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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

... I know what you mean, and I know what we're talking about, but this still somehow sounds racist.
You should probably look into the reason you feel like that.
Not necessarily. That expression, without the word kr, is very close to something racist people actually say, so it might just ring that bell.
But also, a lot of writers take their prejudice into work without necessarily meaning to. The fact that it is a BLACK kr that makes people go evil in a world in which we had government propaganda saying that weed is a black people drug that turns you evil may not be coincidental even if, again, it's not intentional.

Now that I think about that, that does sound kinda hot.
Now... you, on the other hand...... Maybe talk about why that is with a professional. o_O
Ouch. Pretty much what I was expecting, but I was hoping that she could have gotten at least one point in. That must sting.

Since Thaddeus Jr. was dubious that Kalminn could be a challenge for him, I thought that he would be taught a lesson in humility during this trip, but this was obviously not for this time.

Thanks for answering me!
No problem.

Remember, the Weaponers were deliberately sabotaging their education. Compared with Thaddeus Sivana Junior, who had extremely supportive parents for his entire life.
Not necessarily. That expression, without the word kr, is very close to something racist people actually say, so it might just ring that bell.
But also, a lot of writers take their prejudice into work without necessarily meaning to. The fact that it is a BLACK kr that makes people go evil in a world in which we had government propaganda saying that weed is a black people drug that turns you evil may not be coincidental even if, again, it's not intentional.

Now... you, on the other hand...... Maybe talk about why that is with a professional. o_O
If it makes you feel any better, weed was originally a Mexican drug.

If only we called people with brown skin brown a lot of trouble could be avoided.
To be fair I don't think Kyrptonains from other realities are affected the same way. If I recall my comic book lore correctly it's like the infinity stones if they aren't from the same universe there is no effect so Black Kyrptonite from this universe would do diddly squat to Universe-One Kara.
Not that simple. There are cases where it doesn't work at all, cases where it works differently, and cases where it works fine. Paul was able to hit Earth -14 Superboy with kryptonite, though he synthesized it directly and it took a few tries so maybe it wasn't the same as regular Earth 16 kryptonite.
So I'm thinking about this and the evil serum in a universe where the emotional color spectrum is a part of physics.

What if the actual effect which black kryptonite causes is to make kryptonian forcefields repel indigo and violet energy, rendering them incapable of feeling compassion or love?
Or what if it does something to convert the upper-spectrum energies into the lower-spectrum energies?/all of the mental energy/white light that would normally go into love or compassion instead goes into anger and avarice?

And the evil serum does something similar? Or maybe is a peice of demon-derived alchemy or something and the Evil is derived from wherever they get it from.
So I'm thinking about this and the evil serum in a universe where the emotional color spectrum is a part of physics.

What if the actual effect which black kryptonite causes is to make kryptonian forcefields repel indigo and violet energy, rendering them incapable of feeling compassion or love?
Or what if it does something to convert the upper-spectrum energies into the lower-spectrum energies?/all of the mental energy/white light that would normally go into love or compassion instead goes into anger and avarice?

And the evil serum does something similar? Or maybe is a peice of demon-derived alchemy or something and the Evil is derived from wherever they get it from.

Interesting theories but I'm pretty sure that the black kryptonite and the serum aren't that exotic and just damage the parts of the brain that control things like empathy, compassion and love, without doing something as exotic as blocking the Emotional Spectrum.
I'm betting Nylor is gonna use this as a distraction and escape... again.
"How the Bloody hell did he get away, the bastards got no limbs!"

Villain 101!!

"Damn it guys stop giving the villains pointers!"

Paul will you stop yelling at the fourth wall and fuck me already.

"How the Bloody hell did he get away, the bastards got no limbs!"

Villain 101!!

"Damn it guys stop giving the villains pointers!"

Paul will you stop yelling at the fourth wall and fuck me already.


Paul complaining about giving the villains pointers is pot calling the kettle black.
Brand would likely have worked.

This thing is, by its own admission, basically a body snatcher. Just as Nabu was. Why is Paul showing restraint?

Because she isnt. This is Kara under the influence of a mind altering substance. Even if she was a real other person, she is a newborn created by accident.

I would argue from a life pov, ahe has just as much a right to exist. But OL likes old Kara better, and she conforms to society and is less likely to play catch with cortexes, so he will try to kill her to get old Kara
It amuses me how many people missed that Evil Kara is jobbing. :p
It's interesting that Angel!Supergirl senses Twisted!Supergirl as a Demon... I think...

It is possible that Kryptonite from other Universes does not work on Kryptonians not from the relevant Universe. That is the Kryptonite of one Universe does not affect a Kryptonian from another Universe.
Damn it guys stop giving the villains pointers!"

You have no right to complain about this, not since you told Luthor about the Danner formula.

It's interesting that Angel!Supergirl senses Twisted!Supergirl as a Demon... I think...

I don't think she's sensing her as a demon.

Loriel probably just heard what she was planning and found it sinful and disgusting.

It is possible that Kryptonite from other Universes does not work on Kryptonians not from the relevant Universe. That is the Kryptonite of one Universe does not affect a Kryptonian from another Universe.

Yeah, this is established in the comics and in the story.
Not that simple. There are cases where it doesn't work at all, cases where it works differently, and cases where it works fine. Paul was able to hit Earth -14 Superboy with kryptonite, though he synthesized it directly and it took a few tries so maybe it wasn't the same as regular Earth 16 kryptonite.
Plus on the Supergirl Arrowverse shoe they had Black Kryptonite that did do squat unless you specific worked to some end. Didn't even know it was BK till I looked it up on the fandom page.
Them Blue light there apparently kills off males for reasons.
You should probably look into the reason you feel like that.

... I know what you mean, and I know what we're talking about, but this still somehow sounds racist.
Probably something about connotations ingrained\attached to the word black connecting to racism concerning people who happen to be black.
I don't think this ever happened in the story.
I am mostly certain. I remember laughing about it.

Paul's virtue is saved for another day.
Paul and Jade already did the deed...
To me, Jade reads more like a beard than a relationship.

Not in a gay sense, but simply that the primary value of the relationship is just that it allows Paul to say that he's in a relationship (which wards off anyone else interested in him) without requiring him to put in any time or energy, or to get emotionally invested.
Doesn't he have a fair bit of violet when talking to her, though?
A teenage girl should not sound that enthusiastic to mess with people...

It's clearly been a while since you were in high school. There is no limit to the enthusiastic tortures teenagers will inflict on each other.

Because it wants to hurt her as much as anyone else... :confused:

I don't buy it. It reads much more like "she should just do the things she wants to do" ignoring guilt - much like Evaul the serial brainwasher.
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Future Tense (part 17)
13th September 2012
09:47 GMT -5

My helmet goes back on as Noriel's flames wash over Kara-

"Guess what?"

-who completely ignores them as she punches Noriel right in the sternum, sending her flying backwards. Storage crates crumple and splinter, the far wall cracking as it breaks her fall.

"With these coins I'm not vulnerable to magic any more." She glances back at me as I set the environmental shield to feed her carbon monoxide. "And don't think I haven't noticed this environmental shield you've stuck around me. I can go without breathing for hours."


I extend a filament from the environmental shield and try attaching it to the crystal, but she spots it and waves her hand through it to break it.

"Do you want me to swallow it? Or crush it and breathe in the dust?"

No. No, I don't. Getting it out of her stomach is perfectly possible; humans aren't any different from kryptonians with regard to how their bodies flush out the upper portion of their digestive system. But getting it out of her lungs would be difficult, and I still don't know if there's a point at which it becomes permanent.

"There are hundreds of different parallel universe versions of me. I'm sure that you could be happy with one of the single ones."

"Not how this works!" Noriel stumbles slightly as she pulls herself out of the wall, her flames billowing. Kara's eyes narrow. "And don't think I haven't noticed that you're nothing like as tough as a real kryptonian. Paul, do you like this one?"

"She's an acquired taste, but I respect that she's trying to better herself."

"Because I don't. I remember all the things she said about having life handed to me on a plate just after I found out that nearly every member of my species-"

There's a boom and-. Noriel drops, blood running from her forehead. Kara's right hand is in a post-flicking position.

"-was dead, and I don't remember God, or the Source, stepping in to help them."

"The Lord giveth and-" Noriel raises her right hand to her forehead, sees the blood on her fingers and then wipes it away. "-the Lord taketh away."

"Paul, do you have a plan for killing God?"

"Not a reliable one. It turns out that preparing for a being with poorly defined limitations is extremely difficult."

"Working on it. Hmm." She looks directly at Noriel. "Hey Linda-bitch, can you die? I mean, if I kill you do you just go right back to Heaven?"

"I do not know."

"Let's f-."

Armour on construct power armour on lunge forwards chainsaw chains wrapping around Kara and ripping at-.

She spins, smashing my construct apart as her uniform falls apart. Kryptonians project a force field a few millimetres from their bodies but it looks like the coins don't. Now where are-?


Fingers! Fingers through my faceplate, pulling it apart with a horrifying tearing noise!

"Out." She smiles patiently at me. "Naughty boy."

Things… Blur…

I… Stumble, I-. She hit me-. Focus.

I see Noriel spin as Kara hits her around the head with my armour's left leg. Which is now not on the armour I'm… Only wearing parts of.

"You know, this is kinda fun. I should beat people to death more often."

Noriel increases the intensity of her flaming aura, setting the loose material in the room on fire and incinerating the scraps that were left of Kara's costume. No change. Where the heck are the coins? Did she swallow them or are they… 'Secret compartmented'.

"Huh. Tickles."

Kara darts forward, wrapping her hands around Noriel's throat and steadily applying pressure.

"Come on, Paul. You know what I want. Give it to me, or we see if angels can get brain damage from oxygen deprivation."

The heat is now so intense that Kara's hair is blowing straight back, not that it's bothering her at all. Noriel grabs at her head and tries gouging her eyes, and Kara responds by biting into the fingers of Noriel's right hand.

We remove our power

from her, but there doesn't appear to be any change in her behaviour. Nothing for it.

Ultra-heavy duty machinery constructs appear around Kara, culled from my records of the efforts of a dozen mad scientists to beat Kal-El with brute force and combined with the latest in alien technology. She loses her grip on Noriel as her arms are jerked apart, and Noriel uses the opportunity to dart away from her and pant to get her breath back. I doubt that I'll hold her for long-

The machinery is already straining as she pulls against it.

-but I use the opportunity to send the kryptonite into subspace.

"Good effort, lover. But you won't-"

Sonic cannons.

"-stop me-"

Two cannons appear, one either side of her head. I don't know exactly how tough she is, but intense sonic energy should be able to render her unconscious.

"-with-. Ugh-huh."

The air around her head hums.

"Hit her!"

Noriel rallies, abandoning her fire generation in favour of empowering her body as she punches Kara in the left side of her temple.

And then pulls back again, massaging her hand as Kara smiles.

"I think I might like this. Hope you like receiving-"

She vibrates in place, my construct starting to come apart almost at once. I didn't design it with that in-! I add in a kinetic barrier element and that slows her down a little but she powers through!

"-as much as giving!"


Dana limps in, clothing torn where Kara stole her coins but H-dial in hand.


Kara rips her way free of my construct and punches Noriel in the diaphragm.

"I studied the H-Dial. Let's see what lame power it gives you."

"R. O!"

There's a.. puff of smoke, and then-.

Kara tilts her head to the side.

"Looks like… Hoover Girl? I think I can take you."
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When is the last time he's spoken with his version of Jade?
I realise that I don't always show it, but he does actually see her a couple of times a week. This was mentioned earlier in the episode. Similarly, he is still visiting Belle Reve and other places, it's just not really practical for me to show every non-core thing he does because there wouldn't be room in the episode for anything else.
"There are hundreds of different parallel universe versions of me. I'm sure that you could be happy with one of the single ones

Or go to Tangseid.

I'm sure he doesn't mind sociopaths.

Granted I think one of the things Evil Kara is seeking in a mate is the ability to hurt and torture them on an emotional level and I don't think that'll work with Tangseid.

But you two still have so much in common.

The Lord giveth and-" Noriel raises her right hand to her forehead, sees the blood on her fingers and then wipes it away. "-the Lord taketh away."

Loriel, maybe you should stay quiet during this since you're not helping your case.

We remove our power

from her, but there doesn't appear to be any change in her behaviour. Nothing for it.

Ohh, getting rid of her ability to feel desire.

Though she may still be doing this since she has anger and fear in her, so she's doing it because she's pissed and wants to cause fear.

Kara rips our w ay free of my construct

'Kara rips free'

"Looks like… Hoover Girl? I think I can take you

Time to see if that thing can be useful.

And did anyone else get the image that it transformed her into J. Edgar Hoover and her super power is blackmail, along with potentially cross dressing?
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