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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

For specifically type Ia, yea.

But you aren't taking into account the impact velocity of the stars in question. They would have had to have been smashed together at somewhere approaching or even greater then light speed given the time scale's talked about. So we should be talking high level matter to energy conversion here...
Well, YEAH, Ia is the oddball that can trigger on as little as 1.4 solar masses. The other supernova types start at 8 solar masses. If we're talking about typical midrange stars in the 1-2 solar mass range, a merger wouldn't cause a supernova because there's actually TOO MUCH energy relative to the masses involved -- the stars will just have a big, flashy outburst instead of collapsing and exploding. Compare a gasoline fireball to a stick of dynamite.

Also, impact velocity doesn't work the way you think it does. It's not possible to get two stars to have a perfect head-on collision, because that would require a perfectly precise trajectory and no rotation -- and all stars rotate. Their mutual gravitational attraction will cause them to enter into a mutual spiral around a common barycenter as at least one of their atmospheres are shredded through tidal effects. Even if the stars are zipping around at huge speeds relative to each other, the actual impact velocity will be surprisingly tiny.
No, because the Post flashpoint Orrery was a spaceship the size of a solar system so in fact it has no relevance to anything here, since Zoat's Orrery is not a spaceship nor the size of a solar system, and so there is absolutely no resemblace whatsoever.

Zoat obviously named it the Orrery becuase the definition of orrery is "an apparatus showing the relative positions and motions of bodies in the solar system by balls moved by a clockwork."
There's a spaceship the size of a solar system in DC comics? What, did someone bolt engines onto the City from Blame?
Veganism (part 21)
1st September 2012
16:04 GMT

I get a half-second look at a room filled with a glowing something before all I can see is Grayven's-

Bff! A Duty, Not a Joy.

-fist which sends me flying across the room and into a wall!

Lip damp, nose probably broken. Armour!


Eyes flash purple and the construct's gone and I try to raise my arms defensively and-

Grgh! Dah!

My vision swims as the Grayven-shaped blur lunges at me! I trigger my aero-discs and flail across the floor just ahead of his stamping boots! Armour!



I'm breathing unsteadily, staggering back as Grayven jabs-. And by pure chance I manage to block, his fist deflecting off my right bracer. I attempt a counter, but he easily evades and if my vision wasn't so blurry I think I'd see him smiling.

Alright, singularity-.


Purple beams lash out and my construct's gone and my armour's baked.


"Learn." He grabs my left arm and tugs me towards him. "Self." Two punches.. to my face… "Reliance." The Strong are Strong Alone.



Left arm broken braced it.


Radion blaster.

The -graaagh- Omega Effect beam hits and the remains of the armour protecting my left arm vaporise, melting skin and muscle beneath, but I shoot with my right hand!


Grayven swats, smashing the blaster to pieces even as he tries to shield his eyes. If… Ah… If I'm lucky I blinded him. I… Focus, focus. Draw Sword of the Fallen, move… Move towards him, stab-.

He catches my wrist with both hands, his eyes bleeding but still working.

"Weak." "Pathetic."

He twists my arm and then hits-. Shit! I lose my grip on the Sword and he -oof!- kicks me away before catching it.

I stagger back, trying to work out how he's going to come at me next. Restore My Majesty.

"This? What is this?" He turns the Sword from side to side as he look at it. "A hold-out weapon? I expected better." My Sole Dominion.

He tosses it aside before coming at me again. Not rushed-. Not rushing, so maybe his eyes are more hurt than it looks. Brace arm and armour.

The construct appears, but it's translucent. I don't know why, I'm genuinely fearful.


Grayven's face glows purple, and he covers his eyes with both hands.



I charge and slam into him while he's distracted, his hands weakly striking at my head and shoulders as I keep my head tucked in, keeping going until he hits a wall. I form a fist with my right hand and punch him in the abdomen where his armour looks weakest before pulling back-

The skin is gone from around his eyes, the bones of his cheeks visible through the rents in his flesh. His eyes look deflated, but he can still glare at me.

-and punching him across the jaw.

His head turns with the blow, but I don't think he's taken any real damage. Okay, ah, x-ionised knife… Or… Where did the Sword end up..?

Focus, Lantern-

Grayven's head reorientates on me, hands reaching for my head! In The Land Of The Blind, I Will Be King!


I stumble back… Aero-discs! I trigger my-.

Grayven jumps, hands clasped together to uhgh! To hit me back into the ground. I Will Break You!

Knife knife knife knife! I get it into my hand as he comes closer, trying to increase the power to my-.
Weight of Worlds.
A hit to my chest as he jerks his head back to avoid my stab. My construct sort of survived, but the fact that I actually felt it-. I slash at his hands but I only manage to nick him before he grabs my wrist, grinning as he pushes my knife towards my face in a test of strength. Knife in the other hand and stab.


It punched through his wrist armour, flesh and bone but now it's stuck-.


I step back as he manages to slice my knife through the right side of my jaw.

Behind him I see Sinthia frantically blocking arrows that seem to come from nowhere while a great model of Vega's stars and worlds rotates between us.

Grayven pulls the knife out of his wrist and checks the motion-. He can still move it. I'm not-. I'm not going to beat him in a straight fight. Where did the Sword-?


Knife… Punched through my neck.

I clamp my right hand around my throat as my reinforcements gutter once more.

I'm losing.

I could die.

I think if I'd taken less hits to the head I'd be more scared.

Need to change…

Can't think.

Grayven grins, his blinded eyes shining faintly-.

I don't have any better ideas. Hope this works.

I lunge forward, arms outstretched. He cuts my arms but I accept the wounds, grasping for his eye sockets!

The Power Is Mine! The Power Is Mine!

"No!" The Power Is Mine!

Purple light-.

1st September 2012
16:06 GMT

I stumble for a step, then hesitantly raise my right hand to my face. The pretender is.. gone, and my injuries are healed. I am not sure what happened to.. him, but that is an issue for later.

I turn back to the Orrery, where his huntress is standing in shock while Sinthia uses her ring to seal her wounds. I think I recognise-.


"Artemis. Your master is dead. Kneel, and be spared."
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... what did you absorb now, you great idiot.

You'd think Grayven would have a stronger hold on his identity.
You'd also think he'd be better in a brawl. Every time he goes up against anyone even vaguely in his weight-class in hand-to-hand, he gets stomped.
Despite being a lot more physical than Paragon-paul.

All Pauls have a strong tendency to overthink which doesn't help much in close combat but Grayven had the combination of that and choosing a large impractical sword as his 'main' melee weapon, so a lot of his fights devolved into trying to manoeuvre that with one hand while grabbing or punching with the other.

It was pretty telling when he chose not to even bother with it against the orange woman and just grappled her so Persuader could kill her.
He should get a decent mainstay melee weapon of his own. Maybe an axe or flanged mace. X-ionize it and learn to actually fight.

New Gods can and will turn off your power-ring or shut down your drones or prevent your allies from aiding you. Stop relying on exotic effects and just learn how to brawl with people in your own weight-class.

Edit: A curious lack of Godspeech in this update too. Only the one line that I saw.

Also, it's clearly Renegade who survived. That's why his eyes are fine and why he knows Artemis's name.
But it seems to be original Grayven in the driving seat. Somehow.
Bff! A Duty, Not a Joy.

But I think he's taking some joy in this.

… Ah… If I'm lucking I


This? What is this?" He turns the Sword from side to side as he look at it. "A hold-out weapon? I expected better." My Sole Dominion .

You won't find much better weapons than that.

At least when it comes to killing magical beings.

keeping going until he hits a wall. I form a fist with my right hand and punch him

'keep going'

This eyes look deflated, but he can still glare at me.

'His eyes'

as he comes gets closer

remove 'gets'

Behind him I see Sinthia frantically blocking arrows that seem to come from nowhere while a great model of Vega's stars and worlds rotates between us.

So it is the one from the New Guardians.

And it looks like Artemis joined the fight.

I think if I'd taking less hits to the head I'm me more scared.

'I'd taken"

'I'd be more'
what did you absorb now, you great idiot.

You'd think Grayven would have a stronger hold on his identity.
You'd also think he'd be better in a brawl. Every time he goes up against anyone even vaguely in his weight-class in hand-to-hand, he gets stomped.
Despite being a lot more physical than Paragon-paul.

All Pauls have a strong tendency to overthink which doesn't help much in close combat but Grayven had the combination of that and choosing a large impractical sword as his 'main' melee weapon, so a lot of his fights devolved into trying to manoeuvre that with one hand while grabbing or punching with the other.

It was pretty telling when he chose not to even bother with it against the orange woman and just grappled her so Persuader could kill her.
He should get a decent mainstay melee weapon of his own. Maybe an axe or flanged mace. X-ionize it and learn to actually fight.

New Gods can and will turn off your power-ring or shut down your drones or prevent your allies from aiding you. Stop relying on exotic effects and just learn how to brawl with people in your own weight-class.

I think it's his inner Paul's reluctance and contempt for physical fighting.

Edit: A curious lack of Godspeech in this update too. Only the one line that I saw.

There was actually a lot here.

Bff! A Duty, Not a Joy.

"Reliance." The Strong are Strong Alone.

next. Restore My Majesty .

better." My Sole Dominion.

Grayven's head reorientates on me, hands reaching for my head! In The Land Of The Blind, I Will Be King!

ground. I Will Break You !

increase the power to my-.
Weight of Worlds .

The Power Is Mine! The Power Is Mine!

"No!" The Power Is Mine!
Bff! A Duty, Not a Joy.

"Learn." He grabs my left arm and tugs me towards him. "Self." Two punches.. to my face… "Reliance." The Strong are Strong Alone.

"This? What is this?" He turns the Sword from side to side as he look at it. "A hold-out weapon? I expected better." My Sole Dominion.

Knife knife knife knife! I get it into my hand as he comes gets closer, trying to increase the power to my-.
Weight of Worlds.
A hit to my chest as he jerks his head back to avoid my stab. My construct sort of survived, but the fact that I actually felt it-. I slash at his hands but I only manage to nick him before he grabs my wrist, grinning as he pushes my knife towards my face in a test of strength. Knife in the other hand and stab.

The Power Is Mine! The Power Is Mine!

"No!" The Power Is Mine!

Don't know how you only noticed one line of GodSpeech.
There was actually a lot here.

Weird. I highlit every line one by one but only one extra line of text appeared.
Maybe I got here too early and the invisitext was edited in afterwards?
It all seems to be there now, but I first opened the page within about 4 minutes of it being posted and didn't refresh until after making my response.

Edit: I used to have an addon that put a small border around invisitext to make it easier to see.
Maybe that only work on SV? Not sure.
So... What? Renegade got grabbed by the Violet Lanterns?

You'd think Grayven would have a stronger hold on his identity.

You'd also think he'd be better in a brawl. Every time he goes up against anyone even vaguely in his weight-class in hand-to-hand, he gets stomped.
Despite being a lot more physical than Paragon-paul.
Grayven has a very strong hold on his identity...

Renegade on the other hand doesn't really have an identity, or any real fight training.
I think if I'd taking less hits to the head I'm me more scared.
I'm assuming that he's 'punch-drunk' here, rather than the sentence being mistyped. The main reason I mention is because it's the only one really like this aside from the "knife knife knife" bit which doesn't quite match the circumstance.
"Artemis. Your master is dead. Kneel, and be spared."
So either Paulven absorbed Grayven, and needs to shake things out mentally/spiritually. Or he forced his way into Grayven which healed the latter but will soon be taking over from inside. Or they actually fused proper, and... well, I don't know what would happen then. Either way, the 'Grayven' in control at the moment, will likely be surprised should Artemis not submit, as she's the SI's ally rather than a servant. New God hierarchy powers won't be pressing on her as far as that's concerned.
You'd think Grayven would have a stronger hold on his identity.
Hmm... just a thought, but since Paulven has most likely survived, I'm going to guess that his and Artemis's jaunt into the future with the Sheeda probably helped by giving him enough experience to do so. Maybe not enough to outright 'win' the fusion/absorption here, but at least give him enough time to build up his mien that he wasn't wiped out . I'm not sure how old/powerful the two of them are comparatively (other than Grayven having the Omega Effect), but one of the main differences I see is that the SI invests in his followers/allies, while Grayven commands his own. That likely puts the latter as being better set up for direct, personal confrontation as just happened here, but hopefully means that he has no real means of support if he starts to falter, whereas Paulven can get such from Lynne, Artemis, possibly even Diana should she show up before whatever this is resolves.
Don't know how you only noticed one line of GodSpeech.
And some of these, I don't know how I missed.
Bff! A Duty, Not a Joy.
"Learn." He grabs my left arm and tugs me towards him. "Self." Two punches.. to my face… "Reliance." The Strong are Strong Alone.
I stagger back, trying to work out how he's going to come at me next. Restore My Majesty.
"This? What is this?" He turns the Sword from side to side as he look at it. "A hold-out weapon? I expected better." My Sole Dominion.
Grayven's head reorientates on me, hands reaching for my head! In The Land Of The Blind, I Will Be King!
Grayven jumps, hands clasped together to uhgh! To hit me back into the ground. I Will Break You!
Knife knife knife knife! I get it into my hand as he comes gets closer, trying to increase the power to my-.
Weight of Worlds.
A hit to my chest as he jerks his head back to avoid my stab. My construct sort of survived, but the fact that I actually felt it-. I slash at his hands but I only manage to nick him before he grabs my wrist, grinning as he pushes my knife towards my face in a test of strength. Knife in the other hand and stab.
The Power Is Mine! The Power Is Mine!
"No!" The Power Is Mine!
Well, he wasn't wrong. In fact, I was quite amused by the True Grayven beating the shit out of our Imposter while telling him to learn self-reliance. Because, you know, it's pretty true that despite all his self-enhancements he's kind of a wet fart without the rings to use as a crutch. Or the Sword of the Fallen to use as a back-up crutch.

Anyways . . . They probably merged together into a single being if the fact he knows Artemis' name is any indication. True Grayven is likely dominant because he has actual millennia of memories and experiences to smother Fake Grayven's 30-something years with, but I'm sure that somehow Fake Grayven is going to end up arbitrarily having a stronger will or something. That's usually how these things work.

Though I guess it'd be one hell of a goddamn twist if, after all this time, Zoat seriously went with "And then the Renegade died forever." and ended the Renegade side of the story.
Well, he wasn't wrong. In fact, I was quite amused by the True Grayven beating the shit out of our Imposter while telling him to learn self-reliance. Because, you know, it's pretty true that despite all his self-enhancements he's kind of a wet fart without the rings to use as a crutch. Or the Sword of the Fallen to use as a back-up crutch.

Anyways . . . They probably merged together into a single being if the fact he knows Artemis' name is any indication. True Grayven is likely dominant because he has actual millennia of memories and experiences to smother Fake Grayven's 30-something years with, but I'm sure that somehow Fake Grayven is going to end up arbitrarily having a stronger will or something. That's usually how these things work.

Though I guess it'd be one hell of a goddamn twist if, after all this time, Zoat seriously went with "And then the Renegade died forever." and ended the Renegade side of the story.

The Renegade is also old here, like centuries old.

He spent around 500 years in the Sheeda land before coming back, so I'd say he has a decent chance of taking over.

Actually Grayven may be stronger and more experienced, but that doesn't mean the Renegade is an inexperienced weakling.
1st September 2012
16:04 GMT

I get a half-second look at a room filled with a glowing something before all I can see is Grayven's-

Bff! A Duty, Not a Joy.
So, it comes down to two men beating each other with their fists and Egos. Funny how often that seems to happen to the Renegade these days. At least he's well equipped for this.

-fist which sends me flying across the room and into a wall!

Lip damp, nose probably broken. Armour!
Yeah, the joy of facing someone in your weight class. Hits hard enough to beat your damage reduction, tough enough to tank your hits in kind.


Eyes flash purple and the construct's gone and I try to raise my arms defensively and-
Grayven forcing this into a 'fair' fight, eh? Bet he's broadcasting this across Vega, too, for the psychological value.

Grgh! Dah!

My vision swims as the Grayven-shaped blur lunges at me! I trigger my aero-discs and flail across the floor just ahead of his stamping boots! Armour!

Focus, Renegade. Stop relying on your tools and get your hands dirty. Grayven clearly plans to.


I'm breathing unsteadily, staggering back as Grayven jabs-. And by pure chance I manage to block, his fist deflecting off my right bracer. I attempt a counter, but he easily evades and if my vision wasn't so blurry I think I'd see him smiling.
Oh, he's probably enjoying this. Letting his blunt nature smash down your spiritual defences... Like besieging a fortress.

Alright, singularity-.


Purple beams lash out and my construct's gone and my armour's baked.
Come on, Renegade. Surely you learned something in those centuries in the Land of Summer's End?


"Learn." He grabs my left arm and tugs me towards him. "Self." Two punches.. to my face… "Reliance." The Strong are Strong Alone.
And that's where the Renegade is weak. He builds teams, groups, alliances... But when it comes down to mano a mano, he usually has the deck stacked in his favour. :( ...Not today...



Left arm broken braced it.
Geez, I bet Vaermina's enjoying this... Haven't seen the Renegade take this much damage this fast in ages.


Radion blaster.

The -graaagh- Omega Effect beam hits and the remains of the armour protecting my left arm vaporise, melting skin and muscle beneath, but I shoot with my right hand!
And every time he tries to 'cheat', the Renegade's lessening his own Narrative power.


Grayven swats, smashing the blaster to pieces even as he tries to shield his eyes. If… Ah… If I'm lucking I blinded him. I… Focus, focus. Draw Sword of the Fallen, move… Move towards him, stab-.
A potential trump card, but you're in no shape to use it successfully. At best, you're going to have to hope he doesn't take it and use it against you. The last thing you need is to respawn completely depowered out here.

He catches my wrist with both hands, his eyes bleeding but still working.

"Weak." "Pathetic."
And it looks like he's likely to lose here. Unless this is a 'meant to lose' boss fight, where they can just stomp you flat no matter what you unleash. Poor coding on the Dev's part...

He twists my arm and then hits-. Shit! I lose my grip on the Sword and he -oof!- kicks me away before catching it.

I stagger back, trying to work out how he's going to come at me next. Restore My Majesty.
Pray his Ego is too aroused to simply put you out of his misery....

"This? What is this?" He turns the Sword from side to side as he look at it. "A hold-out weapon? I expected better." My Sole Dominion.

He tosses it aside before coming at me again. Not rushed-. Not rushing, so maybe his eyes are more hurt than it looks. Brace arm and armour.
Phew, he's not a Good Man. If he were, you'd be waking up somewhere else as a normal person right now... But because he's a villain, he wants to enjoy the power he has over you, to make you suffer for the affront against him...

The construct appears, but it's translucent. I don't know why, I'm genuinely fearful.

Pity Ringnestro is a Qwardian Ring. The kind fuelled by the fear of those around you. And right now? I don't think he's afraid of you at all.

Grayven's face glows purple, and he covers his eyes with both hands.

Well, at least he can't simply erase you...


I charge and slam into him while he's distracted, his hands weakly striking at my head and shoulders as I keep my head tucked in, keeping going until he hits a wall. I form a fist with my right hand and punch him in the abdomen where his armour looks weakest before pulling back-
You got lucky, Renegade. Let's see if you can capitalise on it.

The skin is gone from around his eyes, the bones of his cheeks visible through the rents in his flesh. This eyes look deflated, but he can still glare at me.

-and punching him across the jaw.
OW. At least your Radion blast did some damage. I don't think he'll be trying the Omega Blasts anytime soon.

His head turns with the blow, but I don't think he's taken any real damage. Okay, ah, x-ionised knife… Or… Where did the Sword end up..?

Focus, Lantern-
Well, at least Ringnestro is still functional. So once the fight is done, it can aid the winner...

Grayven's head reorientates on me, hands reaching for my head! In The Land Of The Blind, I Will Be King!

Fuck, he's good. He's not even looking through his eyes right now, is he? He's sensing you solely via meta-physicque...

I stumble back… Aero-discs! I trigger my-.

Grayven jumps, hands clasped together to uhgh! To hit me back into the ground. I Will Break You!
Others have tried, Grayven. And yet the Renegade still stands...

Knife knife knife knife! I get it into my hand as he comes gets closer, trying to increase the power to my-.
Weight of Worlds.
A hit to my chest as he jerks his head back to avoid my stab. My construct sort of survived, but the fact that I actually felt it-. I slash at his hands but I only manage to nick him before he grabs my wrist, grinning as he pushes my knife towards my face in a test of strength. Knife in the other hand and stab.
And the whole time, Grayven's just taking it. Presumably he's suffered worse from his Apokaliptian-style upbringing..


It punched through his wrist armour, flesh and bone but now it's stuck-.

Probably caught between the bones of the forearm. That's got to sting something fierce.

I step back as he manages to slice my knife through the right side of my jaw.

Behind him I see Sinthia frantically blocking arrows that seem to come from nowhere while a great model of Vega's stars and worlds rotates between us.
Ah, Artemis has joined the fight, but is wisely avoiding Grayven, as ordered. That would probably weaken the Renegade's Narrative position, anyway.

Grayven pulls the knife out of his wrist and checks the motion-. He can still move it. I'm not-. I'm not going to beat him in a straight fight. Where did the Sword-?


Knife… Punched through my neck.
Oh, that's not good. Better make this quick, Renegade.

I clamp my right hand around my throat as my reinforcements gutter once more.

I'm losing.
Time for a desperate play, then. Think fast...

I could die.

I think if I'd taking less hits to the head I'm me more scared.
Yeah, few too many shots to the head there. Even a New God can be concussed, if briefly...

Need to change…

Can't think.

Grayven grins, his blinded eyes shining faintly-.
I suppose burning his eyes out of his head is worth the killing blow, then.

I don't have any better ideas. Hope this works.

I lunge forward, arms outstretched. He cuts my arms but I accept the wounds, grasping for his eye sockets!
Oh-ho! Avarice unleashed. Is he going to...

The Power Is Mine! The Power Is Mine!

"No!" The Power Is Mine!

Purple light-.
Looks like something's getting assimilated. Grayven? The Omega Effect in him? The Renegade? Who knows?

1st September 2012
16:06 GMT

I stumble for a step, then hesitantly raise my right hand to my face. The pretender is.. gone, and my injuries are healed. I am not sure what happened to.. him, but that is an issue for later.
...Yeah, something trippy definitely happened... The next episode is going to be bizarre, i think.

I turn back to the Orrery, where his huntress is standing in shock while Sinthia uses her ring to seal her wounds. I think I recognise-.


"Artemis. Your master is dead. Kneel, and be spared."
Grayven is in for a shock, I think.

So... That happened. I'm not sure what, but something happened. Did they merge spirits? Merge bodies? Hell, Rings have done crazier things. Hopefully, the resulting Grayven is inclined to be merciful to the Renegade's forces... Though I suspect he'll still be facing a hell of a lot of pushback. After all, the Renegade doesn't really rule all that much in truth. And that's what's going to prove his undoing, methinks...
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The Renegade is also old here, like centuries old.

He spent around 500 years in the Sheeda land before coming back, so I'd say he has a decent chance of taking over.

Actually Grayven may be stronger and more experienced, but that doesn't mean the Renegade is an inexperienced weakling.
Renegade spent most of that time sitting on his ass doing nothing of nothing of note.
There's a spaceship the size of a solar system in DC comics? What, did someone bolt engines onto the City from Blame?

The Orrery that Darko mentioned was a Vega System all hooked up and turned into a spaceship, complete with equivalents of the Vegan species on them.

Like the Tamaranean equivalent had horns/bone spikes thing going on.

Honestly, I suspect the only reason Zoat named it the Orrery and made it Invictus's invention is that the people who made the Crown Imperial artifact, M'ntorr's people, are unnamed and Zoat didn't feel like making up a species name.
The Orrery that Darko mentioned was a Vega System all hooked up and turned into a spaceship, complete with equivalents of the Vegan species on them.

Like the Tamaranean equivalent had horns/bone spikes thing going on.

Honestly, I suspect the only reason Zoat named it the Orrery and made it Invictus's invention is that the people who made the Crown Imperial artifact, M'ntorr's people, are unnamed and Zoat didn't feel like making up a species name.
You do have to wonder how Renegade knew what it was then since it would have been impossible for him to have meta knowledge of this Zoat created version...
So I'm guessing the two fused and either Renegade will take control or some combination of the two will emerge. The latter could be beneficial as we just witnessed Renegade is shit at hand to hand.
This chapter is a perfect example of why Renegade Paul is a fucking failure and should just fucking die. Taking out Grayven in the process if we're lucky, and then we can move on to something far more interesting like Paul in Warhammer.
Grayven forcing this into a 'fair' fight, eh? Bet he's broadcasting this across Vega, too, for the psychological value.

Plus if Renegade's forces see him losing they may be depressed enough that it affects his power.

Come on, Renegade. Surely you learned something in those centuries in the Land of Summer's End?

He lost a lot of that power when he came back but may have still had some tricks.

Though I think he may be suffering the same way Astarte was suffering.

He fought Sheeda without rings, but he was still much, much more powerful than them so he didn't receive that much of a challenge.

When he fights someone of equal or greater power he usually outwits them or he gets lucky.

In this case he hadn't had time to plan against Actually Grayven and luck isn't on his side.

Fuck, he's good. He's not even looking through his eyes right now, is he? He's sensing you solely via meta-physicque...

Or his other senses.

And the whole time, Grayven's just taking it. Presumably he's suffered worse from his Apokaliptian-style upbringing..

I'm betting Apokaliptian childhood makes Spartan childhood seem warm and cuddly.

Yeah, something trippy definitely happened... The next episode is going to be bizarre, i think.

There are at least two more chapters of this episode, so we may get a resolution tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
This chapter is a perfect example of why Renegade Paul is a fucking failure and should just fucking die. Taking out Grayven in the process if we're lucky, and then we can move on to something far more interesting like Paul in Warhammer.

I am liking the Peacehammer chapters and our brief looks into Fallout, but Renegade is still interesting to me because the version of OL that didn't actively seek out enhancements like the Venom Buster or becoming a New God is now, in a bizarre twist, less human (in the sense of being someone you can relate to) than the one who did.

Like, Paragon is teetering over an Orange and Blue Morality event horizon right now because his actions are... vastly outside the realm of what an Earth system of ethics is prepared to cope with. Meanwhile Renegade might call himself a conquerer but by all accounts he acts like a reasonable person 75% of the time and views any territory claimed as his as a responsibility, not just a possession.
'His eyes'
remove 'gets'
'I'd taken"
'I'd be more'
Thank you, corrected.
I think that one is correct.
if I'd be taking/if I'd taken
be more scared
To be fair, he has been hit in the head alot.
Zoat, the link for chapter 16 in Over Reaching doesn't seem to work.

It just sends you to a page after the chapter.
Thank you, corrected.

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