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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Ah yes, first priority, the qwadian heresy, I mean, I understand I wouldn't want to piss them off either, but still.

Getting Kalmin motivated to help the Corps is always tricky. And he's incredibly valuable when he's motivated. So that's a justly high priority, IMO
Back Door (part 9)
9th July 2012
00:48 GMT

When I rip the door open, the Reach man remains sitting on the hidey-hole's only chair, arms folded on his lap.

"Good morning."

"That's interesting. We weren't sure if you could detect things through our sensor baffles."

No weapons, no suicide implants. Good show.

"It's rather hard to baffle everything. Power rings are the most adaptable tool in the universe."

"For now."

"I'm curious: why attack if you thought that we couldn't detect you?"

"You're a high value target."

And I have a clear fear-association in his mind. Not an overwhelming one, but he's painfully aware that I'm going to be able to do a great deal of damage to the Reach and that they don't have an efficient counter for me. Of course, internally he's couching that in terms of 'bearable damage' and 'no efficient counter yet', but with an expansionist empire that's how it works. They overcome, or they die.

Huh. The feeling I'm getting… Reminds me of one of Harry Turtledove's books. The best tank commander in the United States got sidelined by his own military until the Confederacy tried to assassinate him. When that happened, they were forced to recognise that he probably knew what he was talking about and promote him. Being recognised like this is kind of nice.

And unlike a random fifty year old American, I can survive their special attention.

"Thank you. But I'm still not convinced that it was worth taking that shot."

The Reach man looks dissatisfied.

"The scarab warrior acted in haste. If you hadn't destroyed it, I would ensure that its programming was updated."

Hm. Looks true. There are associations with disadvantageous decisions taken by others affecting him.

"And the qwardian technology?"

"The Reach is a mercantile empire. It's remarkable what can be found for sale in some places."

"Yeah. That was qwa-matter. I've been to Qward. I know how they treat that stuff."

"Be that as it may; I'm a social adaptation specialist, not a merchant or theologian."

"I'm just implying that with the mind control functions of an orange power ring, combined with the telepaths we have at our disposal, you might prefer to simply tell me rather than be exposed to those."

"On the contrary; the most I can do now is tie up your resources for just a little longer. And I hardly know anything truly critical."

"As you wish."

I generate a construct body cast around him and make him stand.

"You are now a prisoner of N.E.M.O. and in accordance with our agreement with the local government will be moved to an interrogation centre for debriefing prior to being sent to a long term place of imprisonment. Is there anyone you would like us to notify of your capture?"

"My immediate superior. They'll need to arrange a replacement."

"Certainly. If you could give us their name and probable location?"

"Ah, I see you have a sense of humour! I didn't know that the Orange Lantern Corps had recruited anyone local."

Because I still look like a local. Which means that he thinks that my ability level is perfectly normal for Orange Lanterns, because there's nothing outwardly linking me to the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps. Okay, I… Can't think of a use for that, but I'll mention it to Dox.

I wonder if Jade likes horns?

I inject the agent with Reach-appropriate tranquilisers, strap him to a gurney construct and walk out of the concealed room back into the main plant area.

The staff are lined up in an empty storage warehouse, management lighting up the area around them with the glowing orange sigils shining from their foreheads. Lantern Gozzi is having a chat with one while the rest stand in a neat row awaiting their turn. The rest of the staff are a little perturbed by this, but most people get a little nervous around the police and given the obvious physical evidence I doubt that there will be much negative publicity. Yes, they're noticing my captive now and… Alright, it makes sense that they're more afraid of us harming them, but no one who isn't here right now is going to look at this and say that the problem was with us.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. As you can see, your facility here has been the centre of the Reach's efforts to infiltrate and influence your society. I'm a bit annoyed about that, but we'll be leaving determining your level of responsibility to the local justice system. However, if any of you have anything you wish to unburden yourself of, please feel free to speak up now."

Heads tilt back slightly, a show of deference. But no one has anything to say. Fair enough. I wouldn't expect the foundry workers to know anything about their employer's link to the Reach and they certainly wouldn't have any control over it. In a place like this…

This moon doesn't have much of an atmosphere. Once you're in a factory it's like the-. Like the oil rigs used to be back on Earth. You work long hours for part of the year for excellent pay, then you have months off to enjoy it. There probably wouldn't be a way for them to notify anyone even if they wanted to. If-.

"…so right, Lantern Gozzi. I've got no idea what I was thinking."

I turn to face her and her puppets.


"Stupidity and short-sightedness." Her eyes move to the ex-scarab, who I gave a quick shot from the purple healing ray before chaining up. "He's the owner. It is alleged that he was having trouble servicing his debts and sought to refinance."

"The Reach are merchants. I assume that you've narrowed down how they managed to infiltrate the local financial markets?"

She shakes her head. "They don't keep records. It's quite legitimate for local people to exchange currency for foreign goods or services without registering it, even in bulk."

"That's inconvenient. Perhaps we can recruit a local to do financial due diligence? It's not as if the Reach limit themselves to purely military aggression."

"I suggest working through the executive branch instead. Trade with foreign entities is covered by their remit."

"Or split the difference. They can probably find a sufficiently obsessive financial analyst." I nod. "Are you alright to finish up here while I handle that?"

She nods.

"This use of the ring is quite intuitive. What were the Maltusians who developed it planning to use it for?"

"You'd have to ask Krona. And that may be a little difficult."
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through of sensor baffles."

'our sensor'

Being recognised like this is kind of nice.

Only Paul would find murder attempts nice.

He's now dating someone that tried to kill him.

Yeah. That was qwa-matter. I've been to Qward

True, but they may have changed how they operate now.

I wonder if Jade likes horns?

Well they could serve as hand-holds.

who I have a quick shot from the purple healing ray before chaining up. "He's the

'who I gave'
9th July 2012
00:48 GMT

When I rip the door open, the Reach man remains sitting on the hidey-hole's only chair, arms folded on his lap.

"Good morning."
Just because you're at war, doesn't mean there's not a place for politeness, eh, OL? I see the Reach agent has decided resistance isn't profitable...

"That's interesting. We weren't sure if you could detect things through of sensor baffles."

No weapons, no suicide implants. Good show.
No sense throwing his life away if he's more likely to be interrogated and imprisoned. Presumably his calculations say he'll be worth more alive...

"It's rather hard to baffle everything. Power rings are the most adaptable tool in the universe."

"For now."
:D Yes, keep telling yourself that.

"I'm curious: why attack if you thought that we couldn't detect you?"

"You're a high value target."
Any Orange Lantern, or OL in particular? And how did they know it was him specifically? Some manner of detecting the scale of Spectrum Energy output?

And I have a clear fear-association in his mind. Not an overwhelming one, but he's painfully aware that I'm going to be able to do a great deal of damage to the Reach and that they don't have an efficient counter for me. Of course, internally he's couching that in terms of 'bearable damage' and 'no efficient counter yet', but with an expansionist empire that's how it works. They overcome, or they die.
And currently, they're on the latter end of that binary. Bet that burns.

Huh. The feeling I'm getting… Reminds me of one of Harry Turtledove's books. The best tank commander in the United States got sidelined by his own military until the Confederacy tried to assassinate him. When that happened, they were forced to recognise that he probably knew what he was talking about and promote him. Being recognised like this is kind of nice.

And unlike a random fifty year old American, I can survive their special attention.
He may be one of the best alternate history authors, but I'm not a fan. Good to at least see a smart guy get some vindication with his REMF bosses...

"Thank you. But I'm still not convinced that it was worth taking that shot."

The Reach man looks dissatisfied.
He'd probably decided it wasn't profitable to try, but...

"The scarab warrior acted in haste. If you hadn't destroyed it, I would ensure that its programming was updated."

Hm. Looks true. There are associations with disadvantageous decisions taken by others affecting him.
You never know how someone's going to react in the field, after all... And very suggestive language there. 'It', not 'He'... The Reach basically see all other species as inferiors, don't they? Things to be used and disposed of as they cease to be profitable... Amazing how you can pack so much subtext into such a simple sentence.

"And the qwardian technology?"

"The Reach is a mercantile empire. It's remarkable what can be found for sale in some places."
Suggesting that they were able to buy it from Qward... Or it was stolen and traded to them by a third party...

"Yeah. That was qwa-matter. I've been to Qward. I know how they treat that stuff."

"Be that as it may; I'm a social adaptation specialist, not a merchant or theologian."
Considers it better to be good at one thing rather than mediocre at many, eh?

"I'm just implying that with the mind control functions of an orange power ring, combined with the telepaths we have at our disposal, you might prefer to simply tell me rather than be exposed to those."

"On the contrary; the most I can do now it tie up your resources for just a little longer. And I hardly know anything truly critical."
Oh, OL won't take long. He's very good at that...

"As you wish."

I generate a construct body cast around him and make him stand.
Probably easier than trying to drop a brand on him, especially if he's wired to self-destruct from the attempt.

"You are now a prisoner of N.E.M.O. and in accordance with our agreement with the local government will be moved to an interrogation centre for debriefing prior to being sent to a long term place of imprisonment. Is there anyone you could like us to notify of your capture?"

"My immediate superior. They'll need to arrange a replacement."
Confident, isn't he? Still thinks his people won't be rooted out by the locals...

"Certainly. If you could give us their name and probably location?"

"Ah, I see you have a sense of humour! I didn't know that the Orange Lantern Corps had recruited anyone local."
Worth a try... And OL is still wearing a local face? I'm surprised he didn't think to change back, but he's hardly had time, has he?

Because I still look like a local. Which means that he thinks that my ability level is perfectly normal for Orange Lanterns, because there's nothing outwardly linking me to the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps. Okay, I… Can't think of a use for that, but I'll mention it to Dox.
Could be useful for intimidation factor, but if they think every Lantern is as powerful as OL, their responses in combat are going to be a little higher-level than most will be ready for...

I wonder if Jade likes horns?

I inject the agent with Reach-appropriate tranquilisers, strap him to a gurney construct and walk out of the concealed room back into the main plant area.
All nicely wrapped up for the local garrison to collect...

The staff are lined up in an empty storage warehouse, management lighting up the area around them with the glowing orange sigils shining from their foreheads. Lantern Gozzi is having a chat with one while the rest stand in a neat row awaiting their turn. The rest of the staff are a little perturbed by this, but most people get a little nervous around the police and given the obvious physical evidence I doubt that there will be much negative publicity. Yes, they're noticing my captive now and… Alright, it makes sense that they're more afraid of us harming them, but no one who isn't here right now is going to look at this and say that the problem was with us.
Kind of hard to deny the sight of an actual Reach native. No doubt worrying about whether they'll be tried as spies or not. They'll be more likely to play nice with the authorities in that case.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. As you can see, your facility here has been the centre of the Reach's efforts to infiltrate and influence your society. I'm a bit annoyed about that, but we'll be leaving determining your level of responsibility to the local justice system. However, if any of you have anything you wish to unburden yourself of, please feel free to speak up now."

Heads tilt back slightly, a show of deference. But no one has anything to say. Fair enough. I wouldn't expect the foundry workers to know anything about their employer's link to the Reach and they certainly wouldn't have any control over it. In a place like this…
To be fair, most of them probably wouldn't have known anything, especially if they're just blue-collar workers.

This moon doesn't have much of an atmosphere. Once you're in a factory it's like the-. Like the oil rigs used to be back on Earth. You work long hours for part of the year for excellent pay, then you have months off to enjoy it. There probably wouldn't be a way for them to notify anyone even if they wanted to. If-.

"…so right, Lantern Gozzi. I've got no idea what I was thinking."
I see Gozzi has the hang of Branding? Or did OL do the work and is letting her handle the talking?

I turn to face her and her puppets.

She branded them, then. Good to see her progressing so quickly through the skill tree.

"Stupidity and short-sightedness." Her eyes move to the ex-scarab, who I have a quick shot from the purple healing ray before chaining up. "He's the owner. It is alleged that he was having trouble servicing his debts and sought to refinance."

"The Reach are merchants. I assume that you've narrowed down how they managed to infiltrate the local financial markets?"
Ah, they bought off his Debts, and slapped a Scarab on him in return. I'm guessing that's a typical outcome...

She shakes her head. "They don't keep records. It's quite legitimate for local people to exchange currency for foreign good or services without registering it, even in bulk."

"That's inconvenient. Perhaps we can recruit a local to do financial due diligence? It's not as if the Reach limit themselves to purely military aggression."
Maybe just let the locals handle it? Seeing this, I bet they'll be a bit more worried about such things now...

"I suggest working through the executive branch instead. Trade with foreign entities is covered by their remit."

"Or split the difference. They can probably find a sufficiently obsessive financial analyst." I nod. "Are you alright to finish up here while I handle that?"
If she couldn't, she'd be no use as an apprentice... The shit OL gets into is going to power-level her hard.

She nods.

"This use of the ring is quite intuitive. What were the Maltusians who developed it planning to use it for?"

"You'd have to ask Krona. And that may be a little difficult."
Given that he's dead, discorporated, banished to an alternate reality or otherwise indisposed, yes, you could say that...

One hotspot cleaned up. A bit of follow-up tomorrow, and then on to the next, given we're barely halfway through the episode... The Reach are going to be feeling the pinch sooner rather than later, methinks...

...the most I can do now it tie up your resources...
...the most I can do now is tie up your resources...
Is there anyone you could like us to notify...
Is there anyone you would like us to notify...
"Certainly. If you could give us their name and probably location?"
"Certainly. If you could give us their name and probable location?"
Yes, keep telling yourself that.

The most adaptable thing in the DC universe is the Amazo from the JL cartoon.

You never know how someone's going to react in the field, after all... And very suggestive language there. 'It', not 'He'... The Reach basically see all other species as inferiors, don't they? Things to be used and disposed of as they cease to be profitable... Amazing how you can pack so much subtext into such a simple sentence.

They did call others 'meat' in the show.

Though he may have been talking about the scarab and not the host.

Could be useful for intimidation factor, but if they think every Lantern is as powerful as OL, their responses in combat are going to be a little higher-level than most will be ready for...

Unless they figure out a way to make the Reach overestimating them work in their advantage.
...the most I can do now is tie up your resources...
Is there anyone you would like us to notify...
"Certainly. If you could give us their name and probable location?"
Thank you, corrected.
I'd say that's just asking for Murphy to pay attention to you but Krona is mostly dead at the moment. Maybe Krono will pick up the call if Gozzi is persistent enough?
You know, I hadn't realised how similar their names were until just now.
Here, the smallest 'super' singles are $3.50, the doubles $4.50 ($5.50 for the two set up to auto dispense soap their own soap),The giant 5 load washers are $10.75, and the triples I can't remember, but I think are either $7.00 or $7.50... All that is on the lowest setting, ignoring any extended or super cycle option.

6 quarters would get you 24 minutes on a drier, or about 4 quarters short of the minimum time to get all your clothes dry.
Is it me or is this just the planet of "we don't even want to act like corruption is a bad thing"?

It seems to me more like the planet of "we are very straightforward about the flaws in our government" either that or Paul's local form is so handsome that they are far more candid than normal.

No government is perfect, pretending otherwise just lets flaws and corruption go unaddressed.
Back Door (supplementary, Renegade Option)
8th July 2012
20:26 GMT -6

I push open the door only to be greeted by a pint glass shattering against the wall next to me. If I was a baseline human the glass shards might have been dangerous. As it is I just sigh and walk fully into the bar where the two young men I'm here to see are just finishing the fight.

The younger-looking of the two backs away from his last opponent, side-stepping a swung snooker cue -people actually fight with those?- before closing the distance and tripping his opponent into the snooker table, then taking advantage of their confusion to put them in a sleeper hold.

The older-looking one doesn't bother with anything so fancy, being happy to take a right hook to the face in exchange-

"That the best you got?"

-for a clear shot of his own. The first opponent staggers back, but the second tried to grab him from behind-


-and gets his nose broken-


-for his trouble.

Older brother then turns and expertly punches him in the diaphragm, causing him to collapse into a wheezing, bleeding heap.

It's hard to kill someone by breaking their nose with the back of your head, but given what I think has happened here I probably shouldn't let them keep taking risks.

"Alright, fight over!"

"Yeah?" Bigger brother looks at me fiercely. "Says who?"

I fold my arms across my chest. "Says the federal agent arresting you."

"A-?" He shoots a glance at his brother, who rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "They started it."

I look around the liquor-slick broken glass encrusted and generally-seen-better-days taproom.

"Are you trying to say that you didn't cause any of this?"

"I didn't cause it! I mean, yeah, I bro-"

"Hank, stop talking."

"-ke-." He glances at his brother as the youth approaches me. "What? Why?"

"Because Dad told us we shouldn't volunteer information to the police, especially not without a lawyer present. I'm pretty sure you were there for that lecture." He walks closer to me, sensibly stopping out of apparent arm's reach. "Could I see your ID, officer?"

"Quite sensible." I reach into my pouch while the Atlantean illusion charm I'm wearing makes it look like I'm reaching into my coat. I take out the fancy badge the Department of Metahuman Affairs gave me -which I generally don't bother with, because it's not as if there are people in the United States who don't know who I am- and offer it to him.

He looks it over for a moment, then looks back up at me. If he's surprised then he's concealing it well.

"You don't look a lot like your picture, Agent."

"Agent?" Hank walks over a fallen foeman as he comes to stand alongside his brother. "Lemme see that."

He snatches it out of his brother's hands, prompting another eye roll and an affectionate sigh.

"Who-?" His eyes widen. "You stole-? Aw, man, you are in so much trouble when he gets hold of you."

I smile, then push my amulet slightly outside of the area it affects.

"I got this from the Atlantean city of Venturia. I use it to disguise my appearance. But it doesn't do anything to my voice. May I?"

I reach out with my right hand and pluck my ID wallet from his unresisting hand.

"Donny. Ah. You're up?"

Donald Hall nods. "That card said that you're a federal agent for the DMA. I don't think that anything that happened here falls under your purview."

"Master Hall, I've killed four Lords of Chaos, and I use a Lord of Order as a paperweight. Does-"

Henry grins. "N-ice."

"-that give you some idea why I might want to talk to you, and why just about anything you do falls under my purview?"

"Oh. So you know about that."

"That you're lousy with order magic of a sort that requires a Lord of Order to use it? Yes." Thank you, Sunset. "So when I come here for a chat with your sponsor, and walk into you smashing up a bar, I have concerns."

Henry elbows his brother in the back.


"As I said, Master Hall, I've neutralised four times the number of Lords of Chaos, and I know the magic that empowers you as well."

"Dude, not in public!"

He looks around at the empty bar, the fire escape door rattling as the last of their opponents helps one of his friends out of the building.

"And this is why you're supposed to 'take it outside'. It stops the bar getting smashed up and prevents you getting barred. And it makes the charge sheet shorter."

"Hey, what about those guys!?"

"My people will pick them up once they've received medical attention. Now: your sponsors. Who are they?"

They look at each other, hesitating.

"Thing is…" Donald shrugs. "We don't exactly know."

I huff. "I thought you were the smart one."


"Hank's got a perfectly good brain-"


"-when he uses it as something other than a blunt instrument. There was a voice offering us a chance to get the people who tried to murder our Dad, and Hank said 'yes'."

"So did you!"

"I said 'yes' because you did."

"For future reference, when a voice offers you power during a difficult time in your life and doesn't specify a price, call an exorcist."

Henry's face pales, while Donald looks more curious.

"That can happen?"

"It's unusual, but yes, there are demons who can reach out like that. You don't know how to contact them?" Two heads shake. "Alright then, you lads have a choice. I can formally arrest you for assault and criminal damage and hand you over to the local police, then arrest you for undeclared contact with an otherworldly entity, or you can volunteer to pay for the damage here and volunteer to accompany me to some magician colleagues of mine so we can work out what whoever did this to you actually did."

Hank blinks. "You mean half the damage, right? Because those guys-."

"No. You have super powers. This means that you must show better judgement than random drunken yokels because when you mess up the damage is much worse."

Donald looks away for a moment. "Can I just phone our Dad real quick?"
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'to kill'

I look around the liquor-slick broken glass encrusted and generally seen better days taproom

Missing an . at the end

Shouldnt it be 'Mister Hall'

I've killed four Lords of Chaos,

Well helped others kill two, Adom and that woman who's out of the Book of Destiny.

and I use a Lord of Order as a paperweight. Does-"

Technically Giovanni does that.

knew the magic that empowers you as well."

'know the'
When did the Halls get empowered? Because I feel like the SIs would have tracked them down way before this, especially back when Nabu and Klarion were problems.
I hope the Paragon timeline versions met Constantine at some point, and it'll be a way to reintroduce him to the narrative.

Paragon knew the names of the Lords of Order and Chaos empowering them, I believe, so does Renegade not know or is he just pretending, to see what level of knowledge the Halls have?
8th July 2012
20:26 GMT -6

I push open the door only to be greeted by a pint glass shattering against the wall next to me. If I was a baseline human the glass shards might have been dangerous. As it is I just sigh and walk fully into the bar where the two young men I'm here to see are just finishing the fight.
Ah, skipping the boring follow-up for the Paragon? I'm not complaining though, if it gets us Grayven. Now, what's he up to?

The younger-looking of the two backs away from his last opponent, side-stepping a swung snooker cue -people actually fight with those?- before closing the distance and tripping his opponent into the snooker table, then taking advantage of their confusion to put them in a sleeper hold.

The older-looking one doesn't bother with anything so fancy, being happy to take a right hook to the face in exchange-
Hey, don't knock the humble pool cue. Swing the heavier butt end and it makes a handy club, even if it's likely to break under any real force. Plus it has the advantage of a foot or two extra range.

"That the best you got?"

-for a clear shot of his own. The first opponent staggers back, but the second tried to grab him from behind-
Sounds like these guys are having quite the fun time. Pity they didn't follow the first rule of bar fights and take it outside, but...


-and gets his nose broken-
And the guy knows how to fight brawler-style, huh?


-for his trouble.

Older brother then turns and expertly punches him in the diaphragm, causing him to collapse into a wheezing, bleeding heap.
I guess that took the wind out of his sails, huh?

It's hard to killing someone by breaking their nose with the back of your head, but given what I think has happened here I probably shouldn't let them keep taking risks.

"Alright, fight over!"
Especially if they're super-strong. Because that usually means super-tough, too. And being tough as steel means your knuckles and skull are basically like metal maces I.E. potentially lethal weapons... Even without that, a strong man can do a lot of damage...

"Yeah?" Bigger brother looks at me fiercely. "Says who?"

I fold my arms across my chest. "Says the federal agent arresting you."
Guessing Grayven doesn't look like himself at the moment, or these guys would be a little hesitant to fight him. After all, an eight-foot-tall guy with grey skin ought to be good at ending fights.

"A-?" He shoots a glance at his brother, who rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "They started it."

I look around the liquor-slick broken glass encrusted and generally seen better days taproom
Sounds like a fun time was had by all. Well, except the guys getting slugged by capes...

"Are you trying to say that you didn't cause any of this?"

"I didn't cause it! I mean, yeah, I bro-"

"Hank, stop talking."
Ah, the Hall brothers. Champions of a married pair of Lords of Chaos and Order. Now, why does Grayven want to talk to them, eh?

"-ke-." He glances at his brother as the youth approaches me. "What? Why?"

"Because Dad told us we shouldn't volunteer information to the police, especially not without a lawyer present. I'm pretty sure you were there for that lecture." He walks closer to me, sensibly stopping out of apparent arm's reach. "Could I see your ID, officer?"
And the younger brother, the smart one, and the natural peacemaker. Hell, he's an actual pacifist, mostly. Unless someone's trying to beat on his brother, I guess.

"Quite sensible." I reach into my pouch while the Atlantean illusion charm I'm wearing makes it look like I'm reaching into my coat. I take out the fancy badge the Department of Metahuman Affairs gave me -which I generally don't bother with, because it's not as if there are people in the United States who don't know who I am- and offer it to him.

He looks it over for a moment, then looks back up at me. If he's surprised then he's concealing it well.
Yes, I bet there's a bit of a disconnect there. I wonder if the illusion resembles his original self?

"You don't look a lot like your picture, Agent."

"Agent?" Hank walks over a fallen foeman as me comes to stand alongside his brother. "Lemme see that."
Still itching for a fight, eh? Guess that comes from being the champion of Chaos. :p At least he doesn't have to face the whole mutagenic aspect of a certain other Chaos...

He snatches it out of his brother's hands, prompting another eye roll and an affectionate sigh.

"Who-?" His eyes widen. "You stole-? Aw, man, you are in so much trouble when he gets hold of you."
Not that he's not impressed at the cajonés shown, though? He seems that sort of dude-bro...

I smile, then push my amulet slightly outside of the area it effects.

"I got this from the Atlantean city of Venturia. I use it to disguise my appearance. But it doesn't do anything to my voice. May I?"
Can't blame them for not noticing, either, as they have no discernable magical abilities. Just your basic FISS package.

I reach out with my right hand and pluck my ID wallet from his unresisting hand.

"Donny. Ah. You're up?"
Heh, wisely handing things over to his smarter little brother.

Donald Hall nods. "That card said that you're a federal agent for the DMA. I don't think that anything that happened here falls under your purview."

"Master Hall, I've killed four Lords of Chaos, and I use a Lord of Order as a paperweight. Does-"
Did you guys forget the whole 'costumed adventurer' thing? Just because you can turn the powers off doesn't get you out of trouble...

Henry grins. "N-ice."

"-that give you some idea why I might want to talk to you, and why just about anything you do falls under my purview?"
Ah, I see. He wants to get a hold of the Lords that empowered them. But for what reason?

"Oh. So you know about that."

"That you're lousy with order magic of a sort that requires a Lord of Order to use it? Yes." Thank you, Sunset. "So when I come here for a chat with your sponsor, and walk into you smashing up a bar, I have concerns."
And triggered by something as simple as a magic word. I would hope it's dependent on intent, as later versions of Captain Marvel's word of power did, or they'd have some trouble from a slight slip of the tongue...

Henry elbows his brother in the back.

Don't get cocky, kid. You're in the same boat.

"As I said, Master Hall, I've neutralised four times the number of Lords of Chaos, and I knew the magic that empowers you as well."

"Dude, not in public!"
Is there anyone still conscious enough to hear them? Assuming Grayven isn't using a little magic to create an exclusion zone.

He looks around at the empty bar, the fire escape door rattling as the last of their opponents helps one of his friends our of the building.

"And this is why you're supposed to 'take it outside'. It stops the bar getting smashed up and prevents you getting barred. And it makes the charge sheet shorter."
Never mind the fact they're probably not old enough to be in here legally? I mean, they're probably college-age here, but still...

"Hey, what about those guys!"

"My people will pick them up once they've received medical attention. Now: your sponsors. Who are they?"
'His people'... Love how he can say that and mean it.

They look at each other, hesitating.

"Thing is…" Donald shrugs. "We don't exactly know."
Well, shit. That makes things a little harder.

I huff. "I thought you were the smart one."

Ah, brothers. A dubious joy I've not had the fortune of experiencing, alas...

"Hank's got a perfectly good brain-"


"-when he uses it as something other than a blunt instrument. There was a voice offering us a chance to get the people who tried to murder our Dad, and Hank said 'yes'."
...And neither of you found that a little suspicious after the fact? Ah, superheroes...

"So did you!"

"I said 'yes' because you did."
Ah, brotherly love. After all, someone had to keep the big lunk out of trouble...

"For future reference, when a voice offers you power during a difficult time in your life and doesn't specify a price, call an exorcist."

Henry's face pales, while Donald looks more curious.

"That can happen?"
Hey, be glad it was only a duo of Lords of Order and Chaos. It really could have been worse.

"It's unusual, but yes, there are demons who can reach out like that. You don't know how to contact them?" Two heads shake. "Alright then, you lads have a choice. I can formally arrest you for assault and criminal damage and hand you over to the local police, then arrest you for undeclared contact with an otherworldly entity, or you can volunteer to pay for the damage here and volunteer to accompany me to some magician colleagues of mine so we can work out what whoever did this to you actually did."
I'm guessing they're recently contracted here... Given Grayven's aggressive approach to welcoming new Lords, I'm not surprised these two are are taking a hands-off approach.

Hank blinks. "You mean half the damage, right? Because those guys-."

"No. You have super powers. This means that you must show better judgement than random drunken yokels because when you mess up the damage is much worse."

Donald looks away for a moment. "Can I just phone our Dad real quick?"
And boy, there's a lesson some supers never learn... Until their 'Uncle Ben' moment, anyway. These two are probably better off getting taken under a more experienced hero's wing before they suffer theirs.

So, Grayven taking the 'softly softly' approach to Earth's newest representatives of Order and Chaos, eh? I'm guessing even he's getting sick of the endless parade of Lords rolling through. And hopefully he can try to prevent the tragedies that affect Hawk and Dove over the years...

"I didn't cause it! I mean, yeah, I bro-"
Double space.
..a fallen foeman as me comes to stand...
...a fallen foeman as he comes to stand...
...one of his friends our of the building.
...one of his friends out of the building.
It'll be interesting to see how Zoat changes things around.

In the comics, the Unity presented as a dragon (T'Charr) who wears a glowy talking necklace (Terataya).

They then seemingly sacrificed their independent existences to keep the Hawk and Dove spell going by possessing Hawk and Dove, but the fact that a second Hawk was chosen when Hank died kinda makes that iffy.
When did the Halls get empowered? Because I feel like the SIs would have tracked them down way before this, especially back when Nabu and Klarion were problems.
I hope the Paragon timeline versions met Constantine at some point, and it'll be a way to reintroduce him to the narrative.

Paragon knew the names of the Lords of Order and Chaos empowering them, I believe, so does Renegade not know or is he just pretending, to see what level of knowledge the Halls have?

Meeting Constantine is probably not the best thing for anyone.

I think that paragon knows about two Lords that synchronized their powers, but he may not know about these two.

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