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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Man, Tanya can't catch a break, first getting bullied by Being X, now getting dumped in the Presence's sandbox. Well at least she's got proper networking so she'll be able to join Paul in a decade or too when he finally kills God, should be three lifetimes of therapy right there.
Man, Tanya can't catch a break, first getting bullied by Being X, now getting dumped in the Presence's sandbox. Well at least she's got proper networking so she'll be able to join Paul in a decade or too when he finally kills God, should be three lifetimes of therapy right there.
Krona is a pretty decent stand in for Being X.
"They think she's a reincarnation. That she had at least two lives before this one."

I frown a little. "Is that..? Unusual? Bad?"

"In Europe?" She nods as I reach her and kiss her on the forehead. "It's a little unusual. Bad… Depends on who she was, and what kind of memories she kept."

"Is she going to remember everything? Is she-?"

Is she our daughter, or effectively a changeling, is what I'm thinking. Is what I'm worrying.

Zorina smiles reassuringly. "No, that's not how it works. She's Zita Zatara, and she-. She won't start remembering anything clearly until she's at least ten. And then, who she is will still be more important than who she was."

I nod, a little relieved. "And her magic?"

"That's not clear. Her last incarnation was a powerful mage, but the one before that wasn't at all. We'll just have to keep an eye on her. Depending on how things go she might regain her second life's magic rather than showing Zatara family magic."

"Did they have any advice for us?"

"Avoid trains, explosions and… Communists, for some reason?"

I frown, then shrug. A hidden coven of witches are the last people who are going to give clear answers. "Alright. I think we can manage that?"

That........that sounds like Tanya.

So, for the people who never watched it, Youjo Senki is an Isekai staring Tanya Degurechaff, once Japanese Salaryman who was pushed in front of a moving train by an employ he fired. In the moments before his death, he encountered a godlike entity complaining about how bullshit humans are that was quickly dubbed "Being X" due to the Salaryman saying roughly "Even if God was real, he wouldn't be so bored as to stop time the moment before my death to complain and talk shit."

Depending on which version you've read/watched, there's some mouthing off(in the LN, prompted by Being X reading Soon to be Tanya's mind and responding to his thoughts as if he spoke them) followed by Being X deciding to test the old adage about atheists and foxholes and promptly reincarnated the Salaryman as Tanya Degurechaff, a little orphan girl in Not!Germany in an alternate world shortly before politics would lead to the equivalent of World War 1.

Tanya was discovered to have magical potential(magic being a thing in this alternate world) and having brushed up on the relevant laws decided that they meant she could be drafted as an imperial mage. Deciding to get ahead of that, she decides to enlist in an effort to get a safe comfy job in the rear rather than being forced out into the battlefield.

Unfortunately, Tanya proves too good at murder and her attempts at "Signaling Theory" only serve to convince her superiors that she wants nothing more than to charge off into the front lines, which eventually leads her to being given command of an battalion of aerial mages meant to be used as a fast response unit in the war effort.

Complicating things for Tanya, Being X has not forgotten her. As part of his efforts to convince Tanya to sincerely pray to him and worship as God, Being X "blessed" her magic computation gem(magic is basically math based) to basically supercharge her whenever she prays. How sincerely is irrelevant. Also, again depending on version the gem is also slowly and steadily brainwashing her.

Tanya as a person self describes as being "Twisted with every complex imaginable." Her biggest issue, frankly, is that she tends to think everyone is far more rational and practical than they actually are(including herself) and doesn't tend to consider emotional reactions until the consequences of such start to cause her problems. She's a social chameleon that looks for the "rules" of any group or organization she's apart of and matches them to the best of her ability. She's also taken the Chicago School of Economics as her personal guidelines for how to human and has a deep and unabiding hatred of communism as a concept.

And she has the most precious smile imaginable!


Magic wise, Youjo Senki's has a lot of similarities to Nanoha style magic. There's a persistent rumor that it began originally as a MGLN fanfic, but I can't find anything one way or another. As an aerial mage, Tanya's capable of flight, protecting herself with a magical barrier, enhancing the destructive power of bullets and causing explosions, creating life like illusory holograms, and my personal favorite replicating the effect of various combat drugs on her brain chemistry.

Oh, and mage blades!

...I mean, if he's got heat-vision, then 'glowing' might be a legitimate expression for him. :p Usually right before someone starts to feel the heat...
Thank you, corrected.
"All I want is some pants! Is that too much to ask for?"
You can have pants if you want?
Some people have pointed out that it's probably Tanya from The Saga of Tanya the Evil.
From A Young Girl's War Record, because I like to think that I've established my purist credentials by now.
Idk why but I immediately started thinking of Rasputin
I don't question other peoples' fetishes.
An award ceremony where everyone shows up in person is an impressive show of strength... but it also seems like an amazing target for their enemies. A bombing or missile strike or something just seems obvious. Of course, that might just be part of the fun.

Also... if they have any awards specific to the mad scientists and inventors of the group, they might want to be careful with the category guidelines...

Isn't she also a major war criminal of the same magnitude as Heydrich, Kaltenbrunner or Mengele? I haven't read it but thats the impression ive gotten from reading discussions about TtE?

She's done a miniscule quantity of trolling from time to time.

Technically she has an excuse for everything (I think?) but if she went to a court that actually cared over it Tanya would 100% be officially convicted as a war criminal.
Isn't she also a major war criminal of the same magnitude as Heydrich, Kaltenbrunner or Mengele? I haven't read it but thats the impression ive gotten from reading discussions about TtE?
Not really, her most immoral act was leveling a city, but that's wasn't her decision and it came about because the city was rebelling thanks to enemy soldiers helping and arming their sympathisants, so you have uniformed soldiers hiding in a city full of civilians some of which are non-uniformed rebel fighters, it was a mess that the ennemies though would bog down her faction with urban combat, instead they used the fact that some of the population was armed and fighting to classify everybody in the city a combatant if they didn't leave after declaring an evacuation order, then they burned the city to the ground. The ennemies somehow were surprised and appalled by this even though they were literally using human shields, so you know it's all different shades of gray like in OTL WW1.

And even then she was a Major at the time, it's not like she could refuse to do it, sure it was her theoretical paper about war time law she submitted at the war college that led to this loophole but like most of her theoretical work (besides the one about ressource management) she really didn't want to do it herself, she's not really a bloodthirsty monster so much as she's someone who when in over her head always charges forward or tries to project the image she thinks people expect of her, it doesn't help she's often doping herself in combat, but then again WWs were full of 'better combat trough chemistry' so she's not alone in this.
Isn't she also a major war criminal of the same magnitude as Heydrich, Kaltenbrunner or Mengele? I haven't read it but thats the impression ive gotten from reading discussions about TtE?

Depends on who runs the trial.

Tanya's generally operating well within the letter of the law, though certainly not the spirit.

The big incidents I can remember were the attack on the Dacian Capital's Arms manufacturer, Arene, and I believe her attack on Moskva.

With the Dacian one, prior to her attack on the Arms factory, she did give a warning as stipulated in the international rules of war. She just did so in a cutesy voice as befitting her being a preteen girl that no one took seriously.

With Arene, it's the kind of super complicated bullshit that gets the rules rewritten to account for it. Arene was a Not!French city that Not!Germany was occupying. Both Not!British and Not!French soldiers were present and supporting an armed uprising by the civilians and hiding amongst them, all for the explicit purpose of bogging down Not!Germany in urban warfare. Back in War College, Tanya had written a report pointing out how this kind of scenario could happen and the loop holes that could be exploited in response.

The intent was "Yo, you should get these rules patched" but when it actually happened, her superiors took it as "How to cut Gordian Knots."

In any event, by the time Tanya came to Arene, the civilians were doing shit like straight up executing PoWs and declaring that there were no Imperial citizens only free people of Arene when Not!Germany demanded they release their captives.

This ended poorly.

For Arene, the war criminal is basically whoever loses the war.

As for Moskva, IIRC it's kinda fuzzy on where exactly it stands in terms of legitimate military targets but it was amazingly bad manners to blow up their government headquarters, knock down the statue of Not!Stalin, plant Not!Germany's flag, and then film a short propaganda movie involving doing fly overs of Not!Russia's capital and singing the Not!Germany National Anthem on the smoldering remains of their headquarters.

I believe Tanya's exact words prior to said attack was "Fuck 'em, they're commies."
Not really, her most immoral act was leveling a city, but that's wasn't her decision and it came about because the city was rebelling thanks to enemy soldiers helping and arming their sympathisants, so you have uniformed soldiers hiding in a city full of civilians some of which are non-uniformed rebel fighters, it was a mess that the ennemies though would bog down her faction with urban combat, instead they used the fact that some of the population was armed and fighting to classify everybody in the city a combatant if they didn't leave after declaring an evacuation order, then they burned the city to the ground. The ennemies somehow were surprised and appalled by this even though they were literally using human shields, so you know it's all different shades of gray like in OTL WW1.

And even then she was a Major at the time, it's not like she could refuse to do it, sure it was her theoretical paper about war time law she submitted at the war college that led to this loophole but like most of her theoretical work (besides the one about ressource management) she really didn't want to do it herself, she's not really a bloodthirsty monster so much as she's someone who when in over her head always charges forward or tries to project the image she thinks people expect of her, it doesn't help she's often doping herself in combat, but then again WWs were full of 'better combat trough chemistry' so she's not alone in this.
She could very much have refused to do it.

There would have just been personal consequences to doing so.
Depends on who runs the trial.

Tanya's generally operating well within the letter of the law, though certainly not the spirit.

The big incidents I can remember were the attack on the Dacian Capital's Arms manufacturer, Arene, and I believe her attack on Moskva.

With the Dacian one, prior to her attack on the Arms factory, she did give a warning as stipulated in the international rules of war. She just did so in a cutesy voice as befitting her being a preteen girl that no one took seriously.

As for Moskva, IIRC it's kinda fuzzy on where exactly it stands in terms of legitimate military targets but it was amazingly bad manners to blow up their government headquarters, knock down the statue of Not!Stalin, plant Not!Germany's flag, and then film a short propaganda movie involving doing fly overs of Not!Russia's capital and singing the Not!Germany National Anthem on the smoldering remains of their headquarters.

I believe Tanya's exact words prior to said attack was "Fuck 'em, they're commies."

The joke is that the writer is a Japanese communist. People aren't supposed to root for Tanya.
I'm slightly more concerned at the logic of nesting of an isekai within, well what is effectively a multiversal isekai.

Baul has the same 'woke up in a DC universe from Earth Prime' start as all the others. Now his 'kid' is also a reincarnated Japanese Salaryman / Flying Magical Murder NOT!German. To be fair this amount of rage in a child is something I'd expect to see more in Raul and Blackfire's offspring.....wonder if that kid will have similar reincarnation strangeness.

Are there Other OC / Insert characters running around that we just haven't seen or noticed? Because once you let that cat out of the bag I half expect to see Jenny walk past in a crowd scene.


Oh right....I guess I can ask if this soul happened to have suffered the Isekai Quartet universe on its way here? Because 'oh right I ran into this giant skelly necromancer and a few 'hero's' from Earth too!' May have Baul, and the rest of us, even more confused.
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I've had to put on shows a few times for the Made Men, to convince them that this is all 'acceptably villainous', and I'm not sure how long that can go on. I mean, some of them have to work it out eventually, right?
Start drinking his fake-alcohol wheat-juice out of the skull of whoever was last executed by a syndicate government(for reasons that he'd actually approve of them being executed)?
Maybe that's more of an Al Scott move.
Or make a bunch of vaguely military displays of goons in menacing unforms? Perhaps parading or guarding in formation?

Helps to convince the Made Men that they're just transitioning away from criminal villainy towards warlord villainy.
That........that sounds like Tanya.

So, for the people who never watched it, Youjo Senki is an Isekai staring Tanya Degurechaff, once Japanese Salaryman who was pushed in front of a moving train by an employ he fired. In the moments before his death, he encountered a godlike entity complaining about how bullshit humans are that was quickly dubbed "Being X" due to the Salaryman saying roughly "Even if God was real, he wouldn't be so bored as to stop time the moment before my death to complain and talk shit."

Depending on which version you've read/watched, there's some mouthing off(in the LN, prompted by Being X reading Soon to be Tanya's mind and responding to his thoughts as if he spoke them) followed by Being X deciding to test the old adage about atheists and foxholes and promptly reincarnated the Salaryman as Tanya Degurechaff, a little orphan girl in Not!Germany in an alternate world shortly before politics would lead to the equivalent of World War 1.

Tanya was discovered to have magical potential(magic being a thing in this alternate world) and having brushed up on the relevant laws decided that they meant she could be drafted as an imperial mage. Deciding to get ahead of that, she decides to enlist in an effort to get a safe comfy job in the rear rather than being forced out into the battlefield.

Unfortunately, Tanya proves too good at murder and her attempts at "Signaling Theory" only serve to convince her superiors that she wants nothing more than to charge off into the front lines, which eventually leads her to being given command of an battalion of aerial mages meant to be used as a fast response unit in the war effort.

Complicating things for Tanya, Being X has not forgotten her. As part of his efforts to convince Tanya to sincerely pray to him and worship as God, Being X "blessed" her magic computation gem(magic is basically math based) to basically supercharge her whenever she prays. How sincerely is irrelevant. Also, again depending on version the gem is also slowly and steadily brainwashing her.

Tanya as a person self describes as being "Twisted with every complex imaginable." Her biggest issue, frankly, is that she tends to think everyone is far more rational and practical than they actually are(including herself) and doesn't tend to consider emotional reactions until the consequences of such start to cause her problems. She's a social chameleon that looks for the "rules" of any group or organization she's apart of and matches them to the best of her ability. She's also taken the Chicago School of Economics as her personal guidelines for how to human and has a deep and unabiding hatred of communism as a concept.

And she has the most precious smile imaginable!


Magic wise, Youjo Senki's has a lot of similarities to Nanoha style magic. There's a persistent rumor that it began originally as a MGLN fanfic, but I can't find anything one way or another. As an aerial mage, Tanya's capable of flight, protecting herself with a magical barrier, enhancing the destructive power of bullets and causing explosions, creating life like illusory holograms, and my personal favorite replicating the effect of various combat drugs on her brain chemistry.

Oh, and mage blades!

It begins to occur to me that Being X is a decent way to set up a version of God that's evil, to go with the inverted moral alignment that goes with negative number universes.
But what happens with the demons in an inverted universe? Are they all still actively malevolent, or just tormented/cursed?
We already saw a fallen angel.
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Home Field (part 1)
Home Field

4th February 2013
11:37 GMT -7

"Hey, man."

I sit down next to the dude laying in the street. That's something Wonder Woman tol' me to do. Makes it so I'm not tower… Ah, taller than them. Less scary.


"Y'all plannin' on hol'en up traffic all day?"

Ain't a lotta cars 'round. Spent a couple days pullin' cars outta the road so's trucks and ambulances could get through back when this whole mess started. People ain't drivin', 'cept when they got to.


Sometimes, they don't go fer a drive when they got to. Wonder Woman don't like us gettin' those jobs so much. I tol' her we can handle it, but, ah… She said robot-atom's little robots can deal with jobs like that. She needs us fer actually talkin' to people.

"Ah 'unno. Can't think of no reason t'move."

And she says that's it. I used to think there was… I dunno, not, like, magic words… Just stuff a smart guy could say to… Like, encourage someone. Like Doc Quinzel did with us. But it turns out jus' talking to someone does nearly the same thing.

And that'll have to do, 'cause I sure as s-sugar ain't going back to school.

I don't know what set this guy off. More guys do this stuff like this than girls. When they get real bad, they don't leave the house at all.

I don't know what this guy needs to hear, neither. But if all I gotta do is talk? I can do that.

"Don't look comfy. It's all gritty and dusty."

"That it is. Ah jus' don't think those things matter none."

"Sure they do. Who wants to do laundry more than they gotta?"


That wasn't no happy kinda laugh, but it's… He's responding. He heard what I said and he said something back.

"What's it to you, anyways?"

"Ah'm working for Wonder Woman. Y'all layin' here makes me look bad."

"That all it is, huh?"

"Sure. 'cause if'n ah do a real good job, maybe ah'll get a kiss out of it."

"Fer real?"

I shrug. "Can't hurt tryin', right?"

Ain't going to happen. She ain't been with a guy in a hundred years, and she treats me like Doc Sivana does. Older Doc Sivana. The woman one, not the little scary guy. She told me to call her 'Venus' and I didn't think that was right, but maybe it's the only way to talk without getting confused the whole time?

Don't rightly know how I feel about it. Got two ladies who want to be my Maw, and they're both better than the real one. Nice when they're doing it, but…

"Guys done dumber before."

"So ah jus' gotta beat those guys, an' I'm set. C'm'on, man." I hold out my right hand. "Where you live? Ah'll take y'all home."

"We lost, didn't we?"

"Ah. Ah don't really keep up with football…"

"You people. Superheroes. That why everyone feels lakh they whole family up an' died."

"Thanks! Ah ain't never been called a superhero 'fore."

Especially around these parts. 'Don't shit where you sleep' sure is good advice, and my life would have worked out better if I'd gotten it earlier. There's a few places I don't really want to go right now because… I don't want to think 'old me' and 'new me', because that's…

What did Doc Quinzel call it..?

Thinking like that stuff was done by someone else. When it wasn't. It was me. Me deciding I don't want to be like that no more don't mean that I wasn't back then. And I know I don't do that stuff no more, but plenty of people don't.

"So what's with the get-up?"

I look down at my shirt. The Anti-Life folks got alla the equipment that was stored in Belle Reve for the prisoners, and we didn't stick around to get our normal clothes back. So the guys who needed equipment got given old versions of their stuff the Justice League had in storage. I got some clothes that the old Doctor Fate had in his trunk. Don't got no idea who owned them. Fate was, like, two thirds my size when he was a hero. And I don't know who picked this stuff, because the round collar jackets make me feel Chinese, and then there's the decoration. It's sewn on and not printed. Whoever made it used gold-coloured thread to make the pictures and it must have taken ages. Looks good, though. But I don't think it's really me.

"Thrift store. Only thing they had that fit me. Guess they had some Chinese strongman who needed cash real quick."

"Got their address?"

He looks at me for a little while, then he reaches out to take my hand and I pull him upright.

"Yeah man, but it's in Massachusetts."

"Oh. Don't worry, then."

"So where'd you live?"

"I-I can make it on mah own. I jus'…"

I try looking like I got sympathy, like I want to know what's got him so down. But this isn't the first time I've dealt with someone doing this. I get a couple a day, every day since the Justice League started sending me out. I can make like I care -and it's not like I want bad things to happen to him or nothing- but I can't make me actually care. I ain't good at it. Can only manage a fistful of people right now.

"What's happ'ning, man?"

"Is this it? Are we doomed? I thought the Justice League would git 'er done in a few days, but..?"

He sighs real heavy.

The truth is… I think Batman's making things up as he goes. And I get it. No one knows how we should deal with this. They don't tell me much about what's going on, but I see how many people are killing themselves. And how many are just doing what Mannheim tells them to, or doing what one of the city bosses tells them to. Just about everyone on Mannheim's side is hostage, and… I don't want to kill them. Even if it would make things a whole lot more simple. So all we can do is destroy their Anti-Life radio things and fight them when they try to take a new town. And run away when F…

Big evil robot dude, shows up. And that sucks. But even I know you can't just tell folks that. Or they just give up.

"Yeah, this whole thing sucks real bad. It's gonna take a whole lotta work to get things straightened out. But a lotta people thought the world was ending when the Sheeda attacked, and we still beat them, right?"


"So we gotta tough it out. Gotta remember that even if it feels bad now, we're gonna get there in the end. Ah." I shake my head, because I got this speech from a real good speaker and when I do it, it just sounds dumb. "Superman does this better than me. But we're gonna win. You'll see."

"O-okay. Thanks… Thanks, man. Hey, what's yer name, anyhow?"

"Tommy. Tommy T-. Beresford."

"I dunno, man. That ain't exactly Superman, y'hear me? Maybe you should work on it some maw."

"What y'all think ah'm doin' here?"
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"Is this it? Are we doomed? I thought the Justice League would get her done in a few days, but..?"
I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean. Or is this a typo?

It's nice to see Tommy acting like a hero. I hope he gets to talk with Paul about this so that Paul can talk to more of his friends and relax.
I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean. Or is this a typo?

It's nice to see Tommy acting like a hero. I hope he gets to talk with Paul about this so that Paul can talk to more of his friends and relax.
'Get her done' is vernacular in some parts of the US, and maybe other places. It doesn't sound out of place to me given this guy's accent.

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