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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Mr Zoat, this talk about Godspeech reminded me that Knockout is the New God of Thuggery. Since she's a rival to Barda, shouldn't Barda also have a domain/God name/whatever the correct term is? My best guess is Aggression, or maybe Ferocity.
One milli-Sinestro being vague worry and a kilo-Sinestro being the fear of imminent death? That sort of thing?

(A milli-Khorneflake would be mild irritation, a milli-Aphrodite a gentle wish to spend more time together...)
A milli-Fleeze is an idle whim. Hope is measured in milli-Walkers, and Green lanterns are all given a milli-Ion score.
Mr Zoat, this talk about Godspeech reminded me that Knockout is the New God of Thuggery. Since she's a rival to Barda, shouldn't Barda also have a domain/God name/whatever the correct term is? My best guess is Aggression, or maybe Ferocity.

You've asked this question before. :p

Mr Zoat, random question, but what is Barda the New God of? I remember the Renegade noting that Knockout is the New God of Thuggery. Since the two are rivals, I would assume that Barda also represents or embodies something. My current guess is 'Aggressive Protection'. Basically the concept of 'the best defense is a good offense' made into a person. She both defends, when she was the leader of the Furies and after defecting, and loves to be on the offensive.

The response was:

At least in this continuity, domains aren't an automatic thing for New Gods. Neither Knockout nor Barda actually bear the title "New God of _____" -- I can't actually find where the Renegade ever said anything about it. (At best, there may have been an offhanded comment in a non-story post.)

It's also not a specific title that's obviously plastered on the character unless they're trying to make a point of it like the Renegade does -- he was even doubting Kanto's domain title.

Milli-Ions and milli-Ions!
At least in this continuity, domains aren't an automatic thing for New Gods. Neither Knockout nor Barda actually bear the title "New God of _____" -- I can't actually find where the Renegade ever said anything about it. (At best, there may have been an offhanded comment in a non-story post.)

I think it was when Diana 50 heard his God-Speech.
You've asked this question before. :p

The response was:

At least in this continuity, domains aren't an automatic thing for New Gods. Neither Knockout nor Barda actually bear the title "New God of _____" -- I can't actually find where the Renegade ever said anything about it. (At best, there may have been an offhanded comment in a non-story post.)

It's also not a specific title that's obviously plastered on the character unless they're trying to make a point of it like the Renegade does -- he was even doubting Kanto's domain title.

Milli-Ions and milli-Ions!
Thanks. I honestly forgot that I already asked this.
Veganism (part 6)
1st September 2012
14:44 GMT

I smile.

"So you've met my lesser half? Where is he, anyway?"

Mother Box, ping Diana.


Yes, if she wasn't Olympian, I could just leave. Unfortunately, she's got just enough divinity about her that she could match my shout, which means that she counts and I don't want to take the hit from backing down.

"He has designs on Vega. I want to see what strength Vega has produced."

"You just want a fight? You should have said! I'd have saved you the journey and come to you!"

I raise my hands out to the sides in a gesture of appeal.

"Why the cold shoulder? You clearly don't have any problem working with me."

"You aren't Grayven, the Ascendant God of Conquest. I felt the stygian power of Apokolips on him. Beneath your rings, you have nothing of note."

"Oh, I used to have Anti-Life, but I got some ponies to remove it with the power of friendship. I feel much happier in myself now." I lower my hands. "But since you've turned up and he hasn't, we might as well get this started. Who are you, anyway?" "And what is it that is written here?"

"I am Captain Astarte of the Citizenry. And who are you?"

"Grayven, obviously." Conquest.

She presses something on her gun, and the interior begins glowing orange.


"Not every name's unique. There are multiple parallel universes, and I've encountered at least one version of 'me' who wasn't this me, and… Desaad could have easily doubled us. I mean…" I shrug, as Barda flies up behind her at speed. "I don't remember him doing that, but I was away for a whi-"

Astarte twists as Barda swings at her, mega rod whistling past the Olympian's left shoulder as she moves the barrel of her gun to point at Barda's chest and fires!


Orange Kirby dots form a corona around the muzzle and I'm astonished to feel real fear from Barda before the orange beam strikes her in the chest! Energy flares and Barda goes down, a thin plume of smoke rising from her body.


"Still alive?"

War Prize.

Astarte lowers her gun and holds out her right hand, Barda's mega rod flying into it. "A respectable display. You will be permitted to take part in the trials. Though if you don't-"

She kicks Barda in the chest, sending her flying twelve metres before Barda lands and rolls bonelessly to a halt. Yes, her chestplate barely even survived that.

"-recover, your participation will be short."

Huh. Okay. Mildly impressive that she subverted Barda's weapon like that, but it was an Apokoliptian weapon. That gun was more impressive, as was the speed of her reaction to Barda's approach. The blast looked a lot like the Omega Effect in gun form, which… Shouldn't be possible. The Omega Force killed a lot of high-tier Apokoliptians before Uxas finally succeeded in merging with it. Containing it and directing it are not simple matters.

I also need to keep my sister-in-law alive. It didn't sound like Astarte planned on killing her, but I find it's not a good idea to assume things with lunatic space warlords.

Somewhere behind me I dimly note the 'boom' of the boom tube opening and the refugees flooding through in as well-ordered a fashion as my Lanterns can manage to organise.

"Did the other Grayven build that for you? I've been focusing on making armour for my followers. Haven't really experimented with that sort of exotic weapon."

"Studying him aided us, but this technology is ours."

"Interesting." I raise my daiklave slightly. "I'll look forwards to studying it."

"Will you?" Blades Quail.

The glowing tron lines on my sword flicker and then fail, the blade itself falling apart as if they had been cut lines.

I just can't keep one of these in-

Astarte leaps, stolen mega rod swinging for me as I dart back on my aero-discs.


She lunges again, and the awkward directional shift forces me to use chains to pull on her arm and redirect her swing. She overextends, but blocks most of my retaliatory punch with her gun. She's forced back slightly and I get confirmation that she can't fly, but she twists to threaten me with the rod and I pull back slightly.

-piece for five minutes.

Stealing weapons, breaking weapons. Some sort of weapon goddess? Or demi-goddess? Did Hephaestus and Athena have a daughter they don't talk about in company? No, a mortal and a god.

Scan her genes.

Unable to comply.

Fair enough, but-.


Orange light lances out and I shoot skyward, the beam pursuing and rapidly gaining! What blocks the Omega Effect what blocks the Omega Effect? I take an armoured panel out of subspace and throw it behind me as I viff, switching from vertical to lateral movement.

This was a lot more fun when I was doing it to Kara In-Ze.

The Omega Effect-. Punches through the panel and redirects itself without apparent difficulty, coming after me.

Okay, but the beam's still coming from the gun. I generate construct missiles and fire at Astarte while flying towards the closest medium-sized snake, because ducking behind a parademon worked for Batman 12 and I'm hoping that the same applies here.

And ping Diana again!


Astarte sees the missiles coming and braces. Is she locked in place? Confident in her resilience? In my weakness? Well let's add just a little of my fear of Darkseid and see what-

I don't feel fear from her. But in the moment before they hit she looks a little less sure of herself.


Yellow explosions envelop the area she was standing in, hopefully blocking her line of sight as I grab a snake and throw it head first at-


-the Omega Beam. Success! The beam vanishes as the snake explodes, but the force of the explosion is easy to manage. Below me, Astarte walks steadily out of the dust cloud, a little singed but basically in one piece. Soon fix-



Diana flies at Astarte fists first and knocks her into the sky!

Or not.
Last edited:
Some Godspeech!
"Oh, I used to have Anti-Life, but I got some ponies to remove it with the power of friendship. I feel much happier in myself now." I lower my hands. "But since you've turned up and he hasn't, we might as well get this started. Who are you, anyway?" "And what is it that is written here?"

"I am Captain Astarte of the Citizenry. And who are you?"

"Grayven, obviously." Conquest.

Astarte twists as Barda swings at her, mega rod whistling past the Olympian's left shoulder as she moves the barrel of her gun to point at Barda's chest and fires!

"Still alive?"

War Prize.

Astarte lowers her gun and holds out her right hand, Barda's mega rod flying into it. "A respectable display. You will be permitted to take part in the trials. Though if you don't-"

"Interesting." I raise my daiklave slightly. "I'll look forwards to studying it."

"Will you?" Blades Quail.

Fair enough, but-.


Orange light lances out and I shoot skyward, the bean pursuing and rapidly gaining! What blocks the Omega Effect what blocks the Omega Effect? I take an armoured panel out of subspace and throw it behind me as I viff, switching from vertical to lateral movement.
You just want a fight? You should have said!

'said that'

problem work with me."


You aren't Grayven, the Ascendant God of Conquest


Oh, I used to have Anti-Life, but I got some ponies to remove it with the power of friendship

I can just picture her looking at him with a blank stare thinking WTF.

Grayven, obviously." Conquest.

She presses something on her gun, and the interior begins glowing orange.


Also true.

before Uxas finally succeeding in merging with it.


The blast looked a lot like the Omega Effect in gun form, which… Shouldn't be possible. The Omega Force killed a lot of high-tier Apokoliptians before Uxas finally succeeding in merging with it. Containing it and directing it are not simple matters.

Seeing as Actually Grayven has the Effect he may have given some of it to them.

Or this could just be a regular energy weapon that looks like the Omega Effect.

The Omega Effect basically looks like red energy beams.

Stealing weapons, breaking weapons. Some sort of weapon goddess? Or demi-goddess? Did Hephaestus and Athena have a daughter they don't talk about in company? No, a mortal and a god.

I think Heph or Plutos mentioned Hippolyta could control weapons to some degree, so Astarte is probably the daughter of Ares.

This was a lot more fun when I was doing it to Kara In-Ze.

It's always more fun when you have an advantage.
I think Heph or Plutos mentioned Hippolyta could control weapons to some degree, so Astarte is probably the daughter of Ares.
In the comics, Astarte is the sister of Hippolyta, who herself is the daughter of Ares. I guess Astarte fought more than Hippolyta did thanks to not being on Themyscira, giving her the chance to learn new tricks.
1st September 2012
14:44 GMT

I smile.

"So you've met my lesser half? Where is he, anyway?"
Hmm... Working for Grayven-16, or merely avoiding him? Clearly they've met. The more important question is, can the Renegade bring her into the fold, make her an ally? I suppose it all depends on the next few minutes...

Mother Box, ping Diana.

Yes, I think she's going to want to see this shit. Bet she'll be dashing to the nearest Boom Tube point as soon as she's told.

Yes, if she wasn't Olympian, I could just leave. Unfortunately, she's got just enough divinity about her that she could match my shout, which means that she counts and I don't want to take the hit from backing down.

"He has designs on Vega. I want to see what strength Vega has produced."
Looking for a good fight, I see. That's one thing she can bond with Diana over.

"You just want a fight? You should have said! I'd have saved you the journey and come to you!"

I raise my hands out to the sides in a gesture of appeal.
I'm sure there's more to it than that. If she isn't allied with Grayven-16, she's probably hoping for a safe haven for her people.

"Why the cold shoulder? You clearly don't have any problem work with me."

"You aren't Grayven, the Ascendant God of Conquest. I felt the stygian power of Apokolips on him. Beneath your rings, you have nothing of note."
I see she has much more refined god-senses than the Forever morons. And most other New Gods, who seem to have taken the Renegade at his word so far. Then again, Darkseid has basically backed him... His word probably carries much weight, and much baggage.

"Oh, I used to have Anti-Life, but I got some ponies to remove it with the power of friendship. I feel much happier in myself now." I lower my hands. "But since you've turned up and he hasn't, we might as well get this started. Who are you, anyway?" "And what is it that is written here?"

"I am Captain Astarte of the Citizenry. And who are you?"
o_O "And what was that about ponies? Are you a madman as well as a liar?"

"Grayven, obviously." Conquest.

She presses something on her gun, and the interior begins glowing orange.
No, Renegade... You probably haven't realised it, but I think you are Acquisition. It's easy to confuse for Conquest, I suppose...


"Not every name's unique. There are multiple parallel universes, and I've encountered at least one version of 'me' who wasn't this me, and… Desaad could have easily doubled us. I mean…" I shrug, as Barda flies up behind her at speed. "I don't remember him doing that, but I was away for a whi-"
Ah, playing the buffoon to serve as a distraction. Smart, Renegade.

Astarte twists as Barda swings at her, mega rod whistling past the Olympian's left shoulder as she moves the barrel of her gun to point at Barda's chest and fires!

Damn, she's good. If she is the daughter of Ares and Ortrera, as Hippolyta is, then she must have been developing her abilities of War...

Orange Kirby dots form a corona around the muzzle and I'm astonished to feel real fear from Barda before the orange beam strikes her in the chest! Energy flares and Barda goes down, a thin plume of smoke rising from her body.

Fascinating. Not avarice, or he would have perceived it as such. The Kirby Dots are a signature of New God tech, too.

"Still alive?"

War Prize.

Astarte lowers her gun and holds out her right hand, Barda's mega rod flying into it. "A respectable display. You will be permitted to take part in the trials. Though if you don't-"
Ouch, I don't think Barda's going to be happy about losing her weapon...

She kicks Barda in the chest, sending her flying twelve metres before Barda lands and rolls bonelessly to a halt. Yes, her chestplate barely even survived that.

"-recover, your participation will be short."
...When she wakes up. Damn, this could be an actual challenge for the Renegade.

Huh. Okay. Mildly impressive that she subverted Barda's weapon like that, but it was an Apokoliptian weapon. That gun was more impressive, as was the speed of her reaction to Barda's approach. The blast looked a lot like the Omega Effect in gun form, which… Shouldn't be possible. The Omega Force killed a lot of high-tier Apokoliptians before Uxas finally succeeding in merging with it. Containing it and directing it are not simple matters.
Nothing saying it isn't some lesser form of it, some offshoot like the energy Orion commands.

I also need to keep my sister-in-law alive. It didn't sound like Astarte planned on killing her, but I find it's not a good idea to assume things with lunatic space warlords.

Somewhere behind me I dimly note the 'boom' of the boom tube opening and the refugees flooding through in as well-ordered a fashion as my Lanterns can manage to organise.
At least they're still on task. Be glad they haven't leapt into the fray by your side.

"Did the other Grayven build that for you? I've been focusing on making armour for my followers. Haven't really experimented with that sort of exotic weapon."

"Studying him aided us, but this technology is ours."
True, the Citizenry do have advanced tech. Said to rival the Guardians, by some. I'm not surprised that they can replicate Divine weaponry...

"Interesting." I raise my daiklave slightly. "I'll look forwards to studying it."

"Will you?" Blades Quail.

The glowing tron lines on my sword flicker and then fail, the blade itself falling apart as if they had been cut lines.
...Okay, now that's just rude, trashing a man's blade like that... Definitely getting a feeling of War God from her from her Godspeech.

I just can't keep one of these in-

Astarte leaps, stolen mega rod swinging for me as I float back on my aero-discs.
Focus, Renegade. Forget the sword, try to keep your hide intact.


She lunges again, and the awkward directional shift forces me to use chains to pull on her arm and redirect her swing. She overextends, but blocks most of my retaliatory punch with her gun. She's forced back slightly and I get confirmation that she can't fly, but she twists to threaten me with the rod and I pull back slightly.
Something of an oversight. Though I suspect it's because she enjoys the challenge...

-intact for five minutes.

Stealing weapons, breaking weapons. Some sort of weapon goddess? Or demi-goddess? Did Hephaestus and Athena have a daughter they don't talk about in company? No, a mortal and a god.
Wrong god, Renegade. Remember the history of the Amazons?

Scan her genes.

Unable to comply.
Because Magic. Of course she's shielded from mundane means of analysis. Time for Mother Box?

Fair enough, but-.


Orange light lances out and I shoot skyward, the bean pursuing and rapidly gaining! What blocks the Omega Effect what blocks the Omega Effect? I take an armoured panel out of subspace and throw it behind me as I viff, switching from vertical to lateral movement.
When's the last time the Renegade found himself this pressed by a foe? He's so used to being the stronger party, isn't he?

This was a lot more fun when I was doing it to Kara In-Ze.

The Omega Effect-. Punches through the panel and redirects itself without apparent difficulty, coming after me.
Oh, that's just prime...

Okay, but the beam's still coming from the gun. I generate construct missiles and fire at Astarte while flying towards the closest medium-sized snake, because ducking behind a parademon worked for Batman 16 and I'm hoping that the same applies here.
He had the superior plot armour of being BATMAN. You only have that of being the protagonist. And in this Divine Narrative, that isn't as strong as it might seem.

And ping Diana again!

"Be patient, She's on her way to a Boom tube chamber now."

Astarte sees the missiles coming and braces. Is she locked in place? Confident in her resilience? In my weakness? Well let's add just a little of my fear of Darkseid and see what-

I don't feel fear from her. But in the moment before they hit she looks a little less sure of herself.
Reinforcing her implacability? Handy technique. Though not completely refined, I see.


Yellow explosions envelop the area she was standing in, hopefully blocking her line of sight as I grab a snake and throw it head first at-
Likelihood of her being unharmed when the smoke clears: 99%. Tropes for the win.


-the Omega Beam. Success! The beam vanishes as the snake explodes, but the force of the explosion is easy to manage. Below me, Astarte walks steadily out of the dust cloud, a little singed but basically in one piece. Soon fix-
Yep, basically unharmed.

Ah, here comes backup.

Diana flies at Artarte fists first and knocks her into the sky!

Or not.
Niece, meet auntie.

Well, this promises to be quite the family reunion. I wonder if this will force Diana to tap into the Titanic heritage earned from her birth. And perhaps when the fight's done, the Renegade can make a case for her joining his forces... After all, she leads a nomadic people. What better carrot to gain her and their service than a world of their own? And Vega no doubt has many of them to spare...

Diana flies at Artarte fists first and knocks her into the sky!
'Astarte' and a double space.
I just can't keep one of these in-

Astarte leaps, stolen mega rod swinging for me as I float back on my aero-discs.


She lunges again, and the awkward directional shift forces me to use chains to pull on her arm and redirect her swing. She overextends, but blocks most of my retaliatory punch with her gun. She's forced back slightly and I get confirmation that she can't fly, but she twists to threaten me with the rod and I pull back slightly.

-intact for five minutes.
The sentence separated by dashes reads like: I just can't keep one of these in--one--intact for five minutes.
Maybe: I just can't keep one of these--intact-- for five minutes.
Or: I just can't keep--one of these--intact for five minutes.

because ducking behind a parademon worked for Batman 16
Should be Batman 12 If you mean Justice League Unlimited Batman.
I see she has much more refined god-senses than the Forever morons. And most other New Gods, who seem to have taken the Renegade at his word so far. Then again, Darkseid has basically backed him... His word probably carries much weight, and much baggage.

The Forever People were fairly young so they may not have developed their powers to the fullest.

Barda may not have really trained her senses and focused more on pure combat.

Scott may not have had the chance to develop his powers to the fullest due to his harsh childhood.

The others may not have looked too deep or simply didn't care.

"And what was that about ponies? Are you a madman as well as a liar?"

The answer to both those questions is yes.

Though given she comes from ancient Greece she may have met various magical beings like centaurs, so magical ponies may not be all that weird.

Ah, playing the buffoon to serve as a distraction. Smart, Renegade.

Renegade doesn't need to play buffoon, he is one.

Wrong god, Renegade. Remember the history of the Amazons?

He may not know about it.

Eris didn't tell him anything and he doesn't care about them all that much.

You forgot to add 'you fucking potato'.

Abridged Red Tornado would be so disappointed.

Well, more disappointed.

Ahh, family reunions.

Well, this promises to be quite the family reunion

A divine Greek family reunion.

It's like a Primarch one.

Awful, awkward and an atrocity upon family values.
"You aren't Grayven, the Ascendant God of Conquest. I felt the stygian power of Apokolips on him. Beneath your rings, you have nothing of note."
That's a knockout punch to his metaphysics.

Huh. Okay. Mildly impressive that she subverted Barda's weapon like that, but it was an Apokoliptian weapon. That gun was more impressive, as was the speed of her reaction to Barda's approach. The blast looked a lot like the Omega Effect in gun form, which… Shouldn't be possible. The Omega Force killed a lot of high-tier Apokoliptians before Uxas finally succeeded in merging with it. Containing it and directing it are not simple matters.
Just because your fake memories tell you something doesn't mean it's true...

Diana flies at Artarte fists first and knocks her into the sky!
Which should mean under Zoat's rules for New God's that Renegade lost.

But I am going to guess Zoat will conveniently forget that.

Astarte is reading like a way more powered up version than the original appearance. Throw in MulletGrayven and the Omega effect I'm wondering if we are about to get Grail and a version of the Darkseid War.
Do you really believe that or is this just snarkasm?
Because I really like that theory.
No snark. While I can't point to any specific examples of it, it's the general feeling of the way he gathers people to him. There's none of the domination you would expect from, say, the real Grayven. The Renegade has followers and allies, not subjects and servants.

By the same extent, he cares more deeply for what he considers his. Could you see Mullet-boy working with the commoners to improve their conditions, or focusing his efforts on developing a close ally's abilities as something outside of a useful asset.

It also fits a lot better with his beginnings with the Orange Light. Certainly, he got darker after acquiring Father Box, and later Ringnestro, but underneath it, he's the same man who feels offended by the world acting a certain way, and has the power to take action to fix it. He makes a thing his, and improves it as best he can.

Hence the easy confusion with Conquest. And I am probably not articulating it well, but that about sums it up...
No snark. While I can't point to any specific examples of it, it's the general feeling of the way he gathers people to him. There's none of the domination you would expect from, say, the real Grayven. The Renegade has followers and allies, not subjects and servants.

By the same extent, he cares more deeply for what he considers his. Could you see Mullet-boy working with the commoners to improve their conditions, or focusing his efforts on developing a close ally's abilities as something outside of a useful asset.

It also fits a lot better with his beginnings with the Orange Light. Certainly, he got darker after acquiring Father Box, and later Ringnestro, but underneath it, he's the same man who feels offended by the world acting a certain way, and has the power to take action to fix it. He makes a thing his, and improves it as best he can.

Hence the easy confusion with Conquest. And I am probably not articulating it well, but that about sums it up...

Though Actually Grayven has shown some good qualities.

Or at least his Universe 50 self did.

After renegade hit him and that Tamaranean woman with Anti Life, Grayven opened a boom tube and took her with him, even though she'd likely be of no use, demonstrating some loyalty towards his subordinates.
No snark. While I can't point to any specific examples of it, it's the general feeling of the way he gathers people to him. There's none of the domination you would expect from, say, the real Grayven. The Renegade has followers and allies, not subjects and servants.

By the same extent, he cares more deeply for what he considers his. Could you see Mullet-boy working with the commoners to improve their conditions, or focusing his efforts on developing a close ally's abilities as something outside of a useful asset.

It also fits a lot better with his beginnings with the Orange Light. Certainly, he got darker after acquiring Father Box, and later Ringnestro, but underneath it, he's the same man who feels offended by the world acting a certain way, and has the power to take action to fix it. He makes a thing his, and improves it as best he can.

Hence the easy confusion with Conquest. And I am probably not articulating it well, but that about sums it up...

I think he might be more Growth than Aquisition.
Darkseid clearly had a goal in mind when he let the Father Box work on his soul. And then when he gave him the Anti Life to overcome.

Wait. If Paragon is Revolution then I think Renegade is Evolution

And that fits since he's evolved his closest retinue to better form (Sunset, Luna, Circe, Artemis).
Scott may not have had the chance to develop his powers to the fullest due to his harsh childhood.
I'd argue that kind of pressure would force him to develop his powers as much as possible in order to survive. He's the New God of Freedom and escaped Apokalips, after all (though I'm not sure if he evaded Darkseid or the latter didn't care). And he's done pretty impressive things in both the Renegade and Paragon timelines (notably countering a powered-up angel's theurgy in the latter).

Hence the easy confusion with Conquest. And I am probably not articulating it well, but that about sums it up...
Renegade explains his own articulation of conquest somewhere- his goals and his people's goals becoming one, and things like that. There can be multiple ways to embody a concept, especially an abstract one like most New God domains tend to be.

Astarte seems to imply that she and the presumable-Citizenry were able to make that Omega Gun just from studying Grayven's use of the Omega Effect, which is impressive. Not sure how much of that is facilitated by her metaphysical abilities over weapons and instruments of war due to her presumable heritage as the daughter of Ares; I don't know anything about the Citizenry but I feel like you'd need to have a level of divinity or metaphysical power to be able to use the Omega Effect in any way. I doubt Hippolyta has the same level of proficiency both because Themyscira's been at peace for millennia and no Amazon (from the island) is a fan of the god, so she'd probably be reluctant to use her divine abilities. I know Renegade noted her soul-structures were interesting, but I'm not sure if that's just being a demigod or something else; as the Queen of the Amazons she might have gotten additional blessings and empowerments from the Olympian goddesses.
While Diana's metaphysically similar to New Gods, she still feels different if you take the time to compare the two; Orana presumably should feel like a 'regular' New God since she used the Awakening, but I'm not sure if the Themysciran blessings she'd receive from being on the island would affect her metaphysically (though she's been out and about away from the island so those probably aren't a factor).
If Astarte has remained 'just' a demigoddess, would Awakening work on her and give her even more room for growth? I'm also wondering the same for the daughters of Heracles and Hippolyta herself, though I don't expect that scenario to be likely. I predict they would just start at a higher level of divinity than newly Awakened New Gods like Renegade-Artemis and Aqualad, but both would have the same potential maximum power level, of sorts.
It would be nice to give Philippus the Orana treatment and give her divinity, to better make her a partner for Hippolyta, but that's not likely on the Renegade side and the Paragon side doesn't have the know-how (or rather, they do, given the Key is a thing, but no one seems to have capitalized on it. With Grayven being a possible concern in that timeline too, might be worth having the Sivanas or Atlantis take a look at any remnants of the New God tech they were using in Saudi Arabia; I forget if the Key was killed or just captured). Seeing an omake with a Violet Lantern Paul actually getting Hippolyta and Phillipus together (or having Ghi'ata actually do something impressive that's love-related in either the Paragon or Renegade timelines and get them to admit their feelings and start an actual relationship) would be nice. Maybe the Eros-Paragon will have encounter with Eros himself and get to work on that. Eris should also approve of the shaking up of the status quo (even further).

It looks like Diana beat Astarte in New Earth continuity, so I imagine the same might happen here (though seeing Diana grow into her divinity more like people have suggested would also be good). Wonder if her bracers can deflect or block the Omega Gun, so I hope we'll see that interaction.
They know he was a human that was made into a New God, but they may not know the exact details of how it's done.
If he's being studied on New Genesis, I feel like they could plausibly figure out the process. Though whether they'll share that knowledge with people from Earth is a different matter entirely.

Highfarher was last reported to be trying to get rid of the AL Equation in him.
I do hope we actually get to see Highfather at some point. Apokalips might be a long-term goal for the OLC but setting the groundwork now by getting a meeting with him would be good (I'm thinking of the Paragon here; Renegade might want to but that'll probably be a far tougher sell, especially after meeting Orion, and I think Paragon Mister Miracle met Highfather offscreen when the League rescued the Forever People from Apokalips).
Which should mean under Zoat's rules for New God's that Renegade lost.

But I am going to guess Zoat will conveniently forget that.
Not sure how that qualifies? She never managed to even scratch him. Hell, he achieved first blood before Diana even showed up.

Plus, I'm not too keen on your take on "Zoat's rules for New Gods" without some direct citation.

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