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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Who and what is Gremlin and when, where and how did OL (or the Tau) pick it up?

He's a Brain Boy. By far the most intelligent of the Orkz, the only reason the Orkz didn't stomp the galaxy flat long before Slaanesh was born is because Gork and Mork deliberately keep them from spawning most of the time, cause an Ork with nothing to fight is no Ork at all. Even Prime Orks like Ghazghkull or the Beasts aren't quite as smart, and Brain Boyz can be far more numerous than them.
He's a Brain Boy. By far the most intelligent of the Orkz, the only reason the Orkz didn't stomp the galaxy flat long before Slaanesh was born is because Gork and Mork deliberately keep them from spawning most of the time, cause an Ork with nothing to fight is no Ork at all. Even Prime Orks like Ghazghkull or the Beasts aren't quite as smart, and Brain Boyz can be far more numerous than them.
That doesn't make sense. Orks always have something to fight. They are very willing to fight each other.
That doesn't make sense. Orks always have something to fight. They are very willing to fight each other.

A Waaagh! that has Brain Boyz always wins against a Waaagh! that doesn't, so eventually there'd be only one Waaagh!. What do you think would happen when all Orkz are part of one giant Waaagh!, with nothing left in the galaxy to fight and win against, but the Warlord was too powerful for any Nob to hope to overthrow? They'd have nothing left to fight!
Really? I thought there were.
There are gretchin, but they're very different to goblins socially. There are goblin warbosses. There are no gretchin warbosses.
I know that you only write alternate Pauls when the mood strikes you and when you have inspiration, but are there any chances to warhammer fantasy Paul with both his girlfriends?
Maybe? The only idea I have for that is for the diplomacy necessary to host a conference of national leaders.
He's a Brain Boy. By far the most intelligent of the Orkz, the only reason the Orkz didn't stomp the galaxy flat long before Slaanesh was born is because Gork and Mork deliberately keep them from spawning most of the time, cause an Ork with nothing to fight is no Ork at all. Even Prime Orks like Ghazghkull or the Beasts aren't quite as smart, and Brain Boyz can be far more numerous than them.
*Sniffs suspiciously*

Some of that smells of not!2nd Edition.

And yes, I know I'm using tau.
Who and what is Gremlin and when, where and how did OL (or the Tau) pick it up?
Gremlin was created in that facility by tau geneticists and the SI, by getting hold of a embryonic snotling and removing the later revisions in its genetic code.
Find? They made him. The tau were already tinkering with ork DNA, and the SI pointed them in the right direction.
Cool, so now when those things start popping up elsewhere and murdering billions we know who to blame.

The spores don't germinate if the waaagh field isn't strong enough, and they need plants to parasitise on anyway.
Neither of these things are true.
No, looks like I was mistaken, though they're still going to need somewhere the fungus can grow.
The idea of snotlings and gretchins growing from nutrient-poor sites while proper orks grow once spores get access to nutrients makes sense to me. It is a good headcanon. The orks parasitizing plants (particularly if it is just one of their sources of energy and matter) makes as much sense as anything, fungi parasitize in real life.
Thank you, corrected.

I'm using t'au for the ideology and the sept.

Find? They made him. The tau were already tinkering with ork DNA, and the SI pointed them in the right direction.

The spores don't germinate if the waaagh field isn't strong enough, and they need plants to parasitise on anyway.

Tau geneticists and Paul making Gremlin is very cool. Hopefully it doesn't back fire.

And it's cool to see the nicassar be mentioned, an entire race of psykers powerful enough to propel ships and are described as "flat polar bears" sounds fascinating.

Hopefully Paul can help them come up with better policies for human psykers yeesh, and speaking of better. I wonder if he's helped in the FTL. He's already the most valued human in the Empire appearently.
If greenskin spores are like real life fungal spores, out of thousands of them only a handful would be able to make a viable offspring and enough time in bad conditions would kill them.

But they were made by the old ones, so they are likely more robust than that. That is if the spores aren't doing the 'proppa Ork thing and krumpin each other at the microscopic level.
Counterpunched (part 1)
14th January 2013
06:15 GMT

I walk through the refectory of the Orange Lantern Corps on Maltus, orange light flowing through my armour and my soul. Those amongst my new comrades in arms who have… Learned to unify their souls with their rings have a distinctly different feel to them than those who merely used them as weapons. But from the lack of interest they show in me, it seems that they do not feel what I feel.

Or perhaps they do, and I am not so unique.

The feel of this world is beyond my experience, as was the soul-feel of the Controller to whom the Illustres introduced me. I never had the privilege of meeting Grandmother Rhea when she walked amongst her descendants, but that is my only point of comparison. It was as if her soul echoed all across this world and beyond.

"Over here, New Lantern."

A heavily built blue skinned and one eyed Lantern looks at me for a moment, then returns his attention to his meal. My ring whispers his name to me


as well as his service history. Part of the first wave of recruits, though not one of those recruited by the Illustres himself.


Zartok doesn't bother continuing to look at me once he has… Made his offer? Issued his command? The Illlustres told me that there isn't a strict hierarchy here, but if I want to enact justice across the universe then I would be wise to pay attention to my seniors.

I imagine that some of my fellows on Minosyss would have trouble with the idea that none of them are Ascendants. For myself, I will learn more about this organisation I have bound myself to before passing judgement.

I walk over to the chair opposite Lantern Zartok and sit down.

"Thank you."

His eye remains fixed on his food, glowing faintly as he pointedly does not look at me. That seems odd.

"The Illustres suggested that I participate in your training. I believe that he wants to examine my own progress rather than aid you specifically… But I find his behaviour hard to judge."

His eye comes up.

"Why did you join the Orange Lantern Corps?"

"My homeworld was attacked by a three thousand year old cannibal warlord. I was shocked at the idea that such evil is allowed-"

His face shows his species' expression for


"-to persist. I had thought that… Bandits would be put down before gaining that sort of strength."

"Is that how it was on your homeworld?"

"No, but everyone from Karrakan knew that our civilisation had fallen far from its height. I had thought that others would be wiser. Better."

"The universe is rife with violence. Though I admit that mass cannibalism is unusual, I suspect that is more due to tradition and taste rather than any great moral distress. Our own Lantern Mother of Mercy routinely eats the remains of intelligent creatures."

He smiles faintly at my expression of distaste.

"Why does she eat people? Why is such a being-?"


"Ah, I see you've learned to get information from your ring. You would be surprised how many would-be Lanterns fail to realise that is even possible."


It is distasteful, but conveying the souls of the dead to the afterlife in exchange for the mortal remains which they no longer need is…

"That is different from attacking worlds purely to eat their people as the Citizenry and the Spider Guild are wont to do."

"Yes. It is lower risk." He ingests some sort of tuber and then lowers his utensils. "So, you want to enforce a universal code of justice. I do too, though in my case I want to do so because it will be my code."

I nod. It makes sense that someone would prefer the social rules they are accustomed to, rather than the code of another or something intellectual and abstract.

"And what is your code?"

"Whatever I decide."

I frown. "I don't unders-."

"I expected better from a god."

"I don't consider myself-."

"It's not about rules, it's about power. The orange light gives you the power to enact your desires, whatever they might be. I want to conquer and rule. Being the ruler, I will be the one making the rules. It doesn't matter to me what they are, so long as they are mine."

"You're a tyrant."

"Not at the moment. This…"

He looks away.


"Situation I am in, is because I did not check my footing before I lunged. Merely wanting something, giving yourself over completely to that goal, is not enough. Even for an Orange Lantern."

He rests his elbows on the table, hands clasped just under his chin.

"So tell me, given what you know about the orange light, how would you deal with someone like me?"

A tyrant who holds no ideal above his own need to dominate others? I'd-.


An orange… Laser? It's not too surprising that there are weapons that can bypass power ring generated barriers. The railgun rounds that the Illustres showed me would destroy his constructs as well, making it possible for a new Lantern such as I to kill him. A fixed weapon, some sort of ambush-.

He's smiling unpleasantly.

His ring can tell him as much as mine can me. Perhaps more, given his status.

No. If he were a simple-minded tyrant, he would not be able to accept people having authority over him. And yet he does. Why, given his lack of a higher ideal, even basic loyalty?

Because he's checking his footing. He doesn't think that he knows enough to safely advance himself. He's learning, gaining in power, until he reaches the point where he can resume his preferred lifestyle.


"I would endeavour to convince you that it served your interests to enforce the code I prefer. Because once you have decided to do so, it will become yours, and you will care for it… Even if not for the same reason that I do."

"Yes." He nods. "Good."

He stands.

"Finish your meal, and then join me in the arena. We must pair the philosophical with the practical. I hope that you are just as adept, but I am also curious as to what god blood looks like."

He pats me on the shoulder and then leaves me to my thoughts.
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I walk through the refectory of the Orange Lantern Corps on Maltus, orange light flowing through my armour and my soul. Those amongst my new comrades in arms who have… Learned to unify their souls with their rings have a distinctly different feel to them than those who merely used them as weapons. But from the lack of interest they show in me, it seems that they do not feel what I feel.
I'm surprised but intrigued that we'll be seeing the POV of the OLC's latest recruit.

His face shows his specie's expression for
That should say species's.

"The universe is rife with violence. Though I admit that mass cannibalism is unusual, I suspect that is more due to tradition and taste rather than any great moral distress. Our own Lantern Mother of Mercy routinely eats the remains of intelligent creatures."

He smiles faintly at my expression of distaste.

"Why does she eat people? Why is such a being-?"


"Ah, I see you've learned to get information from your ring. You would be surprised how many would-be Lanterns fail to realise that is even possible."
I like that this shows how much Zartok has both grown so much yet changed so little. And that he can laugh at his own folly.

"Yes. It is lower risk." He ingests some sort of tuber and then lowers his utensils. "So, you want to enforce a universal code of justice. I do to, though in my case I want to do so because it will be my code."
Unsurprising, but hopefully he'll either die before he can become a problem or he'll change his mind down the road.

Also, the threadmark says "Cuonterpunched" instead of Counterpunched.
I love this chapter so much I have trouble putting it into words. This chapter really sums up one of the main ideas of the story, with one of OL's students passing on what they learned: the best way to change the way someone acts isn't to force them to act differently, but to find a way to have them themselves *want* to act differently.
I'm surprised but intrigued that we'll be seeing the POV of the OLC's latest recruit.

I like that this shows how much Zartok has both grown so much yet changed so little. And that he can laugh at his own folly.

Unsurprising, but hopefully he'll either die before he can become a problem or he'll change his mind down the road.

Also, the threadmark says "Cuonterpunched" instead of Counterpunched.

Hey, if he does become a problem, Paul can always use him as a practice dummy for recruits that need to learn how the assimilation feature works.. is that something regular taught to members? The only member I can recall is that one who assimilated the Spider Guilder Yellow Lantern. Also Komand'r had that one Citadelian (Gard or something). I know Koriand'r is against it...

Hey Zoat, what are the other Orange Lanterns general thoughts on the assimilation feature?


His eye remains fixed on his food, glowing faintly as he pointedly does not look at me. That seems odd

Maybe he's trying for a power move to show he's better than you by ignoring you.

Or his species, or just himself, like to focus on food.

"My homeworld was attacked by a three thousand year old cannibal warlord. I was shocked at the idea that such evil is allowed-"

His face shows his specie's expression for


Either that something like that is allowed to exist, or that they consider it evil, since I'm not so sure he would consider it such.

Our own Lantern Mother of Mercy routinely eats the remains of intelligent creatures."

And the Green Lanterns have a guy that eats dead members.
14th January 2012
06:15 GMT

I walk through the refectory of the Orange Lantern Corps on Maltus, orange light flowing through my armour and my soul. Those amongst my new comrades in arms who have… Learned to unify their souls with their rings have a distinctly different feel to them than those who merely used them as weapons. But from the lack of interest they show in me, it seems that they do not feel what I feel.

Or perhaps they do, and I am not so unique.
Ah, focusing on Allyn as he settles in to his new role as an Orange Lantern. It'll be interesting to see what a newcomer makes of the Orange Lanterns he meets, and how they interact with their power and each other...

The feel of this world is beyond my experience, as was the soul-feel of the Controller to whom the Illustres introduced me. I never had the privilege of meeting Grandmother Rhea when she walked amongst her descendants, but that is my only point of comparison. It was as if her soul echoed all across this world and beyond.

"Over here, New Lantern."
Whereas most of a Maltusian's power is tied to their immortal flesh. Though they'd likely be offended if you called them gods.

A heavily build blue skinned and one eyed Lantern looks at me for a moment, then returns his attention to his meal. My ring whispers his name to me

Last seen here, discussing his goals with OL after being shown up in the training ring. I hope he's reconsidered those goals since.

as well as his service history. Part of the first wave of recruits, though not one of those recruited by the Illustres himself.

Not surprising. He has a definite view of how things should be, and isn't happy that they aren't.

Zartok doesn't bother continuing to look at me once he has… Made his offer? Issued his command? The Illlustres told me that there isn't a strict hierarchy here, but if I want to enact justice across the universe then I would be wise to pay attention to my seniors.

I imagine that some of my fellows on Minosyss would have trouble with the idea that none of them are Ascendants. For myself, I will learn more about this organisation I have bound myself to before passing judgement.
Good, keep an open mind about things. To set rigid boundaries on yourself is to fail to comprehend the very power you command.

I walk over to the chair opposite Lantern Zartok and sit down.

"Thank you."

His eye remains fixed on his food, glowing faintly as he pointedly does not look at me. That seems odd.
He's used to being in charge, as a former general. Thus, everyone must wait for him to act first.

"The Illustres suggested that I participate in your training. I believe that he wants to examine my own progress rather than aid you specifically… But I find his behaviour hard to judge."

His eye comes up.
And that action explains so much about things. A teacher learns more about themself by teaching than any amount of meditation and study.

"Why did you join the Orange Lantern Corps?"

"My homeworld was attacked by a three thousand year old cannibal warlord. I was shocked at the idea that such evil is allowed-"
No doubt Zartok already has that information pulled up from the Ring's database, but hearing it in the Ascendant's own words can put a new perspective on those facts.

His face shows his specie's expression for


"-to persist. I had thought that… Bandits would be put down before gaining that sort of strength."
Allyn learning to use the Ring to aid him in unfamiliar social situations, I see. I bet that sort of thing has smoothed over many a potential cultural conflict amongst the Corps.

"Is that how it was on your homeworld?"

"No, but everyone from Karakkan knew that our civilisation had fallen far from its height. I had thought that others would be wiser. Better."
Sadly, it generally turns out that people are much the same everywhere, no matter how many other ways they differ. Some will always want more than they have and be willing to take it from those who have it.

"The universe is rife with violence. Though I admit that mass cannibalism is unusual, I suspect that is more due to tradition and taste rather than any great moral distress. Our own Lantern Mother of Mercy routinely eats the remains of intelligent creatures."

He smiles faintly at my expression of distaste.
To be fair, it's only after they've passed away, and she doesn't participate in the dying anymore..

"Why does she eat people? Why is such a being-?"

Everybody needs to eat something. The only difference is that her 'food' used to be sophont beings.

"Ah, I see you've learned to get information from your ring. You would be surprised how many would-be Lanterns fail to realise that is even possible."

Well, they're probably used to thinking of it as a powerful weapon, as some of the Green Lantern Corps like to boast about it being.

It is distasteful, but conveying the souls of the dead to the afterlife in exchange for the mortal remains which they no longer need is…

"That is different from attacking worlds purely to eat their people as the Citizenry and the Spider Guild are wont to do."
And those peoples find themselves castigated by less callous races. Though the Citizenry can learn to change their ways, and the Guilders can be forced to...

"Yes. It is lower risk." He ingests some sort of tuber and then lowers his utensils. "So, you want to enforce a universal code of justice. I do to, though in my case I want to do so because it will be my code."

I nod. It makes sense that someone would prefer the social rules they are accustomed to, rather than the code of another or something intellectual and abstract.
No, Allyn. He's being far more literal about that 'My way.'

"And what is your code?"

"Whatever I decide."
If nothing else, it would keep people on their toes. Though I doubt he's so unpredictable that he'd reward something one day, and punish it the next.

I frown. "I don't unders-."

"I expected better from a god."
Being a God is more than simply being the biggest, baddest mammajamma in the house, you know. A good God has duties and responsibilities that they take very seriously. Compare Zeus to Hades, for example.

"I don't consider myself-."

"It's not about rules, it's about power. The orange light gives you the power to enact your desires, whatever they might be. I want to conquer and rule. Being the ruler, I will be the one making the rules. It doesn't matter to me what they are, so long as they are mine."
And here we see Zartok being his usual Lawful Evil teammate self. :D

"You're a tyrant."

"Not at the moment. This…"
Though 'Tyrant' is a loaded term, in this case he definitely fills the worst aspects of it.

He looks away.

Yes, not being top dog burns, doesn't it?

"Situation I am in, is because I did not check my footing before I lunged. Merely wanting something, giving yourself over completely to that goal, is not enough. Even for an Orange Lantern."

He rests his elbows on the table, hands clasped just under his chin.
Well, he's learnt from that mistake, I suppose.

"So tell me, given what you know about the orange light, how would you deal with someone like me?"

A tyrant who holds no ideal above his own need to dominate others? I'd-.
To some degree, he's the sort of villain that some virtuous Orange Lanterns would happily smite without guilt.


An orange… Laser? It's not too surprising that there are weapons that can bypass power ring generated barriers. The railgun rounds that the Illustres showed me would destroy his constructs as well, making it possible for a new Lantern such as I to kill him. A fixed weapon, some sort of ambush-.
Heh. The joy of having a veteran buddy to give you build advice when starting a fresh character.

He's smiling unpleasantly.

His ring can tell him as much as mine can me. Perhaps more, given his status.
Honestly, he's not that much more exalted than you are. He's got maybe a year's experience on you, barely two. OL could steamroll both of you without even tapping his more esoteric powers.

No. If he were a simple-minded tyrant, he would not be able to accept people having authority over him. And yet he does. Why, given his lack of a higher ideal, even basic loyalty?

Because he's checking his footing. He doesn't think that he knows enough to safely advance himself. He's learning, gaining in power, until he reaches the point where he can resume his preferred lifestyle.
Yes... And when he thinks he can accomplish it, he'll challenge OL again, and eventually the Controllers. Whether he'll actually have progressed that far remains to be seen.


"I would endeavour to convince you that it served your interest to enforce the code I prefer. Because once you have decided to do so, it will become yours, and you will care for it… Even if not for the same reason that I do."
Ah, the diplomatic way. Not always successful, but certainly requires less battle.

"Yes." He nods. "Good."

He stands.
Finished your dinner, then? Or was that just a flex of your 'superiority'?

"Finish your meal, and then join me in the arena. We must pair the philosophical with the practical. I hope that you are just as adept, but I am also curious as to what god blood looks like."

He pats me on the shoulder and then leaves me to my thoughts.
I have the feeling Zartok may be surprised by what Allyn can do. Since not all people think the same way, Lanterns will not fight the same way. And Allyn has a few exotic abilities that can give him a distinct advantage.

Off to an interesting start with the episode's main timeline, I see. Wonder if this will be a one-off scene, or if the whole episode will be comprised of these 'below-decks' scenes amongst the Orange Lantern Corp, LEGION and the NEMO fleets. Either way, this should see some lively action as they push back against the Reach...
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Honestly, he's not that much more exalted than you are. He's got maybe a year's experience on you, barely two. OL could steamroll both of you without even tapping his more esoteric powers.
I know Paul is badass, but is he that powerful? He keeps encountering stronger foes that it's hard to judge.
That should say species's.
Also, the threadmark says "Cuonterpunched" instead of Counterpunched.
'I do to' -> 'I do too'
Shouldn't it say 2013 instead of 2012?
Thank you, corrected.
And the Green Lanterns have a guy that eats dead members.
He only ate one. It's not like it was a habit.
I know Paul is badass, but is he that powerful? He keeps encountering stronger foes that it's hard to judge.
How do you measure strength? I reckon he could be a mid-to-high tier superhero even without his rings at this point.

I think it's more he's encountering people who he doesn't have direct contact who engage in forms of combat he doesn't prefer while constrained by the political situation.

Also he's a strong individual who has started to engage warships.
Finished your dinner, then? Or was that just a flex of your 'superiority'?

I'm not sure that was a flex. I think Zartok, in his own way, was taking the teaching seriously - and sounding out his student. He does want to be superior, yes - but (as we saw in his prior conversation with OL) he knows that a functionary reflects their ruler - and a student reflects their teacher.

And so he poised a question to Allyn: 'I'm what most people think of as a bad guy. How would you deal with me?' - and he probably expected, to some degree, an answer involving smiting. Heck, he's probably seen that desire in other recruits. But Allyn gave the right answer - an answer that is not the expected Green, but instead is very Orange. And thus, he feels like Allyn is worth his time.
I'm not sure that was a flex. I think Zartok, in his own way, was taking the teaching seriously - and sounding out his student. He does want to be superior, yes - but (as we saw in his prior conversation with OL) he knows that a functionary reflects their ruler - and a student reflects their teacher.

And so he poised a question to Allyn: 'I'm what most people think of as a bad guy. How would you deal with me?' - and he probably expected, to some degree, an answer involving smiting. Heck, he's probably seen that desire in other recruits. But Allyn gave the right answer - an answer that is not the expected Green, but instead is very Orange. And thus, he feels like Allyn is worth his time.
A good guess! Wrong, but a very good gues nonetheless!

As evidenced by his other droogs, Zartok doesn't much care what their motive is. He just wanted to get some idea of what sort of person he's dealing with. However, he's also trying to improve himself, and knows that anyone who can use the orange light has something to teach him.

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