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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

So, no Leentniar Lantern just yet... It would take a fairly aberrant mind by their standards to be a good Lantern, I think.
To be a good Lantern by Paul's definition of it, a 'normal' Leentniar Orange Lantern would likely function quite well as the protector of their people because that is all they want to do, to serve.
You know, used to be to use a Power Ring you had to exhibit Great Will/Rage/Hope/Love/ or Inspire Great Fear...and orange is supposed to drive you batshit insane, and indigo brainwashes you though that's likely by design of the staff rather than the Indigo light itself...
Zoat nerfed Ring requirements... A lot... And removed most of their downsides...
Leentniar, in multiple places

You know, used to be to use a Power Ring you had to exhibit Great Will/Rage/Hope/Love/ or Inspire Great Fear...and orange is supposed to drive you batshit insane, and indigo brainwashes you though that's likely by design of the staff rather than the Indigo light itself...
That wasn't the requirement to use a power ring. That was the requirement to attract a power ring. The strength of your constructs is also based on that qualification, and failing to maintain your focus on that emotion will disrupt your constructs.

What the main character of this story has observed is that while having too much greed does make you a ridiculously powerful Orange Lantern, it also makes you -- as you correctly point out -- crazy. So instead of sending orange rings out into the universe to automatically seek out powerful bearers, he's taking matters into his own hands and finding recruits that are suitable not based on their innate strength of avarice, but based on being in tune with their ambitions so that they control their avarice instead of being controlled by it.

A Leentniar Lantern would work just fine. A desire to be helpful to one's people that's stronger than one's own desire for self-preservation would be a valuable mindset for a military-oriented Orange Lantern. The problem with this particular candidate, I think, is that her desire for self-preservation is too weak. She wouldn't be driven to uplift other people in her kind of position, which is what OL was hoping for.
Leentniar, in multiple places
Thank you, corrected.
That wasn't the requirement to use a power ring. That was the requirement to attract a power ring. The strength of your constructs is also based on that qualification, and failing to maintain your focus on that emotion will disrupt your constructs.

What the main character of this story has observed is that while having too much greed does make you a ridiculously powerful Orange Lantern, it also makes you -- as you correctly point out -- crazy. So instead of sending orange rings out into the universe to automatically seek out powerful bearers, he's taking matters into his own hands and finding recruits that are suitable not based on their innate strength of avarice, but based on being in tune with their ambitions so that they control their avarice instead of being controlled by it.

A Leentniar Lantern would work just fine. A desire to be helpful to one's people that's stronger than one's own desire for self-preservation would be a valuable mindset for a military-oriented Orange Lantern. The problem with this particular candidate, I think, is that her desire for self-preservation is too weak. She wouldn't be driven to uplift other people in her kind of position, which is what OL was hoping for.
Altruism can't power an orange ring. The SI can help a vast array of people because he wants people, societies, the universe, to work in certain ways. Any benefit to other people is nice, but that's not where the construct power comes from. For this woman to use a ring she'd have to want to be selfless for selfish reasons, like being remembered well or having a glorious monument built after her death.
A Leentniar Lantern would work just fine. A desire to be helpful to one's people that's stronger than one's own desire for self-preservation would be a valuable mindset for a military-oriented Orange Lantern. The problem with this particular candidate, I think, is that her desire for self-preservation is too weak. She wouldn't be driven to uplift other people in her kind of position, which is what OL was hoping for.
Not to mention that a desire to live is kind of a key component for Orange Lanterns since that's what controls how effective their defences are
"Varnathon is not q'ardajin. He is merely Qwardian. As are any who follow him."
What is a q'ardajin, and what differentiates it from a Qwardian?

She increases her height slightly and glares at me.
Pointless pedantic point of order: To increase her height, she would need to increase the distance between her head and her feet.
If all she did was levitate herself a further from the ground to meet eyes with OL on an even keel, she didn't increase her height, she increased her altitude.

"They can buy stuff from Qward. I could probably buy stuff from Emana, that doesn't make us allies."
Remind me. Is Emana the nation/Queen that aided Thanagar in exchange for becoming their Queen and got shafted, who has advanced (magical) plant-based biotechnology OL was interested in. If not, who is he using in this example then?

He didn't decimate the Citadelians. Decimate means 'kill one in ten'.
Oxford ENGLISH Dictionary said:
1. kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of.
"the project would decimate the fragile wetland wilderness"
• drastically reduce the strength or effectiveness of (something).
"plant viruses that can decimate yields"

kill one in every ten of (a group of soldiers or others) as a punishment for the whole group.
"the man who is to determine whether it be necessary to decimate a large body of mutineers"
Note that you are technically incorrect here. Decimate used to mean 'kill one in ten' exclusively.
That is no longer the only definition. It is no longer even the primary one. Now decimation is more like something that starts at a minimum of 10% total destruction and goes up from there. You would have been better off arguing that the damage to their race was so high, xenocide or annihilation were the more appropriate words when the deaths went above just a large percentage and approached totality. You would still have been technically incorrect (since something like 99.997% destruction is a large percentage), but your argument would have fit better.

How come when we do it, you call it 'Treason Day', but when you do it, you call it 'Principle'?

Ring to ring.


I thought that went well. Chance of a backstab?

Low, I should think. I think I should say that just before we boarded I calculated the power you used to disrupt their singularities and gravity drives. I have been underestimating you.

With power rings it's not a simple energy output calculation.

The plug clunks into position and the air is drawn out of the room.

And always remember that my power output is something that any other Lantern can equal, you included. Actually, most do, though only in short bursts.

Were you considering their diplomat for a ring?

Yes, but I don't think she'd be a good fit. I'll take a look at the others when we get to their civilian fleet and try and find someone who thinks in the right ways there.
This segment is clunky. Quotes are normally used to indicate that 'these words are words that someone is saying' and make them easier to attribute to specific people. Even though ring to ring communication is being used instead of over the air speech, they are still communicating.

Having what he is saying to Gozzi given the same formatting was scenery narration is confusing, and just looks wrong.
At least consider italicizing the portion of their speech transmitted non-vocally if you don't want it to have quotation marks.
Remind me. Is Emana the nation/Queen that aided Thanagar in exchange for becoming their Queen and got shafted, who has advanced (magical) plant-based biotechnology OL was interested in. If not, who is he using in this example then?
It's the home planet of the Branx, one of the species that lives in the Vega Systems.
Back Door (part 19)
9th July 2012
07:24 GMT

"...change of heart and will be signing the protocols to join L.E.G.I.O.N. shortly."

The image of the Exarch of Khrosh nods as it floats over my ring.

"Is this the standard L.E.G.I.O.N. protocol for dealing with such people?"

"It's a fairly unique situation, but where I'm from it's fairly common to give generous terms to people who surrender promptly. The absolute last thing we want is anyone voluntarily signing up with the Reach. Please ask your shipping companies to generate loss estimates and we'll add it to their reparations bill."

That gets a more confident nod.

"That will present no trouble at all. Are they presently in debt-bondage, then?"

That's… Um.

Putting entire species in bondage is something I'm a little uncomfortable about. I mean, the Clickers were perfectly happy to put themselves in bondage to the Maltusians and feudal relationships don't have to be abusive. Even with the element of choice removed. But I'm not… Enslaving a species here, I'm…

Forcing them to fight a war, yes. And compelling them to hand over a large portion of their industrial output. But they'd be fighting wars anyway and this way they're working towards a point where they can stop. And it's not permanent. Once the war's over they can quit L.E.G.I.O.N. without penalty-. I should make that explicit.

But binding future generations financially… That's pretty much what a national debt is, isn't it? And future generations of tax payers would be covering that.

"No, they merely have an obligation to pay off their debts. I don't believe that a bailiff force will be necessary."

The space version of the French force that occupied the Ruhr in the nineteen twenties. Actually quite common in instances of interstellar warfare in places where faster than light travel is available but not commonplace. Actually occupying a species' homeworld isn't really practical, as any occupiers are inevitably going to be outnumbered millions to one and the presence of an obviously alien species acts as an incitement to rebellion. So the victor in the war generally extracts material wealth at a cost to the local economy.

"You don't think that watching them is necessary?"

"No, obviously we're going to watch them. And make sure that they're holding up their end of the bargain."

"That sounds like they're in debt-bondage and you're installing a bailiff force, but calling them something different."

"There's a subtle difference, and I think it pays to reinforce the idea that we're not forming this alliance to conquer everyone else and enslave them."

"I suppose that is a sound strategy. Though I admit, I'm curious as to what it means for our eventual conquest of the Reach. We will be gaining some form of remuneration from them, won't we?"

"I'm.. not really the person to talk to about that. Clarissi Dox and the Maltusians are responsible for long term strategy. I know that the plan for the Reach's serfs is to remove their programming and restore refugee populations, but I haven't been involved in the discussions on what to do with worlds that the Reach has settled. I imagine that the benefit you receive is more likely to be in the form of released technology rather than raw materials. I honestly think that the Reach are too dangerous to let them retain enough infrastructure to pay any creditors, but if you really want an answer I can only suggest that you submit an enquiry to Clarissi Dox. Or.. discuss the matter with other L.E.G.I.O.N. affiliates. If enough leaders present a formal plan, you're more likely to make it policy."

Another nod. "That's reasonable. I just wanted some reassurance that we weren't going to be left out in favour of the Maltusians."

"Maltusians aren't interested in building an empire. If they were, they'd already have one."

"I've heard that argument, but… Does it not seem strange to you?"

"Does what not seem strange?"

"The foreign policy of Khrosh has been one of peaceful engagement and trade for as long as we've had contact with other species. We haven't always succeeded, no, but all in all I think that we've been good neighbours and I think that our neighbours would agree. But very few of our people live on other worlds, and there are few members of other species on our world. How many intelligent species does your world have?"

"Including AIs?" He nods. "Three main ones, and representatives of maybe fifty in total, mostly native. And there's another inhabited planet in our system with its own native species."

"Then I suppose that it's only natural that you wouldn't think about it. The 'Clickers' are a tributary species. That's not strange. But what is strange is how the Maltusians integrate other species into their social structures. Even their key organisations: the Lantern Corps, the Darkstars and L.E.G.I.O.N.. They don't even have their own species command those organisations. That struck me as strange the moment I heard about it, and… Some people are concerned that they might use this war with the Reach to integrate their allies into a unified structure."

"Even if they did, you yourself spotted that they don't try to control their organisations directly. If a lot of L.E.G.I.O.N. members decide to remain in a mutual defence pact after the Reach is defeated, if to make that easier they standardise their training and equipment… What of it?"

"A mutual defence pact? Little or nothing, as long as that's as far as it goes."

"The Green Lantern Corps has been going for millions of years and hasn't occupied anyone else's territory. Even amongst their most devoted followers there's little call for the Guardians to take over the galaxy, even for its own good."

Last time a group of Lanternists suggested it, the reply was that they barely had time to run the Green Lantern Corps and certainly didn't have time to administer the galaxy. Of course, that… Particular drawback doesn't really apply to the far more numerous Maltusians, and… Might not apply to the slightly more numerous Controllers. But I don't need to emphasise that point right now.

"I'll take that under advisement. And I do see the wisdom of L.E.G.I.O.N. affiliates being a little more vocal in our feedback."

"Thank you for your time, Exarch."

"Farewell, Illustres."

The image shuts down. Right, that's the last of the local leaders to be notified. I look around the system and note the Leentniar ships doing their due diligence around each of the planetoids.

"Illustres to Lantern Gozzi. Anything anomalous to report?"

"No, nothing. The Leentniar are completing their survey as fast as their sensors allow them to. I have a protocol question."

"Ask away."

"Are you referred to as 'Illustres' without a name qualified because you are the only Lantern with that rank, or is using names a taboo in your culture?"

"You should know enough about human culture-."

"You don't come from the Earth of this universe."

"It's not a taboo, I'm literally incapable of saying it. Or thinking about it too hard. My name should be in the file; you can use it if you want."

"Your first name is in the file; I know that in your culture-."

A Leentniar squadron turns away from the asteroid they were scanning and warps out of the system.

"Illustres to Leentniar ambassador. What-?"

"Our central fleet is under attack by the Reach. Please, save us."
Last edited:
Thank you, corrected.
Remind me. Is Emana the nation/Queen that aided Thanagar in exchange for becoming their Queen and got shafted, who has advanced (magical) plant-based biotechnology OL was interested in. If not, who is he using in this example then?
The people from Vega with the tusks.
How come when we do it, you call it 'Treason Day', but when you do it, you call it 'Principle'?
I haven't shot anyone.
A Leentniar squadron turn away from the asteroid they were scanning and warp out of the system.

"Illustres to Leentniar ambassador. What-?"

"Our central fleet is under attack by the Reach. Please, save us."
Hopefully this is for real and the Leentniar aren't trying to pull a fast one or something.
image of Exarch of Khrosh

'of the'

more confident nods.


would be covering that

Missing a . at the end.

And makes sure that they're holding up their end of the bargain."


like their in debt-bondage


but calling them something different."

As Morty said 'slavery with extra steps'.

'the plan'

Humans, AIs and Genomorphs.

and representatives of maybe fifty in total, mostly native.

Various magical species.

'turns away'

"Our central fleet is under attack by the Reach. Please, save us

Helps us Orange Lantern, you're our only hope.

Now they're either tricking him or are genuinely under attack.

Is the next episode renegade focused or main SI?
9th July 2012
07:24 GMT

"...change of heart and will be signing the protocols to join L.E.G.I.O.N. shortly."

The image of Exarch of Khrosh nods as it floats over my ring.
One of the local neighbours, then. Interesting that he's going one at a time rather than organising a conference call, but I suppsoe he can't count on all the local leaders to be awake and on duty at the same time...

"Is this the standard L.E.G.I.O.N. protocol for dealing with such people?"

"It's a fairly unique situation, but where I'm from it's fairly common to give generous terms to people who surrender promptly. The absolute last thing we want is anyone voluntarily signing up with the Reach. Please ask your shipping companies to generate loss estimates and we'll add it to their reparations bill."
A bill that is going to be quite long by the time they're done, methinks. Let's hope this doesn't turn out like Germany after World War I...

That gets a more confident nods.

"That will present no trouble at all. Are they presently in debt-bondage, then?"
That means working off their debts via serfdom, going by the context. Not all that different to what the actual deal is, but...

That's… Um.

Putting entire species in bondage is something I'm a little uncomfortable about. I mean, the Clickers were perfectly happy to put themselves in bondage to the Maltusians and feudal relationships don't have to be abusive. Even with the element of choice removed. But I'm not… Enslaving a species here, I'm…
...Trying to be the good guy here, right? This situation might look a lot like the Reach's modus operandi for more resistant races, to outsiders... I can see someone getting the wrong idea.

Forcing them to fight a war, yes. And compelling them to hand over a large portion of their industrial output. But they'd be fighting wars anyway and this way they're working towards a point where they can stop. And it's not permanent. Once the war's over they can quit L.E.G.I.O.N. without penalty-. I should make that explicit.

But binding future generations financially… That's pretty much what a national debt is, isn't it? And future generations of tax payers would be covering that
But, As I said, they might not enjoy knowing it's hanging over their heads. Could lead to some bad feelings down the line.

"No, they merely have an obligation to pay off their debts. I don't believe that a bailiff force will be necessary."

The space version of the French force that occupied the Ruhr in the nineteen twenties. Actually quite common in instances of interstellar warfare in places where faster than light travel is available but not commonplace. Actually occupying a species' homeworld isn't really practical, as any occupiers are inevitably going to be outnumbered millions to one and the presence of an obviously alien species acts as an incitement to rebellion. So the victor in the war generally extracts material wealth at a cost to the local economy.
With the threat of sending a fleet used as the stick to make sure they keep paying up. Again, not a situation unfamiliar to humanity, depressingly.

"You don't think that watching them is necessary?"

"No, obviously we're going to watch them. And makes sure that they're holding up their end of the bargain."
Admittedly, not quite as obvious as having a fleet hanging over their heads, but still...

"That sounds like their in debt-bondage and you're installing a bailiff force, but calling them something different."

"There's a subtle difference, and I think it pays to reinforce the idea that we're not forming this alliance to conquer everyone else and enslave them."
That's the Reach's thing. I guess the PR game is not an easy one on an interstellar field.

"I suppose that is a sound strategy. Though I admit, I'm curious as to what it means for our eventual conquest of the Reach. We will be gaining some form of remuneration from them, won't we?"
Given all the feelings involved in NEMO's forces, that would entail there being enough of the core Reach species being left to repay them.

"I'm.. not really the person to talk to about that. Clarissi Dox and the Maltusians are responsible for long term strategy. I know that thee plan for the Reach's serfs is to remove their programming and restore refugee populations, but I haven't been involved in the discussions on what to do with worlds that the Reach has settled. I imagine that the benefit you receive is more likely to be in the form of released technology rather than raw materials. I honestly think that the Reach are too dangerous to let them retain enough infrastructure to pay any creditors, but if you really want an answer I can only suggest that you submit an enquiry to Clarissi Dox. Or.. discuss the matter with other L.E.G.I.O.N. affiliates. If enough leaders present a formal plan, you're more likely to make it policy."
Ah, passing the buck. A little petty, but given how annoying Dox can be sometimes, a little irritation is good for him... :p

Another nod. "That's reasonable. I just wanted some reassurance that we weren't going to be left out in favour of the Maltusians."

"Maltusians aren't interested in building an empire. If they were, they'd already have one."
Having phenomenal metaphysical power as a racial trait makes that so much easier...

"I've heard that argument, but… Does it not seem strange to you?"

"Does what not seem strange?"
Ah, the alien perspective. This is why NEMO isn't just Maltusian-led. Never know what new ideas someone else will bring to the table...

"The foreign policy of Khrosh has been one of peaceful engagement and trade for as long as we've had contact with other species. We haven't always succeeded, no, but all in all I think that we've been good neighbours and I think that our neighbours would agree. But very few of our people live on other worlds, and there are few members of other species on our world. How many intelligent species does your world have?"

"Including AIs?" He nods. "Three main ones, and representatives of maybe fifty in total, mostly native. And there's another inhabited planet in our system with its own native species."
And the representative has a moment of "what." Earth Bullshittm​, baby.

"Then I suppose that it's only natural that you wouldn't think about it. The 'Clickers' are a tributary species. That's not strange. But what is strange is how the Maltusians integrate other species into their social structures. Even their key organisations: the Lantern Corps, the Darkstars and L.E.G.I.O.N.. They don't even have their own species command those organisations. That struck me as strange the moment I heard about it, and… Some people are concerned that they might use this war with the Reach to integrate their allies into a unified structure."
Because Maltusians follow more intellectual pursuits. And ruling subjects gets in the way of that...

"Even if they did, you yourself spotted that they don't try to control their organisations directly. If a lot of L.E.G.I.O.N. members decide to remain in a mutual defence pact after the Reach is defeated, if to make that easier they standardise their training and equipment… What of it?"

"A mutual defence pact? Little or nothing, as long as that's as far as it goes."
Anything that makes the galaxy a more peaceful place, I suppose.

"The Green Lantern Corps has been going for millions of years and haven't occupied anyone else's territory. Even amongst their most devoted followers there's little call for the Guardians to take over the galaxy, even for its own good."

Last time a group of Lanternists suggested it, the reply was that they barely had time to run the Green Lantern Corps and certainly didn't have time to administer the galaxy. Of course, that… Particular drawback doesn't really apply to the far more numerous Maltusians, and… Might not apply to the slightly more numerous Controllers. But I don't need to emphasise that point right now.
No, let's not dilute the message with digressions.The less said about some Controllers' preference for large-scale destruction, the better.

"I'll take that under advisement. And I do see the wisdom of L.E.G.I.O.N. affiliates being a little more vocal in our feedback."

"Thank you for your time, Exarch."

"Farewell, Illustres."
I hope that was the last such talk he's had to give. That must have been boring as hell.

The image shuts down. Right, that's the last of the local leaders to be notified. I look around the system and note the Leentniar ships doing their due diligence around each of the planetoids.

"Illustres to Lantern Gozzi. Anything anomalous to report?"
Nothing exploding right now? No invading planet-eaters? Huh. My plot-sense is usually never this off...

No, nothing. The Leentniar are completing their survey as fast as their sensors allow them to. I have a protocol question.

"Ask away."

"Are you referred to as 'Illustres' without a name qualified because you are the only Lantern with that rank, or is using names a taboo in your culture?"
Ah, did she not check his personal files first thing? Because I would assume the name thing would be noted there.

"You should know enough about human culture-."

"You don't come from the Earth of this universe."
Lady has a point. Some Earths are particularly divergent (that one pre-crisis world Lady Quark came from, for example...) but not that bad in OL's case.

"It's not a taboo, I'm literally incapable of saying it. Or thinking about it too hard. My name should be in the file; you can use it if you want."

"Your first name is in the file; I know that in your culture-."
Huh, if she going to work out his last name, then? I can see it being an interesting mental diversion for idle moments, much as it was here in the threads.

A Leentniar squadron turn away from the asteroid they were scanning and warp out of the system.

"Illustres to Leentniar ambassador. What-?"

"Our central fleet is under attack by the Reach. Please, save us."
...Well, I suppose that counts as something exploding...

Well, there's an interesting wrinkle. I wonder what prompted this. Was it a regular Reach patrol coming across the Leentniar, or a targeted effort? Is it a real assault, or some manner of trick on their behalf? And how annoyed is OL going to be, whatever happens? :D Bring on the fight scene!
So there is a chance the Reach were observing and decided to attack, but the oddly formulated request reeks of trap.

Also, re Maltusians not wanting to rule. They are old. Literally ancient.

They are the grouchy old people, sitting on their galaxy sized lawn, yelling at the dumb kids to get it together.

They don't want to have to be responsible.

They just want todays whippersnappers to shut the fuck up and play peacefully.
Putting entire species in bondage is something I'm a little uncomfortable about. I mean, the Clickers were perfectly happy to put themselves in bondage to the Maltusians and feudal relationships don't have to be abusive. Even with the element of choice removed. But I'm not… Enslaving a species here, I'm…

Forcing them to fight a war, yes. And compelling them to hand over a large portion of their industrial output. But they'd be fighting wars anyway and this way they're working towards a point where they can stop. And it's not permanent. Once the war's over they can quit L.E.G.I.O.N. without penalty-. I should make that explicit
You literally threatened them with what boils down to "Fight for us, or I will drive your species to extinction." If the Reach could have gotten away with something so bold they would have done the same.

"But it didn't work. I want to negotiate with your government, and I don't believe that your civilisation can survive having the ships here destroyed as well as the raiders who killed themselves to try and prevent me finding you."

With the radiation wave having passed us by, I untether Lantern Gozzi and reach out across the void, flattening space around the ships as they try to alter it to increase their agility.

"I understand that you do not habitually have direct dealings with aliens. However, in this instance the price of not doing so will be the discontinuation of your people as a technologically sophisticated species. Which means that you will no longer be able to flee the Reach. If you choose not to speak with me, you will immediately receive the worst option. Continuing as you are is thoroughly off the table."

"Speak to me or I start shooting."

While not explicitly a threat of extinction...It's close enough that many others would see that way.
Last edited:
'of the'
Missing a . at the end.
'the plan'
'turns away'
Thank you, corrected.
Humans, AIs and Genomorphs.
Humans, demons, elementals. The rest are too rare to be considered major.
Is the next episode renegade focused or main SI?
The SI.
A bill that is going to be quite long by the time they're done, methinks. Let's hope this doesn't turn out like Germany after World War I...
Not necessarily. One advantage of killing everyone you owe money is that there's no one left to ask for repayment.
Ah, passing the buck. A little petty, but given how annoying Dox can be sometimes, a little irritation is good for him... :p
It isn't really passing the buck if it genuinely isn't your job.
He didn't seem all that shocked.

There are probably many planets with multiple sapient species, Earth just has a large number of them.
No, he just assumes that Earth was colonised by different places and the new citizens integrated after a long period of time. If he learned how Earth actually worked then he'd have been astonished.
You literally threatened them with what boils down to "Fight for us, or I will drive your species to extinction." If the Reach could have gotten away with something so bold they would have done the same.

While not explicitly a threat of extinction...It's close enough that many others would see that way.
Now now, sitting it out was an option.
In today's episode... Paragon learns that pressganging a group to fight a war can't really be cleaned up enough that a small child can't recognise your evil plan.
Demons arn't native to Earth, they are native to hell. A Demon is no more human than the worms that feast off human corpses.
The section of Hell with which the SI has contact is part of Earth's thaumosphere. It's effectively part of Earth.
When 'Negotiations' 'Start' by threatening to send them back to the stone age... I don't think anyone really believes that just sitting it out is a option.
Technically, if they sat it out they'd merely be sent back to the Industrial Age.
Altruism can't power an orange ring. The SI can help a vast array of people because he wants people, societies, the universe, to work in certain ways. Any benefit to other people is nice, but that's not where the construct power comes from. For this woman to use a ring she'd have to want to be selfless for selfish reasons, like being remembered well or having a glorious monument built after her death.
Counterpoint: "Because it makes me feel good" is selfish. "Because not doing it fills me with loathing" is selfish. And these are the core of the SI's motivation, are they not?
The weird thing to me about treating humans, elementals, and demons as major races of Earth is that means pretty much nothing in DC.

Oa has elementals for crying out loud.

Oa, the planet with no indigenous sapient life, and the closest it comes is the Guardians who literally went to war with magic.

Swamp Thing showed that Oa had a planet elemental, and Swampy became a planet elemental by becoming a plant/earth/water/air/fire elemental.

So while there might be other methods to becoming a planet elemental, planet elementals suggest the other elemental wandering around.

So treating that as something special just shows how different Zoat's cosmology is from DC's.

While Zoat was never likely to use it because it's post flashpoint, you folks remember that plant queen who conquered Thanagar, Hyathis?

DC made her entire people elementals. Fortunately for the universe, they aren't elemental champions like Swamp Thing, because an entire planet of swamp things would be a bring your brown pants type situation.

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