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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

13th September 2012
09:47 GMT -5

My helmet goes back on as Noriel's flames wash over Kara-
Again with the lack of concern for allies, Angel girl! Seriously, just because your flames presumably don't burn the righteous or something like that, don't assume your friends won't get singed.

"Guess what?"

-who completely ignores them as she punches Noriel right in the sternum, sending her flying backwards. Storage crates crumple and splinter, the far wall cracking as it breaks her fall.
Okay, hopefully those were empty, or at least had nothing valuable in them. At least they aren't exploding.

"With these coins I'm not vulnerable to magic any more." She glances back at me as I set the environmental shield to feed her carbon monoxide. "And don't think I haven't noticed this environmental shield you've stuck around me. I can go without breathing for hours."

'Magic is bullshit' 101. I bet that comes in handy for Dana's squishy human physiology...

I extend a filament from the environmental shield and try attaching it to the crystal, but she spots it and waves her hand through it to break it.

"Do you want me to swallow it? Or crush it and breathe in the dust?"
Ugh, that would be a pain. It's a pity Kryptonite's emissions don't grow weaker the smaller the piece.

No. No, I don't. Getting it out of her stomach is perfectly possible; humans aren't any different from kryptonians with regard to how their bodies flush out the upper portion of their digestive system. But getting it out of her lungs would be difficult, and I still don't know if there's a point at which it becomes permanent.

"There are hundreds of different parallel universe versions of me. I'm sure that you could be happy with one of the single ones."
A pity it's not about the 'wanting your body', OL. She wants to hurt the spirit more, it seems.

"Not how this works!" Noriel stumbles slightly as she pulls herself out of the wall, her flames billowing. Kara's eyes narrow. "And don't think I haven't noticed that you're nothing like as tough as a real kryptonian. Paul, do you like this one?"

"She's an acquired taste, but I respect that she's trying to better herself."
Well, nice to have that more or less confirmed. Sort of a game balance thing, I suppose. more magic equals less physical power.

"Because I don't. I remember all the things she said about having life handed to me on a plate just after I found out that nearly every member of my species-"

There's a boom and-. Noriel drops, blood running from her forehead. Kara's right hand is in a post-flicking position.
Okay, that's honestly impressive. Weaponising a miniature sonic boom as an air bullet... Wonder if she'll remember how to do that after she detoxes.

"-was dead, and I don't remember God, or the Source, stepping in to help them."

"The Lord giveth and-" Noriel raises her right hand to her forehead, sees the blood on her fingers and then wipes it away. "-the Lord taketh away."
And depending on the continuity and your personal canon, the god Rao wanted to destroy Krypton for the Drama of it...

"Paul, do you have a plan for killing God?"

"Not a reliable one. It turns out that preparing for a being with poorly defined limitations is extremely difficult."
:confused: ...Does that mean you actually thought about it? Argh, and people think Batman is crazy paranoid at times...

"Working on it. Hmm." She looks directly at Noriel. "Hey Linda-bitch, can you die? I mean, if I kill you do you just go right back to Heaven?"

"I do not know."
Well, I'm sure Evil-Kara would be happy to experiment. Pity you can't get good results from a single run, though...

"Let's f-."

Armour on construct power armour on lunge forwards chainsaw chains wrapping around Kara and ripping at-.
:D Let's see if the coins let you tank that, honey!

She spins, smashing my construct apart as her uniform falls apart. Kryptonians project a force field a few millimetres from their bodies but it looks like the coins don't. Now where are-?

:eek: Oh, good grief, now she's going to take you stripping her as a come-on! And now we get a full-frontal assault... If this was animated, can you imagine the framing they'd need to avoid anything being visible. :p

Fingers! Fingers through my faceplate, pulling it apart with a horrifying tearing noise!

"Out." She smiles patiently at me. "Naughty boy."
Goddamn, that would honestly be terrifying. I'm seriously surprised OL didn't get a hint of Yellow there.

Things… Blur…

I… Stumble, I-. She hit me-. Focus.
Ow. Goddamn superspeed.

I see Noriel spin as Kara hits her around the head with my armour's left leg. Which is now not on the armour I'm… Only wearing parts of.

"You know, this is kinda fun. I should beat people to death more often."
:confused: ...Is his leg still attached, or is she beating Noriel with the wet end...

Noriel increases the intensity of her flaming aura, setting the loose material in the room on fire and incinerating the scraps that were left of Kara's costume. No change. Where the heck are the coins? Did she swallow them or are they… 'Secret compartmented'.

"Huh. Tickles."
Oh gods, there's an image for you... :oops: Nature's pocket, Kryptonian style.

Kara darts forward, wrapping her hands around Noriel's throat and steadily applying pressure.

"Come on, Paul. You know what I want. Give it to me, or we see if angels can get brain damage from oxygen deprivation."
Well, at least she's not going for the quick kill. Can't have fun with them if they're dead, after all. :sneaky:

The heat is now so intense that Kara's hair is blowing straight back, not that it's bothering her at all. Noriel grabs at her head and tries gouging her eyes, and Kara responds by biting into the fingers of Noriel's right hand.

We remove our power

from her, but there doesn't appear to be any change in her behaviour. Nothing for it.
:eek: Oh, shit. That's really bad. Leeching every bit of Avarice from her and she's not collapsing into a listless puddle of 'can't be bothered'? Or are the coins protecting her from that too?

Ultra-heavy duty machinery constructs appear around Kara, culled from my records of the efforts of a dozen mad scientists to beat Kal-El with brute force and combined with the latest in alien technology. She loses her grip on Noriel as her arms are jerked apart, and Noriel uses the opportunity to dart away from her and pant to get her breath back. I doubt that I'll hold her for long-

The machinery is already straining as she pulls against it.
Not even pretending to work within human limits at all. Talk about broken powers... Dana must be one of the biggest powerhouses of the legion.

-but I use the opportunity to send the kryptonite into subspace.

"Good effort, lover. But you won't-"
Well, it's just a matter of outlasting the exposure now. Easier said than done, though...

Sonic cannons.

"-stop me-"

Two cannons appear, one either side of her head. I don't know exactly how tough she is, but intense sonic energy should be able to render her unconscious.
Oof, dropping the bass on her. Along with the treble and the infra- and ultrasonics. Let's hope that got Kara-1's attention, they could use the help down here.

"-with-. Ugh-huh."

The air around her head hums.
And now I'm reminded of the 'Incredible Hulk' movie's scene with the humvee-mounted sonic cannons, and picturing her flesh rippling across her skull... Let's hope it doesn't turn out the same way as that fight did.

"Hit her!"

Noriel rallies, abandoning her fire generation in favour of empowering her body as she punches Kara in the left side of her temple.
Still super-tough, Noriel. Bloody magic.

And then pulls back again, massaging her hand as Kara smiles.

"I think I might like this. Hope you like receiving-"
Please don't mean in bed...

She vibrates in place, my construct starting to come apart almost at once. I didn't design it with that in-! I add in a kinetic barrier element and that slows her down a little but she powers through!

"-as much as giving!"
...Okay, phew. Still bad, though.


Dana limps in, clothing torn where Kara stole her coins but H-dial in hand.
Ooh, last-second save! Cue the 'Big Damn Heroes' music!


Kara rips our w ay free of my construct and punches Noriel in the diaphragm.
Welp, she's out of the fight until she can finish sucking some air back into her lungs...

"I studied the H-Dial. Let's see what lame power it gives you."

"R. O!"
Thank goodness she's cocky enough to let Dana try. We can but hope that the dial gives her something omnipotent, or at least soundly anti-magical.

There's a.. puff of smoke, and then-.

Kara tilts her head to the side.

"Looks like… Hoover Girl? I think I can take you."
:rolleyes: ...Goddammit. Still, it all comes down to how she uses it...

Not an impossible fight. If she has the ability to suck things at the conceptual level... :oops: Boy, did that sound wrong... Maybe she could drain the Black Kryptonite radiation out of Kara before we get to see what she looks like spread across the walls... We can but hope that Evil Kara's too busy laughing at her to get violent. I guess we'll see tomorrow!
Time to see if that thing can be useful.

And did anyone else get the image that it transformed her into J. Edgar Hoover and her super power is blackmail, along with potentially cross dressing?
No I got Shizuku Murasaki from HxH and her power would shut this down in two moves.
He really hasn't improved his anti-Krytonian measures after the shit show against the rhino/mole/Krystonian?
I think it just goes to show how difficult it is to take down a kryptonian who's mostly in their right mind and serious about hurting or killing you. Plus there's the fact that she's being boosted by magic coins.
Again with the lack of concern for allies, Angel girl! Seriously, just because your flames presumably don't burn the righteous or something like that, don't assume your friends won't get singed.

She has shown a lack of concern for humans, seeing them as sinful creatures, and she may feel the same way about aliens.

Also the two people in the room are someone that's professed a desire to emotionally damage someone and tried to rape a guy, while the other one is Paul, who Loriel has tried to kill before, so she's probably not going to care all that much about them.

A pity it's not about the 'wanting your body', OL. She wants to hurt the spirit more, it seems

Though she also wants to hurt the body.

Okay, that's honestly impressive. Weaponising a miniature sonic boom as an air bullet... Wonder if she'll remember how to do that after she detoxes.

If she detoxes then she may want to forget that this ever happened.

And depending on the continuity and your personal canon, the god Rao wanted to destroy Krypton for the Drama of it...

Don't forget Despair.

She's the one that convinced him to create his species on a doomed world.

...Does that mean you actually thought about it? Argh, and people think Batman is crazy paranoid at times...

Paul has been attacked and killed by the big guys forces, so it's understandable why he would like to take some precautions.

Oh, shit. That's really bad. Leeching every bit of Avarice from her and she's not collapsing into a listless puddle of 'can't be bothered'? Or are the coins protecting her from that too?

Like I said in my previous post, avarice isn't the only emotion.

She may not want to do things any ore, but she may still hate and fear, so she's possed 8r wants to cause fear.

Thank goodness she's cocky enough to let Dana try.

That's sorta a weakness of sociopaths.

Arrogance and thinking that they're invincible.

Unfortunately, Kara can back that up.
He really hasn't improved his anti-Krytonian measures after the shit show against the rhino/mole/Kryptonian?

I think it just goes to show how difficult it is to take down a kryptonian who's mostly in their right mind and serious about hurting or killing you. Plus there's the fact that she's being boosted by magic coins.

Some reasons for not improving it could be due to the rarity of Kryptonians.

Since there aren't a lot of them around he could have thought it wasn't so necessary to improve.

Other reasons could be that while he has improved his countermeasures against Kryptonians, they're too lethal or crippling, and seeing as he's fighting someone that's been mind whammied instead of someone that chose to hurt without outside influence he would hesitate to use those countermeasures on them.
He really hasn't improved his anti-Krytonian measures after the shit show against the rhino/mole/Kryptonian?

I think it just goes to show how difficult it is to take down a kryptonian who's mostly in their right mind and serious about hurting or killing you. Plus there's the fact that she's being boosted by magic coins.

No it would only take a single Brand if Zoat wasn't shoving an idiot ball down Paul's throat for no fucking reason.

No, he does mind sociopaths. Other sociopaths have the advantage of being predictable, but the rather substantial disadvantage of not living in a utilitarian manner.

Thank you, corrected.

Zoat you want to answer why Paul is being such an idea and not Branding her for a whole ten seconds?
why Paul is being such an idea and not Branding her for a whole ten seconds?
Branding isnt instant and can even be fought to slow it further.

Considering she is reacting fast enough to destroy super fast whisker tendrils that only need to touch the kryptonite for an instant, I'm assuming he's made the deduction that Branding is not a viable option at the moment.
Branding isnt instant and can even be fought to slow it further.

Considering she is reacting fast enough to destroy super fast whisker tendrils that only need to touch the kryptonite for an instant, I'm assuming he's made the deduction that Branding is not a viable option at the moment.

Also it may not fully work or it may cause further damage to her psyche due to the alterations the black kryptonite has brought on.
No it would only take a single Brand if Zoat wasn't shoving an idiot ball down Paul's throat for no fucking reason.

Zoat you want to answer why Paul is being such an idea and not Branding her for a whole ten seconds?
Several reasons. It's a horrible spiritual violation which would be inflicted on someone who is already having their mind messed with. Because as long as she's staying in the room she isn't killing anyone, and if he tries to brand her she might leave. Given that she's already demonstrated the ability to detect and destroy his filaments and constructs he's not convinced that he could make it stick fast enough. Even if he were successful, branding would only let him control her desires. It wouldn't let him control how she actualised those desires and right now she's in evil mode.
Even if he were successful, branding would only let him control her desires. It wouldn't let him control how she actualised those desires and right now she's in evil mode

Don't really remember this being the case with other people he's branded.

Most of them seemed to just follow his orders.
It didn't work properly against someone who was affected by the Anti-Life.

Oh yeah, I remember now, thanks.

Though the ring did change her idea of helping him into something less evil.

However Paul may be hesitant to do it since he could do further damage to Kara, while that cultists had Anti-Life in her, so any further damage wouldn't have really been that bad.
While I don't know if trying to Brand Evil!Kara right now would work or not, I do feel like he's "kiddie-gloving" this a bit. I understand not wanting to really hurt Kara, she's not of sound mind right now and this is not her fault, but that should be superseded by wanting to stop her before she does something that would be really regrettable or hurting somebody, which would then really affect Kara once she's recovered from this.

So where are the X-Ionized weapons? He can reattach a finger or hand later, I'm sure. Where are the green kryptonite lasers? Being evil shouldn't magically increase your pain tolerance and those should hurt enough to give her pause. He tried a brief wave of gold kryptonite radiation, so why not keep it up? After all, I don't remember them completely depowering a Kryptonian forever in less than a minute. I seem to recall he stopped the Rhino Mutant Kryptonian for a bit with the multiple kinetic barrier strategy, so what happened to that? He tried here to remove her desires or maybe her connection to desires, but what about his other esoteric avarice techniques? Like, do Kryptonians not have intestinal flora, for example?

I really think he's not taking this as seriously as he should. That's a Kryptonian already expressing the desire to crush skulls just to compel you to do something. If you have to stop her, you have to stop her. We can cure her of the means used to stop her and of this mind wham thing later, but first you have to stop her!
"There are hundreds of different parallel universe versions of me. I'm sure that you could be happy with one of the single ones."

"Not how this works!" Noriel stumbles slightly as she pulls herself out of the wall, her flames billowing. Kara's eyes narrow. "And don't think I haven't noticed that you're nothing like as tough as a real kryptonian. Paul, do you like this one?"

"She's an acquired taste, but I respect that she's trying to better herself."

"Because I don't. I remember all the things she said about having life handed to me on a plate just after I found out that nearly every member of my species-"
Ok this bit confused me.
Obviously the bit in orange quotation marks is Paul. The bit I highlighted top and bottom has to be Kara, and the first Blue bit has to be Noriel but the following Blue seems to be Noriel.
That last line has to be Kara for what is clearly Kara's complaints about Noriel for the following car a bit to work. Yet there doesn't seem to be anything separate in the sentences?
Mr Zoat can you please clean this up a bit?

Don't really remember this being the case with other people he's branded.

Most of them seemed to just follow his orders.
Same. First I am hearing of this interpretation. Branding works by making them want what ever you are telling them to do. Are you sure you are not making this harder for Paul to keep conflicts easily resolved?
I get not messing with the mind of an already messed up person. The only reason I am not saying Paul should just drop some Gold Kryptonite on her is because Kryptonite only really affects Kryptonians when they have powers and while turning off her powers could revert her to normal it might also solidify her new neural pathways.
But the victims of branding be able to interpret Paul's orders any way they please is new.
"Pick up the piece of candy on the table in front of you."
"Sure thing! Let me just grab a baby to bludgeon up into the underside of the table so candy pops up in the air first!"
"Looks like… Hoover Girl? I think I can take you."
This looks like fun. Wonder what is going to happen! Really hope Truggs didn't make it enslave the user.
Ok this bit confused me.
Obviously the bit in orange quotation marks is Paul. The bit I highlighted top and bottom has to be Kara, and the first Blue bit has to be Noriel but the following Blue seems to be Noriel.
That last line has to be Kara for what is clearly Kara's complaints about Noriel for the following car a bit to work. Yet there doesn't seem to be anything separate in the sentences?
Mr Zoat can you please clean this up a bit?
"Not how this works!" Noriel stumbles slightly as she pulls herself out of the wall, her flames billowing. Kara's eyes narrow. "And don't think I haven't noticed that you're nothing like as tough as a real kryptonian. Paul, do you like this one?"
This was actually all Kara. Kara is first saying that getting another Paul isn't going to work and that Paul needs to play by Evil!Kara's rules. Then she turns her attention to Noriel when commenting that the angel is nowhere near as tough as a kryptonian. Then she turns back to Paul and asks him if he's fond of Noriel.
Ok this bit confused me.
Obviously the bit in orange quotation marks is Paul. The bit I highlighted top and bottom has to be Kara, and the first Blue bit has to be Noriel but the following Blue seems to be Noriel.
That last line has to be Kara for what is clearly Kara's complaints about Noriel for the following car a bit to work. Yet there doesn't seem to be anything separate in the sentences?
Mr Zoat can you please clean this up a bit?

Same. First I am hearing of this interpretation. Branding works by making them want what ever you are telling them to do. Are you sure you are not making this harder for Paul to keep conflicts easily resolved?
I get not messing with the mind of an already messed up person. The only reason I am not saying Paul should just drop some Gold Kryptonite on her is because Kryptonite only really affects Kryptonians when they have powers and while turning off her powers could revert her to normal it might also solidify her new neural pathways.
But the victims of branding be able to interpret Paul's orders any way they please is new.
"Pick up the piece of candy on the table in front of you."
"Sure thing! Let me just grab a baby to bludgeon up into the underside of the table so candy pops up in the air first!"

This looks like fun. Wonder what is going to happen! Really hope Truggs didn't make it enslave the user.

"Not how this works!" Noriel stumbles slightly as she pulls herself out of the wall, her flames billowing. Kara's eyes narrow. "And don't think I haven't noticed that you're nothing like as tough as a real kryptonian. Paul, do you like this one?"
This was actually all Kara. Kara is first saying that getting another Paul isn't going to work and that Paul needs to play by Evil!Kara's rules. Then she turns her attention to Noriel when commenting that the angel is nowhere near as tough as a kryptonian. Then she turns back to Paul and asks him if he's fond of Noriel.

Yeah, that's all Kara.

The only thing Noriel said in this chapter was 'The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away'
The only reason I am not saying Paul should just drop some Gold Kryptonite on her is because Kryptonite only really affects Kryptonians when they have powers and while turning off her powers could revert her to normal it might also solidify her new neural pathways.
She's already been hit with gold kryptonite radiation. She's now only being powered by Dana's coins.
I fire a construct into his neck, burning through enough of his spinal cord that even his regenerative abilities should struggle to restore his mobility anytime soon. Next I cut off his hands and feet and gouge out his eyes.

I'm not sure the SI has ever been that disappointed in someone before.
If Kara's only currently being powered by Dana's coins, would Mage Slayers work on her?

I am a bit surprised that total desire nullification didn't shut Kara down though, which I assume is what Paragon was trying to do, like Mandated Paul did to Vandal Savage in that timeline.

Since the Legion is now from an alternate future where things proceeded as if the SI was never there, I wonder if we'll possibly see whatever the equivalent to the Legion is in the future of the Paragon (and Renegade/others) timeline. If the Reach are the ones responsible for the spreading of stable metahumans, I don't see why Paragon can't do something analogous in the long-run, only without all the unethical experimentation and conquest, etc.

I forget, do we know how Kara came into contact with black kryptonite in the first place? So far she seems smart enough not to just pick up an unknown substance, but I guess we all take things for granted sometimes.
If the Reach are the ones responsible for the spreading of stable metahumans, I don't see why Paragon can't do something analogous in the long-run, only without all the unethical experimentation and conquest, etc.

He may not do it since there wouldn't be any point in doing something like that.

It may happen in this timeline too but it may be more like what happened in the comics, the various groups either left Earth and created their worlds, altering themselves or being altered by their environment.

I forget, do we know how Kara came into contact with black kryptonite in the first place? So far she seems smart enough not to just pick up an unknown substance, but I guess we all take things for granted sometimes

She probably assumed her shielding would protect her when she picked it up.

Or there was something there that compelled her to do it.

Truggs is working with Circe so it wouldn't be that shocking if he had some compulsion spells installed in case a Kryptonian comes along so he can incapacitate them by having them grab the kryptonite, even when they know they shouldn't.
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Do Dana's coins somehow prevent the wielder being carried along in an FTL transition? It just seems like the urgency and risk of collateral damage would be a lot lower if this fight had moved to Pluto when the SI got an environmental shield on her.
Do Dana's coins somehow prevent the wielder being carried along in an FTL transition? It just seems like the urgency and risk of collateral damage would be a lot lower if this fight had moved to Pluto when the SI got an environmental shield on her.
Magic can disrupt some of a ring's functions, so the magic protection of the coins probably prevents/interrupts transitions.

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