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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It's too late to save this society, they've also been infected by the terror of politics.

it might be easier to burn the planet and play soft sad music to let go the memories of what could have been.
Or intruduce some kind of technology that allows/nudge them to cross that bridge between "other" they seem to respect too much to even look at. Empathy/telepathy comes to mind.

There is a Brazilian concept called "Lugar de fala" which I've seen being referred to as 'standpoint theory' (but a literal translation would be 'location of speech') as in where which from my understanding means that authority to speak about certain subjects can only come from lived experiences and not from studying or thinking about it for example. This political movement seem to be the extreme of that, where external subjects are walled-out from inside their thought/value structures in a way that makes me want to see it being teared down :p I hope we see examples of what that kind of thinking does to your reaction to novelty/emergencies or to badly intentioned actors.
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That sounds like a cowardly cop out way of not making a decision. Any analysis has some kind of bias. The point is to still find what truth you can and use it effectively. This is just not even trying. It's like saying and accepting the game is rigged. Accepting helplessness.

It's a fairly realistic picture of anti-war arguments. From his later "yeah that's probably the Reach", it's not that he doesn't think there's good reasons to oppose them, he just thinks there are good reasons on the other side as well, and his political philosophy says that a good reason to go to war isn't good enough.

Our history tends to agree. Civil War? Very good reason. World War 2? Also very good - two very good ones, one of which probably actually was involved (Pearl Harbor) and one that mostly wasn't (Fascism and the Holocaust). But those are the exceptions: WWI had good reasons but was a bad idea, Vietnam, Korea, Cuba and the Spanish-American War, Cuba and the Missile Crisis, looking afield to the UK the Suez Crisis of '56, the Falkands... there are apparently good reasons for war in each, but war was still a terrible idea that was not worth the costs and from an outside perspective was predictably not worth the costs. It's easy to come up with a very plausible-sounding good reason why the enemy is a monster who has to be put down even when this is a gross exaggeration.

The Reach are, as it turns out, monsters beyond the worst human society is capable of, and so war is justified here. But he is entirely correct in being skeptical.
Since we had some good alternate universe Pauls, I'm interested in any thoughts Zoat has about an Orange Lantern Paul ? in the Babylon 5 universe since Zoat seems to like B5. What would stay the same and what would be different of B5 had a Paul with a power ring and a power source?
Babylon 5 would end badly for any Power Ring Paul...

Even Paragon.

There are basically three different power levels in the setting, and a Power Ring is such that the highest level would squish him like a bug just to keep him from messing around in their playground.
I thought it might be amusing to have Future!Grayven appear in the Absolute Dominion, a spaceship larger than Babylon 5, announce that Apokolips was extremely isolationist and didn't want to have anything to do with anyone and then just hang around the place. Maybe have the PsiCorps try to recruit Lynne.
Paragon works better, at least in the early seasons, I think. He could play a nice and interesting foil for Morden. They both are about "what do you want?", but Orange light manipulation is a very different technological path to what Shadows give to their followers.

Vorlons map well to green light, while shadows to orange. Well, not them themselves, but their ideologies spouted to the younger races.

There's a lot of potential for character interaction there, especially if Hinon visits too at some point after Paul to interact with people.
Babylon 5 would end badly for any Power Ring Paul...

Even Paragon.

There are basically three different power levels in the setting, and a Power Ring is such that the highest level would squish him like a bug just to keep him from messing around in their playground.
Paul is to Maltusians as Morden is to Shadows. Roughly, at least. He's more of an ascended servitor than Morden, with higher grade enhancements, somewhat like Lyta Alexander housing Kosh, only with Glow / Ophidian instead of Kosh / a maltusian.

Given that Maltusians are very much a peer of even EU Vorlons and Shadows, and arguably a cousin race of Lorien's people, I am fairly sure Paul will be afforded at least some manner of diplomatic protection, in the same vein that protected Morden from being brainsploded by Kosh immediately after stepping foot on the station, or Sheridan from being murdered by Shadows after he was resurrected by Lorien.
Paul is to Maltusians as Morden is to Shadows. Roughly, at least. He's more of an ascended servitor than Morden, with higher grade enhancements, somewhat like Lyta Alexander housing Kosh, only with Glow / Ophidian instead of Kosh / a maltusian.

Given that Maltusians are very much a peer of even EU Vorlons and Shadows, and arguably a cousin race of Lorien's people, I am fairly sure Paul will be afforded at least some manner of diplomatic protection, in the same vein that protected Morden from being brainsploded by Kosh immediately after stepping foot on the station, or Sheridan from being murdered by Shadows after he was resurrected by Lorien.
The things that protected those people from escalation were The Rules.

But The Rules wouldn't protect Paul, and his ring wouldn't protect him either. Because Shadow and Vorlon weapons would cut through Light like it wasn't even there.

As to the Malthiusans being equal to the First Ones, that would make things worse. Because the other First Ones aren't actually allowed to act, it's in The Rules.

Its in The Rules to the point that The Shadows and Vorlons would both hunt Paul down with their biggest most advanced guns.

Even if Paul showed up after the First Ones left the only real result would be Lorien showing up and taking him away.
Back Door (part 7)
9th July 2012
00:27 GMT

This time, I called ahead.

"Yes, we handled that transaction."

The local woman opposite me shrugs. For a short sit-down meeting a local café suffices, apparently. This one has the advantage of being in the same building as her office. And a number of similar offices. Most of the tables around us are occupied by people engaged in similar activity, though the sound suppressors mean that I'd have to exert myself to eavesdrop on what they're saying.

"Our planet's rules on donations to politically active entities are intended to make it possible to trace anyone who makes a questionable donation. Of course, what it… Actually did was encourage the use of firms like mine to act as the 'end-donor' so that our name goes on the records and the… 'Indirect' donor avoids scrutiny."

"I'm a little surprised that you're being so open about it."

She taps the side of her right horn. A disinterested shrug.

"It's common knowledge. There are… Eighteen? Proposed modifications to the process progressing through our political system at the moment. Our legislative process is neither fast nor agile."

"So how did this planet become a L.E.G.I.O.N. affiliate so quickly?"

"That didn't require legislative change. The Proconsuls handle foreign relations with executive power, and by the time any of the legislation trying to cork their horns makes its way through the committee stage, the war will probably be over."

"It's probably going to be a long war."

"The meetings of department committees are open to the public. If you want to stop by one, you'll see what I mean."

"Can I request that you tell me who the original donor was?"

"Yes, but as my law firm is not a 'politically active entity' I don't have to tell you."

"Can I persuade you to tell me?"

"Hmmm. I'm not saying no, but I don't see how our planet's economy could survive you giving us the amount of money it would take. You've got the fines for breaking client confidentiality, and then there's the lost business relating to the fact that we broke client confidentiality, and then there's the impact on my career…"

"Are you working towards something or is that a long-winded 'no'?"

"It's a long-winded 'no'. But…" She slides a card across the table towards me. "Here are my direct contact details if you want to ask me anything else."

I pick it up and subspace it as she gets up.

"Thank you, but I'm afraid that the Orange Lantern Corps isn't currently interested in doing any counter-lobbying-."

"Anything." She reaches towards me with her right hand and lightly rubs my right horn with her forefinger. "Anything else."

She smiles, then struts away. Hm. I.. suppose this body must be fairly attractive by local standards.

Or maybe she's just-.

My original ring blinks.


"Data acquired."

"And retroactively justified. Is it another clearing house law firm?"

"An investment corporation specialising in property transactions, on behalf of a trust."

"Okay, so-."

"Do you wish to give each party along the chain the option of being honest, or may we simply skip to the end?"

"We'll have to come back and test everyone…"

The waitresses at this café are… Staring at me. Huh.

That doesn't happen on Earth. That I've… Noticed. I mean, I… Don't go to cafés all that much..

"Everyone, but I suppose we need to prioritise. Where are we heading?"

"Second moon of the fourth planet."

I look… Down. "Got it. See you there."

A moment of disconnection

and then I appear. This moon is interesting. Unusually high metal content, and they've essentially decided to take it apart. It's now visibly non-spherical due to the huge quantities of material they've removed, and the extensive metallic hydrogen extraction systems processing material from the gas giant it orbits has made this the prime ship-building location in the system. An appreciable chunk of the ships in the docking cradles are L.E.G.I.O.N. export models, which…

I've had a big impact. Not just in blowing things up. Building things and enabling other people to build things as well.

Huh. Surprising how good that feels.

Lantern Gozzi appears next to me.

"Do you wish to speak with the garrison?"

"No. Not much point. I exist to back them up, and at worst we're going to be dealing with a few suborned locals and maybe a scarab. Got the address?"

"Can you not see them?"

"The programming they use for long term infiltrators isn't as obvious as that."

I take a look around anyway, just in case. A lot of people around here. The locals went tall rather than broad when they left their homeworld. There aren't many in other systems but they're spread out across all of the small rocky bodies in their home system. Probably why foreign relations is an executive function; until recently they haven't really needed to have any. Not seeing anything that strikes me as particularly Reachy. Self interest? Again, nothing monoptically destructive. Moderately self-destructive, but mining is a physically demanding career and it's not like regular intoxication is statistically unusual.

"I'm happy that I can be of use."

I turn to face her, smiling. "Really? Are you?"

"I.. think you may be reading too much into that statement. I intended it as social lubricant, not as a declaration of my life goal."

"You can just be honest around me. I'm not easily offended."

"Alright then. I think that you're being unproductively soft in the way you're conducting this investigation and that increased ruthlessness and haste would serve L.E.G.I.O.N. better."

I nod. "You could be right. Please lead the way, and we'll see what we see."

She accelerates in the direction of one of the supply centres, and I dutifully follow on behind her.
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"Anything." She reaches towards me with her right hand and lightly rubs my right horn with her forefinger. "Anything else."

Looks like the Spider Queen has a new rival for Paul's affections.

The waitresses at this café are… Staring at me. Huh.

Hot damn, I'm imagining his form looks like this species version of Diarmuid.


That doesn't happen on Earth. That I've… Noticed. I mean, I… Don't go to cafés all that much..

It's nice to know that even after he had weird tentacle ring sex with Jade, and had a baby with a giant spider, that Paul is still that oblivious guy he was at the start of the story.

Usually high metal content,

maybe 'Unusually'

"I'm happy that I can be of use."

I turn to face her, smiling. "Really? Are you?"

Down boy.

"I.. think you may be reading too much into that statement. I intended it as social lubricant, not as a declaration of my life goal."

Honestly thought this would be his chance to get some green space babe action, but oh well.
Honestly thought this would be his chance to get some green space babe action, but oh well.

He's sexually monogamous with Jade, so the time for that has passed.

Though part of me wonders if everyone is staring at him because they're secretly drones for the Reach or something, but I'm sure he'd detect that.
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"Our planet's rules on donations to politically active entities is intended to make it possible to trace anyone who makes a questionable donation. Of course, what it… Actually did was encourage the use of firms like mine to act as the 'end-donor' so that our name goes on the records and the… 'Indirect' donor avoids scrutiny."

Zoat, have you read Dark Money by Jane Mayer?
Though part of me wonders if everyone is staring at him because they're secretly drones for the Reach or something, but I'm sure he'd detect that.

Maybe they're both drones and attracted to him.

In YJ Abridged Khaji Da was so attracted to Nightwing that he eventually took over Jaime's body to have some of that perfect circus boy ass, so I don't see why something like that can't happen here.

when was that i would like to know for, reasons

During the Vega Baby episode he rubbed a sexual organ of the Queen.

In the Resolution episode he and Jade fucked.
9th July 2012
00:27 GMT

This time, I called ahead.
Ah, the joy of learning! I am impressed he was able to get a meeting on such short notice, though. Presumably based on being a L.E.G.I.O.N Operative greasing the wheels of bureaucracy...

"Yes, we handled that transaction."

The local woman opposite us shrugs. For a short sit-down meeting a local café suffices, apparently. This one has the advantage of being in the same building as her office. And a number of similar offices. Most of the tables around us are occupied by people engaged in similar activity, though the sound suppressors mean that I'd have to exert myself to eavesdrop on what they're saying.
No doubt supplied by those having meetings here, unless the cafe itself caters specifically to serving as neutral ground. Evidently it's a good business to get into. A safe place to discuss business and good food? You'd be raking it in...

"Our planet's rules on donations to politically active entities is intended to make it possible to trace anyone who makes a questionable donation. Of course, what it… Actually did was encourage the use of firms like mine to act as the 'end-donor' so that our name goes on the records and the… 'Indirect' donor avoids scrutiny."

"I'm a little surprised that you're being so open about it."
It doesn't sound like any kind of secret. I'm sure a large number of the other meetings around them are similar brokers...

She taps the side of her right horn. A disinterested shrug.

"It's common knowledge. There are… Eighteen? Proposed modifications to the process progressing through our political system at the moment. Our legislative process is neither fast nor agile."
I wonder how old the furthest along is? Years? Decades? Not knowing their lifespan, that may be blisteringly quick.

"So how did this planet become a L.E.G.I.O.N. affiliate so quickly?"

"That didn't require legislative change. The Proconsuls handle foreign relations with executive power, and by the time any of the legislation trying to cork their horns makes its way through the committee stage, the war will probably be over."
Ah, so a form of Dictatorship, albeit one along Roman lines.You know, where the men (or women) in charge are patriotic and honourable enough that they give up power when their term concludes. I'll bet they've had a few bad apples down the centuries, though...

"It's probably going to be a long war."

"The meetings of department committees are open to the public. If you want to stop by one, you'll see what I mean."
And now I'm picturing those various national assemblies that have a high tendency to descend into shouting matches, if not full riots... It's that or old representatives droning on trying to filibuster their way into irrelevance...

"Can I request that you tell me who the original donor was?"

"Yes, but as my law firm is not a 'politically active entity' I don't have to tell you."
Obstructiveness isn't helpful, if said donors are an enemy nation... That's the sort of thing that tends to forcibly override the client's right to privacy...

"Can I persuade you to tell me?"

"Hmmm. I'm not saying no, but I don't see how our planet's economy could survive you giving us the amount of money it would take. You've got the fines for breaking client confidentiality, and then there's the lost business relating to the fact that we broke client confidentiality, and then there's the impact on my career…"
Boy, she's chirpy about it. No doubt she's been in this position before. I wonder how many times she's had this conversation with the local law enforcement...

"Are you working towards something or is that a long-winded 'no'?"

"It's a long-winded 'no'. But…" She slides a card across the table towards me. "Here are my direct contact details if you want to ask me anything else."
Well, OL. When a lady gives you her number...

I pick it up and subspace it as she gets up.

"Thank you, but I'm afraid that the Orange Lantern Corps isn't currently interested in doing any counter-lobbying-."
Given that the people in charge have declared for L.E.G.I.O.N, that's unlikely... Especially if any legislation getting debated now is facing a long, long discussion period...

"Anything." She reaches towards me with her right hand and lightly rubs my right horn with her forefinger. "Anything else."

She smiles, then struts away. Hm. I.. suppose this body must be fairly attractive by local standards.
Oh, good grief. It is good to see that oblivious OL again. I'm wondering if that gesture would be very aggressively sexual to their culture. :p Like, the equivalent of a slap on the ass...

Or maybe she's just-.

My original rings blinks.
Ah, business calls, no alien booty call even if he were willing to be unfaithful...


"Data acquired."

"And retroactively justified. Is it another clearing house law firm?"
I'm guessing that's been a running occurrence in their investigation...

"An investment corporation specialising in property transactions, on behalf of a trust."

"Okay, so-."
So, more or less the same thing: Deniable funnelling of funds through third-, fourth- or even fifth-parties...

"Do you wish to give each party along the chain the option of being honest, or may we simply skip to the end?"

"We'll have to come back and test everyone…"
Eh, let the local law enforcement cover that. This is only the first major investigation you've got to handle...

The waitresses at this café are… Staring at me. Huh.

That doesn't happen on Earth. That I've… Noticed. I mean, I… Don't go to cafés all that much..
Staring and trying not to drool? Evidently he's got those movie-star looks... Bet there was that lingering hint of 'I want to look handsome' running under the ring's command...

"Everyone, but I suppose we need to prioritise. Where are we heading?"

"Second moon of the fourth planet."

I look… Down. "Got it. See you there."
Heh, bet that confused everyone watching him...

A moment of disconnection

and then I appear. This moon is interesting. Usually high metal content, and they've essentially decided to take it apart. It's now visibly non-spherical due to the huge quantities of material they've removed, and the extensive metallic hydrogen extraction systems processing material from the gas giant it orbits has made this the prime ship-building location in the system. An appreciable chunk of the ships in the docking cradles are L.E.G.I.O.N. export models, which…
No small process. This is an impressive reminder of how advanced the locals are...

I've had a big impact. Not just in blowing things up. Building things and enabling other people to build things as well.

Huh. Surprising how good that feels.
Enjoy it, before you end up back on Earth where you're just 'The Cake Man' and people are actively opposing your best efforts.

Lantern Gozzi appears next to me.

"Do you wish to speak with the garrison?"

"No. Not much point. I exist to back them up, and at worst we're going to be dealing with a few suborned locals and maybe a scarab. Got the address?"
And if he can't solo a Beetle, then he doesn't deserve the title of Illustres. Though by now every little bit of information about him the Reach has will have been worked over, and tactics to counter him distributed to the farthest reaches of the Periphery.

"Can you not see them?"

"The programming they use for long term infiltrators isn't as obvious as that."
Wouldn't be very much use for infiltration if it wasn't.

I take a look around anyway, just in case. A lot of people around here. The locals went tall rather than broad when they left their homeworld. There aren't many in other systems but they're spread out across all of the small rocky bodies in their home system. Probably why foreign relations is an executive function; until recently they haven't really needed to have any. Not seeing anything that strikes me as particularly Reachy. Self interest? Again, nothing monoptically destructive. Moderately self-destructive, but mining is a physically demanding career and it's not like regular intoxication is statistically unusual.
Work hard, play hard. And if some guys walk into the locker room the next morning with a few bruises, that's their business. Good to see some things are truly universal.

"I'm happy that I can be of use."

I turn to face her, smiling. "Really? Are you?"
OL, turn down the sarcasm, would you, it's creepy... :confused:

"I.. think you may be reading too much into that statement. I intended it as social lubricant, not as a declaration of my life goal."

"You can just be honest around me. I'm not easily offended."
True, that. And if he is offended he'll let you know.

"Alright then. I think that you're being unproductively soft in the way you're conducting this investigation and that increased ruthlessness and haste would serve L.E.G.I.O.N. better."

I nod. "You could be right. Please lead the way, and we'll see what we see."

She accelerates in the direction of one of the supply centres, and I dutifully follow on behind her.
And again, he gets to see how she thinks as she works. OL definitely trains better in this kind of one-on-one back-and-forth...

A small town (or as small as a moon being dismantled for raw material can get) possibly playing host to enemy Fifth Columnists? That's not a worrying situation at all. ;) Bets on how many chapters until the explosions start?
Like, the equivalent of a slap on the ass..

If so then he may file a complaint for harassment, assuming this planet has something like that.

Or maybe he likes that.

He's had ring sex with Jade and had a kid with a spider chick he pleasured, so we know he's into some weird shit.

Staring and trying not to drool? Evidently he's got those movie-star looks.

Or as I posted previously, the looks of an Irish demigod.




Enjoy it, before you end up back on Earth where you're just 'The Cake Man' and people are actively opposing your best efforts.

After the Sheeda they may be taking him more seriously.

OL, turn down the sarcasm, would you, it's creepy... :confused:

To a human, yes, but to a Coluan it may be something they like.
Maybe they're both drones and attracted to him.

In YJ Abridged Khaji Da was so attracted to Nightwing that he eventually took over Jaime's body to have some of that perfect circus boy ass, so I don't see why something like that can't happen here.
IIRC it's like a running joke/meme/general fan theory that nightwing has the best ass in the DC universe, and thus transcends the species barrier of attraction.
Well now...*licks lips* I can work with that.

Not sure how familiar you are with Fate, but Diarmuid's sexiness is actually a superpower of sorts (the result of a magic blessing in his youth, I believe), though one responsible for a lot of the tragedy in both his life (his liege lord's wife fell in love with him and geased him into running away with her, which eventually and semi-indirectly led to his death) and death (summoned as functionally a ghost familiar, his summoner's fiancee fell in love with him too, which caused a fair amount of strife).

IIRC it's like a running joke/meme/general fan theory that nightwing has the best ass in the DC universe, and thus transcends the species barrier of attraction.

It apparently lead to an upsurge of Google searches of Brenton Thwaites' ass after he was cast as Nightwing in Titans to see if he had the 'assets' for the role, according to TV Tropes.

After the Sheeda they may be taking him more seriously.

I feel like we haven't had the chance to properly see the effects of this yet in-story, so I hope we do soon. It's mostly been internal narration about how the world has been affected.

Tangentially related to that, but will Euanthe develop into a genius loci of sorts for the new Accala nation/territory (or is she already one at this point)? I was wondering about the national embodiment of Brazil (assuming they had one) and what the possible impact of recent events was; did the embodiment metamorphose into a new kind of being to reflect the new dominant culture?

The Parliament of Trees are located in (or can be accessed from) Brazil, IIRC, so with Euanthe in play things could be interesting on that front.
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Diarmuid does not possess the Divinity passive skill. You are likely thinking of his Stay Night counterpart Cu Chulainn who possesses the skill at a B rank.

I always found that to be very weird.

His father is a death god and he was raised by a god of love, and in the myths he is a demigod, but somehow he lacks divinity.
I always found that to be very weird.

His father is a death god and he was raised by a god of love, and in the myths he is a demigod, but somehow he lacks divinity.

Medea is a similar case of someone who really should have Divinity; Servant Skills and Statistics aren't always logical, I guess.

Has there ever been Word of Zoat regarding an SI in the Nasuverse?
Has there ever been Word of Zoat regarding an SI in the Nasuverse?

Zoat said that he hasn't watched any of the Nasuverse anime and may not do so.

Which is a pity, because if this chapter showed us anything, it's that Paul is a harem protagonist.

Though there may be a Konosuba version sometimes.
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Zoat said that he hasn't watched any of the Nasuverse anime and may not do so.
It's pretty unlikely. I was offended by their dreadful cultural appropriation.
Which is a pity, because if this chapter showed us anything, it's that Paul is a harem protagonist.
The existence of female friends and colleagues does not make a person a harem protagonist.
Though there may be a Konosuba version sometimes.
Since that would require an encounter with Truck-kun, there probably isn't.
It's pretty unlikely

Pity, he and Shirou may have shared some things, like cooking tips and talked about their weird history with women.

And given Shirou's desire to be a hero and help people, he may have been capable of wielding an orange ring.

The existence of female friends and colleagues does not make a person a harem protagonist.

True, but the amount of weirdly sexual encounters he has had with women, like the thing with the Spider Queen and the woman in this chapter, do kinda point to the harem protagonist route.

And he has had several weirdly romantic or intimate moments with his teammates.

Since that would require an encounter with Truck-kun, there probably isn't.

He could show up due to weird multiversal shenanigans.

Though I'm also now imagining him somehow dying and ending up in that universe for some reason.
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It's pretty unlikely. I was offended by their dreadful cultural appropriation.
Dude. You are fucking English. Your country stole the statues from off the frigging Greek Parthenon itself and had them carted off to your national museum. Plus, the whole imperialism thing.

If you wanted to get snooty about 'cultural appropriation' you'd have to start with the Queen and work your way down to the most newborn of your fellow countrymen before you ever got to the lore in a Japanese game universe. Be careful now, the high horse you are on looks to be so high you're liable to break your neck if you slip.
Dude. You are fucking English. Your country stole the statues from off the frigging Greek Parthenon itself and had them carted off to your national museum. Plus, the whole imperialism thing.

If you wanted to get snooty about 'cultural appropriation' you'd have to start with the Queen and work your way down to the most newborn of your fellow countrymen before you ever got to the lore in a Japanese game universe. Be careful now, the high horse you are on looks to be so high you're liable to break your neck if you slip.
Obviously I'm not offended by it when my country does it. That would be ridiculous.

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