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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I think she knows about Paul's branding ability. The problem is probably the fact that Kara is most likely fast enough to dodge it if Paul tried to brand her.

Paul already had a thread connected to her foot from under the floor so no. Second Paul hasn't Branded anyone in front of her so likely not, but as soon as he connected it wouldn't have mattered. Also looking back Branding is instant, it's turning people into constructs that takes time.
At least we now know that being turned evil by black kryptonite doesn't make her stupid. That was a very well thought out plan considering she only had a few minutes to think it up. Maybe Kara and Zatanna can talk about their complicated relationship with Paul after this.

honestly either Kara or Zatana would be a better choice.

Between work and personal lives and their issues the Jade relatioship just isn't workable.
honestly either Kara or Zatana would be a better choice.

Between work and personal lives and their issues the Jade relatioship just isn't workable.
Maybe Jade could break up with him after realizing this herself. Paul doesn't seem to want to break up with her, so that would be the only way it could happen.
"Okay, how about you put the kryptonite in a lead-lined box and I talk to you about this when you're in your right-."

Cripes, Paul did not follow the implication of his offer being "what if we got rid of your current inconvenient personality and replaced you back with someone you consider a pushover, then I'm willing to discuss having sex with you".

At least acknowledge the lead box as something that she thinks has costs, offer to taper the dose while monitoring if she considers herself still in her "right" mind maybe.

Agreed saying this after everything else she'd said is fucking stupid. Well Paul just saw a perfect example of evil for evils sake so maybe he'll fucking learn something for once.

ANYWAYS Kara didn't teleport so the construct thread is still there so there is NO REASON he can't instantly Brand her followed by asking her to drop it.

honestly either Kara or Zatana would be a better choice.

Between work and personal lives and their issues the Jade relationship just doesn't exist.

Fixed that for you. Any kind of relationship between Paul and Jade has been in name only. I don't think they've spoken to each other in months. Even long distance relationships have fucking phone calls.
She shakes her head. "I don't think you learned anything from Zatanna at all."

It takes a lot of time for Paul to learn things.

And everyone else I could kill."

You may have trouble with Angelika and New Kara.

Angelika may be weaker but she has decades of experience while New Kara is just bullshit.

Okay, clearly Kara's been focusing on me in a way that's not entirely healthy and needs to meet more people."

Or her focus was healthy but the black kryptonite made it unhealthy.

Take off my armour should

'Taking off'

"Oh. You. It's such a shame this doesn't affect you. I'd have much more fun with Linda

Seeing as Linda is naturally more inclined towards behavior we would consider evil, it's no surprise.
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13th September 2012
09:43 GMT -5

I frown, and since my helmet isn't designed to block exotic kryptonian visual modes she can probably see it.

"I'm curious as to 'why'."
Yes, please, do explain. Is it just because he's handsome, or is there a deeper reason for this sudden attraction? Because with OL, you've really got to work to seduce him, unless he does something by accident...

"Oh, so many reasons. I think part of being blind to social conventions is that I'm more liberated about following through on my desires."

"Not necessarily. You also need confidence, otherwise you end up just finding social situations intimid-."
That'd be an interesting shade of Kryptonite: Yellow, for fear? I mean, Comics Lex once used yellow as a hoax, but it would be funny if Yellow Kryptonite actually did make Kryptonians terrified of everything...

"Don't care." She takes a step close-. No, she struts a step closer. "I also want to own you."

"That sounds pretty evil."
:rolleyes: ...Which you just said you don't believe in. Still, if it's what Kara believes is evil...

"She likes you. She… Me, when I'm not using black kryptonite. You safe, you're nice to her, you help her without asking for anything… She feels safe with you. It's all very primal." She shakes her head. "I don't think you learned anything from Zatanna at all."

"If I was supposed to learn not to be nice to girls, then no, I didn't."
He certainly learned about inadvertently coming on to vulnerable teens simply by being himself... But at least he knows better about that sort of thing.

"And if Jade… Win? Was on Earth right now I'd just go and kill her-"

"I'd rather that you didn't."
I don't think asking politely will stop her, OL.

"-but she's hardly ever around. Which is ridiculous."

"She's doing good work."
True. And for a good cause now.

"Villain or hero, she's being a weapon for other people. You went on about how happy you were that she changed, but she hasn't changed at all."

That… Sounds a little more plausible than I'm comfortable hearing. But she wanted something that was at least a little familiar. I'm going to need to talk to her about that.
Oh, she's clever. Definitely not Stupid Evil. Still, I hope you explain to Jade why you're concerned about that.

"But why would evil you want to have sex with me?"

"Because I'll be forcing you to betray her, but you'll do it because there's no other way to make me drop this." She holds up the kryptonite and wiggles it at me. "It's the only way to make sure that precious little Kara Zor-El is safe. And everyone else I could kill."
So it's just to hurt him, while making him unable to remove the Kryptonite... She's definitely putting those Science Council clan intellectual enhancements that El intellect to good use. ...Er, bad use.

"Okay, clearly Kara's been focusing on me in a way that's not entirely healthy and needs to meet more people."

"And Jade will split up with you because she can't cope with people betraying her trust, even for a good cause. And even if she agrees with your decision she'll never feel the same way again and because you're an empath you'll know, so that's the end of that relationship. And Kara will feel so bad about what I did that she'll try avoiding you, which will make you spend more time with her to try and make her understand-"
Wow, looks like a total reversal of all her moral codes. A teenage girl should not sound that enthusiastic to mess with people...

She pantomimes an expression of concern and remorse.

"-that it wasn't her fault at all. And that will bring the two of you together and then I can finally do what my dad wanted and get out of this primitive backwater."
Ah, there's the real reason for this. So, subconsciously, Kara-16 doesn't feel comfortable on Earth?

"So you are unhappy here? Because I'm perfectly happy to move you somewhere."

"But that would make Kal unhappy, and she'd feel guilty." Kara rolls her eyes. "How long does it take for this to become permanent?"

"I don't know. I haven't experimented."
Looks like it's not so much a simple moral flip so much as a second, sadistic personality that doesn't consider itself to be Kara. Because it wants to hurt her as much as anyone else... :confused: Her emotional structures must look like a hot mess right now.

Just holding the crystal isn't anything like as intense as a laser, but she's got a point. With gold kryptonite there's a point where it kills all of the photoreceptive organelles. With green, there isn't an equivalent point… As far as I know. That sort of exposure would just be fatal to the kryptonian suffering from it.

"I don't mind if you want to wait. Frankly, I think I'd do a better job of being me than she would."
No, no you wouldn't. Not without little things like empathy.

"Given that you're… For the sake of discussion let's say 'evil', how will I know that you'll follow through?"

"How will I hold onto it when both of my hands are busy?" Her eyes flick over my armour. "You're still wearing.. clothes."
Somehow, I don't see her being gentle about it, either. Nor caring if he suffers.

"I'm sort of hoping that New Kara is going to hear us."

"I don't think that's going to happen. This section has a separate environmental filter and sound dampening system. She could probably hear if she made an effort, but I think she'd stop trying if she heard me talking about fucking you."
Well, shit. Yeah, if she was listening, she's probably up there blushing bright red and covering her face.

"Okay, how about you put the kryptonite in a lead-lined box and I talk to you about this when you're in your right-."

"EEEEEh. Wrong answer." Her eyes flick around our surroundings. "I'm going to count to five, and then I'm going to start killing people. One."
Oh, that's bad. Given Kryptonian speed and strength, she could turn the population of the nearest town into chunky salsa in minutes.

I scan the black kryptonite, isolating it's vibrational frequency and form a small sonic cannon constru-.

Kara's eyes flash red as she destroys my construct.
Bloody Super-speed. Maybe spawn multiple constructs, including at angles she can't see without moving?

"My sense aren't quite as good as 'New' Kara's, but I can still spot things like that. Two."

I bend the frequencies of the light around us, creating a wave of gold kryptonite radiation. Kara's eyes go out, and I start forming another sonic cannon construct.
At least she's temporarily not as dangerous.

"Kara, I need-"

Kara blurs, and my construct's gone again.
Oh, Come the fuck on!

"Did you think you were the only one who noticed Dana's 'lucky' coin collection? That's three, by the way."

Okay… Filament through the floor. No immediate reaction. An environmental shield should be able to block kryptonite radiation immediately, but that won't do anything for what she's already soaked up. And I can't remember whether gold kryptonite exposure renders kryptonians immune to other colours of kryptonite. Brief exposure… Probably wouldn't, because the organelles are still there. Higher levels of exposure should grant immunity, but I don't know if I can actually inflict that on her before she can get away. Or how fast her behaviour would revert.
Shut, that's even worse: a Kryptonian with magical buffs. This is going to require walking a fine line between clever and ruthless...

"What did you do to her?"

"I ripped them out of her clothes, knocked her out and stuck her in a storage crate."
Well, at least she's alive. Shit, she's still alive, which means...

"Restrained of you."

"She's a hostage. You don't know anyone around here, but if I make it clear that I'm going to kill her first then that gives you a personal investment. You always said that you care more about the people you know-." She frowns quizzically. "Would it work if I held myself hostage? How much do you care about Kara?"
Except that hurting Kara hurts you too, honey. Are you masochistic as well as sadistic?

"Kara is a friend of mine."

"Four." She widen her eyes and smiles. "Oh, hey, I just thought of something. How hot would it be if this wore off half way through, and she woke up with you inside her?"
o_O Please, let's not think about that.

"You're not selling me on the idea."

"I don't care what you think; you're a means to an end. Oh, and the spots on Kryptonian women are in just about the same place as on human women and that's five. Is that armour coming off, or do I start crushing skulls with my bare hands?" Her face takes on an air of curiosity. "I wonder what brain feels like it oozes through fingers?"
:eek: ...I did not want to know that either, thanks.

Okay. Construct up, tag the underside of her foot and block kryptonite radiation.

She doesn't react, but she doesn't look dissuaded either. Take off my armour should buy a little more time, and it's not like it would stop kryptonian-strength hits anyway. I send my helmet back into subspace.
Let's hope she's happy with that much for now.

Kara puts her right forefinger into her mouth.

"Shoulda brought some music-."
Sounding something like 'Bow-chikka-bow-wow'?

"Step away, deviant."

Kara turns as Noriel floats back in, her flames billowing.
For once, good timing! I'm guessing she was waiting outside to see if OL could defuse things himself...

"Oh. You. It's such a shame this doesn't affect you. I'd have much more fun with Linda."

Kara lunges at Noriel, fists outstretched!
...And now I'm imagining Supergirl clonecest. Argh! :oops: Bad brain, out of the gutter!

Seriously, though, OL. Is there a good reason you didn't try to brand her as soon as possible? Were you unsure if it would affect her, or was it out of some personal choice to avoid branding friends? Still, two-on-one is easier to handle, especially if OL lets Noriel do all the punching while he goes for the Kryptonite...
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:rolleyes: ...Which you just said you don't believe in. Still, if it's what Kara believes is evil

A person can say that they believe or don't believe in something but that doesn't mean that they fully believe what they say or that they can't acknowledge it when it shows up.

He certainly learned about inadvertently coming on to vulnerable teens simply by being himself... But at least he knows better about that sort of thing

Too bad he didn't learn about disclosing information to everyone, like his actual age.

So it's just to hurt him, while making him unable to remove the Kryptonite... She's definitely putting those Science Council clan intellectual enhancements to good use. ...Er, bad use.

Don't think Kryptonians have enhancements in this story.

Ah, there's the real reason for this. So, subconsciously, Kara-16 doesn't feel comfortable on Earth?

It's not just subconsciously.

She told this to Paul.

She was uncomfortable around humans since they looked like Kryptonians but weren't and that made her remember that her home was gone.

She also asked Paul to not use the translation function of his ring with her since she heard him speaking in Kryptonian and that further reminded her that her home is no more.

Bloody Super-speed. Maybe spawn multiple constructs, including at angles she can't see without moving?

Those constructs may be connected to filaments that she could see.

Seriously, though, OL. Is there a good reason you didn't try to brand her as soon as possible? Were you unsure if it would affect her, or was it out of some personal choice to avoid branding friends

The black kryptonite may interfere in the process and branding may just damage her further.

Also if she sees it coming then she may escape and things will get bloodied.
Is "You safe" deliberate? If not then maybe "You are safe" or "You're safe".
Thank you, corrected.
Now that I think about that, that does sound kinda hot.
Ah, there's the real reason for this. So, subconsciously, Kara-16 doesn't feel comfortable on Earth?
Ah. She hasn't been to not be comfortable on Earth is the reason she end up living in for a bit isn't it?

Wasn't there a moment when Paul was told that Kara was coming back to Earth and was warned that it's entirely because Kara likes\wants him?
Yes, because that's the girl you want near black kryptonite.
To be fair I don't think Kyrptonains from other realities are affected the same way. If I recall my comic book lore correctly it's like the infinity stones if they aren't from the same universe there is no effect so Black Kyrptonite from this universe would do diddly squat to Universe-One Kara.
Daciya's light absorption field takes it along with the ambient light and fires it back, triggering Thaddeus's shield…

Which deals with the attack faster this time, the beam of light flickering back and forth between then, visible per instance only because the angle is slightly different each time.
I'm pretty sure that should be "them".

Also, I want to say that I'm very happy we got to see one round of this battle. I was worried Zoat might have it happen off-screen like their previous bout. And going for more than 1 round would probably have dragged it out.

I'm only wondering, did Daciya actually manage to win any of the 9 rounds, or did Thaddeus shut her down 5-0?
"This is the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps. I believe that the Guild has one of my Lanterns. And one of its own Lanterns. Until they are brought before me I will keep killing until every one of you disgusting insults to sentience on this miserable rock are dead, and then I will move on to the next world. I am not interested in your surrender. Get me what I want or die."
People often accuse Paul of being incapable of being subtle, but I disagree. It's a matter of degree. This is what it looks like when he's not trying for subtle.

There's a slight bulging as my chewed up forearm makes its way down her throat.

"Normally, I'd-."

"Eat it."

"Do you-?"

"Eat it. Eat it. Eat it."


"Hot or cold?"

"He was weak-."

"I wasn't asking you. Lantern Onik? Many of the first batch of recruits were selected to see if people with those characteristics could make good Lanterns. You have an orange power ring and an opportunity to strike back against your ancestral enemy. If you do not take that opportunity then you will die. Do you want to strike them down? Do you want to continue this campaign? Do you want to continue your discovery of the spectrum? I cannot decide these things for you. The key to your freedom is on your finger and-"

Orange light bubbles under the yellow restraints as Lantern Onik begins to struggle against his bonds.

"-it's for you to use."


"Adequate, Lantern Onik. But I'm not going to be satisfied with your performance until this Yellow Lantern is dead. Get on with it."

"Yes, Great Master."
At first I was a bit disappointed that the training arc was coming to an end to shift to the action part of the episode. But then this happened and I understood: the Lantern Guilder wasn't a threat, it was a teaching aid.
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No. It was a whitewash.
Ouch. Pretty much what I was expecting, but I was hoping that she could have gotten at least one point in. That must sting.

Since Thaddeus Jr. was dubious that Kalminn could be a challenge for him, I thought that he would be taught a lesson in humility during this trip, but this was obviously not for this time.

Thanks for answering me!
Gloriously evil smarty pants immediately acquiring hostages for emotional leverage and magic empowering items to get rid of pesky gold kryptonite power negation while also explicitly threatening humans within easy skull-crushing range in the nearby city.

Awesome, I hope this Kara gets more spotlight, maybe have this exposure be little bit more long a few days maybe? I'm imagining a scene where we can see Kal-El being roasted by a Supergirl who wants to hurt people that are close to her. Really twist the knife and have some damage caused from this situation.

I'd love to see what you have in store if Silver age Kara gets her black kryptonite exposure here.

Since this Kara-16 gets secondary twisted personality, should we be expecting Murderous/Virtuous split clone shenanigans from Silver Age Kara since that's how it works in other universes where Superman got exposed to Black kryptonite?

I'm expecting that Kryptonians have different reactions to kryptonite across universes but I won't be dissapointed if you decide to take a different route.
Ooh what if BK (Black Kryptonite) Kara decided to help Nylor Truggs out and the Light by escaping with him and then spilling some secrets while at it. We get more conflict and Nylor gets to be continue being an adversary with the added bonus of being terrified of the sadistic Kryptonian constantly within skull-crushing distance of him, who also saved his life in order to further her goals (you can ad-lib long term goals like kill members of the Super-family and or maim/murder OL's closest friends to be petty and help their greatest enemies).

Heck just have this BK Kara join the Light immediately and escape while creating some distractions for the heroes. Upgun the villains with some Kryptonian muscle and smarts.
Brand would likely have worked.

This thing is, by its own admission, basically a body snatcher. Just as Nabu was. Why is Paul showing restraint?

Paul is hesitating since Kara is both much faster than Nabu and has high tier super strength so she can do some damage.

Paul didn't fight Nabu when he had Giovanni put on the helmet since he was incapacitated, but he also didn't fight him when he was at full power since he didn't know a lot about Nabu so he didn't know if what hurt him would hurt others.

He's showing restraint because Kara is very powerful and he needs to be careful with how he handles the situation since as was shown when he tried to make a move against her she was able to disable his attempts.
Between work and personal lives and their issues the Jade relatioship just isn't workable.

Depends on what kind of relationship he wants, I suppose.

To me, Jade reads more like a beard than a relationship.

Not in a gay sense, but simply that the primary value of the relationship is just that it allows Paul to say that he's in a relationship (which wards off anyone else interested in him) without requiring him to put in any time or energy, or to get emotionally invested.

Every time he teleports to where Jade is, I keep expecting him to walk in on her fucking one of her teammates, at which point I'm expecting his reaction to be something like "Terribly sorry to interrupt; I'll come back later."
Every time he teleports to where Jade is, I keep expecting him to walk in on her fucking one of her teammates, at which point I'm expecting his reaction to be something like "Terribly sorry to interrupt; I'll come back later."
I can't imagine that as, whatever problems they may have, Jade likes and respects Paul too much to do something like that. If their relationship will ever come to an end in the story, I would hope that it would be amicable. Of course, them breaking up would then open new story possibilities of Paul looking for a new girlfriend. That would definitely be fun to read.

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