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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Sungate (part 28)
11th September 2012
20:22 GMT

I duck back, the shot smashing through the hull armour and inner hull before slamming into my cover-. The gun has its own shielding, which shimmers as it soaks the strike. Ah, okay, that's… A relief. But as I stare at my glowing arm stand-in I realise a problem.

Despite my wounds, I'm feeling no pain. That's not because of the medical systems in my armour; they're good but not that good. That's because my main ring is altering the way my body is processing stimuli. When I recharge it there's going to be a good few seconds at best where I'll get the full effect of suddenly losing large parts of my body. Not for a fraction of a second like I did just now, but for several seconds as the ring fully recharges.

No titan of healing.

Okay, transfer Hinon's ring to my good side without ever losing hold of it. Move around to the far side of the gun to keep its armour and shield between me and the New God with the oversized gun. Disintegrate the hand; I'll replace it later. Full construct arm. Purple healing rays on my left shoulder and my leg stumps; that should reduce the pain to manageable levels. And unlike maimed Amazons I can repair by ring later.


This time I don't move, other than to interpose the shield I'm generating with Larfleeze's ring. It's good for simple and strong constructs at least. Instead I watch to judge the effectiveness of the gun as an obstacle to hide behind. The New God's shot comes through the outer hull just as easily as before… Diminished from what they were firing at me outside, but still strong as it hits the gun's shield. The gun blocks, but the shield seems more stressed than last time.

Finite uses, then.

Wounds still being healed. Recharging my main ring right now would be a bad idea.

What's the New God doing?

They're shooting at me. How are they detecting me? Magic shouldn't work, and… I think that extends to New God technology. Gravity-based detection might have been able to track me outside of the ship, but here I'm surrounded by mixed density materials. There isn't going to be anything that identified me as me. Internal monitoring-? Can't see any cameras or lasers, and heat detection becomes unreliable when weapons start firing inside the ship.

What does that leave?

Nothing on the outside of my armour, so I'm not broadcasting my location. Detecting me by my absorption of local mana? Theoretically doable, but mana systems are usually chaotic enough that it-.

That it's not possible, unless someone is already rewiring the local thaumasphere and has simplified it for easier access. I reach out with orange tendrils and pull more of it into me from all parts of the gunnery chamber before repositioning higher up the room, closer to the muzzle of the gun. Still behind the gun to take advantage of its shield, but in a different position.

Can they still track me?


I shield and wait… As the shot hits one of my strands on the other side of the room.

Got you.

Their next move is probably going to be to shoot 'me' a few more times and then come aboard in order to confirm the kill. That would fit Apokoliptian methodology. I'd rather that they stay outside, to be honest. Or leave. Under these conditions this isn't an efficient or necessary fight for me.
Roust Them Out.

Another shot, this one closer. And it didn't appear to be aimed at a strand. Which means that they know the strands are a hoax. How..?

Self-enhancement. They might not be able to track me directly, but there's nothing stopping them improving their own ability to predict me. I've never claimed to be a tactical or strategic genius. So either they shoot everywhere in this compartment -which would take a while with her current gun- or they come in here to track me with their own eyes.

So do I try finishing off the ship? Grab the gun with Larfleeze's ring and force it to fire? Or prepare to fight them? Don't know how long taking over the gun will take or how long my assailant will take to decide to get closer. Or if I even can take control of the gun without a ring AI.

Wounds mostly healed. Right. Cold gun out of subspace and firing cold zones at all obvious points of ingress.

I tap Hinon's ring against my personal lantern.


Nothing happens.

Yes, that would have been too easy. Ritual binding it is, then.

"This is my cause, this is my fight."

My construct arm vanishes and… The missing parts of my body don't hurt so much as… Really disturb my sense of proprioception. There's an ache, but… Not so bad. I've been injured enough that physical damage doesn't faze me emotionally any longer.

"Shine through the void with orange light."

Not rushing in or firing again. I think I do need to defeat -kill or disarm- them. Lure them in? They require my full focus, obviously.

"I've claimed all within my sight."

Cowering Before The Inevitable.
"To keep what is mine, that-"

The shot hits my shield, but that's okay.

"-is my right."

The beam connecting my main ring to my personal lantern glows brilliantly, but with my other ring I throw out a blast of orange light in all directions.


And cut the flow of orange light off, dismiss my tendrils, personal lantern back into subspace, grow back the missing parts of my body and repair my armour. Construct power to minimum and… Directly feed orange light into my tattoos to exclude anything else.

Under my armour my skin is glowing orange, but that should make me impossible to find with whatever technique they're using. I mean, it's not like they know what happens when a Lantern of my abilities gets killed.

Unless they had someone observing both other times it happened, but that seems unlikely. Or perhaps they'll think it was my rings getting destroyed? In either case-.

For a fraction of a second I see the hull cleaved open by the gun-turned-sword, then-
Death Comes For You!
-the cold field collapses, somehow cut by the oversized sword while I fly towards the New God, tendrils reaching out and around to grabble and feed!

Micro-turrets on their armour open fire, only to be immediately countered by orange lasers from my counter battery constructs as the second wave of tendrils lock on!

Feed Me!
I Stand Strong!
The colour in their armour oscillates as they try to power through, sword flashing towards me! I take my spear out of subspace, already linking it both to my body's energy and to theirs. I parry, briefly meeting their energy blade before turning it aside as I latch more tendrils onto their weapon.

The spear is partially melted by the brief contact, but the oversized sword is positively guttering.

And sword, stab forwards into the mechanism! Their sword goes out with a small crack of energy, and a construct claw grabs it and pulls it from their harness!

"One chance. Yield."
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More Ascendant Gpodspeech:
Their next move is probably going to be to shoot 'me' a few more times and then come aboard in order to confirm the kill. That would fit Apokoliptian methodology. I'd rather that they stay outside, to be honest. Or leave. Under these conditions this isn't an efficient or necessary fight for me.
Roust Them Out.

Cowering Before The Inevitable.
"To keep what is mine, that-"

For a fraction of a second I see the hull cleaved open by the gun-turned-sword, then-
Death Comes For You!
-the cold field collapses, somehow cut by the oversized sword while I fly towards the New God, tendrils reaching out and around to grabble and feed!

Feed Me!
I Stand Strong!
The colour in their armour oscillates as they try to power through, sword flashing towards me! I take my spear out of subspace, already linking it both to my body's energy and to theirs. I parry, briefly meeting their energy blade before turning it aside as I latch more tendrils onto their weapon.
How are they detecting me? Magic shouldn't work, and… I think that extends to New God technology.

If these are New Gods and not just ordinary demigods then they'd be connected to the Source so they may be able to bypass your tattoos, like the Angels.

Or the New God tech is doing it.


Nothing happens.

Yes, that would have been too easy. Ritual binding it is, then.

So very similar to the Angels.

The beam connecting my main ring to my personal lantern glows brilliantly, but with my other ring I throw out a blast of orange light in all directions


Missing a . at the end of the first paragraph.
11th September 2012
20:22 GMT

I duck back, the shot smashing through the hull armour and inner hull before slamming into my cover-. The gun has its own shielding, which shimmers as it soaks the strike. Ah, okay, that's… A relief. But as I stare at my glowing arm stand-in I realise a problem.
Lucky for you, OL. Better get recharging quick, though. You've little time to spare, given how aggressive this Gun-dummy is being. And even if they're taking wild shots, they will track you down sooner or later.

Despite my wounds, I'm feeling no pain. That's not because of the medical systems in my armour; they're good but not that good. That's because my main ring is altering the way my body is processing stimuli. When I recharge it there's going to be a good few seconds at best where I'll get the full effect of suddenly losing large parts of my body. Not for a fraction of a second like I did just now, but for several seconds as the ring fully recharges.

No titan of healing.
Something of an oversight, but Titans are typically associated with larger concepts anyway. Primal things like Sun, Sea, Thought or Memory. Less elemental than their Priomordial parents, but not as specialised as their children would probably be. I'd bet that one of Coeus and Phoebe's children would become deity of the Medical profession...

Okay, transfer Hinon's ring to my good side without ever losing hold of it. Move around to the far side of the gun to keep its armour and shield between me and the New God with the oversized gun. Disintegrate the hand; I'll replace it later. Full construct arm. Purple healing rays on my left shoulder and my leg stumps; that should reduce the pain to manageable levels. And unlike maimed Amazons I can repair by ring later.

Ah, yes, those pesky divine blessings interfering with the Ring's ability to manipulate their biology...

This time I don't move, other than to interpose the shield I'm generating with Larfleeze's ring. It's good for simple and strong constructs at least. Instead I watch to judge the effectiveness of the gun as an obstacle to hide behind. The New God's shot comes through the outer hull just as easily as before… Diminished from what they were firing at me outside, but still strong as it hits the gun's shield. The gun blocks, but the shield seems more stressed than last time.

Finite uses, then.
Slowly chipping away at its energy reserves, eh? I suppose the Gun-dummy is willing to tear apart the ship to get you, their superior's anger be-damned....

Wounds still being healed. Recharging my main ring right now would be a bad idea.

What's the New God doing?
Because if they lose interest and go join the assault on New Cronus.. That's going to be messy.

They're shooting at me. How are they detecting me? Magic shouldn't work, and… I think that extends to New God technology. Gravity-based detection might have been able to track me outside of the ship, but here I'm surrounded by mixed density materials. There isn't going to be anything that identified me as me. Internal monitoring-? Can't see any cameras or lasers, and heat detection becomes unreliable when weapons start firing inside the ship.

What does that leave?
Thinking too mundane, OL. Remember, New God technology is tied to the soul, and yours? Probably a big orange beacon to their senses...

Nothing on the outside of my armour, so I'm not broadcasting my location. Detecting me by my absorption of local mana? Theoretically doable, but mana systems are usually chaotic enough that it-.

That it's not possible, unless someone is already rewiring the local thaumasphere and has simplified it for easier access. I reach out with orange tendrils and pull more of it into me from all parts of the gunnery chamber before repositioning higher up the room, closer to the muzzle of the gun. Still behind the gun to take advantage of its shield, but in a different position.
Not giving any thought to using it? Though I suppose it'd be as useful against Gun-Dummy as it would be against you. Small, fast-moving targets are not the easiest to track...

Can they still track me?


I shield and wait… As the shot hits one of my strands on the other side of the room.
Definitely tracing the energy use, then.

Got you.

Their next move is probably going to be to shoot 'me' a few more times and then come aboard in order to confirm the kill. That would fit Apokoliptian methodology. I'd rather that they stay outside, to be honest. Or leave. Under these conditions this isn't an efficient or necessary fight for me.
The longer it takes, the better.

Roust Them Out.

Another shot, this one closer. And it didn't appear to be aimed at a strand. Which means that they know the strands are a hoax. How..?
The Soul, man. The joy of ignoring the New God skill-tree by focusing on the Corps plotlines.

Self-enhancement. They might not be able to track me directly, but there's nothing stopping them improving their own ability to predict me. I've never claimed to be a tactical or strategic genius. So either they shoots everywhere in this compartment -which would take a while with her current gun- or they comes in here to track me with her own eyes.

So do I try finishing off the ship? Grab the gun with Larfleeze's ring and force it to fire? Or prepare to fight them? Don't know how long taking over the gun will take or how long my assailant will take to decide to get closer. Or if I even can take control of the gun without a ring AI.
And there's no guarantee it'd do anything to them, given their agility. Recharging would definitely be a good idea.

Wounds mostly healed. Right. Cold gun out of subspace and firing cold zones at all obvious points of ingress.

I tap Hinon's ring against my personal lantern.
Finally. Brace yourself for the ouch...


Nothing happens.
Ah... That explains the full oath, then. Security lock on the Charging process.

Yes, that would have been too easy. Ritual binding it is, then.

"This is my cause, this is my fight."
:confused: ...Does that mean all the times OL charged without an oath were basically like using a smartphone without a lock passcode? ...Makes sense.

My construct arm vanishes and… The missing parts of my body don't hurt so much as… Really disturb my sense of proprioception. There's an ache, but… Not so bad. I've been injured enough that physical damage doesn't faze me emotionally any longer.

"Shine through the void with orange light."
Well, I suppose once the damage is done and the nerves have died off...

Not rushing in or firing again. I think I do need to defeat -kill or disarm- them. Lure them in? They require my full focus, obviously.

"I've claimed all within my sight."
Either taking a moment to savour your presumed fear at being cornered, or wary of what you might do because of it.

Cowering Before The Inevitable.
"To keep what is mine, that-"

The shot hits my shield, but that's okay.
Only needs a second or two more, after all... Then you get to show them what a Lantern at full charge can do...

"-is my right."

The beam connecting my main ring to my personal lantern glows brilliantly, but with my other ring I throw out a blast of orange light in all directions
Disguising the recharge process, make them think you're panicking? Clever.


And cut the flow of orange light off, dismiss my tendrils, personal lantern back into subspace, grow back the missing parts of my body and repair my armour. Construct power to minimum and… Directly feed orange light into my tattoos to exclude anything else.
Not a wasted action, eh? All that RTS Micro-management practice coming back... Hmm, what would the Corps think of the Human Resources game, I wonder?

Under my armour my skin is glowing orange, but that should make me impossible to find with whatever technique they're using. I mean, it's not like they know what happens when a Lantern of my abilities gets killed.

Unless they had someone observing both other times it happened, but that seems unlikely. Or perhaps they'll think it was my rings getting destroyed? In either case-.
If you assume that much energy flowing would be like chaff, or a smoke bomb... Or perhaps a flash-bang into their higher perceptions.

For a fraction of a second I see the hull cleaved open by the gun-turned-sword, then-
Death Comes For You!
-the cold field collapses, somehow cut by the oversized sword while I fly towards the New God, tendrils reaching out and around to grabble and feed!

Micro-turrets on their armour open fire, only to be immediately countered by orange lasers from my counter battery constructs as the second wave of tendrils lock on!
Because New God bullshit. That's one way to deal with the turrets, though: drown them in targets, and shoot them while they're confused...

Feed Me!
I Stand Strong!
The colour in their armour oscillates as they try to power through, sword flashing towards me! I take my spear out of subspace, already linking it both to my body's energy and to theirs. I parry, briefly meeting their energy blade before turning it aside as I latch more tendrils onto their weapon.
Sooner or later, you're going to get the hang of that properly. But then, you never did like melee.

The spear is partially melted by the brief contact, but the oversized sword is positively guttering.

And sword, stab forwards into the mechanism! Their sword goes out with a small crack of energy, and a construct claw grabs it and pulls it from their harness!

"One chance. Yield."
Likelihood: low. But who knows, maybe they're actually got a brain in that skull... Instead of muscle.

And that's why you don't let an unfamiliar enemy run and hide, Gun-dummy. Never know what they're going to pull out of their bag of tricks given the time. Still, better a stupid enemy than a clever one. The question now is, will they do the smart thing, or the 'heroic' thing?
Ah, yes, those pesky divine blessings interfering with the Ring's ability to manipulate their biology...

Not really.

Paul seemed to heal and impregnate them easily enough.

I think he meant that the blessings don't heal serious injuries like lost limbs and any healing magic they may have also can't do it.

Thinking too mundane, OL. Remember, New God technology is tied to the soul, and yours? Probably a big orange beacon to their senses...

Also to the Source, like Angels, who could track him.

The Soul, man. The joy of ignoring the New God skill-tree by focusing on the Corps plotlines.

To be fair he hasn't had too many dealings with New Gods.

Does that mean all the times OL charged without an oath were basically like using a smartphone without a lock passcode? ...Makes sense.

He once mentioned a Lantern saying their oath helped them bring out the emotion.

. The question now is, will they do the smart thing, or the 'heroic' thing

Or 'villainous' thing, since they're villains.

Though to Sparta's forces they're probably heroes.
That just means he should get 3 rings :p

One to charge while chanting, 2 to shield with.
Take A off, leech of the chanted one, Defend with B.
Chant C again, refill B, defend with A.
Rechant C for 300% charge and no downtime.

Heck, 3 rings may be optimal for everyone to have uninterrupted power. You don't even need AI for that ring.

Also, is there a copy function for AI? No reason why we can't copy the program into Larfleeze's ring right?
The big problem there is that at this level of the game the fact that the ring is Larfleeze's might matter to an A.I. imprinted into it.
Sungate (part 29)
11th September 2012
20:24 GMT

Various parts of their armour glow in quick succession as I prepare for a new att-.

"I yield." "I strike my colours."

Their armour dims, and I feel a certain… Presence, vanish from the material.

"Accepted." I float back slightly, dismissing most of my offensive constructs. "You will remove any remaining weapons, though under the circumstances you can keep your armour for now."

My new prisoner -the voice was feminine, but let's not make assumptions with aliens- hesitates, then begins decoupling their gun's harness from their armour.

"Good effort, by the way. You did noticeably better than the other two Ascended I fought today."

Their helmet momentarily turns to the spear I discarded and the sword I'm still holding. Ah, that was probably insensitive. Though with warrior cultures that isn't always the case so long as you make it clear-.

"They both fought bravely, but their tactics were inferior."

They let the removed parts of the harness fall to the deck, then remove what looks like an equipment harness. That appears to be all of the readily detachable parts of their armour. I reach out with orange strands, connect them to my metaphysique and then subspace them.

"Why do you not complete the ritual?"

"An ongoing misunderstanding. I'm not a god or titan. I just look a bit like one. I have no idea what ritual you're referring to."


"If it's important to you, you can talk me through it once this battle is over."

"No, that's-. No."

"Right then. I'm going to be busy destroying this ship, so please fill me in with what you think this fight is about."


I send strands out, draining through the gun's shield and attaching myself to the gun itself.

"I was visiting New Cronus on an unrelated matter when your attack started. I've only heard their version of events, and while I doubt that hearing yours will change things greatly it might affect the resolution I suggest."

Okay, the gun seems… Reasonably responsive. I can make it traverse, that's… The control to deploy it, but the system appears to be damaged. Power comes from there… Huh. There doesn't appear to be anything stopping it firing internally.

"Or you can remain silent, but I will point out that doing so may be contrary to the interests of your faction."

"What lies did they tell you?"

"Don't… Know."

With a creak and a scream of twisting metal, the gun comes free from its cradle, construct cabling maintaining the link to its fuel reserves and power source.

"Beyond a passing familiarity with some of Rhea's other descendants, I know nothing about what she did after leaving Earth beyond what they told me. Feel free to give me your version while I kill this ship."

"If you're not one of them, why do you-."

Charging the gun… Seems straight forward enough, other than the tron lines. But I doubt that-.

"Stop! Please, stop."

"I take it this will work, then?"

"The other Ascendants have already boarded New Cronus. The remaining crew are all mortal!"

"So it will definitely work, then. I'm not seeing that as a-"

Construct cradle for the gun, point it towards where I… Think I felt the commands coming from. The tron lines covering the gun are fully orange at this point, glowing brilliantly as I prepare to actualise my desire to bring about destruction.

"-bad thing. War is all about killing because you couldn't accept an alternative."

"What alternative could we accept?!"

"I don't know. It doesn't matter to me, and I would suggest that it will soon not matter to the crew of this ship, either."

"They murdered Grandmother Rhea for her power!"

"Ah. You believe that they gained those seeds by killing her, contrary to their claim that she died after creating them. What evidence do you have?"

"Their power-."

"I know of two demigoddesses brought to life after a titan infused clay with their power. What they say that Rhea did is possible, though it's true that they could be lying. Brace."


I fire and oh that's a bit spicy! The gun annihilates everything in its path… Yeah, yeah, I can see through a cylindrical section of hull… Not quite into open space, as the ship is quite long, but I can see sparks and lights going out, so I assume that I'm closer to achieving my objective than I was.

My prisoner was slammed against the interior wall due to not bracing.

The gun's recharging, doesn't look like anyone can respond…

"When I say 'brace', brace. Do you have any evidence?"

"I-." The New God picks themself up. "I don't-. Will you allow the ship to yield?"

"That's actually my preferred option. Can you arrange it?"

"Ah…" They take a look at the white hot hole I just shot in the ship's interior. "I can see no way for them to survive. Yes. But… I will have to use my divine essence."

"I'm not stopping you."

"And yours. The crew will need to feel my submission."

"I have no idea how to do that, but if you just want me to plug myself into you then I can do that."

I release the hellwraith construct lantern.

"If she does anything suspicious, eat her soul."

"Yes, Master."

The gun indicates that it's fully charged. It would probably be more helpful in the current battle if I just fired a few more times, turned this ship into a wreck and then left. But I'm trying to wean myself off genocide.

I extend filaments and attach myself to the New God, the orange forcing out the turquoise from their armour.

"Does that work?"

"Yes. I will speak to them now."

"Good. Do-. What's your name?"


"Make sure that they understand their position, Thiva. I'd rather they live, but I'm not wedded to the idea."
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I assume Thiva is an original character? I'd have expected a link otherwise, though I don't remember if there was one for Sparta.

I'll have to reread after this episode is over since I might be forgetting something, but I'm confused why Rhea needed Titan Seeds if she was reproducing (relatively) conventionally and has a bunch of (new) divine/semi-divine descendants.
I'm not a god or titan. I just look a bit like one

And probably feel like one.

visiting New Cronus on an unrelated matter you're your attack started.

'when your attack'

things greatly it might affect the resolution I suggest."

Remove 'I suggest'

"I have no idea how to do that, but if you just want me to plug myself into you then I can do that."

Seriously Paul?

What's with you and doing things you don't understand to alien chick's?

The Spider Queen wasn't enough?

fired a few more time,


But I'm trying to wean myself off genocide.

'off of'
"Why do you not complete the ritual?"

"An ongoing misunderstanding. I'm not a god or titan. I just look a bit like one. I have no idea what ritual you're referring to."


"If it's important to you, you can talk me through it once this battle is over."

"No, that's-. No."
It's good to get confirmation that they thought Paul was a god or titan. I wonder what she thinks he is now?

"If you're not one of them, why do you-."

Charging the gun… Seems straight forward enough, other than the tron lines. But I doubt that-.

"Stop! Please, stop."

"I take it this will work, then?"

"The other Ascendants have already boarded New Cronus. The remaining crew are all mortal!"

"So it will definitely work, then. I'm not seeing that as a-"

Construct cradle for the gun, point it towards where I… Think I felt the commands coming from. The tron lines covering the gun are fully orange at this point, glowing brilliantly as I prepare to actualise my desire to bring about destruction.

"-bad thing. War is all about killing because you couldn't accept an alternative."

"What alternative could we accept?!"

"I don't know. It doesn't matter to me, and I would suggest that it will soon not matter to the crew of this ship, either."

"They murdered Grandmother Rhea for her power!"

"Ah. You believe that they gained those seeds by killing her, contrary to their claim that she died after creating them. What evidence do you have?"

"Their power-."

"I know of two demigoddesses brought to life after a titan infused clay with their power. What they say that Rhea did is possible, though it's true that they could be lying. Brace."


I fire and oh that's a bit spicy! The gun annihilates everything in its path… Yeah, yeah, I can see through a cylindrical section of hull… Not quite into open space, as the ship is quite long, but I can see sparks and lights going out, so I assume that I'm closer to achieving my objective than I was.
And now we get their justification. I like how Paul basically goes "And?" when told that there are no New Gods on the ship right before he probably kills a lot of them.

"I-." The New God picks themself up. "I don't-. Will you allow the ship to yield?"

"That's actually my preferred option. Can you arrange it?"

"Ah…" They take a look at the white hot hole I just shot in the ship's interior. "I can see no way for them to survive. Yes. But… I will have to use my divine essence."

"I'm not stopping you."

"And yours. The crew will need to feel my submission."

"I have no idea how to do that, but if you just want me to plug myself into you then I can do that."

I release the hellwraith construct lantern.

"If she does anything suspicious, eat her soul."

"Yes, Master."

The gun indicates that it's fully charged. It would probably be more helpful in the current battle if I just fired a few more time, turned this ship into a wreck and then left. But I'm trying to wean myself off genocide.
Now I hope this will keep her obedient, as she probably has no doubt in her mind that her soul will be literally eaten if she isn't.
I'll have to reread after this episode is over since I might be forgetting something, but I'm confused why Rhea needed Titan Seeds if she was reproducing (relatively) conventionally and has a bunch of (new) divine/semi-divine descendants

She probably wanted a version of her first family to live and be free again.

Those seeds were portions of their power, so any new Titans she created would have the power of her brothers and sisters instead of just being regular gods.
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I think this is a good time to bring Diana in, or at least borrow her Lasso, though I'm not sure what the travel times for those will be. I don't think it's out of the question for Paragon to take the Lasso through the Honden, but that might have a lot of weird side-effects, maybe a bit like when Diana held the Spear of Destiny in the Silver City and projected truth, only here it would be everyone suddenly realizing or acting on their 'true desires' or something.

What's the Lasso's origin in this setting? Is it the Girdle of Gaea or blessed by Hestia (or both?) I'm wondering how feasible it is to create a modern arcano-technological derivative.

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