turn ponies who enter from your side into and example the dominant local sophont species: humans. Humans are a type of ape adapted for the savannah. As such, they have hair on the top of their head to act as a sunshade but not anywhere else as they generally need to lose heat rather than retain it. As they spent more time walking on their hind legs and not climbing trees they lost the grasping capacity but gained land speed.
And a sensible - if short - answer to Twilight's question. I think they're going to get on well.

"Oh. So what other species are there-. Wait, another world?"

"Yes, but don't worry, the portal's staying open this time. I'm going to nip through now, and all being well we'll be returning you within the next hour. Miss Shimmer-."
Liklihood of that going well: low. Murphy's spinning up the old 'potential mishap' minigun as we speak.

"But another world!" Twilight beams excitedly, quite ignoring the chains. "That's amazing! I mean, I know Starswirl the Bearded wrote all kinds of fascinating spells, but I've never heard of one like this."

Miss Shimmer rolls her eyes. "Yeah, Celestia puts anything not friendship-related in the restricted-do-not-read-on-pain-of-banishment section. How about I give you a tour while Grayven hides the mirror?"
And whenif he gets back, they'll be in the Thaumaturgy lab committing cruel and unusual acts of Science!!

"Um." Miss Sparkle tries to move in the chains again. "That would be-." Miss Shimmer raises her right hand and clicks her fingers, a sympathetic effect causing the chains to unlock. "How did you do that?"

"You girls have fun while I'm away."

I stride towards the tape outline marking out this side of the mirror. How hard can being a pony be?
Murphy: Screw the minigun, I'm busting out the mishap nuke for this one!

And so 'Grayven's adventures in Ponyworld' begins! Place your bets now on how badly FiM Canon will get mangled by the time this is all done!

"Miss Shimmer, just tell me." This Is An Order.

This version is asking for e-mail to access. change of URL or host might be a good idea.
I realise that this a very unpleasant situation for you...
I realise that this is a very unpleasant situation for you...
I read forward and...
I reach forward and...
"My name in Grayven...
"My name is Grayven...
...into and example the...
...into an example of the...
Calling it now: Celestia noticed something is up, finds Grayven and the two fight.

Celestia: "Fiend! What have you done with my apprentice?"

Graven *Stumbling around trying to get used to having knees made of ankles* : "I didn't-" *Sound of grey pony face slamming into the ground*

Celestia: "Do not toy with me, I can feel the hatred of all life within you. You will not deceive me with pratfalls."

Graven: "Very well, let's pretend that didn't happen." *Attempts to stand. Only makes wiggling gestures with his legs instead.* "This also did not happen."

Celestia: "Well at least this is less annoying than dealing with Discord."
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How does Twilight know how to operate her now human mouth and make understandable pony language sounds with it? Even with vocal chords, they would have very distinct and different languages adapted to different species.
How does Twilight know how to operate her now human mouth and make understandable pony language sounds with it? Even with vocal chords, they would have very distinct and different languages adapted to different species.
Grayven has an Orange ring and Sunset is probably remembering the time she did the same thing.
Wonder how Gray would do against Celestia if the two fight.
She can move a sun and a moon with her power and while he is a fairly powerful New God i am not sure if he could win if the fight is more throwing around magic and energy and not more spiritual like when he fought Grayven 50 influence on Thanagar
I stride towards the tape outline marking out this side of the mirror. How hard can being a pony be?
And thus Grayven began a long string of well deserved suffering and humiliation.

Wonder how Gray would do against Celestia if the two fight.
She can move a sun and a moon with her power and while he is a fairly powerful New God i am not sure if he could win if the fight is more throwing around magic and energy and not more spiritual like when he fought Grayven 50 influence on Thanagar
Unless Zoat nerfed Celestia rather heavily it would be a curbstomp of epic proportions.

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